The Straits Times, 22 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1894. NO. 18,824.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 455 1 STEAMSHIP I OMPANI i»y. 'Vmavaaaad Uoo- Isimaii staaaters w»r.U as 'l iv. MMJBSM M* t fr'ii anl la l^.no'.n Cnmpany ha« It'igethi r r.-!i:od. .1 ■Mtrm of taarnag ••\fr. «nd th- ii'nn NOT I ■■saisars will plaaan not. lUir.agt eaa bo admituI t tkx rMael's arrival. C[AH PACIFIC ELAILW >V
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    • 328 1 N I J S VAAHT I LATE !.YKR yUAT. I.: and foi tho irht and j •spore. .!n.n's Ninth i s !ay a n!t«-r- in con- of Suniatra-'s .lod at Xi■ I N X I ,I.( K PA K ETV A ART MA ATSCH APPIJ iNTE-DKn Sailings and Txpectfu Abrivat.s
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    • 712 1 \MSHIP COM I'A NIKS. F,«r li'iri V.v 4* iia BaweanandSonrabaya. i-v^ry month a utoamer rnns in 'iking direct earn Bad aaaI I -in, Pulo Lant, Pa«i>ir. an i K i. Onet saary aioafa nn the 2;trd a steamer is de«jwt«-liiKl to l>ni>iraia, Berow, and Bulongan also calling a' I'suj'Tmas-iii. Pulo
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    • 860 1 STK: NO R D D 1.:,0TD. of this BrMaarhavM nrd Bhangbai, <Hi! ;ig en rmrta it fimina. Naples, Port Said, Sii.v. d'-n, Colombo, Singapore, ami Hongkong. In connec' on with the Arrivals and depannres of tne»e mail d'eitnifm. Ma Obm> T'unyV mgkong for Japan, i Yokohama. Hi'ipo. am! Naghsaki.. Tl
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    • 707 1 IXSIVAN GUAM f KD 00MPANT, Liy.TKl), LONDON. 1 Saaaariasd Oaprtal £:.<>tf,c»o Total It v.''lfi,o(« Annual (aooa Tli.! nr puny, ar, periods cf ua parioda st curr«t t rate* t<. m to. <I*. I thowiurf difI forms of *yplicntiun uuj i« obtail troai tre Ag*ats ft* >1.. I ifccep/.rnncnt (mvxs ic*
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    • 548 1 BANKS. HONGKONG kND SMNNOHAI BANKING C« 'RPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4.200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 tion-inAAn PBOPBIBTOaS j ..»i0.000,000 Cotrnr or Dikbctobs: CHiiRMAN-11. IlorpiUS, E-q. i DaruTT Ch*irkan-C. J. HOLI.II> s i, >I J""" *:«i- a. m.. II Jo-m-i J S M.,«,».K..k ■oa J. J. Kruwin. li. It
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    • 801 1 NOTTOEB. IT'ELLT AND WALSH, LDCITED. POITLAK NEW BOOKB. Hygta „f Warm Cli■atai by And Davidson Plustraiisi will, BagTaTiajp mi FullPafft Hmm $18.00 H.ri-l;,ri. it. Nature. Can-.s, mmm of Arreat, Ktc hy IVkelharin* aad Wii $6.00 The M>ili.-al Ann'ial and PfMMMBMr*! Im'.\. ijgM TwatfUi Year 4.50 Heri-11..ri, its Bympfaaa, Tn-atmsnt, ni
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  • 445 2 IiATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sinoapobb 22»D Mat, 1884. PRODUCE. Gambior. 9 7.50. do Cube No. 1 11.75. do do No. i 8.%. Copra Bali 5.9j. do IWiauak 5.72%. Pepper Black, 9.80. Sigo Flour, Sarawak 2.32%. do Bnuiei 2.02i5. Pearl Sag... 3.40. Coff.-* B;ili 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 80 2 Tin- folluiring wore tbe Louduu prices of certain sbares as received by the mail uf 20th April Banks. i.'2U;all pd. The Chartered ..XIX to ±1 t«» 1 ,4 Tbe H'kong St. S'ghai .*J 30 i. iIJ a pd. Mercantile Bauk i A shares 12%. B shares sto 6. tlo ;l;,pd.Bk.
