The Straits Times, 7 May 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times i:STAHLISirED:ia3I. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 7, 1894. NO. 1t),:*12.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 726 1 wisnir compani IPaJTT W has vi« and Owowm > I steamer* may < rds and l*aT* Hingapore kaxtv iudat«w: -••M II.tW.EI. I*4. IHM. M«» It t.M«M H .In iw V dat«n arc only i ,„:>»!- an.i depart ii r.« may b* 'he same aatal ■\i V II m.«»r.i t'.inl pa»*.
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    • 477 1 LMBHIP COMPAQ J VAART i B ire. > and all •n- altermtok. lc iM eonI I <l-ik, Beiigkn.l;s BdJ will bo called at ivery four v i KONKVKLLIKE PAKET Intkndiii Saimni.s ami Kir ,t;,in. St'Jimnr* Will sail. Eijiected From S waerdct nmn MMk May. H.iwenn, 4th May. BaadO i. tad
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    • 690 1 KTKAMSHIP COMPANIKB. h',,r lli,rr T 'or/> via B>wnanandS/)nrabaya. Oatha Bill .f BMBjaMatk a steamer runn in this j diraat cargo ami pa«ii ie.-massiu, Pulo L»ut, Paeeir, ami I .'-I sfnBBMT in .v. I 1.-.'.t aad pona to Banjer,r cl to Hagßf) ai^al nnd in- rat Went Coatt i sight
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    • 884 1 STEAMSHIP COMJ'ANIKS VORDIi BVTSOHIB LLOYD. 1> IKN. The th-\ an,! well-known BBBHBBBI of >his line run re^u!ar'v I :erl,aven and Sliaughai, ealllßK eu routo at Antwerp, Joren, Naplea, Port Said, Si."/. Allen, i'■ in- o, nre, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these in the ComBBBT*a
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    • 676 1 INSURANCES. G. COiII'JNY, 1.1.V KD, LONDON B*aaauaajßi Snt.*crib.Hl Capital «.«iO,OOO Total luvn-tod Furi(?: 4,618,000 Annual Income, 088,000 The ncdord^j,';. tco abovH Company, are prepared to uoocpt C;e -i.ks for short periods of ton djyH or 1, riods. st current raloH to be ii a p.. .'.ion to. Co. NOhlH
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    • 634 1 HANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KKSKHVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF") «,innnn-«n« PROPRIETORS J .-510.000,000 Court or Dirictobs:— Chairman— H. lIOI'PIUS, Eaq. Diiutt CiiAiitMAN-C. J. HOLLIDAT, Esq. 8. q Mich»«, hj K.q. A. B%OMMJBj Bag. H. 11. Jo«»l-H. Isq, J S .Me»s,Bsq, H..U J. J. tuncl.
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    • 369 1 NOTICBb. McALISTER &00. yoCUB pATENT A NTIfOUIJNO T>AINT. The he*t paint in th* Market has been applied to the following owner's boato. Meaors. Lindsay Grar-ie A Coy. J. T. Rennie Son A Coy. Mcllwraith McEachran A 00. Gellally Han key Sewell A Coy. Carliale and Company. The Greenock S. S.
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  • 533 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sixoapobi. 7th Mat, 1894. PRODUCE. Gambior, 7.7.V do Cube No. 1, 12.50. do do No. 2, i»iV Copra Bali 5.90. do Pontianak, 5.50. Pepper Black. 9.95. Sago Flour, Sannk 2.30. do Brunei 1.V6. PwirlSago. 3.40. CjUw Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake, 4.15. do
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  • 155 2 For Per $tr. flaal To-Mobbow. P. 1-r.n.Un MMm, 7 a.m. Hutu Pahat, A>ng Aun, 9a.m. llil.itou and Pontianak, Ban Whatt Soon, Noon. BaißM, ii Imri! N'oan. Hnntrlong, C. Apcar, 1 p.m. K.:iuir ti» port*. Boon Ban 11. 1 p.m. P-ulaug vi» port., M. Vaiiruiihit, 1 p.m. Siiuarang tia
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  • 103 2 MA I LS TO ARRIVE. raoa Boaen Ry th- m.m. -t.«u.ern..,,,...,. .In.- to-morrow. Shi- >>ricir- replien to the mail Hjii.-li I. tt SiDKapore od th« 13th March. ill I Mar. mat I'.iu. M»r JTth MM. Apl. 1th P O. A,.|. '..tli N. D. I. Apl. loth M. M. Apl. 18th
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  • 174 2 ABUIVAI.S. I", r I'.-rak jailit Meun from Port Weld Mr. F. A. Swettonhara. Per M. M. s. s. Onduvenj from Batavia: Mr. and Mrs. Stone, Messrs. A. Dohse, W., and C. Prius. Per s. s. Malacca from T. Annon via |K>rta i Mm. Tr ■».-!,.-r. Si Mr.
