The Straits Times, 14 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1894. NO. 18,298.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1130 1 STFAMSEIP COMPANIES. NAVI.. lI'INT iiabvb* and iiaDo«n-N. Tn«B*ail alwaiTt nay U .-,j»- t, lr ■'4m and Wrr Singapore h ."new f ..i|..«. B «f H».-- ISW. AM. Ih Unk.lU All I" J«M II lia.f. J date* are only BBBji* a Mi. Ill' arrival* aad departure, may bsathar e»rli-i ot I
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    • 875 1 BTEAMSUIP COMTANII S. I \K K 'SINKLI.IKF PSKETVAAIIT 1 M LAT» HAPPU. I'nder ei.ntrsct with the Nnthxrlands Imlia (Jovirnmi nt. ara, sh rt kitmwet,». J llak.m.i i.m i J. CoiXTBB QVAY. my, Messrh Huttenracb Lll I'r R7 < aaaaarj has a of 3>) Steamer*. m1..! pe.'oinm.slstion for fit>t
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    • 812 1 FAMRHIP COMPANIES F:,r I'.i.rneo fort* via BaweAnai d S< uralwya. I On the Ml, of every month a «t< amer runs in 1 this diric'ion taking direct car/o and pas- amurera to Banjermaxsin, Pulo unl, Paoeir, and Kotei. .1/ „,o,.th on the Uitrd steamer i« .l.'-psi.' to Ponirala, Berow, and
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    • 911 1 STEAMSHIP OOMPAHXW. No Ii 1)1. n Sill EH I LOYD. BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, (ienoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. lv connection with the arrivals and departures of tin'-.-
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    • 685 1 INSURANCES. GUARDIAN KIKE A LI FE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Liy.fEP. LONDON. EsTABLIBIIXD 18S1. SuMcribed Capital 41.000.000 Total Invested Fund* 4.518.000 Annual Income. 988,000 The undersign.-.!, agent* for t ne above Company, are prepart>d to accept firu risk* for short period* of ten dajs or longer periods, at currant ratee to be
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  • 545 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATION. SiHOAi-ott* Utm April. 18»4. PRODUCE. Gambier, 7.75. .1.. Cul.- No. 1, 12.50. do do No.i Copra Bali ;,.8 1. Jo Pontiauak 5.t5. Pepper Black UIM. Sago Flour, Sarawak U. 50. do Brunei o.oi. Pearl Sago Coffee Bali 40. Coffee Liberiau, 44.5 V. Tapioca small Flake 4.1
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  • 166 2 For Per tlr. TO- DAT s.'pau)c vm poru, B. Rawr, Hum .onjr, Chtlydra. MtfMM, Sri ftw«iH, bu cu,«n via port>, I'l.lnr, Mlju. 4,l*ri. U.i, L'ufyiMu, T. Amon via port-. Sn H;n<j Anm, Kinuif via port-, Snpu/io, M r l.abtlU. Mud ok A Pal. album:, X-,l t Sarawak. Hij.iit
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  • 115 2 MAILS TO ARRIVE Kuom KtK.iH: Hy tli>- P 4 1 1. J u wito Urn k. Hi.' U3rU M.rcb. M. Mac. miies le tea mm! which left Singapore oatteSM Mnwr. faoH UoauuHO, by Ik. P. *O. a.a. BaMi. ili. "ii ili I Tlli mutant. .•It Siuxu|' ir.X.1.. J7tli M
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  • 131 2 aBMTaM, Pers. I'a ml >i i from Calcutta :—Mr «nd Mr-. Tavler. Her. Couvrenr, Mi*s Burrow*. il.--.r~. j 8. RatMeigh, J- A. Miluu. J. Me Noil. G. Gabriel, I, 0. PUtUpa, J Wilson. L. K. Cboe. Per 8. hiibel'i i from Muar Vlr. V\ J. (Srnliaiu. Per s.
