The Straits Times, 10 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED* 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1894. NO. 18,315.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 877 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I nuts**" and flowiwm New lUrW.ur < nail steamer* may br ex|» wanli and leave riingapnre I daf«« kftJJ wiaM MS*. IBM. Ma; II l.ii«- Utca am only appro* mm'.- ih.Vi arttan ajaj I i i PAHS ■.r..'.. ■atvaMaj an' tln-r In is the mif as to London
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    • 832 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. DX KOKINKLUn PAKETVAART \PPIJ. Under eniitriu-t with the Netherlands [«Ua fiovemmnnt. Snir Abfxi y. i.ate .1 I. i '"i i.vf.r Quay. ■iKHSKs Hut ;:t A, <'•>. BMf has a I -NMimers, wiili Hp'.'iidid arrnniiii'Hlatioii for first class, k ptaasßfara, tat] fur the I (frcater part |irovi.led witli cl.-etrii-
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    • 700 1 STEAMSHU' COMPANIES. For Borneo PorU via Bawean and Snuraliaya. On thn Bth of ev<»ry montli a steamer nins in this diiv.-tii n taking direct cargo and passentrem tr. Banjermassin, Pulo Laut, Pasrir, and Kotei. Oner ereru month on the 'J:lrd a steamer is daaaatthai to Dongala, Borow, and Bnlongan sl-o
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    • 884 1 SXEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "IVTORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. ll BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers nf this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suer., Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals aud departures of these mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 780 1 INSURANCES. /^IUARDfANFIKK AMI 1.1 XX ASSI'KA Nl'F VJ COMPANY, Ll>. TED, LONDON. EsTAILISuKD 18>i. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Funds 4.51(1,000 Annual Income, 930,000 The undersigned, agent* for tne above Company, ore prepared to accept fire risk* for abort periods of ten day* or longer period*, at current rates to
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    • 531 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF ■> imnnnnnn PROPRIETORS J ..110,000.000 Cocsr or Dibbctobi: i HiiEMAjc— H. HOPPIUS, Eaq. Diputt Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. S-CMinmuoi E*i. A. McCo»AC«i., Eaq. H. H. Jo..™, >^q. j. s MMll,&a, Hon J. J. Knwict.
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    • 370 1 Noncßb. McALISTER Co. 2 OCDB pATKNT A NTIKODMNO T>AINT The best paint in the Market ha* he»n applied to the following owner's boats Messrs. Lindsay Gracie A Coy. J. T. Rennie Son A Coy. Mcllwraitn McKachran Co. (iellatly Hankey Sewell A Coy. Carlisle and Company. The Greenoek S. S. Company.
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  • 533 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore 10th May, 1894. PRODUCE. Gambior, 7.60. •1.. Cub.- No. 1 12.25. do do No. 2, 9.25. Copra Bali 5.95. do Pontiauak, 5.65. Pepper Black 9.90. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.:*). do Brunei ±00. Pearl Sago. 3.40. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian 44.50. Tapioca small Flake 4.1.V
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  • 122 2 For P*r Mr. To-Morbow. Batu Pabat, Ainq Ann, 9 a.m. Souabftya ria portf, Bindor*. 11a.m. GurgoH. 11 a.m. SamaraDg via port< Ptnanq, 11 a. a. Mmr, A*>«ii Y*n§, 2 m Peinnir. \«m Konj, 3 p.m. Telok Annoo tia porU, H'tll r' Ih* (Tup, 3 p.m. Kiang- Tia porU,
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  • 115 2 Kk. m BOBOH By the P. A< >. Suttej •lv.' od Snndaj with dat«K to thr KHh April. Sh. hriDir« replies to the mail which left Singapore od the Hit M Fk<im China i By thr P. AO. tteamer Nu...' due on Mar. Apl. HI,
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  • 122 2 AREIVALK. Per s. s. Hell,- from Deli Mr. and Mrs. H. ouwer-Ant her. and Mr. Roell. Per s. k. Sappho from Klang i Messrs. Dane. Sanderson, Mcßitcbie, Foster, and G. dimming, and Mrs. Ebden From Malacca i R. Engler. Per s. s. MediiM from Bangkok i Count de
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  • 94 2 For I'.-nnii'.' and Calcutta, /...jn/nin;, due 11th May, Sarkies and Moses For New York, l';rt fhilhp, due 11th May. ,-r son Simons and Co. Pat IVna.HK »nd CuKutU, Suddea, oa Vith May. Huiistead and Co. For Bombay, iaMMr, due 12th May. Pater--on. Simons 1 nd
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  • 95 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 10th MAY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. EsTABLISHgI) 1831. PRICK: 16 CUNTS. 'Subscription rule* aaimtttrtUmf i-tl't may I* found on the fmtrth M, THE TWO THOUSAND 0UIMIA& The race for the Two Thousauil finiaOM has resulted thus Latliu 1 Matchbox I Jmlmm THK BERLIN POLICE ANI> TliK UNEMPLOYED. riV«
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 358 2 Thi export statistics of BritUh North Borneo for last year, show a falling ..ft' in toliiM-co shipments owing to the evil times MMMBg that line of cultivation, the ptQ. duce of which hulks largely in these returns. The Commission.-! of Lands there remarks that it
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  • 12 2 Mr. Ma. Km hik returned from Bmsl gorthis morning by the BBBBbW
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  • 13 2 The Exchange Ranks will be closed on Monday next, the 14th inat.— WHtMonday.
