The Straits Times, 3 April 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTAHLISIIED: 18,31. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1«94. NO. 18,283.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 868 1 WisriP COMPANIES. Iy M Or. ,yf. i'»«r«« and Ooiviwun >. v sap* ti MM IM>4. Anl l A,.1. l- !<• -iat<« are only .ret. mar I If I I. .fati 11 M 11 UVI.K UKI NAI'l.rS \\|l K..;\ 11. ).a«sfnger> t>h ne 4 o risit I at lumaiha 'or >'
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    • 1573 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. Fit H.irniv I'nrtn vis Haweanand s oural>aya. On the Hth of every month a steamer runs" in this dinctiin taking direct cargo and pasBBBflata <o Panjermassin, Pulo Laut, Passir, and Kotei. One erery month on the 2-srd a steamer is •lex]Mtihed to DaaaaJa, li.n.w, and Hulongan also calling
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    • 923 1 STEAMMIIP COMI'ANIES. 7VT »RI )r) r UTSCHER LLOYD. IN HI.KMEN. The f»st fuel well-known ••tcamers of this lili" run regular, v between ••rl.sven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Soiitl.ainpioii, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sura, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with !he arrivals and departures of
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    • 631 1 INSURANCES. GCARDUNFIBE vN^ M P£ ABSUKANCF COMPANY, LIY.rED. LONDON. Established IR3I. huDtcribed Capital ...Jl.nno.OdO ToUl inTeuted Funds 4.61(1,000 1 Annual Income, 938,000 Thn undersigned, agents for tne above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short i periods of ten days or longer periods at current rat«i> to be
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    • 716 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF! HOOOOOOO PROPRIETORS j ■•UO.WU.UOO Court or Dirbctobs: Chaibman-H. HOPPIUB, Esq. Dipitt Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY. Eso. 8. c. BTwianse X..,. a. McCoiACiir. K.q. ii it .1..-.. Kimi. js m r- 1. Hod J j Kuwick.
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    • 449 1 yQTT(IEB. A USTRALIAN TTIAT Q!ttßP. FOB SALE In Lots to Suit Pdro**j,«bs Applt to McALISTER Co. L^OR VALE THK BRITISH STEAMBR itniK i M Tons Growi Register and 48 Tom aatt Register, built of wood, in Singapore in 189; Length 83 feet. Breadth 13 Depth 7 Engines compound surface condansian
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  • 546 2 fcATEST MAKKKT y DOTATIONS. Singapore 3bd April, 1884. PROOVCB. Gainbier, 7.70_ do Cube No. 1 12.50 do do Mo. 2, y.25. Copra Bali |jM> do Poutiauak, 5,j0. Pepper Black H.iM%. Sago Flour, Sarawak Uiff. do Urunei Pearl Sago j.50. Coffee Bali 3».30. Codec Liberiau v;,« Tapioca small FUke
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  • 83 2 F- Perstr. Ifaaa To-Mobrow. Kurop« vw purf. A**a»t. 7 a.m. huj.i Pulin'ur. Qluiygi. l&a >........ 1!f,..L.j II a.m. I'uuii.uak. ft.,, I r m If'-nar Tia fsrtt. Hung Wan, I p. 0.. Djimbic, Alan Ann, 1 p.m. i'»»iui ria yart> Bmngkalii. 2 f s.iiifiii fronto, 2 p.m. IV aii?.
