The Straits Times, 28 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
10 13 The Straits Times
  • 12 10 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 28, 1894. NO. 18,328.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1110 10 \MsIIIV COMPANIES. PI MAI. STK4M ■ATWATIOI Of> V"ay. W atavß* and iioonwm New bbAsbi mail steamers may l» eipe. i.-J «r i 'wards anil leave Bina>por* bom-". I a t".- followioc date uimiN ii. •>•■»!■ ISM. IHM. V«»ll M«J H.i K I It. .ti; Ma; M I The above dates
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    • 1601 10 VMBHIP COMPANIEB DX KONINKLIJKE PAKETV/ART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. A.fent* ni Singapore, SHIP AoENCT, LATE J. numil A < '<> --3, Collter Quay. Aymts at Penang, Messrs Huttenbach LIEBERT A CO. The Oaaatas; hta a fl.-e* a| Steamers, with splendid accommodation for fir*t class, h. i.'l
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    • 902 10 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTBCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. The fast and well-ki. #n steamers of this line run regularly between Bremnrhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 776 10 INSURANCES. 1 UAKIiiAN KIKK Sh LIFE ABBCKANCF VJ COMPANY, Liy.TED, LONDON. Established 1811. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Funds 4,618,000 Annual Income 9*8,000 The undersigned, agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of ton days or longer periods, at currant rate* to be
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    • 653 10 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 tionnftnnn PROPRIETORS J..WU.WW.UW Court or Dißßcroaa: Craibhan— H. HOPPIUS, Eaq. Depi-tt Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Eaq. B.C. Micuiuoir E^. A. McCo»»c«l«, E«). H. H Joura. E».|. J 8 M0.H1.K..1, Hod J. J. Kuwici. I).
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    • 187 10 i yonois. McALISTER Co. PRESH v^HIPMBNTS I TUST A RRIVBD. JCST ARRIVED. A UBTRAT TAN DRODUCS. OUTTER T>UTTIR. I'ure Australian Batter in 7 lb. tins at 40 cenU par lb. In MM uf alwiit Ji ewt. at HM per Bale /^IHAFF. pHAFF Prime Oaten Chaff in Sacks of about &*>
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  • 528 11 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SmoAi-omi Mat, IHM. PRODUCE. Gambior, 7.45. do Cube No. 1 11.75. do do N0.2, 9.\. Copra Bali, 5.90. do Pontianak, i.7i%. Pepper Black 9.80. Sago Flour, Sarawak '£30. do Brunei 2.02^Pearl Saeo 3.55. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15. do do Ist
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  • 118 11 For Per ttr. Tiitic To-Mobbow. llatu Pahat, Aing Ann, 9 Kntutaa ria perlt, Crumjiif 11 a.a. ■siaaa, r>6r». l p.B. B.l.iton and PoDtiasak, Ban Whatt Seen, 1 p.B. PeuMDg, C H. K. 1 p.m. HombajjrU port*, Yin&vbon*. 2 pm. Kitßtf Tia porU, San 3 y.B. :.ii. k -...i.
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  • 111 11 Fbom KrR->p« Bt the P. CO. t, t. KohilU to-morrow with datci to the 4t May. tibr briaxt Stfsisi Ml the maili which left Singapore on the 4th samM April. From China i Per P. ft U. steamer lU.'-t* due to-morrow. Tikk Table oy Mail-* to Lo>
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  • 258 11 ABBIVALB. Per h. s. AihillcK from Hongkong Messrs II C. Paxon, ami Lingi Bagiui. Per M. M. s. s. Tibre from Saieon:— MuMrs. N;..'t" J. van Blorwork, and OUivier. Per s. s. Chrlydru from Calcutta i Mr. Mathesou. From Penang j Mr. and Mr*. Cmiaris, Capt. Menzcll, Messrs.
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  • 325 11 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 28TH MAY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. PRICE: 10 CENTS. Subtcriiiti'in rate) and adoertiiing ratet may be found on the fourth page.] THE BIRTHDAY HONOURS Tbe Birthday Qaxette notifies that the Volunteer Officers' decoration has been extended to the Colonie* and India. The qualifying period in India has beeu
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 516 11 Thk report on the Strait* St'ttli-mciiU Police Foru) for 1893 opous with tin- ;uinouucement that the Colony has Ix-eti free from serious disturluinoes during that |»eriod. end that the returns of crini.' -h..« a diminution on nunpamon with the return* for the previous year Mr. K
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  • 80 11 Mm. J. P. RoD«aa, Rwident of p,^ now »t home on leare. i., w 1 booked to leaf* England e.ther Tosu-rT' or to-day to return to tbe Btraita j/ Kod(?er will not reaume tbe obV, Bnti,h Resident of Pahang. h,. Perak to act Secretary of the fw Government. Mr. E.
