The Straits Times, 17 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1894. NO. 18,295.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 684 1 \MSEIP COMPANIEB. P 'sTEABI NiVl IP4NI aay. tuivi. anil «»ot«wir»— Vow lUr--la* mail ittuwn may ba aa] ward, aad Uave Hinga) nntilM HoaniiK taH. U*M. ■ana* M- M i. Apt. Ik M>j t 1.-, id. IS •.nar* only appmtu I and them. ondoa is the asm. a* to London Dy
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    • 761 1 BTEAMBHIP COMPANIES. 1 X' iMNKLI.TKR PAKETVAART I imjljlt. a i r i.i. I'ndor c mtract with tlio Netherlands luilia QaMtMalk i/.-.rf. Ship Aof.i ct, late .1 DAB«DKLa t .i -J- f, CiiLLYF.RyOAT. "ii/, MkbSKS HUTTK.NHAL'U Lit HK.'.I ,V In. •iimi> lia< a fleet of 3<» Stoamor*. ■'1•! itmodatiiiii for fir»t
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    • 836 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. For H'yrv* hortt Tia Bawoan and -h of ev.-ry month a nlmmi-r runa in tliin dir^ctinn taking direct cargo and pasaaaMT* to Hanjermassin, Pulo Laut, PaitHir, ami Kotoi. rry mnnfh on the iifnl a Hteamer it ili -i,i-<l to I'oiiira'a. Horow. and Bulongan a'«o calling at V<anjermas«in. Pulo
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    • 900 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TVTORDDtrTSCHER LLOYD. 1> BREMEN. Tho faM and well-known steamers of this lino run IMJBMrif betwo«ti Bromorbsven and Slisntrhai, rsliinir en route at Antwerp, SoutUnn'ton. (iein*, Naples, Port Said, Suox, Adon, Colombo, Siu(f»P° re nd Honjtkonfr. In connoction with the arrivals and depsrtnros of tl.e-e mail stesmnrs, the Company's
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    • 660 1 INSURANCES. /GUARDIAN PIBK/ND I IKK ABBITKANCK \J COMPANT, LIY.IED, LONDON. EsTiBLIKhED IUSI. BuMcribed Capital JU.dVfiOO Total Invested Fund*, 4,616.000 Annual Income, 958,0U0 The undersignea, agents for tne above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks f>r short period* of ten days or longer period* at enrrent rates to be named
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    • 718 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANOHAJ BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL!". -....$10,000,000 RESERVE FUND I 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF > JIOOOOOOO PROPRIETORS J.-WMIWMJW Court or Dibbotob*: Chairiian— H. HOPPIUB, Esq. Deputy Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, E*q. 8. C HICHtILSOII K.q. A. MCCOHACIII, E*«. H. HJo-mh mi j.SKom,!^ Hon J J. Kiawiri. D. R
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  • 453 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION. Sikoapobm 17th Apbil, 18M. PRODUCE. Q»mbier, 762 i/ do Cube No. 1, nifi' do do No. 2, y"oO Copra Bali 5.67U do Pontianak, 5.50. Pepper Black, 9ijo' Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.47%. do Brunei 7972 Pearl Sago, Z 2 uST' Coffee Bali Coffee Liberian, 4150 Tapioca small
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  • 78 2 The following were the Luudon prices of certain nliarost as received l.v the mail of 23rd March: Banks. £20;aU pd. Th« Chartered* ...£19% to 20% t>- v The H'kong i SVliai. .Jo 27 Ml MUH ll Mercantile Bank vA shares 12' j. B shares 5% to 6^ tfll>;li pd. Bk.of
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  • 110 2 la—laamai »yth.-M m. s-s. .u.i6- due ou the J.itk ia t*nt mtn ittm Is tbo 3<i(h Mar. Mi- ktiaM r pii«< tothe mull which left ipq th. I7tk K. l.riiiiy and arrired at LouduD on the IMh M >rch. Left Stntf*|»r« I t."U I o M«r 7th
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  • 197 2 ARRIVAL. Per s. s. Siak from Bolawau i Mr Jobaunei. DKPARTURES BOOKED Per P. O t, s. Hohilla for Penaug Mrs. Aii-l-r- v. .Mi-b Johnstou, Miss A. JoliDatuu, Mrs. Oavul on, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving flar Briudixi Po-t CapUiude Kri.-g.-r For 1,.,ii.1..ii —Mr ,H French, Mr*. Franch.
