The Straits Times, 20 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 18M. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1894. NO. 18,298.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 970 1 vMSHIP COMPANIES P. *Mi nKlt V I \NY Orrirs i ..ilT»r yn»i Wbabvs* and Qodoww* »w II n lus mail steamer* may M Baß* i-l I M .rds aad laav* Hm«(a(« I wliuf dat««: iimiw kh IHM I M«, I m.y I X.. V da>te« ar* only appmim ,rr -.»l«a»H
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    • 1683 1 BTEAMBHIP COMPANIES. DX KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATS< HAPPIJ. I"nder contract with the Netherlands India Qsmmmm. I /iipore. Ship Aoenct, lati J. Darnuki s i Ji. 'oi. i.teb Quay. A nit at Prnang, Mehkbs HCTTENBACH LIBBBBT A CO. Th.. has a hV-t of :{n Steamers, with splendid accommodation for first elasa,
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    • 906 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TVTORDDBUTBCHER LLOYD. 11 BREMEN. The fast aud well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sue/, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departure-, of tl.e-c mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 707 1 INSURANCES. f^ UARDIaJJ FIBB AND LIFE ABBUKANCK VJ COMPANY, Liy.TED, LONDON. E«TABLIShtD IMII. Subscribed Capital .49,000.000 Total Invented Funds 4,61(1,000 Annual Inoome, 988,000 The undersignea. agenU for tbe above Company, are prepared to accept Are risks for short periods of ten days or louger periods, at current ratee to be
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    • 723 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND I 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 Bin ooo 000 PROPRIETORS j ..WU.WU.UUU Couar or Dibbctobs: Chaibman-H. HOPPICS, Esq. Dii-utt Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAT, E»q. S. q Mi. n»ti K»q. A. Mt-CoXACBM. K«J. Hon J. J. Khwici. D. R Sifnoon,
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    • 528 1 'NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE 4 CO. ATI iVtt RK.'IIVID THE rOLLOtfliro Riw aoooa. BOOKS. A LARGE SELECTION OF NEW AND POPULAR NOVELS, INCLUDING. The Tiger Lily. Interference. A Tragic Blonder Red Honae Mystery. Soul of the Bishop Song of Siipence. Lady Patty. Along the River, Ac PICTURES. FRAMED AND UNFRAIfED ENGRAVINGS.
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  • 519 2 LATKST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SiN.i*i>oß« 20th April, 1894. PRODUCE. Uambier, 7.67^. do Cube No. 1 12.50. do do No. 2, „9.10. Copr» Bali h.6~%. do Pontianak, 5.50. Pepper BUck 9.85. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.45. do Brunei 1.96. Pearl Sago, 3.40. Coffee Bali, 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake 4.15.
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  • 129 2 Knoll Xi k..i> BytlitM. M. (.1. UrUtvura' due ou lv -i.y n-il witn .|:itc« to tliv 3(>tti M»r. Ski brian r |m- to tbr in.ii! which left 3iu*»pore .mi tin' _'7ih February :iml urnv -i-.l at LuD'lod ob the Mtk M»rch. Kk..ji H05.K.,N,,, by the M. M.
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  • 22 2 .It > iin Makiix Little on the 18th instant, At B.iiniiiiK'i"" House, Klackheatli. Londou, 1 1 .rm.-r ly of Singapore, liy Cable.
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  • 163 2 ARKIVAI.S. IVr Pnju from Penaug Mr. Graham. Per k. a. fatal from Amoy C»pt. Vullek. Mr. mid Mr- Arthur. Mis* Arthur, Miv Dak; Artliur. Miw Violet Arthur, Mr. Ki'MioliU. Mini Mr M)«ra. lVr s. Calyfifo from Del :^M»k»r«. lliwtinl, Orambri*. and Braju. PASSENGKKS (TO ARRIVE.) Per P. <
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  • 95 2 For tar Mr. /We. Ku.ti.taa via ports. Oympie. 9 a.m. Pontiauar. Uktck, I* a.m. I'ombav t.» porti, Tk,btt, 11 a.m. Japan vm ports, Oilong. 1 p.u. CalcuU via port* Wi n>j Hawj, 1p.m. Kl»uif via port>, Sappho, 'i p.m. I T. Anwn via port- MjMf^M, 3 p.m. Saraaraug
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  • 17 2 >: > Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS Va'«cn^<io» rate* aad aefeerawJaf r*tt may he found on the fourth paye.]