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  • 13 11 448 slala of tin bare l Wn recorer^ from the wrecked steamer Ngapoota.
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  • 17 11 H. M. S. PaHa* arrired on Satnrd.r from S.iuraluya. and lea Ten forEo^Uni on Saturday next. a
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  • 19 11 Mr. C. G. Gabsard has been Mrt .Capt4iiD of the Peuan>{ Cricket Clul, Mr. A. G. W right resigned
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  • 18 11 Tn« mail Ht.-amer K.hilla left p en at 4 p.m. yesterday, arid v due here uj inorruw rooming.
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  • 25 11 The lui|> German mail steamer aWn left C>«lv>ml)o ou Friday at t! o.ui.. au,] 4t be expected to arrive here ou WeducstUV at r > p.m.
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  • 23 11 Messrs. Powki.i. Co. advertnu. tli^t on Thursday. Mi June, they will v auctioo th<- screw stMUßOr Httm, aud tb e British barque Audes.
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  • 26 11 Thk i. a. Bri Tnnij.xnii. -JHatrtinj licr.- n Siiin.i.iv, towed Ohiaaß) junk down Irom Palo Ves|uiB. the juuk b*vi Dt( lost its s.i.l duriu£ a s<|uall.
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  • 28 11 A Bn.i. hus been intr.»1,i i D United StaicH BfBBIC, fixing a iuinim Urn wai.l' t.T all clauses of ÜboBT. lad i r liiliitn,' ili,' p«jbmbl otaaytbiag lm
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  • 23 11 Tbe Merchant Service Guild of th. Uuite.l Kingdom is a^itatnii; for tl;.. adoptiou of a three-w.itcli ml.- jr ships of the mercantile uiariue
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  • 28 11 An Aww 'i.ition football mateL will Ih> pl.ivi-d ou tii.' s.lii". gfooad takersnits; batwaan hmm laamantißg Lbi Bad th- KitH-s Club. Play will :jm uifiH-e at 5 o'dock.
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  • 27 11 The steinii'r Curm/ni, wlucli ;nri\.l Penangou Tiusduy eveiiiuj; from Kaugoon, l>ruii^ht. as paMMgan C»|.t. Mi'uzell. Ca|>t. fJßganf and Koine survivors of BM <rew of tbe steamer flbatti.
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  • 47 11 Tfel BsMBMM jiidm'B a|'|)ointfl i tli.- Mix.-l Ouwi to try Ikt Hrn fal A|.[ t'is.' paid visit, Dfl thi' '.Met iuit., lO their Fivih Ii OOlbagßai t" arran^f tbr i.r.-limitiar > of the ippfOsyraißf trial. Tae C.iurt will be held, probably j u tLr l'Vem Ii Coußular Court.
