The Straits Times, 23 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 18J31. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1894. NO. 18,825.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1011 1 I'AVTKS PannsruK »nd NAVIGATION OOMPUTT a— < -.lly.-' Quay. k% as aad (looowm— I Tbb mail tteaawra nay as. irda and leave Bingap<r. a th* f.ill.'wi i K il»i. «s»« BMrsaas ISS4. INK. «J II May H~.IL rr date* »re l/ondoa ia th«. as to n I MAfl „1-T.
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    • 764 1 BTEAMfIHIP COMPANIES I\K K'IMKK'I.I.IKK PAKETVAART I \PPIJ. t'ti'ler r,, n ',r*ri with the Netherlands In.lia d a. n mi-lit I. ATE I 1.V1.R yUAY. ■I' Bl BVTTI mivh TIM ''Dmiwui) has tl.'.t f M S'-aniom, with mj. Mini s.-«)i! fur first class, i lad .1.-, k pn-"-»i'i'gi-r«, and fm tlio
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    • 764 1 STEAM SUIT 00MPANIE8. For Borneo Port* via Bawean and Sourabaya. On the Bth of evi»ry month a atoamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and passxngors to Banjermassin, Pulo Lant, Paasir, an.l Kotei. very montk <i" the 2Hrd a steamer ia isafjaaelsßfl 1 M Daaajaia, Borow, and Bnlongan :ij7
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    • 875 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. "VfORDlil.rrsOHEK LLOTD. ll BREMEN. The fast aid uell-kn»wn steamers of thia lin» run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, csl'ing en ronte st Antwerp, Southampton. Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez. Aden. Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Comj.sny's steamer
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    • 776 1 INBURANCEB. f^ TJARnrAN PTBE AT,D LTPE ABSTTKA MCF \Jt COMPANY, Liy.TED. LONDON. Established IHII. Subscribed Capital JS.OOO.CXjO ToUl Invested Funds 4,61«,000 Annual Income, 988,(40 The undereigneu, agenta for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of ten days or longer periods, at current rate* to
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    • 543 1 RAVIfS Jtl BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF") aionrNlnftft PROPRIETORS J .J10.000,000 Couar or Dibbctobs: Cbaibmah— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Dbpctt Chairman- C. J. HOLLIDAY, Eaq. 8. C. MICI.A.U.O, A. McCo»ac«i., Eaq. H. H. Johi rH. Eaq. J. 8 HoaES.Kn. Hon J. J. Kiswiri. D. B
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    • 170 1 NOTTCBB. McALISTER Co. "V"O "IAANOBR. "^■O I an. ;kr A LLISON'S pATBMT T AMP UNSPILLABLE AND Self- Extinguishing if iipaet. Why incur risk to Life and Property when you can have the U AFEST T AMPONTHE"t/TARK.KT mHE OEBT AND /CHEAPEST Me A LISTER Co. SOLE AGENTS. McALISTER Co. mHE I
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  • 398 2 i t\TKSTMAJIKBT QUOTATIONS. I Si ira Aroma 23ri> May, isuu. PRODUCK Ijamliii-r 7.«>". do Owkt I 1L75. .I, ia Be I 11 Oopn Bali, -'>.!'-'.. do Peatlawak .1.72 1 Pepper Black, Ma, A •J.^J'.j liruu.-i ZMi%. .VX, Mt i" (4.50. Tl>|.i.KM-.r,:ili Flak.- U.V do do Ist <|nalify 4.50. ia
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  • 79 2 Tin- folloiviu^ wore thu London prices of criiiiu ekam as reeeired by tht< mail of -7tb April Banks. i-Jo; all pd. Tho Chartered'Ui to Jl| 1.-J-'.. Tin- H'k.mjf A S'jrhai ..:>!» 30 CSS tli'i pd. Mcreautile Bank A I^'ij. B shares ototj. fl" 1; i«l.Bt. of China. Japan,
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  • 73 2 ffbl F«r .Ir PW, 10-Mobuow. S:, I.! a 1 \:,< M 1-. ffflTltT Noon. lKml.ll. C/i.../ I'l.ijii, J in. Mil im ml Hsejl V. C. Smith, l p.m. rUpoetti Katawaa, s i.v. 1., i. OilasM. IMi '.-Kit \i* |«ri.-. I'm, i if mi, :< |>.m, -.uiuiraiijr viu |..nt-.
