The Straits Times, 18 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIHD: ltttfl. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1894. NO. 18,321.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1047 1 STEAM.sHir *lES. PunjravLAß and NAVIGATION COM I" NY, Orncs i 011/»r Quay. Wbabvss and Gooowws— New Mm i.imail steamers may be eipe. t.-d to ar- wards and Wave Sinirapore home. tii followtnt date. "TX" IBP*. 1W». 3L ».< I X..-.C, M>. M above dates are only bbmbbmli mt, val. aad
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    • 829 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1 VB KONTKKLJJatI I»\KETV>ART I f HAATBI HAPPIJ. 'net with the Netherlands India <ir.veniirieiit. 'i/,or<-. Ship >«HHil. late •i J- Cot i.ykr Quay. 'ing, Mkssrh Hcitenbach I.ikbkrt A Co. TfaaOeaaaaaq kasaisw) of »> Steamers, ■II *,'eoiiimo<l.itioii for fir»* clann, .I ile. k |i.i«-eiigem, and foi the<r )i>irl
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    • 759 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. For Borneo Portt via Bawean and Sourahaya. On the Bth of ev^ry month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Banjermassin, Pulo Laut, Pauir, lanil Kotei. Oner every month on the 23rd a steamer is despatched to Dongala, Berow, and Bulongan aUo railing
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    • 888 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. ATORDDEUTBCHER LLOYD. ll BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 784 1 INSURANCES. fy UARPIAN FTRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE VF COMPANY. LIFTED, LONDON. EaTABLIBUED 18>1. Subscribed Capital J1.P00.000 Total Invested Funds 4,616,000 Annual Income, 938,000 Th* undersigned, agent* for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short period* of ten days or longer period*, at current rate* to be
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    • 527 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF> uooonnnn PROPRIETORS ..U0.0U0.000 Court or Dibbctobs: Chaibmah— H. HOPPIUB, Esq. DEruTT Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. B.C Mic«*ilki» Ktq. A. BtcCowiCßti, K»). H. H. Jostra, E«q. J. 8 Mosu.Eaq, Hon. J. J. K mwici. D.
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    • 280 1 NOTICES. McALISTER <fe Co. JJ"O "T\ANGIB. ~KTO TVANQKB. A LLIBOWB pATBKT aAJTTY T AMP UNBPILLABLE AMD Self- Extinguishing if upset. Why incur risk to Life and Property when you can bar* the £1 AFBST X AMP ON THB -JLTARKIT mHE -DEBT AND QHEAPJST L AMP McALISTER <fc Co.. SOLE AGENTS.
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  • 537 2 lATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SiHQAPOEa 18th Mat, 1«U PRODUCE. Gambior, 7.45. do Cube No. 1, U.K. do do No. 2, 9.25. Coiira Bali 5^5. do Pontianak, 5.65. Pepper Black 9.90. Sago Flour, Sarawak BJb%. do Brunei 2.00. Pearl Sago, 3.40. Coffee Bali 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake 4.15.
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  • 146 2 For Per ttr. Time To-Mobbow. Culombo ria purt*. Japan. 11 a.m. l>]..nil.:r. KianAun, Sooo. llilntm und Fontianak, Ban Whall IssS), Noon. Kamljurmusin »i» port*, Suaerdttnan, N'uon. Punlmuikk, LubtcL, 2p.8. Krliutiin ii:i p.irt«, Br, TrintfHH, 3p.8. CalcntU tv jxiru. Palamutllm. lp> DsMauak, SriSinlang. 1 p.m. KUiig viu port. Nn;>;>f,u,
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  • 122 2 Kkom Ssaon By tho M. M.» Sajhalien i<ui' on the •.".'u.l in»taut with .latea to the '27th April. Sli.- liriiin* repliet to the mail which left Singapore oa the 'JTih M Fuom China Bj the M. M. Ymrr* duo OD Mt.ii.l iy Apl. lib Api.