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  • 77 2 KK'.ji Xi ii'i-K By tb«<i'rmamit<-*ui«r Kuehten •111., on Weiliii'-uav. hoa HoM.KoN.i, by tbi-P. 4U. s. At*am »\|M-ct '1 to-iiwrn.*. U'l X.1,, X.1.. J7lli Mitr. 71 h M ir. l-'tl. Mar. I 111. Mir. JNt iliir. J.tli P. 4 H M F. *(>. X D.L. .MM P. A
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  • 227 2 Arrivals i'ir h. Vhon- Phya fromKlsng: Mr. 1 1- "true. Per 5. h. JfafaOM from T. Arnou —Messrs. .M urn J. niul Kerr Per c. I. Di'tiiivud from i'suin^ Mr. Da j il ulliu, niul laopsetor M .ffatt. P.Ts.s Oetanmttom Baaahnajh; Mrs.Fii Par a, s. Lmbfi from Herbe.rtsh..h
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  • 236 2 STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY. 3RD APRIL. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ESTABLISHBD IHL Price 10 Cents. iSubicriptinn rntxi and ulr ■rti«mj rOSM may be found on fA< fourth nsjam,] Scottish Legislation. Sir Oeurige TrevelyMi. th" S i-r.-t v fot Si-iitliind, has introduced a BUI int'i the H'mim' of Commons to sranlS a (irand
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 519 2 ••Thoc slmlt not ln;ir Ealac aitneei a.'itinst thy ■afghhaav" M:i roinnini'l-ini-iit promlgaled ia an Asiatic hod, ana with a s|>c''ial rafarnnee t..,in Aatatic bahil of niin.l Tin- rustoin ..f bearing tali witness is so foreign to tin Anglo Banna nan that, hi gnaaml eoarae of aoriptaral uiHtrurtiou, the
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  • 469 2 Thk last ammberof tin- Sabmaor (Tomi mini Giizrtt* nmtaiai several departmental reporta f.>r mat y.;u-. These throw li^-lit .in hwil point, of interest The Baviaaß] Hank ul l\ u,i la Lumpur tor instaaee, wlurli was opsaofl in Maj 1898 has bats hugely nailed "t by the thrifty, with
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  • 140 2 Mr. 'I'an Jiak Kirn has not as vat d.-. tjint-ly resolved thai ha will stHn.i f..rtlnOantral Ward. The attitodt olthi Ran paaa ootaaaatty is that, if Mr. Tun Jiak Kirn will nmaonl lUad, they Bill be ajkd i" have bin as member for tha Wan) If h- »i!l not nil.
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  • 15 2 A Manui "ii beard B. M s. .Uchtr ij fell at I broke In- lag
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  • 18 2 Tbi bonmwsrd m til by the P A 0 at. i Am <■■<■ s al 7 a.m. 10-uiorrow.
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  • 19 2 il M. DtsPAT< ii reaacl AUeritf arri»ed at Hon.'!, Hi.' jn the li t ii March Bata.l i.i
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  • 15 2 As iinpurtant, ami iulereating, jndgmen' m an a| ren ia f ill m to-.1..-.', iaaue
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  • 23 2 Thi u«u il i ting of tbf K ialj.-e Khorr Mark Lod M irk U■- mi is to l>« held nil 1' li.
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  • 19 2 Ajioi i l<-a»t li. I' al l laaaai an tbi Hon. H I. <' I tut Mr. .1 ii Lit.
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  • 27 2 A rcLBOBAM i.'in Mentons hat l»->n received at .ih m^iin. announcing liiafur. 1 v' li Bioietallie L tgne, under the i residency of M. i -rims. >i.
