The Straits Times, 18 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times KSTABLISIIED :imi. SIXC.iAPOKE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1894, NO. 18,296,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 970 1 [SEIP COMPANIES. PSSUI »K AM- OKIKKTA*. .mi NAVIGATION COM I INV Orm-i lv»> iv Whabvek and Hon.wn Nr« 11. Ims nail steamers may aa wards arH Irav Sinifap. r.- n.-n. a tl.» following .la'e s A1 t lasmtm M.j, It M.v I Ko .11, v I date* are only armali
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    • 1600 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. DX KoNINKLIJKK I'VKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. ruder contract with the Netherlands India <;<>v»|it. >il I r \..t v.V, I.ATE < 1.1 i.ykk Quay. AgentLtBBBBI aBBBBBJ has a H -t ..f M S', nI•!»ti..ti f,,r Srat i ,1,.. k paaaaßtara, an.l f..i the .hI .1 wit h'ctric UajM and impn.,cm..iiis
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    • 895 1 STEAM.vHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this linn run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en routo at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of the«e mail steamers, the Com(isny's deanier Nurnberg
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    • 674 1 INSURANCES. /^ITJARDtAN FIBS *ND LIKE ABBTJKANCK IVJ COMPANY. Liy.TED, LONDON. Established IHII. i Bobecribed Canital i 0.000.000 Total Invested Funds 4.61R.000 Annual Inoome, 938,0(0 The undenignea, agent* for tne above Company, are prepared to aooept fire risks for short I periods of ten days or longer periods, at ourrent rates
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    • 709 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF! nonnonnn PROPRIETORS j J10.000.000 Cousr or Dibbotobb: Craibhan— H. HOPPITTS, Esq. I Dbputv Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. ti M i" *K. A. McComcEis, Ew). H. H Jos, m. K.q. J. 8 MosES.IiM. Hon J.
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  • 451 2 LATKST MARKET QUOTATION. sis.iAi-.iuK IRth April. l&H. PRODUCE. Gambier. 7.67»4 do Cube No. 1, 1i.5«. do do No. 4 H.lO. Copra Bali. b. 61%. do Poutinuak 5.50. Pepper Blnek 10.10. Sago Flour, Sarawak --17% do Brunei I.»"V Pearl Sago, UMi Coffw Bali 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca small Flake
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  • 74 2 Tln< fuiiowiu^ were tiie Lnndou prices of certain shares at received bi tile mail of i!nl Marcii Banks. £20 all pd. The Chartered ...ills' 1 to *.'->■,. The ii'koug 6>luii. Jo J. M| flJ's pd. Mercantile Bank A .Us U%. B shares 5% toli 1 t'l";lj ihl. Blc.ofCliiu»,Japau,Jte.,aUoJi>i.«. t'l all
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  • 118 2 KhojiKi Koi-K: 3y»hcM. M. aWaMTM .lv.- v., la* tMk id t ut wita iatei t-> tt>- BMt M»r. she Main r. pile. 10 the mail whicii left siD^sporo i.v 11.. t7lt FibruuT and «m.r.i at 1...11 lou ub the •Mk M.rd.. raoa loniom, b> th« M. M
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  • 241 2 ARRIVAL. Per s. g. Sri Peijatan from KUuvt ti» purts: —Padn Antouius, Mrs. Rodri|(ue«, aud Mrs Woblie. Per s. s. Penanij from Samarang: Mr. Meiahall Per s. s titrate from Bangkok I—Mr.1 Mr. ami Mrs. Md-iii-e. Dr. K»Uall R.N., Miss ti. C>hen. Miss I". Cohen, aud Miss (J.
