The Straits Times, 15 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1«*1. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1894. NO. 18,318.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 722 1 nr company Or» W «»ii»Si- and Goaowm Ri Tm irail aUaaMin may ba «z] r-l. anH l«v» Smgar-i. r« dat^a arf only apj may U-. r ri I a -y SPECIAL M ICS. nipany's few Har- I by Fir* will n %x I .'irn aft* r the ft i»l. acd
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    • 1464 1 Ml' CUM TAMES. DE CONINXLIJatB PAKETVAAUT LPPIJ. linl-r eonfrad with tli^ Neth.irlands imlia < '..\.-r hi -nt. I BI I V. I.\TK J I O«u.tkbQvat. i --amors, ..Mii'wxlalion iirst -Ishh, j :n .1 .1.-- k i fin the I •trie lil'M and m i .i! ta Htef rabafU and
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    • 887 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TVTORDDEUTSCHEFi LLOYD. 1> BKEMEN. Tho fa«t ami w-:l-kii'-wn steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhsven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, fieiiij), Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, ('olomlm, Singajiore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals ard departures of theco mail steamers, the Comtanv's stnamer
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    • 781 1 INSURAXCI-s. GCAWnnv 'TRE AND LIFE ASSTJBASCF COMPANY, LIFTED, LONDON. EbtarlistiXO 1821. SnbacribedCapi'ol 42,000,000 Total Invented Funds, 4..61R.000 Annual Income, 938,000 ThM undersiga-i. agents for tne above Company, are propared to accept flx« risks for short periods of ten dnys or longer periods, at current rate* to be named on application
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    • 550 1 BANKB. HONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFT unftnnftnn PROPRIETORS J ..»10,000,000 Coubt or DmacToas: Chairman— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Dipctt Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. Ii c sr CI "«'J«'» E*|. A. McCoilcMi, Ew). E J 8 ■Tosss.Em. Hon. J. J. Ktswirt. D.
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    • 356 1 NOncEs. McALISTER Co. 2^'DS pATENT A NTIFOULIKO DAINT The beet paint in the Market has been applied to the following owner's hoato. Ifeatra. Lindsay Graoie A Coy. J. T. Rennie Son Coy. Mrllwraith McEachran A Co. Gellatly Hankey Sewell A Coy. Carlisle and Company. The Greenock S. S. Company. McALISTER
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  • 536 2 LATEST MA RKET QUOTATIONS. Sinoaporb l. p >TH May. 189 V. PRODUCE. Gaiu'nier, 7.-J;,. do Cube No. 1, 12.25. do do No. 2, <>.25. Copra Bali 5.95. do Pontianak, .Vim. Peppor Black 9.87%. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.321--do Brunei 2.00. Pearl Sago, 3.40. Coffeo Bali 40. Coffee Liberian, H.V> Tapioca
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  • 114 2 I?O1 r,r ,tr l.u.r 1 U-MOBBOW. KUn* via port«. Hong Wan, 1 p Buloaaan v k po-t«, Viilnr, I p m Frenuatie via purtj, Saladiti. 'Jpn i.uiiu.o.. Suiynuore, 2 1 .m Bangkok. Htfilti, 2pm. Dali Tia port>. Sumatra. 3 p.m. Ooli, Calupto, 3 p.m. IVlok Aooon via iort-,
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  • 112 2 Kb,im Ki.h.,l-1. Sy the H. M »t.-uiiier »'«>•'« (>a<- ou tbe 2rM iv.t ut w.tli (latea to the j;th Api il Shr (iriiitf* replic-. to thi- mail which Ht singniiorc un Iha 27ih M .r.-li. 'it t f:ijior'' A,. I. Ill, A|.J. "it !i A pi. lUlh
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  • 277 2 ARRIVALS. Per s. g. D? Curpentier t rom BatATia Messrs. A. Wilkins. and Toote. Per 8. a. Mimilii from Lomlou Dr. Rmlel. Per 8. h. Wing Sang from Calcutta:— Mussrs. V. G. Pigott, Hare, and Rinj(wood. Per 8. Friijiju from Hamburg i Messrs.. Kirateofeld, aud Hutteobacli. Per M.
