The Straits Times, 5 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1894. NO. 18,285.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1090 1 A.MSEIP COMPANIEB. ■JMIBbWIiIB »v[i iIKIKVMI. MUM 1 SAVIUATION COMI'WY Orrics Collyer Quaj. Wsibvbs and Gonowm— New (larUmr. 1 its mail steamers nay he ripe ted ti, ar--«M« aad leave Singapore homewar a I .llowio.; daU.l IWTVISM ll'iii.iii.. ISM. >.-—"• Apt. I* ««Kill« A|.l. 1« TU.,.. M.j I M»r U Hmt«<
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    • 915 1 SIKA.MSIIII' COMPANIES. DX KONINKLIJKE PAKETV^ART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'ndor contract with the Netherlands India Government. inpore. Ship Aobnct, late J. Daknhki.B a (;0., 2-3, Collter Quay. Agents at Penang, M(SBItS. HcTTENB&CH LIEBIBT A CO. Tlie Company has a fleet <,f :{,< Steamers, wild splendid aee.inim.Klation Ist first class, laaa, and derk paßßMgOta,
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    • 767 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. For Borneo Ports via Bawean and Sourahaya. On the Bth of every month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Banjermassin, Pulo I aut, Passir, and Kotei. Once every month on the 23rd a steamer is despatched to Dongala, Berow, and Bulongan also
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    • 892 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. IVTORDDBUTSCHBR LLOTD. ll BREMEN. The fast snd well-known steamers nf this linn run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, eallinfr en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Honfckonfr. In connection with the arrivals and departures of t)ie«e maii steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 629 1 INSURANCES. GUARDIAN FIBS AN" LIFE ASSURANCE! COMPANT, Liy.TED, LONLH)N. EsTABLIBBBD 1811. Sutiscribed Capital 41.000,000 Total Invested Fnnds 4,61 A,000 Annual Income, 9*8,000 The undersignca. agents for tbe above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of ten days or longer periods, at current rates to be named
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    • 719 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $*****,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFI no 000 000 PROPRIETORS j ..WW.UW.WW COCBT Or DlBBCTOBS:— Chairman— H. HOPPICS, Esq. Deputy Chairman C. J. HOLLIDAY, Esq. c Mi, Biii.on Eaq. a. MrCoatcsit, Eaq. H. II .losrrn. X, J. 8 Moara.Eaq, Hon. J.
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    • 685 1 NOTTCBB. ROBINSON Co. HAvr Bf.rivr.p a iiipmm ot OWHIDE 1.1 ADMTOIVC B4IW. 18 2 1. '22. and 24 inches Cowhide Brief Bags, 10, IS, l.t, 14, tM U inches Cowhide Tennis Gladstone Bags, whirt can tin used as Dri>ss Suit Bsjrs Cow hide Square opening Hand Bag« Cowhide Bulge Hand
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  • 515 2 LATEST MAKhTKT gPoTATION*. Siwoaporb stb April. 1894. Produce. Gamhier. S S. do Cube No. 1. 1150 do do No. 2, !i.JS. Copra Bali 5.75. ao I'oiii i.nrik 5.50. Peppt>r Black 10.30. Sago Flour. Sarawak '250. do Brunei > .li7^. Pearl Sago U. 55. Coffee Bali. 4'). Coffee Li berian
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  • 84 2 DM Per itr. IW< To Moanow Billana sal raaaaaak, »i.. WKn-i 5»0... Is a, Samba, iiu.l 1'..,.t. > D a Bs* Whatt Bm 1 I'm. I 1..X Au-,,11 via B Wxti l/i« ICwp, 3 p.m. DaH, QMnai 3 |..m. Kaaic vlaatrts, aViTajalaa. 3 p.m. Satckdvt .-..un.b.y« v I