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  • 108 2 I; l- l<y tin- P. 40. p. KMIU .■.».ti, .lit. tiih.U Mhj. sliibru,^ m tin ,\t. i'!i lift .-m.ui.un- on the It 1 Vi:>v 'ii in I", r IV I ii. t.mur-r BmsUu <M ..i T:l- .In. l,r\t. A;. I |Uth .1. 18th A pi Jt
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  • 261 2 ABKI\ A 1..-. Per CvmopotU from Heasriuaß Measr .I! 8) -k, aod F Winklor. Pc- FtiitUkin fnmi Saigou Mr. q miMB. Per i. Wm HV-/. from Klaug: Mr and Mrs. S U. Hnrfnlt. Per M. M t. Fin i mm fihi i \\'..i>/, and K.i leu From Silicon
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  • 165 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY. 23RD MAY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ESTABLIHHID 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Subteription raie* and adveriiiing rates may be found on the fourth page.] A LOAN POR INDIA. Tenders have liecn invited for a iii raillions sterling Indian loan at a minimum rate of ninety-eight. THE UNITED STATES GOLD
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 665 2 Mr. August Hutteulwuh has Iwn offered aud hw* MHplti the vacant seat in tli.' li.jfislativf Council. That is a >m| iliuifnt to Ponaup. The appointment, however, Joes not. so w* understand it. imply that enhanced reiirenentath>u has Imm'h gnaw. t«> IVnauj; in Lfejißlativt; C'oiin-i-il. We take it
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  • 296 2 Thk headway made l>y Jaaaa in tnaniifacturing industry account.-d for a BBMTJ incnit*> in her imports last war. owing to larger arrivaln of cotton and niachincn. Her tnwle with the Tutted State bm fallen off, Imt her dealings with Ike Tinted Kingdom and British India
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  • 95 2 Sic Ckcil Smith, writing of tke rer.-ii t of the addresa presented to him l>y Singapore, say* iv a private letter The address is a very beautiful pieic of work. It ii very greatly admired uol only by all the members of my own tauiily Iml by many of my
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  • 16 2 H. M. 8. Nhft Captain A M...-I, „.l. is due at Sin^ujnri- tu-uiunuw (TliuiMlav from (tiinii- >
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  • 16 2 An advert isiuient calling attention to Skull's Okouite TriHses will be fouud 011 tbe fourth pa^e.
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  • 17 2 Mr. Ail i sr ■vnaaaaca has brea offered aud accepted tbe vacant anal im the Legislative Couucil.
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  • 20 2 The Uau^Lok Tramway Coinpauy his decided to übuc wawaatWfa to iai»e fUbd« for iMMMiag its electric plaul aud olhci purposes.
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  • 18 2 Mr. Justick Law enaturawi ike Crituiunl Assizes this ■Wwiwf. Mr. Cbiof Cox was engaged with cml bwaJMaa,
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  • 20 2 A Chinaman, for couuterfeitiiig cunent coiu aud Dutch dollars, was seuteuced at tbe Assize Court,ou Monday to live yeais' iuipiiaouiuvut.
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  • 22 2 Thk Colouial S-.-creiaiiat bare no) n ceived any further luloruiatiou 1 1 •> 11 :u. Hongkong Goveruuieut coucerniug tin outbreak of plague there.
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  • 22 2 Thk Municipality advertises that th. time tor receiving a[>plicatious for the post Cf chief eugineer al the Panpiflg Statiou has beeu extended.
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  • 27 2 Since the middle of the mouth, atauMtl from Hougnoug have beeu <|iiarautiucd at Saigou tor tell days, owing to the OOtbvmk ot plague at tbe toruicr port.
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  • 26 2 Commander Hetkrmann and Lk Dl Lvuja.ll, of the I'uilcU siliite., cruiser Hearing?, have beeu suspeuded (ruin mivice for a year tor default iv loniug their vessel.