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  • 22 2 It is advertised that Mr. H. M. March from to-day bas taken over charge of the firm of Messrs. Syme a Co.
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  • 20 2 Hakmston's Circus will 1»- hen- lomorrow 1 r'rfflav 1 morning, and opun 011 the Tank Road grouud ou Saturday evening.
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  • 34 2 The North German Lloyd has followed the example of other mail iues iv laiaiatl iU rates of passage fares by about 25 per cent. The iucreas- has takeu -ft-, t from the Ist instant.
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  • 30 2 Owners are requested to note that all entries for the Champion Stakes aud Roohore Plate, must be made to the Acting Secretary immediately after the Lincolnshire Plate ban been run.
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  • 44 2 Oct Selangor correspondent MJI Ikal fifteen ponies have been ordered from Java and are ex^iected there neit month. It is probable that there will Im a Uvmkhana Meeting held there early in August but at yet nothing ha* been definitely decided by the committee.
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  • 64 2 In order to facilitate the coaling of war vessels in Hongkong it is OMpOOOd to construct a jetty n<>ar the Koyal Naval Yard at Kowloon. an.l in the Xavv -stnn.ll— for 1894-!)sa sum of £500 is aoked to commence the work. The total cost will be about £5,200. The jetty
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  • 63 2 According to further telegrams r-.-iv-.l by the owners at Penang. it seems that the steamer Setthi foundered aud is a total logs. Two boats coutainiug 7 I paaaoagari and crew arrived at Raugoou ou the M instant aud on the -Uh, 25 more reached Moulmein. Mr. B. Molyueuux, mate, aud
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  • 67 2 Among the least ho|ieful of Urn uuin-r--ous private members' bills in tli- BoaM of C'oniuiong is one by Mr. Ho/ier, -utitl-.l a "Fruit Identification Bill" It provides for thfl identificatiou and r-_'istr.i--tion of the sal- of faraiga and colonial fruits, am! is .1 in- iMiire iatfodißOOd IB I lie int-r-st
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  • 68 2 The Austrian Consul at Itan^kok lias I'.i-n i.ivfsii^.iiiiii,' the inunl.T of litibol, tin- gold proipcctor. wlmli lms MM !•> iiort^l iv the Strait* Timet. The IbMH authorities have arrest«d five |«rsoDs who have all confessed their participation in the murder. Kobbery they allege to have been their objeut. Rabel was
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  • 103 2 I Th« Debat* publish-, a Utter fro-, Japan ronipUming of the effect pr.nlj^ <h- hast by the revelation, as i, ?Jz French navy begun by M. fu I he»e revelations are said to hay- |J!L exploited by our Euvli»b nj?* rival. The writer of tti. 1,«t,, th- Japanese will become
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  • 111 2 A Hkitish OnaaBIIO report just Ku-d. MM a iDiit-tnporarv. PH hMMoatiag attWaaaiM roMocaJaa th, tra.l- Of Russia for \K>.i, as OOSmbm with \X'.>l Itolh in ini|H,.t, aadnpoita th-r- was a laraji HMMMa i- ui.MM, r iv valu.-, tl,- laraMf boiag K3B,7Bu.ltf(i as asrainst fit»»117 180l 80Q l aa4 th.. Hl
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  • 143 2 A rsai sii—s<iui dr.iiii.iti- part^o*immi was aitaa atthoTbaaJio club, bal mcmm iv ail of St. Audrew's Hoßß* The ti t piooa wan -ni it I. .1 Saaaol, an.l n r w.-ll |.i,i\-.|. Ur-at pi daa to tin- tw«> ladiM *aa to.>k th- aBMMa parts iv that pi—, not „uly