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  • 107 2 raoMßuaora Bjiin-MM ut. v... tli. In 1 lasttai witn aakM Io thr IMk March. bs bri r |..i.-- in tho aail aUat llett t Siu^aporr ..11 tii> i.uli rahianj n >■ ii..n..k-.\.'., h> laaeanaaaa n railsiaai sip ct -1 aaa laj X.1.. Jl-t Feb. J7ili Mar. 7th
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  • 200 2 Akkivai.h Pit s. a, SaMfte from Klaus; -Messrs. liarhean, .ml Ffcomas, ami M rt. Little. I*. -r ll from Bangkok -MUs F. Luftiis, Mr. and Mn, Qriadrsd, Mrs. D. 1,. da Staplauder. Mr.. Juei <1« Raienie. nMMMHIi I TO ARKIvK. Per I. s Arrailia, from Lomlon, March lii,
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  • 433 2 STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY, 5TH APRIL. 1894 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Khtablisheu IML PHm 10 Cents. ftAterifH m roMs v ■> b rtUimg mhs muij be fun ml ml thr fourth ftf K<»i.ili Olllracr ai I'.irn. There has been aaatber bomb satiaga at Paris al ih- Biialaaiaal Povot, epposite the House of the
    Reuter  -  433 words
  • 323 2 Jinrikishas and Gharries in Singapore. Tin: departmental report on Hack net Carriage* and Jinrikishai in Singapore in 18:i:f. notes that the irharrv owners fed k.N'iil\ the in i usaiiiij competition of jia riki>has Tile nn;nl..r ..t ghaiTJ HceßSei amounted last \.-.n- t.. .".7" ajsinsl '.-T iKsiu-l in iss'.'L 1 and
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  • 822 2 I mi. ii hi Singapore proeperoua ; cluli ..t one hundred and iftj memben wli.. pliv upon the Bare Course links Tli.-r. i- .i newer dub of tome nxt] memban «li" |>l;iy upon the Sepoy Line* link*. At the links of the Bingap ire GhJf Club, ladle*
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  • 14 2 'Imb boaaaward <J.tiiihi inul I.- th Karltruht ekton on htoaday, ,it I n -v
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  • 14 2 Tv I'iiilli iiin. >nic Choir mad lai BafflM l.isti'iition on bloaday, kt .Yrt'i p.m
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  • 20 2 To-aoanow, al 5 80 p ny U%d) I will (.res. ni ths |.r.7 .it ths l.i lies l.iw r.-nnis dab
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  • 20 2 Tni m*il .l-s[.it. h--.| from Btngajw London, via Briadiei, on ths 7th nil ia was delivered ou the 2nd instant.
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  • 21 2 Owura to Batorday asxl being H*ri Baya, the monthly medal pi ij ■<< I Club i» aostpoaod till B*twday tb.- I4tl> iastnat.
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  • 19 2 The Customs Returns at Hiiii.-I.oL shew tliat. iv Ki'bruary picala ol n were exported from tlmt ("irt to Siu>(-
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  • 28 2 An 4taoeiatioo Football Hatch betwsia I i.iui from 11. M S. P(«O«es ami »lie '.lines.' K -iti. .ii i .ill. will Ik: pUyedoa ■ing ai the uiter'i) groans
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  • 27 2 PnnpaaATtom fof esUadiag ibeek* trie tiainw.iv hue to the City gate *l H*m; i I thai it probable ins Ural oars would ht«rt on Usl
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  • 42 2 iivmn i to the M.ili.iiiniif.lau //j" &f* whi.ii ovGiin on Saturday, iii« S. C.C ground mil clueed to all play. Tina a Hie M .li.iikiim.Uii fsstival .it Ibe year, and prufssaon ul the failfa desin upon thai daj .is ao ,il;-...lnt.- boikm]
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  • 41 2 Tas Boaska corvette BimU, Commiader Kroeojer. arrived .it Sißgipofi In* morniog (rum »'ol bu, oo hei Vladiwoitoca Hongkong;. The Bm* ii „i 8,600 tons, and 8, iota _.i ii-. and i iiri.s ,i cw ■"i Sbe leaves for Chin i shortly.