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  • 54 11 A NUMBER of tlßariflkMti lately wa.l« with suj<ikt'lf»B |«)W.lcrs In tin' Austrian war authorities have shown that iv tsn r.ild wiathir CaVrtriduM "utaiuiuu' it are likely not to go off. Iv a l>atch of CBBBja that Ii id BMB BSOsHI :nt iti. uiliv it w>i fi'iind I In' ntMilv tlirt"
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  • 53 11 'lin Ptaaag Obmb)*, ia Mamaatiai upon lli.' iiuiinii atlon "I Mr. BattaßßM lo Legislative Ooßßoil, evidently them that it does not like Mr Ilutteubiicli It is obvious that the DM has Ixeu aliuw»d to ruu away with NBBM. The couimeuts are unl>.eoiiiiiiif, and i ertaiuly Ml iv a s|.int of
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  • 56 11 Ink list <>t Birthday Houours dooi mm (nutiiii iiuy nfWMCt at all to tlie* S -nii-iiii lit*, wliub is ifiiiinLihli- in that i* wan at Uml rtpteted tlmt nur Colouul Baerateij (thaHoa. ff.l lbiw*il),Md tlu- Bniisl. Buidli ol Peruk (Mr. F A. S»i ■U.'iiliain wnulil havi- dtMTVadK OMM in
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  • 60 11 Ok lie- 000 o trade iiapofc I ttf H to the (ioVerumcnt Lnl>oiir DaBHl Hal as arising in 1893. the successful rail HBJ •j-j'.t Hi.- parilj MBMiaafal 11<>, bb! HiBBBBaaBMKBI 188. The number iafolta 1 in tli aoal diapal .stated it H%t,000; raoai ia tat Hull ship ping dispute at
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  • 63 11 On the 21st instaut. news |{aunk.ik of the murder of another K ir-p.-an in the interior The luur.lernl MM is a ualiveof ClUßßtaßtißOph named 1 Uiirando. and had Imvii r.M.lnj wan ,ii .Si.uji. IV uniid'-r »ii have bceu committed by a gaii^' robberb, who had attacked Duraudo'n HOI iv the
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  • 65 11 Mr. H«K«iRT Chaklis Wilmot. hB» liarlv know, i ,is the BngßPOn PoA" b-» s broogki oat MMfeVai p atte dnm i» »bi form of I satn.- •ut it I. .1 Ufl -li irih and HIIBI— I a." Ai: MM de.lininir to isaart oartaia have kin.lle.l tie wiath of Mr
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  • 62 11 Till. it room at tfe B Bailara 1 doaw, Hill Btnot, i ou S.iturday eveniug, wbcu U t.tiiim-iil was givcu by a soldiersau.l others. Mr. Arluur Kunfbt was lli.' • I'he pr..-i.iiii»"-. leuglb of which prevented 10} iag to the ii.'i'i.nt eriei wus fuily camed out. tin woo took part
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  • 67 11 Tukrk bas been added I .Statute Hook. Bagabtiwn No. which uaiis at pnvMtiog culli»i«"» *j MB. It has been passed ou the |W«*» that it is npadKßl tl'.it certain lights BBuaid used by H"- saniug vessils by night with ikf v i preveutiug mrllitifft- Tb< tmdnt a*» inußtd ralai tor
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  • 66 11 Ai til.' Criminal Assi/-» OB Satilf«l» Ng Soh, a llokicn nau, guilty. bjf i IDCdfJ jury, of c.i death Of a lUkj Ik'V. ucr ldopt< bra nahast Bat m« ieoleiuwlw i" L Mr. Jaakie Uw. i was cba.ged with abetting was found guilt v of giving tiou to tuc pane*.
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  • 61 11 iBBBIIMs Cik. is had a r bou». ou Saturday wbi-u j. pw,p«""" k ,f dmiiseun lit and iu'cn-.l Maiad Hi- !■■■■>{■■'* v a i. g,,c away gold wa.cbc. »d [ut tue foituuate i r*• _„u u ban. lv .he n,c.ui«!,.lc »m»fr oW uudt0,,,,,.,. .iiiTc-';', foltl.e US. IV r three Might.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 846 11 ri^HK l< MI'ANV. LIMITED ■i ri^HK Sundard Life Awirance rich l"ni»n Firs In-urance Society. AUas Ai Tho E<|uit*lil« Ufa Assurance ,-s.>.'i»ity The Ocean Marine lusurauni Com|iany. i earn Navigation Coy Tl.e Tottenham Lager Heer .mpany. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For uarticulai's of theee Compani'w see ihe fall adVertisemrni of
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    • 1139 11 MOTICKB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout ail the j Protected States of the Malay i Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the j Netherlands Indies, the Philip- 1 pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern
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    • 748 11 NO! LOJta. T EIiISLATIVE COUNCIL. Thurnloy. -lift May. 1&4 ■2 N P. at. tii;I)K'iSOFTHK DAY. I—Crimpinir1 Crimpinir Ordinance Amend merit M II Ist Reading. 2. Post tlice Ordinance Amendment Bill do 3. Bill to provide for t he cancel Mtafl af certificate)* granted under The Steam Vessels Ordinance MM do.
