The Straits Times, 25 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times USTABLISIIKI): lttttl. BINGAPOBE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1894. NO. 18,802.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 684 1 LKSI IP WEB. New Hai *il it aai en nay M| «rH« >nd l«»vr Sinif*; fetoaißt *■<■• ISM M., J 1 Mr- .m.y .1,.r in ..ondon ny sea I IT. »rd bound passmgi ri wisb'Bfto visit tfffA eaa laavr th»- •t-«rier *t Ismailia Im *1 t'.rt--•uml at cheap t».«- M
      684 words
    • 789 1 WISH 1 1' COMPANIES. rVB KdNINKLIJKK IMKETV>AKT I MAATS HAPPI.I Cndei- contract with th« Netherlands India Jovi-rnm-nt Ai/enl -MM- A<. l BCT, I.ATt 1 1; Quay. I BSHM Ht'TTKNBACH LIEBKBT A <'" da* a ftW of :f 1 S'oamerx, with .plend.d a— ..n.m.«l»iion for fir.t cla**, and .1— L passengers,
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    • 896 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Firr Hirrnen I'orU via Baweanand ur«li*ya. On Ihe Kth of every month a «t-am-r runa in thi* direction taking direct cargo and pas- ngi-r* to Baujerma**in, Puln Lant, Paaeir, and Kot-i MM on the j:'.rd a ateamer is ImmmM tii Dongala, H»-riiw, and Hulongan a'«o i-alling a' Hanj<.rma«-in*
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    • 937 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. \T()H III) V ITSVII Kit 1.1.n V I). Il HKEMEN. The fa*t ami well-known steamer* of thia line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, railing en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Oenna, Nsploa, Port Said, Suer.. Aden, Colombo, Singapore, an.: Hongkong. In connection with th« arrivals aud departure* of
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    • 728 1 INSUitANCES. /■tOißniAN Klkh Mi I.IKK ASSfKANi'K \J COMPANY, LI. V. IKI). LONDON. EsTABLIKHBD IHSI. Suncribed Capital Jf,ooo,wo Total Invested Fund* 4,618,0«) Annual Inoomi-, 9SB,u<o The nndc-niignea, agents for tbe above Comptuiy, are prepared to aocept fire risk* for short period* of ton day* or longer periods, at current rate* to
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    • 705 1 BANKB. HONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 REBERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF! juinnnnnn PROPRIETORS J .»10,000,000 Coi-ur or DiKßCToa*:— Chaibman— H. HOPPICS, Esq. lin-i-i r Chaibmam-C. J. UOL.LIDAY, Esq. S. C MlraAiLana Eaq. A. McCoauail, Is«. H. II Jo.»r«. K«,. J g M0.u.E.1 Him J.J. tuwm. R
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    • 650 1 TNOTICBB. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUE ■VEIN MEETING. JOHN LITTLE CO. ■ATB JI'BT BBCEIVBD A RIW LOT OV RAGDN. HILKH 111 THK VIII.LOWINa Illliu, AMO ALL THI KKiJIHTKKEI) COLOURS. Primrose, Straw. Tellow, Orange, (lhsrry. Magenta, Orey. Salmon Ptak, Boat Pink, 1 Jreen in rarioua shads*, Terra C.tta, Scarlet, OhocoUU. Light Blue, Nary,
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  • 80 2 fur I- r Iu-JI.M.K.W Hatu Pulmt. II I a.m. Sarawak Bwidb, Wo. Malan-a an.l KUbir, Cl Hh>ia, 2 p.m. ili-uif-unn 4 llatian. J I Ul. Ua «cca ao.l Ling/i 0. 0. Smith, 2 p.m. ■d Pantouak IK/.jm I ML >uur»biij» na jjoru. Hai" 1 Deli, Fbidat. Billitou
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  • 121 2 r'K.m Xi k .ii !)j tin- I' *1 1 mi. ..ii tl,,- I. 1,,-t .ul with— U UM ..lh April. hi. ul which aia laaon ..a Hi.- 7 i, M .r, h auJ »rrif I ..t l^.n I t..- tad f ablj lo lii- vi.-i
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  • 100 2 AhKIVAI PM I I'urif i from '.-iN-iitl i M.-.i.r-W 1.. Roddie, 8. >i. Mi-dd.-rwirk, Major G. Adya, J. J. Killil-a. Rev. 1.. 1 1. BtgM, Mra. Lam, M.»«r«. A. Kan;en, T. W\ li. rchemau, and G. C. Sim I'.-r s. Will o' (he It.-/, from Klaug Mr.