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  • 45 2 Ovine ffitn February. II K. II Pnoej |i >vawoagse entertained the member* ibe diplomatic and consular corps iu H»pK kuk m a diuoer given id lbs *<""#' Office therein honour of Mr E H I •"•b11. 1!. M. C maul, praviaiuto bu i*y** in.- for Europe.
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  • 76 2 Mk. Johi Fulaysob basifiveo M.i I .1 M.c.i. :ai. i. m uuman I"' 1 l Voluol «r \.nli.-n. Ih U, devoted to tlw purcba I competitions in l*u branch** v rt cycling and »wiinmio« amooß UJ il.-s The. lit* bowtb., tm-iv. Tta l*|J i fi rfter .1. h .r •■>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 699 2 mHE BORNE') COMPANY. LIMITED. rpHK Standard Lifi" BMaSBMS X Norwich [MSB Fir.. Insurance S.K-iMy. Atlas Aa«urane<i Oaoamaf I The Equitabls LMi Asuuranco ioamtf The ()cmo Mariii*. lu«uraiie.. C'ompan). The China Mutual Stoam Navigation I BJ The Tottenham I-aR-r lasr Osasaaa?. Tl o Maritimo liiHuranctt Company. Limited For particulars of tliM"
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    • 1431 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, aud French laio-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 966 2 NOTICES. MRS. POTTEH A MR. BELLBW WITH THEIR OWN I ONDOR COMPANY, 4 Niehts only. ToWtf HALL. Saturday. April Tth, at 9 p. m I'ader the Patronage and in the presence of His Excellency Sir C. H. B. Mitchell. k. c. m a. lur.ri Me Xot." In a Acts. BmahaaJs
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    • 969 2 LATEbT ADVERTISEMENTS. WANT£D. a good Okineu clerk a< Assistant Bonk-kaepxr. Must liars a good handwriting and be quick at figures. Apply by lett«r to K. T. Z. 7/4 c/o Straitt Timrn Oflioe. mNdAPnRK GOLF CLUB Owinif to Saturday b«in(r Hari Raya, the monthly Modal I'Uv will be postponed till Saturday
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    • 7 2 Kor I.eurral Hhlppiag >e«s hat Paj(« 4
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    • 61 2 ttujfiT o«iv. B» tU «»yUrt lIUI mrndw aT.B.g. IN njteui tut m^M otlunrU. t.« 411 «4wrtiMt« Mlwf, mrt nhjtct U IU ~mJiho» tluit tkt Mtmtfrr iwi.UaM tkt «.i».rtv^ 0/ Id. p.,p^ Ml mm pr... iMtu,. (in, ft^n,,. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 WtATHKR REPORT. Kauinj aVatea W...i-im(. om Apm, i-'i la iv. .Ip vi. |..u. KiniKtv Bar. iwL 3i Yah. V,5t4m.077 ~g IVhi|.. sj.,-, N ;i 73.U 3 An bulb Thar. 76 S 77 1 75.S l»ir. ot W.u.l X VV. N. rj C*l«. Max. Tmua. la shads 85.7 Hii a> .Iv
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  • 847 3 Ti <- BrUablllt* of 4 rlllral Keealt*. M t\ r I Church. U«t night. broaghl to a i laat 1 ritiriaoi v of i ri- iheea waa ndol th« ketane rrgaJariy had i appli--1 Bui v. of laliorij urnal pubihed the m ".ii. •if the phrase
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  • 591 3 An Action for Damages Against the Bornio Comapany Limited. Thl ('as:. n.HMisatn. Ai II I! M .Ini'.'k .k.outhe Jitiu Mann, before Mi Preach aadajary ...,,»i.,-.i.,. I nets..,,. Meatra. Heck, I r. "is ..;i. .in I K"iii|,, tlie action 10 eompaaeatioa btoaghl by N m liaal tin- i; m* <
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  • 154 3 I'm Hecuba, which aiiiwd al ltin^kok oa the 80tb March, brought np three ei[wrieartrl Pnrniih minnn tor tliij Byodi- it, "Captain" Jiarii formerly coo1,.- t.-.l with tin- Uyanre ninee) »nd KMI 1 t and Kieharda. Phej ar.go ag up to K lluii nt on. i'
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  • 56 3 lATIOI K B\l L M II Kf The following Matchea will tak. place mi the following d it. on 8. C C. grouad. April i'"t:i s C. C 1- I. 1 -'7i i.ii Inmhire Ist team. Kaj 4th UK ***** n (;.irris,,n l-'l< m. Ofieen of Oarriaon.
