The Straits Times, 9 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1894. NO. 18,288.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1007 1 LMSEIP COMI'ANIES. PN4VI \NV Wbabvi* and Oodowhs New II I <■ mail stammers nay l« eij»- t«| t, r and Uare ksMSTSi wm k dat«- mmmtmm uai. a— *>* x\\ iM-, X...M., M I ,v» II I J fa dato ar* only •ppminni v,. I d«| art urea
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    • 1649 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. DX KOMVKLI.IKE PAKETVAART MAATS' HAPPIJ. Ctnler contract witli the N. therlaiuls In.lia (loverument. Shii> Aokni'T, late J lll.v -Jl, C.iI.LTER QCAT. /<■/. nit nl Penang, Mbshrh Hlitknba.h A Co. npanv has a tl-.-t of M Steamers. wth -plelhli.! aeeol'iMl.Hlatioii for first class, ml class, si.l de. k *pMMMJMM,
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    • 932 1 STEAM-HIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BKEMKN. The fsst mill well-known steamers of this liii" run retrularlv between Kremerhsven and Shanghai, calling en mute at Antwerp, Southampton, (Jenoa, Naples, Port Said, Sue/. Aden, Colomho, Singajiore, and Hongkong. In connection with aM arrivals aud d«- imrlures of thei-e mail s'esmers, the Com- i
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    • 601 1 INSURANCES. i r\ UARDUN FIBE ANi» LIFE ASBITBANCK jVT COMPANT. Liy.PED, LONDON. ESTABLISHBD 1811. I Sut>rcnW>d Capital JUJtXOfWQ I Total Invested Funds 4,616,000 Annual Income 9S8,(«O The undersigned, agents for the above Com- pany, are prepared to accept fire risks for short i periods of tan days or longer periods,
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    • 716 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF! *****0000 PROPRIETORS J -»10.000.000 Cocsr or Dibbctobs: Chairkan-11. HOPPIUS. Esq. Dbputv Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. |C. Mi. Kin Eaq. A. McComcMii, Eaq. H. H. Jo-rrit. E»q. J 8 Mo.m.Em, Hon. J. J. Kuwicx. D.
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    • 430 1 NOTICBB. McALISTER Co. T^OR OALK. THE BRITISH STBAMBR "BEMBAU" 70 Tons (}ro«s Pvegi-ter ami +8 Tons n«U Register, built of wood, iv Singapore in 189S Length 83 feat. Breadth 13 Depth 7 Engines comi>ound surface condeoMnK ky Mr. John Inglin, Hongkong 30 H. P. Cylinders 10" and 20", 14" stroke,
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  • 506 2 LATEST MAKKKT gUUTATXUNS. SimroH »ra Apsil. 18M. Pkuooci. Gamhior, 7.80. do Culi- No. 1, li.b%. do do No. 2, ;i.£V Copra Bali 3.S i. do Pontisnak 5.14. Pepper Black 10.10. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.50. do Brunei '.'.o7^. Pearl Saifo 3.55 Coffoe Bali. 40. Coffee Liberian, 44.54. Tapioca small Flake
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  • 98 2 far Ptr fir. I'm. TO- DAT. KuiqUh ii» i #yntpM, «»»<»..», t. <■ f i'.j««< »l» porU. Jf. fj'i- M ilin.1 Tin p .rt», t SnuamuK ti» port' /, Bil| |ioru, Boon Man >l .l»ica »ud K.»u.'. Ch>. Mi h;*,. fulou.u.iL^. Carolina, Hal- I.:,.,.- 8*n;U(». -o.. .Iuvh. KongMe,
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  • 113 2 tmom B«Wtn I 3y the XI. M. .Vm.i 1 Jus on t!i. .mi lu.t.n. witb .latoi to the liith March, shr.riiifa r plie« tv the nail whirh Ittt Si»<»por« on the Mth Februi'j. Fh.ix Homieonu, by the M. M. s. Lrfl Siutfapore Due l o f-h. Jl-t
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  • 158 2 Arrivals. I'er h. h. Qanymedr f.-om Baugkok i Mr. Bruwu. Per b. Hanoi from Began I Mr. K r W-'l'l. Per s. k. OBMMI from Hatavia i Oapt. Rovers. Coutroleur Morl.-vk. Mr. Baird, Mr. j V. D. Veil, and Mr. V»u Evp. Per s. s. MmmMi from Calcutta:
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  • 72 2 STR AI TS TIMES MONDAY, 9th APRIL, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Kutablihhrd i 1831. Price 10 Onto. [Subscription ratei and adoertmni mm) may be found on the fourth pat/e..] The i.rriuan Bmperor at Venice. The Emperor William of Germany reCiired «ti eiceedingly vrTinl .ml cordial reception at Venice. TV ft'tei in
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 550 2 By telegram which aaj bojUlm il ii understood that the British Gowriiiniiii intend to retain Uganda with a looal administration. The Government have for a long time lieen considering the poUe* to Ihadopted with regard to Uganda, a country which lies on tho mirth and west slmr.s af
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  • 10 2 The Sifutt Hwiyt will ha publiahed »,t noon to-iii. iriMw.