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  • 29 2 Tbi Straits Budget wai pulilml I U"ou to-day. With thoac oopiet '> \<- sent l.v tv P. and •>. ma I I liere \.-:i M added i )up|>leiueol containing t u\ n. >
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  • 36 2 Thk Kii'.'k II i Hit I'-turns ~li.»w that, vi December last, about 8.W.815 picnli "t rice were exported fr..tu tlirtt |mrt I- m I:. .1 Muary H9l. the rial export from l!inu'!'"k to Singapore leachsa 135,000
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  • 41 2 Ai Mi- quarterly communioatioa u\ Oraud L.l.'- ..f Muk Master Masons of Knglaod. held »l Mark Masoaa' Hall. tb» Kui of Bustoa, Prw-Qfand MistSf. pr» tiding, the I'm.' I v7alss wai uoanitn >u«ly el*v lOrand Mark Mant** U tin- eusuina ■•-it
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  • 49 2 Miii iici.i A< Dinetory nas. in the rolam« [<n \9H, reached it* torn ninth annual isene, and bai Dndergone refision and addit bun,' tli- work- up to date. The Dindor) iv iio taint its value I ir ntferenoa par|i ism with regard to the newspaper preai "i tbi" i
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  • 76 2 HARXBK W A BBSS i. II it ufleroi i the I', .v 0. 8«d foi Chi id aud A to Boglaud Nearh all tbeoffi »raof ih fool on duty i atten led the depai the ateamer; and there were present »art in ,m >n lo bid i new. -II to
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  • 94 2 Tbk lim| [uatitute intend* ir mi U n 8i:• ml next, in eibihtion of tbu artiatic an I deouratif* pottery. i hiii. i. an I \f\lM lining I'liin-H iv tfct (Joited KiokJ The Elbibiti in, -In Ii- any iinplei that may U illustratioK the condition of these indu* tries in
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  • 87 2 Tim roi Wboibbpai Psoruaioa Paim Civil B..rvi«- Antbonua fJnai Army [nsursumi I'y Denny" Karj II s'"' l ford Si 1 1 II LHDII v- PAina .-■,-,,tt A Orman a i Wtmtt H»" l>v tßlarl one r Taylor A Bjal*« I I i ii \\:vi iNsiiir 11r.n1.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 630 2 rpHE POMrMOOOIIPAsTT, I.IMI TKI). rriHE Standard LNa lesammm X Norwich t'nmn r ire lr.suran.-r S-h lety. Atlaa AMuranea t'omi«i.y Kire The KquiUbln Life A«uram-e Soeiety Th» Oe^n Marine laaammm Cmii|iany Th« China Mutual St«am Navigation Coy The Tottenham I*ger Beer < nmpauy. The Maritime liißuran.-e (>m|>any, I.imit.«l. For partldilarn of
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    • 1180 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest r circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French lado-C:iina. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 735 2 NOTICES. "ROBINSON" Co. HAVE KECEIVKD A SHIPMENT M 4 UWHIUE tLIDSTOXE B\«.s. I s J'>. -1 and 24 inches. Cowhide Brief Bags. 10. 12, 13, It, and 16 inches. Cowhide T.mnii Uladaton-) Ba^s, which can also be used a* I)r Suit Btg«. Cmv iii le Sqiiar" ojieniiig Hand Bag* Cowhide
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    • 978 2 LATKoT ai > v E n s me n rs. CORKS! CORKS! ItROSSII ll Jnr.. 34, BI de Strasbourg, PARIS. t'Oßk BAM hit un-.v im-Ults OF COKKKTS Of fORK UUv CORKs OF Al L K'NOS: For H ne». So l«, Il» r. K9.-r.Mcmt Watm. Ci.l.r, .ul .l-ofor P«rf mr.. I'S-uisU.