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  • 142 2 Fo- Pur fir. <<„.« To-Moaaow. Kuroiiu ti« port. Y*r,,i. 7 a -B Hutu I'almt, h.iu .1 9 a. at. 11.-I 1 i I'.iini sultana II a.m. Id n._ via ports. Hoiiy Wan, 1 p m. Mm-, A'mii I'nrtj, 2 .i.m. il.u<i«li, A Bagan. >om Tor, 2 p.m .-■m.ub.}.i
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  • 91 2 rsMM KIR r: Bj the P.iO. IUMIa <mi Moii.L.v with date, to the May. She brin«t NfUss to ibe mm... which left Singapore on the 4th «v.l Dib Air.l. Apl. I'Hli A;.l. 18th Apl. JH. May l~t M fith Mi; 8 b M .V H'.ili M. M.
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  • 181 2 AEBITALa. Per s Kulmuii from Hongkong: M e»srs. A. H. Dhyte, I. ,v. Uml. Reed, E H. Kpp, and V. r,o.g.r. Per s. Oohaaa from Deli:— Mr. Van Baak, and Rev. F.scher. Per s. h. 1 Apcar from Calcutta via ports: Hey. F W Warne. Messrs. Q.
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  • 132 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 22ND MAY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. PRICE: 10 CENTS. Subtrri/itmn rate* and advertising rat** may be found on the fourth page.] FORMAL OPENING OF THE MANCHESTER CANAL. The Queen has opened the Manchester Canal. On the occasion, the Mayors of Manchester and Salford were knightad. There was immense
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 378 2 Thb political troubles in Servia have come to a head and the King of that country has made a bold stroke for power by suspending the constitution. A crisis has been approaching then* ever since Milan, the present king's father, lost popularity and power by a
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  • 68 2 H. H. t lie Sultan of Pahang, accompanied by Mr. William Hole and a number of followers, arrived at Johore, yesterday morning, in the s.s. Pulai on a visit to H. H tbe Sultan of Johore, and to pay his respects to H. E. the Governor Mr. Clifford was a
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  • 11 2 H. M. S. Peacock arrived to day from Port Dick son.
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  • 12 2 The homeward mail by tbe Tarra closes at 7 a. vi. to-morrow.
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  • 13 2 The Strait* Budget was ready at noon to-day, and posted to the outports.
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  • 12 2 Trc Criminal Assizes were conticued this morning by Mr. Chief Justice Cox.
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  • 19 2 Mi:. Barbbtt of Oregon, tha new U. S. Minister Resident to Siam, arrived at Bangkok on the 12th instant.
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  • 21 2 The aggregate output of tbe Indian coal mines in 1892 was 2,538,000 tons, m against 2,328,000 tons in the previous year.
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  • 25 2 Ob Thursday next, an all day cricket match will bo played on the Esplanade between teams representing tbe S. C. C. aud S. V. A.
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  • 24 2 It is said liiat the outcome of the Victorian Commercial Commission will be a direct steamer service between the Colonies and tbe Indian ports.
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  • 25 2 Thkkb deaths have occurred, within a very short time, at Agra, from enteric fever, in the East Surrey Regiment, vit., Lieuts. Lindsey, Rose, and Walker.
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  • 30 2 A kbtobn just published show* tbe foul Victorian gold yield for last year to have been 671,126 ounces, or 16,670 on. in exoM* of the jiald for th* previous /Mr.
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  • 27 2 Tan new steamer Sultan, intended for tba West Australian trade, is expect*! hero on Thursday, and is advertised to sail for Weat Australian ports on the 30th.
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  • 27 2 Tbb Government offices, the Exchange Banks, and Municipal offices, close on Thursday, in honour of the Queen's Birthday. The Strait* Time* will not issue on that day-
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  • 32 2 Turn French judges in the Phra Tot appeal case were expected at Bangkok last Wednesday. Phra Yot has retained one of the leading Saigon advocates M. Duval to lead in tha defence.