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  • 14 2 Thb eiail f..r Rurope l.v the s, s. OmU dunien closes at |>.vi. t<i-morr..»
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  • 20 2 Hiss Imn Hit h in to aiaaj at a run«.ert to b« bold at we German Club on Tburtday eveniug.
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  • 17 2 Mr. Aiui/st HiTrEHn.vfß arrived froni Penally yesterday .cv.l uiUinU to Bta* iv Siu^apore for a few days.
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  • 22 2 Ladt Mii. nk 1 1 will lie "At Boeae" at k o'clock ou tbeaftaruoon of Thuisday the 12th there will be teuuis.
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  • 17 2 Mbh. Bbown.Pottbe, aud Mr Kyrst Kellew arrived from Peuau^ ou JjuuiUv Tbev aro at the Raftc* Hotel.
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  • 19 2 The Mail Ufspatcbud from Buagapon to London, via Marseilles, ou tb' laM ultjiuo, was delivered ou tbe ~tb iustiut
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  • 23 2 A HANDSOME QirofcM. Cat thy* M&UM (jaiktlliana. a bviug cxbilutt-d at Messrs. John I ,tt tie au>l Co 's go.lowu to-il;n ,m.| tu-tuorruw.
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  • 21 2 The Mail des^t.-bed ftma Mngipnw to LouduD. liy tbo Oerraau t*acket, on tb« 12th ultimo, w**, iaH*and on tin' ti'li iustant.
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  • 24 2 Mh Jimußu.N, witb a BoatomdeglW M Uoctor of Deutal Surgery, advertises thai be bus beguu to practise at 15. Hitterv Koad, Sn lk ;u|.
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  • 31 2 The steamer Purnea, at BaagOM n the 27tb Man-b, was run into by a bafqua named faMaaa, whicb wa« iv aMrgt M a tug. Tbe lUauior waa slight U d iin.ij,-.--!
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  • 21 2 Tnr chj..,.,,. M«afcaa.eawaMMai f th. IWawwllstphip), OMMjMa, K» nv^Z and Loiyuen. which rw-ently vis gapore. rrturued to Hongkong on th 2nd
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  • 30 2 The Mmw ieanMl lindsthat ■>-»— is not lUadiag still; ou thecoiura,, Pahang is adfaatMg. The rerenu.. f or the past yar was some $8,000 in t>l of the estimated aim. um.
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  • 47 2 THK M M Co|lll.i,ll|\'s Q^ •mm l'i f Haiaaa .it I. p. jmn j >i.l in n 1... MMeled at t to vi .rr,;, about i.. ion. >||„ must |,i,,l a |,lv will be del fiati'lut] rlnriui; tlic nii»lit. The mi, l w jjj close at t> id.
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  • 46 2 O* Thursday, tin re will H b.ld t i Lumpur, a f*iicv dress t>-ill v, f t l> i. in of tlu> I. •nth anniversary i.f foundation .it tin- S--Unif,>r (;luli <; UHtt| may be admitted in |.laiu clothes at in extra foe of ten dollars.
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  • 39 2 An Ass.niatioii ffaotball aMMS was played m Batardai tfaaiag at thpCliin««g R-ir,.,itioi) Ground between the Chinese K 1 r.ition Chili aud a team from II j I'enoick It in favour of the Club by four goals to two.
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  • 46 2 To-Biaan M lal IhoTova Hall TaeatN Mrs PotMf and Mr. Belle* pUf in ••F..r/..t M.' Hot." The play ieapevn! fill (MM Mrs I'.iii.r has :i high reputation in it; and H K. the Governor 14 th» pit run of the owning and propoce* to br> prosent.
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  • 49 2 Tn miltowaen of Rtngoou ka*e,itii reported, formed themselves into a ring for the purohaee of paddy and to re^'ultte the sales of ri-e t i s|.eculators and oth^rt Biea htoiks in Kmuoon at present arc said to be v.-ry kMPM and quite <iivp:ional at this tIBM of the war.