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  • 187 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 14th APRIL, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGR A MS. Established 1831. Price 10 Cent*. Sulitrr'tjilitin rate* and alorrtitimj ralrt may br found on thr fourth THE NAVAL DEFENCE PRU GRAMME In the N ival Kstiniatcs. the HflajM of Couiuions have agreed to the shipbuddiug votes. The Rt. Hrn. Sir
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  • 790 2 Ttj« c.jiint. nance ef the afCfnge nan falls in eorNapondonee to the falling dollar. Prices ris* in innm proportion $200 a mouth now is ju-t a little nm than e.|iiivaleut iv pnOchaaMg BOW ti> 1100 a mouth when the dull WM at four ehiDinga; and t c
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  • 57 2 H. K. th» Uotchkur will nommr. M •mi Luu-Sml, lareaeaeal .nti,, lu i-ipal Board vacated by Mr f 5..J,,, Tan Jiak Kirn will M .tand f,, Central Ward hit proposer will K. ,v* Hun T. sbWfor.l. and hie efcoaoV Tau Wnmt Heft. The aeat of the I Mlw General of
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  • 31 2 Thb first and dual dividend affairs of the esUt« of 'Austin A has tin. day bern deflarsd Creditors to the amouut of $1> 8508 lielweeu them. The baiikr in Juue. MM
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  • 15 2 H. H. th« Sultau of Johore will rew, at Tyeraall ou Friday of ueit w^k
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  • 13 2 Thk booking sorwaigaVi i*rf., nn of the Pott.-,. 11,-n, w OaßUaaj Z large.
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  • 23 2 A .HI. KIT Mil. II l^tween team-, n pioeenting th.- s. c. c ami the 4 r M played on tile tsplauade thuafttruouu
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  • 17 2 ■■MM DoXAkOOOO) ABB Hi BKIN-Haw advertise that claims againat tb.- |,>, H M. H.cher, are to be sent
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  • 31 2 OflM to thescareiti of water id l',u»n. town. 111.- Mm „.i|»al Kngitirer, JJ last advices, running off the aaj leete.l in tlie Lew leservoir dm ni^'ht for use iv the town.
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  • 31 2 The new and revise.) niwae of th, Knglm i and Malay roaabeiaf, br K Swetteiilmm, CMC. Kntish Bee Perak. can now U' bad at Memri. Jaht Little tCo I'ri.c a copy
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  • 38 2 YawHWAi'e Oeoernaani n.uiU> n> siil.jeet to eonnniMti mi br H«r Majws'v theQaeea, Mr s.'ah Lieeg Sr«b baa Uvn pnmaionaO* Hp|~.iu'e,| to he H I'ii-oIH ,-ial MeinU'i of th,. Oonacilof the Straits BettlecMMe, fmu sli" I ill iustaut.
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  • 37 2 The rVoatior of Victoria, Mr I. BM d'-.lir.'d iv a s|»-ecb thai bt wi. opp..s. d to a |—iiry pinaMe nete Utw^u Aii.Hnlw and ( Hiitain...n 1 1|.thai it would impose *v uiijiiititutlf burden on the people
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  • 39 2 Mk W A. Wdtuku, wh.. hu tat**)* relumed from K i.'o|m>. adve. ti>«K lli.l b^ is ti,,. aole agent rac Keeeie McK.'ii/i'' of the Clau. Bleu.l vhiaki ..f (Jlatgow. The ad* will be found in the (wnrtk anj paper.
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  • 54 2 A whii;i.».mi am. MMad mm I Weli.siev and Ins doll" cou sid. .Uuiai»'e" At S i ,^'ci Bakow twenty buUM were knocked do'fn rtud about hMtt n |.<t p lints upiool.'d Tile i.iilmgt of vii' of the budgra »> 1.-[n.ic.d mid tliru«n ago 1 1 distance off. aiiltli. NUi*v
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  • 56 2 A month *n<>. a eorfaepoadOßl drrw «t--t.-iitioii 1., tii. i wndilina i«f e rerteie biieM in ii lig K 'id »uli Hie r. wci" repairad FMrtaidaj noraiag nl»mi 11.2.1 o'clock, the front ajiuagel Mi<bw eiuptv house. No ~.H in the BM ..11.i|.-c.| Our correspondent k locality ccrtiiiui,' aeede ieepcrtine b_>
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  • 96 2 .S<jMr onnaloraation ni aaaan] m lha nei^hbouiliood ..f Monal Bo| nurniag Abonl eight B'doea tin' tpccim.-n ..I a It. iiii. ingnte I hil: t.> Mr. Prakke, eaeepei fne I iv which it wa.- cmtiii'd A aOJMH ebildrea collected. and Mr. Pimkb i that the anneal wonid iajnn> it int..