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  • 31 2 Tbb M. M. Tarra from Hongkong arrived this afternoon and anchored off the quarantine station. Shu will remain there until her departure to-morrow (Wednesday). She will not go alongside the wharf.
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  • 46 2 At a meeting of the provisional committee of the Swimming Club, held last evening, it was decided to call a general meeting of members to receive a report of that committee and a financial statement. The Club's position is excellent both as regards membership and finances.
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  • 60 2 Buemab trade seems to be on the wane. The statement for March shows that imports into the several ports of Burma have a total value of nearly 90 lakhs, as against 114-] lakhs of Maich last year, a decrease of nearly a fifth and exports 177 lakhs, against 255 lakhs
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  • 55 2 A dotcm official named Foringer who filled tha post of second grade Controller, has been killed in an amok in Celebes. Tha amok took place on thn 12th instant and the amok-runner killed both the Controller and his wife. A medical officer on the spot escaped with a wound, as
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  • 47 2 Tbb Colonial Secretariat here have heard nothing further from the Government at Hongkong concerning the outbreak of plague there, since Thumdov last. Some surprise is evinced by the authorities here at the want of information, as tbe Hongkong Government were asked to sand daily information to Singapore.
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  • 52 2 In Brit-sh New Guinea a r»criilation bos been passed recently by the authorities, of a unique character. This law empowers tbe magistrate presiding over each district to compel tbe natives residing within his jurisdiction tv plant, and properly tend BO many coconut trees per annum, failure to comply being punishable
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  • 67 2 Omb of the effects of the great fall in exchange a fortnight ago io Bnmbav wm a corner in silver, tbe nrire nf the nietnl rising to Rs. 97 per 100 tolahs. It does not pay bank* to bur si'ver in London and sell in India, owing to tbe continued
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  • 61 2 Tbb Nhanjkai llrrrurv nf the <Ob inst. says: Thesailing-ahir* Biiltton Hill which left N«w York oo thn 24th December U«t, with 93,000 cases of keronine oil. sjaja reported nn shorn between tha two liehtshin* yesterday. She is drawing twentv-twn feet. Two tugs bave been sent to assist in getting her
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  • 67 2 Lr/AHO RATANA YATE. the Advocate General of Siam. has framed a new Siatneae law of evidence based upon Engrliah principles. H<» has also drawn up a scheme fnr a Law School in Rnngknk. on the principles followed in the regulations of the four Inns of Court in England, the purpose
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  • 71 2 Thb Norddeutscber Lloyd nail steamer Preuutn, which is due at Hongkon? from the north about the 28th instant, will not rail in at the port of Honekoncr at all. The Pr***srn remains outside tbe Ho^ekong harbour and only tnk.-s nn boori the mails, by so doing we are advised that
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  • 69 2 Thb s. s. Oreana left Hongkong at ft a.m., on the 15th instant, and on arrival hare has been placed in quarantine. She had on board twenty-two Chineae. Yesterday the Kut Snng arrived from Hongkong and anchored off the quarantine station She brought down about one thousand coolies, and these
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  • 74 2 The change of programme and tbe prospect of winning prizes drew a full tent at Harmston's Circu* last night. Thevents on the programme proved varied and attractive and drew hearty plaudits from the spectators, especially the clowning, trick riding, and sleight of hand. The prizes two watches fell respectively to
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  • 88 2 We (North Ohina Daily A>ir#) are in formed that a letter has been received fr >m Mr. A. R. Burkill from wbich it BMOBM that be had seen the Chairman and Baa*B> taryof tbeStraits Fire Insurance Company, Limited, and so far from the explanations wbich had been made to him
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  • 86 2 Two young recruits joiued tbe Seafortb Highlanders at Ferozeptir tbe otber day. The bearer at the tailor's shop of the regiment brought in two parrot's eggs and kid them quite carelessly on the table with the intention of preserving them. On tbe fourth day one of tbe tailors happened to
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  • 88 2 M. M. Rrrz, Bovvers, and Frit/. Humbert Droz. wbo bare for several months been detained in captivity by the Tonquin nirates have beeu. given iip. Ten piratical bands comprising 700 men, of whom 500 were armed with repeatiug rifle*, bave made their submission, aud as a guarantee of their good
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  • 95 2 who committed the deed to justice t£ traders state that they left HinittVL. March 18th and prodded to" 'R£ near Sumatra. Having sold their 1* they loaded their vessel with native duce and started to return t»8iB«^" Oo the 15th of May. they anchored^ mouth of the river-five day. i^J.
