The Straits Times, 28 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1894. NO. 18,805.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 180 1 L MBI IP OOMPANOpt. »r M.. for b. local fort- have sad Aa traia, the tr»n--i paa*eai<OT MS been tastly «th <f this traSe. [LWAT I MAIL i If \IA CANADA \«AKI. AM) A. I c Haf Uy. M >•«. j ibwl Ids nf tl IM.AMi SEA rasa, ■Uys. ■i
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    • 624 1 •lHlffF OMI'AMKS. DX KONINKLUKM KETVAAIIT MAA'I A fl'IJ Under contract with the N*therla-d* Iri'lta i 'iv» rttment. A'l'nl- Si S,i,,j,ij,i^r, A»EN<'T, I.ATK. 1 DAS'B i ITEBQUAT. ■it Penang, MxsfkS HCTTENBACH LIEBEBT A CO. Th. Company ha* a fl'et of 9ft Steamers, ilion for fir«t claw, n I l"<k )M**ensTer«, and
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    • 704 1 Ml. AM SHU' COMPANIES. For Borneo Pnrtt ria Bawean and "-oa^baya. On the Bth of .Tory month a steamer ran* in thi* direction taking direct cargo and passsawars to Banjennaasin, Polo Lsut, Paarir, and Kotei. Once every month on the 23rd a steamer is despatched to Dongala. Berow, and Bnlongan
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    • 915 1 STEAMMIIP COMI^ANIE.-. NOXDDI UTSCHER LLOTUt BREMEN. The fwt *nd well-known steamers of 'his 1 line run regularly between Bremerhtven 1 and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, I Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Slid, Suex, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hi ngkong. In connection with the arrivals and del»rtnrex of tiie-.- mail
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    • 735 1 INBURANCE9. j ptUARPUN KIBKiNDLrKKAMTTkAJICS VT COMFAKY. Liy.TED, LONDOH. KsTABLIShBD 10S1. buuacrilMd Capital Total Invested i unda. 4.G1H.000 Annual Inoomr, 059.0X) The undersigni a, agents for tn* above Company, ara prepared to accept flre risks for short periods of ten days or longer periods, at cnrrat rate* to be named on
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    • 708 1 BANKS. HUJfOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 REBERVE FUND 4^00,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 hooOOOOO PROPRIETORS j »W.WU,WU Cooar or Dibbotobsi Chaibmak— U. HOPPIUB, Esq. DsruTT Chaibmah— C. J. HOLLIDAT, Esq. B. C. Xuaiiuoi E>q. A. McCoiuaii, Esq. H HJam, E>q. j.l ato*ss.Ks<L Has J. J. I uwin.
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    • 379 1 NOTIOBB. McALISTER Co. pATENT A NTIIfODLINO T)AINT Ths beat paint in Ihe Market has asm. applied to the following owner* boata. Massrs. Lindsay Uraoia A Cor. J. T Rannia Son A Coy. Mcllwraith Mcßachran Co. Oellatly Hankey Sswall A Coy. Carlisle and Company. Ths Greenoek 8. S. Company McALISTER ife
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  • 512 2 I \TKST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Uikoapobb 28th Apeii., 1894. I'KODUCE. Gambier, 9 7.68^. do Cube No.1, 1&5U. do do No. 8, »25. Copra Bali, M 5.87fc. do Pontianak, 5.50. Pepper Black 9.85. Sago Flour, Sarawak ML do Brunei 1.98. Pearl Sago, 3.4" Coffee IWi 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small