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  • 157 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 7th MAY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. ■.•iV/i mk i ni i.l b •<;, »uiy be found on the fourth ITALIAN COLOKISATION In the Italian ChatntH-r of Depatwo, Baron niauo, the Miuistt-r for Ponhja Affairs, stated that Italy isfirmlv resolved to retain her African
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 318 2 THE PRISON DEPARTMENT IN 1893. Tin- I'risoli K.-lHirt hf IBM ***** that, in th,- Bns^pon CrnuaaJ Priaoo, til.- .lailv ay. rau'.- of prioOMn n-;i. h.-.l 884 a^iiist Mfl in 18M Th.- .lailv av.-nii.'.-of Kur-i|--,ins aud Eurasians was Ik ■piaal 17 in ly»-j Th.- eoajdad of tin-latt.-r b najortoi «fMi m
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  • 17 2 Mr. F. A. Swettenhaoi, British Resident of Perak, arrivoxl to-day fr.iai Port W.-M in the vut-ht Mrna.
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  • 20 2 Mk>. Tr.-rt. -her liis arrivi-.) from T.-iuk Auson in tha Mafawa tad Mr. Jntioa \avi frouj IVuaDK in tho flatiktr*
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  • 20 2 Mk. Baro, ill.- ,ia|i,iin Oonaal ut Sin^aiioTi-, Ins i.-taru.- 1 ti.mi Rpfhnt by the IS. i it S. n Guun.
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  • 20 2 Tin; i:\.liai.i;.- ttiah. it i- DOtiled bjf adv.-rtis.-in.-iit. rlos-- at uo.iu ..ii Tn.-> 1.i.. and Thursday, this week ia<>- .la\>.
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  • 24 2 It is urufad thai the Plower Show shall bo li.'ld in the a V. A. Drill Hall ..ii tli*- I Mli aud 15th Juue.
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  • 14 2 Tn ShmUt Tlmm mID !>-■ pabtiahadsl B o'clock to-morrow iTm-sdayi; oadabo ou Tliiirsdav. ran- d.i\~.
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  • 25 2 Tm. llkv. w. h. i;. i nh, tha Methodist iniiiisl.-r, hHMM ill.- (Jolotiv (or a holiday home within a t.-\\ dam, owiac to ill health.
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  • 26 2 Tin P.-rak vii.-ln M, a,, ;irru.-.| t..-.l.i\ inun I'.iri W. 1.1 an. l aka bu on board Mi V A s«.n.iiliaui the British Beaidenl ol Pink.
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  • 24 2 4» < fOBOCt Of til.' (rov.-nioi's i.---i-t'ut tour in Sehiiigur aud J.-I.lm appaan iv au extraordinary nuinl«r of tii" fib langor Cm; 11,1,1,'nl (iaZftti.
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  • 33 2 TaU N. 1). L .sti'.iiin-i ffweow «.is ■1.1.iy.-.l m bardepartun lor Baropa tefdaj on accouut ol tin- r.nn Mfl n,.( alii-- 1 •> load lobaceo. Tin- HaakaM I- 1 1 il 4 p.m.
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  • 31 2 Tin: M. M. ('oiii|>aiiy'i' steam, r SaiaSM 1.-ft Saigon ut noon <m yaolofday, and n.ay bo expected hen- to-nioVr.nv a>bo ii noou. Sho will probably Md. »|-at. li.-.l duriiix the in^'lit
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  • 29 2 in.|.i.-sts w.-i,- 1,,-M in Sin ■uondwiag tha Irat qwrtac ol LBM Six ot tin-in MM "ii ii.-.ount of sin.-i,|.-aud tliroe MM under th<> h.-.i.l ut -ulp. able bomicide.