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  • 133 2 Ten l ainrioen (built and oaaei >/./;„..„. went over to J"liw<- ytakiag "v.'i- the owner, Mr leott, t'llit.-l S'at.'S C..11,u1-<i..L'l-.»i. M; eer IVatt. The Bnjtan entwt i gneate at Inacheon a< whkh M the native uflaaJa mtn pmeal wanla the rWHore wen »bewa lh< the crawn leweb, and other ngeei
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  • 122 2 S. C C TENNIS TOURNAMENT. VKSIKI.'HAVS RESULTS Paorceeioa Paib* Laa fctaUaigi I A I ivRgertoa b&at Mm't««k'»r' f Dxxi.-* i. DaigMei Muir >■ Qagpaberg aujhtuhtd I! Clam. Kdlin Bpfcirtioa Mcrenefh.'r b'ld MeArthnr 6 Baekland b#a< Ormiston .1 Q. Haetafgwi l"at Maxwell 6 I TO-DAI Then will be ao Uwu tennit
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 653 2 fTIHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. rfHI Standard Ufc A«euranee X Norwi'-h Union Fire In«urano<« Society. At la* Aiwurance Company 'Fir.The Equitable Life Aneurance SoCMty The Oeeaa Marine Insurance Company. Th# China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Bwt Company. The Maritime Innuranre Company, LimiUd. For particulars of theae Companies ace
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    • 1329 2 NOTICES. rtic Straits Tunes has the largest ;irculation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-Ctiina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 590 2 NOTIC KS. 1 JOHN~LITTLE &~CoZ Kill JI'HT XXi EIVFIi THE POLI.OWINO NEW OOODB. KOOkK .4 Large selmion or Kew and Popnlnr \oveln. Including Tie Tijterlily. Interference A Mere Blunder. Red House Mystery. Soul of the Bishop. Souk of Sixpence. Lady Patty Along the River, &c. PITITRES. I ramril I nfrainrd
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    • 1221 2 LATEaT ADVRRTISEMENTS. MRS. POTTER UK. HELLEW Supported >•> 'heir own >„ ii'nn I,'oinpaDV. TO W V HA LL. To-Night. Saturday. April !4th. "IX s(i( 111 Y." KamnesH D' nge, Mrs. Potter. Olivier d» Jalin. Mr. Bellew. Monday. April lfilh. Special I'KKnikms. k "SHE MODI'S TO niMfIKK. Kate MaileaitlH. Mrs. p.i't.T
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    • 5 2 for U«a<-ral HhiupUic !Uws Fax*
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    • 79 2 M.B.S. «l«H-4 /»r Ik. Sfr.,'. T-mn ,knU k. »r.lf»» •r. «v tU, 11..,M,,r By tl. ..*,M ,ft\mi nM» ti— m v H.S.S. art n}^ui (>.„. w m ntnm, v BaMMaC AU .^wrlinnv n>»tr«»l at* tnl i— t In Ik* o«H,».m. Hw.l IW kiMprautUm Ik. «-lwl>.>mxf <• i' 11.. |«w- Mv
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WEATHER REPORT K<»ulai«i Krabau Hvptial, 12th April, MM. a.m. Ip m. 9p.m Kimm.. hr.aiNM, ■.'•.-.m.~ 714 j^ :■>•; I' iu|i Wo ci.i TS.s Wci tulb Thor. ;tU <3 0 77.11 J 1 Dir. of Wind s.sw. N. VV. Calm. M.>x. IV.up. n. i.' si 3 V Mi., dv .io 710
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  • 543 3 MUS IC AT ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. T<iTH( IMToR •>► TM« *T«AIT> TIMk*." ..ll.I'Mll I li.i> not spoken moment tea wmn. I iii.- mUm u.ii'1 iru»I .•■••atly at fault f.>r allowing th 1 Ii'h.'i tci m bi i-'<l Private 'i1 llil.l BMC hitherto r..k.-.| ■iniik agamevaa' Baajfcan I HtH U- liLmi'-.l