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  • 90 2 Pfaf t-r Mr. H.L/kniii; and Amoj, -Vain Yvng, I p.m. SaitfOli, yUnl.lnrt, -i p.m H :.if»u.i- A B»itaii. tarn Tur, -J p.m. il.liKC nn'i Liiiimi <".('. ffriiit/., 2 p.H ,\K..uv» an<t Klutf, ObwMfs, 2 p.m. ixtl-HH ria poru Bwyrmnin,, 4 p.m. aanin'anir v» port*. OUa'ial. 4 p.m. S:inntrtii.)f
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  • 19 2 Established 18U. PRICE: 10 CENTS [Sub»cription rale* and wdewfwawwf ratf may Of found on tin fourth page.}
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  • 46 2 WEDNESDAY. 18th APRIL. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS THE BUDGET PROPOSAL. Tbe House of Comift uu Ims adopt.. l the iucrease* in tbe l)eer and spirit duties. Tbe Prem, geuerally sjioakiiig, laproiat tbe Budget, but tbe Scottish aud Irish pipers object to the increase of tbe spirit duty.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 668 2 Thk Budget statement for the rurrt-nt 's .1 deficit of four anil .1 half millions sterling. That state of again ia, or will lie. brought about part I tlimu.-li the ue rssitv which ini|x'ls Hritain towanls so hMNMMg the uavi as to uviku it tajwal
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  • 90 2 Mb. Hi-kkii.i. of Shan^liai proonoril homeward by the I', mil >. to-diiy. after bavjuy liu<l auutber interview with tlif manager of I tit' Straits Kin- [oaurauce Compauy Mr. Burkill. it timy be Duted, hag appointed Mr. Hurkiimliaw to act in a NMNMateliw aafjaaUj for Ike Sbau^bai shareholders It must
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  • 47 2 This luoruiuy. Mr. T.iu Ji.ik Kuu WSJ uomiuated for tlie seat on Urn Municipal Commission BOW vacant In tin- rTligM*<MH of the Hon. A. L. Ho— Www TV bjbl >e|.re»-i]ts tin- ( I In- Hon. T. Shelford pro|K>Hvil anil Mr lv»' Cbeuj,' seconded thu umi\iuulum.
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  • 33 2 h iHf. Ouvhrnok lam Baßgapora this afternoon., at half|.ast Lo'dech m the .sv.i Mb ami proaaawi toMalaceaj from llicnce H. B. «oe>i t.> S.'laut,'vr. aud tbeu tv Siiuj^'ei Ujowg Mil J«W v
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  • 16 2 M»< Potter will rec;^ ia n>.m.|Tv t; r,all.«tth.8 vu Uo a t^ "ii r ride* aft.T[i.H.n
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  • 15 2 Memsiih. I'.iwem. A Co BiaawAai of shares in the on Thursday the tM Vpnl Hvnt
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  • 26 2 In en 5,..,,,..,,,,, of the Sultan ..f.. reccp,,.,,, Krklay ilf ril( iH'noK-ollin-.0,,,,,..,,,, ltlM l r "»'ll driving lllt n|| h| A luveu,.,, hei.i,,,, ,u v
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  • 32 2 Ko mi uioa, m t.. t1,.. ,1,-. trial of Phr.i V,,t. S.i,, the 1;,,.,*.* r" ofib« 11.1, in.uat.hM th 0.,., ,i,,,. ■electaa. I'm i BUh»ase< ...,,i j>| lril K baveU-cu „pi M^
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  • 67 2 Two roliliTies luve BM rev, rt i the Police. til mi pl.i.c reeterd*/. jewellery, valu a) 111) Wat laid I I be.v stol.-u fr.m, B TaBBBBM w—aa hiS m BaM Street. A China,,,.,,, 11U ."J arrested in will, l( 7" ti..ft. a ci,,,,,,.. t.u-uv. ii,,,^ 1 1 Te'.lk Aver Street,
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  • 81 2 At tbe Kritisl, Consular Court kok, oa the '."Ii iattaal. before M kef .the .1,,.., r (all Cbinesci ol s. Pkra Kh<, were charged with bai ig uuler the liallast links ut the I the aagincfa tarn, 1 v tins of opiasj witli bna| oooeeraed ia .nt. avoid pajiag
