The Straits Times, 12 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED; 1881, SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APJUL 12, 1894. NO. 18,291.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 552 1 VMSETP COMPANIES. P 1 n*vi«,a i toa oomrun Wmamrm m 4 <»or~>wi»»— s,. w H I hi mail itnnm may I*- wards and leare .Sinifai tl.» following da 1 H0>r.,,,.. I«M. •«'<m are onfy «j •nd departure, may b^ .-it h.-r ■«r»eillw. and thenoe r.y ,i»i '•J to London ii
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    • 408 1 EEAMBHIP CO VIPANIES'. KOKINKLIJKI I'AKETVAART MAATSi HAPPIJ. t, lir r.,i,tri»<-t witii the .Sutherland* UIIQMWMHt, V, I.ATI I I i .vkkQcat. nit nt Prilling, MkscKn BUTTBSBAOa I baa a .f M Maws* idaiion fur finl rlmH, r l'" rl r *rie light ami I in "Deration from and to HbmH I
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    • 716 1 STEAMSHIP OMTAMHS. For Bot iuo Vort* via B*wean and Hourahaya. i of evary month a ateamor rana in thifl direr lion taking direct cargo and paaHanjermaagin, Pulo Lant, Paaair, and Kotei Oureer- r» nu.nlh on tli<> Jlird a Meamer ia .1 to Dnngaia. Horrnr, and Hulongan ■laaadbf at BanjermasHin, Pulo
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    • 693 1 ■\TORDDEUTSCHER LLOTD. ll BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of thi* lin» run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, railing m route at Ai. twerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sum, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and HongIn MBBMMm "iii the arrivals, and depMtam i<t' thaM mail steamers, the Company's steamer Number/? leaven
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    • 519 1 INSURANCES. r\ UARDIAN FIBE A LIFE ASBUKAN<:K VJ COMPANY, Liy.TED. LONDON. E*TABLI>hID 1811. Bui»cribed Capital 41.000,000 ToUl Invented Fund* 4.61 A.000 Annual Income, UM.nOO Tna undenigmM, t>^ent« for toe above Company, are prepared to ».-.vpt flre risk* for *hort period* of ten days or longer period*, at currant rate* to
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    • 657 1 HANKS. TTONOKONG AND SHANUHA -11 BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-CP CAPITAL $10,000,00( RESERVE rim 4,200,0(X RESERVE LIABILITY OF! |i O 0OOO0( PROPRIETORS J ..JIU.OW.WK Counr or Dirictobs:— 'hairxax— H. HOPPICS, Esq. (Tiiimh r J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. ■■<> K«q. A. MrCflMClia. K*|. H. U. Jo.jrn, Ew|. I I H -.-.K.i. .1. Ktawin. D.
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    • 671 1 I NOTICBB. I ROBINSON Co. HavK JOBT KKCKIVED A I.AROE BHIrIIBBT aa i I N Ms BAtKETff Club Champion," Special Champion Biity S«ven." "Cook's Presentation W.mbledo*" Magic." Dueheras," Challenge." „,,,1 HiiiimilK". Unicorn. Special," Deßable." U N Ms NETS. Patent Steam torred 42x31, light it medimm Heavj bound top. Specially for
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  • 534 2 LATEST MAKKKT QDOTAT IONB. Siwoaporb. 12tu April. IKH PmoDuca. CJambier, j 7.82^. do Onbe No. 1, 1 tso^ do do No. 2, 9-25. Copra Bali i.BJ. do Pontianak t j.4j. Pepper Black 10.25. Sago Flour, Sarawak do Brunei J. 05. Pearl Sato, 5.50. Coffee Bali 40. Coffee Liberian,
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  • 74 2 for Ftr $tr. Time. To-Mork.iw. B*u«koi, P r Klau. II •.m. .ml.i. Dm Ann, I p.m. I-. An-.t. in i., in ((i« Ifi/,.. :i p.m. \l»u,- n» port.-, Sri Pegatan, 3 p.m. »nntr»u/, Piriiulu. 4 p.m. ■i 1 I KUAT. i'-niint! .in 1 Itoii.liiy, II a.m. Dtli,
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  • 115 2 Paoa Rnaora HyiUeP. *o. fhmUt due on MoDilav witb da.'- to tbe Str.l March. Slie hriiixs r<|>lie> to the rait.l Im-li lell Sin,t»por>ou th.- I\ -t Kiliru«ry. h« Boioion, U th- iv *o. 5. isMfe dn< ..ii ill- ITtii m-uiit. ■M aiugap >re Feb. 27th Mar. Tth
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  • 241 2 Akkivai.s. Per h. /i'.ij.i/i Bruok? from Sarawak 1 SiMer Uahriiil. Per s. Will V the Wisp from Klang Mr. N. S.-U11W..11. Per s. s. Calypto from Deli The Hon. T. U< -ir.-iir It, and Mrs. Uagaardt. Messrs. Uotaght, and Vau d« Woade. Per s. s. Sappho from KUng
