The Straits Times, 2 March 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1894. NO. 18,258.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1167 1 IVMSHIP COMPANIES I><-MNBtrLiS AND OKIKNTAI, STEAM I NAVIGATION COMP4NY Otficb f'.illyer yuay Waiavasaad (looowits— New H*rl-nc 1 BMil lUamm may expert«d to ar--»-ia aad leave Singapore homewar. a ea Ik* followiaa- dates i— 'Ti?** Mo«bw«b»s ISM. |ta« (i ttir I tm—iU War 7 Star. 1» Ba*n. M Mar II A»l.
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    • 1765 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. |\K KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART 1 MAATBCHAPPIJ. Tnder contract with the N'e.herland* India Government. Ai/rntt at Singapore, Ship AoENrr, I.ATB J. A CO 'lA, ('OLLTEft QUAT. Agentt at Penang, Messb*. Hdttknbach LIEBEBT A CO. The Oaaßjaafjg has a fleet of 30 Steamers, I with splendid accommodation for h'rxt class,
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    • 909 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. NORDDBUTBCHBR LLOYD. BREMEN. The fast sad well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. la connection with the arrivals and departures of there mail atesmers, the Com(■any's steamer Nvmberg
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    • 725 1 INSURANCES. 1 UARDIAN FIBE AND LIFE ABSUBA ffCF \J COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDON. EsTABUSBBO 18>1. Suotcribed Capital Jt.000,000 Total Invested Funds 4.61H.000 Annual Income, 9t8,(O0 The undersigned, agent* for the above Company, are prepared to acoept fire risks for short period* of ton day* or longn period*, at current rates to
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    • 675 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 REBERVE FUND 8,900,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF> tin ooo ooo PROPRIETORS I0 OWIWU Coumr or Disbctom: Caiiuia- H. UOPPIUB, Eaq. Deputy Chaibman-C. J. HOLLIDAY, Kacj. £«i k..,. A. Mc€o»«cin. Em. H II J. J 8 aToass.KMi, Hon J J Ki.wici. D. R
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    • 900 1 NOTIOBB. E*tabli*le<. 1985. I>l LEY, HARQRHATIBACO ENoiNiißt, Ibon A Rbass Fodhdbbs, I BOILBBMAKIBS, BIIMI BciLDBBS, SbIP BUILDIKS. UINRBAL CORTEAOTOBS. SINGAPORE A K JALA LTTMPOR SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH class STEAM VESSELS alwaya under construction, from Vi ft. to 160 ft. length of keel, of bent design and finish MACHINERY trom
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  • 534 2 LATEST MAKKKT gUOTATIONS. Sihoapori 2nd MiRCH, 1894 Frooucb. Gambier, 8.25. do Cube No. 1 12.10. do do No. i, 9.00. Copra Bali 6.25. do Poutiiiuak. 5.85. Peppur Black. ».60. Sago Flour. Sarawak 2^7-jk. do Brunei 2.27SPearl Sago 3.40. Coffee Bali 38.30. Coffee Liberian, 40.00. Tapioca small Flake, 4.10. do
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  • 90 2 #*or Par sir. Vu... To-Mokbow. (anglok. Hydrn. 11 Baal' or, h'-rneo. It m di. a i: 11 am Ku .utitii vtH ports tit/mptt, 1 ni C.cut »l»po ti if. .y >0..» J p m M .if an tvuuf, Bappho 3 p.m. S»in«rang ria porW, Qiang Ann. I p
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  • 261 2 ARRIVALS. Per s. Fidelio from Bangkok I—Mrs.1—Mrs. Mi.- iel»en. I'er s. s. S,-i' Tringgaait from Malacca Mr- Willock. Per s. s. Htje Leong from Penang —Mr Caultield. Per 8. s Pundua from Calcutta :—Col Hill, Messrs. Bright, H. N. Johnson. C. N. Johnson. 11..-.. Rev Mr. Mrs Mason,
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  • 20 2 Establish bd 1831. Price 10 Cento. [Subteriptian rate* and advertiting ratet may be found on the fourth page.]
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  • 156 2 FRIDAY, 2nd MARCH, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Silver. ■■port Duty to be Imposed In India. The Indian Budget provides for a five per cent import duty on silver. Mr. Bland's Seigoorage Bill has passed the U. S. House. [Mr Bland'a Bill provides for tho coinage of the seigniorage on the silver
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 670 2 In face of English ministerial assurances I to the contrary, it is interesting to learn that the Government of India have decided to impose a duty of fire per cent on silver imported iuto India. But the duty is not to be on silver only. Private telegrams from home
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  • 398 2 Tbb shareholder who tried, the other day, to exclude reporters from a Company meeting at Hongkong has brought on himself some grave newspaper criticism there. His assertion that the admission of reporters would not be tolerated in London where important companies, desirous of having their proceedings
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  • 12 2 Thb usual golf monthly modal handicap will be played 10-m >.t»w afternoon.
