The Straits Times, 8 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 18^31. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1894. NO. 18.H13.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 358 1 B I PANIES 1 hi mail *ta>i MOM -»»!>. h *»hoT«> dat« no If a|<; tr r ,,w i«r-i.-i »t t rateable*, inrt I* taken dpliy-ry «.f on -•< l'» arrival. PA( IH' I: \II.WAV I ROTAL MAIL r-TEiMPHlP i I M FTBOPE VIA < WADA I I. s ■>■!■■
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    • 1110 1 STKAMBHIP CiMI'AN ■'IM.I. LATJt I 'JUAT. -miners, dation for first elnss, i f-p| tlio I -.1 and j ra'i North i altarin con- j n piiatj-a's li list, and Bdl wiil be called at only once overy four weeks. KONINKLIJKE PAKETT i > k 1 1 Sailings and Expe. STEAMSHIP
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    • 906 1 STEAMSHIP (aUU'AS ATORDDIUTSriIEK LLOTD. ll BREMEN. The fa«t sin) well-known steamers of this lino run regularly between Brem.-rhavon Slid Slianghai, calling en route st Antwerp, Southampton, Tienoa, Najiles, Port Said, Sue/, Aden, Colombo, Singa]>ore, and Hongkong. In connection with thn arrivals and departures of these mail steamers, the Com■ssjjii ste.'m
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    • 711 1 INSURANCES. r\ U ARDI AN i'lEB ANP LIFK ABS! VJ COMPANY, LI.V.rKI>, LONDON. EcTiIUSLID lHll. Svtiscribed Capital Total Inye^tod Funds 4,61f1,000 Annual Income, il.:s,<Xo The und> r«i.»ncn, agecta for tbe above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods or ten d-.ya or longer periods, at current rate*
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    • 631 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF! iioooonoo PROPRIETORS ..»10,000,000 Couar or Dirictobs: Chairman— ll. HOPPfUS, Esq. Dii-utt Chairman— J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. si- Ugsmtm—m e^i. a. Mccowicsit. e«i. H. H. Jonrra. ¥.»q. j s sfmss.lw J. J. Kikwici. I). R. Simoom.
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    • 364 1 NOTICEB. McALISTER Co. pATEJTT A NTIFOULINO T3AINT. The best paint in the Market has been applied to the following owasr' boats. Messrs. Lindsay Gracie A Coy. J. T. Rennie Son A Coy. Mcllwraith McEachran A Co. Gellatly Hankey Sewell A Coy. Carlisle and Compaay. The Greenoek S. 8. Company. McALISTER
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  • 532 2 I A 1 KST MARKET QUOTATIONS. t>iNOAPo»« Bth Mat, 1894. PRODUCE. Oainbior, 7.75. do Cube No. 1 12.50. do do No. 2, 9.25. Copra Bali, 5.90. do Pontianak, 5.50. Pepper Black, 10.00. S«go Flour, Sarawak 2.30. do Brunei 1.96. Pearl Sago, i 3.40. Coffee Bali 40. Coffee Libcfian, 44.50.
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  • 122 2 For Per $tr. Time TO-DAT. M.Urct, Hortburgh, 3 p.m. Btnmt. 3 p.a. CalvoK, 3 p.m. .Smrubaya via porU, Sri Bandjar, 3 p.m. Cinili.-iii, 3 p.m. X tin )>ort>, Pfju, 3 p.m. ■aifsa, avsMHVawt, 3p.m DHMSj 4 p.m. I'.i'.-mlianif. Be jknlit. 4 p.m. Kurope via port BaJacM, 6 p
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  • 105 2 Ki.kopk Hy tli- MM. • itrrauxm .ii:. i.i-.i.iT. aas asiaas reaass to th.' mail whiak itt atafsaaas ea thu I3tb Murck. Hofnon M;ir. :!7tli A|l. HI, A I i Mk A|>1. 10th A t .l. 18th Apl. J<lih >l j. v l-t May I. U
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  • 131 2 ABKIVAL.H. L'er s. s. Cfcoic Phya from Klang :—Mr. H. CuinmingN. Per a. s. M<-Ali*ter from Sourabays :—Mr. Vc. 'hmiger. DEPARTURES. Per H. M. s. s. B<il«iie for Manteillea Mi Warrack, Mrs. Msthan, Mr. and Mrs. A.vclry, Mr. and Mrs. LeyzerK Vis, and Mr. I'r.n/,' Per M. M.