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  • 101 2 For tor. I,. in.,, K.uig t.k port*. Utng IFan, 1 p Cur«|M vi* p.irt Rohiila, 2 p.m. P..uu rut ports. /Man. 2 p.m. P.m. »u»k, 8n Hxntmnf, 3 p.B. IV:. .lk. Rom, 2 p.m. T«loi Ad«ou »m porU, J/aiui-<-j, 3 p.m. D«li. 3 p.m. CulcutU fia port- j'y..daa,
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  • 19 2 ESTABLISHED ISM. PRICK: 10 CENTS l^vhicription raies and advertising rate* may be found on the fourth page.}
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  • 378 2 TUE3DAY, 17th APRIL. 1894. REUTERS TELEGRAMS. BREAK-UP OF THE MOUGHT. Good rains hay- falleu iv Britain. EGYPTIAN AFFAIRS. ATTITUDE Or THE rBENCH PBEBS. Tbe French Press show an acrimonious tone in commeutiug on tbe change in the Egyptian Ministry aud tbey express the hope tbat Nubar Pasha will avoid «üb-st.T»ie.iH-e.
    Reuter  -  378 words
  • 292 2 Th« Riaz Ministry m E^'ypt ha» lia.l a troubled lease of power siuce it i-nti-r.-d upon office early last year. The Khedive. H ineiperienced youth, ha.l ch.ifed under British control, as exercised l>y Lord Cronier, and had determined in consequence to show independence by ch.>osin(? his own
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  • 219 2 ilk. Uukkii.i.. a hut. liant ut Slidu^hai, on Liit wav to Europe, arrived tin-, tiioruiug by the P. i Ittilnlt'i liaviug a comuimsi'iii uu behalf ot" the Shanghai shareholders of the Straits Fire Insurance Coinpauy, to make certain enquiries on tln-ir U'li.ilf. Mr. Burkill saw tli,' ihairuiaaof the company, aud
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  • 33 2 H. E. Sib Chablbs Mitcbell. ajfj leave for Malacca to-morrow afternoon From Malacca. H E. proceed, to SeUngor Jelebu. H. E. will be ahte J t frt J Singapore for about a fortnight.
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  • 18 2 The mail for Europe by tbe P A 0 packet Rokilla closet at I p. m to-m.,rrow (Wednesday).
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  • 29 2 Mr. in appointed to be A.tio* Sopenoteodeat of Mm iv Siui/Hi, jre Mr H.ll taking up the aotio K a,,poi Q ',i, e nt Of I iihp-i
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  • 29 2 «nir 8C Vnl? > m« f ,V. r «fen i K oi 'I^?* Mission, is advertised to be opened o i the Ist of May, at No. 1 Mount Sophia.
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  • 30 2 Undeb tbe auspice*) of tbe Chinese Christian A-sociatiou. there will be lee. ture oc "India," at the Prinsep Street Chapel, on Friday, the 20th instan 1 at 8 p. in
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  • 34 2 The Strait* Budget was published at noon to-day and was posted to most of the outports. W,th those copies to be sect by the P. 4 O. mail there will be .Jded a supplement.
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  • 27 2 Toncjuin agriculturist* are experiment, ing with Chinese and other Asiatic rai-ti-« of the cotton plant, in order tot.-ntit* merits side by side with Ugyptiau ami American cotton.
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  • 30 2 A retubn football match, under Association rules, between the Chinese Recreation Club aud a team from H. M. S. Peacock, will be played on Thursday evening on tbe former's ground.
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  • 37 2 On tbe 3d instatit, a great lire broke out in a Chinese subr b of Tungkadoo at Shanw-hai. It started in a shop at 7 I.', p. 111 and race! until 2.000 bouses bad been dest royed.
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  • 36 2 Mb Finlatsov. having gone to lajatfa aud therefore retired from tbe Board "f the Jelehu Miniug aud Trading Com|«iiT. bis seat on the Board has beeu fill. si by Mr. \V. A. Oll%(afaiar»J. Boustead A Co
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  • 50 2 At a meetiug nf tbe Euro|>eaa menibera of the I'.plic- Ptooa, Hongkong, on the 10th instant, it was resolved uuanitnoualv la forward n memorial to tbe Government praying that their salaries be reckoned at the rat- of 3 4 to the dollar, and that the half-pay rate remain as heretofore.
