The Straits Times, 13 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1894. NO. 18,292.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1072 1 AMSHir COMPANIES. PK-NUtSCLaK ASK ORIENTAL NAVIGATION COMPaNT. Ornc» I ..llysr Quay. WBABvanand Qooowm— New lUrl-mr 1 us ma.] st«.mrra may Is* eipe, t«l BS «r »»r<S. aad leave Sinjmpijre n MM, BBBM Hmkiim Baa ibm. Apl. I. > Ma, II Ma; m 1.-....1. M.j tl Theabov. date. ar.
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    • 1608 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIEB. I\K K'INiNKI.IJKE PAKETVAART 1 HAATBOHAPPIJ. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India (iovemmmit. A'/rni* ,ii S, Sun- AoKM-y, I.ATK i J. Dak-. I 1, C.n.i.yKROuAY. HaBBM HUTTENHACH LIKHKRT Co. BBjBBBjr BBBBtaat of M Steamers, will, splendid a.-.-omm'slation f,,r first class. laaa, Bad an t Baaaaagara. and for the pari
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    • 873 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDI ITSCH K\i LLOTD. BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, (lenoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of the«e mail stesmers, the Compnnv's
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    • 562 1 INSURANCES. i r\ UARDIAN KIBE A LIFE ABSUKANCE \JT COMPANY. LIFTED, LONDON. EsTABI.ISBBD 1811. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Funds 4,61«,000 Annual Income, 918,000 The undersign, n. agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of ton days or longer periods, at current rates
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    • 696 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4^00,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF> tin ooo ooo PROPRIETORS J..W«.ww.«w Cocbt or Dibbotobs: Cbaibman— H. HOPPIUB, Esq. Dawn Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. f, Mi, BtauSJ K»,|. A. McComcsil. E*4. H. U. .!.-> K. J. 8 Houu.Em. Hon. J. J.
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  • 522 2 LATKBT MAKKKT QUOTATIONB. SIfJdAPOKB IIiTH trait. I*> 4. Feoducb. Gambier, 8 7.82%. do Cnb» No. 1. 12.50. do do No. 2, «i.25. Copra Bali. 5.8 i. do Pontianak, Vte. Pepper BUck 10.25. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.50. do Brunei a.05. Pearl Swo, 3.5n. Coffe* Bali 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.50. Tapioca
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  • 109 2 For Per itr. iu-Moauaw. Batu Pahat, Aing .inn, I', inuf aa.l Hominy H<.-i'jn;, C/loU'/a, H.iKKnk fior/ifu. !»ra»rauil, Ptirialii, K«nsooo. B/.uitdaru, >p,mii(r ti» |K>rt«, B. Tim...-. H n.- I ''i«lyi/ra M«me<». r /n Mob,m porto, |-„/,ir, t'ibu. i,/,/,. I'fli. CaiyjMu, T Au-mi iia port-. /A,,,., Kliiutf via port-, Snpptw
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  • 113 2 tmom Kvaon i 3y tlie P. *<>. l^;Ula due on Mon.lay witn .I«U'- to the Jir-l March. Slic hrin«« rf)ilie< to the mail which Iflt !>m«»por^ uu the Jl-t Februir). HimiwtHM, by tku F. AU. HuhilU ■iw on ili- 17th in-.aut. Lafl siu<.i|. Feb. 27th MM.
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  • 160 2 Akbivai.s. Per a. a. Jura from Shanghai i Mr. K«mediou. Per a. Chrhjdra from Calcutta M*e»ra. I'ayiiH, and Boon. Plat k a, Duriun from (Calcutta i Mr. Janes i Gibson. IVr k K W. tin, from Hon»ianak 1 II ir» I! iltfrr- n'iiI liiliinn. Pur a. II y
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  • 162 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 13th APRIL, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ESTABLIHHED I 1831. Price 10 Cents. Subtcription rate* and aloertisinj rale* may be found on the fourth page.] I'ganda. Lord Rosebery li,n stated that the <l>vI f runic nt i* ret.ilv.vl to establish a Brii tikh Protectorate over Uganda, with a regular
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 344 2 Sir William Harcuurt has stated I that it is not the intent ion of the Oov- ••riiiii.-nt to intr-'dii'T a Scottish Home Rule Bill. lv view of all the cirruin- stances it is not even couivivable how the QtmHMl eaaid poojibfy contemplate j such a iniMMii'i'
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  • 48 2 I r H K. uniuiuittes Mr. Scab I. ,1:1 c Scab for the Municipal teat vacated In- .Mr. K. W. Maiwell. llr. T\ui Jiak Kirn will cooUiuly utand for tlif (Vutial Wanl Mr. Seah Liaun St-ab, an M liavr n, I bas alrradj beeu uuniiuated for Lagabtm CuuDcil.