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  • 303 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY. 15th MAY. 1894. RKUTER 'S TELE GR A MS Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS SubtcriptiiHi rat** nnd H'leerti*in<j raBM may be found on the fourth y.,,./. BOMH EXPLOSION AT PARIS. A bomb has exploded iv the Rue Kleber at Paris. Tbere were no casualties resulting, and the
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  • 146 2 Oor Loudou aanaaaawwaat, writiag uader date of 20tb April, says: —Tbere is nothing of «|>ecial interest to Singapore la eomniunieate by this mail. Tbe <|iiestiou of tbe Military Contribution has not yet beeu raised ou the Estimates iv the floaee of Com mom aud, iv tbe present state of public
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  • 12 2 Dk. M. F. arrived bere from Euro|K> yeiterday iv tbe Sutfej.
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  • 11 2 ii.-V,il („'hiucs.- immigrant^ .-nteicl the port of Klang during last inuuth.
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  • 10 2 An assistant ■aiajgarlortha Prngjaraag Estate, Jo bore, is advertised lor.
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  • 10 2 Thb racers Herculet, BeeaMeaa and Parmetan are advertised lot sale
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  • 19 2 The Strait* Bmdfd aaatajaiag a t n 11 iu-count of the Races, will be nadv |,v noon to-morrow (Wednesday).
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  • 18 2 Me.SSKS HILCKI A Co ..t 11.1111--liur^ advertise tlut they bare est.ililish, a branch house iv hiu^ap. >i.
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  • 19 2 Ladt Mitcbki.i., will bold a receptiou ou Thursday, tbe 17th uist., at p. in. Then- will be lawn teuuis.
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  • 19 2 Tbebe will be no reception at I\. -,-»all ou Friday this week, a. the Siiltau will be at Jobore,
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  • 18 2 The mail for ■avoaa, bi thaP. 4 0 steamer Surat. will prulialilv doat tomorrow (Wedaaadaj) aftaraooa al o'clock.
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  • 31 2 Thk Uettitute Sirauger.s Aid S,,i,iv whi.ii waa established in the year IM7:>, for the purjiose of giving t'-'iiporarv i.-li.f to slr.»ugers on these (horee, ikiw tiutis itself iv ueed of funds.
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  • 33 2 Uitri t» Museum am brokaa int.. i» tween Saturday aud Mond.iv. aad I gold plated kris, and several other plated articles, imitations of original nati\.- articles, were stolen. No clue has been 'li^-t-overed.
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  • 39 2 Th« Sd.iugor fleaaiaanal QtmtU* in.tifies tbat, ou aad al t.-r the lei July, IBw4j an export duty will be levied M all ooflea ex|K>rted fn.ui tbat State, at. th, rataof I |>er centum on tbe value of coffee. exported.
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  • 38 2 Thk Urgent aaaaigaaMat .if opiaaj pwr received ia Sydney arrived there e«rlv month by tbe Chamjtha It l naaiwed ul 70 boxes valued at £10,000. The opium wag consigned to various fthinOOl in.-i. cbauts iv that city.
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  • 36 2 Tut Crimiual Awiices were opeaad 'Ins morniag by tbe Chief Justice. The cal-i. daf is unusually heavy, eoateiaiag thirty fivo cases. Tbere is oue cas« of innrder and the. remaiuiuj; cases are mostly connected with tbeft.
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  • 45 2 Harmhton'h ClKcrs are j,'i\ing ,t ■Met. al ttfteriKK>u performance to awillliw Wednesday) afternoon f,,r the hildr.n Tli. r. will l»e the usual nigbtlv performanoee. The Wajapm emaoa will be iiri.-t ;l s the Cm-us, boiuj,' late in their urrival. want to g-j to Sh. m-li.ii.
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  • 39 2 Tme following arrivals ut An|.-i are rejKjrtod May Urd. American ship A ff. R>i>es, from New York to HnjujkuHK May Bth, Dutch Kt.-anier \'tre<h: Iruni Kotlerdani to HataM.4 Mv v !>th Itahin baraaa Anto.UHUi 6 (rom Suuncore to IfaitßiteN
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  • 50 2 Thk WilUnl O|*ra Company, now shewn g in Bdiiilu*. are HMUMg «'.i»l. ud will |,r. Itabiv I).- ,n StßfaßOre hI btviuuiog of .Tiiq. Tbi-v Uve a large irpertory. Tk* Maxell >'. .1 v OoapMV nko ou their way to t lie Struts, ar.- hk- noteJ to Ui u«re early BMI
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  • 14 2 Thf avaan a] th.- K»a*a T««y, j, F^araSSpSS owners of tbe IWaaf Tung h
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  • 51 2 It is notitied tbat an «»p au lut1 ut Tof •fM ,K,r aaaad -hall be ebafg^ -J'J, toUcco ei|Hjrt«l f row Briti,, Borneo after Ist .January neu. bul v h., su.b ,l,,tv will v- rafaadad la the IT prietoraofauyeiUte nbbm „l lobaeeethal torn am laafiaal Duk-b ..,> ,i der per
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  • 43 2 On Anjer eorreapoadaat ran '-"!>.• niKhtol 1,.- L'n.'uis, ebJD CAi-iWir.i-.froi,, lM.iladelph,, took the -round at Anjer and reatSrf last torthre* hoara, bed ereatualh -..t J without any assist. m. The 5i,,',,",,,' rent lv made no wat.-r; and the Ci'i't v' proceeded on his fajaaa.