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  • 65 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 12th APRIL, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Price 10 Onta. [Subicription rate* and atlvertitiii'j r it-* may be found on the fourth page.) Drought in Europe There has been a five weeks drought in Great Britain, France, and Germany which is ranging mime uneasiness. The United States. At the
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 460 2 The('oiiimitt.»-:ippoiiite.|liv the Municipality to revise the Municipal Ordinance with a view to its amendment by the Legislative Council has issued an interim report. That rejMirt makes recommendations and suggestions to that end. a~ the result of eight tin^s. The definition of the words "public street" in the
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  • 335 2 The Ki-i.Tii Extension Ai-ir ii i-;a aud China Telegraph Compnur, Limited, announce by advertisement that their rates from Siuga|>orc will be increased f unit lie Ist of May, about tliirtv-three |ht<iiil TW increase in solely ou iti'i'oiiiit of tbe fall in t lie sterling value of the dollar. Th. baate
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  • 68 2 J wortb two xljilliu^s. Tin- iuereUM "I cbar^'i'n will fall very licavilv upon lll'' liiiTcaulile houses in fljagnnttrr. whirli U'l<'gra|di very ttmij to tin ir head ofißM in London, but, it MCOU -v littU ilitli nit k> any bow tin- matter OU be a_ToilV>l A» tbe dollar till, tlio priM
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  • 69 2 Thi foHowiug jmragraph »pp»r»d tbe StraiU Timet ot iim il,.;h I( repeited again as accurately eUtin,, tb! case: Our information it that, at result of the further consideration „f t h[ StraiU Military Contribution, a red „.-tu n will be made in the sum charged. Kb» reduction will probably be
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  • 18 2 Ladt Mrr«-Hici.i. will l» At H m at Government House, to-day at ,S m There will be tennis.
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  • 24 2 If Mr. Tan JiA Kiui ii going t«. »t«rn| fur the Central Ward he should U«ehn« himself at onee else there, may h« trouble.
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  • 30 2 Thh Municipality of Siiikfn|K,rf plain that th^y have to pay «-r.urt police prosecution* m t|,,, Pll blic int,.,,,, and they say they ought not to b« ehfigaj to do so.
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  • 29 2 H. H THK Sri. tax of Johore testpnU, conterred the order of the Crown 'of .1.,|,,, t on Miss Minnie Hauk and Iwr hiHliand. Von Beam w 1
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  • 19 2 Ex it uaoeratoed that Mr. leant niis> day aandiag in Ins reaigaatiou as iii.iul.r of the Mum. ipil Board.
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  • 28 2 Ml-S MINMK Hrn h IS H ~k! M til sinu tO-UUfht at acou.-ert at the r.nt.,i, v < 'lull. 11 K. the (low-nioi ud l.ii. Mitchell propose to tt'tei.d
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  • 25 2 Wim rcterence to our puanjank .f yesterday we learn that Mr S I#.|^ Thornton, Attoruey-Ceiieral of St Viim.m!, does have the privilege of private pnrtiu.
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  • 25 2 Thk Municipal Health Officer int.. liivm his attention directed to the .Wat. -1 w, t.-r niatiufactiired by Asiatics. The ,n,. said to be frequently poisonous.
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  • 35 2 Thb tradeinnks of the Btnudard Dil 'oiup.inv of New York, are a.he-tiwl „n the link pane ol oui ieane to-day. Im. p-rial Itrilliant Oil" aud "SUndanl" ate prot.-cte.| trade marks of the St.indirl Oil Co
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  • 39 2 I'.t H-U.-rlisenient in OUT ••olunins l.i-iliy. it ia ie.'iti.-d that the Municipal f..r the Geatral Ward of Biacapere will lake place on Frilav. J7th April. Noauaatioui must be delivered .it the htnaioipal otti on or before the instaut.