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  • 150 2 BbVOU Mr. K,'.rtou. this Boniag U Ah Ji.i|. was proaecuted b) D Aciiu^ Municipal BeaJUOtker, I lab. unlit [or hiimtti food in race Markei at Ba»M. oil id- [J Kn.leii. wm iriven t.i the tf, was OftUtiooed bi I ■eUiog tha Bah. He paniiud iiiv,' so and w1- [iroeai
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  • 124 2 1 1 notified i» the Permit t;, irfrfn n Qawettt, lll.' ..11 and after the lit lh. Butt, the Si ran < l' l).''|Nirlui.'iit will eaaae to give .i in mtlilv rate of to the P.-r.ik 1..- til l> pirtiu.Mit f..r tha Hwae "t in
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  • 225 2 paopoaao f^nrrwyaaideal Lmmpmr, 'I'm: foUowinu lit the prapoaal b» ■TMeoM (or the 1 ivoraor*! rial) H. K. Mrompaoifd In- Li,| v m,- M m Sin idere, \j.t mi H.-rliw Mr. C S .■•ii. I.S., and Mr. Hurra I.S. Will pi-..1,.i1,iv i.-ay, .Sim Knd.iy. ill.. |Q I,
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  • 154 2 S.C.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENTS YESTERDAY'S RESULTS I II Ull'l'i\-llll' Braddell Brail Kllioti Bgerlofl I ii i M.-r.'w. tli.r 15.S r Ormialoa fk*uhed Out illA,m|. mun Hair i H coiHDia i ion Baylei >->' Kilton H HMI Cumiehaei W H .-I- t Allan i.0,0.2 TO-DAY a II l> DOI in. K II
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 666 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. rpHE Standard Life Assurance JL Norwirh Cninn Fire Insurance Society. A tlao Assnraure Company Fin. The Equitable Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navijtation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, LimiteH. For particulars of theae Companies
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    • 1235 2 NOTICES. The Straits Tunes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French laio-Jaina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1054 2 NOTICES. I tut .1 |B-0 I D V, D. U. fi. (Doctor ok Dental Sik.jf.kv of the Boston Dental College. Mass. C. S. Having .-.tnolisted hiiusolf at II Battery R.iad, Singapore, offers his servic. s in all branches of Dentistry ffiHl kasTKKN IXTINBION 1 AUHTBALAHIA AND ''HINA TBLXOEAPfI OOMPAaTT, LIMITED.
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    • 532 2 LATEaT A DVERTIBEMENTB. ma porrffa m. bellew. Supported hj their own Lou lon Company. TOWN HALL. IVMjeM, Wednnday. lHth April. "V A N 1 L LO N." fMiaW, -'"th April. •I) A V I I) ii H KICK." .S.I/...J.1./. JM April. "I.A TIISI'A." Meat rVo .1 Mwto JJ. Back seats
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    • 36 2 1/ mm t) w*Ut. kM v* ttlnm 11-« ftwr U,t 9*4k m*nlk. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of aay newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 88 2 WEATHER REPORT gjeadaae; Krabaa HwpUal, lTlli April, ksai. ».m. Jp.m. i*p.m. Kihakii. ■ar.eaa.wl tab. «-.'.5i3r.t.T.«at.770 r^uip wi.u m.s 7;,5 a Wei bulb lii.-i .MJ 78.5 MJ i l>ir. ol WidJ wmw. wnw. Calm. J» .\i..x. i i. ss ii X* al Mm. Uo .to T2S ■?iMax. in nuu lii.o
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  • 302 3 p, l*th Afrit, IBM i w i i mv hitherto thou-ln m iu|,i to correct the mini-.-•in.-nts win. li have irJing th- re- tbiaCoa|iauT, 11-is 11. -1. 1. .-I 1.. I I i however, Iv a i i.|. winch i.l. li. 't BMI •1.M.1.-.