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  • 147 2 Thk Pol.c,- iiihty another column tbe vehicular arrangements f,. r the Birtl day Parade to I*- held on Thursday m.J ing on the Ks|.lm.ide Carriages 'w;|| allowed to |>ass in one direction aofr those comiug from Beach Road dircctioi must proceed past the Cathedral Dl i round tbe Esplanade. Carriage*
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  • 167 2 Is the matter of Lim Ouat I < Cbiat Joo, bankrupt, the summary af debtor's statement of affairs, has jimt b.-eu issued by tbe Official Assignee. Th.erohs liabilities amount to I-U.l IS, and th.. assets, us estimated liy tbe debtor, ar.- M| down at $7,837, leaving a dehYi $36,2"9. That
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  • 179 2 Fundamental sanitary priu.iples teach that, wherever iniinau populations tmtk, tbey cauuot DOBaUlij BBBBJM recurrent |ie»tileutial diseases, unless tbe inbaln:..] ana Im- rabjOOtod lOoh skilled arrant- hum l« as shall BOBp H baliituallv free Innii the excrements .v tlie pOfMUUioO, In Ipi r.eeiit B>Ork on EfygtOß*, Ot. (iiaut, the Proleaaor of
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  • 66 2 Tut. liau.l of tbe 2ud Battalion Lincolnshire RogiflßMl will play tha following programme OSj the Kspiaua.le, on Xi U> h May, commencing at p. m Pkojkammi:. I. Y;.i-- Tnmwim J.-..v«i 1. Selection lm Obafcw de CunutiH. I'lalH|i,.ltr a I'.iiL i Bun J,,u, i. SttwHirii I'iriii'
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  • 428 2 810 GAME. STORMS. ■•I>LE PKOSPgCTS. A BAD ACCIDENT. i Fi'i.i, our CurretpuiuUnt.) Batu Pakat, Mon<l<iy. This weatlier Lere has bct-u very »<|uJN, ami we have bad several severe storms, accompanied by tliuuder, lighting' and Leary fnlia of rain. One ni^ht lant week, we bad nearly 3
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 799 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANT. LIMITED. THB Ptandard Life Assnraoe* Harwich Cnian Fir* Insaranco Society. Atla* Assurance ('ompany (Fire). Th« Bquii«b|.- Lite Aiw-iranoe Society Tk» »>es«B Marine Insurance Company. Th« China Mutual Stnam Navijration Coy Th« Tottenham Lager Bo«r Company. Tho Maritime Insurance Company, Limit.vl. for particulars of th«*« Compunies see the
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    • 1142 2 NOTICEB. I The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. i It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 1024 2 LATEaT AD V BRT 1 8 BM EN T TS. CAKD— -shpßolcers. K rwarding. Pas--■•nt'-r. and 'ctniinissinn ■\g-iit«. ALFKEO E. TURNER i Co.. Leaden hat I H lute. 101, L'-.i i-nlrili street, 21 U Londum. E. C. AGEN'MiAL .\l«etiiur of the members of the Swim. 1 in;; Club will bo
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    • 84 2 M.S.*. Mt*mU4 ft tttt B»is»U TtaMt k»«U U •nltm mm* tUt a/ ISlff ir a«t t By tlu uaUcl IKal anUi. turn aw U.B.S. art r,,,«U4 Ik*! mifal «lkjr»tM U bmbSZ 411 atmrUimf emttrtttM an nt>«t U IU <a»4t<u« IKst ■J ktaM(«r «>Um lIU alMrltaanl Ml a/ IIM «*««r in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 WEATHER REPORT basMßi A'ratau HorpUal, ilst May, 1891. U a m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Bbmabes. Bar. red. il Fah. 1if.*:"" 29.701 2H.823 h Temp 84.5 »7.0 76.8 Wet ::«lb Hier. IM 7^.5 75.4 i Uir. ofWiu.l X W. W. Calm. !J( M..1 IVinp. inthxle !-0.(l 1J iliu. do do
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  • 169 3 konf Dailf I "'<*> •ie meaaures tahcß bT t h* police and eaniury office™. 1 tD »n thirty-four deaths w.-n- n vwU^dav. twenty-tlirrt'.M-curnngoii BBBld nine in the Tun* Wai. 1 1 thai tin- j tmt 0t is prevalent over a widi-r M wtt «t fif»t nuppoeed.