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  • 76 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 8th MAY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established i A. price: 10 ckn ra r.Ue« ii« I ilt -cij m/<« may be found on the fourth paije.l CHANGE IN THE TIMoI'INC SEHVICK. The trooping service in Kaglaaii is henceforth to bo ooadoeted from Boalhaiuptoa instead of ft om I'ortsinouth.
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 332 2 The buye steamer trade- between the < 'ol'inv and Australia and the iucreasiiiL' (|uantities of Australian products imported here lend importance to th. display of Victorian products to In- held at the Volunt.-er Drill Hall. t..-uiorrow. The depression of trade has I ecu n sharply
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  • 706 2 Thk .Miiriiic Court of Kuijiiii\ which ut Paaaap; toinveetigaie lim i iniimirtani— attciiilini.' the tiaaatroaa < ►1 1 i i 1 1'i'ii til.- ste.iliier- Wftfttt* Ud Kniii'i Tumi has animadverted on tha < n;i 1 i ti. iti.iiis of tli.- n.itiv.- LTHiiuiTsi. Tin- Court >aid
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  • 15 2 Tjik Straits llinl.j.i for trauHuiiajion h» the OaaaaM n «ai r> .dy itt no<)n to-day.
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  • 21 2 Thk outwarj M. M Packet 0,,,,,,^ M :1 1 r.l.i a. in. t.i..Uv, aud is due- ln-i.- aOOUI V p. vi.
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  • 24 2 I'hk P, i» mill itaaiaor Aatlaj lift 11 p. in. MuJaav, tha 7tu iaav, aad uiiv ba expected hare uu ton do mi.
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  • 21 2 atiofl t ...lli.ill , will Lie «>n the Bealaaada "i. Prajat v. .mi,' belweea laaaai rrataaaattafiai 8, 0 aad the Qarriaoa.
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  • 24 2 I him. si: wc.iii.ui jiini|..-d lMuj a windo* m h boaaa ia Kerth Bridge road Uat eveaiDg. Baa «;ts baad to be in?au.-»uJ ipttal.
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  • 52 2 Ii ii stated cm good aathorHi that ill-- Baaaian ■qaadroa in the Haaaana. ue.iii, iind.-r Aduiiril Av-lUn, w:ll |.r >. babij riail Constantinople •hen M h Nelidc-ff. the Knssi in Auili.issador, re'.urui. Up to thepneeat, howaaar, uuthiu^' hn 1., ii decick-d. uor has the jiroyrdiuine of i pti me I
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  • 63 2 'i> :m:i>ay a Chiuaiuau was seen idi) and valkiag oa the roof "f a bonaa in Ufft Nankin rtfaat llu Ihs haviour attracted tha aUaaAioa of a num. i i;[ o| aad the police mm called. As the ii. a; daageroM tb* I 1 ai.d aftaf Krmt difficulty got the
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  • 83 2 A: data «'t list nail advicef, a plea. :n\ meeting ol bondholders, holding r,2J.'.' atruated t" »»u--die ale oi ii\e pets, nt the mi.m..v a| founding a new rompaa] lot tha eonplsi tloli of the Panama ciiual, with full bOWai to make teraia with the dalagatioß ana with the judicial
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  • 98 2 Till I t: > iine eonipetitiou Hi tbf conitrnction ol aatgmU awpfor t)ina»)«r«, in M BVI fa thai a new oue wa* I l.isl weak, and anoiher OM h.ipeared. The latest is the work ol Mi. l>. B, c|' A-,ui| >. who is in li.c le. i-lc.itioii ut lUafCßg at
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  • 119 2 Tin II.: I. C l!o«aaidt wai awkward carriage accideut thia i li appean thai ba ama driving to tawa in a large |.a!.i.|um. aad whta aa« tl'Kspiiinde. hia palaquia tonahoaj orotaai came into i illisioa wita Mr. Lyoi'i oarnage. Mr. Bogaardt'i hone U»l trigM, bolted, and w-nt eanaring aloog u»
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  • 112 2 Mr Hr.vMhKK llt.vros, tnd bwJ of [mpariaJ Panny l'"»t''k-"""" ba diaappointad with tha wautt 1 1 I'ostal Confaranoa id -\u| trala»i». The Conferenot daoidad meeting in Auckland thai h.-.iw coal of profiding ipeedj and ragijlar eommunicattoo doei not l"' r""--of any further redaction atthepreeent now The lowering of
    112 words
  • 52 2 lii.h.W's TIPS r 1 111 l ,an, I .isforat.,icafter.,e,,. lil1 il. l ,iy bright, I.n. l i 1 ,a,n I p ofl m thlak tha m*» turn opt (0 I"' thuTnXAion P T,,, BoAsarsna' Pt*m v Tin: Dinar. Pmrwmam. Thb Suwahb* Oot a i;,,, EaaM -W"" 1 Ailiitr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 508 2 rp m OMPAKT, LIMITED. THE Standarl Life AMuranc* '»nee Society. lety mpany. Th« China Mutual Steam N aviation oy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime In.uraoye Company. Limited. For par ff«^M»WsJall full adverti«em«nt of THL BORNLOCOM- LTD. Aiwata. rp h K > I v IDA I D Uf] OaWaJn
