The Straits Times, 16 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 18JiJ. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1894. NO. 18,819.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 498 1 STEAMBHIP COMPANIES Ofh WaAavaaaad Ooouwm-: I* > -tail alaaiara may I* t .rdsaad laareHiaga|. i U. fol)0~ia« 1 IWTWABM 'ABM Tfc#a*« I ,rri«»l" a *aaa«t«jfa mm '■l«r-.-illm an 1 I mloa is the same as t. v M W I NAT: IT. |H bound pan. noa. BreriAl. m I i««u.~t
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    • 401 1 HIP COM, -A MIS. DXI KKTV.iAI.T iPPIJ. '.'•■therUii'ls v/UAT. I dation for lirst c!shh, I foi the etrie l.'ht and »!..l all Jara'a North nd Hn tok in eon- 1 1 I< of jsni.-iatra's ria Wai 1.-iigkalij I Bdl mi 1 <li w>!l ba called at 1 ur i-eks. (-MNKLIJKE
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    • 688 1 PTEAMRHIP COM TAN IKS. ran n I'orts via Bawean and .sourabaya. < In the SIII of nv«ry month a steamer runs in thin direction taking direct cargo and pas- Banjeraa«sin. Pnlo Lant, Passir, snd Komi. Or>cen;ri bmbvß: M the 2:ird a «toainer is des|«icl .<1 !o Hoiiifnla, Berow, and Bulongan
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    • 902 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDETTSCIIKK LLOYD. BREIIKX. The tint sn.l .wll-kii'.wii slcsmeri. of this line run regularly lietwoen Bremerhavcn and Shanghai, calling .11 route at Antwerp, Southampton. Genoa, Nap.--. I'<rt Ssid, Suez, Aden, Colomlw, ."-in^ajMire, i.ncl Hongkong. lv connection with tho arrivals and d<v iwirtiire.s i.f the-e bbbJl -t.iiiH-rs, the 1 -pany's
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    • 775 1 INSUBAyCBB. GrjARPr < K-i.',; t Xl> LIFE A^S r COMPANY, Uy.TXD, LONDON. Eoiabli. Uk:- Subscribed Capital ToUl Invr»t«l rur.V 4,518,000 Annual income, 988/fcO The nn<l.-r> Ig—a, agrnts tor tne above Com* ptny, are rrcjmred to accapt fire risks for ahort periods oftendi.ysor lcr.;er porioda. at current rate* to be named
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    • 562 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 sioonoono PROPRIETORS J ..U0.000,000 Coiiar or Dirbctobs; Chairman- H. HOPPIUS, Eaq. Depvtt Chaibkan— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Em). S.i\Mi.H»tu.o» Ekj. A. McCo»ac»i«, E*). H. H. jMrra. Eaq. J. a.K05.N.K.,1. H..n J. J. Inwm. I). K
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    • 724 1 I NOTICEB. lAELLV AND WALSH, LIaTTTVD. POPULAR NEW BOOKS. Hygiene and Diseases of Warm Climate* by And. DaviiNon with Engravings and FullI'age Plates |18.00 Itri- It.ri it« Nature, Caused, Means of Arrest, Etc.. by Pekelhariwr mi Winkl.r «.00 The Medical Annual and Practitionsr'a Inil.-i, 1994, Twelfth Year 4.50 Beri-Beri
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  • 445 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SisdAPORB 16th Mat, 1894. PRODUCE. Gambier, 7.45. do Cube No. 1, 12.25. do do No. 2, 8.25. Copra Bali, 5.95. do Pontianak, 5.65. Pepper Black "-87^. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.32 V do Brunei 2.00. Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee Bali 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 76 2 The following were the London prices of aartahl shares as received by the mail of 20th April Banks. £20 all pd. The Chartered ...£2l to 22 tS»% The H'kong S'ghai. ..i* M £25 fl2' a pd. Mercantile Bank A shares 12'^. B shares sto 6. £10 j If pd.Bk.of China,