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  • 26 2 The Government offices, the Exchauge Bauks, and Municipal office*, close tomorrow, in honour of the Queen's linliidav. Tbe Strait* Timrl will uot issue on tbat day.
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  • 29 2 Thk s. s. Crontaity arrived 1 ***** Eioagkoug aud audiorcd off the iju nan! imslatlou. The Ktitmtifj, (JoMM, aud Crumarty are now in qii ir.tutun) oil S:. Jobu's lilaud.
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  • 32 2 Thk M. M. steamer Yam IH detained for a short tune Veatanlay, .IT ilic quarantine station and alter au ManillaUou by the Hiullh Uffitui. she was allowed to go alongside the wharf.
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  • 37 2 A CONCERT is to be given at t!i. Bol> ditjrs' Home, Hill Street, oa Satuida\, .it H p.m. Tlie programme wdl be Bade up ot teveral vocal and s.-le.-tiolis iv which military and emlians take part.
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  • 34 2 Thk Siugapore GolfClul> loog-driviug comp«-litiou tor Mrssrs. I'mlayson and MacKitchie's prin (nUue 9iU) will Uka place ou Friday tlie 2'ith ioataat, al f Lfi p. in. Eulries close to-iuorrow (Thwsd»j at 7 p iv.
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  • 46 2 Thkkk hare U-mi so many application! for coiuage at the Osaka Mint, the Japan Gazette says, that tin- extension of tindaily shift from 8 hours to I'J hours' has beeu fouud iu-uilhVicnt to BWt the -maud. The daily turnout by last advioH was about 80,000 yen.
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  • 42 2 Thk Northumberland Puailiera, wbicfa regiiueut relieves the Ijiucolushire Kea> uient at Singapore in ih.- eoam Ihe present year, has aiuongkt its otli r*, M we understand, a number of MthMUwtH! rowing men who will no doubt givo a fillip to local aquatic*.
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  • 53 2 The firm of Sieuieus and M.ilsl,.- ii > ported to be trying t, > apply el. 1 tricity to agriculture, especially tor Urn pfopuklOD of large ploughs. Should tin- espenmenta they are sun.' .1, tiny intend tv iutruluce such ploughs iv Java where the use of sleam is impossible,
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  • 51 2 Tkadk seems to be improviug m Prance, for the exports of mauufactuicd articles rote y.OOO.IMMIf. in Much, and the RsjßrM for the first three months of tli. y. v show imports of £w9,8»1,9tf0, Jt37,078,7t>0 iv tbe same period ol 1893, while the eiports arc ouly UtOOOfl lan tbau a year
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  • 34 2 Oir the Wth April, a deputation wa it upon Mr. A.quitb. tho Ho'ni* Secret^ t1.,. .re,,, on oT?&^ 1n5.,.,,... at Loud,,,, „,.a r <,„,,„., I'ltinmted t3th-depuuT n ll t I'-ii'inir ninlaiaT It inoetiktion o| hvdroph.diu.
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  • 36 2 ''■"•■■^i Qlß> half.,, Hv bM >•'■ ""-and '•'I Di»tric( ,t Liooolß »i,, i "-I" I whr.ha.wi, „'w,,:..,,-, retrimonul anriee baa ban ia the I col. shir. Beaiiaent. Be gavn ,l' '•"ii'ui.Mid of ii,.. lad battaßoa m IB9j
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  • 56 2 II M.S. v y r 8t CWr. limn- oal Hwd tke mail \J? at Devonporl for Ckiaa, aval oal U i boaroa Urd April aad mclMaaad salnil with the 11, Bhawaatakw ofth. P>H. nJ|;:liA,'nl to carry a« h.-rthrt hoan rail ipeed tteaai trial. and bablv to .ail on 80th April