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  • 111 2 To-DAY's Tll'.s I ii k pmaateta at uoou ihi» .i.n n.,^ uot vi-rv liri^hl M tli- weatht-r but it m t.i l«" li<>|H-.I that it will pr.n.- aj good au afternoon a» ou the opeuiDf; d»v Ibt weights OMBI to h;i\- satiafai--tiou with lac eSCOptiiM that I'luntjtr
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  • 133 2 WARREN RIFLE SHOOTING SHIELD. 'I'hk tollowiasjam tin- Noaasairt moiw ui'tde liv taa oiMßpetiton for tat vVama K.H- BBOOtiag Shli-ld. It will Ii- .wu that thi- S. V. A. hay- Ik.v mbIM bf OM poiut oiilv Onl.-r of Kaaaf tt T.-nni Imm MbjU 1 -F" ('...miMiin llbihlb Karl I-*. Bingapore V..lnnt.-.r
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  • 142 2 The Admiralty bave made arrau^emrnu to pay in subsidies this year to the Cuu .ml. F. ami White Star LiDe. audCanadiau Pacific Steamship Cumpuuieii, the M "I tHM47, far viieh mv tlie iWfiiM Igm t.i bold at tin- •lis|>oiitiou of tbr Admiralty thi- steaniKbipi 6'a
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  • 247 2 BbD ikk' AsJMty li'iirns that Sir S»u' s.tii.ti.l. Agnt-o«Mia] for New Bow Wuas, ia ooBMqnMM ol Mt nftieil Veikarkadi OumiiMMi lo |«i( twpaiiMtion for thr iMfriwanMil CapUin OaWMBMI and the dctflßtioa Nov.-iuU-r. IfS'.M. of Urn Cilu I. at IVruat.' Molu.r.i bkukW), hii fr.'sli PayiMMUtiom on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 838 2 rpHR BOBNr'Ci'MI'ANY, LIMITED. rnHB Standard Life AMuraaoe I Vnrwi-h t'nian Fire liiKurance Society. A'laa AasotaaMO Ootnponv t in< The BouitaWe Life Assurance Society naaoaaat C.imjiany. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy Th* Tottenham I-ager Beer Company. Thr Maritime Insurance Company. Limit.«l ..articular* of thwe Compamea see tl.c tJZESZmZi of THE
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    • 875 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- j pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 919 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. V"RI'I(KI ISCH KR LLOYD. BB■■ B B Owing to the continued depreciation in the v.-ilue of the Dollar, the rates of passage MBsM for the steamer- of the Norddentscher Lloyd will be increased by about i"> 3 from thn Ist May. UM For farther particulars apply to BEHN,
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    • 60 2 M.S.S. nttUti It tv (Mra.d Timu <V>»I,I 1., wnttrn KMKittfOliwrnl,. BDIIUa^Ui-lt/IKntaM^i. """i-iIX *-«-«nv. njZtsTt** itt^JCu MutmtrU**, omtr««< a an rihjttt t. IK< .wlitum llwU l»» KiH(nMiU»i Ik. idHriimnl •/la M l ,»r T" C" •it—" >»«• *«v" The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WEATHER REPORT fc-aiwiuiMj Ifro6ai» Hoipital, 9IU Ma,j, 1891. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Khsakii. Bar. red. 32 Fab. 2f.7»U 29.497 29.776 k Temp 87.2 80.0 52.1 Wet Bulb Ther. .80 0 79.9 78.0 Dir. of Wiu.l »»w. W. s.s t. vM.ii. T-mp. iii-inU !«i J Ml Mm. do do
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  • 1711 3 rtaifßtW awe4iag of '•>•• nwioiirrs wan held in lli.ij after- v r. Mom, Tan i Ike Hea'bsai T. .1 ili- U<i I .i. in.-iii .>t tin- Mviii- I follow! m I U L tiMONI LTMU i thai t li»- only iniit;<l..llt In-Lire pm- 1., 1.'111.1.l K.I. l|l;it 111
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  • 249 3 MALACCA'S CAPTAIN CHINA. M IHt BMTOJi "t THK STKAITM TIMES." SlB,- l'l. as.- spar.- BM a corner in your vrtlilalil.- |,ip.i tot Ike following: Ih. < liiiii-bi- r.-iiiiile iv Malacca II I, isi approaelnug completion aud our .l..>s will be iwaavai iuto it on the 2nd day of the
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  • 172 3 TO THE KIIITOB OK IU l: 'MIIAMs lIMtS." Sir. In your report, yesi.-rdav, of the farewell tea BMOAiaoj to the Rev. \V. H. B. ( \oii state that •special r.-f.-ren.e was inii.le to what the minister ha.l dove iv starting tli.- Soldiers' Home." May I l>* 11