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  • 97 2 For Per itr. Hrn To-Mobrow. P. liran.Uu BUlilvu, 7 a.m. Hutu Pahat, I .1 9 a.m. New York, /'.,n P/. 1 1 N M u Mu.r, B|m Vi»s, 2 m. l'eciB»»li» A Bugau, tiam Tor, 2 p.m. M&lucea and Klat.K, Chuw Phya, 2 p.m. Kuncoua vu port*, Riv,
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  • 117 2 tmm Kuropb i By the M. M. r. Saglnlitn .lac on tin- S3nl in-t»nt aaBM to the 27th April. Slif Maai r.'pli." to the wliich Mt Singapure on the 271h M .rch. From China: 3y the M. H. »t.»m.r)ii dna on M.n..l iy. 91 1
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  • 225 2 ARRIVALS. Per k. SaapaN from Sourabya Mr. Dnumau. Per 8. s. «,y,i/i Anaahl from Sarawak Major F. hay. aud Mr. D«»hon. Per P. 0. Sw.irif from Hongkong Lt- |A. W. Wyl.i... John Lnoa, aud Jamex Johns. From Kobe i Col. Spea'mau, Mm. Spearmau, nud Mies Sutherland. DEPARTURES. Per
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  • 160 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY. 16TH MAY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. KsTAHl.|si|K'> 18(1, PRICK: 10 KNTS. [ nBaM "i<l awWrfawaj rwUt may be found on thr fourth ftft. ItIiAZIL AND POhmJOAL. In consequenco of the liarlmunii,' of Da Oama and other insurgents on hard the Portuguese warships at Kio de Janeiro, the pneific
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 471 2 Consul C. F. Trhmi.ett's repod oa tbo tradi". «-omnifr.>'. and navigation of Saigon, last Jtar, drals hayjaly with the rio« trade of that |M>rt ii|h.ii which Sm-a-porc drawn hcarilv for lit sti|ipli t s The export of ri<v from Sai-_r.>n in reached orer ahwea arilKnaa of pinJa.
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  • 472 2 I>rl-.\k«n:«sss as ,i pin lor the fulfilment of i .iitnut baa been >u> fully pleaded iii ill Bapreaae Ooarl of Bmyapara. Mr. Jamtiee Law hai decided that v..v .^illicit, at bur, ooajpel the fultilinent of a contract thai Hi Bade it a time wli.n one of the ffflmfntinfl
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  • 19 2 l.v.v HmUU, will hold ,i re,e,,t 1011 to-morrow, I l'hursdav.i at p hi T1,.,. Will Im. |»wi te,,,,,. lhfrf
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  • 21 2 Ma.m.k Wil.v aid Mi. \v,l,. v tN anoag the paaaraejen who leav.'- t hi« evening lor Londoa ia tht P Sfwral
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  • 36 2 I'ur ihipnenr«of eofbafroai famOra Menoo, dariog Janaarj :unl iWhraan thu »*nr were the Ba>Tieel r*ai in OWII During thoae months over i (Mexican) wo*th of o.ff.v kl M from Vcra Cru/ to the Tinted State.
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  • 39 2 Tm: British North Bomlt i (Messrs. tiuthri,. ACO that the Victoria CitT.e Batata, thepropertf of the late I. Chrialiaa, aaj l»r. Chap in iii's Su^ar Batata, Kudat, wiU lie -old liv pulilic auction on the l»t Jult at Kudat
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  • 49 2 Bi I ist ilv from Fiji, to Boo are npataai IhanJah month ac tabouma aa sugar e»;»t rt With Jane, eaoKae, Potrnaaiait, ao.l Fijiaus, tli.' phwtora will liave a So.' mixture and a man to work them will hit. to b( a hn.Miist as well as a planter.