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  • 71 2 Peru.*. Nnjhelur fort Said: -Mr. < Ii Man m and -1 rlnldron. For Baji —C. F. H H>-yr. F..r Havre: J. KIMMaaM, C'npUin and Mr« Beeaton. Peril. M-- MMowrm fat II ugkoaft -Mmpi. Bellow, «'r .It, mi, (ritiil'.ii.l Bawtfaa, Smart, Al.)iandrtr U'il-m. Uta. I)- Iti-maivk. Mrs. potter. Mr and
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  • 84 2 (iv m.kivi:.) P«r P. Si <). PialaMJ, lion. 1...n.1.,M, Mar-'i -J., Un. Bomm I'.-r BMM, fn.ui ;.,,n.l..ii April 1 Major, and Mm. J. hntn.i-t.-r, CaloMl B V. .1..,,, K l,.in, Mr. W.c. Laaffdoi IVr M \i -;-< i .1. m M April 1., M.--r-. S-v.-rvn ai.<l \nn Da* K.-n,|.
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  • 84 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 25th APRIL 1894. REUTER'S TE L EGRAMS. Established IML PBIOIi OBMTB. Smbtcriptiou raiM "i I idMttitUig rnlis may be Jnuml mi tin- hiiirlh A PREMIER'S APPEAL TO OLD OOfLLaUOUIS. Lord Rose Wry, tpeakiug last bigbi ia L.n. 1..11 at th.-l't,- Lilh raU'liil,. a|.|..-al-.l t.. 1.1.-mI I'm.. i,
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  • 245 2 KKI'OItTKI) GREAT LOSS OF UFK. (Si'fcial win ji'iui ,i (TerrMMMiaWl.) i/i_y. r^eaaeaiof, Tha tteafaer /rjaaseotai Oaptain Witt, aadtbeateaaMt Kn- iaf c i| t i.n Cobb, w.-r<- in rfflHtitri "IT Paagfcor on Monday ..I nidaight. I'h- Ngapoot* Mink, while I in j Tumi, .-..iisi.l iraWy daMaged,
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  • 459 2 Tkb Premier, apeaking it theCit; Liberal Club bai appeaied to the Liberal Uaioauti to retam lo tbe party that is called the Lilmil Partj Lord Boaebary, in arL'iiiii^' why the Libarai (Jnioniata sh-.uld r.-tmii. att forth thai tbe party of wlii. Ii Lord B tbe head bae
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  • 77 2 Ai r i io« is directed t.. an in-lit notifjing .in in. i. in tin- prioK of the StrciU Timm Tbe infiieean ih r.-u- I l>_v tbe lower raloe "t tbe dollar. The iacreaee i-lmi tbe nawe> paper naaiple Ml mmm MOAtbi ago in China «nd U.-wh.-i-. and the
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  • 28 2 Om i ia borrowing neari* al parai three pet enl i .i-i.-i. To-BAT*I t-iiuiH li- will 1. 1.. I, 1.. lKi*t|..iu.-.i .hi aeeonnl i»l th.- mi weather
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  • 12 2 Tut T.-l. nn.,.1. C. 1,.. ila^ Hat -I Man w,th th- inorZe
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  • 10 2 T« It-, I. 0 Kmj I mi .it Paoaag, arrived
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  • 19 2 Tmi. BMjam PMMMTMMk I will 1n.1.l itH Aiiimml Th hi] M >CIM r Aa«-1 ißoyi m,,,,!,,,,^'" I p. in
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  • 22 2 hu usii.ii monthly worl mmm i.l \V,,i wi)) «b» Bafln Okky Bckoal H jgj" May ltt. at „V 1,,1. U^. at
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  • 15 2 Tin BhmbM tniUH|M.rt > rul v.s.-r.Uv rvesmg Irorn ,m/j he vii.i .v..»t..-k >!„. h,^?; pnaoMra an l.oanl.
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  • 30 2 Im l.t'ir« the mail left, t WI at.- line n ».r.- Uutich.-d |or the sj^ d.-uts, h-i Utji it i:,,,,,. w« a twin h.i. -iv, iMth atiaj „f ■> h'.rne |K)Wt-r.