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    • 8 2 i ..i Uentral Mblppiutf Newt He* I'mo 4
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    • 82 2 M.S.S. xtttndii for ll» Wrail* fßjasl ilv»M bt rn»n •r. <m« tUt Ov# r*V' *"ly- »V ufln-l of that .-.• tvm mmv M.S.B. or. rtj.rUi Ikul ,«.,M t>tk*r*,,, 1., AU •4wrM«mf MKtrtcU «r» tukjrtt la IU .-"n^itM», lluil IW MaMfx lutUm IK* «b>m t.m.Fil o/IKr w«r in we/ ft—m»J
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 91 2 WEATHER REPORT. gsMlsaa aVafcaa ll -Ja.i Jynt, i-.-i '.I 4 111. p.m. '.I |..u. litMlKkv U«r. rv.l. JJ full. ...*>.a7jM.h*»tM -5 I'eiup. M.& etd.o "u.i; Thac. 73.5 70.8 74 S x L»ir. ul WiLl \kw. iinw. Calm. M.x.T.-aip. in.-Li,le KM S? Miti. do Uu 7J.S c L Max. m.-Mia 10i.5
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  • 1812 3 .ih .tnd othera. iif,i,ilu,u j i. > i i i ii. reej t, c' 1.1 Illd'l" I.V ll Alt* Ih- .1; .1 in < i.nj .vi il pi liulifl .ii 111. 111,,. 1 to nt, in- ul i that Hi.- i al .nil. i- ration foi I
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  • 110 3 A rum Bad ok awde th- other day Kj toawfUbern al Btaafey (Hongkong.) While euKaiced i:i Un-ir roratioa aiaong i .1- mi, there iii •>''lii .i v,-,y Urga »uark, moaaarii aboal six feet iv ibej eyed to tbe riHaaje, ,i, I ..n i be i.i -i
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  • 143 3 Tiif. .v Gevermmtmi (.'«.'-(/<■ "f tli- 30th Man h coutali s ,epi»rl L Pebruajry last, wiiicb In, --ii'li.iri-iii i- rite ia Baaraafl -it prenMt On ...I- -i -I ,ii. ii rear. If,' iad baa Uaa of niiU'.i-- wra 1 In i-i r «.r r.i_'- hava baM
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  • 169 3 Thk Moakdea eurcopoodoat of the ftbaaefcai Mmvtuj writea t—Apnptt ot .id out opium just now. lei me mention wbai on* di-t.i,i af Maacbiiria ia doini; t,wii,N belpiag the ludian Oov.-rnuieiii to s.i-i-:» tlie doMaad of lha Anti-Opium Boeioty A ahott tiaw w when }uurneyiog norlb, I daily met
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  • 180 3 A. ■•> Dta« to lli.' ./>■'// 1. a man imi:i.i [ahlb—hi. »!i.> wml to Sutui at tbe tun.- vi iii.- reveal Iroabta with France willi .i vi. ..I i vine, ll'.-.inm. i.-.i-iillv i. 11. ii. l.i .l.i|,iii on a |.l'it.i>.' llil-.-uiU iioin tbe Ifioiater uf Education.
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  • 144 3 Bi i I', gk ik, t'l-.nldi-iti- .iii»iiii.' lr-.ui ii..- Kp.iii.oBiamran iroul m i- i >>t iik.h i.. begis until tw J called ill.' Ban liirn .ki the Tour I. 1,.' 111.- I't.r.l io undur tin- leceal .'oiiMutf i. brlweea Pram and Sinn I;
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  • 1112 3 E\traordinar) siairiii.-m- b) a Sinxaiiorr M.i^i-ir.u. Tamils M 4 POUCI 0 'i -is to Pay orr oi.i> Sc.ik- PiKJUItY BTBS GBKVTIE At I'E.NANQ. POLICI C'OUBI* ABB USED TO FKOMOTK Übelkss Litioatios. In tlu- Bapajaaf C .urt Hiim lerninf, mm aauweaj BUlee»enta n«rei bmmb bj Mr.