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  • 1225 3 THE NORTH BORNEO COPPER COINAGE. \.,,-th Bnrneu Hernl,t. 1.1 A),nl. Nnrtli BerßM eeati which are eortifi«l by Hen ton and Som i>f the Rinniiighaiii Mint to he .'"I'lal ill weight and valur to thono •if the Stn:it« Settlements ni 144 gruin- of .-..|>|>er. w.-it first issnwl in ISS4. ami the
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  • 245 3 Ha, MikiSaito, the Japanese Consul at Siuga(.orc, who has spent considerable time in visitiug tbe Straits Settlements aud Siam, with the object of gaining information 'is to their suitability as fields for .l.ip.i'i.-se emigrants, has left Bangkok. Mr. Miki Saito's mission to Bangkok was purely to
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  • 131 3 In Foreign Trade Rcturtiß of Imports aud Kx|-.irts iv British North Borneo for 1892 and 1893. show the following results Tbe decrease in the imports is entirely I due to tbe check which the tobacco planti ing industry received in 1890-1891, from which the country
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  • 221 3 The St<iti*t predicts that tbe rise in silver will continue. It concludes tbat the recent full was due to mere panic, that it was i'ot justified either In the production or the consumption. How fir the iecoveiv will extend .1. n.K u|>on whethpr India will Ik gin
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  • 484 3 The Amsterdau Deli Com|>auy held its annual meetiug of shareholders at Amsterdam last mouth, at which the report was published, ;nnl the dividend on the preceding year tired at3operceut. The refterve fund has reached the amount of f.737,4»r>. In 1893 there was sold 6,026 bales at an average
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 "TvEAFNESS COMPLETELY CURED Any pomou 8u(Teriu£ fruin Deafnesit, Noixet in the Head, fee may learn of a new, simple treatment, which is proving very surceaHlul in ooinpletnly rurinif cases of all kinds. Full partiritlarK, inclndiuR many uimolicitotl teati1 moniaU and uewspaper pross ootict*, will he —-lit pout free on application.
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    • 703 3 NOTICE?. I KATZ BROTHERS. PROVISION DEFT. Freeh Assortment of Treleman and Dros', Dutch Proviaions 81 in I and 2 lb. Tin*. 'elery in Gravy, Champignons. Spinach, Green Peas. Caoliflower, Tnrnipa. Apple Sauce, Brown Haricot Beans. FISH AND MEATS S»oc' 6sh, Red Herrings. Freed Herrings, Fried eels. Fresh Dutch Salmon. Minced
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    • 357 3 NOTICES. FOR 1894. THE HOUSEHOLDERS' BAZAAR BOOK. New and Improved Edition. A conveniently arranged book in which the cook can enter daily all household expenses, with a separate column for each day in tbe week, a separate page for each week in the year, and a separate line for all
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    • 986 3 BHIPPING. FOR OENERAITsHIPPm© «TfßWi SEE PAGE a "ETOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA Messrs. Apcar A Co.'s steamer LIGHTNING 1,392 tons. Captain K. H. Bnndberg, left Hongkong on the .'.th instaat, and is dne here on the 11th instant, ea route for the above |ort«. For freight or peesajre, apply to 11/:.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 158 3 ARRANGEMENTS. I'lnt-Ki. 10th May High Water. IJfl f. ui. Races. Second Day. 3.30 p.m. The K\. h.u> Banks closed at uoou. Kkiday, IIth May. High Water. 1.18 a. in. 2.50' p.m. Associatiou Football. S. C. C. v. Garrison. Tanglin Club At Home. Lecture on Lucknow at the Priusep Street Cha|>el.