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  • 38 2 In the Army BettiaWi t taeaaaMj tin w;ir. tli- total th- inn it for th- Strait* Settlement! to £104,558. aa aoaiael 589.451 total of all make proridt I 1. I in, li is ,i -h-lit ii, i
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  • 42 2 A i tin- dale of List mill Holland, the BtoaaMhif Caapaai i iiit.-tid--.l to liriuir tbe Nt.-aiu. iiii.i.i i in- lag, Hti-.nn. r mU t" I i.t.Miii-i M »;n th-ii troni Bagkad t.> .lava, aud wW mmm ..t the Line.
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  • 53 2 II H. llutH Hk(mikc arri»ed jetttrdar „f. in ..,ii l.v iii.. Mail Ht.-.iui,. r i ro|M-. 11. H. is st.mnt' <.n board i;,,j,h mi. i i,.. win BaMfial 1, Ih- v.5...| bjMMj al B'elkwk pn, 11. II tbe Haul, visit, -d th- |i.|.iin.(i,,v,rnor tbm uiorui Ul and .ils.i mw Meeare.
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  • 60 2 Tin: F1..«-r51,.,« \-\H. i* n,,w ,1,.^. iv In i t,, taka plat i |:.'h pi .l.iv- Mat, Tii,. Bbo« H| M laid iv ih- S. V. A Drill ll^H. Pr/,p r/ M-li.-dui. s ail! U. nv.nUliir tor diatriba, mm in aft* days, Paruar ufonattMi .ml |.i ticaUn will begi*M] eaaMiiav
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  • 61 2 Mvh.l: A li MIM 1.. r-.-Ilt |_T I'oMal iv Biagapore r-.r th- Übwmj Bmim, mponat i" i ■!>. ,ii.v ieaaed bj -Mii.-nt eooeeraiag tbe pooltrj ii ni.i.l- ,i report eonoerning Itx as di-itlt with m Biagjapwa, 11.- a^ra tbc Halaraa mvl im v mmmmmm HarbM, ,t- original lunn,. beaa
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  • 79 2 Tin. Ira) trial -.i coal in the Nrtberl.inl- Baal Indiei »v« aiadeiu l4M.ii Beakoelao, aid ii iru oalt in IM th.- State i--.oiiii.-i .1 workini; ii, I ■MM I 1 il.- i Nabilien eoalSeldi w.-n- .-x|,-.| the eoel ..i nttia I whs twi-iit f lout ii 1 1 1 1
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  • 100 2 A i tin- ii ting of tbe Cbartaiaj Bank ot India, .\.i-t. i ia, and Ihii to M) h-i.i ou April I i'li. tbe, alt.-r i rovidiog il I. for lorn inenrrad m ica. MqWM i Hi- riming of the India m -U) I ■in.. i. -ii. l
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  • 117 2 A nrioni i.--iiU „t th>- pnani MJI Mi-li- in 'ii- .V. irt, i> 111- |.-.1t|..1l ..I J. BUM! ia -S,,,iin Tka MMg *hicbi*»i work taming out nanben o( 51 wbiofa contain euctlv tba mbh .iii.l .jii.i iii v ..I lilrai a- tBOM mint. I i i!!v iii I" in-,
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  • 147 2 Tin. frreal ratio H,h I 1..T.1s iv Hv.K- Part M li. i, .Mir., I i nun i-.-j.i 1- ih- ki', h-u of tii- i.. il 'ul. iii Boivpt t1..: Mr M.I 1 Li» iii Hjaioal tbc lippJilf, tjtU i.i .iii.l kiti.'ln-n ,l-'| .nil ali, uit Itt 1> iiii-l
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  • 60 2 'I in: Bud < I >li.' 2nd Mat. l.n. i.t will pl.iv ill- EoUoi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i nil lh.' K-|.1.11,.1,|, .111 11. I J7iii coinmeaciug a 4 6 p.m. i'K.HIKAXMK. I. V,,1-.- Carimo >■„.,. •J. 5..|,-.-ti..i, II < v.,,,1 j ■•i