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  • 48 2 A hkktino of Ihe .5iu.'i,.,,,.. llr b(M-iet_» will be bald ia Ihe (Wa Bail tin evening at 8.41 t.. debate "Thai adrieabie t.» introduce the principle „f uJ, It-fereiiduin int., the l!nti,!i I',, teni." Propose:- Mr. A. Kn..-lr Mr. J. Hrombead Matthew V iait.r. r invited to attni.l
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  • 54 2 Th« aemaeaar theatricals iv aid »f tb« funds of st Andrew Boaaa, w,r.- renn due.-d last evaaiag al the TangUaClub and. under tli,' M r 4 w.mhl, off anneeeafullj t a an audience. aadaßMNag ..lli. I ware II I Hajor-Oeaeral Jonei <'01..uel Phuiket, Mr i 'ln. t .1,,.
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  • 69 2 On the Ttli instant, whilst the harlnmr master of Mm was oa his «.iv tnxii hrn reaideaee to theofto, he waa atabhed In un old Achines,-. The awa tried aflar ht had ooanahted Ihe oflaaoeVbul WM >li.,t dead l.v the polfet who hapi»:i,... lo be i|iiit.- at the time
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  • 58 2 Mk.Tansky arrived Irom IViak in I',-nt,,.. last K. idiiy with Hat at gelj. the mull four men cruehio Tbe Piaaae Qmrtk in nviag that item of iichs ii lil.iikn "It i> with iMiisiiler.ilile .limi-Jtv llml gel the iafonaatioa, at tat propritton „f in.- mill.- leeaM labeeadttea »UilkeMia( c. .miii.iii thronghenl
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  • 76 2 hnui tor tli.- iatm of 8400, <■■> lon Oov.-rnineiil three |c r jnerriblj atorh wen- luieaed oa the irili April, attheoaV (the Crowa A,- ilnrtbt ColonieK, and uiiount.'.l to (1,478.800 prieee rarriag froa Ine niniainaiol CM 1">. I T Tendere al Wtt U, *il receive all,. ut H p.-r cent,
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  • 55 2 Thk V. ait i. in K'imiikhi.kt, tli Becretaiy. etated, ia theHowoof Lordeoo tli- L9tb April, with rafereuw Ui I Rica I'mk'l case, that ht WM addnai ■■other deapateb lo the B Miuisi.i- .ii ili.- Bagae, inetraetian bin strou^'lv to inpreei on Ihe Hetherlaedi Govetninent then aeitj of doing ju>u.iutbecase hj
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  • 72 2 Tn Anglo>Cbitteet Gonventioii rasard iog the Hiii'ui.i 1 1 out ti-r provides t.-r I joint Couimicsiou to demarcate the bordej Tin- work will probabljf t.ik-- three<. as tbe aarvejn OU only Ix- coiitimi 1 Im Iwo inoiitiiN di.rinu' iln'l-oid aealbir The present Brttiefa poetf »ill riaMJn im djatarbed until
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  • 75 2 Thk Gennnii wanbipe al Knl: -/j,i, /<•>/. Itii'iit. >.!«.„. H' ir/. Kaat" H',7/.W.,,. I) nhri,i i,,, 1. and frGiiriek im ofwai have been paiaiked vita Ih Mm-grei coloai bk h repkwe* the hmiliai vt-llowuh brown. The m olouc i% to iapplied to ail reaeeh b tended t dffi-nc ac
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  • 96 2 Two i rii k< I aiateaee n i-Lnsi v .iin.-.t i. >si with tin- S. c Tnafljiloi Urn Ire) t. mi of th.- s. c c j Gr*aaiao», ind«erebeatea,tbe k> s C.C.: Id iaaiaga, IJ" (Do Sad ianinge ".J fttaaieow i Int iuu :i^ I".:!, ted inning (9 wickete) IT
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  • 95 2 iHt awiof .listiict offitrr al h ,i« LaDgit. Belaagor, iv bis report for Munb. oatioot help uoticing the praciaM afrieajturo is making tbere. Coffee is nil tbingu vow. and about li acrva of uftw laa4 are bein^ uiad>- ready for plaal Cbim-se. .l.n.ini'-fc. mid laaaj Pi» fi-reuce is gtrea
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  • 307 2 JOKES VMdIIAN At half-past wfaa i U B, Maj.»r-<S.-n. 11. T J""f V.uit,'h.m, 1 1 j Otli r Pmn— nitilH tl' 1 Troops in the St i i 8 ttfeflM at .lohiiktoii IV,. H. K u,,~ i MM l>y tin- P. AO. and ou