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  • 167 2 FRIDAY. 20th APRIL. 1894. REUTERS TELEGRAMS. THK BRAZILIAN REVOLUTION. DEFEAT or THE INsr K.i K» rs. The ironclad 4fmawfcaa, M with the remnant s of the Brazilian insurgents on board, ha^4 beeu sunk by a torpedo after a fierce eugagemeut with the Government fleet. THE ROYAL WEDDINO The wedding cereintny
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 462 2 In the Mala.-, a Liiml OAVe Itaporl for last year. Mr. Blafdaa, the Acting Collector of Laud Revenue, pl.-.uls strongly lot BMeaatiag the Malay paieaaliy th.-r.- frmu inoney-leiiders and usurers by alaanaf r.strictious ou the transfer of laud through mortga^r. It is BOaatedl out that. auioUj;
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  • 15 2 A splciai. tiffiu will terred to morrow i Saturday at the Itaffl m Titfiu BooBH.
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  • 21 2 AcuORDISG to the Mutnirht Skimbun, over tive huudred Japanese emigrants will shortly be scut by the Kissa Jiniu glieha to Australia.
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  • 24 2 Thi M. M. Compaay'i iteaawn Met bourne, lett Colombo at p. ID. wst, nlay. aud may beex|ieeted here ou Toeeday at about uoou.
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  • 41 2 Thk Zocus Patent Autitoiiliii.' I'aiut (M.-hsrs. McAlisu-r Co j is nu invention of Dr. Deaaya by whom it was patented aud he has since iuipronii apOtl it. Ibe Oleu liiue. Ouiou. Oieoaoek, White Star, aud other lines have used the paint
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  • 41 2 owin.i tj the illness ol the lecturer, the lecture fixed for to.uu,'ht at I lie Priaeefi StnHjt Oha|>el. has ban poataooed t rt Friday, the -J7t'i iaataal bat > k"'i" ral Bwetiaf af the Gbiaeee Qariatiae Aeeoct" alum will lie held instead.
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  • 55 2 A subscription tiffin v to l«' gi*en iv the haagalow of the Bwiajauag Club ou Sunday, and iii.-inlxis who intend i^'ilitf ar« a»ked to Ni K m the .irciilar winch M now bein({ scut round A steam Uuin h »ill leave Johuston's I'l.r al 9M a.m. lO take ui«nib«n acroas
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  • 43 2 A V-BiTAMTUi. reTiTal j n te«* Hao, H., BK kong during nnnilx-r amountiD R to H2 Wfi h.' increase of :in.1..,.;,, v r SJT?.? :.l;{ thipe reaortod b L?** 1 to Boagkoag 108.644 ChioeJ ?LZ^! I from variou, „I^-e, to which ther'T?