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  • 36 2 s. C.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. HI IBOAI TII. isioa paim 1;.,|.1-ll an.l Billot, l.iv M and Eifortou Civil Btri I H dap. TO DAY'S TH us u ..i .i« umoMMir Bndd THURSDAYS Ml i i (J M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 691 2 r-nHE BOfUnO OOmVABT, LIMITED rpilE Standard ÜBi ISMMI JL Norwich Union Fire ImMMOB BsCMtj AUaa Assuran.-- •'..m|*ny FirThe Bquiteble Life Aiwuran<-» BSSMtj The Ocean Marine luaurano. Company. The China Mutual BBMI Navigation Coy The Tottenham ljig<-r Be.-r Cnnpuny. Th« Mantime Insurance OMBMBJ, Limited. Kor particulars of these OmbBMM ace the
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    • 975 2 NOTICBB. T:io Straits Trues has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-Ohina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 372 2 NOTICKS. McALteTEK <k Co, yOCUS I>ATKNT A NTIFOULIXO pAIXT Tlih BSBI paint in the Market In- h*,-n applif-1 lo the following owner's boata. Messrs Liudaay Gracie A Coy. J. T. (if i. in- Son Sl Coy. Mcllwraiib MeKat-hnu A Co. Gellatly Hank»y -ewell A Coy. Carlisle and C mpany. The
      372 words
    • 1019 2 LA'l'K.VI' ADVF.IITISKMENTB. I> atk- of B rßßOftl rioN. It in necee.ary. j n rouseqnence of tin lowered value of MB .1..11ar. lo ra «<• th- pn.-n of the Straitt Times and of the Strait* Bmj PrOM May lai th» rat.-, will be Kor tl fltosMj Rmm Ma p a-. Knr
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    • 58 2 m s.s. ut 91. tn* *uU af lh*j. toaaiay lU. *rr r. r..| IKiil aassbW. AU i***ftin*.l r, ikr li«««(»r W| ll» r C4U. nf Mlkr, 1...1 ,irt nfimt Ikm t»wt 1..V1 •.u.-.. MSMBa The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No
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    • 11 2 n\ ri; ri-ic i" ror Java F i il II II
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 87 2 WEATH XX B BPOBI la vi. :i|. m. Kkumii-. J«r. r. i. 3.' K.b. I j. iviuj, bm n jtJ i Wet Tier. ~,J h B 0 0 7,.tt (Mr. ur WmJ x »v. w sT.W. I Mm Jo do il.x. in .sud |«8.; i iii Baiafau ia -I boon.
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  • 249 3 THE PROPOSED BRITISH SILVER DOLLAR. II s .11. mitt". I i tli it Coma 0|!,." Will 11 I ,ii 1., a gold t to 1 how m un naned i 'liar will be 11 the dolla!, mark Lb. the ilthongfa tl it I ill. in 1. .lit to believe D
    249 words
  • 34 3 -17 tiug aatch between Shaajg- lia* |TO- aatage i"L'i.un baa 1 11 1,1 Boogkong, lUting thai on Monday ■re, it 1 .1 on S, in, lay aud >• t shoot.
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  • 117 3 I I rill, 1 t toe I oard ol Trade fron „t a renew „l Ibe k'-io-,!,.tn for ih n iew il -'ri" ir I .is amounted to oJ ■1 1 1,-.. 1- the followiu I." 1 1 1 to) 141,00 i I 1
    117 words
  • 1088 3 ll\l IHI Ll tQBS \> A NBKTIKa ..I tbi I >•■ at in- S<> 1, t v was lloni.i" \V. B. CoUyer preaidii g The Mii'j.-rt "i debate w line .111 incline- tax nhotild be 11.: !ol .m Mr 1 1 I tie S 'ill's histo y.
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  • 902 3 NTUAI NIIOI-. Owum m the heavy mobii nhii abooi I n'cloek thm asorniog, 1 1 t wa* n > training at the eoan until .iii.nn wh.-u ili vi aad aa 1 a i old borera „|'.ii',|. The 1 ours, was per] *****, li 111 lat inn, au, l
    902 words
  • 331 3 {Sup} I- m nim 'I (a Sara k T m Tihgranu.) iViq C«fba. A.1,1,1; ai orter kUfrtmt ria r. „l »HV KIAZ I'tsil MflBD, aion in raasiA. I BY Of TIIK I;|:a/Ii.IAN KKVim .l. simmsii 11 i..;uima.;b in I. dm, 1 KB Timet <>\ thi: BVM IT.
