The Straits Times, 11 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1894. NO. 18,316.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 999 1 wiSTTir COMPANTI PI LAX AND \TION COM Waaavaaand Oowwws— New Tub wia.l steajners stay 1..- ejp< i to ar- l« anil leavr Binga(> -iu<dat«i:— imatiM Hu»«w»ai.« I*M. ISM. M»% IS Ma; I Emms i' dates are only approxu trr> »l- aad departiin-a may beritli«r eatli.i OS PABSAOK. tv.
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    • 904 1 *TKAMSHIi' COMPANIES. DX KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Mr contract with the Netherlands Ind'a (Jovernment. Ai/entf a/ Btmmmtn, Ship Aokncy, late i I.VKK (^UAV. MMM Huttknbach LraviM a < i>. Tlie Company him a fleet of 30 Steamers, wit'i splendid «wi inmoilstion for first class, Bf'fiilid elaaa, ami .1. k MBBMWJOTb, snd
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    • 721 1 STEAMSHIP COMFANIEB. For Borneo Port* via Ba wean and Sourabaya. On the Bth of every month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and passenger* to Banjermassin, Pulo Laut, Paesir, and Knt.-i Onte erery month on the 23rd a steamer is despatched to Dongala, Berow, and Bulongan also
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    • 889 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "VTORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. ll BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this lin« run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 779 1 INSURANCES. 1 U ARDt AN KIKK AND LIFE ASSURANCE VJ COMPANY, LIFTED, LONDON. Established 1811. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Funds, 4,516,000 Annual Income, 938,000 The undersigned, agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of ten days or longer periods, at ourrent rates
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    • 546 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OT\ iiooonnnn PROPRIETORS J 10 0W W0 Cotrar or Dibbotobs:— Cbaibjcan— H. HOPPIUS, Esq. Dbputt Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Ear). 8. C. Mil HA*. Kirn Ea<|. A. McCoiiacHlK, Eaq. H. H. Joan™, Eaq. J. S. Moacs.Ean,
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    • 836 1 NOTTfTBS. KATZ BROTHERS. PKOVISION DBT. Fresh Assortment of Irreleman and Dros', Dutch Provisions Xr in 1 and 2 lb. Tins Celery in (travy. Champignon*. Spinach, Green Peas. Cauliflower, Turnips. Apple Sauce, Brown Haricot Beans. FISH AM) MEATBI Stockfish, Rod Herrings. Freed Herrings, Fried eels. Fresh Dutch Salmon. Minced Veal Truffled.
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  • 521 2 IiATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SIWQA.POEI IITH MAT, 1894. PRODUCE. Uambier, 9 7.55. do Cube No. 1, 12.25 do do No. 2, 9.45. Copra Bali 5.95. do Pontianak, s.tx>. Pepper Black. 950. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.3*5. do Brunei 2.00. Pearl Bago. 3.40. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberiaa, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 70 2 For Ptr ttr. 1',.,. 1 O-MOEBOW. SourkUtyi. Ma.,; ir. 2 p.m. > rii ports, B. Timor, 2 X rU ports Sri Bonf Ann, S p.n. Sulu ti» ports, Poh inn, 3 P<-aaDg. v 3 p.m. C'alcutU Tit ]„,r; .Vu.Mu, 3 p.m. Deli. H- 3 p.n>. Klanif ii»
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  • 114 2 Krom Eikopk i By the P. *O. it«amer SulUj .'ne on Sunday with <i»tea to the 30th April, dhr I.t iiiL-- repliei to the mail which l«lt diDgtpora on tin- aM M*rrh. FromCbina: By tbc Ml), uteaaw Svrat due on Tue~l.j. Mar. J7th Apl. Hi, A|.i. 9th
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  • 97 2 ARRIVALS. Per s. s. Hye Leong ft >m Peuanif Mr. W. H. Kemp. Per s. s. Lujhtniiig from Hongkong —Mr. W-ii. and Mr. A J. Reed (to abbite.) Per P. A 0. s.s. Rome, from London, April 13, Sergt. Major, and Mrs. J. Bannister, Colouel II T. .Jones.