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    • 854 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 890 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. iBAY. The S. S. AZaMOK, having left Hong kong on thn 7th instant. \i expected to arrive here aa eraaaal laa l-th in-.tant. She will ■aaaieo faiaa iaaaatah for above port. For freight mid spsaat«, ap >'v t,, PATERSON, SIMONS Co, 12/j Agents. TNDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD
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    • 46 2 May 7th, at St. Andrew's Cathedral by the V.n. Arc lidcacon Perliam, Albert Edward aaeoai ef the late Thomas Austin, Esq.. if Plymouth to Mary Hcrberta, third daarhter of the late John Valentine, Esq., J. I., of Ludlow Shropshire. ■OB lil-NI'KAL SHIPPING RIWI SEE PAGE 4.
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    • 47 2 U.S.S. vUmd»* far l\. filra.l. 1 .i^aU W wnttrn tt **"*>*•! mlndi «r» to 11,, cv+iitm tut Ik* MauffrMtlNH llu »ie,. tut <if lluimfr The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 UKATHER UEPORT EMdan« Krabau Hotpital, 7th Mai/, 1894. j a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Kuuks-. Bar. re.i. :tJ F»h. ».BCB 29.720 29.78S u"S IViiii 56.0 84.1 77.0 b Ther. 79.8 78.0 73.9 "S a Dir. of Wind wvw. wsw. Calm. Miix. Tninp. in shade 87.7 .5 8 Yin. do d*
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  • 613 3 THE INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONFERNCE. mi»»rv Coofrrvo. i JKurop- nut tli I I uhlu- h»i coorlinlwl a If i ohicti him t.ik |>Ulll|H.leli' :-!r r^ i- i. 1 1 |>il- j .in.) pilgrim n. al. Ii i '.II llo.H-l (|U|M I •be \r-\ ..ii llnr.lh. ID (ill UpOO pll < i.M'iilmh
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  • 557 3 00 800 1-1 \sii-. l-l.i'id.s. au .■uihiiiu' Empire, .'ll-Wl>t p all .nt ti v bandred miles Ho ido, t WO I Ulelr. d ilj nnmbtied at 110,000 and the ■nmberol J«paaeat residing thei .s oolji thiw baadred. Tho i to oii!-iiuu.i>ei the I reseat in
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  • 285 3 serai sobetite.tioa ol [odiaD-na -li>h paper iv all Oovern m ofleei in India W i -nary printing paper |!1 hdia, all paper Us.h| ill c .rresjio'ldellre. as Will .ill 1 ..,.'t'ii!ii>'iit preeoce, bow oi.c.iine.l tiom the local mills. About tWO .1- orders were ls-11. d to
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  • 247 3 Mr T. A. Rnkin", an American imntag authority. haR slOMtMsjg to say in tbe Mi jdtinr upon th*> increacing il.miuity of ftting gold. He prevents »n >lf fa '< and statistics relatiuK to the mining of i;old, which, he holds, is growing more snd more difficult each
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  • 183 3 Snn v. April II I' 1- iwrj prolialile that Use loiisidi-ratiou which th" i|Ue«tiou of ex liani."' ini'ieusatioii has lately ht*l From the Government 01 ludia will load to the ilaiiloiinieiit of the test of "domicile" altogether. I am officially int rined that d'-niiiile will pmlmblv 1
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  • 313 3 Aboit two war* ago, s>mp excitement mi m the "electrical" trade* at ii line i« v the aunoiinecmeut that a new -,ni ce of mittapeicha had been discovered in iMlltogMlsU The manufacturers of 1 'lei r apphauies have become B* far the IhmsJ users of and
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  • 519 3 BfOM T<> THE NTKAITS. BoJU intereotiag particulars of (be Working i t [adisß aoOMIiM are published by tli^ K;iiitnc« mil Ooinmercp Depart-id,-nt m|' th" il.ivi rument of India. The mi l industry, it appears, is mniotaicuig ih- steady iaeiMWl 'bat has beeo apparent from the -tr.-n. of
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  • 129 3 The general nie^tiug of tbe Philharmonic .So.-ii-tv was held last evening at Uaffls Bui s' School, Mr. Ht. Clair presiding. The r.'p.irt of the committ<^' and statement of accounts for the year 1893 were presented and passed. The following gentlemen were elected office bearers:— Mr St.