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    • 960 11 LATEaT ADVERTISEMENTS. |jj O RDD&XJT BOllt8 Ollt LLOTI FDR ■OVOKUbTO, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN PORDS. Th» Imperial German Mail Steamet PREVSSEN. Captain BoßßmUot, havinir left Coluiiilmi BB the BMI m-tAiit. may bo expected to arrivx hore on the SM mutant, en vortU for abovn parta, For fi"ik,'lit and |w«.tnjf"> apply to
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    • 70 11 at.S.a. iitnuM /tor I*. Xni'i Tiwut .linU s. wnltm Mauniirflkiairrlal). t\* MUrt ./l IuU «n*k •"""I K.i.S. OM njitU* tlwl «.)kt Mlimw U aaMkaati All •JMTi.mif nmtrwh an Ntjtcl 1« la« m>4iliim IWI IW M«M««r mv Urn I*, at—rtUrmnt flu pmptr r^-"i m**~. tlUfur law f»*T The Straits Times has
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 94 11 WEATHER REPORT Kandanq Krabau Hotpttal, Z7th May, 1894. 9 a.m. S p.m. 9 p.m. Em tan. Bar. red. 32 Fab. 29.*****.*****.7J7 Temp 87.3 «.O 79.4 -««fc Wet Sulb Ther. 80 3 7«.0 77.8 o S Mr. of Wind ill S. VV Calm. H I -JO.Of"€ Mio. do do 74.9
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  • 606 12 MftTaDAT CEIKBBATIOMt TiiKt ML! ■tpondrnt Kuala Lumpur, Thurntiat/. 11 V li>l*y was efl ,v,i*l military honour*. I'll.--,.ii,! ot Cap< Ljroaa, ami tirtil V i-t hi.. be cut r.»|n<lly incr. nuitf »d I'hi- roall uumlwr „f rotrn i rontiool •«> un-m- for Iha opM .m I unpiti^-. ami I
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  • 504 12 U Tl.-W .if tin- fill M>|. .ll of I 111- (i.iVi Tllimnt Railway tr.mi it.- HMMI t.riiiiniis t' King to tin- Kiiil.i win. Ii h.i> rr.-fiillv ' tli.- foOowiag torn of i report the Mi huboaw will M af nanir. -Ttli I>. "ilht. IMS, H itl,
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  • 130 12 THE QUEENS BIRTHDAY AT PENANG. Is honour .r Efcr M,ij.-,ty"s birthday, ili.- t oops in L.-.ur.s.ii at 1' nitf to the 11 11 nt I -t-r of I"' 11 ot all r.inhs Banded ou the 'JMi at :M .1 m on tl\.- Detachment parade noaad .11 the Inns. IWy were
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  • 125 12 'I'hk Sotiktn T'rritury Time* is in-foriiii-.l th Dill. Ii :i ii 'lion ti.s w lio iontrol tin- Aiu Isl. mis |...iil tislii-rn-s .in- n-it now lio.iii.- in Australi.iu Of any other I. lit rather the reverse. A vt-,ir ago tin n- ».i!< food deal ol bad blood u-twi-iii
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  • 334 12 'I'm: Selangor IMur.iiion Report for L 894 Miles tl..ii 111 ISM, wit 1 1 H mil. >ols n|u-ii, the mi rage Baaober on i li. regiatera ili.- ,iv.t.i_'.- .itti-iicl.ini-.' SSI, at 78 -I per nt In 1^:':!. with _•"> eeaoeai o|..n, ill.' average ouaibef on the retritton
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  • 870 12 It was unfortunate that lon/er Dotire of the annual elephant hunt at Ayuthia wai not (tiren or probably the WliiUunti.le holidays would hav<> |»-rmitted the -hi of a grand European excur—l 1 t.i Siam's aucient capital, to look at Hut a« it wa», a »<• mor
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  • 214 12 SHIPPING AT KWALA LANG AT. The District Officer of Kuala Lm^at (SelaDjjor; iv his report for 1893 notes tbat the WHJJM capacity of the District 'vhh NfNMMod by out* steamer, which ran Itn iinvuliirly, a gNtJ many boats and a low tongkanu* their tonnage is sit down at &167J and
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  • 163 12 A CbMOT match was plavt-J ou the Ksplauude »d S.tturday in connection with tlieS. C. U'twffii triiins described a« I' an.l tin- K.->t The match rraahed in favour of the former team. The following were the score* THE REST. A. MiCtMfcj Wmnm h Hampton n r, Kutt.r.- Warivn
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  • 622 12 Mr. Ebdkn. the Collector at Lind Revenue in SeUngor, in bis report ud the Land I>. pirtiuint there for \H'.Ki. note* increaaiug ren-ipu npeaiall* iv timber royalty and laud rents. Another notable increase is uuder quit rents, which ia looked u|K>n as satisfactory in that while