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  • 51 2 »'i. arc u n,'ii to und.Tiii.iiid tUt th«v !•> hhortlv to 1... puselile.) to I he Singapurr BowiagClab, a eoath ehaatpioa*bip cap, Ihe donor beiog in Sum 'Vhentl i| Ibe ciiiiuittcc will de.ide whethii the cup sh ,11 lie for coin i H't it ion in B)Bgh« doable k nils,
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  • 48 2 Til Assist. mt ot l.iio.l'. (Sarawak ia h.s report for March, not« that scvcml applioatioM bar* i»h-u innJi' for bind than for codec rrliatiaf Tbr general itnta of ooflee intha district appean t,. be tatufaxtory, and a aaaibarof I)rtki are now begianiog to build oa tht 1
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  • 62 2 H\i:>: i,\ 1 ii. us gajVe another til.. OMaflll 1 1 1', in in tO I crowded boOM lis: eveniag. Tin- aftamoM «,t 4 o'clock then- is a 1 r. .11 111,111. c for children, ao-1 another on Batardaj ;it th>. Mime tmui will be 1 1 i ir 1
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  • 63 2 Tm. Royal rVgrieotturaJ mid 1 cial Society ..t Britiah < hare efhnJ a miiii of 1800 from the fll of tbf Societv. .hi tbe award ol it* Agricol'anl ('.iniiiiiHcc, for Ibe beet iaforoi fora 80tb Beptenbrr aaxt, (oraaiapi •>• 1 Way ol prudaring caramel, otatl n- i with it*
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  • 86 2 'I'hk Glengarry ean,whiea baa far up ».irds of 1 qaartef of ;i eentai |,ii 1 ..I ill.- i j i j uniform of the Kri n, liil.iiitiv sol. her, if BOW BHa I in pfeead bj .1 cap with hVi| ■hade tl rea and pratat I Theee lapa, whaa not
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  • 83 2 Ihk report oa the Beaugor Pu for 1899 not that a M brae foi iog Hi.- brigade! in the I w lugea was -iii. untied to Gow ram tbe year by th<' captain, aiw I organiaed and drilled a brigade al KiuK (i.h.iallv tpeaking, the year ha« be»u marked by
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  • 69 2 hi i. in., the (ortheoaußfj ii-uvi. ot the Cbioeai leal ia PechUi, Admiral Ciog ol tbe tleet mil be in command, and ■<■ veaaeb takiag part ia the aw will not be laai thaa thirty. ■ayaa Shanghai ooateapoi v Lothe Niin.i'.' or Liaaffkiaaa I rhraa, mm i.t Admiral Fu, b.
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  • 67 2 oi:i, is., to a aatiti of the North China Dai* ivndicate ol ißarehanU i Hooskong intend toeetobliah cotl nnlls ,it the tOWB Of V.n|..i. U with .i capitaJ of V tbotuaod shares of |100 each. I M ill employ at the begioaiog ot tl prias 500"hande,of wboai female*. The,.,-! v
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  • 87 2 Tm flbnmHß Om Brooke arrived then on bi. rrturi Kuro, i th. „n ibe Bajan't aimi i,,r lakiog territory ol the Bntisfa North Bow aod, n tieiog the I the offer to becoo dy the thai cumtry. tl'»t I W Su.-li an •opoißtmeul, apart that for«ii»dep.iHl«m Kul-r wrvanl of trading
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 763 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. fTIHg SUndard Life Asanranee >ciety. Altai k—mnmm o*maeaj IV* ■paay. Th« China Mutual Steam Navigation oy Tho Tottenham l^ger Boer Ci.ini«ny. The Maritime Insurance. Ccmpany, Limit.wl. Fir i«rticulars of tlie^n Companiea ac« tb* full adVertisement of THK BORHKO< OHPANY, LTD AffaatJ mm. i s Uffl AMOBUMOI
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    • 923 2 NOTICES. Tiie Straits Times haa the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 283 2 uric lib. McALISTER Co. iyo I\AN<iJEK IV'O TAANtiEK A LUSMI UATENT yJAFETY r AMP lIIIPILLABLI AMD ijelf-Eztinguifilrng if upset. Why incur risk to L fe and Property when yi.u can have the QAJBBT T A Ml' o\ THE VTARKET rpHE OEST AND IHEAPEST L AMP McALLSTER Co.. SOLE AGENTS. ITARNE.SS