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  • 197 3 1 1 1- |>ropoaed to boi 1 tbe Almu.ll Binga- Lot Clab Athletic Bpurla .ilnnit 11, i.1.11.' of .1. pn>nd«d t loflWeat Dumber of 1 ill. eatrire are forth* .nun.: In vi.w of tbe nmegrii mpporl L -i\.n to til.- iporti mi r.'. <nt »,.ir>.
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  • 1352 3 Rioulak Attendance of th P>:BIDC<IT Tat WOII O» TUB COMMISSION KES T«« Pat or Municipal Exploykkb. T«« Pkbsidint Not a thb Board's Hbhitatiox About mi. pcndiuhi amd pat qokstioni. Thi Finascm. REroKMS AND iMPROVEMtN rin Hand. I'h> A (ministration Vfjiort the Municipality for 1 8!*3, .how*
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  • 168 3 The S|)rin>» Tennis Tournament aaaaf the auspices of the Singapore Cricket Club commeueed yesterday. Ykstebday's Phi. Prokkssiox Pairs. InsiiratK'.' I'm- .V D-iinv-. Navy II BhaUetd Hat.' 14, ti-i. t>-3. II wtniAP Pairs. Onuan. ewe 888 l Warren A Hind.-, wr t>o. 6-1. Tavlor A Stalit. Ha*
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  • 146 3 Championship. P. M K11i.,1 a, F. D. Mactuforart. A Clash Bisa&aa, IV I! BeeM s,-r.,t.-li t -T 0 Anthoiii«r J. A. B. C. Doyle «t. F. O. Oaggtabeeg M-r <J Muirow.' U P. bT. W. Firinstoni' I.. B." <I.ASs SINiILBB. M K riiiMipton srr. ("apt. Wurr.n s, r
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  • 113 3 DOUBLB Ha- hical' ■raaeVlaad Klli,.tt nan tl i flaggliViig and Rargeaaal ter. Aadenca and Muir c,w.. IM MePeagal and Rahartaaa r MeXrtlmr aad BomarvOla aw. p. Shelf ord and Sli.lfonl s.r Carle and Pye ear. a. D.uuys ami Dittint sor. PaoraaaiOl Pairs. ■avy I.—1 B-rininiriii-n .in 1
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  • 183 3 In Knnioipal Bagiaaar, in rVajiaaJ Baaerl lor awkee the followiag ohatrvetioni oa Johaatoa'i Pier la the brylßiilag of the year, both tl»' |M>nteeaa at Jnhaatnai'a Pier weta pat ea tat dip fur r,'|iair». which it waa found tli.v badly l-l We bava gnal deal rf ttouUa with taaaa
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  • 355 3 Storage of Fire Works and Matches. in Town /•v ti,. Muahiptl nmiiiiuTi iwaaaJ Btateri In prac. i..-, a lieaaat to r.-i ul theet arti. eta* in uu: r.-f iit.-.l to .my vail Imill and w.-ll order., l ibop where no trade *vi ii .is that of a baker or ragar
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  • 96 3 The winu.'ts iv the rceut Tournament of the above Club are to be presented with tHeir prifes to-morrow afternoon by Lady Mitchell. Tbe new Cb.ampioDtb.ip Cup Ins not yet arrived from China, so tbat the winner thereof, Mr*. Lovell, cannot re eive the cup to-morrow.