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  • 50 2 Tnt return Aaaoaiatiaa Poothal i,,,, Mweet, thaOhiaeee Biiaailiuß r\» Uh laU-amfromH Ms ,:,,r,,r k yietariat m the preai f torso,, the hrae/i |raaad. Tb.- S of the match was iv favour oi t| 1B qlR^orealion Clnh. by tw., K a r l Sie.T (Ihee aud Toon Jit „U,«l TPr; J^J
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  • 70 2 I* aaejajoaeiaej with Iha OnaU ''lullh Cii|w. the ra«v wast Io take Saturday tin- 1M Tbc h'"l 7 0 ehalkaejed by aeroei stroked by Mr v, Through mM difleahy a ir.-ttio., awej into ejead ■arUag trim. Mr v baa fall aaled aaoa la wi i,.] rakw ehaßaaga, aud
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  • 86 2 At aTagaaakj, Uaat. Krownell o f Bntisb ataip gawtira, bae I i,^^, to tbn-e mouths iekatieoaajewi for fi r 0 rarolfar at tli*. l...atswaiu .m the T l.* ou, from Cardiff. Theatxwtng MaiTZ of a qaartal betweaa tb.. i".;it«wai OMd the »econd offiror, the l.itt.-r Ik-idk th.-c,., tain's son. [a
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  • 95 2 Thb Harboarejaeter of ffnariuaj his resort for IBM, atataithat thtteielc) arrrvida ami aaiaagi there, Uet »e» r an) Miutf.l to L4v549,18a tuns. „r M i v crease on 181/2 of IMJ79 tuna. Th«r.weiw :i'J, arrival with a loanan ol 7.177.0U tons au.l &%858 daputann ol 7,178,097 t0a*. Thefaereaee ie tonaa««
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  • 122 2 The whotaeale price of coal, a U\m paper eaja, enatmaei leadfaaee in Jaaaa, th.- aalea Jtflwted bj toreige in.iik-u ha»iu K Ixs-u ho large that a m begiaaiag to he fata *t boaja. li ported thai Ine Miten Biehi Oallierr au.l the Hokkaido CaU Mianag and Bulbm Coui|>aiir hate ba.l
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  • 133 2 Tn lata Mr. .I.lm Martia I, ml-. *a« il«.,it u is. to.iav. ii-.-.» ,i..j by oaMi boa London, baa do) long oatUvad Inn taM partaer, Mr. Martin, wboeu daath ecimriai in Lou. ion a bwwtMinago. LMtbaori. filial |'.ii i in- 1 .it Jli'-Mv .l.iiu Little -v i oulv oik- ii.
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  • 56 2 Tn Baaduftheiad Batt. Liooabi*ain ■Tupairat will pUj tat bUowi krr.tiiiiii>- hi iln' Botaakal Qaraana, i la] eoaiaeaeiiig at 5.15— i'I:<n.UAMMK. 1. M.r.i, .17,./, M 2. tWoeliuu .1 (iut'i 0ir1... J«»» Vain Ma fcfv BomUi i tryll 4 GaTotte. .S(.//i Helentinn L§*CloehudtConutUU I'l»ih|'i A li Hi
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  • 309 2 HOC II Lit HANDICAP >iAMK The ({iiiue of nio«t Lotereat, Yeetrrdai OTOOJOg, Was in the DoobU H.l'jJn M whi.ti itrd.ia-11 and BUtOtt IVI Ml Aul.raou ud Muir, neisiteli. Breddoll oummeeeed the a*rriei tr.mi tW parilioo .ii.l; .Hid iln tir»t two &mm w.iv eaeily iron by Aodarooa,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 672 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. I 'PHB Standard Life Awturaiice I ftea i'ni"ti Kir., laeataaee Oatiety. Atla* A- BBBJ Fire "",'he E<)uiuble Ijife Awurance So. let y The Ocean Marine In^uraure Coin;>any The China Mutual St*am Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Com|»ny. Limited. For particulars of