    331 words
  • 1419 3 0| M II t \T- KAII.WA.s IX BKITAIN THE IRIKH PARTI£s LaOJVOR ICKHTIiIiTION KlliTlil.l THE 1 Mltli nT UM MFMR I BOVHM in »A»ii>\ i.ii^i v: tBAWM VKT<». mi .in ii MnmiMUH. ITIUNS IN UMiKNKii.s. i v pmo us ouu I Mil. l MIS I! N\-^I.VANIA. F
    1,419 words
  • 230 3 The apawiatMtal of a D.-puty-Ooveroor i-i made under the betters. Patent eon"titutini; »he ..tli I a| <}..vernor." The Baajret wan first gitOl to the Governor in the Letten Patoal or the 17th June. 188. r >. buMoXIX] Hi-,- I,' ■•i.ts I'atent were irpealed by thoas of
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  • 318 3 MATCH I-LAY ll.Nt HOUND. ■svwJbj e/4ad trewaal W. II Phitfi if matsl>i< It Dr. Bhiai -i .1. U. Ko erthim 0 Uut H. H Paddy 7. 4 up* and :t tn play. F. A. OillecpM "I J. D. Tavlor 4 J up. W llntton trnttchtd to Mr.
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  • 277 3 A OOBBBBPOWDBaTI to the Ti»i<« MUI 11 to ih" .11-, nl v si,it. I. iaaaad F run tbe Colonial Oflce, ami repradaerd 11, the •ttraUt limn fron Me Masßor o»eerßn«n< OevoJn, atttiag lorth that Lord Bipon't altaiilkni ims Im-.-u called to tin- practice "l iaauiog ■urcbargad pool «n
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  • 75 3 BBOOBJB BCOKB. In aniateii betwa*B to# Captain (Mr. David Brown) and Mr. A. O. Wrkffat, played the other day, a aotahl* rtoriiianre was v. li <•<! liy lli- former. Pliying a very Moady game, m referenoe to 1 h.< nndernoted leow will show, Mr Brown mpk-1 ,1
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  • 84 3 MBanaa. Smiwi ,v Co., ol 30, Cornbill, I. .iidou. Kr have bad the bonovr to |ir.seiit to Ins K »yaJ Higfa >.ks the Duke of York B oil". 1 11.11. .11 of 111: in,"* lioin tin-l'i,-s I'ruin all parta ol the Kmpirn witli reiereiire
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  • 658 3 THE U. S. SEIGNIORAGE BILL. I Ilk I-lIKBIDKNT VITOCH THR RILL,, AND DITEH HIM RCABONB IN A MEKHAUB TO CONUBBhI. \VA»HIN<tTo:». March Mth President CWfwkMd ba» rotood tin- Silver lafankwHH" Bill. Tin- I'ri'nidcut auuuunced hia d"cision in n M.-ssai;.- to < 'iiiuri-KH, which denU with tin- question at IoMJU. BoOsV
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  • 193 3 I PuUMf 0 A 1.....X int. i Hi.- impori and export list for the -till quarter of 1898, whi.h is junt publiabed, wwi «n i 1 I* mum lot m by aot MTinga tin sin.'lliun works. It is uot mud) to rappoac il... f ili" tradria
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 50 3 IfILLINEBY. ROBINSON h n>. HAVF. .IfSI LM-A. XXI. A SHII'MENT Of MILLINERY TRIMMED \Mi I NTRIMMEU HATH roa LADIEH CHILDREN MK-TSPKIN--; FASHIONS IfOUINSON CO. si. ■nnjul BMPLOYMENTS. 1. alw Britlah. rat«. U f the Baal changm frm t u. mlv the sUll t eoneo] ■mis' wiuaiautlv U iMrsitad, a. n.