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  • 90 2 ABKIVALH. Per b. s. Uiauij Ann from .Samarautr .\I Mil Hani", and Haltinden. Per g. s. >'. i ..i from Madras —Mr*. I'm kertoo, Mr. mid Mn. Hou.-ywill. ami MrRaaiuiya. Per s. s. lllanutri/anfliirr from London Dr. Allan Robertson, and Mr. Godfrey Mitchell. Per s. Hebe from Deli
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  • 103 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY. 18th MAY. 1894 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established ML PRICE: 10 CENTS [Subscription rates and adoertisinj mUt may be found on the fourth page.) PROTEST AGAINST THK ESTATE DUTY. The Council of the Colonial Institute has forwarded a memorial to Sir William Harcourt, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, protesting
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 407 2 The pLi^ue ut Hongkong is n-port.-.l to bear a luilxmi.- chara.ttT from bVi bultoesor glandular swellings notioeaibh in all but the rapidly fatal aMM of this kind of pestilence That the .lis.-,is.- H li<iuld take its rise in ('.niton is nothin.; surprising. aOMeiKTang the unsanitary nditioii
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  • 8 2 Ladt Mitchem.'* reception, yesterday afternoon, was largely attended.
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  • 21 2 The law prohibiting life inaaranoea from being effected in Russia on the tontine astern came into force on the 17th April.
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  • 26 2 The Freiich trade returus for the first three months of this v.-ar show au UMNnM of HMMMWOf. in imports and a JarmaM of 19.500,(K)0f. in exports.
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  • 30 2 The M. M. Coni|<anv's aeaMMC Bafle> lien left ColomlK), at .'> p. in. ou tb'' 17th inst., and may In- expected here on Tu. day, the 22nd imt., in the afternoon.
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  • 28 2 The Russian Miuistry of Fiaaaea bai ilfi-i'lfl in priuciple to mi|.o>.- a bajßOJf duty on all property in Russia left l>y foreigners who havu died within the Empire.
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  • 31 2 Captain Huddi.l, deputy harbour uianter at Siugapore, who is at prceeat in England on leave, has unfortunately been taken with a bad illuess, go a* to delay bit return to office.
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  • 27 2 At the Assi/.-n, this morning. Mr. Chief Justice Cox proceeded with the twelfth case on the OMbbbW, There now remain twenty. three cases to I*- deali with.
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  • 33 2 An Association toot hall match aril] be played thin eveoiu^ ou the fall la nidi, between team* rqin-seutiiiK the B 0.0 ami the Officers of the Garrison, l'lav will commence at 5 o'clock.
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  • 42 2 E»>ob,th are to be made very shortly to get up some races under the aMfttON Of the Rowing Club. If it in be bo WVMftd, the race* will probably take place at the end of ueit mouth, or the begiuniug of July.
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  • 33 2 Thb »se of electricity has so it made it nectary for sentrie, JgJ I war to discard side %tvu\hl dutj. The arm. become it T. > uiaKneti^sd by the dynamo, and JL-SJ compasses.
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  • 29 2 Two Kling detectires anweied Xli B thai morning in River ValW Boa I i* had m his 11 1 In a bundie codu,*!' au amount of Indian jewellery fo
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  • 35 2 Thb yuirautine H.ird r pn I ut tonsideiiug the mibjwt of th. T'- i' (Moeaafan at Suez, with*,,' 0 to.lie.ido|,i,on of Home procedure rS will ke lest obnoxious than that which vow in force. v
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  • 41 2 Thk HMMfIMWI of UN Au^.-CljiDt!. School u« tadeavoariaf lo form au athlet^ Club 1U conn, tloll Witt til,. .S, Ihkjl i. o'clock ou Saturday afternoon a uiw-t, will be held in the School t.. ,1,,, ■object, to which former studeuu iuvited.