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  • 58 2 Tmk u.-xt ni.etin L of the Bingapore !>•■■ batiag Boeiet* will be held in the Towa Hall, on Tu.-s.hy. -jfli April. tSM, at p. in. The Debate will be "that at the present time an in ie tax should U- in. Iroduced 111 the 'oloiu Mr. Ben "ii^ Bhtng, it
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  • 68 2 IALi "i valuable freehold and !<>»«.- bold lan In and bouaei «ai held thie »ft-i noon In M- s Oi me DnM Tl kajue included twenty lots win. h *.-r.- 1« K- pur up for public auction. T! a fair attendance, and the bidding »urt.-d l.ri«kly. Th- tii- 1 1«,
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  • 81 2 Anvii ks reached Bangkok, on tl-- i'h instant, that an Austria!, timer i uii-l Kudoli IM,I bad beee murder.") I>i|' his se;'s, when on a praepattil pedrlioa at rSuriew, The Sw Uo»> ernuieiit taken measures to an-' Urn alknjed arardarer It ie eaid that, M starting. In- bad presentiment
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  • 73 2 To M.iiu. in the Town Ball, M»til .Mr. BeUew annoar iv Zola'ii On Saturday. In Seeiatf is lulled and. on aeooanl of the Bail not Uaving before, then- will l>e mi eitra pnrlornMMe Xt htondaj, arrangenwaie ban bate mad.- for the production of 81 (c Cmfut r in whii h
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  • 116 2 i k s.itunhv I ist. the steward "t tbe 1.1 fiopphn in. lie a roniplaint to the M.ikl.i Attendant that the Ohiaeee cabin I" I.*1 thai rMiel bad '••■•■u locked up in caW" and wae nnaUe to c aabore. A polk* tergeanl wa> tent the Suppko and All Wee, tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 695 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. rpHE Standard Life Assurance 1. Norwich Union Fire Inaaranc* Society. Atlas A»ur»nee Company iFire The Equitable Life Assurance Society Tbe Ih-osn Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy Th« Tottenham Lager Beer Company. Th* Maritime Inmirance Company. Limited. Kor iiarticulars of th«w« Companme see
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    • 1041 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected states of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1077 2 LATEbT ADVRRTISEMENTS. ■BS. P9TTER MB. BBLLEW. Supported l>_\ their own Lou ion v'ompanr. TOWN HALL. For Two Niohts Only. Thursday. April 12th, Under the patronage of Col Hnntly. 2nd Linenlmhire IOLA'N "THERE HE." Ther»«e Raquin Mrs Potter. Laurent Mr. Bellew. Saturday. April Nth, Last Night. "IX SOCIETY." Price* Fro it
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    • 8 2 For Uoneral Skipping News See Page 4. 1
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    • 69 2 M.B.S. \nfndti fvt tlw Utrn.l. Tiiwa ikouM >- vnflnt KMi^iiMkiMMrMia. By tkt »fl—t mt ttft M»itMmmm vn nj-Ui m>f Kl (HxrinM U AU t*tirUtmf mttrmett an nbjtct lo IJM •nUvni lIWI t»» HwpMllmi tU >l«OTttW1M»l ll»l*/|IWpd|Wr m MM rr—mtf «B>, Vst nt illoo lIMO i*yl The Straits Times has
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 98 2 WEATHER REPORT. *—S 'SM AV.16..U UotpUal, Ulh April, 1891. v. i.i. J p.m. 9 p.m. Rim a am. lUr. re I. S' K»u. 2'.'.'.i«i» £».;;o 2H.MU L team .80.0 82.5 7h.u *.J Wt nib Ther. 78.8 77.2 76.8 ..""ST: l>ir. of Win.l K. W. K. W. Calm. |f« Max. T.'iu[..
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    • 144 2 Arraiisriucul*. TlHKM'tY 19] I A I H 1 I H l^'ll Wrtt.T. %M |'.III. t>. C. (1 l.iwu '1't -Unix Tournament Laijl MilrU.ll "At Home" |>. m l'i)ttcr-|{olli'W CompMJ iu /.oii't 7'/.'/"' Fbidai I i h Atkh. High ZJJ.iin. L.38 |M» Mi Kir>i Quarter 7.-7 a.m. S. 0. C.