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  • 253 3 laf'i 1" 10 BokUU Mr How. Kn X'K Mi 1" itlej nis baeo in th „i J,.li,n,- for s. reateen roaLoat, bill rewntlj »Ueu raed mm) -■iii.v. I lini littration ii.n.-nil. a M._ tlj.- Ilk.-; -ni-l h. Up* -i i ■itioa :n the eoHntrjr. Mr. ilii,|.|s!.lll.|. MBC
    253 words
  • 89 3 utnoal .ii.-tmu' »l M -t. the .-ban v a M Ifatbeeoo) Io i>f th i indus- „,,1 quoted from tv <• tlie r.-.slllts of tbl ,tn limited s|- ,vii. in: Ibe laal t-u Tb*o« led bin I too** reS „|.|,,.11.-ll! iv A.i-, which, li" 1 i-
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  • 1100 3 -IK VI <l\ Situi'l.iv 1 i ilf Bpriug Meettug, il mi ~;il.'tv predicted i,-.t in Marly all tin- tvcata mi Wa are inclined t.> i. I. tint imr the tiiiuil" iintliiis lik. Il I itm m.i i U Bat, itli;i!. i.- .iti- -un- t i Irida, v.'l
    1,100 words
  • 346 3 Mi.. J. »J AikwM.iK, the Huuorary Secretary of t Ij«- Boewt* for tbc BappreeMoa of il' 1 Optuai TraKc, has p. ml tl >utrI; 1 1 1 .11 .1 riatl UUJ hat •"•••II iiiti-rurwed there by reporter. In ■**I*' >" to quietiowa wit ii reference to HonfkoLg
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  • 350 3 I a i lii rtory ii told l>y M B IV Baiter of the captu eof an enormoui in the wildi "i Borneo. If r. Baiter, l>l lii Ibournr, wjs lor. >.. i., Iml ,)ui>. with it > i j meni of bo 1 1. 1 i.i-
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  • 128 3 I 111 vnrAT|.>S IN insvl IN IHk. .i.'VKKN.iK IJKNKK*I».IJ H(KM II |v|... CHINA ITALIAN KINAN. Pnr« ;ih April M de l,Hii>->snn has arrived in Franc- H.- warmly n ived. and d.-clan"! that Ton<|ui 11 h»s anaaajNai ami tin- oMaaolai l.mml. ■a hi naaatad in I'ari-. hMaatfaw. M A)>ril
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  • 290 3 MR.FRENCH'S DEPARTURE FROM SI AM. 0> tko '.'ill instant, the metnliei'H of the EMtiafc liar in li.tiiL'kok. took the "p|i...tunitv of pavitii; n w.-11-.1.-s.-rv.-d c.ini|.liment It Mr. Kren.-h, H. 15. M. Cnsul. prior to hi» departure on U nioiitliK 1.-aye. Mr. Mi.h.-li. inwH»| m behalf "f his eaßalgWa, said that
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  • 265 3 AM. IWM IN THK VKU: Tut iiii|»>iU itii.l ex|.oit» r. turns of tlie Colony for laal year pn Ibe t »iag r-sults. ihowiaji the volume af traaV) iv all the three tt.-tllt-ments dntißg that |.erio.l, ndaaitra of tiawwi lui|.oru 1152,455,480 aUpwta 184^35.984 T..t»l 1886,991,484 Tlies,- Sgßm
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  • 116 3 Tn foil., winn extract fr. .in a 1.-tl.-r t Lull the Otnnialgiiiatarj. Btraiti Batilwanta, datedSßtfa \-:>i. k pabliabad v Hi.- P«rdk <;,r, „t <;.,;.tt, [aaaaaaaaaai i fWa trwiaaul apyHf* tkm r.-i-.-iv...l at tli.- Colonial offi.-.- (ran offi-,-i-r- of Urn OorarsßieaU of the
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  • 34 3 i..Rrs oaaaaa. Biafaaart, WU MM Tiik dnaa f."- C WJaiaat'i p-irmle on Kri.l.y n.-M. Mill ha liit.-. with 1..-M en|w, gaMara, kalto, tad Irafi II E. McCai.ll.m. Major, U.K. ('uniiiKiiiilant, S.V.A
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  • 61 3 Tai Bud ftbe Sad BaM. LJaeolMhiti Regiment will pUj tba foUowiag pro i.-i.iiinii.- in tin- Botanical ti.u.l.u> Fri.lav. JDlii A -ril. < hu-ih iiil.' 1., p in. Psoga im iii I Marafa Adutyk' Mi.l.^.li i tUlaaHon I QaitU Qirl :< Va'w Mil Mil Botttt Oarjrl I