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    • 909 2 LATE&T ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ETE SIGHT! We have add d to onr business a Patent (Ip»iin»ter. capab'e of Tes'ing the Eye eight uf any person and n gisteriug the focus. Apply to JASiES MOTION A Co. U I Fdnt Street. To U BOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION^ Thf Victoria CorrE« Estate, Kudat
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    • 76 2 U.H.S. inltidtd fat tht Mntta r<«wa iH/>«U W wnttm m. Wli4llf Ul^fH (ml,. By IV. Mfl.rt tflUI nmtv. v 8 s I«JmM »^>t ""*»>l odwrotM U AU a^Mrtimtf mlrub an tutjtct I» laa m>4lHm lIuU th* an<|«iuvUH IU vieTtumunt ml r*|wr M Wl/ pr.»o/ matter. 6nt ul«f)«.r thm* («*r 4.v«
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 94 2 WEATHER REPOK'I Kandang Krabau Jfcajltal, Utk Hay, 181)1. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Bimarii. Bar. re.l. 32 Fah. Bftjaj 2H.736 29.7f,l 1 Tem|i 86.U 90.0 83.8 S SVct Hull) Ther. W).4 79.0 77.7 Dir. of Wind s.w. W. w h.w Mai. Temp, ia shade !H).6 et Z Mm do
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  • 811 3 DRUNKENNESS SUCCESSFYLLY PLEADED. :> \A<' r:l 1.1- N \1 i, \/./iil,ii irt jiidk.'m. Nt was BMBMg i iw. The pUintiff Isaac Bllmod, ,i,i of $115 for food* re- I the trtni mi >. ia.ii t Hiliintltd that tin- go ids ,mi. but. .a tli- tun.- I into In- alleged ■M
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  • 63 3 vnk hai tmmta the Il.'tlti.'.ltlOll It I- lier.'l.) 1...t,H.'.i bj < ■"MM1.111.l ot 111-. jsh that 11. i M..-t GMeiom rim Queen iod Emprma ap »llene> Sir Charlea Mul en Governor <A Bmp Chief of tl'" Btrait* I ..I:. I II lierel.v iim .-in 1 mnwi
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  • 47 3 D t .ken at .i lower rate than The 'ilhly from Ut July. -1 7,100, r menaem, I lle'lith pnn- bj win, h pavuj. lit t..r opium is llg i four) ence, in- i i. r.-»ei,t high nXn "ituin lU rlf.
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  • 856 3 the 1> baling So, n ti »as eveaiag iv the Town Mali, the w i: CoUyei (Piwid—t) la the cbair. The subjeel 1,, diecuseioa wa* That it is advisable to uitioduc the principle of ihe K.'l.r.U'liiiii into the Bntieh Political Bjatam." Mr. A.
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  • 212 3 Tiik. Pan- corTeeu «deal of the Datlf chc,-Hi> (April 1- b)talagraphathat M.da I. in., <; n.Tiinr of the I reach' poaaaa-[ndo-China, refnaai to answer any queattons on the subjeel of the fata tt three Preach priaouera in th'" baadaol th" Annaiiiiie pirat. s M iioty,
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  • 118 3 Thb Viper, left Bangkok on the 6th instant, for Chantabooa to relieye tinPluvier which «a> to pi on d to Saigon or ll.itieli for the tline Fn 11- di jiid.'i s and ting conn* 1 in the Phi.. Tot case i api eal Tbt j w«w
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  • 34 3 TM«Javapaper»publinb telegrams giving ili. I'm mat ion ol the new Dutch Ministry M rdiowi i{.»ii VaaderKaaj VaaHoatoa >"'■ VaaderWyek Sprengcr v.m Eyel nnnnw. ll r Van der llev.l.i. Public i\,,rl.. B»r,f.uiii
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  • 283 3 Via Man, l,,. ArFAIK* IN SPAIN. omiissAaiAT couacPTMv Madrid. Mth April. An animated debate on tlie Melilla affair ha- U-eii commenced in the Coiignws. Tin- .-iip-.ine Couiieil of War, reviewing III" pr ee-s recently instituted with referenco t,. the latter* ef *aanasiaaßrinl stores at the 'arrai',l Arsi-'nal, has
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  • 309 3 A RUSSIAN ATTACKED BY A CHINESE MOB. \\k I.mmi that a liussi tn gentleman, who went up to the Tang tow tali l list iicls lo nuke oli-ervalious aaj the Chin m sjada oi preparnag tea and other mat-t-is i ,iuiieeti therewith, had a very narrow eaeape from bang stoned