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  • 745 3 M February. I^J4 rmt to ■>-„ mi 1 I wat retjataiad am< II in.di aad, il aeceam M II -I. that I Uh.-i, r( W(l I waa N) 1 .1 Ithoritj I. lure I the Dowi I-- I.',1 the li 1 towai la
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  • 77 3 Colonial Offi ce. 1>. I7tk 1894, Bir, I .In.-, t.l by the faraoii of Bipoa to acknowledge the r.e.ipt of y.,nr 1.-tter of the 10th inataat, on th- of tie- Milil iry Contribution of tbe Se'tl-niei,'. and to inform you that your represent. in. .us will communicated to 1
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  • 618 3 I M PIOI 1 IITTIIRIVI llol.f. Iti h: 1 K. 01 1 am. P 0 mli in si, in-., suit Bio* 1 I lII K. W..1.K a 1 1 11 Mm 1 Himiia Mtiiaii'i Bbpobi roarova wi Ihs iiDiia .111 Aruii 1- 'i \l 1 M V 1!.,,,1. 11.,
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  • 26 3 Music o n th Esplanade III! I gmuiuic "ii tin- KapUua le, to-uioi 1 I. Vakw I.eTli.-irc uuuette i. l'ulk» I A. B lad H»ii i
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  • 2368 3 Municipal Co mmissioners. Thi ordinary lori ni^liliv in. t,,,_ ot the Mnaieipal Oomauamoatn whs heal ve*terday afteruoou hi the office*, FiuUraoni;r.i n, Mr Gentle pre>.iding. There were also pre»ent Me»»r*. Meyer, Mott-h, < .hht, ami tbt Hon'ble T. Shelt.rl The minutes of the latt orliuarv w-.r.- read au.l confirmed. FISANCK.
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  • 167 3 S. C. C Tennis Tournament. Y«->i«r<lay> lti-nii«-DMM HAJtn;rAP. Bnuld.-ll Elliot leta (Juirj.'i'.U.rg A Ber- jr-aunt ML PkoKKss|.\ PAIBB MerrhantK II hmt Sliippino; 7 5, A Class E|ferton btat Scott ti o. B" CI.AB». McArtlnir htnl Ktrfk I i. Tlionis,,,, 1,,,,t M,,rr.n 1,1 Maxwell leta Den.iys MrDougall .1. O. Maetaggarl nnflniititT
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  • 130 3 Hava s Te le grams. Pkace is Kihoi-e. 'I'iu. ii \r Ti.viiir< KM < 1.-isi. OK THE iNTtKNATIoNAI. SANITARY CoXrKRENCK. 'ißkai I iitt at Shanghai 1',,,i«. :Srd April. The lalllll Russian pna referrc.l to the iwcitir attitude nf Euni|»- on Hie Oteatiai of I'rcsiiiciit intel baby bnuatad with tha
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  • 613 3 H.M S. Ce nturion." H. .M. s. Qmtmrim, the new hphi|i <.f the Cliina Sutiou. arrived I. ere yntujaj evening from Knglaud. She hail a tine I is- 1_ ..ut. i..uchiu_' .it Malta, Pod Baid. Suez. A«leu and Coloinbti. The ulurmn. vhich has already bm doMfibod iv our loluiuiis, isatirst
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  • 382 3 F ir e at Hongkong. Eight HorsEa Dmtroyii) sl.'iii,ikmi Damage. Ar'.t' a p.m., on tbo 4th inatant. fire broke out in an oil ihop on Bonham Strand, Hongkong. The next house was in a blaze, and snot her hong at well.befoiv water could be obtained. No fresh water could be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 640 3 I\EAFNKSS 'OMPLETELY CURED Any Btnoa siill- rin/ fr.mi Deafness, bTeittl in tl,i> Head, \c may Item -.f a n.-w, simple treatment, which is proviiu; v.<rv Kiiccssful in coinpl.-tely curing cases of nil kinds Full particulars, unfading many unsolicited ti' il~ and iipwspiper prmt notices, will he Kent post free on
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    • 1057 3 BHIPPINQ. For ( >hl|>plng- Kew« Soe Paffe 4. TNDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD FOR HONGKONG. The Company* ateamtr CHBLYDKA, 1..574 tona, Captain R. Caaa, having loft Calcutta on the 4th instant, may be expected to arrive here on or about the 12th inataat, and will have prompt despatch for the
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    • 317 4 Lnd.r this ii.'.-i linir tho f.illovrin^ ahfcmU. tidis ar« »»«<l: —str. —ataaaMT; IB, —ship, Im|— lwri|ii« Brit—British; C S—l nit..,| Stati-s Kr. —{'much; Ger. —QaraMMj Diit. Dutch; Juli.— J.thorp; tic, G.c. < ieiinral i-arifu, d. |i.— s^ei'k BajaMMta; D. I'iirtTtaii.. T. P. W.—Tanj-injr Patfar Wharf T. P.