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  • 299 12 In the district report on Kuala Selaugor for 18TO, figures are givun which show 111.11 iii.- export trade has increasetl, but thu goods imported hlicw a dwraam Imports 1892 $4:«,b'13. le*9:i 8361,009. Exports 18^2 8512,927. 1893 8555,862In the iuward trade the falling off has beeu principally
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  • 159 12 SI AM GOLD MINING. A UOOD I'OCKET -AMrl.l Some stir has resulted in Bangkok ou the arrival there leccntlv of :{0" ll>«. of quart/, from tin- Wattana mines in Siam, in the ciiKtodv of M,-.ssrs. Shaw aud Weiss. From the :i!H) lbs. of >|uartz it is caleu. latetl that M
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  • 172 12 MM. ITALIAN WAX IIUDOKI. POKTUUAI. AND HKAXIL. KKE.NCH POLITICS. Pun*. Ht), May. Tilt- Italian Chainli-r has In H majority of >U. a bmUbb having for its objeot the ifjfet ion of the war-budget. t',ll, May. Diplomat ic hiiv- h— n hrukt-n uflf BOteMOB Portugal and Braiil
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  • 216 12 The Police have succeeded in capturing a smart Chinaman who will be cbarged with breaking into one nf tbr local banks. Last week the premises of the Chartered Mercantile B.uik OMta broken into, and some drawers containing .li--.i-i.-l cashed cheijues rifled. These cheques were stolen. Suspicion fell upon
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  • 128 12 TU report of the Penang Presbyterian Chun-h says A year ago the services of the Presbyterian Church were revived in Penang The present congregation is still in its iufiincv. bin the support alr-adv watitai warranls hope for the future. Though our uinnb-rs are small, yet we
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  • 477 12 Thi: district report on Klan^' for i 893 shows that the losaaga Of vessels which arrived and cleared there has increased, but this increase of tonnage is 7.778 only, though the increase iv the number of ship* eutert il was \.ii. This is accounted for by the
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  • 116 12 Thk following Warrant, si^'in-d liv Her M.ijistv's l'nn-ipal Boental] nf State for tlm Colonies, is published in tin SefaaMT C',l2- lIMAUKIACt WAKEANT. AUTHORITY TO HKITIHII KKKIIIKNT IN ■•KI.ANiiOK TO SIII.KMNIZE MAIIKIAOEB. I herein aaaletias the aeiaea aW tha time K anHlaa or AeMag la lha orti.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 719 12 VESSELS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. Fr Hotwkonp. Chelydra, dv« SBth May. B< tut«ad and I o. For Penang -nd Calcutta, C. AApr,e *r, due 28th May. Sarkiea an i Mote*. Fit China »n 1 Japan. Pnuut*. diir 30th May, B«hn Meyar ad o. For Sonrabaya Kmgue. on 31it Hay. W. M-..,«fieM
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    • 913 12 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPIS* ifiwg SEE PAGE 1 T NDOCHINA BTEAM NAY. CO, LTD FOR HONGKONG. The Company's steamer CH ELY DMA, 1,0<4 tons. Captain Cam having left Calcutta on the 19th instant, may be expect** to arrive here on or about the 2Hth instant, aad will have prompt despatch
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 140 12 ARRANGEMENTS Monday, 28th Mat. High Water. 4.37 p.m.. Moou. List Quart.-r. 10 If din. Association Football. B. R. C. a. Raftlea Club. Esplanade. p. in. I'liilliirinoiiir Choir MO p in Hai ui.M -Hi's Circus '.> p. in. TiKsiiAT, .".'in May. High water. 421 a.m. Ltt. p.m. Swimming Club. Oaaetal Mueliug
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    • 210 13 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used i str. steamer sh. ship bq. bar-quo Brit —British U. 8. (Tnited States; Fr. French; Ger. German; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— Johore Ac., G.c— General cargo; d. p. deck passengers; U. Uncertain ;T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P.