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  • 170 3 Thk Actinir Bapariateadeal of the Fire Brigade, in bis lapoH for 1 ■<'.':!. .states that the total valii" of |iro|M-rtv destroyed iariag fires in tbat |>oriod is estimated at 9518,885; BOVeved by insurance to tbe extent of taWMWO. Tli.' total mi iii I. er of fire*, reported
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  • 199 3 Thk Report of the Dogs and Rabies Department for 1893 uives 766 a» tbe number af dojfs destroyed during that period. The number of do>{g regiatered xtood at 1,451. The report of tbe Acting Superintendent concludes as followt Comimri'djwith Bat pre\ ions til,, fig-urex givea
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  • 201 3 A i kßKKspondemt writfu us iuatretoor at fear for tbe music-loving people of l>.'!i. hi. h inusir in-ill. artraetad from that inor.' or ims agiajaabia iiiitrument tin- piano. He says bt reoratly waul to l>- li t.> naerally naovate und taaa an BiVi-ral pianos tberu. He was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 TVBAFNBSB OOMPLBTBLT OUBBO Any paraoa taSariag from Daafae**, Kobe* in tin- rTrtd. .V.. May lean eft aew, simpla ti-.'.-itiiH'iit. wUeh is proviag rarv innrnanfal in |i!i'l.'l\ curing eaaa* of ill kinds. Kull |iarti,'ulars. meladißg nunv onaolieited taatiiii.,ni.iU ami ii..»s|i'|i.'r preae notice*, will l>e sent post fr n n|.p'ii'atiou Th.. KVst.'iii
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    • 434 3 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. "LIOR THE BRITISH STEAMKR "REMBAV "il Tons <iross Register anil 41 Tons nett Regiiter, built of wood, iv Singapore in lrftJ. Length 83 feet. Breadth 13 Depth 7 Engine* mm pound Riirface condensing by Mr. John Inglis. Hongkong 30 H. P. Cylinder* 8}" and II 1" stroke,
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    • 906 3 SHIPPING. For ■aaaaaj sklpplar K«w« See Pag* 4. ■pOR ADELAIDE. MELBOURNE. X 1 AND SYDNEY. taking cargo for all Australian and New Zealand Ports Via Java. Tho Steamship DAKIUS, Captain John Carry. 2,130 tons nett reg left CalentU oa 4th instant, via Penang and is doe hare on 13th idem.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 189 3 ArraimciiM'iils. Till tsliAV, .">TII AlKIl High Water. 1 < p.ia Main.i.'f of Mks rambwtoa '> Mr. Doogkl St's < ." 4J0 p. in. Fkikat. > i if Airil. tliijli Water, lo.iit; a.m. 10.87 p.n. N. Mo,. I, in.:,;, t.a. Lad* Mitchell prewata prise* at facKra' Liwu Tenon dab. 5.80
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    • 260 4 Daasf tin* bbbmbbk Hrn laawamg aiibr.-vin-ti.>us sn- MSalr— atr, Mt«smHr: «H, ship; Imi— liari|in-; Hrit Britinl. VS. I nitwl ■bbbbbi rr. iwasfc;t3sr. Osraaiai Dvt Dutch; Joh— \r o<-- Osasral <-«rif.; d. p.— d-rk BaSSSB|BMS; D. l'n<->T-tsii. ;T. IV \V -Taiij..i K PsM WI,«f:T. P. D— Tauj
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    • 811 4 Arrivals since noon ok rmillltr S l/( .h... Hrit utr SM t..11.-. CM, Wahl Uli A|.l Proa KUll« vn put- ill I Apl. Till 'Ir.-. anil .l p. Mrait- St.amahip Coy. Ltd. Pof Klan,' via port«. 7th Apl. Kl-. Imh. Irit air tffrtnr "f* T j Mil Apl.