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    • 1186 4 Under thin heading the following ssswti* tioua ar>> u*ed «tr. stnamer *li. —^lii|. b<[.— barque Brit —British U. S.— fTnited Stated; Fr. French; Ger. German: Out. Dutch; Joh. Johore; Ac.. G.c—^Mwisl cargo; d.p. deck pas«eng»rs U. DssOO tain T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.—
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    • 122 4 Name, Pert, and Dale of Hailmi From Lokdon. OmmUsl Apl. Glamorganshire Apl. II Paramatta Apt tt Britannia May II Curina'thiMisliir.' Apl DmMmMm May. LIVKUI ■<"•. Estrgia M.->r. M; Tartar, Apl. Dardasos Apl 7 Btsntor Apl 11 Ping Su.\ Apl SI Ke. -*****11 M Vi-ur.-i- < '.-I V nrrant
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    • 107 4 3 Vkimil'h Nami. Tons. Captain. Rm fMM. -IIUK Maj 1 KruH 9 Karang 9 Stura 10 Medu.a in ttmko 10 H10 Owtlior in Sri Hour Adu 10 K'lan Van* 10 H..rn<-o Hi Kiau Ann 0«r. hq. 1**4)1 Im Dul. ttr. -J06 Parrel IU1. -tr. lll'i !><■ Ktfri Bnt.itr. WH
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    • 74 4 Date Vessel's Name. Vbbsel'b Namk. Flau Sl Un. i.llAIN DM1BI «J 9 9 9 H 10 1» 111 10 111 Ban Whatt Hin 8ri TiiaggiDU OlrutTon MnlariM Labcck tiiuiiir Anu O'Tiroo Hnog.y M.-Ali.u-r Brit -tr ttr. itr. Oer. <tr. I Hnt.-i. it". -r. Br,t 1~, Ol.,,, Smmba. A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 551 4 NOTICE*. I'BOUT 1) E R A K BT KKANK SWKTTKNHA.M. I'AI'KK OOTSBB *1.0»» CLOTH BOABDfI $1 s<» HAI.K LKATHEK HOO SINGAPORE. STRAITS TIMES OFFICE. The liook will b*> forwaHed to any part on application (to»t free at the above named price*. Tbi- inoi,.'_v muxt on sent with all onlnrs. Postal
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    • 1448 4 DOCKS. 'PHB TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. X LIMITED. The preminos of the OosMMS are nitnat"d at Tanj'.n r FkMJ adjoining ISB town of I pore. Ktsam tram-cars run at short intervals ■■arrylnjf passengers and goods from Wharf t.. destinations at ow rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a
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    • 897 4 NOTICES. Fstsblishec 1865. T>l LET, HARGREA VEB 4 CO. BnoiNKERs, Ikon k Brass Focndksh, HuILEEMAMEI. BSIDOB BUILDKSS, SHIP BHIIIKEa. QIRBSAL (JORTKACTOSS. SINGAPORE k KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class BTEAM VESBELS always under construction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. length of keel of b«at design and finish. MACHINERY
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    • 89 4 NOTICES. PEBBLB BPBCTAOLBB A FOLDERS a 1 i ii 5 O co v I I H^ g S 5 a 2 -0 g P ak. h O r^ a i ->^ H j Zm < -i K < H H 2 i -OS P^ S3 3' 't fe to* 2
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    • 189 4 NOTICK is now of the following ditnenSLoT'*" 4 Length on U,e block. C Breadth, at entrance Drpth of witter on till at) ordinary .prin,? tide.) li d l n««p tide. The Mn.-hine Shop ha* been 1 t.nd«l and b MM all thT»i' |.li»nc(w for effecting repair to h iu^
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