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  • 52 2 The Keturu of tbe imports and exports of th« Colony for the fourth quarter of 1H!»:} baa U-.-n published The total, show (exclusive of treisure) an increase in import* of $4,891,25" in value, compared with tbe 4tb uajtw of 1892. A coinparifcou between Ma IMBMtiM exjxirt totals sbows au increase
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  • 155 2 Regarding th*» competition for the Vfarraa Kit Bhaaakf Oavllaafi Shield. we noted v.-'.-rduv that the S V. A. t.-iin hn.l sliut on S.ind^v. hut in view of the rules mud.- I v the Garrison S|mrt» Committee, the <. .r.-s wer.- not published. It n. iip|p.-Hrs that, through indiscretion (.11 tli.-
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  • 70 2 ..r Makch ■iapJl lUi-ripti. Amount. Passeritf-T-i SU tTJ •Sum Ti.-ket« H.irpi.-w. Carri«i{e.s, and Doffs I.l Tcl-i(raph ('nli.-i-ti..iis K i. ■>•!»* Fan 3« U Partals -ji.-. baaM Lnifiratre :i S| ml Tr.iT,. lUaaallaMaM Ml ToUl Coaohinif $I. :tH Qoa* |:ii 117 W pcthaaM Baal 2\ I,iv.. Slock
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  • 216 2 VKSTFKI'AVS RESULTS A class Barfiaaal k 4 Dari.-s U, Muir beat Uagghaarg -V 7. H <lai.s. .1 <•' Mnctugpart Vjt IJ. I I Edliu h,,,t U..I»Tt-,i, H.'r. I HOfllLt. HANI. Ii AT Owen and Bucltland b,,it AJlaB aai Gr*»J ■Sll Wvl.llo mi Hiifir hcii riipla
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 618 2 HT\BX BORKBO COMPANT. LIMITED. rpHl Standard Life Asenrane* L Nerwich I'm™ Fir- ln.«r»fi'^ Society. Atlaa Aannrftoee Conpany Fire, The Equitable Life Amnranoe Society The (>ce«a Marine Inanranoe Company. The China Mutual St«»m Navigation Coy The Tottnnham I.agfpr Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limit**!. For particolar* of th«ae Companirw aoe
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    • 1288 2 HOTIOKB. The Straits Times ha 3 the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. 1 It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and Pi'enca ludo-Jliiua. No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 1286 2 I NOTICES. If ~J ES SUB VS, D. D. 9. (Doctob or Dental Subo'bt.) of the Boston Denul College. Macs. U. S. Having- cat ahliohed himself at 11 BaMery 1 Road, Snifarwr.-, offers his aervic a in all hraa. i ches of U> ntiitry 8/5 THK KASTERX EXTENSION AUSTRALX-IV AND
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    • 1033 2 LATENT ADVEHTISEMENTS. MRS. POTTER MR. BELLEW. Supported lit 'h«r own 1. -n Inn Com pan v TOWV HALT,. To-Xiaht. WeJt,,,4n V 18th Afml "FRANCILLON."' fViVi/ry. »Hh April. "DAVID GARRICK." S-i/urrfiv. itft 'pril. "LA TOSCA." Friep-v Pro.t »«ais $2 B-ck sea'n $1. Box plan now or-en at K«-llv A Walsh. I
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kmndanq Kraoau Hoqntal, lilh April, lt£M. s*a.m. Jp oi. 9p.m. Kevari>. Bar. reU. 32 Fab. 2'.8il 29.***** 739 feffj r«up ta.i 79.8 76.0 "3 1? Wot euib Ther. 7i» 2 7? 7J.i tfa L>ir. of Wind W N. W. Calm. I -s il n. I .p. iv -i«-le
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  • 673 3 41 TII lU«* HALL ng th»r» oi.i o id maaatra, .11 Ih".1(s, I laal ronipilati 1 pUjM." tboaa two 1 aye rendered oomplete a ami has ban tintli- many |*raoui aho It 1 and aa ami 1 11 I■. "■"•> ly niH.i nowadays to inform th
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  • 53 3 .i.ipi.i. H thai nuns. mii.i Station 'I'll.- r. ll' onus. 1 r uiel. I-'. 111, Is that igkoog 1.1.1 foi H the North P who vi. I aol be a another more mod thiu I. ma to relieve her 11 l< 1 Ui. also been 1 f »1
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  • 573 3 CTCtIKO KPOBTI huilu Lumpur. Friday. .lay aftaraaaa tha biejral wt-rc ioiitiiiu.<l. Althou_'ti thete wan ouly one ri. nt. Ibera Waa alui..-t a- Koad a muster "I i aa aa Taaaday, fWthal thrp* miles ten went c» ll k bad atari ahick coal him •ih iwi*-tl.. ti lab
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  • 620 3 I- U I tball be reij much en lite veil Saturday, il I „,.,ii. „iiii.,i I Him 8m idan .iiol atafj I >k i>s ha-e 0.i.l a in- .1 1. g ii tbe Ua.pi. China's Ii mat ,ii-. urn Niiag tuc tOWU 111 I I'U IJ lines A.