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  • 41 2 Thk u.w d.H-k, ia exicusiou WWWltt Dockyard iv Bointnv b u mm beea completed at the amiaiaujz of seventeen lakh*. Il eeven s.iui^fi' Bcrea of spaca, haa a wharfage „t v,,, I'e.-t. and will i,. .1,,,,,.,. lir, t/po arriving in Boa
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  • 54 2 Wt are (fan undemtaud t! u t K r I*' intend, |a dis|o«e af Ins raciue btdlile. whether or not for the Oejrooilol getting some IV.-mli hlood M cannot ut WtriU, Mm* Oarit and aVeiaßs, tii, lonner 1 w.i having won some goad aaafl aiv. we liel.eve, o|,en for a
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  • 52 2 A Hinikmi report.- 1 to the police res. lord** tiiit In- had lieen robbed of lira tioin his house at Tanjoug Pagar. An. other Hindoo eoasfhaßoi to the |ioiu^ that his sou-iu-law had stolen jewetlerr valued at IMO (roai him aud had al to I'euaug. The police have both ca*rs
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  • 81 2 Ihk District Magistrate of Kataut; l'«. dang iv I'ei.ik, re|M>rts that, dunug Manb, Moaoieur Oeiogoo), tin- Haaager af th.h'leucli Mtmug noajaaai n^ted Ulu Beraajaa, and applia I tor a con, land there. The Straits lYadiag BMJ have also Bfpttod for l.iud in Ulu l.eni.uii. and this |..nt of the diotnct
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  • 88 2 koooßona to the Benfoni 9aoa>i under the t rills of tile I 111 rilio.l 'iiilh-M-Coiivetition, the two important fl Mougleni uud Kiaughuug ure < t-.1. <i to China who rt-uouuteH her chum to the UVbaleableterritory ih of Khamo. Infee 11.1V1g.i11.111 of the Irr.iw.nldy liv Clii IH-se sle.llilers ;ind C.)Ualit_V of
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  • 105 2 Ihi enoimoM hiereaea in iaal roar*! yi.-ld of aigU in Java Blade up to BOM extent for the abMorasalrj nmII' <ro|.. The production ol mger .i uioiiu*. .l to i.:>.v.ii» lose, eompamd with 416.&10 tone in Im»J and 899.914 ( in 1891, and the plantere. ia addilioa, obtained high
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  • 104 2 A i.i.KMAN loan of 48,000,1 00 sterling is to 1..- iastird. sa-Ti the fisjsuteitl ,\-u-. and. tor Hi.- thud v.-ir in SUOOeasioD, th« rnaawi la borrowing tnat»um [■dead, il ia me fourth krgji r.ccut jean i lor in 189] £10, ,l borrowed. Like the raat, the lottheoiilittg loan i<
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  • 107 2 I'i:om .1 lVuli.imeiii.ivv return JOO) iaoaed there is obtained aiarl Bgnm ol the cost to tile In. lull GrOfl rillllellt "1 tl."' teni|>orary sterling loans field in lbs last Im I ol the tin. in. ul year. In all, thl £6, >.<«»> "t Treasurr bills, thefl „i £3,ooo,ooo dating fron
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  • 113 2 Tin Boa J. .1 Keewtefc, eaainoHot th.- Llonghoag OWasber of Coawweii stated at a aiaaliag of thai body oa Fn-lav l.i-t 'hit, its ik well known. "1,.--1 nuei financial t.> the trad.- of [nd* throoffb the closing of her mint*, lv- I .1 lit latrotu Lap wta awre en exports
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  • 104 2 Tv Berlin com spondeol of th Utm wrot i April Hili Tl,the OaroMW Bntpin hotbed si According to the investigations ol tne lm- !>. rial Boaid of Health, whose attention was directed to the (ad b> a 1 1 then an al preaeol ten le| ers *J* district of Head,
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  • 127 2 KINIMCIAI. rouditious hftft I <vntl\ itimnlating Anerku Bold pr<«lu'--tion an. l coinage. Tfce director <■! Miut reporta tint the total i of the United BUtee during I to 1,789.061 dm., equal V Ul about :f';.iMM..iHHi doU, .md iho« increaaa ..l 78.4(6 on. oa the output laat year The Philadelphia Mini