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  • 541 3 ir.K< I. at an ap|»n.ln to his pad ou the work of t lit n.itory, givei SOBM uoti-n on tinI! fffcong, invi -.iinjat.-il from akHrvalMMi At report a) --t tfiiagiiiini i- titOßted tropic*, but the wii.irr is 0001,|iraturf beiagaboal 60 dVg^ I I BMBB 'iiii|~-ratin.-
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  • 167 3 PEARLING AMONG THE DUTCH ISLANDS. Imim hooniir fbtwraW*, < '.iptaiu I.uuikÜb, arrived at Port I»arvin OB the Sid I is of the Hii-t of n laall i LoBOOa |«-,irl-tislnni,' company I wliuli ibc well-tniwii tin-ri hant, koldi big iatanaati He* Iml l"ariti(K was from BfOOBM, W A.sin.c the
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  • 704 3 FlMbm alaM lot. mm hj awi ran uaaoara nocaui in nn mm BTATKS. ..Rl VT STRIKBS IM rKN MHTI.V A.VIA »N*R( HtsM IX MMM, I VKTHVI'AKIS IN (iiiEKi-B. Isr UN THE DAXUBK. N M -,i:i V is BHUn. ;l IStSBM UN MAY HAY. :<rth A r ril.
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  • 172 3 FATALLY ATTACKED BY A CROCODILE. Mi Adam Btbwabt, the maaaajar of (lull Batate, infonae the ßtrmUt lmdtpn dt at ot a horiibl)' im idi'iit which hap|itfned t'lii-ri- on ill.' 10th instant, whi'ii, shortly before midnight. In- m roii-.d bj i-ii's ofdietreee fraai aditoh ia front of tli<coolie line* there. Borrjiag
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  • 140 3 ,UU,h,,h.,,1, ;th Ibf. Major K'upir. Etoyal Artillery, who is will known as a k -11 spoilMiiau Bad Polo Haver, had au exciting adtratsm with a leopard while out ptgettckiog in Agra Diotriel last w.-.-l;. It app.ars be OBBM arross a leopard anil diaaiiißiiUid to bare a
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  • 221 3 I Ht i,c)'i.l itridw iini'li' in tiir null iiidustrv in India witliin llif past d.-culo h.ivi- In ni Bori rMMtrkmbb. h. 1881-82 „i, in. ,1111 pereoaa weta aaploved in tba i I'Mt v-i'iii> m ill-* natiag .it taal Hsm; in LBM-98 the twenty. seven in
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  • 273 3 hit publication ot tbe prospectus of tbe Syria Ottoman Railway Company suggests n, .my interesting; r.-rl.-ctioun to tboee who In In-ve iv the possibility of establishing a traus-Asiao route to India, and of inaiiL'iiratinir a rival to the journey by Egypt and Hi- Red Bea
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  • 290 3 Bzi LVBoM treasure, the imports to British ludia duriug the past financial yaw sliow au almost unpecedeDUd M> paaaioa. Tho total value of merchandise imported iv IBM-M was in rouud uuui-Im-is BS| orana af rupet-s. Last year, it i M to withiu a few lakhs of
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  • 76 3 Bimt*fan, Had Mai). 1894. I Queen's Birthday parade On Aaradaj Best, being Me day appointed for tin- c-lcliration of the anniversary of Her Majesty's Birthday the S. V. A. wi"ll para<le at the brill Hull at 6 a.m. Dn I -Khaki. MHMM, waistbelts and frogs,
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  • 185 3 An tticial statement has been issued by tha Manchester Ship Canal Company, ebovin tha cash balauces and other iivailal.le awts. iucluding the 50<UMX){ reaaißiag out of tha 2,000,000/. authorised to In- lmit by the Manchester Corporation under the Ait of 18!)3, amouuted on Jau. Ist
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  • 358 3 lin ei|ieuditun- ujiod t ludian Artny fur tl..- cuneut year i.s set dowu at Rs. 28,75,97,000, or almost exactly oue-fourth of the entire Budget. It may be |iertioent, says the Calmtta SttUeniian. therefore, especially as we now have contracted an anoONMBBI familiarity with a deficit, to tr.iiv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 \!>\ KKTISKH 10 SAIL I im listl A A, due ilst May. tarta, .lue i;:ird May, n 1 Calcutta, /'im./u'i. "n L'*th Aiutmin. Sultan, due MM Msy. r *nn» an,! J»p» n P.nj Basf, l|u MM ,1,,e tT,. May. <n,l v ,tr», due 2Nth May. IB port-. CUtut. ia June.