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  • 27 2 Tin. It ih, in Consul askb it to I that tin? liitornatioual Exhibition to be hold at Milan. oiimi.-ii.-iiii,' M.iv n-xl. is that af |.übluity ;iu.l tdtPWUIMMBt.
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  • 30 2 The Innii.'wai.l in.iil hv lli.- M M <t.-.iiN,-i sn'i:.' doaai .it 0 p.m. to-Bonow. Tho outward in ul In ih,- M M i Octanitn in duo to-morrow, tbotti ITanillg
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  • 5 2 The areragc aaoant of beak
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  • 30 2 •rt.aed. m th- 8 V A FW^ T d > lay, R..«eand K, -llr. arT^ K and th.-y d.-aire it to be' known ih^t' t xhibitiou ih for i.ue day onlr.
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  • 45 2 Saturday hay,o K v „,w. tor Oermau shi,, Carl rr../w* b «h aeaka ago in tb. l£* lx.llrho.Kl „f Labuan. We ate k,!!**' Uadentaad that the Carl Frtdn/i i D <* tnat have all beta l.roW-n and* that th. v now full with bulk oil.
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  • 45 2 1 'n Saturday 1 ris, while star H j,,^ ai.umb.-r of phtad attieloa, kmr^ lorn aai s.. aa, U-ariugthrDaaM of ik. Bo teameaaaieetei wuhr lYevetke, of tao /w« and f t^tlMartidoeaedbeM SeahiCß OMp aheejl thr,.- months ago. ACh mau has hen arr, >■ v
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  • 51 2 M.U .-nt.-r- station thin moniii.^HM.l he had I-.-I. injured by a ■word-la, the beach thii laorning. the Wiit.-r t..r |.rawn I fooad that the .word bone <*£» had piaatialiJ tkraeajh Ike J?. of the man'- thigh aad had leering the bone in the rau .i laißja woaatd. Tli.- man
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  • 90 2 I.v bai aifieai from i-rman NY. Oaiaaa n appcan thai deepite th* Jr»w .1 .it eecabti i with i-utivi-s. a Mt.adv UKT-aae in uiltir». tioa i- t" bo Mll ou all «ides. Tbet, nDll pal pradtMtioa it cotton plat doiaj well. l,m owing to a [nruliar virtu,- ifl the toil
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  • 96 2 Thk Mellioiirne CapthiojOßl imh.irj (•f 0 -joel deal of iti gk ry. The addrd ii,. .n. v is to be reduced from j 1 and the trope; waieh fur the past lea Ttan ti beta attaeaed t.> it, »>] which aaaa i !»ii x\^\ diaapprar altogetki r, Ikm .hamMwc* rtoeliid
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  • 68 2 im Band (the 2nd Batt. [docolaattn .1 I'liv tli.- laWoalog m Tue««l»r Thnrada\T, aad Sataraay thai week, eia> ij: DMI ■aaaaal 1. rmeizo.Oa<A< I 1. I in Biii-al.i~. I Luwth^L mvaetviT. I. Mnr.-li JafUal Mii-hsflU Baea|atj| i nr William. .PlaaqartU I Ban Dm I' 1 Latl.