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  • 65 2 Tami wMfmOaanal uk ou and c.i >!• Oder*, and Oaaan, *1,,, 11 11 t miseioi to study than? i-anisation of Iwroaeai Mauei n 1 I Ihe end of but nontii. 5! called oo CrennaJ Meraiar Knitter f.. r War, red am haa th- „r i ol the Rising sib 1
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  • 67 2 I'm Deofecbe Dam|«ekiffakrl rW| •cbafi 1 Kingsia Line) wbick had radaei 1 itseipiMl to .me half f its ..r^mal vsi h i- au -.nented its fleet U new stoaaMkia. the Bertha, which wai kancbed rroa th111'- lI.'W V, SS.'l 1,1), I) „f 5t ,.,.l )f (Nl(| tons barthee, „,,.1 ims
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  • 83 2 Loan \\'..!se!ev. presiding at tkeaaaai] in ting of the 8 ijdien' Houeal Marrbill Grlaagow, ...1 April Hit said be liUl the word home better than (Jab, for it recalled 11 natmal I i... Many naopkj wisksd ta r "«J l»ri t.. their own lorm of religion. When that was ,|..iip
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  • 95 2 Tin Legialaiive Cavaeil Thm-div tbe 8] at mm int. Th.- Olden of th. D*} c imp ice, foi iral reading, Hill, |.i' tMupiujDi'.lin.-iiKi- Aiii-ndin.iit P,»t t >lliie I tl.llli in. Alllell.lni.'lll Bill t.i |i.,,. vide for cancellation ..f -rfifftitw rraattd under the S' Vess.'hOrdina l-.j Bill* of Sil.. Ordinance A
    95 words
  • 99 2 \.V\ Ii r .ned in I',. us limiii IVlii, announoH thai tbfl Enngak* elaian ..f tli^ Xi n.-h iir-iM'Hi iiri s bare Ih'eii s.-t'l'-'l 1., tl ntir* Mti«faetioa ol Ike Km ti"ii. Tk« Chin, se i;,v. .iiMi.-iit linn l' in.- 1 ill.- inivMuii in. ,ri indemnity „f 0400, whieb h.i>
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  • 96 2 Tbi Colonial OSn has U-v.. <ho QUm helinTn, in wgotiatioa with tbf lii'lia Offl 1 the -iiLj.-it of thf prnpotej Ij 111 Hunts of a Rrititb dollar for ute in the Straits fltttltMßtl ami Bon 1 intrai 1 lUm Motptod ide.i thai the [odian anlhorititi womld Stlike the. ■•.HIS l[
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  • 101 2 AccoßDlKa to ill- i;ew ruling ..I H.rDoited 8 itet Trauary, CkiseM mnehaoti in America who rail Utuar, imi I .1 t.> land on their retail I" America uoleM th#y coadad btiaia< lii th'-ir own n.iiii.-s. A( tbe ri n|| o! ihil order, 2. nun Cbineae ncrebajiti 1 d.'.ni. d "ii
    101 words
  • 98 2 Tin. l>tii i OhrmieU, «kk h know let. 111 giving an .i.eoiint ofths mobilisation in Singapore s ibori I me aao, cal Bii Charles w i 0 >yen 01 °T l< ■it r it d lo lu»e I, be oulc ime of iiu after-dim .V.-.-n the Charli r) I A
    98 words
  • 84 2 I'iiin. i. 1 'in 1. -.1 Hian riaited \M--r- and in>i" aubli i, barm k*. and equipmeol \i .yal II and flnl b Artillery Tl nnpanyal»oioclud<d.Prio« J)hnl. .Snu'li, tin- I' u-'l'-the link, ol I! dI.M I the Kul <>l I Miji.rC. 11 1111 raley, Uajoi U W. I- Bntler, and
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  • 105 2 As indignant correepondenl above "Q,"to the Nortk-Ok M follow! Al -i -h ir. h .i.i- I BtraiU Kir- [nsuraaoe Companr, I tl" ul> thai the letter Of Ml. A .1 M I S..,r.t.irv, ilitd-l-th April, .md p« l.v you", .-h.uld not !>•■ .I I 1 l pass unnoticed. If bis
    105 words
  • 31 2 r,,, k.ui.i uh l: ul1 colnsbire I;.-,-...,.-,.. «riU pbw the folio*""* i1,,. K,,.1.ui.i.1. Mj 25th May, oomiaeDcing at 8 p. I'K.i.KAMMK. i. Vales ftrsadi j,,dß.«i. LiDooluahir. B^f—''