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    • 578 3 Q.^ R. LAMB EX T CO. PKOTOORtPH K R S. GRE 8 H A M— H OI'SE, BATTERY ROAD ORCHARD ROAD 18G. Have just unpicked fl Shaw's Patent Hand Cameras complete i plate specially constructed for the climate. A large Assortment nf solid biiiud Albums for Portr»its and views Scrap.
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    • 624 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE &C(X NEW AND POFfJLAJ BOOKS. An Adopted Wife Heavenly Twins Sharps and Flats Princess of Paris In Direst Peril The One Too Mauy Scarboro Romance M. Lindsay Gordon's Poems. A LARGE SELECTION OF MACMILLAN A Cos. "COLONIAL SERIES OF POPULAR WORKS. Colonial Series of Popular Works A.
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    • 1001 3 SHIPPING. POl GENERAL SHIPPING NKWs SEE PAOE V FR BATAVIA. SAMARANU AND SOURABATA. The British steamer CROMARTY, \,96* tons, Captain Duncan, having left Swatow oa the 16th instant, may be expected te arrive here on or abont the 23rd instant, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 154 3 ARRANGEMINTS Tltsdat, 22hi> Mat. Hi«h Water. 11.39 a.m. Wednesday, 23rd Mat M. M homeward Mai closes 7 a.m. High Water. 0.58 p.m. Auction ottruiU P.-rcha at Crane Bros. Sale Rooms. 10.30 a.m. Municipal Commission. Tin «sn\r, 24th Mat. High Water. 0.11 a.m. 1.31 p.m. Tbe Queeu's 75th Birthday. Public Holiday
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    • 164 4 Under tins lieadinir the f.. Mowing abate 1!U--tions are used »lr.— pt-am"r sh. Up; hq.— barque Bril British (T. B.— Halted Stales; r'r. French; Uer. German; Out. Dutch; Jali Jnhara. A.'., i;..-. Oaaacal carjro d.p. deck BaaaaajMta; I'. daaer. tain;T. P. W.— Tanjonjf P»C" Waarf-T. P. IT
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    • 1122 4 Arrivals since Noo.n of Vkstkkday. Kut Saug. Brit. ftr. 1 f.<5 t-.n- < apt. .l:i.-k--•on, Jlst Mhv. From II agkeog, I t i i .Miv. G.c, and •»«>!> d. p. Beiwaiad It Co. For Penan£ and Calcutta IT. Whirf. ifuntrt-iiJ.'i., Spa. *tr. :t il2 t..n-. ,y. V p|uirr.-.