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  • 145 2 >.\ Batordaji .ift.-m «>u cri I ijred oa the Boplu wi 1. 1 i tad foaag iueinb*n oftaeB.C C. reoptetively, aad tb.- niittb 'ii.l. .1 in favour of the juuiors. The following are tbc scores: era two years' ulxbeiseip. I H Qoaal ateiM Iford 1 pa b Un.l.-r. A
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  • 134 2 i uai rifla ■hooting n. pkce B l twr civilian un.l fire miliUrjr con Tli- matter ni n<M ■hooting, the light twing bad »"<l* ■troog irind blowing Thou •lisad'*"'--y eiphuo th« t icorei Bergt. sv.|.'iili.ini. the bigbeal figure in I Port natch recently, resterdaj 01 77. Compared with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 815 2 rpHE BORNEO COMI'AXV. LIMITKI) rr\Ht St*n.Urd Lif« Aaenrance I Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Aaauranc* Con,; The BqaiUbU Lif» Aasarance Society The t ><-«an Marine Insurance Company. TU Chiaa Matual 8t«»m Narigation Coy Tb» Tottmhaat Lajrw B«>r Company. Th* Maritime In«nrance Compaay, Lim for particular* of theee Oimpaniaa BM fall adTertisoment
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    • 871 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper iii Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has bo widespread a
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    • 894 2 LATEbT_ ADV ERTIBEM ENTB. m >Tioi rpH E Exchange Bank* will rliMe at noon, on J. Tuesday the Bth. and Thursday the l"th iu-.i race days. AWQ Dutch trentleman seeks a trt->.-llin^ i-oinpaiii'.u to -t\rt with him. within 1 1 da] on a voyage to China, Japan. Aintrea and rli.llan-l.
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    • 56 2 K.S.S ,nI«W t^atmu T,m- itxM U vnttn, »jJJMJ««ij If.*.* an H)teU* lUI rn^U rthmnM U 4U Urrrlimmt Mlnttl an «*)«<( U tU w4ilm I V.I «W ««M t^ M MM llu U,^U-mtnt ~1./10-_ The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 98 2 WEATHER REPORT Kandatu) Krabau Butpxtal, tth May, l-'.'l 8 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. BlHABIi. Bar. red. 32 Fah. 2!*.8IO 29.713 2!». 756 Temp S0.7 84.3 77.0 3 Wi>i 1'ulb Thar. .78 0 76 8 76 0 Mr.rfWW W. W. f*im. 'g' M»x T»mp. in (hade 86.9 Min Uo do
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  • 211 3 •IBAT •MOT*. I Hit! It t II I .ia wor l In I i i to wii 1 b ir<l M and will lave a la't- r in V' r M K El wuuM v; way, but with a itoaa a Kltli 1)1111 II gtaly under-
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  • 108 3 torci rrnoa aY ni nt run- I tbe run. I the J feW trip! I laj, only get I tllle- to ipeoiaa, up tbe crop v. n quickly, I. ut the \,,i. nil g on I .it our barf, i till iu!o the -r ii -I
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  • 137 3 mi. ki vI. A ll BM K■anro. tth >la.\ i Ba K Wat. r- lU»pi c IJ .Vll I 1 •111. I the [aip madiof i I'h V. Ii it Ls i 10 -uldu't I that lib it I pn -.lit opeu- ill Mtl Koala I.Ulll] lit August
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  • 184 3 iati rfoa in labaoso i NS W V. .i.l a\ Tuiiiut. under tbe tbaDepartoMßl shown were i.-.if, and 1 lolm.'. I former wmi ired ia tb ia tear or I** 1,, in ,i dryn _--iioase tbe department. Tbe I I dep.irtiii. ii.. Tbej ware growD under
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  • 212 3 ■iiv i^rticulars were ffiven in this journal uf tm- murd, r of au Austrian Babel in Siatn while on a ({old bj npadatioa. Two aftaoaariaron have since lieeu caught be tbe Sianiaud oue of the in is said to liaie confessed bis gaflt. Th-' murder at Petnu There,
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  • 705 3 THE KWANG TUNG- NGAPOOTA COLLISION. i HI 1 1N1.1N.. UI i Hi. ..riii. IIIK ..lIIT THINK H NATIVf '.l NY '■I A UUP. At IVi.ii._r. ou Tl.iiimluv. tba M.irii.e Court of Enquiry,appuiated to iai tbe fcbot it« ftodtaf hs Br 'isii i-ie-r .Sg.ipoota, ■11 of the port of Londou, Q
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  • 123 3 I I.i AKRIVt. IVri' from Ldiilon, Ai>ril 1:>, Berg! Maj r. an 1 Mr- I. Hnin.i-ter. Colonel II i' Joans Ts^ftria. Mr W. C. l^aufrdon, i; Biasaaas, I! rdoe Wilkinson, ainl J Land. I'.t P I ni Loadoa, April Hies V I.- M \l trim ManeOles, April V.. v". Schleuit/.