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  • 20 2 At tin* Chili. lioum- ,ii ili,> BingtuoK Golf Club, a («U luncli will Ih- |>r..vide.l to.ui»rr»«r al 1 4". in
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  • 19 2 Mams. Ckakk 15r .s. adfertiae v am lion sale of (whold and ImmMi] kutdl <»v Tliursilay the liHb April
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  • 22 2 Thk Eaut.-ru WMuiuiou AusT r;il.»si i ,m.| C'liiu* Telitfuqili Coiiipmn, l.iuiiieil. h<l--vvrtiut' ill.- d.-tttiU vi thar ini riatid nlw I for telegii4m^.
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  • 31 2 At Tdi|)iii);, IVrak, Ihoi* to I*- rtarted <>U the Ist of July. ;t hi-w.H'klv |.;i|«T, in Ko^liib. to l>e uallej Tb« Pink PKHMer Tbe |>rive will be a dollar a Month.
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  • 29 2 The homeward P. X I i. SokilU li't't HouKkoug at 1 p. in fcrterdajr, tod iuav l«> »-x|M'cti'il to .irnvi.a Singapore, ,ii about 8 a. vi. ou Tueailay urxt.
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  • 29 2 Thkrk will Ik- uu trnius on tin- Esplanade to-morrow as lucre in arr^uged to l»--pluvi'l ati iill-ilav cricket match hrtween tfiiiu.s rel'resi'Utiuj; tbe t>. C. 0. auil Km Navy.
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  • 30 2 Ki'MODHS have U.mi ciirrcul at BftMOO that a Hvudicate boa Bugaaon with I Kui;lisli rapiul intuuds MtMUaUng a Imsiui-SH at Tourano (Anuaui I to danlop the trade of tbat country.
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  • 30 2 At tbe date of Uttt advices from i;.»'ii, tin- local rice market rt.i- reported as beii)({ very dejmsiifd, ibe atoeb being uiiumidllv lieitvy aud the (irict-s ol m-r tailing.
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  • 40 2 The total fialdof guM tnm th<- QatcM laii.lti.ldifor IBWwm6l 6,941)0^ briagu up Tf.iMMif \,',iH2 ot. over tUe [hovioiis \>-*r i The priocajalfl ywUa wan:— Charter! j Tower*. 15"J,-.'ia ox KoctbatM|-luii. 122,181 ot( CJvmpif, 7ri,0780z.; C'rovdoii, 71, ".J1,./., .md jMitriiigi. If.WIM.
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  • 61 2 A jiAKiNo pinwT i» reported (<> have taken |)lu>- iv the Ciuton Kiv.-r on board a steam Uuii.-h eoat*jillf Mghtl) ('lnn.-, paM*U|(<T« liOHl QutOa tO \Vhalll|Ml Seven pir.iles iv Jisgui^u MMMg I lie pasvenger.s, siiildcnlv innucl forth, anucl. N the wav, au.l roliln-.l all tile MMMgan They tbou mhmM the
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  • 65 2 ■T. K Tmn H»ll Tbeatr* w M my w But tbe difficulty fa that »h« mol Ti j.uukah. preveoU the actor't ?o i«. \^l heard well. ProUbly. a conp,..!^ it miKbt nerre to uw> punkab* b»'w« n e«cb act; for. at prewot. dunng .iJT tious, the thrum- hat no suitable
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  • 97 2 A»i.n.LAH Khan. the priTat* nf ft. Ho Uk ;k..iii{ li.niiuent who had 1^,,, <•' 1 v. telk M H. IUK k,,,, K Z7b iinirl.-rofai. Indiauoffi-ercf h!. m hu bwn kiwi Th.. IMwHm lift place m Victoria k»<>l at Hounkong, n, n, MMMW«I thirty Ml of tbe Hoi. k .,iiir Kt-tfiiueut,
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  • 105 2 The Atlas Aasurauce OMfMJ aud Life), for which r,>tn|,»,iT Borneo Co.. Ltd., are the ifMtl in Sin,. a|>ore, haw HMMj t!,,. ,|ir.- .tors' N^ftitf IBM Dunu k tli,' fmr, m the life J.-p»,t. in.-iil. <!l-i n, | w.-i,. .ff.Teod. ««aurl log X-VMr.l-ii;*) claims urns.- to the amount of XUI.32H. T1...