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    • 972 2 NOTICES. Tne Straits Tunes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and Fi-enca liiJo-Glnna. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 385 2 NOTICES. I McALISTEIi Co. rfOCUS I>ATENT NTIFOULINO pAINT. The best paint in the Market ban been applied to tbe following owner's boats. Messrs Lindsay Oracle A Coy. J. T. Ki-niiie Son A. Coy Me 1 1 wraith Me Ka -hrau A Co. Gellatly Haukey .-.-well A Coy. Car. isle and
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    • 1079 2 LATENT A I > V K T I S K M K N TS. MBS. I'OTTKH i MB. HKLLEW. BeaaaMVai by the owa I, .nion (Company. TO'VS HALL. Friday, i'oth April, "DAVID G ABB ICE." Violet tireslivn Mrs. Potter. DaTMOeerieh Mr. Bellew. aaiai'ifaf, Mai A,>ril, •la rose a." DaaW ihe
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    • 77 2 in. «i«iw fm *™i. fkaai ,i*, u u la man ».«""*</ lk»r«|»r «nly. H) fyltrt of Ihmt rand,, tun >.., lf.S.g. 0M npet** IlUt m^Dt nlhtr^-... 1.. AU n'wlimi ronl'nr-'' «r» l**Aj*l In t\* BaMn IV KuwnnwiilMf, IK* «l.rrt.^™<nl <>il o/l>i. „i,^< i> our ■>/ |.tm. matUr, but k»i
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 WEATHER REPORT Au...(.iiw A'roOau Hoipttal, V.HhApnl, a.m. i p.m. tf p.m. RiMAHKa. Hir. r. k..;.. SMMMkVMMM limp ■>■. BI.U 77.0 ]f«f Wet Uulb Thor. 7$ 0 !»U 75.S O -J Uir. of Wind .W. W. X.W. Cain. 2. ►> M»*.T.'.up. iu»U».le 86.S tr|-|JI Jlin. do dv 73.8 .5 S s
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  • 964 3 Mr Cktef Jmt.. I „l 181..S T.. H I H 111 miam uenm MISSI"N v' l»ll sJhh Mawia. I hi* WBl a lanu I < Lt elant. I irr\ luj.' „n JIUIIIII I laintiff, deaci ibiug a 1 ..ii.uiiMiion Bgaal at Maliuea, vai -I t«> •>• :,aiit u.v'.'tiatiiij
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  • 1077 3 I i'h AfrU mm „t the most intrnating crrrilorife „t 1 lie prraaal liaaa, aad aa4oar<*«dly aae ..Mne in .s' pruaaiaiag „1 the ifhafai "f I'.ntisli n fl nee, is Ibe Mai n niiisiil.i II 1- nr.r si ag In-.-iuse n is jost v.ulur--001 pioneering
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  • 99 3 In the Siiitiiii.iv C.mrt at BoD(rkon|l .m the l.'li inetaat. a oorpufal of Ihe ttbropabire Light [afaatry ined aCbineae hawker for the recow of an Eogliah- v, 1 The |.lii.n!iiT stated that he t..,.k the watch to It. defendant lor re--1 ih it wli.-ii the wati ii
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  • 172 3 I\ > 11, i, v Uougkoujr, >v tii.' 18th instant, tl Boaaallj 1 1 |„iu,.1l „l lii.ii.'V.leii.liiik,' sin's ill tlie down 11. 1 1.. i'ii. t; attracted Ibeattm--11...1 of the A, nil,- PuwoeJodtir, Mr A.O. Wis,' His I Islnp waaaoetnu kbj the iniinii.T ,1111 las. .u-t
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  • 137 3 vHAN-.iiAi. ■MMaoaa un HimiAPonß. Taa i"ter.|..rt riH- ibaotian eaajaaavti «n, winch gaaetallf takes BaMe alxiut .\."v v.'.r. iMtweeu repreientatifps of Shatiu'liai. Heajgknag, and Siu^anore, is t,> 1).. fire.| „flf on Sunday nut. aimult.ineuisly tv all tbri* of th- uiainrtiae; aorta. The raagaa at aeajrMO.MO, ka«] SOOyatdk, The artaaMaaßl