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  • 51 2 On tbe Mot lfai«a, a Living (,'hesi Toumaawat took place at the residence of tb- H. in. .1 J K.swi.k-, at Hongkong i» aid of the Organ l^etnialioii Fund ofth.I'liioii Cliur.h. The pastor of the Chunh was one of the played and MS touriuin.Lt ii r.'j.oitnl lo have I ia
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  • 59 2 I'kks.ins who mti'iid |o visit the Town Hall to-night to witn-ss the p.-rf uin id,. l.v the I'ott.'v-l! 'I.. w Compaiiv will .-utT the liiiil.liiiL' bi the aide door faiin.- th.. > v r M 1 1 1 •i■ t ogees The front ami other MtiaaeM to tl,.' hill mi
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  • 62 2 A Hindi wed Mardejaoacee »ai taken to tha IVanh mad aetsM moi the aigfat of ill.- <•] _r h t untant, wLere he was 1. mn. 1 to baM a ■MMM wound in theabdo a. It is all. that tha man is p) ibbed bf ■aoMMT Hindu during a
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  • 56 2 Ihk siii'iini'iits of labour essigratioa fr..m I i s. em to show lhal i 1. 1 paaMnget Iraame by am, BanM takes tbe niisi l>'iiii tin N'oith.'in Cirran, N.'llore and S nit Ii Areot, Ceyl.m iinlt-ats cbirfly on Madam .ml ThmereQy, and Tanjore see mi t.. have the monopoly
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  • 53 2 At PWamng tl;.- total nollurtioM for deposits on rikubae wgiateted and re. gia' ration of rikiahas an. l aarriagai am .unt .1 to 130,291 Th.- ii |msisi amnunted t-. $5,862, leaving a r. venue of $J-l-t2:i Tbe expeaaei for eetahwhaMat are i 901 continoeoi in ?H3, and for scry,. lulusiTC
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  • 70 2 isiiEit tbe beading Irrigation in IVrak. lii'huu Hiiijiiin nn i ranarks That watei should be rrqnired fof cultivate n iv tbe i erpetn tl depoaitioa, m in a belt I la'ur where it ratM all the year round, has often posaJed us We •if»-.t il.ii '1.. ibl« watef m usfd
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  • 78 2 I'hb situation iv .Mindaiia.i. whaea rke Mahommedan iakuden have riaasiar*. Volt a_- Lin»t Bpaaith rule under n iiih. deUik I ill thf Straiit I Saturday, Ins gone from bad to w.»f»f. H> ad vie -s front Manila, tbt <iov r lu u. »i •• of ih.' Philippine had pro
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  • 93 2 A m— in Ins ban rwaivwJ »t Hongkong staling Ibattba Britian tourinis'i 1 aailiag reaael Somali, Captata. Hiiina.ariiv.iai Sail Kraurisco M tW:llst March, The gsaMJi bar bad ratU*fa lon^' |iassakte. bafinf Iff', Hongkotvg ok, the 3 d Novctnli.-r last, aad doiikot begun to be entertained a ».u! boj Mfcly.
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  • 128 2 BoTAJIBai 5.,-.-. u.imi-.l Mabliiu. waa chanted tins murning by Baroo de H" ru before Mr. Aothoaiu for iteaJing tiU W at Tanglia, The B*roo st.v. that b--»i nt 1. 1 in.- I; i ..< .il aboal 1- 1.. k I oil lie- Bill llisl. II bit bag eoaUiniog silvei
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  • 151 2 A rA«K«g-,j. tod moat luccewfiil umoei to tbe Bo .'1,,. G s. Murray *m (p»eii«l ili»- Bmgm|M ci <l. „ii aatenky bj well act rowpaai of man; 1.-.i.hnu r.-i.l.nts. .mi l alao tbe baok colk i Mr. Mun.iv. Tha Hoa'blc W. E. M»» well |||«d we cfcair, and propoard Umi
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  • 54 2 roc Nous Md Calentte. For,-....! Hombay, .it* lltb April. Behn M.y I »nd < \[,,,l. W M n ii.l.l »ti.|',,v Pot r.M.nijr aad C jeaM > 1 1th Ipril, l«o wUad i ,,l K..r II..,, k. D I lM l-' !l1 M Boiutaa tod .>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 718 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. IAHa. tsie.ntar.l Life a-saeraaws X Nerwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Firei. The Equitable Ufa A-urnnce Society Tbe ix**n Marine lusurance C.impany. The Chioa Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham La(fer Beer < 'ompany. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. faf Barticulars of *he*e ('.uupauies
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    • 1417 2 NOTICES. The Straits Tunes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 801 2 NOTICES. I iii:n POTTER UK. BELLEW. Supimrtml bj their own l^onlon Company. TOWV HALL. FoCR Nl.iH Is ONLT. MMMM, April Uth, Under the Pastaaafs and iv the presence of His El.-ell-n.'.v Sir C. H. B. Mitchell. K. C. M. O. lOKGET ME >OT. Tuesday. April 10th, Frakcillon." Under the patronafre
      801 words
    • 1186 2 LATENT ADVEBTISEMENTS. A I J U■IT V, IX D. (Doctor or Dental Suaoiar) of the Boston Dental College. Mass. C. S. Having established MMMaf at IS Battery Road, S n>tsi>or<\ off crnhn. »«<rvic s in all bran- clim af I', i.tistry. 8/5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA- TKJJI COMPANY. LIMITED. KOK
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    • 7 2 f»r Ueaeral Halayiac Raws See ra«e 4.