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  • 49 3 For J I*■■ 11 W.s;ay, due "th May 4year, dm 7th May, M vi mil lapaa. A'.nlv-t, due '.*th May, i... i Boatbay, Si»ro, am M M I Co, utta. L.jhtr<it, due sa au.l Mows I i W. tnstrmHi. f-'iifii. n 17th May. W. Maaal
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  • 134 3 Thk lSiirni i Government would appear. says Indian Engin"ri*q, to hate made a bad bargain in having iea'ed certain fields in tbe wcinitv of the Ifaajai Archip-Uk'o The Chine*** are, however, reapink: the lienefits. Thew leas-K were cranted in October IBM, fa* aariai .>f I faaia,
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  • 154 3 A COBRKBH4IXIIENT Writing' Illili'irl Entiin>rritfj al«.\e "A Wauderer" nays Tin- iMi '>f tli» Strnml at Bi-m-h n>a<l h«« ii «lmiiiiy-L r eute.i apfaanaaa, aal hwk m if no ran- w»> taken „f tlie |ilji,v A little jinlieial ••xin'iiditiin- w.mlil proenn- for Pillgapon -).leinlid Murinn The whole the coin.
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  • 154 3 In British New Guinea coal l»vn laaad bj sir William ■aajraaar, who. in on.- of his exploritii: t rij»». has. for the tirst time ia tbe gaognpbioa] biatotj of Ne« tiuinea. foiiud a BHMBi 'lie loniiiitioli. A seam of OOal WtM OOBM ujkhi. iiK.m
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  • 180 3 Anhiiiei: effort i- ,il~.nt t>. U- nia.le in onler to rio.i! tli.- I.mama Canal uiml.t--takfaMJ is.i\s the London Drily IbtMMpl Paris eorresjM.udeiit I M. Iyemar.|ui-. the repr. s. ntati\e of the boßdhoUan of the eOßpaay, UWMOMai bj a circular letter that the Bmndaten hsva eoMlaiad negotiations with
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  • 263 3 LEPROSY IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Tuna, was laid nn the table of the New Booth W.iles Lagialßtive Aaaaably irlv last month, a re|xirt l.v the l»| K Health it].on this sil.ject Th- naoti that ..n tiie Ist .l.muiin. IBM, there rellliUlll'l lllldi T detention .It the |e]^-r l.i/.aret :!'i
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  • 327 3 Ai Sulest, I >: it ir.h Haw Guiuea, a spleudid pild-bcariu^ reef has been disi.' For tiv.- years, parties have searched for this lead, indications of its n»tci liii\ iut: baao f-'imil iv the ii.-u'h-bouriug creeks in the form of rich specimens. The line of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 ,t HIBAL silll'lMNci NEWS BU I'AGi: 4.
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    • 422 3 KATZ BROTHEBB. I'HOVlsioN DDT. Fresh AsaartOMal f Treleman and Droi', Dutoh Pr. vi-i.ins bl iv 1 and 2 lb. Tint. Celery in Qfaty, Champignons. Spinnch, Green Pea«. Caulirlnwer, Ttirnins aOBM Sauce, Brown Haricot Beans. FISH AND MKATS Sto<kfi«l<. K-d H»rrin(T«. Freed Hi-rrinjrs. Wed eeN. Fresh Dutch Salr- -n. Mincisl V.'nl
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    • 381 3 NOTICES. pi T>KTTANIN. Proprietor, ROYAL HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Begs to info m lii- customers that )ii« ataff lit* been n-centlv strengthened l>y the arrival oft sew Hair Dresser from Rome (by the German Mail 8aehitn.\ Customers and Visitor* ran now he uttfndrd tn without delay. A large assortment of Fringos,
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    • 855 3 BHIPPING. K(»K GENERAL SHIPPING PAAI 4 L 1() R SAMARANO A SOURABAii.. Th« British uteamer HOSQAY. 1,5«44 toos. Captain TaBML having left Hongkong oo the l»t instant, may he expected to arrive here en or ars.ut the 7th mutant, and will have prompt de«p*tcn for the above ports. Fur freight
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 143 3 ARRANGEMENTS. Monday. 7th Mat. Hif-li Water. 119p.m. PhilbttruioDic Societv. General Mating. Tubsdat. 8th Mat. ll^h Wat. r. Ml a iu. 11.4" p. m M. M homewa>d tr.ail clow* 6 p. in. M. M. outward mail due, quod. Races. Fimt I>.iv. The Exrbai.£i> B»uU close at dood. H i.NKSDAY, ;*th Mat.