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 489 2 rjMi> Xl) rnHE Stai lat i I tswOasaa Mai-.-. 5.....V1..., coj 1-5 -Ijlilli wr' of THE BORNKOOOM- 'Mill WH K N fnll to U fultill-d for n "»1« it will Iw rcll an ...should Stand. ii*Jly oil. aid all l,.«o i TU.. rp il i; p"(J1 i I a B
      489 words
    • 912 2 NOTICJ I Unita Times has the largest circulation oi any lijwspapein Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and j Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the i Netherlands Indies, the Fhilip- i pines, and French Indo-China. i No other Eastern newspaper
      912 words
    • 860 2 RTISEiIENTS. BOAR!) G for.-, aaMnv a nurrid mji al Tandjoag Cntonj; facing and elo»c t.» Us A,, ly 1.. :;i I rBG 1 H L A J is:, i M. 1 mtlii.:: OF THE DAY. I Crini|iin.' Ordinaaee Amend- < l-t I: alii.jf. rti.-OidinaieeA-i, incut Bit! da, Bi.: latioa i>'
      860 words
      6 words
    • 79 2 M.S.S. mttAtd ft th, «r«.la T.iM) ikmli Ix wn'i* mr. omikUi/ llup.p/r only. Jly tlu woUct c—i% Mm »w«» V.B.S. an tt),eUt IU( »tfU UUrmU* U AU aiMrUnai o«lr.rt« «r> nhpei tt tk* -n>4itvm lIMt IK» H«Mf«r milmh IX. MtwHiMiamt »a< tftkt yyr M mm o/ pr— matUr. hut
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 77 2 U KATHKK K EPoKT Km kVobas Beoaawi, Mac! -Wn«, 1891. lii in. ji iv. p.m. Rkmakis. j^.-i'ii'.i.Tiwat.HHi i-- 1 >. au wi.i -ci njt NJ 7<i.4 Z2 Wind N w. Culm. mt*Z Max.Tnmp.imha Is 87.0 H i. do do 7J.« ¥-=~v .M..x. ii, .-im C|J ;t.a .4 boon. N.I. sf
      77 words

  • 647 3 Thi u»u»1 fortnightly meeting of the I th Bell. SI Kurd. I WM Hank I Bank mi. il i. i, ut m di that led to I *****-t X|.eet \%(c 'i inoutbi H« 1., able to i. port tl Dtendenl be thought to let ootinue in ntt uutil
    647 words
  • 747 3 \t Hongkeanj ou the 1-lth instant. «i-re betna] taken M I II .1:.-, ■Siiiiih, 1,. (i twraor'a 1 1 ken i.'l on the i natntioa ot the i and wna vi nngfrom plague, in Uospital, and onUide, but uo i > »ln. h ring i..mi t>
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  • 367 3 Suppltmentiirii to Strait* Timrr T, .Ai UUIM DlMts \NAI'.<IIIST ARRBBTB. Illi UKKM(X syl.M.l:' ;N IN iIIiTLA.VI'. St. l',t, r *b,inj. I 111, M,,,, The liiiii<!n-iU of partoM who an- aMaanata i.f a •Mi-t'.-iUi-il MM-i.-lj fc.r jKilitical lili-rty aud li m U-.-ii -iiinilt;,!!. i lalj an- -u-t\ in tin-
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  • 683 3 ooaanvonon <>k warships. u»n Mann <in his oovkrxment. V 1 I I I < > .N AMOXII DOCKERS. DtUl lIIMTAIN UI RUSSIA. lomim, mill April. A detsehment "f < !mey*i Labour Amu ■stead anutliiT train in the Mate of omm hut a -tronir itintrent of rraoae cum
    683 words
  • 196 3 In tli.' Houn of Commons on April 20tb, Mr. Hogan asked the dader-flec rotary oJ gtaii Mhin whether tin- rc|m)il of lli- l.uv ■■Iliii-rs of thi- Crown in ,i.l tO till' >c lUlUlclld.ltions >>t tile i Cuiiunit. of tin- L. -isl.Uive Council <>r Nr» Booth
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  • 371 3 Is tii- caeabination i en|nising Harm- cue whose Biamapnri) anaaoo is rapidly dmsring t > a > loer, tb n a host of variety i.u.nt which BJHvhss it p. il>l--for t Le management t > to f n quently ehauijv the pio.'-aiiiui--. Thai they caj do ao with
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  • 273 3 COLONIAL OFFICERS (LEAVE OF ABSENCE) BILL. In Ihe Bouse of Lords, on the LOth April, tie Marquia of ttipvn moved the aecond nading of this bill, which was iutunded to u'ct ml of au old Act of Furiiauiiiit desigued to meet very different (date ol' thtag* from thai now existing.