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 855 2 rpQE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. THE Standard Life Assurance «n Kire In.urancn Society. I Atlaa A-i.rat mpany I The Equit*'-!" l.if« Amtiranoe Society The Ocean .Marine Insurance Company. na Mutual Stoam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Ln»f"r Beer Company. I The Maritime Insurance Company, ,-a.rtKularn of tlies- C,,ii,p»iiiM« the fall adverti-meM
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    • 1087 2 NO TICKS. Tiie Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and Fi'eucu InJo-Caina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 721 2 .NUi'iClib. JOHN LITTLE &C(X j NEW .\NI» POPULAR BOOKa An Ado,, ,1 Wit--Heavenly Twins Sharps and F alMaeaaa of Pari» In I)irrt-t Peril lea T-k. Kaßf Romanic M. Uadeßf <ionlon"s Poems A LAR<;E SELECTION OF MACMILLAM a cvs. 'colonial series" OF POPUL vR WO. KS. "Colonial Bariaa" »f Popular
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    • 995 2 LATE&T ADVERTTSEMENTa Foil HXTAVIA. SAMARANG AND BOmUaUTA. The British Btcam-r CROSfARTY, i,9M tons, Caotnin D mean, l.iviuif lcfi Swatow on I th« IU h instant, may l«> expected to arrire hare ar about th» 2:{rd instant, and will hay- pr nipt d.<-]>ateli 'or the ahore ports. For frpi^lit or ims-ajr-.
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    • 70 2 M.S.S. t»touU4 ft Ik* Nlraili Tim»t .koi.U b. vnlrr* M*o M.B.S. ar. tajStsl llwl mlf al •llwnna* Is AU a^MtHinnf oonlrart. an n*j«-l to iU ™4i1.«, IKn« la* MtIMH IU *4Mrtu«aMal ohl o/ ia. j..i,-.r M <w mat Mlbr, %ti ,ftmr llm* rW Ugi Mlk «MlUk, The Straits Times has
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 93 2 WEATHER REPORT Katulanq Krabau Uotpital, 17 th jf.ii/, 1891. tta.m. 3p.m. 9 p.m. Bbmabk. B«r. red. il Fah. 2P.805 29.717 29.7M l-iiii- 86.3 88.0 79.0 <■ V\ ut Bnlb Tber. 80.S 80 8 77.S Dir. of Wind N. W. Calm. -5 Max. Tomp. iatba.le 89.5 v Mid do do 75.5
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  • 443 3 r«« iDiToa or tm stbaits times." Vll authorities on foreign polities general agreement that the vital ,votr» of the K«»tern Question his I i. 1 Kurope to C.-ntral Asia. But >H f n w to '.i ie oi war, Ike Brit Orioat. Tin- til or.- n,i,
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  • 334 3 Is renewing the woiking ol tke Opium I paitmeut doring the season l-'.j 1 I .■il Govern inei.t that, il tkf annual average of .".4."i"i ehetts ot opium and the reserve "I 80,000 basts »r" to he niaiutained. tbe cultivatioa mimt boeoaeiderablj in Dg-ofi ia tbe area of
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  • 178 3 I Hk KuHsian ii. apparently I i hi oi Uk thai threaten m nous compvtitios in Ibe cult iMi II .1 Hunt, the tnaiiaaionar ol Korean Cmatonsa, i i >etv interesting paaspbli t indnsln ia Ihe Laad of I itas, where a lain* ero|i praaent, alaMOl wholly moi|
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  • 814 3 THE STRAITS FIRE INSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Io I lit EDITOR Or THE (M 1 II IIISA DAILY NKWS. Si*.— rh- Prasai ITasai just to bawd coutaius a |eit.-r Loin Mr. A. S. Mmrav, ■i Ibe ahote. < I aaoway, m which be ktaaaa tkei bm biter t you of u'h
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  • 412 3 DiUUTOII I'linis DUUMffMMOI prem ni'-'l ;i pragiMßsM list ateniaj ia wweh overv iIM m new mad au ••li'iif change iiiini that ol the apeniag nigfcia. He jiistilicaliou of theoti'.rot |MQ made l.v Mr LON mi the previous eveinn,- was law if on oeejsmasasataa', ami m esaiasa will baOHrt
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  • 48 3 Ihi U.H..1 .1 ili.' tod I.ait.ii. Km. coluhlun- Begianeal will pavi 1 1»«- toUowiag prognutsse <"• I.>|-'., to day OMMMBI iag ill 5 in I VMM K RoyaL rillr 1*1.1110,11. 'He 11..., Andrew. S'lectioll I Sulliuill. thworth. !I IllKsT Maiiduiusf.T JuJ B»tt. Lincolnshire Kiyiuii'Ut.