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 822 2 r p H E B MI'ANY. LIMITED. TU tadai I Life Aiisurancr Nor. Atlas A The Be V«»r«n»h(. Xho < icnaii Marin* 1 inseraßC* Co«»pan_\ Tn, CUaa Hataal Bt«am Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Be»r Oawaaaj. iia« laearasM* Company, Limit. -I Kor i«rtKulan< ..f thww C. mp»nies s^e the full
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    • 886 2 NOTIOSB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation oi' any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 919 2 LATEbT ADVERTISEMENTS. I MBBBBB HII.CKK-; HBLS .V CX)IT PANY OF HAMB JR(i balh esU-b'.i-hed to-day a branch house ,n Sinifapor.-. at No. 7 Robins in Road, under the Krm of Hilek«» He'd Co. 23/5 Singapore, l.'.th May MM TITANTED »<• Assistaut Manager for W I'en^' Es'at Johore. Must know
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    • 20 2 I'ADDAY— On tho l:ith instant the wife of R. H. Paddty of a son. FOX OENEEAL SHIPPING NEWS a£.£PAUE 4.
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 91 2 WEATHER REPORT Kandanq Krabau Hotpital, Wit Mat), IH9I. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Rimahk>. B»r. red. 32 F»h. 2-.'.833 29.736 29.7 til J Temp 86.9 90.0 83.8 a Wei Bulb Ther. 50.4 <9.0 77.7 Dir. of Wind g.s.w. W. w s.w Max. Temp, in abode HU.6 ti Miu. do
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  • 2144 3 SPORTING CLI B [NG mm. IST! Mil I put, blook with nn.l.-r ire Sporting i Iditioa ii> M i. .11); tli1,.'.1, ■bib BpariI lli.- liii-.'lnu' jii>t 'liit t i >! <i 1 11 -> at ...rli'. with tintl'ill 00 til" I) tli" DO«I|M I. .1 v I i
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  • 122 3 The fallowing i» a ii«t of leekies shea lag their respective pertnrewaen i.l ,i,i,l Ualdtr rode a <lea,l limit. r n1.1.r Ki.1. 1.Mr Pan* Dalka ftMal HurkCaptain Dewar Wall lain K Hollei M r Hrvan Uipa Mr B P. Ikmll Mr riminir* I'olllmh Mr IV.. Mr QindißT I
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  • 483 3 Lady aTitrfaril fjgmejd giwy silt triniDted with la<-v Mrs Mai an U Oieen coat and skin trimmed wii'i darker shade at velvet. heliotrope reat, baaaet to match. Mi-^ Sanders- White dre«K triasnwd with black vehvt Mrs KeCaQanL -ChVJ dress trimmed with pink. COTeced with
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  • 404 3 A HUciBY FOOTBALL MATCH. THE CLUB SKCKfcTAUYSI IV from Our C»rresi>oi,d<.iii. I Kunla Lumpur. Saturday. Anoiiivr iiist.imi: of the OBorgy of our planting community was given this after noon when the majority of the EajMfMan cultivator> "I ottee. tea. and ptppat as■embled together on the Plain to meet
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  • 837 3 iienrf aaaVaew ftmtm Maanan 1 DOOBTABB mm Loaa BoaaaaaT oa MVULwraoa of BCSf sin iiaviii Baaaova aa im.iw kix.w< i. THt HKHIMTKATION HII.I-. bMam.Jru Ham The Mf HMH af Illdisil Bills isto P-pUee inn: dv i th,- Ink mat M Oaehety, Dapaay bmrngmg te th> Fn'iidi Ohambar wba
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  • 559 3 GoMHUIU dissatisfaction has lately been caused at Siutrui>«>r«- l>y the action 01 tile Chief .lustier :it the l;i t &MJM in keeping the ammal jury bo, who have iiut been einpanuclled. waiting about the ( on tin- han.-.- of Maffttßbd, uiiil attention lias
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  • 212 3 'I'm tub eemmiM I ibe Naval CominieeaM which baa ban making iaveeti. ■atiaaa at Teulee, saet, en April 14, at t Hiuiatry < I M nine, when M. Lookroy i i.seuted a Uag reppft, in which 'acoidii LT to b Time* import i be stated that