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  • 1122 3 a ouaaa rammmn mtitm ki the Ml MMI UsmM I MpfMaa \.-rv tew woin.ii eai buaai ot i ii.n.n_' v. aakod t.> go aa I•■ s|. n.l thsj day VMih the Kliedive." In 1.i.1. 1 .11.1 InlJ Li be lias ucver li." I. known
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  • 77 3 WORKING ORDINANCE. WORKING ORDIENCE. DfjßiMoUal v-n. ii i"- inn" w.i. 1 iaaood under thf OniinaiKf; uftheaaS van 00l availed ■>! otriag to .is baiag foood nnBtcaemrj to* the abiptoworl cargo on the Sun. l. iv. I |..iinits w fpnaated t" of cbarg 1. .odnn *iili the iaatrwrtiuoe i that
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  • 690 3 Thu ■afbaiajnMea** of HoneWotn.''M report for U«t year irivea the following information rpgardinir the trade of that port durine that period An attempt lias been made to gautri* the trade of the Colony by Import and Ernort Returns. In th" al>s»nee of a
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  • 76 3 At the P..ii<f Court this 111..1111 UK' a Cbionc was lined ?2 (or five days' imprisuniiieiit by Mr. LrMOfj for 1 v 1 1 1 opiuiD ti> her liusliaud while litwas iv a paliaj re.ll. I'llwoman |.l.i. 1 wveral ot.iuin pilla iv a small loaf
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 35 3 I A U Io N .v Q A I D I I LONDON. DEALERS 113" OUCIPIIIDS eanMinm mobiib. m. w. A s. H7/H 2 Th* ariei uf thr "Straits Tiukh is tic* DulUn v IIWU</>.
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    • 827 3 NUll'JiS ri d' A L M E I D A ABCHITECT. CIINTBAOTOB, AVII (i >VKKN ment Licensed Servitor., D" Almeida Street opposite the French Mail Office, neit to Hilty A Co. I will he glad to undertake Survey*, building constructions, i aad contracts 'or the name at a moderate
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    • 1000 3 NOTICES. QINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. BPRINO MEETING. 1894. The Spring Baa* M«eting will he held on Tuesday, Thnr»dav and Saturday. May the Bth, lOtt and Brh. PROGRAMME FIRST DAT. TUESDAY. MAT Bth. First Rac«. MAIDEN PL \TR— Value— »2so. A Race for Maiden Hnr«e* Firttt-clns t« carry list; Second -cliiss. ll>Ht.;
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    • 814 3 BHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPING NEWS SEE PAGE 4. /ACBAN STEAM SHIP COMPANT FOR BATAVIA. BAMARANG. AND BOURABATA. The O. S. S. Co. 'a atoamar ANTKSOR. Captain Hntf htnaon, ia due here oa Monday, the lti'h inntaot, and will ba dmpatrhad f-r the abore porta on Friday, the Jcih instant. For
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 194 3 AKKANOEMENTS Kkidav. 'JOth Ai-kii.. High Wat, r. IOJI p.m. Full Moon 57 a.m. K artbal' s. c. C. i 11. A. Siik, n r .i.,h.,iv. R.'.','|,ti,ni Hi Tyer■all s. V. A. Commandant'! Parade S C. 0. Liwn Ti iinisTiiuruiiiiK'Dt. Musi,-, ( l"i p.m. CinderelwDaaee. Taunlin dab. Cbiu.'soChristiiiu Aeamwtioa. Qaaaral ■feetiaft.