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  • 1389 3 THE SELANGOR KAILWAV DE PARTMENT IN 1893. Thk waort aa lha Selatuor (I.)vernuieut j Kailway i.-i 1898. <><■■ oaeaii gbl the i in oi the Ulu Bsi^agor Exi; la Baaaadki (4rjr> mike) lor pajhlaa IfaaV ou the lUth July „i~- 1 i» bal one station ou the aaa. il al
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  • 517 3 The report of the .M mine Department of Selangor for 1893 statos that last year -I is bveu a prosperous uiioiug year for the Statw. The output of tin h-is exceeded cxi ions and iiim-rs generally have done v>. 11. Th'j eX|»ort of
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  • 1041 3 B<HU newspaper correB|xiudence bait heeii going at Houi;koug on Puujom m it-t.-rs. forth l>v a letter in the Daily I'm**, advocating the cyani k- process of extracting gold in tha iniii'-s. To this a Shareholder replies as follows- iv the China iltlil A lattaf alioiit Hunjoin- apfaan in
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  • 119 3 I'i'o Tfmtjuin.i Disarmament in Ecropk. The Anarchists. Part*. MHh March. The Emperor of Austria has conferred the order of St. Etienne nn M Carnot. The French and Austrian journals consider the conferring of this decoration an indicating a pacific anil aaaWHa spirit Tin- daily arrests of an-
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  • 251 3 The cnn.lition of the |K)rt of Macao is Kg<i\n iittractini; attention and another P ff/>rt is to ba Mala to 1-Is.lm irate a scheme f or its iiii|iron-'iient. In January last, a royal decree *u« issued directing the examination uf ill.- «nlijei-t, and tho new Governor. Senh.<r HaH> a
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  • 180 3 Tuesdat. I"th April. Hiirh Water. 814 p. m. S. C. C. Lawn TenniH Tournament. Wednkhdat, 18th Apbil. High Watpr 9 I I>. m Ml pm. Potter B.'llow Co. m Frannlloii. Town i II P. homrwanl mail closes. J p .m. Thursday. 1!»th AprilHis'i WatiT. i» 54 a.m. 10 3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 343 3 K ATZ BROTHERS. PROVISION MPT. A-v.irtm.Mil of Treleman anil Dres', Dutch Provisions \i\. in I and 2 Ib. Tins. ('e!.-ry in Gravy, Champignons. Spinach, (irwn Peas. Cauliflower, Taraiaa, Apple Baaaa, Mmwn Hsri.-ot Heaim. KISH AMI MKATS. Ma Hth. bVd B>rriaga, freed Henrlan, Fri.-.l «>1». Preth Diiti-h Sal nnn. Minctil
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    • 728 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL HHIPPINO NEWS SEE PAGE 4 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANT. LIMITED. FOR PKNANO. RANGOON. A CALCUTTA. The Company's at«ani»r PVNDDA. 2,154 tons, Captain Nailer, will bt despatched for the above ports on Wrdnesday, the IMb in«tant. For f rvight or pa«aa|re, apply to 18/4 BOUSTEAD A Co.,
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    • 1212 4 I'ml. r this In- dlD(f tiif f illuwiiiif nlihr.-via-MM ar.> ined .r. Aaaaarj ah. —^liip liq. liarque; Brit British; Q. B.— tTaiUd Stit>< Fr. Fr»iich: ii»r. Sana*) Dut. Dutch Joh. Jihort<; \c, (J.c <ii.|i»ral i-ar){» d. p. d*ek MMM|Mn 0. Uncertain i T. P. W.— Tanjonjf FlMf