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    • 921 4 Under tint BMMMfI tlio f«lli>win>.' il.Ur.-vi ili'.in kt- mmi --tr. st -a inir 11. ahtf j Im|.— barqno Bril Briti-I. D Btalaa; Irr. hn-iii'li; Clar. QonMKi Dvi Uutcli; Joli.— J.ilior.-; \c, (i.e. (i.Mi-ral (•atyo; <1. p.— <le« > k paiMtciur-r* I.—l tßin;T. IV W.— Tanj..ii>r PMat \
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    • 58 4 Name, t rt. ami Oak Kr<»M [.ON i v I r Mar. 11 j Km :i 1.1H.K1 16 Tartar, Apl. 27 Dee 7 Inelian I'-t.-r Uickineni, Fob J. Hilaria, Apl. UIIH R. 0. Uakai Uabdii r. CDten; P«ul Rieksßsra, Columbus, Mar r. BHIIUM BirkdaUJaa. J7 Qbimoci Mum' Ta'>
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    • 70 4 M Vessel's Name. Km ■aj lu v\ '■> >ri.' Kumljar ilu« 5 K an Yang Qlauron ii Han Seui; Huua 7 C >tb«nn< Ap<- it 7 Hong Wan 7 i.-n,'..,ii 7 Han WliHtt Hiu 7 Malacca 7 i.icl !liil.-tr l)ul -tr .Ml l,nt.»tr. 70 N Mr. WIS -ir.
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    • 45 4 Inn I Nami: Vessel's Namk. t. tu»i m n I Bio a»j 7 7 7 7 7 7 T I'. i.,i,liui-t Kut.rpn»e I»k«IU Aml..T t Suma'r* llawriu»« Hn<..:. D I >ut. Mr. Br.t lypilDfr l-an-'ft ,d.1 H.mlur* Ini u >i» port* i»rt«
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 606 4 NOTICES. I o W EL L 00.. iAPOKB. PLIAJB BEAD TBBBB FEW M.fßlt AND I BEAJt THEM IN JtI.1I). OUR FFRN'ITCRE FACTORT ia in 1 Orchard Roarl, and is tho lanrnst and most Hssjblsjbb, it it >-TiT>pli»<l with st*am power to Mm BBS ".xlworkiuif Machines, Saws, LailiA*, Xe., thercforo Coo>
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    • 1235 4 DOCKS. THS TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LIMITED. The premises of the OmpAaj are situated at Tan jon l'a^ar adjoining the v urn of Singapore. 6t«UB tram-car* run at short intervals carrvtng pas*eni;»r» and good* from Wharf to destination* at low rates. The Wharf extend* to one mile and a quarter
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    • 897 4 NOTICES. Establiahot. 1865. T)ILEY.HAR(}RKAVEB 4CO. ENOIHEEBB, iBOJf BBAM FOUNDBBH, BOILBBMAKEBS. BBIDOB BUILDKKH. SHU' BVILDEBS. GBNEBAL COHTBACTOBS. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always tinder construction, from "W ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY Iron leading British Firms with Board
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    • 485 4 NOTICKS. NOTICES FOR SALE- i HK STRAITS TlUrw NEAR EDINBUR(iH. S mi.ANI) 11VR.S." tiik The "Stbaits Bcik»e t BEAUTIFUL asd DESIRABLE RE3I- ,T HE nee »•>« Strait, Timm DENTAL PROPERTY follows or D^J i^os per year "gASTER DUDDINOST-N UM f/J^J HOUSE FUBSiSTin". PICTURES. STATUES. SILVER PLATB, wl M1 >'»' ''X
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