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    • 1158 4 Undur this hp«.li")f tliw following thhrariati.iu» arp iihhH —^tr. IMBaMrj -'I—«hip1 «hip hq— barque Brit Britiih U. S.— rfuitod Stat«i r'r. French; Ger. Germa.i: D'it Dutch; Joh.— Johoro &.<•.. O.c. ;..,i.<r»l c.Hrif'i d. p. d-'ck paiwMn);.<rit U. Unce'tain; T. P. W— Tanjonjf Pa^ar Wlitrf I P. D.—
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    • 140 4 Ni me. Pert, and Dai* of Sailv Kkom IjOsdun (iua.lalfiuivir Mar. 11 <ilamor|ritnsliire Mar. I.iveki i. Hilaris. M«r. M| (MMX M.»r I I San IriiilT •!.< Loyola, llai li. Ba»MgM Mar Id. TurUr. A )il Kintaei Bam TiMtgh Oat -t, K.iliert Hi.-km.Ts. Dm. IS roMfcrMi Dm Crai^flw. l)'iv
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    • 79 4 Jj Vmui/i Nam B b'l Name. B *l. ft Tons. i'ahtain. ■m I Apl. 1 Ixioa 19 nu-1.n.1.;. 1H Kubjr -.11 (■»l > |„<, SO Ulan* Ann ■#> Pe»u Brit -tr. 2-"M Ktk ntr lim Vmmlmt ,tr. ll;> KCrut* .tr. :«!> l-owry str. IM MbM ttr. MS Trewcvk* 1
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    • 86 4 Dat« Vhwl'h Ntir. Flao A Hi.. ('< li«»riN*ri.'N 19 S«lrtto« 30 luucm 30 Vju-r Kadoonhire M Sri HegaUn 211 P.... 20 Ki»o Anu Will O 1 the Wi.p »l Hrcat* M (VUUial 20 Thibet I i,.-r -!r Nor. bq >»r «tr. lint .v. Hut Mr Btit. Mr. »tr. ttr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 XOTICKS. Me ALISTER Go. HAVE JIM I; KIVKD A SHIPMK.NT Off JAMES WATSON Co.'s CILBBfcATBD SCOTCH WHISKEY. THK DOMINIB BBAND.) A^L tor tli.' Dmiiini.- Braml (Mask Label.) GUAKANTKKD LO YKAKS OLD. PRICK $10.00 PER CASE. Mc A L I 8T E R ft Co., Sole A(jknts. For I he TollH
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    • 114 4 i SAttTAL-HIDY Th. p-:rp r- „f;il nht. me.l by r Jh. ..-wood. SANTAL-MIDY.,; n .v ran) t. on, th« i i,. id „f ti,,. Inttsa It,/..™, i< aaparior la Onpaiba. I i Ir." tro,,, all il or oin.r iii. niTininnjisx SANTAL-SVIIDY ol ill urin..r>- orguM ulkt x m 48
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    • 524 4 KOTNJEs. CHUBB'S IKON BAF-tS AXD LOCKS. THE liE.sT IN THK WoRLU. AI'ULLINAUIS WATER, Thk (^ueen ok Tablk Waters. PERUIER-.IOUET Co.'3 < lIAvII>A4.\K. A high das* wine of excellent reputation at a moderate price. o,'iarU f 29 .V) per case. Pints $31.50 READ BROfHERS' \i.s: .v moi i. The undersign".) Solo
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    • 1442 4 DOCKS. r pm TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. I LIMITED. The premiws of the Companj are situat«>d at l.i ;ar adjoining the town of Sin P'>re. Ktaaiu tram-oars run at short int.-rv.ila arrylUK passengers and goods from Wharf to dosti nations at low ratea. The Wharf extun.U to one mile
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    • 923 4 NOTICES. tr-tabli-hx. is.;-, i Til LEY. HARi;REAVRB*COKv.ii n Iron k Brass rVcNDia*, U.HI.KKM \KKKI. BRIIKIK BUILDKKK. SHIP BOILUERB, Genkrai. (Jontraitors. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YAKIK HIGH claw «TEAM fSWUI always under const ruction, froir. T« ft. to 150 ft. j length of keel, of best de»ign and finish.
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    • 348 4 NOTICIvS. THB PRYE RIVKR DOCK PtlfANO. The above Dock, «toat«d in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has latolv been lengthened and deepened and is now of the following dimensions i Length un the blocks ;{3I) feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water on sill at
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    • 371 4 NOTICES, THE "STRAITS TlKi Thk "Straits Bonurr I Th« prin of the Strait, Tim* dHlf free in aa follows ""'*r«d Withm Singapore Daily issue per year U A n v do do co»y P9ntjl Weekly issue yw H rtn|Ur< "'l'T 4t > ««nt«. mftmm MafayaM Dnily k«M |>*.r y..» r
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