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  • 413 3 tUII IN HuN>iKON«. The p. siili-ntial distus", or plauue a» it i* callid iv Canton, appi-ais to become WorM and svorse day by day. It is vow ■pifding to Honaiii and Falshau. where, although not many fatal cis.'s have 1., ,ii m'|ioil.'.l, tli.- inhabitants are iv
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  • 249 3 DncONOra the <iu<-stioii of »[>w<l iv warabtpa, tlic lii'Hiit Atrmt draws attention to tbe ofaatMMJl <>[ tin' Hnli.sli Aihuiraltv in adberiag to low speed whon other v. .M. us arc striving their utmost to vain the .i,|v.i'itai;f iv this IMfMMt. Tbe new Fivn -1) lini'-of-liiittlr >hips are
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  • 585 3 Thk jVatkaaj InHjH-ctor ( of l*oliaa in forwaidin^ vi som»- information reirnrrling tbf Destitute Stranpers Aid S<>.' <-ty, a B'>cietv whimo ask*)e*jea is net geoemllv known, sm that tb^ teaaptv is urg-utlv in need of fund*. Mr. B--1I in giving a brief retrospect of the
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  • 351 3 Ta/apu BrnmtUmjui—Oa the luth April, Me. sis. Tata's steamship Azamor. which arrived at Ivobe, brought 780 bales of it ton besides those ordered by the Japan Cotton Spinners' Union. Though the Azamor is oi.e of the vessels commissioned to compete with the P. O. Compauv ou the
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  • 175 3 Thk I'.iri* corn .spoudout of tin- Diiily A'eic* wiiteu Tlie luteruational Sauitarv Confereure has not merely dealt with tin- QMStioa of how to pit-vi'Ut Indian pilglHN fioiu l)riuj;itiLJ «.holer.i to Mi'cca, but h.i» laid dowu a code of regulations for bucli pilgrMM, C.iptaiou are to refuse to
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  • 190 3 Thk Haud of the i>d<l Battalion Lincolnshire Regimeut will play the following programme <>l. the Esplanade ou Friday lrtth May, eOMMCUg at ~> p. tn Pkuokamme 1. v «lm... Tnremlor B*yaL 'J. Selection Leu Clothe* de Cornrrilt, Planquotte. iv.ika }(<■„ Jmm Aidrew. Selection Pirate* s/P«aamei Bnllivan.
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  • 175 3 Taa Shanghai team tired on the ith inst. in the morning and only succeeded in maleinn a of 7CO points against 823 and Hi 7 made by HongkoDg and Singapore respectively. Tbis poor result is probably attributable chiefly to the sudden change of the climatic
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 592 3 T\EAFNESS COMPLETELY CURKD Any per-, ,ii stiff uriug from Deafness, Noises in the Head, Ac, may learn of a new, simple Iroatnient, which is proving very successful in completely curing cases of all kinds. Full particulars, including many unsolicited testimonials and newspsjMT press notices, will lie sent post free on
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    • 688 3 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS. PROVISION DEFT. Fresh Assortment of Treleman and Droa', Dutch Provisions Ac. in 1 and 2 Ib. Tins. Celery in Qravy, Champignons. Spinach, Qreen Peas. Cauliflower, Turnip*. Apple Sauce. Brown Haricot Btans. FISH AND MEATS Stoek6sh. Red Herring*. Freed Herrings. Fried eels. Fresh Dutch Salmon. Minced Veal Truffled.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 98 3 ARRANGEMENTS. Wkdnksiiat, 16th Mat High Wain. Hl9 p.m. Hariustou's Circus. 4 aud p. in Thursdat. 17th Mat. High Water tl ;i.uj. aud p.m. Ladr Mitchell's Reception sp. in Friday, 18th Mat. High Water. 949 a.m. 9.35 pm. Association Football. S. C. C. v. Garrisou Officers. Music ou the Esplaoaile •>
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    • 144 4 Under this lit>a.linif tlio follmviriLT ulilir.'vintioiw aro imod str— st. -amor s!i. ship: h< Iwiniue; Brit British U. S— lnit.,l SUtps; Fr— French; G<>r— C.rmnn; Dut— Dutch; Jcih.— Joliurc Ac. <}.<• I li-ii-nl carifo; d. p.— deck |ia*u"ii(ri>rs I. li rtßiii;T. P. W.— TiMijonjr Wkarf;T. P.