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  • 328 3 On of the v.v.-- interesting papers read before the Bora! Horticultural Society was that delivered ou the Jtth April, bf Mr. ,W. Burbidge, >i i cantor of the bovml Bfttanifl Qardene, Dublio. Ha prefao >i dm remarks with an allusion to the extensive aocisltpolh caJ,andi ommeroial
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  • 317 3 A in < hi lias been riguod by tha Preach In >nli ■ni. forbidding the marriage of auy mem I ><t of tin- dipiotttatio or consular eorvieet without the permisaioo of the Miaieter for Foreign Affairs. In naaaa when unions am to be contracted
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  • 414 3 Wm. U. llai.k I C is Circular, dated Saigon ll'th iiiHtatit fvnja the follow, ing particulars of the state of the rice market there: Althou-h all neighbourhag nanrknta ban raeodod umil there is actually n.i lite in ouis. yet prices d i not p> hack. On
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  • 311 3 Thk Miim-lffti r Guardian publiahestbe following extract from a letter received in M mi h.'sii r, said to be from i nuimbas: ot'a well-kiMiwn Penaog firm: I ha\.- tent mv broker in Cornwall au art ii-l i tin, which ahowi thai, thougb the price iv London is abnormally
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 \m\ brriSED I" SAIL lard Hay, n 24th 1 In.- 86th "nt Khan ports. CWaa, in June, Port M >. UEMKRjLX BHIPPING Niws SEI.
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    • 445 3 A li AITIKU, OOMCLKXION. Apply Suiple.iin.- Lotion, it diiv. awn I iui| 1.--, blotches, roughness, redness, and all disflgurements. cnlpbolitra dcv lopa s lovely -Lin. Is not In. Hade in London.— m. w. 4 ft T(» DABKBH QBBT HAIR. 1.. v.-r", uiph'ii- Hail Beat r, quiokest, •af eat. beet nrom
      445 words
    • 795 3 NOTICES. JOHKLITTLE&CO NKW AMI POPULAI BOOKS. An Adopted Hi:,' Heavenlr Twins Sharp* and Flats Prineansf Park In Dtreel Peril The hsa Too Many Soarboro Romance M Lindsay Gonlon's Poems. A LAR(JE SELECTION OF MACMILLAN A Cos. "OOLOMIAL SERIES" OF POPULAR WORKS. "Colonial t-'erie-" of PspuhaV Works A. 1. Telegraph Code
      795 words
    • 969 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL sllll'l'lNw NEWS SEE PAOK t FR BATAVIA. BAMARANO AND ■OUBABATA, The Hriti-h aaVUM C ROM ARTY, I,(*> 4 tons. Captain Duncan. havin(r left Swatow on Iha ltitli in-tant. may Ih> (>i|>ected to arrive here nn or ahssrf Iha MM iiiKtant, and will ban ptompt aseaaseh for tim
      969 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 165 3 \i;i;AN<fi:Mi:Niv WeDMHDAT, Li' II LI High Water. 0 p.m. Thumb \> ii M n Higb U.l.r. r.l 1 i. in 1 :tl p.m. I be Qoi o'i r 1 1 r.iitlul.iv. Public Holiday. N., wauo of the Strait* Timm. Tli, I inki clow. Parade. 7. a.m. Cricket S. 9. C.
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    • 178 4 Under this hoa,lin>f the following abhrpviations »r« used: str. steamer; hli. ship; i bq.— barque Brit —British U. S. TTnited States; Fr. French; (ier. German; Dut. Dutcli; Joh. Johorp; Sic, G.c— (iKiinral caiyo d. p.— dec* paNHeufrnrs V. Uncvrtein T. P. W.— Tanjonjf Pa^ar Wharf T. I
      178 words
    • 1159 4 Sltarptnu, Nor. str. l,:» 9. r > tons. Capt. Tollof. sen 2'iud May. From Hamburg via ports, 18th Mar. (i.e.. Boustead 1 Co. For VladiTo*tock 22nd T. P. W. urnit rd, Oer. str. 407 tuna, Capt. /ncharian. 13rd May. From Deli fh ports, Joth May.