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    • 74 2 8T.5.3. ,*U*4«L frr tl.. M*SBI T-"w. t\n\* IsanWf* •r. tms *vU o* thtyaptr rnily. By tn* n«4l«e( f BaMMsZ AU •4)Mrf,»m f tmntrtcU mrt ntkj«el ta llw l.r ih-.l tK» Utmtfm uilmi la, as^rlunoml ml 9 /ll» n c— tf rrtt, tf MSif. »»t ~i tflnm tlvm f.«r v i
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    • 5 2 r»r Uoacral suipulu* J.«!t* 4#
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WEATHER REPORT. A- Srabuu HoipUal, Bth Ayr.l, |BH|. 8 a.m. i pa>. 9 p.ia. BaMAßit. r-. .ij t*u 2.1.v.0^y ;in* Tump KM 78.8 VV« t tulb llier. 77.5 DU:. 77.0 t L»ir. of Wind wsw. 8. W. S. W. -c Vl.ix. I'-:i.|.. ia -L..H- ;.o if J; >liv do .to
      92 words

  • 741 3 Railway farsaaioi A New OcmßKMitnr LaMtMB. Tat WHEBL Tltt RtdDLaTION Lumpur, Sth A).r\l i..nT, the Kailway DvpaftsMß „:is frill, 11. K tl. I. the |.enna- I K m* Kuli.i I'oli.c Sta- .ii ..f the Sc. eiaty j s, which is i iralilc w steam Uunch Enut for
    741 words
  • 151 3 lit* .1! nut i-«l«-i m report* I i!i k -lni Th« iiiiir.liT.-l *****1 iv hi..,. v.\u>. on til.' I'll ..I I in iiiiiiii-ii. .1 .1 r.'lvlh.'ii iii»i HI 1;. iTtTIIIIK'ti I f.lil- .M:.. 1- .f BUta t.> l«- kilWd. l>( ill.' mini;. «M 1 1 1 v
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  • 2247 3 An Important Shar e Case in Hongkong. At H..ogk..ii.' on I tat, !h>? Su|,i. in.- C .hi I .leliv. p- i 1.-in ej| i t 0.--(■4 1 Hi.' Hiogu II 'I. I, in r Hongkong 4nd S1 1 rub i ,»,n,i'(.'|. .ritloll, I, nolle I. II 1. .r Mi lha
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  • 785 3 Teleg ra ph ic Summary S'i).pU»fnl.tni Id Shuilt Timer IWefrOMB. i Vim Itaiti/uon.i Thk Canaihan Takifk. Tslß BUHM StA Awaui>. Fl.illll.N-i At TIMBICiOO iTIC BtKlhli 1 KKVSLKK I'm. Mi (I.KV.I.ANU N THi Banai ka.... y xnox. THKMBIUCII. IUNIitUI. Tiir: tiUANi. National OoBTaWffU Elkctions. LvJih.t. i',"f/i Iforei In
    785 words
  • 172 3 DoTBLEi Urahaui and Hil'on i BL Owen and Backland BSr. Plum ton and Thotn-on scr H.-.p-r and Wadilell owe 1 ale Arthur aud tjuuierville acr. r. Sh-lford and Shelfoni scr < arle aud >v scr. I Deiiuvs and Daunt scr. Martaggart F. D.