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  • 146 2 tor Par Mr. To-Moftftow. Btiu Ptluti, I., j.l.., Bufkok, Bonne, (Clang rift port* Hr% flgny Ann, Upon rift port., Priam, lokobama vi« porta, Prwk, ll», (kok, .4/6.. m. tssss, [>•>!-. VI* port- Auiiuln. I ••imiiK, Jyum«mn</M, HONDAT. 5*mareng via purti PeiMwj, liauvkok, I'mitiiiDa*. Lu6»<-i. ak-lltU mi port'. Pur
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  • 140 2 Fhiim Ki.'Bopk Bjrtbe P. O <;.....;■• 1..'- on Tu.-.Uj with .lut.-^ to tba t.tli April. abt t.n.iiri moHm i" Ilia mml which M i>in«apura ..ii th.- 7ih March hu.l nrrivnl at Loo lou on tba 2n.t A|inl, ali.l prubttbly to tin- m til which left Slu|f*|s>ri'■ll in.-
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  • 142 2 ARBIVAI.H. I'nr r. s. .Vt-rrn from T. Anwni Mr. Mh-i'iiii, aud Mr. i irav.--.. Plf s. Hij.l,;, from ItauKkok —Mr. Ro, ihi'l Mr. Parkinson. Per a. a. I'rrtr from Triug)rauu Mr. PllstHtfrt. I'nr s. AyaiiumHOH from Liverpool Mrs. Nikeu, and Miaa H.-ddlx. Kit 0, n. Saiiiatru from !>•■
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  • 140 2 SATURDAY. 28th APRIL. 1894. REUTERS T E L EGRAMS. Khtabi.i-.iki) 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [Hubtcrijition ritUt and atwrtiiimj rutit mat/ In tmiiid on the fourth pnye.] THE SCOTTISH OKAND COMMITTEE. The Bill (or creating a Wraud Committee to deal with purely Sottish legislation ha* pus-t.'.l through tbo H..u-..- of C.oiuiii.nis
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  • 114 2 Thk nepH-iatioiis Is-tween BMM) Mai Ch ma on the Pamir OJVMtioOJ,, ;i--to-dav'H tele^r.uns st.ite. have r.-.i. h.-.l mi ainiealile IBMJOi OjaVM MM, Ih-<-ii Is'ililiut,'. The PaMaitl are lli^'ll tal)le l.nnU in QoMmJ Ahui where tho Imiuu•l.ines of Ill'll.l I 'hnia. .Ill'l KllNsil Ml.', t The count ry
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  • 1010 2 DISESTABLISHMENT IN WALKS. Thk introduction of v OmMMI l>ill for Ih.' <h M H |uii.iii of of Kn^lan.l ill Waifs is Ml uik-x "•<•!•■< I WulcM nMh :H n'pp~ni.itivf» to th«Kritiitli Parliament of these. H an Qhi stouian I.Hntiilh. pMifOl li> v..i.. |„r Welsh llilM'HUllliNlltlll-llt Tlle\ llBVe _','!lllv
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  • 16 2 Ti.Kk.ia ot uduiisauiu to tin- Spriag BOM ilOOliog 0M M had at Mlllll. Jobo l.t'l. Co..
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  • 28 2 llv virtue ol the rain of the lait fe* .In-, the old em ball l> lllt-11l of the SiDk.'*;-.'-ICc-tervoir hu at laal di.4pp«ar«d. It it well uuder water.
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  • 31 2 Mil. li. 11. OoOtfMm, P.isse.l "*l,i, ll in t hi- 11 a|i|Hiiuted lo Ml na Swoud I'lole.-ior of Chiumo, at Pi-d»u,(, hhli I). 1 1 IroMi the I2tb I.
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  • 30 2 This Mook'i OmWWOJMI (iiinttr .uo. t.ini.-. tilt- BIOWI on th.. wuikiug of tbe Hankiii|itev Ordiuanee in IBM, aii'l W A. 1... n0- 1 1 in hi Ki-|...ii on M.i l-:>
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  • 43 2 Ihk MMMMtiM toot hull match |i|»t.-.| on the K.|.l .ni.i'l- i >sl ev»nin k n-sult.-'i in a iiciu i (of the liiili.ilnaliire l^^iuivul over MM 4 C. C. by tur>-«<Koal» U DOthiu< Tli.- pMOM a h.hml oii« but tat clubmen w. r-outuf toiin.