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  • 181 2 11l ordur to afford the public \a tuur anoe that lettera. poit cards, new«|,j|wri aud packets, eutiusled to norvaiiN 4D ,j uiesien^.H for poMiug have actually U.,, posted, the Post Office Krauts ..f postiu X'K at a diary.- of out Ml for«,h article entered nu a certificate. Aut r ioo
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  • 103 2 Th e Phra Yo t Re -Trial Tme tblffl Ki em li jad(M •t|>[Hiint n l tv tbe niii.-il triliiiual wbicb Mto rc-trv I'krt Yot are tbe new Cljit-t;.- of the Court <>{ Aj>|.v.i! .it .Sii k Mn M. Dmoot'aM mm All. l l»o B4ytMnUW MM limiii .Srtl»;OD and
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  • 134 2 The Pe nang Naval Volunteer Movem e nt. Cai'tvin EoßllWdan mtt-rvn-w wiih th(> lt-sul-nt t'.iiim nt t'.naiik,' OH Tliur*. «i.iy .1:1 tli.- .ilmvi Mil'j.'il. ll.' .iii'lml iv a list of Hip lu.irulrr.-1 win. li it.- MnJ tlifir hmdm in luppuii of the I ■ln-iiie. It mi. l. 1 ii,
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  • 176 2 Hl4o I, 1 (KlKki. Btugqfan, UH A t <r.i usi I Orderly I )ffii-.-r for tl u-iiing mmk, Li«Ut. W liSl ('lair <inl»rlv fT»iumnl I'm- Urn nraing wirk. Bumhmul W. Mtkimtwrn II PkndMMonday S 15 |'ni Mnxim On Dt ill TurvL.v p.,, Huim lad tqotd Drill WtimmiMj
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  • 194 2 S. C. C Te nnis Tou rnament. i«-»lrrila>\ Krsiiltv Pkofbmio> Paibi i 8.1 iMri Bub Docbli Havdicaf CariaA IV'""' UtOrnkji BiiaV B." i Bobertaoa btal Phunntaa 6 Onnwton tori Waddsll Hi. I. Muwell ThouMoa 8 Mf, I Doi i i.i Han DICAP. Marewethcrand Effertoi OrmwiaaM^ Maetaggarl r l> !"•<. t)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 670 2 rpHB BORKEO COMPANY, LIMITED. riIUE ttwuidard Ltf» Awnriow 1. Norwich Union Fir« hwMM S<« t.'tv AtUe Aa»»r»nr«> Crnnjuiny Fir« The B^»»fbl» Life Awurane* bvaaaty The Ooea* Marine Innuram-e Company. TW China Mutual Strain Navigation Coy The Tottenham l,«ir«r Hwr < '*tiy. Thi Maritime limuranoe Company. Limits!. For n«rticulam of thrawi
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    • 1209 2 NOTICES. The Straits Tuno3 has the lai^e st circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip pines, and French Indo-China No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 790 2 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. lI KS. POTTER MS. BELLEW. S i|i|nirliMi k] thtMr own i, "ii (on on. Kin TOWN HALL. lUwfa «<*, I N M V." »f.,,,/,iy. Jpn7 Mk, SrnrlAl. I'KRFOKMANCr. "ID STOOPS TO (OXQIER.' Kate Hardiwtln. Mrs. Potter. Tonn? Marluw, Mr. Bellew. Assisted by officers of the Koynl Aitillerj
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    • 947 2 LATENT Al>\ RRTIBEMENTB. mnj IBON GREEN. To Be Let. To let an uliop. office, o' store about 1.250 square feet of ground floor arc* with frootage to Finlaygon Oreen. Robinaoa Road, nod Cecil Street. The godown haa fi»e tiixirt aud four window*. Apply to liim T-k Wee at the Strait*
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    • 85 2 M.J.S. intfluUd 1m iKr Klrai>> r<«ui ilimU to »n(»« •r. «v m 4« tkM>i|wr *Kly. Ky th. «7lM< (/Ika .wli. «•>> m*>v Jf.8.1. «r. njKUi Iknl ai) )l MWririM 1.. paMkkM. /«ll Uwtliimj mlrvb ~r* •vtjMl Is IK* •wi/lllixn tkai IV. la« l ii,| MH |k« liwlunnl »«l «/lk» imvot
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 99 2 WEATHER REPORT. Wmiamn Kraba* Hospital, 12th April, 1 >.t\. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Kirn a k«-. B»r. re.l. 32 Fab. .2 >Mt ■£> TSj IMB T"iu|. 84 0 r4.<J M.U Wet l^ulb Ther. TU.n 7i n 7(( g i: l>ir. of Win,l nmw. n«w. C»l'm. I j .M
      99 words

  • 598 3 Mu sic at St. And rew' Cath edral. To tbi Ei>iTon or the Htbiits Timbi p soul.- apoloKy ieaaaM in accfeai Mtical m»ti..iir p*l*r but the fact that a I. rs IN lo.inv ('lrircbmeu m tlir mibje. t may < -Uitn noin- is an aammi for mv imiitiiices af Ibe