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  • 149 2 For Penang and Calcutta, Lightning, due 11th May, Svkies and Muses. For New York. Port Phillip, due llth May, l'aternon Simons and Co. For Penang and Calcutta, Sudden, on 12th May, Boustead and Co. For Bombay, Aiamur, due 12th May. Pat. rHon. Sitnuns nd Cc. For
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  • 114 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 11th MAY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEG R A M S Established i 1831. PRICE: M OBMTB. Subteription rates and tulvertiiuij r,i/. may bt found on the fourth paije. THE BI'IMJET DEBATE. THE MINISTERIAL MAJORITY SINKS TO FOURTEEN. LORO ROSIBKRY MEANS TO KIOHT T" TBE FHD. The Himihi' of
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  • 466 2 A ifUMBES <>f enthiiHiasts li.iv. t.ik. -n advantup- of the re«-ent Wurlcl's Fair iit Chicago to i-in-ulaU- a invnmrial ront.iining numi'Mii* Hi^naturvs to ;i de«laiiitioii in favour of arbitration n. *ttlc .lisput.s alining among nations. They tak.- this step in Ha hope of thus Ban spreading the
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  • 16 2 Lady Mitchell will hold a n-rcphou on Thursday, the 17th Mixtaiit. Th. itwill be lawn teDuis.
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  • 22 2 Nixt Monday the 14th itisunt. baaag a public holiday, the Exchange Hanks ehwe. The Utraiti Tinut will not issue oa tliit day.
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  • 30 2 It is reported that the Spit lightship at the eotranc-e t>> the Kau^ooti liiv.-r foundered in the recent i-yclonc in the Hay of Bengal, and that sereral lives w.-re loxt.
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  • 31 2 Habmhiom> Cibcds arrived this morning, aod open on the Tank Road ground to-morrow (Saturday \V. mi.l rdtaud that the company has been augmented by lume rare talent of the circus ring.
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  • 34 2 rWr-aod-mout h disease Ml l>roken out umoDgdt cattle in Neli.uig Tebal, Proriuce Wellesluy. The ..f cases rejxirted t<> tbe'Jth jajatmßJ t. Olialad to aixty, averaging twenty .Ii- lot the thr>» days previous.
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  • 39 2 Onk hundred emigrants 1.-tt .I.ijmii for Canada by the ftaejaiwi <>/ Chi an mi lier hut trip under the auspn. s .>t the Yokohama Emigration Joint Stock Company, iv r»j|H)usp to a deuiaud for hhowtn boa a large sugar manufacturer.
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  • 50 2 In the handicap for the lirsi mm tomorrow, the Scurry Stakes, it will be noticed that there inw the n.i m- "1 Dolor* > although th-if MM i appear iv the Race Book tor I i Dolortt utiuc was omitted t>v mistake, tor it wm, we are informed, duly outer
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  • 17 2 Thk. n.-u Haatami of the n I >!.. on Tuesday. l.Mh Mar *t -titi»advi«biet"? P •l>'iru.,,pl,,,t »..ZZ*d lrOdM<
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  • 34 2 The awoiid BLO.< \l _;n Malacc-a but will pk, '.he 8 i "r to all day match on Monday on th i 1° v I Uharg, IWa-i C J^K'vlh. Mii.joot. Builon. <J*hri.l auolher »»<l
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  • 48 2 IMK.I.pu, lUnHat, :.v.e,., v .,1, Wt v.i, p,.,vs whi.-h w,re W Mint in Japan for tiaav Tb.-v 10n,,,! to n.n.ain Itl silv.-r. tht raal baaag ajadc an Partaol ...p,..r an.l m.nurv. Tli.-v I"*'1 1v1,,-ve,l to be of f A -i 1 1« t aakraa is aaiag made. iHr
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  • 47 2 The Hmi \V. K. Maiweli n i ■—J.WI a, P,na D eoaoected with the Keuenchm.u, rtT "Htl.v, will 1.-ay,- PeiM-iu'to-inorrow will return i,v way of Port Dicfaaa* tod M.i!a..i. at tha l.iit.-r pi.,,,. haiaataZiT Hon. T. Shelford. The \U\J£ niMiistMt,..,. will then iuiri tin- IpadaJ I .luinissioiiers.