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    • 1085 13 ABRIVAI.M SINCE SliilX OP YehTEKDAV. Kong Wan, Brit. str. 116 tons, Capt. Hull. mi 28th May. r- mm T. Anson via ports, <&th May O. c and 84 d. p. W«e Bin If Co. For T. Anson 30th— Kds. bra Tringganu, Brit. str. 81 tons, Capt. Willock. 26th
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    • 114 13 V....... P. rt, irnJ ZW> »f tk*iii~y Kk'iM LOSDIIIf. Ptrauiatta A pi. M (ilrll«lli«l A|ll Cantou, May 2 C»rmartheunhiri> May 8 Britauuia May 11 < >reana. May l'< Douhijf fi-hir.- May. Liverpool. Kii'Ttfia Mar V< T»rt«r. A,il. 2t! K i-i'inim May sUaai Vinuiyi« Oft. ;i. (,'rai^flpe, Dm, 7
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  • 137 13 rn.&ar,u o\)isUA aiiVAiic* \jn rtivivivrw.; rim UHur,iv.-> Flag Dan I'tm Date, and Ship's Name. Commanhek ok r»mi Whhi. Demtinaiios cou m Bio. May 19 Ne.1. Baarn Hrnuw.r M 17 Am t-nlam liaUviii l»£trathern 16 Nnr Turk Tkpl I. Ni- 1. 1.. >„„„„ -iMuiilirnian I Bottordaß < il».n
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  • 232 13 S ».--> i. Name. 1 ft Tom. Captain. I I MO. Cunhiumiik ft Rio 5 ».--> i. Name, j 25 ArhUlet Brit. »tr 1487 Harvey Ba*fk«M M »> 1:< lV M""**" 1 1 26 Ljoiu »tr. 2116 MeXay Natal May (ii,6llmn Wood 2tl Hock Kiu ttr. 956 Kunitk
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  • 43 13 Dati Vmubl's Name. JFlao A Kiu' Captain Distinat.oi I [»y. 17 I M«tbi« S»'K<>° 17 Borneo itr. Huo..r H.n^ok tt I c5.,tW «r. Cou.t««J S.n—gT»port. H.b. itr. li.t«Ur T Annon Ti. porU IB I vS't.i.m.n Dut. llr S* T.mor t» port.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 679 13 NOTICES. THE BRUSH KLBOTRI! CAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Keddaway's "Camel" Brand Belting, the I most eronomicil for potter-transmitting purpose* Chubbs' Strong Rooms, tire anil burglar-proof Doors. Robpy and Co Lincoln, Portable Engines, pumping and mining gear. Pulriometer Engineering Company, London. H>'ldam's Patont Engim- Packings. SOLE ACEXTS HOW A HTH
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    • 1439 13 DOCKB. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LIMITED. The premises of the Companj are situat.l at Tanjon I'ajrar adjoining the town of Singapore. 6t«am tram-oars run at short internals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter and is
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    • 896 13 NOTICES. EsUbluher. 1865. ■piLET, H&ROBBATCB A CO. Enoihbkbs, Ibon A Brass Foundkbh, BOILBBMAKRRS, BBIDOB BOILDKBS, SHIP BUILDRBB, OBNBBAT, CONTRACTORS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always nnder construction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY lrom leading
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    • 146 13 NOTICES. TAMBS MOTION A OO CIBOMOMBTIB, WaTOB A CLOCK MtlKB. axv Opticiaks, Flint Steebt. Hare sl wars on band a well selected stock of JeweUery. Watches, Clocks, Diamond Jewel lery, and Nautical lnatrnments. BnaaMs UoM. Amaricu Clocks. BrooohM <!©. Oairtn.ClooU. ■arrtat* Diamoad. MatM* Clooka. Looketa. Dnwiiur lßs*rum*nU tadtos* Blacs Diamoad
      146 words
    • 97 13 NOTICES. JgKNSOM'B «A 9 o«7| Mandfactoet, Lddoati Hill, U«bo MAKER TO H. M. THB QTJBg N Specially mannfaetured and reewMm-j^ or use in the East, M -i Bimox'i Special STsmoTH FIELD WATCH. A Gold Keyless English Half Chronometer tl BENSON'S LUDQATE WATCH, A three-quarter Plat* Eiurlis. 1 Lst^r fail. compensated
      97 words