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    • 117 4 «MM, iVW, and D<O<> of IMfcej From Ix>ni>.«n. H..1111 n. Aj.l. IS) i Parain.'tia Ap M| I Qles*lu>l A|. Cnnti.ii. Mi 2j i Cirnartbenaflira May 8; ait M».v 11 I V'-afm "iU\ Deabifhthirs May. I.IVKKI I. Baeffia Mnr 111, Tartar, tpL _"> lej A|.l .'1 X' iiiiuii )l»
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    • 98 4 ARRIV A L S 5 Vksskl'm Name. ru« Ton Km UOM. Haj 21 Continental l'ireiol» S] KutSaux II Malarca II M..i.t-vi.l.-o 2.' Ca1y,,.0 2.' Ara'oon A|nr •II S»m Tor 21 Chow Phy» a K an Ynn« 22 Peacock Hut -tr m rhi.U <r. rtr. 875 Hau Brit. sir. 1193 I
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    • 70 4 !>«k I Vihsil'h Nam I. Xi i A Kin Mn.v. 21 Sm» I Kn »«-> da Loto]« <i ii l.mdun 11 s.-io» 1! I I i-DBiiir H K«r«B^ 22 H« k u II K«-at« H Y«.r» 22 I'.'.n Brit -tr Brit »tr. r.av>nna RilbOTg S.-vmuur Mimbwn HakMCM »i» pof
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 TH McALISTER Co. H.W A SHI I'M 1 JAMES WATSON Co.'s I BLBBRATED SCOTCH WHISKEY. THE DOM 1X1! >i Dominie (Bkek Ltbel. QUABANTEED to vi;aks old. PRICK $10.00 PER CABE. MOALI 8 T E R Co.. Bou Arams. CHOKi: MANILA CKJAKS. ii' H n. iw s..|iin(f a law paraala af
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    • 112 4 SANTAL-MIDY v.ojd. SANTAL-^fDV m* al .ma n an SANTAL-MIDY b. x in 48 hours. SANTAL-L^SDV, 1 of a in bl .c: unita 111 roraaU \Y, The DaaMMary. FOR COLDS, COUGHS, HOARSENESS, AMI AI.I, Throat and Lung DISEASES. A- ,11 emergency lpcli.-in... a safeguard .1 ever-resdy remedy to be ■•l.s-.rrou r
      112 words
    • 645 4 I NOTIUG I THK BRUSB ELECTRL CAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Reddaway's "Camel" Brand Beltin?, the .niiinic il lor iHi*.-r-traiismittinj{ pKapaaw. ObbbVW Str.m": K mns, fire and burglar-proof Doors. Robey ,-iud Co.. i.iitc.iin. l'ortaliln Engines pumping and mining gear. Pulsoineter sßae^aaarasg Oaaapaaj, London Beldam's Patent Engine Packings. 9OL£ AGENTS HOWARTB
      645 words
    • 1228 4 DOCKS. .-.B TAITJONO PAGAR DOC 00. iED. I the i wy are fitnat ■d a i run at sh prt in .arrjln^- paesengnn anl from VVlurf i« i dpaetinatmns at I>w rat -s. The Wba Bt -n to one mile and a quartet and is 'U I 1 by the
      1,228 words
    • 903 4 NOTICKS. Establish*. 1865. TilJiEr. HARGREAVESACO. Enoirbebs. Ibun A Brahs Foundbbh, BoiLBRJtAKBRS, BftlDGB BUILDBRS, SlIT BUILUBRH. GBNKRAL CONTRACTORS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LCMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of beet design and finish. MACHINERY lrom leading British Firm*
      903 words
    • 217 4 NOTICES. ai I. A M I■ XT A 111. PnOTOIIIIAPH K R S. <; uksii a m— ll or s 1;, BATTKUY ROAO OMBABD ROAD 186. Have just MvaaM :i Slmw'i Patent Hau>l Oaaiiiaa eaanleta J plate BMMIb tMslißiltd for the el IllKt. A large AsHortmenl af >„ .i.l baaad
      217 words
    • 140 4 NO TIC, j IMSS MOTION A •metcb, Watch 4 Clo« kisn USa\ Flixt Biib«t Have always on hand a well selected ,i~u gnesr eteSLSIWf ?'«*>«•«. -UJ.H. I'n.ntM l'»r»ll«l ffrcfciT \v..|,n. aMad bj <,ur msbm irajaa■Vparaoa aad r.. X i, t( .riii K tba foc U t res on sppHoauoa. PRAHKBL
      140 words