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    • 1098 4 ARRIVALS SI NCI NnON OK fBRfikOAT. Surnl, P. 4- O. str. 1,r,7r. toin. (apt .l.pli^.n. lith May. From Shanghai Mh May. P. .V 0. Coy. For Bombay. 10th. Wharf. DtvavNmjtr, Brit. »tr. 1,057 tons, (apt In-w-orth. 15th May. From Baaghaaaj Mh May. O. c, and :U7 d. p,
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    • 127 4 Name. Pert, and Date of Saihn i Kkom London (ilamorgaaehire Apl II rlouhay, Apl. 18; l'Rraiiinlla Apl M i,..n-1,i,-! Ap! K 'an toll. May J Carmartheaahire Mm Britannia Hay II < '■•.aim. May SB Daßbighahire May LivKk/'.c/i. Bnergu Mar 16; 'l'«rtar, Apl. SS Bteator Apl. 11 l'itiif Sui'v
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    • 153 4 j V«88EL» NAMK. XI.A,. A rToai. (Aii vis. i SaJUO. ..N»i...yii» U I Vviiwonir-' 13 Kony»«' 15 N.ini Soon SenK IS Altair IS I', <t Rirk«en 15 Sur.t I-: K,..i, 1 in i-»b. n» 18 Sam Tor II Will U' the Wiip 16 Srie PegaUu 16 Rajah Brookr tint.
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    • 101 4 Date Vessel's Nami. Kl.A'. Blfl mm us Dana* M«jt. IK Hod/ Win IB SaUdin 1 *> Singapore 16 II Hi P»k«n 16 Malnrcu 16 NiatOWa 1U DerawoiiVM! 15 HUUtoa I" Kmn Yarn; Irt Mir»t M si»k M Dwta I. Tut llonit W U Im S.kjii S.HK 16 I.Jr ti11...
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 506 4 NOTICES. THK TAVJOHG PAOAB DOOK COMt'ANV. LIMITED Notice i« hereliy given that from the I July next, th" ('.nnpiny'* wharfage elmrgpn on coal will l» SO ent« per ton inwardt* and :i0 cento p»r ton nutwardK. The charge upon all general cargo landed at the Company's Wharves *j |nh or
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    • 1332 4 DOCKS. r r\HM TANJONO PAGAR DOCK CO. J. LIMITED. 'J'h' 1 pr..mii"* of the •'■inpi'iy are a*. Tanj'.n; l'.i^ar »Aii t.nvn of Sin^fkp re. ttu:u tntuvcan ruAit short* arryin,' patßMfMe nil 1 H'Wll from Wharf to duntiniti'.ns At I' iur rat 1. B The Waai NO) nh
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    • 904 4 NOTICES. £rtabli*he& 1865. "piI.EY, HARGRBAVBS4CO. Ehoineers, Iboh Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridoe Builders, Shu* builders. General Cohtractobs. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. BHIP BUILDINQ YARD. HIGH elaa* STEAM VESSELS alway* nnder construction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. lenfrth of keel, of beat design and finish. If ACHINERT irom leading British Finns
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    • 120 4 NOTICES. 1 LAJARD FRERES Bordeaux Claret. Fronsac, Chateau Citran, Chateau Moolu. HOCKS. Scharlachber(rer, Oeisenheimor, Htideaheimer Hochheimer, Bodenhoimer, Guiitornhiiimor— MaW WHISKY. AULD SCOTTI E. Sol* Importer* for the St,/ut« S«ttl..T.,.iits BEHR A do. ASCHIDS J. D' A. PEREIRA. Hobticoltubist ami Florist. Collector ani> Expoktkr ok Omumm. Orders for BouqiiKt HMfa Ar
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    • 206 4 NOTICES. roi 1 Hook A Hlk New and Improved Edition I .■0,n,.,,i..,,,l v arranirml Wk in mtt th, r,»k ran pult daily .11 hou wHk a HH,«r.t-. rolumn for ZS J* in Ik* wrek. a ll|Hllt for M ch T* T llllifa?M > l lrilt for """uUnaiJ PBICI ONE iOUAB,
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