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  • 14 2 Ma. Justice Gat it n turns to Peuang, probablr on Tuesday, by tbe mail.
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  • 17 2 A Rugby football match between th.- S. C.C. and Navy is arranged for Thursday, the Btb instant.
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  • 18 2 It is stated tv-it, the first strainer for Tientsi- will leave. Shanghai "i" M miUv. the 4th March.
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  • 18 2 Fmoai our Ex. hange quotations, it will be seen that tbe dollar has fall* n below two shillings.
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  • 20 2 An As«ociation football match Ivttween the S. C. C. and the Rtgiment will be played on the Esplanade this evening.
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  • 27 2 Trb foltuwiDg cricket matches have been arranged for to-morrow i On Esplanade 8. C. C. t>. Navy at Tangliir S. C. C. 2nd XI v. G." Co.
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  • 25 2 F»om Penang, there comes a batxJbill lootaiujng what appears to be a so/uli (> n the arr«ogemeuts for the reception of thGovernor. The humour is crud*.
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  • 27 2 An open letter to the Opium Coa>mission by Sir William des Vcrui. the late Governor of Hongkong, is given in the current issue of the Xineteeath Century.
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  • 28 2 itvin preparations are reported as being made for the celebration of the silver welding of the Emperor of Japan. A sum of 3800,000 is to be expended thereon.
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  • 35 2 Thb P. A O. Packet Rotetta left Hougkoug at 1 p. m. on the Ist iustaot and may be eipected to arrive at Singa|*»re at about ti a. ni. ou Tuesday, the tit b iust.
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  • 33 2 In the CUampionship Liwu Tennis Sin- gles at Peuaug, Mr. O. E. Cole has beaten Mr. A. H. Capper, 6-2. 5-6. o'-5. 6-2. The winner has to meet Mr. W. Gibson. tb» holder.
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  • 30 2 Tn Straits Insurance Company. Ltd., give notice of an interim divideud tor the year 1593. The transfer books of the Company will be closed from March 23rd to April 2od.
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  • 34 2 U. E. Sir Charles Warren has promised to deliver a lecture iv the course of the present month to the members of the St. Nicholas Society. The subject of the lecture will be Jerusalem."
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  • 33 2 Likut. Col. Huhtlt aa*d the Officers of the liiouoloshire Regiment will be At Home" at Tanglin on Saturday the lot h instant. The Regimental Athletic Sports take place that day at 4 p.m.
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  • 29 2 Thi; Siam Free Preu of the IM February iith'rms that the King of Siatn has sufficiently recovered U> receive ueveral Siamese notables who have loug Iveu awaiting an audience.
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  • 40 2 Tub process of o)>eaiug trade in the new town market is progressing most satisfactorily. The. stalls arc vow all takeu aud the transference from the old to the new market by the Chinese has beenachievel with little if any grumbling.
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  • 47 2 A malb o£ household furniture aud other property belougiu;; to Sir Charles Warreu takes plaoa to-morrow at Balmoral iv Steven's Rjud. A.iuoug tby effects to be Sold are horses, and carriages, which will be sold after titfin. I V tails may be fouu.l iv our advertising columns.
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  • 44 2 Wiuk ill,- A|>|>«if Court dsseiulile.l this tuoruiug. the Chi^f Justice aunounced it was, uol iutend pd to take appeal eases on MoiiiUy, as the ordinary work of the court was fallic g into arrear. The App.-al Court might probably sit to deliver judgmcuts.
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  • 45 2 In tin- all-day cricket match on the Esplauadc yesterday. b«* teams repreheiitjiig Aruiv and Nav\, tli.- Army went in first, aailouuipiled H4. The Ns.vy put together 1:11 and. in their second inoingji, the Ariuy bid uiad* Hri for K wickets when ttumpa were draw u.
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  • 58 2 Tue Hongkong liace uxtttiug. tuis \..n, Ux'.ui ou the 23rd February the [nogramiue of tho day comprising ten events In the opinion of the Vmily Preu. uot for MM bad so large a crowd numbering as it did unu v tb.ouas.nds gathered 10 t lie oval there, nor so much
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  • 77 2 M f Fi b r Unwin sends as <«. noTelbytbe fct r U ln I B V o l«»j, pore. The book follow, ThTfJ/ 8ltt Chinaman who came, osLTC 0 1 coolies and it deals with coJliTu I* Chines Protectorate, gaol ll^^. social evil." missionaries o^l various other things of
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  • 76 2 How few silver mines can i.r0.1 profit at the prewnt price P of exemplified by the act.on of t bt d of the well-known Mollie G,U on t*** Colorado, who have been <*„"*■< dmdend. for the pT^Tb M has paid in dividends $3 930 nr^* according to th^ B?l J4^.ci.