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  • 983 3 The Balfoor Caig. The Br tish Xavv. The P :nmv Post Question. Royal Ec-cbntbiciit. The Kioht Hoiks Pbinciplb. DsMAf ov an Australian Pu.iilibt Anarchist Activity. T i I'm sen or Walks wins a Pkizk. L'ti'lon. 19th M ir.h The Argentine Court-. hay» deciibd against the application for
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  • 94 3 TO AKHIVt.. Pet P. I s .1,. ir .iv 1,.,n.10n, March It!. lan. Howard rUiill.«v Mc.srs.J.E. Earle. H. A S.-,i!.«n.| K H. I) rnck Per v.ii.iii. fr.ui L-nd ii. ttaraa tt, Mr. A. Im-I. aad Mrs II nun. Par P. v ■>. Be af, in... L adoa, April 18,
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  • 506 3 Tiact at Kcala LiPii Rmr, or A Prisoner AriVANCEMKHT AT KUALA LIPII. Tb« Mam. Sebvick bt thi Olakooi." i From our Correrpon<if*t.\ Ptkan. Hth April. It is reported Kuala Lipis that a tiger has on thiee oirasious appeared iv tbe town there and carried away several goats.
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  • 116 3 An i.r.linurv uieeting of tin' Municipal ■iininissiiiiiers will beheld on Weduesdav. AIiENDA. I To Maa and if approved coiifirin thr .iiiiint.-. of Mm Ordinary Meting held on 28th M.uvh l>!> I J. Mr Doimhlson- NOfgaatMß. :t. Mr. Maxwell's laaigaallaa t. Poli.-e Court f.'.s S. Coal of ammunition for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 CTBLLT AM) WALSH, LIMITKD. raW AM) I'OIMLAR BOOKS. The Story <if the Sun. by Sir RoheH Ball: Coloured Pktoa. IIOJO Korea and The Baored Whit Mount -in. by Cspt. A. J. I'nvendish; with 4<i original illustrations SIJ SO The Hairy Ainu; :t-«Ml miles oa a Pack Saddle ia Vc.. etc..
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    • 906 3 NOTICES. |Establishec 1865. "OILET.HAROREAVESACOEroinksbs, Ibon k Hk v-s F.'i'.v i'Kks. BtOMmMAMMmtm, nßinoK Bet i.hkrs, ShuBUILDBBB. GINEBAL CoNTBACTOBS. SINGAPORE k KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YAHI>. HKJH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY trom leading British Firms
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    • 839 3 SHIFI'INQ. For t.encrui Hhlpplac Kowt 800 Pago 4. FOR ADELAIDE. MELBOUBNI, AND SYDNEY. taking cargo for all Australian and New Zealand PorU Via Java. Th.« Steamship DARIUS, Captain Joka Curry, UM tons nxtt rep., left Calcutta oa 4th instant, via Penang and is dae han oa 13th id.tin. She haa
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 209 3 ArrnuiteiuentA. MoSDAY, [>[H Al'KlL. Hinl) Water. 0.25 p.m. Auction Si!e of liirs.^ at A bra inn's V*i.l.! Oo. ft.U p 111. S f. 0. TelinU ToillMllft l'...i.i.ii li.'u.. CLoir. UdtHts fmliiatinn 5.80 p. in. I'.iii.-i-IJ.Il.'w Coiii|miiv in fetfd M» Not. Town Hall, t* p in TcKstuT, 10m Atrm.. II
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    • 239 4 Under tbi» bPiuliuK tlix following ahlir.uinti.iun are u»«d :—*tr. —nt.'umer »h. —«hip; h<j.—barqup; Brit—British IT. S— T'tiit.-.i SUtw rr. —French; Ocr. —German; Dut. Dutch Job. —Joliore; Ac, 0 Oaaaul caiyo d. p. —dock pumwuiifHrH U.—I'liwrtaiu T. P. W.—Tanjong Pa^ar Whirf T P. U—Taujoiijf P*jrar Dock B. W—Borneo
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    • 1267 4 TR AD ING VESSELS. Akkiv.m., .sis. Noon or Fmbmi, Angtrt Brit. str. 1,077 tons. Capt. lia.nnist.-r 7th Apl. From Uambur^ via ]wrtn. IM X.1.. U.c. P. Simons *Co. For Bon^koii r. p d. Karlfruh*. Oer. str. 3.450 tons. Capt. K u.ier Sth Apl. From Uons on^j. 3rd Apl. Il.' .1.