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  • 41 2 TOJI Hiiniul MOWb] ni.-'tuiK of tbt I'llilllaruioulr S N i.l v OMI tlXtt.l to Ii- bfU hi<l OVMMj| >'i MM U.itH.-n !<>>•' MMni Out ol the lurly un-iubura rrquireU to b»M tlie in.- tniK', ti»e were MMMM. Tbe intrtinn w th.nfoie pMtMOJOia
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  • 38 2 Chkk Mil. KoN'. a|.|H-i»reJ on i.-iiiaud before Mr. LoMM yeatwrJay, charg>«l will. aakittiug in Ihe uiaua^i vi. rl ol th--\V,h»iiil; 1.r.1.-ry aud boiOOJ in 0M ot lolten t itki-ta. He wan tim-il S -I n three luoullm' iui|>risoiiuieiit
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  • 42 2 Hakmkion'h eiriui ii ibortly H MM< I'-iitieuUm ol the show >|.|ir i. our lulvertininn loliinnis. TM pM include Mian Nellie lUilcy MOMMaTHMt. the A.k. liv tdinily ot Ik tber» lUli- as aerulmtH, a ui-w i Inwu, ju-1 a stuil .if Arabian horat-i.
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  • 58 2 A vkbv larj;e uuuilier of |ie«jile n^wd the Kacu Cnuiae thin worum*. aoti «a* what really n kuj<|>uied to be tbe la*l c| the List worlr. Uaturtuoatt-ly tin- <mv iiiterl.-re.l with the work linn uioruiii^ «u<l ni.ii nil what olherwue iniglit liavi' I"" an ttujoyablu nuliurf, with tho pTOafOll IpOttUag
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  • 45 2 The K-|».rts ot th.. SuijC*|"'re »n<l PMMUIg Cli.iiiilm r> ul QuaaiUHM li.iv.- MfMCOd in bMfa t.inu. I r.-n. v, !Si*in. luiikni|.tr_v. PkftMiak K 'isti".tt|.ni, |..-tr.)l.iiin.' pOOMI IM) (.'.iiillil'-. WOT! HMMg the ni'ire nii|H.rtAii' uwtlon win. h Migafod tb* atn > the Mn-.ii ChiinU-i JnnuK tb»i (..•ri.j'l
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  • 112 2 a i ffoMjkoaf, Im Mm oh boyii'* k Boogkoßg Hotd vbo i n»f| MuWOM 'I Haifa "i A. W. Jilit". si.-wanl ..I the trcwpMip Ikmar I*** 1... n ,i. |iuil.'.l ..I ill.- MaMg*. I relliellllx -IV. I th.ll I |„.-l».-.| *al to Inv Ih-en .ImiiiL when lie went nit" llw
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  • 87 2 .1. in. .t.. tl..- Bommh IfWjCjJ til. newly inslitilt.l MikHJM OWW"** „i the Victoria Bihmlhio Olnbibtit" not mrkiog utiaUttottij. to a head there iv, wheii a .|U*rM master ser k 'eanl ol the MRi«M. I"!"'*' man in athl.ti. iporU aud m I'" ■orokioff ...ii'-erts. wan put up for el
    87 words
  • 94 2 (from <>»> Ommfoudtul Smmbtm, ll i: mil aniv by Urn 9Hf/T. Inn Selaii^oi OH the all-moon ol rn.u U i,l, UMIM( A (TM W U I auuo.iu.r Ui UMftan lul .l.rou w hth.-to«i. L «P KVs,'len-. h«WDg tlw Wn*it- UampMT'«jp>dowßMtdtM mi^'." J OlubVTD.*«rdotH<m«irw^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 807 2 fpHB BOENBOOOMP ANT, LIMITED. ff>Hß BUndard LMI Ananrane* X Korwirh Union Fire Inaurano* 8oc««ty. Atiaa Aaaurane* Co»|««iiy Kir.Tha BqaiUbl* Lif» Aaaurano* Society Th« (Wsaaa Harinn Inauraixw Company. Tha China Mutual Btaam Nariiratiou Coy Tha Tottonham L»|f«r Bw«r Company, fho Maritim* Inauranon Company, Limited. For partirular" "f th«M Cnmpani.ia Ma th.