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    • 887 3 Sllil'l'iNG. FOR GENERAL HHII'PINtI NEWS SEE PAOE 4 If OH, PBNANO AND CALCUTTA M.'isri. Aiirar Si Co.'* iteamer ARRA TOON A I'C A R 1.392 too*. Captain J. E, Hanson, left Hongkong on the 20th instant, and ii due liorc nn the 2f)th instant, en roatw fur tho above porta.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 144 3 ai:i:.\\> WuWMBATi -'nil Ariill.. IIikIi Wat.T. \M p.m. > C. 0. Teoah Toofuiaai. TbVMDAT, -'>i ii Aim. ii.. Higfa Wii.t L.S .in. 1.44 p.n. EIoum Property Aactiun. Orso« Bn«'. Sii-- Boon |mii. Awtina "t itMawr ■hwav. Powril k 0o.'i Btk Booom .::>• i'.»i. Kl;ll>v\, 27n A l-ir II. llijli Wat.r
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    • 1309 4 Uudnr thin h^ailinK th« followinif %><)>r.-vi«- I ti .11* am unwi Mr— it.«»ia«r «'i .liip In) Urqun Brit Britiih O. S. ''nit«l i Statin r'r. Krwuph; (Jor.; Out. Dutl'll; Job. JlllO'O; 4c. i r I iciiHral MMMII il. p. 4m6J p»H»Miiif >m L* I'mcrtaio T. P.
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    • 110 4 .V.imr. />■ r(. and Da/< of /Win twuM Lorams liuaditdimvir Mar. II < Hmmikmmlm M»r I. in urooi Hilaris, Urn, Wj Bh [gMeied* 1..y..15, Mtr It Kiwrujia M»r. Wj Tartar, Apl Kintui'k ■ami Visar* ii < t6i I K megttti Dw -T Craijrlee, Dec. lucbarran, Dm. U I'.'.r
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    • 123 4 AKRIV A L S g Km li MmMm 9m. >h i!Jin hijilhi Omi^On! i 16 l>iuninion,l llrit. .tr. 17*6 Mill. (tarry [>.«-k M .r 21 VMbouro* MM.itr. 1947 Vim ut I- Apl M-— 21»rl Kui. tr» .!T-«I Ort .lopofl I, M«r 2H I J» -u-.tu DomiuKo 5>p». ftr. IMS
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    • 106 4 Date Viikel'k Nik. Datk fi M -v lM Caituv Pi.. *L 24 KaplMtl* .Jnurf .an H?l..i,-lt 25 Honff W«n 25 (iorg.m NfnhiiiH K.i.b llrw.ll.•a i J liimmoDil M»krc« 25 C»ki.n ■i:. H.n Hoi. (iunu 25 Y»ro.l«vl 25 K<rliB»n 25 I M*llH>urn.. 25 TwCh.ow lint ..r Dut. rtr. lint.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 1029 4 KOTIUE>. I SIHOAPURI BFOETIMO I.i H si>i;lN'. lUbRUIU, UM TUr iMfMJ RMi M»«iing will l«- held ou Tll— 'Uy. Tlmr-day sud baturday, Mny t1,.. -1,,.' |Mk and l'.'tli. nonuaaa nan d\y TIK !)AY. MAY nth Fikst Rack. MAIDKV n ITT Till I WTO. Llm for Ulsl BafSM First- rla-s to
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    • 1474 4 UOCKB. 'PHI TAXJONO PAGAR DOCK CO I I.IMUKI. MM] of the OmMjsM are sitnatMl a* Taojon; l'.i/»r alj.inin^ tli- t.vo of Sni L -a--p r.'. Ntvaia tram-cars run at short inUrrnl* arrylnir panengfrs and gooda from Wharf M daati nations at low rat-s. The Wharf extends to one mile and
      1,474 words
    • 935 4 NOTICES. Kstal.lii.lnx. IM Ti 11, E V M A IU J R K A V R S A CO- j Ehginkkxh. Ikon A Brans tWWWBm\ Roit.iCRMvKK.KS. Mkiimii: Bum. iik s. ShiiBDILKEBs. GCNERAI. COKTEAC mt«l. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. BHII' BUILDING YAKh. hKiH 6MH STKAM faWH/l alw»j» i undnr cnnstrtiptmn, from
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    • 150 4 NOTIi tOIRUS KBOOI !s! *-«*SS?6 I kMM r»»i,tl,r imrrh*^ f^,,, Dr ami hon-ttif.^K known as Vi«. w PuJ??* t Mount Soplii,. Urg.. heau.jf, with TMMI I'oiirt. wMI -i,..|0L«l hMM Mi akri, kWsi „,,,.7?, <•• I d.-,r,1,|. 1..-V,..,, forth- 5,.|,,x,| Miss k* v Potnm. ,1 a, *iii h, T ,l 51,.;
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