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  • 129 3 cc, M -W.iy. 1H94. I. The followiinr li.-im' ]> for pnmiotii.n to the rank etlosgaßjat t'orporal < (nnisiun Bomlir Hilt, in. (iiinner K.llin Baser. Bawssa. Wr.liell 11. Thefollowinir promotioiiswilltake BBBBi with effect from the 7tl insl. Corporal Ormistou to be Sergeant A. Siib-ilhi-ion rjoinlir. Hilton
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  • 118 3 I'hk ordinary BMOtittg of tbe Munici|ial Coiniiiissiui.-is will be lield iv the Board Room, at Robiusou 011 Weduesday the Ii instant, at MQ pin.Aov:si»a. 1. To n-ad Bad if approved i-ouririu the ininutis of the ordinary meeting held 011 W.^duestlar 25th April. 2. 'To lav on
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  • 141 3 A Humk writer bears that an exceedingly bitter feeling has been aroused iv India by the ..I i i Natal <i ivernment to prohibit osawM fiom settling in that colony, a.d tint the ludiau Ooverumeot has l)eeu deluged with ivinoustiauces. This attack upou Asiatic labour,
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  • 91 3 For Chilli and Japan, b9bSBB%j BSB .'tli May. Borneo Co. For '"'1 Ifc-inKaj. Btura. due !«th May. 8.1111 M.yer and Co. Kor Penan* and Calcutta, L.jMnoif. due 11th May. Sarkies and M-.-s For Bouiliay, isaaMr, due 12th May. Paterson, tim.nn lid OS, Kor Hongkong, Wing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 FOR OENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SB PAOB 4 T^EAFNK^S COMPLETELY CURED Any peroon suffering from Dwafness, Noises iv the Head. Ac msy learu of a uew, simple treatment, whieli i- proving very successful in completely curing cases of all kinds. Full particulars, including many unsolicited testimonials and news|i«|M.r press notices, will
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    • 521 3 NOTICES. THE BRUSH ELECTRIOAL i:n(;ineering COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Reddaway's "Camel" Brand Belting, the most economical for power-transmitting purpose*. Chubbs' Stroug Rooms, fire and burglar-proof Doors. Robey and Co., Lincoln, Portable Engines, pumping and miniug gear. Pulsoiiieter Kiiirineeriiig Company, London. Beldam's Patent Engine Packings. SOIaK AOiHTB HOWARTH ERSKINK, LIMITED SINGAPORE. Siebe
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    • 809 3 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS. PROVISION DEIT. Fresh Assortment of Treleman and Dros', Dutch Provisions Ac, in 1 and 2 Ib. Tins. Celery in Gravy, Champignons. Spinach, Green Peaa. Cauliflower, Turnip-. Apple Sauce, Brown Haricot Beans. FISH AND MKATS Stockfish. Red Herring*. Freed Herring", Fried eels. Fresh Dutch Salmon. Minced Veal Truffled.
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    • 858 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL sHll'l'lNtt' ,NEWB ■■I PAOE I "P'JR PENANO AND BOMBAT The Navigaxioue Generale Italians Steamer STJ-RA. 1.41H tons reg.. ('a)itain De Negri, having left Hongkong on the ;ird instant, may be eipeoted to arrive here on the M instant, en route for above uorta. For freight and naxsage,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 174 3 AKHAN'.I Mi;.VTS. Tuesday, 8th May. Hi^h Water. UA7 p. m 51. M. hoiii.-w.itil u:ail lo-.-s t> p. iu. 51. 51. outward mail due Races, First l>.iy. 3.30 p.m. The Ki< li.n Bauks .].■>■■ at uoou. WEDNESDAY, !»TH MaY. Hi.'Ii i 1.5 |>. in. Exbibitiuu of Vii-turiau proJucls. S. V.