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  • 1111 3 IDENTICAL Wllll THE OKEAT PLAQUE OF LONDON I formation has been received from Hongkong that tbere have been 130 case* oi bubonic pa Mi- there during tbe last lea days, ciutined to the low classes of Caanaaa, Heavy rain h:n now set in I and there is
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  • 158 3 'Ihe foUewiag telegram was received in Stag p<.ro from Hougloug this afteruoon "Tbe alagw abatiug. Yesterday (17th insi.i sajty law freak cases. Heavy rains continue." I in AKIUVE.; IVr P. V i> s.a I'untiiiattii, from Londnti, April y>. Miss Tealsa, Mr. R. H. Kerr. Dr. l).i
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  • 737 3 Thk pillowing aie the report aud account* to be submitted at the meeting of tbe shareholders in the above Company to be held ou Thursday 31s. May Your diriK'tors heir t -.uhmit the accounls for the half-year ending 3'st Mar h. 1894. Out of the
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  • 195 3 Thk Sub-Cnramittiv of the Piaadi Naval Commission, which bus recently bm making invi-Ktigatinn^ at Toiiiuu. met on April 14th. at tbe Ministry of Mariue to hear the result uf th»- inquiry aud the evidence collected by the delegates. M. Locltroy procpfded to explain the work done by
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  • 65 3 c. c. 2kd xi v. d'cot." lOtb rbot. Phis match is to be played at Tanglin to-morrow comniencicg at 2 p. m. Tbe S. C. C. team is as follows: H S. Atkinson. F. J. Benjafield. F. Brown. C. S. Crane. E. F. H. Edlin, H. W. Firmstooe. J.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 VI ssil.s ADVKKTISED TO SAIL. K.i btagfeeag, flis.ijiKi. due lirth SBBf, Bean Heyi aad 0* K..i- ivu.Uii; nud utta, falamcotta. oa Iffta Maw, Doustsad mi.t > K..r J'tvi I'o.ta, atentor. ..n 2i'th -May. ataawsUawiUe. K.i i sine! la I 1 1 t ■ssasa.en :inh May, ■swaaaiaaaOa. K..r Naaag and
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    • 168 3 T\EAFNESS COMPLETELY CURED A n_v person miiTerii.g fruru Deafnens, Noises iv thn Head, \c., mry learn of a new, simple troatm«nt, which is proving very »ucceeßial in compltttoly curing case- of all kinda. Full particulars, including many unsolicited toetim.iuials and newspaper press noticex, will bn sniit p.i«t free on application.