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  • 396 3 Thk fouietli ordinary geaand Bsartiag of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia. and China was held oa the lMth April, at tii. 'Cam -street Hotel, under the presidency of .Mr Win l'aterson. -The Chairniaii. ia aaoving the usual resolution for the adoption f the report and
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  • 434 3 MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA LIMITED. The tirM annual sjennral meeting <>f th<> Mercantile Bank of India. Limited, was held on the 17th April, at 65, Old iSroad-stict. B.C. sir Alexander Wilson presided. and. in moTiesthe adoption of the re|M«it. said that of the capital authorised only 18,000, or half, of
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  • 157 3 t'nurt mi Nlli aj tom some unexplained reason, the Colonial Office authorities have not vet arrived at I decision iv connection with the amount of the military contribution from the Straits Sett i. incuts, and the delay is causing a deal of comment to he made. The
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  • 523 3 11l tin- Chancery Division, on April \:i. Mr. Justice Chitty hud twtoH liim the (Mi of In N il.'lt. May lor. and Co. (Limited)" TWt above .<>in|ia n v it ,i|>. [■•ari'il. liu<l entered into .1 contract to i-onstnict a railway in Luzon, one
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  • 587 3 Thk ordinary general BMeting of the Kast.rn Kxtensioii. Australasia, and China Telegraph Company was held on the 18th April. Sir John Peader, MP in the chair. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and statement of aeootmte, reviewed at length the position and the
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  • 521 3 On Saturday evening, Harmatoo't Ci»cu» Company gare their opening r*rformance. ou the Tank Road ground Ul the success of that performance, the »»rr large audience, and the great appreciation *hown of the whole euterUinuient, boded well i,,r a good and profitable business in Bwppow UUku k l.foiv the
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  • 229 3 MaaaesM, (Ml Kb* MM I. Orderly ehVar fur this sad aaamag Week. l.illli.'liailt D.nicOrderly Hergnal f.i t Ins nndcnsiiinjf week H*rgeaa< Oruuetau. II In view „f th,. parads in baaauref H.t Hajeaty*s Birthday, tin' foUowiag aaraam »ill take pbea. FriiUj lstli ~i M,,,i,uv.'i.. ll 7 t;;" \V...1,,,.«.b,y
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 VKSSKIS Al>\ KKTISKK TO SAM, aieIWJS k':n.jtte ou Ink May. M.insticl.l and Co. I i w inetnUa, geteem, on I7ih Hay, W. .Vai.-ti. I and Co. Koi Both koag, w.. .In- IMb May. Bean B>y«i a.,. 1 Co I v traliaa ports, iiyiu, din ttrd May. sad Cc FOR aENEBAL
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    • 155 3 SHIPPING. FOH GENERAL SHIPPING NKWs SKI I "A UK I ljV>R SOdRABAYA DIKKCT Tl..- > K0NU8JSti will Hail I'"' •'>••"• pott M VV.iliM-.ilnv IMH in»l Knr fn.-iijlit nr |"»«»iiif«. «|>I>ly <" 16/9 W. MANSKIKI.D a < POH DRBBT, I'KXKI.IMi QBOUNDH, BKOOMK, COS8»CK, A8HhUKTON. c itM'UYNK, i> -AUNAKVuV). MIAKK HAY, HKRALDTON
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 127 3 aJtRANOEMKNTB Tl KM>A\. 1.'.l II .M High W.ttiT. am 7 :;i p m Debating Boi ietj afeeting for debate, Wkdm m>\y, Iii ii M w High Wat< r. 8.0 am.h 19 p.m. I. .v n homeward mail d iI p, an. TriritshAT, 17m May. High Wat.r. in i a.m. ami
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    • 181 4 Under thin heading the following sbl.r.-vii tions am used: str Htenmnr s>>. ship; bq— barque Brit —British U S— rnited Stated; Fr. French; Ger. German; Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johoro; ie, O.c. Gi<neriil cargo d. p.^-deck paiutengrtrs U. Uncertain T. P. W— Tanjong Psgar WM i T. P.