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  • 355 3 aaJi>WAi ao IBBWT. I mi tSBBMI I NI'KB BBrrßWi I ■BOISU KA< -IN" „ur C,,rreep<>ntlr,<t A'u.i/,1 J.iimj ur. Uth A r nl -i i»ii ji—id-ut occurred t-. tbe paa. seuger train waieh left Kbvag for Kua'a l.unipor ibis etnaing, Al the 17th mile, the ..ther ude of Bate
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  • 23 3 VE SS ELS ADVE RTISED TO SAI L. mi <-... n* «iil J»i«ii (Mm .In.- I'.'tl. April. nag »u.l < j. Ju« I I
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  • 1577 3 STRAY M KkALl.V MtUag imp 'rt;tlit ill* l,»ll»|.n. I i!u'-ii,_' in.' L, aad the twi Inu am in-lh of Inn. dniM ..r.J. t The Ki.flii-. taken all routil. M duUjg WWJ I .1 ill.- Baud "ii at- gradu illy BMkiag la niif tiii' i'lt niilv .1 ill
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  • 204 3 THE MANILA KXIMUni .M l UF i X..1 Hl.Ks IN MINUAN sB, I'iil -onmi-, rial in.l induatritl cxhibitiee ie bf •naaed al .Manila, on the Mth Nov.- ii, U- will be un. lt Oou'riiu.eut tnauau"' in-iii. The etbibill are lut.nd. .l not only to oompriM Philippine aiticl.s. but
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  • 299 3 |-|,ASTIN.I I'K.IKPK. I [a tli- p'aatiag diatrieM, eaji ihe DtM Com.-.ih/. the weather ihnMgMkii hfareh whk mtv dry, and '>n many .stat s, i>j»eriaili ii. ir itedaa, the w«at of rain was varj iinicl, f-li On the hi^-l <t l>iuu t i-. a hill. I. II now and
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  • 694 3 NETH ER LAND S INDI A. I'ORTI.iAI.. SOIHAIAVA MMI AFFAIRS. TIN lUIM AT BOMKBP. -II 1.1..LS OI'ILDERS. i i"l from ParJMM HastajMjwrv.) a raaatT haa baea lx.-tw.-<ii Hullaadaati Portugal to mUm the IxmuaariM Ih-hv—,, th-u Kopralife. BMMMi .u--iii ti.e ialaad "t Tim< r. The trace oaa. t.niis a pi-oviMoii
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  • 217 3 THE "GOVERNMENT GAZETTE" 13tr April. A rule tixur.' |.awnl>n>lfin(t ln-.-ui»«' fe<-« iv the .-.Miiitrv districtß „f Penam; i» n,.titi.-d. The Whi-t Club and the MMI MmMM Minstrels" Iwtb <>f Sinirapoiv, i,r>- rSMipted troin MgMtMMM unHtr the S.M-ieiie« U'Jinance. Rv-laws fniniefl by the Actinit BmUmM Couucillor of MaliK-ca. for application
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  • 312 3 SIR MORTIMER OI'RAMD. t MILITARY MI'BDIiR. THE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK. Alluhahad, M April— .-ir Mortimer ami Lilly Durand pMMM IMMMkM in India alwiit ;i fortnight. By early in May. when 111- -i-Kor-iirii S— r-tary returns MliMaMB, the yneen will have r«'t'unie<l from Florence and Sir Mortimer Durand will
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  • 1074 3 MIItCTKI OF PriMKCDINO* Or TBB MUBICIPAI. i;oMMI»»IO!«rR< AT AN OaDIWART MKKTINO ON WIDNKSOAY. 28TH M\r. h. UM I'risknt— The President. Alex. Gentle. Bm. The Inspm-tor tien-'al if Police. R W MaxwaD BmTT. Soaat, F->t.. G. C. Wray. Bao Ihe Hon'hle T Sh-lford, c. M. O. Th- Hon'ble A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 > »i virarral tklpplut Sent Nee I'aicr 4.