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    • 133 4 sfaMMj P<rt, and Date of Mmm>/. FbOM liO^DoN Raluorsliirr. Mar. 1 Guadiilquivir Mar. 11 t i latu< ir^n uotii rx Mar. LIVKHI'""!. Hilaria. Mar. W| San InMil d« Loyola, Mar 1 1 Raargia Mar. lii, Tartar, Apl. Klllturk Tmmwm Oct Rabat! Htkam, Daa U fiwiiiai— f !>•■'• J7
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    • 77 4 5 Vwil'k Name. a Ki.a.. A |\.XS. (Ml MN. K... Bailed. t it! Po.» 16 I l>iV. i M uf Vu 17 siak IT l-al>elln 17 -Iri Mntaui: 17 run 17 Cnow Pliva Hrit. «tr. Ml .I.T.rni»li P.O. »tr. MM tt-it. -tr IK Hull™ hut «tr. "J f> Kuniurliim
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    • 44 4 Apl l.r "wv.nington hlu H..".-«"»l M N..rinu'-ha Nb«« 17 linn Whutt -Soon Urn -tr U 17 ]M1 I-" 1 17 KcMkaßi Brtt W» 17 I T l,r. MM Ir Ki.ur«u S5?- 1 RME S3 17 dSd I"' r IN. I' I 0i ij
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 724 4 NOTK'I'.S. I McALISTER Go. wwv. |l IT«D A Mil I'M KM' Of JAMES WATSON Co.'s I BLEBRATED SCOTCH WHISKEY. RE DOMINIE BRAND.) A>k tui tin- Dominie Brand (Bhck 1.a1.i1. QOARANTBED 10 yi:ak> OLD. PRICK $10.00 I]K CASE. MOA L 1 8T E B ft Co., [Soli Aam, IMPERIAL BRILLIANT -OlLrpms
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    • 270 4 NOTICJE>. I The Best Dressing AVER'S V&& VIGOR B?"-'- > .iii ""< WS^Ze;?:'-'--* 'ailed. HBiSSr''' 1 j|( oir>.an<l Mi^-r^^^'^- -oiHk ncHH.lin..■^■Ba»^> uriance. MT <H| ami ci period of Ufc. It cures Itiliinir Imnior-. anil keeps toe scalp cool. hi. :ii"i iii..iitii>. Thet>asf t.f A).' II 01 1- i- -i
      270 words
    • 1363 4 DOCKS. 'PHB TAN'ONG PAGAR DOCK CO. I LIMITED. IatMMMI of the Company are »itnat.-d at Tanjon li ;ar a.ij.ining th* tiwn ol Sin/a--p ire. Steam tram-cars ran at short int.-rv.,lj arrylni; passengers and goods from Wharf t/> 'l.wtiu.iti'.ni at low rat 'S. Ide Whtrf MMMM to one mile and a
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    • 1018 4 NOTICES. gIVOAPOftI SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEETING, Ik»+ ThcSpri-ir Race Meeting will he held on Tn— Ny. Thursday and Saturday, Hay »he Bth. 1 <th and U'th. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAT. TIE.SDAY, MAY Btb. First Race. MAIDEN Til m» A Race for BMM 11..r.r rii,i-, to saawa ll»t; Sec..ud-cl«iis. lOut.; and horsea
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    • 365 4 NOTICES. JAMES MOTION 00. Chbokometb*. Watch A OMM Ma««b. aitd Opticians. FliwtStbkkt. Have always on hand a well selected stock of Jewellery, Watohe«. Clock*. Diamond Jewel lery, and Nautical Instruments Brmlst* OoM. Aawrraui Cloot.. Brmlm to. Carrtm*. Cl~-k.. kunum Diamon.l. jUrl.l. Cknkm. \SSSrm n DnMtm 1n.. r0 0 u 2i«»
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    • 312 4 NOTICK^ THE»BTRAITO TIMi 8 7 Th« "Bt*ait« Br.I The pno.. „f the strait* Tim** i., j free is m follow! d «l"«r«d Within Bingaport I] fmSL* n i '-'Port. Daily pe r yw d ■HHi and it Upabliabad iehi itMMaiMMi .1,. (>f "7; '.r 'II lie Strait, h^, U 'J>
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