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    • 1063 2 NOTICES. The Straits Tunes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excapted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 867 2 LATE&T ADVERTISEMENTS. I TDTtBS OF SOBJCtiI'TION. I It in iipcw.nry. In HMMM of Ilia lowered value of tn« dollar, tv raise thn price nf tin- Slnnti Tinui and o( the Btrmls Budget From Mar I*l tlin rati-i will be For tl .S«r.i./« Timtt 930 a year r'..r tin- Nlraili Budget
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    • 20 2 < in the 27th in.t., at Bree/.t> Hill 'anipuu/ tbe. wife of W. B. Hah- endkh. of a daughter. 28/«
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    • 62 2 11l *»<«wlW fm, UuMtr.ll. T.MilMUti«.n«. m.tmfUttftktwaftrtiUy. H, ".<.. •,!>'! o/tlui -™».1,. Mot M.B.M. art rtfttti lUI wlfkl »tIUr».M 1.. ■■MMaC AU litMiMf iwnlraoff an n>,itcl ta llw r-~.*i1«.» IK .1 tlw U*mf*r HMyUtM IA« •4miliwhvkl 9HI «/th# j«,j.#t +Hk «OTIV The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 102 2 WEATHER KEI'OK T. Kandaiui KraOau UurpitaL, ill), Ayrtl, 1 I 9 a.m. 3 p.m. V p.m. Kirn akk Bar. rad. 32 Fah. »M M.IM ."..;>• £> Tamp Sl.o B.VS 77.1 1E "i Wat Hull. "I'li.-r. lu.O 80 U Tfc.ii t• DirofWind N. W. 8 K. K. W. Ijj Mai. Tamp,
      102 words

  • 237 3 .aIMINAI T«l»l.« ROlMtl i: Ulr RKHIDKM I. lo RETURN. r nl ,r Malays I r letter as awaiting r Im't'-sl Ufore the Sll|.leine .i iniied liativi- jnrv. .01 ihe ring Wi a i* tiiiinl hem were n.-nt. n. .-.1 to mm itnprisonineiit each, and mootbs ami -i
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  • 690 3 ,n oi rHßuuTi Km I'il'K M >1.l l\-l I 1 ins v I. ii.mii in iii LAMM i.rri. i,,r C...,.»y...ii./, i.l 1 'Ih April, 1 i v i al 7 in II K HOT, i. olllp.lllleil liy tl. .nUIUL.'. Sjiooller, nil' l I out tothe W II X.l,
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  • 498 3 Ml iiu ivKKHIiiN l.i 1-1 111.1. ITT AKrAiKs in ■aajßHaUtX minim. i BWBWB*%BM i t. iiani.i: Nffianmi ao <ivii. naavAd-r*. I'ik M iiiii. i|.*litT of M.mila shun* publicity ami its rult^i are frain<-d with that intent. Home of the Councillor* olije.t 1,, ».-< ret y am) BNawM
    498 words
  • 388 3 An iatmvatiaf Btpori aa Afrienltnra in 1,1)1.1. L.i Mi. D.i.liv. Seer, tary ..f tin- Aii, en. .in I. Dillon at I", km. s I ill 1.--li-!i.-.| bj the l»e|i,irtuieiil of A-^rii illture w i-i,ii, ion. Aueordliag to Chiaaat i nits, a^'in lllliii'e waa uot ;uiii'l slow. Ij
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  • 456 3 Mi. Un i iam Tai.i »t h. ..I ihe Howard A -sot l.ltlt'll. Wl I! iiilT 111 the HOIOJ of M. iiih, |4ta mi the iiilijict of Imliitn I'liktilis, nl, ire.l to the MWOOaaful ol »nt h .in i iit-ii I in "tli. hI lulvto'-rn of the
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  • 329 3 mi.v Kit ruikin<:(. i k aluwi|o. KITCK MAVIUATIUN. I iik ncarcily of the Mexican dollar han k'iM-ii nne to eoumieieial trouble iv both Cimliiu- China ami Tonquin. where it r.M.lily pannes current. Owiug to the nhrinkage iv the quantity of Meiicao* in circulation, tbe ex|>orter*of rice in Cocbint'hiua