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    • 327 3 10-MOBROW8 CHURCH SKKVK KS. CBDBCH «»F KN(JI,AM» 8T. URIIIW'l IATHIURAL 7 a. m Malllll "III S»r»fi X in.. Holy Ku. hanat irliorali II a in Lit..u> .ml nob K i huM 8 U p in. tkmkj li""l -'"I Kibla I K^uxiiiic au<i Svrui >u 8 p. m. '1 ikiui Uiiuaox
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    • 243 3 U JIBBUEUM, i>. I). S. i|)o<.-t..r Di 1 v Bvaa si »f the Bbbbb DbbbJ Onlinjio hTasi TT B Having rstahlikh-d himself at I". Itattery K.^.l. Singapore. BBBM In- s-r\ i.- I in all l.ranebaa of UeeßWrj B POB WN rriaTJ BOOBIHOLDXBS' ha/aar 1 BimiK NbBJ ami Imiui.vki. KoiTIOI. A
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    • 1097 3 NOTICES. CIIVOAPOstI SI'ORTING CLUB. Sl'KlNi. MKETIN(i. KU The Spring Kace Meeting will l«e held on Tuwday. Thursday aud Saturday, May the Mh. MB and lJth. PROGRAMME FIRST DAY. TUESDAY. MAY Mh First Rate MAIDEN PLATE —Value— S-JSO. A Race for Maiden Horse* Fiistt-cla** to carry list, Secoud-lnss. lost.; and hones
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    • 954 3 SHIPPING. For Denrral Shipplnc New* See Page 4. TNDO CHINA STEAM NAY. OO LTD FOB I'ENANO AND CALCUTTA. The Company* stramsr WINQBANU, 1.-M7 lea*, CapUind« S'«. ('mil. having l*f» Honifkon^ on the 13th instant, may Im si peeled to arrive here on or shout tbs ISHIi instant, and will have
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 137 3 vki{.\n<;i:mknts. Saiiiiuav, 14th April Hurli Water »;;i j,. ni. Cricket. S C. Naw K-planade. j l*.>il-r-l?,'ll.'W niipaiiv in Ih Soriety. Towu Hall. Mil Sunday. l.Ym Atkii.. RU Water. .1.11 h.iu. 7.18 p.m. Tliinl Sumlav allir Baat«C HOS»AT, |4M Apkii.. Hiirh \Vat.T. t;..Ml a.m. B.M p m .V ii oiitwiir.l mail
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    • 254 4 tmlor iin- iH-.-rliiii.' til- t ......vin_- |»rwl» ti .nn are used: —Mr. —atMaaar; h'i —Nliip h<|.— h»rqu«; Brit —Brilitli U. S.—nnit«d State*; fl faaaaaii llai fliaaia. Dal Diitdi; Job.—J..ho'i»; aak, 0 a Oaawal I'aiy.i, d. p.—<twk pa.Hs"!!)?.^'"; V I'ih-.t-t«in;T. P. IT. TaaJMMJ Pngur Wli«f;T. P. D.—Tanj»iiKP«K*r Duck;
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    • 892 4 TR ADI NG VESSELS. *reiiv»l- ••■oi MOom f VmrtBHAV. /'unJua, Brit. »tr. r,IU t"n«. I'.ipt. N nl« Uth Apl. From C levitt 4 ni|..t., tM Hrn <i c, and 17 d. p. BmmMMI i. Cu. For Calcutta IStii Apl—Wharf. Kan HtaCuun Brit. »tr. lUrf t..n». t>.ipt. ■Jiuith 13th Apl. Kruin
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    • 146 4 Vessel s Expected. Bmmt, t n, 'in i Mi ■•> Radnorshire. M.- 9; <;uail«l.|iiivir Mar. II QiMMqgaaabin Mar LIVEBPn.iI. HiUrm. Mar Amen t .Mnr I 1 chimed. M»r. OokMft Mar. 14, Snu [fnaeiod* I. iyoli, M*r 11. Ku»rgia Mar. li>; ?mii Vmmbmm) Mar -J7 I'i.rtar. Apl. Kintnek Hark. Thratgai 1