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    • 1397 4 »rriv»in Bixni Noon of BkTCBBAT. D« Torpenli/r, Dut. Btr. 757 t'«ns. (at PMm 13th May. From RataTia, 11th Kn, and 90 d. p. DaendeU k Co. Fur Hatavia. loth— Wha.-f. Siak. Dut. ttr. 2 I.lo tons Capt. Ki>nnnni-i 13th May. From Bebwan, l:tth Mm and 26 d. p
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    • 105 4 Namr, Pert, and Date of sWIJM Kkum Thi^ii'in > OlensUol Apl. (ilaiuorgausliirn Apl. 11 I ParanmttH Apl J'i iii.i Msy 1 1 CsnM IkoMhire Apl j Denbigh-liire May. LITIBMKiA |„i,..iv'a Mar lii, Tartar. Apl M Btosjtor A ill. II i Ping S»ey Apl. U Xi Una May. Marni
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    • 359 4 M I FLAU 5 Vhwil'h Nixi. 4 T"N- iviimn. tuom. tuiua mom. o Hi.. |J IS <adr Lonr'an Brit >tr. '.'1 I KfUnlan I 'Juan 11 LjeS«» K Gn«n teh lIS W-lali rVjotiansfc M»y Sink Baa Wlmit IS Tntn. i;.t. ►tr. lOsS Dealor Hoackoag Haj S Kwaaf 9aaf Looaf
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    • 206 4 Date Vimhkl'h Nam Date Vimhkl'k Namk UK. Kl.Ai. I Hi. I'AI'I AIN »TIUK[■7 II i Turbo 12 Y..i i; H Buby 12 Hum,,,. 12 TscUlui II (.w.1,,,r 14 MM 14 De Carpi'ntiir 14 Clitui U Ki»o Ymif 14 N«.r» 14 Ti-li-mitcliii--14 I Amh.r.t 14 i •> ii, pull Ban
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 419 4 Nonci McALISTER Co. ■Ati ron k.ikivki) A SHII'MKNT Of JAMES WATSON Co.'s GHLMBBAOD SCOTCH WHISKEY. Ill t: l;O.MIXIH BRAND.) A^k I'm the Doawnic Bnad (Batch Übei. (,iai:ani!:k!> 10 VKAKS OLD. PRICK JBIO.OO PER CASK. M cALI 8T E R ft Co., hoLE AtitSTS. 3up o' Kindness." y uuuniptreo »itb> MATURED
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    • 341 4 NOTICES. THE BRUSH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (()Ml^\^^ ij.mitkd. LONDON Umldaway's "Uaaoat" Hr.-uid Bolting, the mo-t economical for p.)«t(<r-trauimittiag purjMiM--. Chubbo' .Strniitr Ki..,in-, tiro and burglar-proof Doom. R»ibey anil Co Laaooas, I'ortablo Knjriuo-, Baaajaag aai bbbbbh |aar. l'uNoin(.'t<>r aa^aaoofiag Oaaafaafi London. Beldam's Patent Ksjaal I'ackinfrs. SOLK A(;KNTS HOWABTH BBSKINE, LIMITED SIN.;.M'<IKK. Sit'be
      341 words
    • 1425 4 DOCKS. 'HHB TANJO\<; PAOABDOOK Cv>. 1 LnOTKD. h m ■> of i -'T arc .i'-nt .1 Tanj. 0 -1- a.ij.>min;: tli t wn i<l Sin^ap)re. Steam tram-cars run nt sii rt i tarrying j.awnnj.Tf and goo is from Wharf '■> dostina*'i'>n.'< at low rat-s. The Wh^rf saaaads to one
      1,425 words
    • 949 4 NOTICES. K .ITZ BROTHERS. PHO VISION DEPT. Freeh Ansortment of Treleman and Dros', Dutch Provisions Ac, in 1 and 2 lb. Tins. Celery in Gravy, Champignons. Spinach, Green Peas. Cauliflower, Turnips. Apple taaaa, Brown Haricot Be«ns. FISH AND MEATS Stockfish. Red H«rrings. Freed Herrings, Fried eels. Fresh Dutch Salmon. Miuced
      949 words
      14 words
    • 19 4 NOTICKS. k 'y tdltion of n. Strait* Titne. i, mr I fc 9" 'I ll mm, am, H (iiii/irAere.
      19 words