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  • 69 3 i l r r.i..m_- Md Calcutta, Pumdm, oa II Itttb April. II i-.1-l -11.11-.i. 1.., ta and CaloatU 1V. di i I'.'tli April, Booataad and Co. fa Una tad Japaa, OtUmi, do* 19th 4pri the Borneo On. Hcngkoair, M da* Mta April, Beb Meyer and Co
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 278 3 .i \!'.\m:si: in si am. LHTMKD ItptMM Mini I M.iiij.-r.i it Bangkok n.mi Singa--II .1 tO«r 111 vv i 1 1 1 1 iii.ii. couutriet. Bia an itudyii k the polity ul each umlml. ..illv in regard t.. its |MM»ibl« bearing «n the coming struggle i.,.- Weatern I" twwi for
      278 words
    • 731 3 /-< fiLIUDi AkcUITKiT, ('(...1K ACTOR, ANU UOVKBNMENT LIOUUO iSURVKYOR. No.)!. IV.VlincidaStrcct i (ip|M)sit«'llit< French Mail OflMe, n»xt to Uilty A Co. will he i.'lvl I tD iinilxrlake Surveys, lmildiii|{ omntrurtiona, j .nil «-<mtrm-t» for the same at a moderate rate. in. w. A f. 27/4 1 A \V T0 N
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    • 536 3 NOTICES. JOHN LITTLE CO. HAVE JnuT RKCEIVED THE FOLLOWING NEW HOUIia. I«M»KS. A I.AKGF. SKLKITIoN OoTMIW AND POPILAR NOVKI.S. tROLUDIMO. The Tigrcr. [nt.-rf.'n -nee A Mere Blunder Red House Mystery Soul nf the Bishop. Song of Sixpence. Lady Patty Along the River, Ac. I'iriTRKS. ntUfBD AND I NFKAMEI* KNUKAVINtiS. IMCTLKKS
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    • 810 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIITINU NKWH SEE PAGE A BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. r'OK I'KNANd, KANQOOIf. A CALCUTTA. The Company's steamer PVNDDA, 2.154 tons, Captain Nailer, will be despatched fnr the abov.. ports on Wednesday, th. I>Hh instant. For freight or passage, apply to OH BOUSTEAD k Co., Affeate
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 182 3 AKBANUEIUDi I >. Wki.NLsUA^, \HiH APKII.. ■M WHt.r p.m. S. C. C. Li»u IVnuis Touruament I'.itt. r IMI.-w in h'ranall.m. Town Hall p in. Thursday. ll'th Atkii.. ■fcjl \Vat,r -J.-.t i.n lD.Hp.m. Ki-al Kstat. Am-iion .it Crane Broe. Sale Booaje. •jitu pn. loainialitio Footbmll. C. R C. v. H.M.S. JVmbA
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    • 1119 4 I'mlxr tbm he dinr the Mtowiag alihri'via- 1 bVm an- us«d ir. 9t"»in»r ,i, »hip i !>q l>ar<|iio But Bririih L*. S— 'iiit,-,l StM<"H Jrr. Kmurh Uer. li-na,, Dut. Dutch; Juli. .loliorp; 4c., 0.0.. I ;i.ii"rnl c«r)ri. d. p.— <l»ik BaMMMfa; I" -l'ii.,.rl«ia ;T. P. W.— Tanj.»n(f
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    • 132 4 San,.. I' rt. .v, t Uiif ,jl S,in,n, KroM I.iiMiis Baigjorahira, Mar. Onadalqairir Mir II OlmmaxaaaUn Kir. LIVKKFUOI. Hilaria. Mar to; 00:011/. Mar. 14 S*u U'lit'-io da L.yota, Mar U. BairgU Mar. lti; Tartar. Apl Kiutnak Bami,;is CM. 3j Bobon Uekana, !>•.- II Koiiii^riuii Dm Praljlt*. Dm
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    • 65 4 H Mill Name. a s Toai. i'h-i ih. i Kiu -wi i 17 Kol.illa 17 AfuliHii 17 I. ri«mr IS s,.m Tor 18 II 18 bW IVuntuu P.O. »tr. 217 i Htmtm tufU Bnt..u. MM Hutoa 8our«J«y« »tr. 3si l»ui.lo|. HiifiM rtr. M H.-1..|, »tr. 0"7 I'.yu. Ru«kok Dut.