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  • 269 3 A Bl'KcUi. article ill the limn m.i tt.-s eui|i|iir, tmihu I ii |y in the en^itit erin^, sliij.l jii ii.lui ami noil auil Kteel imli^t i i.-r. are 1 1 k v tobaealM to arnm in |>roto«t .i,'..i nst a Mml atlo|itiou of an eight
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  • 811 3 >i i \kis.. >l til wlv-couslitnt.-d Miaurtn at flol natta. M. Buffet mii tat other d'.i.v ill tin' French Senate, "Our C.llouic* LOSt 111 Ulliru Ul.lU tlll.-r 1 1 linn wi.i! tin' K iitclub Colouies ***** ibetD." 'lli'' MM in that ill" Ku^'lisu reiMguiM-liU-rtv ami .tun
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  • 277 3 Thi: m'iihl in the Championship of the I S. C. 0. Ittwa Tennis Tournament was played on tbe Esplanade last evening, between Messrs. 'W. Eiptrton and K. W Hrtxldell, but was not finished when play concluded for the .liv nn account nf failing light. A good
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  • 200 3 Ml.--11-. VAOE AM) I'M si's PBIZB. MATCH PI.AT ONB BOUND. ci -i i i OK THK III! ROUND. !>r Fowli.. 'I. loaf -I K Knltrt-tin 0 il up > ■I. It E leu in .'I. brul E. J. Nsunon ti. (3 up ami J lo paw. i
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  • 69 3 Ml TAN JIAK KIM NUIIH. Mb. Tan Jiak Kirn was yenterdiiy cite t<>d a Municipal Coiuniissioner for tbe C'eiilral Ward. The polling »tatinn apaawl M| M i-.m. and cloie<J at |i.'n. For" v five |iernons vtitcd, which was tweuty-tivo over the niitiilx-r rctjuirwl tt> return the e.ititlitl.ile
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  • 1326 3 Tin' Spring Kjich Meeting will he held on Tii»«'U_v. Thursday Mid Saturday, May t)ii> Hth, 10th mill 12th. Id" entries for which rioted »t noon t his day. and are as follow! ran day. TUESDAY. MAY 8th. 1— MAIDEN PLATE— Value— Si'xi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 377 3 TO-MOMM)W8 (III li('H SERVICES. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. i 11.111 > IMM I ST. ANDREW*! i VI Him M 7 m l.nanj .u.i Hariuun. I in., ii.... BwhuM. i nt M ill in. U U in. .Sull'ltl H'himl ..II. 1 ttil.l» I lu»>, k Bf. in K..n».nir -ml Harmon. Mr. Mitthiw'h
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    • 361 3 VKSSKLS ADVERTISED TO SAIL. For Penan* and Calcutta, Pu nea. on the :t Ih April Hnrntcad nnd Co. For HongbonK, Kuitang. due 30th April. Uomtvad and Co. For Java Port*. Patroclu$. on tnd Miy, W. M .n-'i. I.I and Co. For Aiutraluian I'ortt, Clonrurry, dm- 4th SI. i.v. Bouitoad and
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    • 1027 3 SHIPPING. KM DDllil BHIPPIMO NEWS SEE PAGE 4. BRITIBH INDIA BTBAM NAVIGATION COMPANT. LIMITED. POE PBNANO, RANGOON. A CALCUTTA. The Companr*. steamer PUitNKA. 2,156 tons, Captain M England, will be desuat«hed for the above port* at 4 p. m. on Monday th* I :tuth instant. For freight or passage, apply
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 164 3 akkangeMents. Saturday, 28th April. II i e 'b WaU?r. 4 2ti p.m. Moou. Last Quarter, 10.13 a.m. A«».«'iation F..otlull. Cbioene Recreation Club r. Untrl'MiaDc Golf. M. .i V.i.i- ai.ii Dauot'i I'i Sunday, '29th Apbil. HIkIi Wttm Ml am 5.42 p^n. K til. ill Silh.l.iv. Monday, ;<Oth April. Hi«li Watfr 5.!'