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  • 331 3 •be I'unjoiii Mining I »i Hongkong bus reeaivad a from the mines, ttating that the I rIS I iv- during March, crusblOM k' ivill k r vi-ld of 474 il ii es i, lent tinm writer Ml ihe Daily mi vbai ha stiles r ■t thi r.isionir ni the
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  • 1010 3 At th« T..wh Hall L»aT Niott It should b- r. ru-inlH-rte-] |bjaj taaajf plnia are nut written anaaaraiag tbe m*t»s'- patWM, 1 1;.,, r n in that af a vi.iiuk married woman and her lo»er. who. haiag rejry tir.d ..f ih- vwaata'a we.iklin k I. wba id. drown
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  • 196 3 Th e Great Fi re in Hon gkong. t thetf-eal tire „i v sd.iv evening, aboaj thai the damage doaa »i> not leaa eonaiderable than the .■ 1150.000. The hoaaa iv which the outbreak occurred waa No, 138, I', .nli.ini Strand, occupied bi an ai) draler and general storekeeper.
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  • 635 3 The Concert at the Teutonia Cl ub. PasaBKTATiuN ruUikiMiMisiiiKHit'i Lait eveuinu a Uiyu party of members of the T.'Utnuia Club, aud visitor* assembled in the- pr.-ttv Cash li m*.' ai Scott's Road, the occasion tieiug a private conceit •naaiaed bj aiee>befa ..i the <!lub aud iii honour of tin- v.M-aliatic
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  • 149 3 Elec tric Li ghting in Me lbourne. Thi .(ii,, light em taraad mi ia the I ..els. tll.'.ltv ol Meili Ulllle oil lllUrkii..\. Min-h Btb, by tba Hayoruaa. It is eat ii. lie I thai au aaaual aariag of C2M •rill beeSe t.-,l by nainy. namtiintj iaatrad i-. lie- COat
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  • 282 3 Town Re fu se as Fu el |„w\ i.t ii-.- proiuis-s soon to Ie no I >i 1 In./,/, (i. .i.v ol the sniit.uv aiithoi it»"» of our t.nv us or to iviu.u'i a i, u.s.i me to the 1 1. in in v iii! v 1 1 .i i
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  • 755 3 Rangoun. Thi Opium i'iimmiksius JUkLIAMtNTAKV Cv>R«fPTION L. sr stm. Elrcti-ns. Despatches oa Council. Bills Cotton Gooi>s m India. IPeaftaaJßja, M A r r,l S-nator Allen, of Nebraska ban iutrmlur-d a Free Silrer Bill ao an amendment to the Tariff Bill. bad .4 y .n/. It is BBjataataaa that
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  • 204 3 Inter na tional Cable Code. The ITonglroin ■aaagerof the. FJist.-m Kxt-iiKiii'i .hi I tii. Sort hen Talegiaph < 'onip.iim a, has ui.t'le the follow in 41 in in v iii<-*tiou public:— An arraagutatil wat WmM ll tl><- Paris CiifereiM:.' ot 1 81 H.J. for Ih- liiterimti.iDHl Him. ill at Befe
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  • 363 3 Th e Rising in the Philippines. News ha* Mcfcad Hoojjkoug ol a risiu^ against ihe S|wtiish I invenuneut iv iSooloo, mi island iv tl«' S .utli-m Philippine*. Tht- paafia an.' Malioiiiiii-daiii aud the isl.tud wns a ne-t .it pirali-s uutil r> cciitlv o<cupud it. l«itterlv. »o it is ic|....i»-.|,
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  • 1430 3 Thi'ft statement of Mr. Westland. the Financial inpmb«>r of the Council of •he Viceroy of India, published on the 23rd March, contains the following observation* on Ihe dosing of the mint* Tin- central fact to tli« financial history of lli.' year was the cloning
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  • 64 3 Music on th e Esplanade. fn Rm.l ..t ih.- -Jml l.ii. Linoolnahin Regimenl will plat the following programme "ii ili.' ll^i'l mil'-. I.-.l.iv. I3Ui April, commencing' al 5 p.m. I'ROciKAM HI I. VsU,. OH I Baralosai. •j. Beleetion Otivtt Audran :t n.ui- l>., 1.. Theira. l Pelection 77.. 0./ Gfaard
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  • 162 3 A cnicKßT match wa* played on tbe S. R. C. ground yesterday between team* representing the Army and Navy. The i Naval team proved victorious. The following are tbe scorea Navt. Mr B. E. Waters Ibw b Coofrau tH J. T. Barton c Sarjresnnt h( j tigfrisberg 1 Lt.