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  • 81 3 'I'm Kallowiag waa the 1898 yield m t'l ii ratal*, ili.- proper! y o'' the Koa'bki Martin Ljeter, *bo left y-steid.iy for Ku-.jl.iiid Ban *'a\ k* k-iui A".... 1 j..-r Ar,-i < Iran Acre in in Afr < ..IV.-.. In Pled* tMM Picul- ami Catties 1U
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  • 250 3 i si mh ..i i Stampino or Cattli. Recently at Hoii^L'oii^. sotue stir waa made by tbe prosecutiou of the Portuguese w.itchiintii of the ttoi. rt'iii-iii Cattle Depot there. This uiao was chirked with forgipg th- iaopoetioa murk ol th- Colouial Veteriaary Surgeon by
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  • 131 3 (TO ARKIVI r'.T I. <l. a. JrMnVe. from London, Mar,-li lt>. \ir-. H..w«ml U.-utlev. M.i»-rg. J. E. K-r1... .i.i.l B. H. Darrick. Per Valttta, L .nd -n. March 2:', Mr. A. (.'ai-mich*-!. and Mi-. H via D Per P. .V <>. Boat*, fro ii Laadoa, April It, c
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 433 3 1/ i T Z BROTHERS' TAILOIUXt; DEI 1 A MTM AWT Nkw (jo, His ArBIVIN,) RK..CLAKLY. Sums. is Harri- Twe...U. OaahaMra suitings. Homespuns for tropi.-al or BBBM wear. OrFBOOATIBOa, (fBW Oi-siqhx. TwetMl ami (.'a-iiin th Trowseriugs. good variety. Black and Blaa fnaeh Twills. ('outings nil eaioafa, ii.-nt s.-;.-.-tioiis. Tknnis
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    • 1025 3 NOTIoBK. SPOKTINO CLUB. SPRING MEETING, 1894. The Spring Rae< M»eting wi'l be held on Tu~d»y, Thursday and Saturday, May theSth. loth snd EM. PROGRAMME FIRST DAT. TUESDAY, MAT «th FtE«r Ha«e MAIDEN PL\TE— Value— s2so. A Race for Maiden Horses First-cla-s to carry list; Secoud-clsss. lOst. and horses entered for
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    • 836 3 SHIPNiNCi. Fnr tirneral Shipping Hrn No* Pag* 4. FOR ADEHinE. MKLBOURNB. AND SYDNEY, taking am for all Aua'ralian and New Zealand Ports Via Java. Tho Steamship DARIfSt, I'aptain John Cnrry, 2 M tons n»tt reg is expoct«d to arrive here from Calcutta on or about tha 10th Proximo. Shu has
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 155 3 Vrrniittruiriils. TUKSIIAY, OKI) AI'KII. lii^'h Water. 9.10 p. in. Church Work Aeoorkuioa Moutbly Meetiug. Ruffles Girls' BvhooL 4p. at. Wkdxksdav. tin Apkil. High Water. 9.2 a. in. !).4O p. tu. P. 0. huni-wiid nmi .loses 7 a.m. (f.-riii.iii on:* ml in ul S.C.C. Liwn T.-nuib Toiiriminent begiu*. L-eture oa
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    • 239 4 Under tliia ueadiug tli- fullowug ab'n-.'* i ti.ius are used: str. steamer; sh. ship; bq.— barque; Brit —British U. S.— rTnitwl Sute*; r'r— Kreuch; (ier.— Ge-nnau; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.— J.ihore; Ac., G.c Qaaaral farjro; d. p. dflok pa,s(«t>ngMr» U. Uncer. Uin T. P. \V— Tsnjong Pagar Wlurf
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    • 1167 4 ARKIVALn MHI.I MUUN F lt-;M;|.H Oiang Ann, Brit. str. 55t> torn. C»pt K.11.-tt. 2nd Apl. Krum Sanutrang. :ilt» Mar. <J. c, and US d. p. Tan Knu Tian i. tsrnm. ft* BateTU 4th Apl.— Bda. Malacca, Uric. «tr. *ji tons, Cupt. \>n\y. Jn 1 Apl. From T. Anaon