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    • 1041 4 Under this heading the following alilir>-vi». tious an» u»e^l str. »t'>*mi>r; si. ■>hi|. liq.— barque Brit British: U.S. "nit. 'l ■States; r'r. French; (ii-r. 'iermau; Dut. Dutch; Joh.— Johore; Ac. 0 o— Bill cargo; d. p. 'l»ck MBSBMBtSj I' -I'lieer. tain;T. P. W— Tnnjong Pugir Wl, irf
      1,041 words
    • 77 4 mi l'' 1 <>i s VmOM I,u:.iims < luadalqairir 1 1 HlsißiS!|i.nehlrs Mar Kiptoek, M»r. JJ l.i BBPOOIi 16; pi. Nestor, A).l. I I! Mil: 1 let. .I. J7. Inehsn Peter Uickmers, r*efa I ii \|.i.;;. U 1 H It i Biekai sBOII 1 Jane Hi I'biil
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    • 48 4 Vihkil's Name. z. TOKH. ClPTAIM. Km I C'OICtluNIII. T M.Al.nter 7 Hr.DK.y S l',,k«n K «'opliie Kic'>incr> 8 < I, .w I'hrx Pk. yet. TJ lohMM III it -tr MS -..r..«.-:l «tr. IM3 Fom -1 liru.-.' Htt llruli-i Bril .tr 870 Oiawk* \l .i mnl Murk San < \l
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    • 51 4 Dm 1>ATK I Vkiwil'm N'ahk. Vbuil'b N'amk ru v in Km v :«r 8 8 8 8 8 |l»u Wh»tt Soon Cathwiaa ipnr Vnjirunln. CdjfM PHI lbairkiili< (JoJ»T«rr Hr.t.-tr D At*. tlnt.t'. lui lint .tr. Hit. 'IT. .tr. Lowry Rote l I'.ul Killiton .n.l lootuuiftk II.M/kuDlf i!»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 296 4 •TICKS. McALISTER Go. ■ATI I' Wb* A Wf'ff 01 JAMES WATSON Co.'s LBBBATH) SCOTCH WHISKEY. (THE DOMINIE DUAN A-k l.'i tin- Dominic liraii'l (Black LftW. (.1 ARANTKKI' 10 vi;ai;s OLD. PBICfI SI O.OO PBB lAsi;. Mc A L I 8T BR ft Co., AiiKxrs. THE CLAN^LEND WHISKY y REGISTERED SP
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    • 391 4 ITICBS. CHUBB'S IRON BAPBB AND LUCKS. The Bmtl in the World. APOLLIN'ARIS WATBB, I The yuKK.s 0* Table Watkus. PERUIER-JOUET CO.'d CsunAflan A hi»fh civ it reputation st a moxlora' Quarts ?*t .Vi jv>r case. Pints $;}l.:.<' READ BROTHERS' 4LK4STOIT. The uinl.-i Mats fsr MB above gondn have 1 i
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    • 1318 4 DUCKS. r pHB TAN.IONG PAGAR DOCK CO. 1 LI M UK I). The prom!"-* of the Company are «tnat .1 ai.Taaj.-i i'.».:ar adjoining the tows) of Ma vp re. team fun-cars run at fli rt 1 < arrylnif passengers and goods from Wharf t.> destinations »t la* MM The Wh
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    • 898 4 NOTICES. Establishes 1865. DIIiEY, HARGREAVES4CO. ElfOllf CEBS, IBOH A BRASS FoCKDIKS, BOIIBRMAKEBS, BSIDOB BUILDEBS, SBII' BUILDERS. GESERAI. COKTKACTORS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always m.l'-r construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keoL. of best design snd finish. MACHINERY trora leading British
      898 words
    • 156 4 NOTICKS. PfcBBLE SPECTACLSS A FOLDERS. I 5 o S 7. a i i' s leg I *1a IS g g 2 a 2 02 g is I US z C_/ 02 S s J 5 fir*s "OjO-Oig 1- m J c q9 I 5 8 3 p5 I m <
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    • 400 4 NOTICES. THK "STRAITS TIMF Thb "Stbaith Bddobt" foll'w'.r- 060 the «-»m Daily is»»e pw 30 44^ a OO pop. \<) g—^ Weekly do y,^ j 8 JS^ do do mm 4o nat, At tin se price,, the daily i« M i, dvi;-.^. |x«t fr.-i MfffMN On tbe weekly wh.-n -.lit
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