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    • 118 4 I VIKKILK Nl») n m a b« Cah us Di Ipl. 17 Carolina 17 Ban Soon 18 Hoax Wan i>. Bvaaa IS KohilU Ik Pa«ai 18 1-abelL 18 Sri Mataai IS I: ..i I" Malacca 18 Hob* 18 Puuloa 18 Sri Ban.lj.r 18 is SKAh-ter 18 S.annTSrLl Dmt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 332 4 BENEDICTINE. OE L'ABBAYE DE FECAMP Seine-] nkirieiuk la bmmmi Jr l.tulrs U« IJ-iumra in A i. i! c 1 CHUBB'S IKON SAFES AND LOCKS. Thk Bm n THB World. APOLLINAUIS WATKU, Thk 0.1 -Kt.v i.i- Tvulk Wa.TBU 1 PEBBIBB-JOUfil CO.'o < 11 mi'AUM:. A hiif'i ci... wino of excellent reputation
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    • 1050 4 NOTICE^ SIXOAPOKK Ba*OftTlX*G CLUB. SPRIM; HBBmra, l^u The Spring If M etinif will Ih. held M fiMiajr, Thursday and Satunlav. May theXtl.. loth and l.'th. nOOMAMMM. FIHST DAY. Tl E'DAY, M\Y s T h Fikst Race. ■AIDER r? »Tr Tiloi Ut» A Race for Maiiiß lloi-.-s First.c'a-M to carry H»t;
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    • 1470 4 DOCKS. r rHB TANJONO PAGAR DOCK CO. 1 LIMITED. I h premises of the Company are situated at Tanjon I'ajN.r adjoining the town ol Kin.'aP re. Kt«aui tram-oars run at short intervals arryln* passenger* and goods from Wharf to dostinations at low rat-a. The Wh irf extend* to one mile
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    • 909 4 NOTICE.-. Kstabashw. l>s<f. > 11. K V 1 1 A U( It K A V K S A COEn<iini.>.i'i. Ikon Branh r'l.nviittK, BotUaauKMMi Brimm HUNb), Grnerai. '/'omtra.-t.ikm. BDB9APOUA KUALA LUM "OR. Bat7 a IiUILDISO YAKI> HlliH cla-« -sTEAM VESf-s-I.S always inder const nicti'..., from 3« f. to ISO ft.
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    • 88 4 NOTICES. PfcBBLK BPECTAOLBB A. FOLDERS i S li 'A S il B a I I— l g h S sis■Z■ a agiifi Is s ia a J >6 J I E CO Q ESTATES A HOSPITAL'S SUPPLIKI) Di. r Ji n fi i: ii I d s J. D 1
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    • 310 4 NOTICES. THE -STRAITS TIMKs. Thk "Stbaits Bdi... t Ihe price of tho Ntraiu Tim* a., free is M follow. d «'"*r*d R'l'inport Daily Im ,K.r MJ a. t[^ W«,kly iMM y w l« JF I)-.,ly Übm BM y-ar :«> ,l oMar> il. do eoj.y W.ekly IMM yar Is „,,1,,^ 7>i«
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