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  • 82 2 Tn»M IViti,- ••MetfeOaajafc.u the Pacdftc to AwattaHa. aatitali thi»Wh BnUsh territory „n,l u,,,| r BtkbhiT ageaaeat, will coal IJUM.OOOL, uu.l prapoaed thai tha aaaam l«',,iii d[ |,»j m Koamntaaa by tha mlaaiaa aa4 Sm Britain M B) m Iparoaat. Auitnd, i aud Great Briuin uLin* e,|ii,il ahan ol m
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  • 104 2 Mi; N kSABI n\ Mo. .-i-('ou, u 1( M.unU. haa, aoeoidiajf to the kj* MmmU ben .iillitii,' the atteutiou of bsjajajasj m n in Hiroshima K. ii. if huh is In, ruhr. plaea, to the OMajiaaji anr nlailii tiM.l, with s .m h Baa iaiaaaV n nu opinion there i,
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  • 155 2 Thk Mni, ,i ulilislies aa aeeeuajl of m ioterriew with a British naval ufluer rt. mraing the comparatin nditioaja of th« BiinKh and Praaeh naviH IV while maintaining that ill.- linti-li Sirj enu itill raperiar to the Freu.h. a.iinitt»j i inparioritT was aotablj kaa tbia
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  • 206 2 '1 hk u /./-'/..ii-iii.itir. .1. tiiik- I i id 8,500 borwpowi r, ommim■ioned on 17th April bj Hiillit'.ix lor id,- CliillH. .-l.iliou. li.uv ''iiii|<l>-in»ilt nt l*i afl nun. Tin' lull, mini; *W Urn Bflctn pointed OutC John S. BallifiM Cm IVm. H. nbr; Ut Lirat. U, J.
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  • 344 2 A i k 1 1 1 to« 10 the Soua* oi Commm ,v „i raforaiing the Legiflatiw .a Hongkong baa Ih-cu ir. uUt<-l 1.. i ligaa&are there, It lvi Bumeroaa tictuUures, bnl bobbbol tin* uuofleial Council memban an- o| the niov.-iiK-iit The patitionan wpreeenl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 837 2 fpHE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. rpHK Standard Life Assurance 1 rh t'ni»n Fire Insurance Soi Atla« paaj r r Th» Equitable Life iety The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. Tke China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham laager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies see the
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    • 927 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times lias the largest circulation of any newspaper iii Asia, British India excepted. It circulates ii Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 763 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED AN OVERSEER for Pengonng EMate. Johore. must write and keep account, iv English and have first rate references salary •35 per month. I Apply to the Secretary. TjV)R SOURABAYA DIRBCrT The a. KONGSEE will sail for above port on Wednesday 18th in-t For frsif(ht or passage, apply
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    • 63 2 M.a.* »taW fm IU Knit. Timut •te.U 6. wr.11,. Jj~J Jt.«.aT«r. rt>K(W lUt mtjal DM. W AUminriitmf omtrtit «r» ntj««i (o IU omMho, IKat M«Mf>r MiUm IU liHrtomml .-I o/lIU pmi-r |«J**J^>«M^ mslUr. I*l Ml ,/UntT Itu U»r ■U-j. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 WEATHER REPORT Kandanv Krabau Hospital, 9th May, 1891. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Bimabzi. Bar. red. 32 Fah. 2P.808 29.710 2».7a» t-i~ Temp 86.9 85.0 7».9 -o 3 Wet i'ull. Ther. 80 5 80.0 78.0 Dir. of Wind S. W. W. Calm. Mai.Ttmp.inihade 87.9 \Z Mm. do do 75.8
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  • 2065 3 v, MM.Ki: BPORTINU CLI B 111 BPRIVG MKI.IIN'. i insMi, i>»H i "-.'i [HI tl>' il |o the tirst ilav ami the ■nt« generall II moat probably have Ix-^-n quite ■iw ladies it c-rtamly was the I nl .lay, from tl illj oooaiden .1 allowed to pass by