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    • 142 4 Name, Port, and D<lt* of tfiiln. FbOM I."-.: I BsJ—iMn IWV H Oaasßaltjaivif Mar. II j I ilainnr^Hiinliire Mar. LIVKEPOOI. i Ulysses. Mar. 6 Hilari*. Mar. o. Auti'uor M»r. i lv.iii/. M»r. In Ku«rifi* Msr. lii; I Ciaii FIStJSBO Mar. 'J7 j Tarter, A|.i i Kiutuck Basbi i
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    • 71 4 i; Vihuil'h Name. a Ki.. Apl. 3 Siak I r.lypw 4 lil.nfrmn t Orient t Vinlobona 4 M»h» Vajirunh.. 4 iMkMi 4 ftrie IVgaUii Han VhH >~>oii 4 Wbi'i" l'r»--4 Amhenrt Sapph" i EUaaka i 1.-m.ln A i,i >i iftUO. Oat »tr 3*M v,nii,fr 'inn K.I. IS B»ta M.->ir
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    • 55 4 Datk TMB'l lin ' A lii.t i'»rrAiN. Pf IUATIOI .pi. 1 Volute lint. «lr. 5 Ulenfrmu -tr. VMtbaM Am i r. S I Chow Phja Hrit «tr. 5 I Nu.Llu -I' 6 Dorii >'<■' 5 t<tr«iblei»n Hnt. -tr pall Nurniah M.r... CUT* Yukiikam* ,,.,a llnnitknuff. Sh»nf b»i l^ I'alrutU
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 1019 4 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEETING, 1894. The Spring Rare Meeting will be held on Tii.mmUv. Thursday and Saturday. May the Mli! loth ami 12th. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAT. TUESDAY. MAT Bth First Rack. MAIDEN PLATE.— Value— s2so. AlUn> for Maiden Horse* First-ela-a to carry list; 5...-..,,,1.,-1h,,. HM.. and hnrww
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    • 1407 4 DOCKS. THE TANJONO PAGAR DOCK d>. 1 LIMITKD. Th» pr»mi'"« of ihe Compvty arw »itm* 1 a» Tanjon; I'aiptr adjoining th- town of Sin.-^--p>re. Stxun tram-on run at thort in'erv-N .•arrytng passenger* and goods from Wharf la destinations at low rat' I*.1 The Wh>rf extend* to one mile and a
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    • 901 4 NOTICES. Establish*. 1865. RII.K V HARGREAVBBACOEnoinkkks. Iron A Brass Turn i>«rs, BoiLIRMAKKRS, BRIDOK BctLprtS. SHU* BUILIIKR*. GENERA!, CONTRA.' TORS. SINGAPORE KUALA. LUMPOR. ***** BUILDING YAtth. HIGH ekss STEAM VRSSF t,s ,m,< nnder construction, from 3*< ft, to 150 ft. length of km>l. of best de«i K n finiah. MACHINERY from
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    • 319 4 NOTICES. T L A W 8 O N. oombultiwo rnoinekr, surtetor and i Machinery Valuer, MARINE CLUB BUILDINGS. Drawings, Specifications, and estimate jriren for thn parchase or Repairing of Steamers. Engine*. Boilnn, Pump-«, Ac. All classes of Machinery, hoth new and Hccond hand, nought and sold on Commission. Steamers surveyed
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    • 364 4 NOTICES. THE STRAITS TIMK THE "SSTRAITH BUDOET The price of the StraiU Time, free is v follows Within Singapore. Daily issne per year 24 dollar. do do co, y m Weekly issue y«» r 1 S dn Upi do do copy |ii „>„,„ Dsily kaafl (.er year III! i|,,|l, r
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