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    • 1048 4 ('ml t >ksl l»-i'li'u' tli" t (llovriiii; n'jlir.-vi*-MaM nri' u-.e.| —Mr. —»t .am liq.—liar.pie Brit British I. S. -1 Mil St it.--. r r—.-i-ni-'i; (i»r. —(iir na 1. I > t Dlt.-h; .1..1 l. i.ioie- ,V- I!,--cargo; d. p.—•! al paawairarsj r -Daasr tmii.T I. W.-Tanjong I'.igir
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    • 97 4 .V.i,,.,, ,1, aa 1 uatr F»o»r I/).-«r>i>N Gua'Ulquivir Mar. 11 < ;i«iii.>iv« i-4iiro Mir. Kinnn-L. M ir 11 LIVKKI Hilari*, Mar I.. BaatfU Mnr. |ii. Tartar, A pi. Baw Viiurgi- Ponograaf Dm 17, Craigles, Dec 7 Ineharru, II |Vl.-r ttiok Mrs, I.. I I R. Ki<-k rs, Oi
      97 words
    • 116 4 5 Vmul'i n»«i. Fl.A.. a Toi Km I Kk.i*. UthKB. 27 fer»e r, Uhaok '.'7* ■J7 Axaou lunuu t; I'riiin loll Mm 'In.,, H AiiiI:.t t Kmn •iA -um»lr» ■i*. B. 1 i» UyoU .i 1 »lvp-o tt li .r.i-r l;t>l Mkrir, U> f'ali< tt kr. -tr .J
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    • 100 4 I'.l. )ATIC Vkhhkl'h Namil. khhkl'h > VMI h.lN I KM t'AITAIN. LA<I A ft 27 28 88 •js is II a* M-riiirj Sri biauog A.len Art'gay A. Apcar I Sri limit Aim Priak Alboiu Rubj >uui»tr» Till' i am» Mur. X J»-ou AlimemDOD Hrit-tr. Arm-tro Ilul -tr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 474 4 NOTIUKn. THK BRUSH ELECTRICAL ENGINEER! N(; COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Reddaway's "Cstnel" Brand Belting, t1,,. most econoinictl for pi«er-traniniittiu|( purposes. Chubb*' Strong Rooms, fire aud burglar-proof Doors. Robey and Co., Lincoln, Portable Engines, pumping and mining gear. Pulwmieter Engineering iiiipanr, London. Beldam's Patent Engine Packings. SOLK AIiKNTS HOWAKTH ERSKINK, LIMITED sinoapori:
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    • 1386 4 doohl 'I^Hl TAJ a it, DOCK l> J IJMUKIx ■I i!i- r ni|.i-y are »itn»t I a- Tanji l RsoaV adjotaiaj th t *n of pore. Meant tram-ears run iraV i > is arryinir pr> *«engers and goods from Wn.n i '■> destinjttiona nt low i at a. The
      1,386 words
    • 739 4 XOTH •!•>'. KATZ BROTHERS' TAILOUI\<; ltF.'l'Al:T!ttHST. HEW BPBINO «;<K)DS We have jus- reci ived a large c .•■siirnment of Farcy Tweeds, Scotch Ok il oti nnd II i ").iii.H, *Iho choice selectioui iv 'i'miiii Cloths and Flam in all the popular shades. TUSH ***** A.HI WA'Ut VNTED UNBHHINKAJLE We U-g
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    • 328 4 NOTICES. rpHI OODMHOLOBBS' BAZAAB 1 BookNew and Improved Kditioi*. A I'o-ivenieiitlv srrnnifi'd Ik>ol< in whi.'h the cook can enter daily sll honsehold expen***, with s se|>arat« column f.,r in the wnek. a se|mnite p»|fe fur each w...k in tl- \r. snd a s<|*rnte line for all customary purci.ases. PRICK ONE
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    • 303 4 notice's THK "BTRAITHTIM. Th« "Stbaiw BuMtTDaily haw per year itf^ w-k.yd.) Z2 l% XSH '< l" «ipy 41) f^^ v M priM*. th, daify Us M |K-t frei Mywhatt Oa tU w»kh I l bj I" I "i ""V l-r 1 -I -"■"•foii'-.h and, yearly rate«. "s 'I'm w.-ki_v
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