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    • 117 4 Vessels Expected f,.rt, ami Dm* tftmimn KkOM [j<)»|miN EUJaonUr* X.-i.. gg Qaadalqairif Mar. 11 ÜbMawJiaaehlra Mur LlVKKl'.xil. Hilin,,. kUI Am. 'ii Mar 9 (I i/. Mir 10 j BMTtffc .<lir I.. bU riMMMO il»r T«rt»r. Apl Kinturk H\KIM vTifa.ii <i,v Etoben EUekeMra, I).-,- IFniKi^riMf 27 CnißlM, !>..-•: Inrhsrran. Dm IS
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    • 126 4 MASSED Sl)M>A STRAITS OK AKlUVbU rwiv UtttJAi&a Dat«. and t Smr'fi N»««. I'mmNiim ..k Kk.,« WHMik Dmtmatio* uM M»r J» Ned «ir Ir li D* U .'T M ir l;,!t-rlun 3l> itr Vuo niirt< Kooiaj hb 11 mi lUl.r.n :Vi l«rit. rb clli<l<- IS 'irlilT IIkUik 31 As
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    • 232 4 ARRIVA LS 5 VmmKL't Namk. ffcM TOM. I'AI-TAIN. 1(1. 1 > ,ID Apl. 7 Angim 7 Sri ->nit in,7 F-D»ni{ 8 K rUruhe I'alaiurotU 8 Sumatra Sommerf.l.l II > h H W latUarg 8 fieri..! i 8 SrUTier 8 i Jan) hi- i8 Gorgon 8 Hanoi g I-uU-li.. 8 CanliDH
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    • 87 4 Dai i Vlhikl'k Iwi, Fla.i 4 Rio CAI I A I n Apl. 7 OlwtUl 7 K ch»'d Kickmtra I fcura»tr» I I<«bell» I Xmi» 9 Kr,..-o.r 9 AwUi-t 9 Riagkep Vjn*r 9 H. W. SmM«| 9 I Baniliermuiin lint. -tr <mt bq «tr. «tr. Unt <tr -tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 1031 4 N()TM'i>. 3IVOAPOEI SPORTING OLUB. SPRING MKETINU, I*4 [hi Spring K»c9 Meeting will b«. held ou TiiHodny. Thur-day and Saturday. May IhlM, l"th aW Wk PMMMAMMM. FIRST DAY TUESDAY. MAY Bth. Firjt Race. IiAIOEN PLATE.— VaIue— UM sVSsM fur Msiden lloiaal First. c!a-s to carry list; S^cind-clsßs. 1(M.; and horses i
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    • 1460 4 DUCKS. 'fttß TAN.;ON<i PAGAR DOCK CO. I LIMITED. IsMMtasttJ of the OstsWMf are Htnafc-d i- a.lj iuin^ tli t >wn of Sin,'»--p .re. Strain trmu-cars run arryin/ pMMatJtaa and goods from Wharf la destinations at 1..w >at s. The Wharf cxten U to one mile and a quarter
      1,460 words
    • 655 4 NOTICES. IIOWARTH TCRSKINE T IMITBD, U1NOAPORB. ARRIVED SJIEBK A i MIKM1NS MM I rfiINKE'8 rpREBLE /"1TLINDER IXIVl.MU -jyjACHINE AIR |>UMPS I"\RESSES 1OMPLETE. iMiBCTBIti I>ELL "llfIRK specially insulated for the Tropic*. DELL JNSTALLATIONS, C> -ii iiiuIit ski ln.i nup •rviai'in aul guarantor]. "T NO AN DESCENT T AMPS 1" to lit)
      655 words
    • 67 4 NOTICES. T L A W 8 O N O'JNSULTIHO EWOINKK*. SURVKTO* A»D Machimkky Vai.i-kr. MARINE CLUB BUILDIN'OS. Drawings, SpeciGrat ious, ami MrtasMsM given for the purcha-e or Repairiujf of SUanieni. Engines. Boilers, Pumps, 4p. All classes of Machinery, both new and seoond hand, bought and sold on Commission. Steamers surveyed
      67 words
    • 53 4 NOTW-KS. RAHTJKNS ANTI-F()CUN(i COMPOSITION Otlinr mak«i t|,an oui oripnal tur» ar« now »«n»f«,. The (fenuiiiß an.l ouly Com Do.i». n which Mb. himself hSZ!?*** tIonisHAKTMAJ(N'sHAHTJ«IH, ail< jL,^*re marked with these words and trad, an open hand in Red. Reject all oth^ oSZZSZS lv tJ n> c Aneuts in Biii),
      53 words