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  • 250 3 1 SCURRI BTAKB&— mil*. TbeTyke 10 at "Ibe. Bellcv'lle Vat. Vallej Qoeea 9 -t. 7 tba. D unaa st. I, k Cm*lllm l"~i 7 Ibe. Golden Hope -< 1J lU. Bloodshed I" st Im. K. C. B. »et 13 Im. 11, l-ehell Si 7 IM. Itattif '-'si. 7
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  • 1085 3 AIiVANCIN<> MONET FOR IMPKol'lh PUBPOSBH. Alifu'i BsMM MmM aVMssMM OSsJttf f, Lim Ah Hang. Ah Uer, aud Chnp L<-r Wall IIMOH was given in this caM- this m n nmi.' liv the Chief Justice. Tbe plaiuti'l -United about $600 with M pYt cent. iht.-rt st thereon, l>ein^ the
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  • 218 3 Thk Lancashire cottou trade v at last taking an a, live part in a movement to obtain better statistical returns from the ISritish Customs' authorities. It has loug MOT well-kuowu that large quantities of Uritish tnanufaclures are exported to Hamburg for traus-shipmeut, theme to China, .lapau. -ml the
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  • 113 3 Tin. Colouial Secretary ..i Peuaug iereceived a deputation Iron tbe PeDang Marine Association <»n Wednesday afternoon. The subject brought to the notice of Mr. Maxwell was tbe question of »!ie responsibility of the native gunners onboard local steamers. It was |K»inted outtbat shipmasters bave very often to
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  • 686 3 BaMMMI has more than once beeu made of late to tbe efforts which Messrs. Yarrow have been makiug to obtain information which might lead to the punishment of some person or persous who made improper uge of confidential drawings of the machiuery of H. M.'s
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  • 482 3 The following is the Manager's report for March August Shaft. Bottom Drive North. The ground during tho month has been very hard and bad for blasting, but I tbiuk we have almost passed through this hard belt, an the ground is changing and I ex|>ect it
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  • 376 3 From tin- Ust report of the British Consul at Bordeaux, it appears tbat during tbe past year 451,000 tons of British coal were imported to tbat place, of which HB.OOO tons are stated to have been ordered by the trie, ins and Southern Railway
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 110 3 THE BRUSH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Reddaway's "Camel" Hraud Belting, the most economic*,! for power-transmit ting purposes. < imlili-' Stroug Hooius, lire ami liurglar-]iro«if Doors. Robey nud Co., Lincoln, Portalile Kuginen, piiiiiping ami miiiiiiK f(ear. Pulnonieter Kngiiieeniig 'ompany, Luudon. Beldaiu's^Pateiit Engine Packings. SOLK kOMMTB HOWARTB KItSKINE, LIMITED OBMAVOMI. lelie
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    • 355 3 NOTICEB. McALISTER Co. yOCDS T>ATENT A NTIKODLINO T>AINT. The best paint in the Market has been applied to the following owner's boats. Messrn. Lindsay Gracie Coy. J. T. Rennie Son Coy. Mrllwraith McEachran Co. Gellatly Haiikey Sewell Coy. Carlisle and Company. The Greenoek S. S. Company. McALISTER Co.. SOLE AGENTS.
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    • 968 3 BHIPPING. FOR GENERAL sHII'PINU NEWS BEE PAGE i. TjV)R PBNANG AND CALCUTTA Messre. Apcar A Co.'s steamer LKiHTNWG 1,392 tons. Captain K. H. SundIxiric, left Hongkong on the sth instsat, and is due here on the llth instant, en route for the abore porto For freight or paaoage, apply to
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 160 3 ARRANGEMENTS. Friday, 11th May. High Water. 2.56 p.m. Association FootlMill. S. C. C. e. Garrisou. "I'.mtrli 1 1 Club At Hume. Lecture on I. in know at the Prinsep Street Cba|>el. H p.m. Saturday, 12th May. High Water. 2.1(5 a.m. 4.3 p.m. Moon. First quarter. Races. Tbird Day. 3 p.m.