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  • 90 3 Last month, on the K.iluk.i Kiver iv Batanafc. a Malay was seak-uced to 12 uii.i.lbs iuiprisoinueiit fur laLiu^' upon himself to settle a dispute aiuoni( Chinese there by ladaniag IM*J la undergo the ordeal of boiling.' water. Tbe water was boiled, tbeu plucvd iv an eartheDWare
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  • 69 3 Ve ssel s Advertised to Sail. rnr A.lrUvl, ..,,.1 Sv.inuy. 11-i- due 13th A j., ,1. Al 11. 1 K..i hina un.l J,i|..,u. <>;1-,ij. due 19th April, the Borneo Co. rw Jaia l*arta. Jattatr. on unh April, W. M .11 -tlel 1 .1. I CO. For' ml CaMßtta, tr,nj«d.,j.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 342 3 I mil aii<l l'rii|nTl> S:ilr. ,d'i' E*B1< H So i MB An .hi -I i. iii' ..I fr.vliold .tli.l Iff li,,|.| ,u..l h.Mi.s took glue jmter- day alteraooa al M.'—rs. Otut IJr.w. ml".- I-.HMII Tk.iiH I.h* won ..IV.ivd aud ili,. whole ili- I. .is w.-i.- wU, mm t
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    • 84 3 Miiualia Tolku-co sali-s. I Vlsll v HAM 111 '-Ml PBI I. I i.-l i Maatacbappij I Iftibalra I I) llWoenU 1. Pil I 1.1 -h. 238 f 1.1 I. M I' J"| P 237 I' I (J B Sri K i; 1 1 T.T.H Lanylut 11> T B 880 i:
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    • 535 3 rWOeawwal •.hlnulne N<-w» Sc* I'aite t. rnHE I'AI.ATINK nrSUaVAHOB COML I'ANV. LIMITED. Man. il i s; Mi. The undersigned have lieen ap|Hiinted Agents for the almve ('.Miip^ny and are prepand to aeci-i t tir--risks »l current rntw. 1«,4 HUTTIHBAOB BROS. A Co. /"I d' A L M E I D
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    • 914 3 BHIPI'ING. For Ueneral Sblpplnff R*m See Pan 4. FOR ADELAIDE, MBLBOURNI, AND SYDNEY. taking cargo for all Australian and New Zealand Ports Via Jsts The Steamship DARIUS, Captain Joha Curry, BJM tons nett reg., left Calcutta on 4th instant, via Ptnang and is doe here on 13th idem. She has
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 150 3 Vrrnngcnienl*. Friday 13th April. Hi^Ii (Tatar. 4JB p.m. MMI h'liM Qaaitaf a. in S C. L.nvii Tennis Touruaiueut. Music, Kaplauade I p. in. Saturday, 14th April. Hi k -b Wat.T a.m. |>. m. Kuruiturv Aurtiou at S|Hjtti»woodeParl. Powell 1 Co. Noon. Lauctoc*. d»lf Clul. I.4B \<- m. Cricki't. S. C.
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    • 310 4 SHIPPING IN POR T. Lud«r this hmuliiitf th^ fjllnwint; ahbrovia- I arp us«d :—»tr. —«t«amer; sh. —xhip Ih|.—banjuo Brit—British I' S.— Onitni Slat.— Kr. —Frnuoh; Ger. —German Dut. I Dutoli; Joli— Johoro; *<•., (i.e. —Gon«ral carjro; il. p.—dai-k paadeii)f«r« L.—li r- tain T. P. W.—Tanjonjr Ha^ar Wharf; T. P.