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    • 903 4 TR ADI NG VESSE LS. m:ki«ai.a since Noon Of TntSBSAT. Linditf'arrt, Brit- 1.014 tons, Capt. Andrvw. lkhApi. Praaißoajbaj, MhAaL O.a^awl .*> d p. V. simonn 4 co. For Hoßffkoas, D i. r bingn-. 1t..:, itr. l ii t-.ii-. Capt I ilth Apl. Float Hoagkoagi :>th Api. Q t I 1.1
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    • 126 4 Vessel s Expected. Iftmr. P rt, ,ml DMi tfMnlm From Umtomi (iu»>Ul< uivir Mar. 11 (ilamurtfHiisliirf M»r. IjlvCRro'U. Htlaria, Mar. Anteiior Mar. 1' j tkaed. M«r B OohMi, Mtr It Sun [MMk 'I- I.'.vmU, M»r U BaWVM M»r W; 1 Hun Franci-.-.i U»r. -7 Tartar, A|il Kintaok. Bakkv Vi«urifi< (et
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    • 132 4 ARRIVA LS S; Vehmkl's NiMt. Q T<»l 11 I UN. FK.M. SaILKII. Ki.i «t Apl. II Kur Aim 11 Kajah Brooke 11 Sri M..I..- Add 11 Borneo 11 1 1 Hi -■uftin ll Cmtwfaa 11 Will c>' Hi. W;-p 12 -!«m Tor II vrruo 13 ■'•lyp»-> 13 l.i.;.l.-.l.l.-O I'll
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    • 59 4 Din VwmWL't Name. Bh a i:i Caftah 1! pi. 11»mc II Karngtm 1J K. S. ,1.- iMTfto II l'mm..t|,..u, •l' C1,,,w Phja IJ Iii.iiik Ann II l.iJd*»laJa II M,-.ia«. h I- a Kiu,. Brit. Mr. Dut.-tr Dut. -tr. lint -tr. itr. itr. <tr. .tr. S<-lnmr s.ur«U.T» Milu.' K>l.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 685 4 NOTIC!>. ...0.1/.STHMAII] czazAUin \XD\kf* CIGARETTES vho suffer from Opj rawii i ttiflasg s'l-imation* 1 Ho.irscne I Loss ol voice, Ncr- vcusc ugb L nyrujitis, Colds, with WhaaKii ..:Lis. Insomnia, .s, aid difficulty i:iEi;i- j..ii;ptly relieved Q IMAULUCO, Paris, S<ili ij ill CktailU. GFi:?.IAULT'S Matico Capsules AND INJECTION \u- w
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    • 1289 4 DOCKS. T<HE TAN JONG PAGAR DOCK CO. J LIMITED. ■•ni«»« of the Company are rn'tnaW 1 1 tammw adjoining the town of Sin k -p re. Mwiin tram-cars run at short intervals nrryin^ passengers and goods from Wharf to ddstinations at low rate*. The \V n»-f extends to one mile
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    • 923 4 NOTICES. >"«tal.n*hc<. IH«S. T)i LBT. n A R<; re a R S A COESOIN' is. I|M>N BRABB F..|V U rR», Boii.erm\k >-.**. Briimik Btni, i >k> ShuHflL: r H-. fenill (.'OT»T^I^.■TOR!^. BDWAPOU JCUALA. LUMTOR. SIIII' BUILDIXG TAHII UOfl ah* ->TEAM nVIU »lway« onder const-iiei tvw. 38 ft. to 150 ft.
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    • 61 4 NOTICES. PEBBLB 3PBUTIOLBB A FOLDERS g 9 I i! i I s s S o. 2 I 2 I as 3 j a on •5*3*4 ftSflfJ f s 6 mm s d Ci < S 3 5 t S r-1 05 t CO Hail <3! 3 S 1 5 I
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    • 213 4 NOTICES. X BOOK. BA/ UR N«w aj,d imrtortD Eni T i 0 A conveniently arranged hook i. the co.ik ran enter daily h 'J P- with a .vparnf. c.,ln mn f or in the ».*k a *.par,... aaM fat h^ 'S th» >-ar and a separate line f,,,,,, k
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