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    • 1197 4 Under tins heading the following abbrevialii.ns are used: str. stmimer; sh. -hip; l.<|— barque Brit UriliO, I. S ''nit.-d St»ten Kr. Kreneh; (ior. QacaMMi Dut. Dutch; Job.— Johore Ac., (i.e..— Cargo; (I. p.— deck BBMM|MNj I. I'licer. tain;T. I*. W.— Tanjoi.^ Pugar Wlnrf;T. P. D.— Tanjoug
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    • 120 4 N'tme. P rt. and Date of Ba\h*i From Lo:»i>"n Oltmthitl Apl. GluMrjraaahin Apt. II I'nr.iiualtn Apl '.'•> BriUnaJa May 1 1 Oil urn Hmmlilis Apl. Denbigli-hire May. I.IVKKri.oI. Energia Mar. M| Tartar, Apl. 8S Dardanai Apl. 7 Stenlor Apl II '•ing Su.v Apl. Jl Keetllllll M.IV. B&M1 Visiir^'i
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    • 110 4 Viwcl'h Name. O Flag Tons. Captain. Kid tWB*. SAILK1). Ma, 10 Mount Tabor 1<I QaojmeiW 10 Rub; 10 H.lmuut 10 Fathool Mo«io 11 Nam Von* 11 HvLeon* 11 Ban Hid 11 Iiahrlla 11 Lifhtnini; Rnt.Ktr. MM Dut. »tr. 3.VS Oduk Urit.nlr. 11'.' l> run- bq. IH.. \MA Dul
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    • 99 4 I'M. 7m*>! Nmi Ki M I l-i Cam uw. KM WAI I km 10 in 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 11 Diomeil Cliow PIiyh K.iiu V»n|( Will O 1 the Wi»|' Srie Pegutan S.-IiwnII..-I itilm BtaRkap btballa S..,hmI n Sum Tor ilnt -ir.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 nonci McALISTER Co. have ,irsT ui;ckived A SHIPMKNT <'K JAMES WATSON Co.'s CELEBRATED SCOTCH WHISKEY. (THK DOMINIE BRAND.) Ant l"i the Di'ininic Hraml (BWk LkbeL Ql ARANTKBD 10 vi;.\i;s OLD. $10.00 PER CASK. M AIJ STB B ft Co., B(Mil AIiKNI-S. condensed Milk au «Munk k The "Milkmaid" Brand is
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    • 637 4 NOTICES. I TMJ KI.E!-H\.\T BRAND Of PILSEJJER Dker is anaaaiailj iidai.te<l for coasntup'.ion in a tropical dknata, HR C. LA JAR I) ■!i I RES BoaDBAUI I 1 aiii:t. Froiinae, OaaMM Citran, Chateau Moulis. HOCKS. j'eharlaeli 1 rv -r, Uaaaaßanaar, Kndesheimer Hochheiuiur, iiutienhuimtr, Guutc-i-i iu:ner— Anslese. WHISKY. AI'LD SCOTTIE. Sole
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    • 1427 4 DOCKS. 'PHI TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. Jl LIMITED. ThaanMiMi of the Company are situated a* Tan jen l'.ijar adjoining the t->wn of Sin^apore. feteaui tram-cars run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf t«> destination!! at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quarter and
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    • 900 4 NOTICES. £sUbhsh»a 1865. T>l I-E V, HA KG RE A YES A CO. Engineers, lkon A- Brass Foi-xukrm, BOILCBMAKERB, BRIIXIE BUILDERS, ShIV BCILHCBB. General Oontkactoks. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class BTEAM VESSELS always on<W construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel of best
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    • 71 4 NOTICKS. PEBBLE SPECTACLES A FOLDKRS. E B i Q w H i! 1 2 SI O co I Oz> S .5; h s i n 1 1 1 1 l j S S H C E 9i 1 1 1 1 5 1 i S Hs p£\ o 8 v
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    • 246 4 NOTICI T HK puy^ o ver -k TI," Dock, „t u» t*d b m, the M»l I, th. JJLT2S has lately l>een lengthen^ »,,a H-.^ is now o/ the following dimension, Length <m tl.e blocks '^1 Ht.-a-lti. at entrance f Depth of water on sill at ordinary spring
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