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    • 602 3 NOTICES. KUPPER'S BEER CHOP. payoso.'The only beer which received any award st the Chicago Exhibition CHUBBS Jr. in SArEs ahi> Lockm. The best in the World. AFOLLINARIS WATKH. The Qusen of table waters. A most healthy sod refreshing drink in tropical countries. $15.00 per case of KM) glass bottles. $7.50
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    • 873 3 BHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING HBWi SEE PAGE I QCBAN BTEAM BHIP COMPAHT. FOR BATAVIA,~SAMARANG. AHD BOURABAYA. The 0.8.8. Co.'s steamer STEtiTOB, Cspt. Peters, is due here on Fridsy, the 18th instant, and k intended tn M il for the sbors porto on Sunday morning at daylight For freight or paxaage,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 141 3 ARRANGEMENTS. Friday. 18th Mat. High Water. 9.35 p.m. Association Football. S. C. GL a, Garri. sun Officers. Music on the Esplanade 5 p.m. Harmston'* Circus 9 p.m. Saturday 19th May. High Water. 10.33 a.m. 10.7 a.m. Full Moon 11.38 D.m. Furniture Auction at Mount Sophia Powell Co. 2 p.m. Cricket
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    • 149 4 Under this heading tlin following abhreviations arfl nsed i str.— st'winer sh. ship bq.— barque Brit —British i U. S.— TTnitml States Fr.— French Ger.— German Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johore; 4c., G.c. Geunral carifo d. p.— deck passengers l T IJuvrtain T. P. W.— Tanjonjf Pa^ar Wharf
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    • 1023 4 Arrivals since Noon of Yestekdav. Ruby, Brit. str. 149 tons, Capt. DVruze. 17; May. From Palembantf, May. G.c.. i. 17 d. p. Wee Bin A. Co. For Muntok 1' .!-mi 19th.— Eds. Lubeck, Ger. itr. 231 tons, Capt. Storm. 17tli May. From Pontianak, 15th May. G. c,
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    • 125 4 Name, Pert, and Date uf Hail in i From London. Bomlmy, A|.l. IH. Pariminttn Ajjl Mj (ilm-liie! Afil IB t'antnti. May J; ('nriimrlliiMisliiri' May 8 Britannia May 11 < >enana. May IS Di>iilji((li«liir(' May. LlVEßl'of.l. HMfgtt Mar. ]'<. Titi A|.l. -2~> BtMtor A|.l. 11 nog Bom A|>l.
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    • 102 4 ARKI V A L S M FLAU 2 Vimil'i Name. a Tons, c'ai >us a Riu ban M.y 17 ,Siru Brit.itr. Ml H.rdcutle 17 Olamorßan.hire itr. IMI Vytyun 17 -n SinUug Dut. ttr. 147 NaUl -in 17 Ruby 14!> D'CraM 17 Lubeck 0»r. -tr. Bl Bto 17 Rauia Blu.
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    • 42 4 M.» 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Print* Date Vihhel's Name. Flau Kl. Ca*T*J« h«-tinat 1> t r r K p»Haj.h Hrookn 8«r. utr. Jove i' lu I»y»« »ndPubli»hodbyHKNEYTEKOAKiKh:N»tth, .StraiwT.ui.- Ft*** OrMn, Siu^»pore, Straits S«ttl»menti
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 541 4 NOTICES. THE BRUSB BLBCTMCAL BNOIWBERING OOMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Rrddaway's Caraol Brand Belting, the moNt ecuuomicil for powor-trnnsinittinK piirpo»e>. Cluibli^' Strong Rooms, fire and burglar-proof Doors. Robey and Co., Lincoln. Portable Enginen, pumping and m iiiinvr (Tear. I'uUometer Eu>rinßeiiiin (,'oinpanv, London. Boldaui's Patent Engine Packings. BOLI ACiENTS HONVAKTH BRSKINE, LIMITED nuNH
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    • 1457 4 DOCKS. 'PHB TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. X LIMITED. The premi<ns of the Company are situated at Tanj-m I.i ;»r adjoining the town M Singapore. Steam tram-cars run at short intervals arrylni; passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at lo* rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter
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    • 901 4 NOTICES. EsUblishec 186 S. 1)1 I. E V. HAKORBAVBS&O 0. Eroiheeu, Iron k Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridob Builders, Shu* builders. General Contractors. BINGAPORB k KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YABD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish.
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    • 278 4 NOTICES. THE PETE RIVER DOCK PCITANO. The aboTe Dock, situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened and is now of the following dimensions i Length on the blocks 330 foet. Breadth at entrance Depth of water on sill at ordinary
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    • 321 4 1 NOTICES. FORIW4. T HE HOUSEHOLDERS' BA ZAA R N«W A»I) iMPBOVtn EDITIOK A oonT«niently arranged hoot in wkUL the cook can enter daily all house „ld\! r n«-». with a separate column for j* in the week a separate page for each w M f^J the year, and a
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