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    • 84 4 AR RIV ALS t Vnu'i Nam*. rom I lfta». Ki.i ipl. IS Kami- lint. .tr. 2UB Cnrrj 13 (<»n II n Or. M Mki I" II |.«i,,n. -n HuJ-.,ii 1:1 p.t..- n?. 1:1:1 r»i»-.i 13 I'm 10 (Khp -t W 1...1.N It NV.n Bril.itr. I* Jlorri U Smh.-i »tr. 108
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    • 71 4 CLEARANCE S. Dais Vuiil'h Name. Km., t Blfl Apl. II Udy lx>D|f.l<-n U I liim.i... 1» Cfel'dn li KHTmomi 14 V.I, 14 A lat It »l.l»» U >r, H*« Auu 14 -I," It Kubj 14 K j.i. I. 14 i" 14 l» r S v v 14> •'>■ »tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 741 4 NOTICKS. "IScALISTER Co. ■ATI TOaTI U KIVKD A S-HII'MKNT <>F JAMES WATSON Co.'s OBLBBKATBD SCOTCH WHISKEY. iili; DOMINIE BEAND.) Ask tin tin- lluiiiiiiif Hraiul (Black Label.) CI'AIiANTKKI) io nABa old. PRICK SiaOO PER (ASK. 4oA L I ST E B ft Co., Sou Agknts. TM PER I At BRILLIANT -OlLTHlMstogiv.
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    • 596 4 NOTICES. lecomraended by 2,889 Newspapers. '11l I WA V II I.KY TEN "TheT aro a treasure."— Standard THE HINDOO IF.X No, I. mid with MAOOBTaI NUB, With aMMM paiaßl they are simply iiiHstimalile." C'o>4r< Journal. THK FI.VIXIi 'A" PKN A sup-rior '.I I'en capable of writiug IM Ig 'Jimi words
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    • 1458 4 DOCKS. r |-»HB TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. 1 LIMITED. Th» pretri^-s of the i->mpaoy are «ituat-d a' Tanjon I'.i^ar a.lj>ining the t>wn al Sin^ap re. SWiua train-cars run at short intervals ■•arrylne passengers and goods from Wharf t*> J destination* at low rat.-s. The \V m -f extends to one
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    • 912 4 NOTICES. Fs»abli«n«. 186.'>. "I) 1 I- E I 11 A Kil KKAVIiSiOO- Enoinkk:s. Ikon A Brahn F.-ini.kkm. BotI.RRM VK<«». RRIDOK BIUI.I.KKs. ShU" BCILI-KRv. GfNKRAI. CnvTKAI SINGAPORE 1-. KIAI.ALUM 'OR. HHlt' HUILDINO YARf UGH «i-« <OAI nplwi always nndor constmct-.n, from. V* ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best
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    • 293 4 NOTICES. Til K PRTS RIVER DUCK PIXANO. Th-« D.ick, oituated in ProTineiWellesley, at the entrance of the I'rye Riv«r. has lately been lengthened and deepened and ik now of the following dimeniuuw i length on 1 1. c blocks ttii fn..t. Br.«dtr. at entrance .%<i Depth of water on
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    • 170 4 NOTICES. GSXMATJLrB IDIAN CIGARETTES P'-opl.- «1,0 M,fT,- r fr, Jln <:ling asaanlZl Henramsj f mil Loss of voic« tt" v.miti,. Cold't'^i JronchTua, i n i .i.fecnona, an.l ditflcnu' ■"■l"iy r, i* I i I CO., ParU, im b, Hi a,^^ RJfWAULT'B [atico Capsules AND INJECTION n« .aus preic rlb fj^
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