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    • 149 4 I t,,n. *U I>'U* */a%taW,. i'i;u» Lomua. EUlaonoaire, Feb. U Japu F- I". Guadalquivir .dnr II lanin Mai l.n i aPOoL M .ii.. U.i, Pah. U Aj.x. r«fa -i Ulyaaas, Mat J I Anteu .r »l»r 9 v v. Mnr. 10 Baanria Mnr -viii Fraoeisoo il»r. -7 TnrtHr,
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    • 192 4 t'LkO 5 VmmMh'a Run. Tom. Captain. a Ki.i ipi. 1 Clam Brit.itr. 2»tO !i., J iiao? Ann Ktr. IH X.ill It 2 .lalirci h *>■"> l>'lv 2 UougKut rtr, M *o .ii mi 2 |Di*mon.i I HT. I" I" I I ■i !.\'iuu An itT. I'M |M 2 eaffkalii
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    • 89 4 I>»TVihskl'h Nim. r .»>. < b I'll I)«»TIN»T1O1«--pi. I •1 s I I I 3 :t 3 3 3 I.» LoDgilan CUm I'nnunruU! Dim Woolwich Diamond CbMßf Mack Hi.m [■Mi Kut.»i.K i:«wo»u tiajub Hrookc <ii-nrf Aim Am i v llmgiuiln Hj* I •■■up *'»rul n» H.nol Hnl -tr utr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 463 4 NOI HI 8. TIcALISTER Co. hUTI tVBt MM KIVKD A i-HII'MKNT Off JAMES WATSON Co.'s CRLBBKATID SCOTCH WHISKEY. (THK DOMIKII MIND.) A>k tur the Doiuinir Bwd hkek Label.) OUAHANTKKI) lo YEAlis OLD. PRICK SIO.OO PBB CASE. ye A LIS T E R ft Co., Sole Agents. 'iktn Forest and Lightest
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    • 917 4 NOTICE!). rank I>l LIT, H LBOBIJI V I s a COKwoiskfum Ibml Urach Fi>i7!«m bk. aao«a*n« Bwm>« ImwU Sane ■mm*. Binui. > toirwievofiMii sivcaP )RK t KUAIVA 1-UMl*<>l{ Sill I' ltriLMSd YAKU. KIOII <•!.■•■. STEAM fantSLN ahraM umler roimtniotioi, fmir W ft. to IM ft. l«li(fth of keel, of baa*
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    • 1427 4 DOCKS. 'PHJ TAN.;ONO PAOAR DOCK CO. I LIMITED. Th" premiss of the Ompmy are ritnated atTaajea I'.i^ar adj .ining the town of Sin^ Steam n im-c-irs run at th .it interval* arrvin: *aaaaaaj*aa aad goods from Wharf to destinations at low 'at s. The Whtrf >-xt nli to "c mile
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    • 704 4 NOTICED. AR«'HIDB. J. IV A. PEREIRA. H«RTI< 1-I.TfRIST AND Ff'RIST. Collect*. i; and Exporter of Orchid*. Onlcrs for Bonqnet Sprays Ac.. V. Csn t'i:lly and promptlT execut.d. i I.MI-...1 House in the Trade NURSERY. OXLEY EOA1». v.c. Add tta .'6-18. Orchard Rosd. Tanglin. THE PRYE RIVER DOCK PIftANQ. The above
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    • 154 4 NOTICKS. p R.~ LAMBS R T A Co. Photograph k an. t-rrnhnni lloiisr. K.iti.r> AND Urrhnnl Road IHIJ. Btudios open from I P W«-k d»y*. 1 from i a.m no m Snnilsys i Appointments should Im. aM(M at fjaaaMa.) Bpaeialtty I Enlargenn>ntK in all akfaa, hni» in iuo»t artistic
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    • 184 4 NOTICKS. i a n ii m c it i > i Chronohktki:. V.'vt.^h ,fc Ci.nrK y an UPTtoixat, Flint st», m 1111 I! ivaalwavaaa !i»ml w«ii J..»..||.. rv rf.-rtw. OUeka, Diamond jl^ Itty, *»d VaaMaaal laattajaaaata, h(**M* 1J..1-I. AtMniu|'|^ t Br.«sh»« 1... »m»«. tuTti.irs !lum'.i.i. MarUr n.K-ka. '•hr..nTra*t^r w-ilu.*A a««T"
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