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    • 135 4 Name, Frrt, and Date tt Mh From \mmwm Paramstta Apl M| 01— Md a (1 M Cautun. May I Carmarthenshire M»\ 8; BrilanniH May 11 Iceatia. Aliiy '-•> I D— Mflwhln May. 1,1 vt.KI'IM.I. Knsisjls) Mar. 16; Puuj &90J A pi. -"1 Tartar, npl. -•> Kuetnun May tiultuu
      135 words
    • 183 4 5 !ViBBKi/» Name. ft Itonb. 4'aitain. Kk..m. >aii.ii>. wn«i«O < Hia Mbj 21 Per..- Brit.Ur. 131 Pall.-lt P. Brudsa May H H» K l» A Co. 31 lUUiier Mr. 216 PUk Cotfe May 11 We* Mm «< o. 11 Uce»n» 1628 Behrenn Yok«.h.ra» A|>l ©lUaWntwrf 8oh«<»" 22 N»D»h»n
      183 words
    • 174 4 Date Vkhbel'h Nut Date Vkhbil'h Nut !Flao A Rio Captain. 'Flau Rio Dl»TI»ATIO». [II [ay. 21 Carolina 33 (iri.ut 2] Sk»rp«DO II Cbeajg Chew 33 Picciola 23 Nao.han 13 A. Apcar 23 Hong W.i: 23 .Sam Tor 23 I Poh Hiii <;u»u 23 I'akan 23 Malacca P«na 33 Kia.i
      174 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 610 4 NOTICEB. McALISTER Co." HAVE JUR RECEIVED A SHIPMENT Of JAMES WATSON Co.'s CEU KIIATEI) SCOTCH WHISKEY. Till; hOMINIE BRAN]).) tl Doaiote Bnwl (Hack Label GUAM AN! i.X I' 10 VKAKS OLD. PRICE LO.OO PER CASE. MoA L I Sr r Eli Co.. Bot*l AdKNTS. 'The Real Cup o' Kindness." tM
      610 words
    • 531 4 NOTICES. PHnU SPECTACLES t FOLDERS. 2 I v a t g d O mm M X ii x O S H I HE 1 a a 2 2 1 1 s Ii I Q i l < S j; X < *i I I'M 1 I 3 3 a H
      531 words
    • 1435 4 DOCKS. THB TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LIMITED. The premiss of the Company are situated at Tanjon FksJaW adjoining the town of Sini;v pore. St«sn ram-cars run at short intervals arryini; passengers and goods from Wharf to destination* at low rate*). The Wharf extend* to one mile and a quarter and
      1,435 words
    • 901 4 NOTICES. Established 1865. DII.EV, II AHi.REA YES A CO Emoineeks, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridge Builders, Ship builders. General Contractors. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. BBIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH claw STEAM VESSEL always under construction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. length of keel, of beet design and finish. MACHINERY trom
      901 words
    • 229 4 NOTICES. FOR 1894. THE HOUSEHOLDERS' BAZAAR BOOK. Nut ahd Improved Edition. A conveniently arranged book in which the cook can enter daily all household expenses, with a separate column for each day in tbe week, a separate page for each week in the year, and a separate line for all
      229 words
    • 159 4 NOTICES^ TAMES MOTP Chronometer Watch A Cloci M i t and Opticians, Flint Btre it Have always on hand a w.-il aelKted>t Jewellery, Watches. Clock*, Dias*o*jj j( lnry, and Nautical Instruments. RrmmlsU Oold. AiMrtau Oloeia. 8r.«»h..« 1... ''urunniHb* K-.mnri DiamonJ. Mart.'- i I Lork'ta. Drawing lueruat.. >:,n*sDi»in<>o.l I'hroiK.Die-.™ Hi.ri.i-t K-
      159 words