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    • 1013 4 i»«'»i.« blNOt NOON OF YehTEKDAT. iu»ju, urn. ttr. i,ui» m, a^r* ..mipi, 13th Apl. From Hongkong 7th. 6 a 31. d.p. Behn Merer A Co. For Bangkok, 14th.— Wharf. Aml P. k 0. it Capt. TUlarl 13th Apl. From Shanghai via paru, 2nd Apl. (i.e., M 2 d.p.
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    • 118 4 Ve ssels Expected. Same, Pert, and Doit of ilui/in, Krom London. Kaiuonliir*. Mar. Guadalquivir Mar. 11 (ilamorgauiihire Mar. Liverpool Hilari.. Mir. I AnLMinr M»r 9; PtlMMd, Mar I ft, M»r I I Snn [maaia 4a l« J r E[i«rifi» Mar. l'i, San Frau.',i-<u) Mar. 17 Tartar, Apl. Kiutiu'k. Vbwfi« Oat
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    • 121 4 Viki>kl'i> Name. Q Tons. Captain. fmtm. Sailki.. Hi. i Apl. 12 Poh Aon 1-J,, 12 Ruby 13 Hjdr» 13 Sri TriOKironu 13 Udj I. nu.l-u 1.1 Hj- Leoov 13 tlu Wbatt Hid 13 Jpoudilu. 13 howf. 13 J»T» 13 ICheljdra Brit.Htr KM Mo H «it Ulm.n Apl. »W«
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    • 70 4 Date Vsmsul Nami '4 II IH6KLS > AMI KI.AU4 UlO lAllilS 'Mil 4 pi. l:t Kiun Aim H Srnntor 13 U»nvui.-.1, 13 WillO 1 tlio Wi.-p 13 M l'«v«Uu 13 Hiuitno 13 IV 1..., 13 iMIIuDU 13 PiccioU 13 Hrh«>lb« 13 I'howfj Anifu- Brit. Mr] SttWM V»u.l..rH»rt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 642 4 yoncE& McAiISTER Co. HAVE .11 ST l:i: KIVED A SHIPMENT Of JAMES WATSON Co.'s GSLEBBATKD i SCOTCH WHISKEY. (THE DOMINIE B&AND.) Ask Cor tin- Ddiiiiiiii- Brand (Black Label.) GUARANTKK!) 10 TBAJUI OLD. PBICK $10.00 PER (ASE. McALISTEK ft Co., SOU AiiKMs. IMPERIAL BRILLIANT -OlLrillllfl v U jfiri Bltiri tkst tbt
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    • 279 4 NOTICES. Recommended by 2,889 Newspapers. THE WAVKIiI.KV PEN "They an- a treasure."— S(an<iar<i THE HINDOO PEN ■ml 1. J. and :t. WITH IMA'iciNAI. POINTS. With Mm imiiit-- they are simply inestimable." Court JwmnA THE FLVIX(i J' PEN '^^Maa^fics^zcrß A -up.-rior '.I I'.-n e..p:i1,!,. of writing 100 to Jim wiinU with
      279 words
    • 1150 4 I npHE NEW taAl;:oi'B DOCK. CO., LTD. This Company execute* siiip*' repairs of all doscriptious in the BMSt efficient munner nnaer the saperintenlu ua of Luropaaa Shipwrights and Engineers. MO. 1 QuTiM Dock. Length— tl6 feet. Depth of Water from 14 feet to IS* fast. Width at Entrance 42 f.-t
      1,150 words
    • 897 4 NOTICES. Katabhshec 1865. T> I LET, HAHGREAVEBACOEhoinkkhk, Iboh A- Brash Foundiei, BOILCRMAKRRS, BEtUOC BdILDKRS, SHU* BUILDRRB. QINERAI. (JOHTRACTORS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH class STEAM VESBELS always under construction, froir. 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best deeigu and finish. MACHINERY irom leading British
      897 words
    • 61 4 NOTICES. PEBBLE BPECTA.OLBB FOLDERS I i 1 a m 9 i 5^5 is* fli l I Ji! H 2 2 5° df Hi" OS H ft f* S S 2 h 2 j2 ■I■ 1 I 5 Si t i <I I j S 5 ffl s j i 31
      61 words
    • 241 4 NOTICES. Length on the blocks 3T Breadth at entrance 3 *W Depth of water on sill at S ordinary spring tides} IS do do. Mp tills* The Machine Shop has r*. n ul tended and is fitted with all th. ne«2! pliannw for effecting repair to holla chinery of ve-sel,
      241 words