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  • 106 2 COMMANDIB \V11.1.l4 M H INaval Attach^ to the America T^ in London, arrived here vesi«rd»t ing in the Oxu* aud left that tL^""" in the same steamer for 11 bad beeo ordered to take .^ij?}' United Slate* warship />,,*, tl; Asiatic Squ.dron. Dunn, hi. i^ r dence in tnglauj Co
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  • 129 2 Baron ds Hobn entere.l the Strov Timet office thin morning *ccorop»oi«l b a guard of sjl Sikhs. He desired to the editor wh'> was, uufjrtuoateU, fnft ged in poudering affairs uf ktai« unable to be approached. The B* r then informed one of the staff that bf b*j recovered a
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  • 72 2 Th* iHfM Km of the 21st Frtnun notes that anotber consignmen' from the Katburi Mine, bad been thipptc to Singapore by the Bun Seng Owtn. Tii shipment consists of i 3 bags, ronUiotj 34 pienls of ore. The principal im(-: uieut to the successful working of tb> mine
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  • 63 2 Thk Band of the 2nd Matt 1,m,-oluib;r» Kegiuieut will pUy the foll< *iug pngraiume in the B >tauiual (r.tnlens to-di' at 5 p. in. Pkoorammk. 1. Murrh Vmdm the lhmM, ftkjt Win. 2. Soleotion ..Carmen Biat 3. falM i aW M Cm 4. Overture Th, Csasrs
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  • 72 2 Ant imaginary objection which C'Lim» or other cattle owners may have cotertiu. Ed at getting their slaughtering worl im at the abbatoirs is rapidly disa] that there have been numerous Ljcki, and sheep made ready fur itW lutween last night and this morning Tv following are
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  • 121 2 A auJ B Iwiug tMOaasjU, 1 his bait and Uuds it iv a hall I bole on the edge of a drain, sfhu against oue of the shingles of s draiu edjje is composed. It would I* possible to hit the ball with I except In drive it dee|*T
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  • 105 2 British Europeans as Defined in Penang. Thb PWAM Rcskxht Com iNTini'HtTATIos At a general Hag bald at PfcMis 1 Monday last, to daKMßtb given to H. K. the Governor. Mr. «M» interpreted the meaning of lirituh *'<>< peann." in a way which dictioiuf vi"' nii^ht make a vote of: Mr
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  • 150 2 The Ceylon Ugles-Hira Ow appointed' a eaJwMDUttea to the question of oni|»-ns.iti.i. servants for fall M mtkt I committee sent in the IMfOTI IB I'" 1 of last month, in which. U reg» pnatioß, thi-v npnmtd iw °l the warn conditions should mI „th-.MK ployed bj
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 630 2 rp» BORNEO COMPANT, LIMITED. rpHE SUndard Life Assurance X Norwich Union Fire Insuraji.e Society. Atlas Awurance Company Fire The B«|aitabl* Life Assurance Society Th* I'iiii Marine Insurance Company. "Dm China Mutual Bt«am Navigation Coy TH* To«*ahasa Lager Beer Company. I1» Maritlraa Insnrance Company, Limited. For partienlars of th«M Companies s««
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    • 977 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1074 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CJTRAITS INSURANCE COMPANY. k> LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that an Ints'im Dividend has h>-ea dec are<l for the >• ar 1 91 at the rate of per aaanm payable ou 2nd April neit. By order of th* Director, A. S. Ml'rlßAY. 2/4 Beewt«y. STRAITS INSURANCE COMPAAY, LIMITED.
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    • 6 2 •Ucucral SbipplnsT Hews »fw Pag*
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    • 66 2 M.3.5. M lA. Str..l. n^w. .ko*ii V r.lln ♦*J»««ijj M SM njtcUt IM *2,Kt illMm U AU **—*<~1 o»««rart. «r, r^.>^-l It IK. .vm^.lvm l\at Ik. «.~>,.r M y U«»» l»* *i*Ttuim~ n t **t 0/ Ifw ypr mT" Z*~ /»«r *i»i The Straits Times has the largest circulation of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 84 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandanq ifraLj!. Hospital, March, ISM. tf m. 3 p m. 9 p.m. Kimm. iK.H4.UIkk. Tlu--.'^11 -a C'-ttiy. 8..0 yy.O 77.8 H h Thcr. 7.S.5 76.0 74 8 Uir. of Wmd ksw. X. E. N. K. -5 M»x. Tm.p. lu.-Lule :•-.<• Mia. do do 71 8 a > Muz.
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  • 1330 3 A ilmriu Public Ricßrrioff Commit Til to Rmiri H K TMI BIITIHU EOOPIAHI DRCIDI >OT TO pn *n adonkm Thiii were two tuition held at tbe IVimiiK Towo Hall od the 2fitb ¥< hruary, mi ••oDis'tinn with the procedure to be followed id receiving H.
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  • 912 3 A Mubi.ih C»a« PLANTiaa i Kli.s.i Hii Lt*mi> amd Football Mitrmi lIKIIT AMD TklfHla Rodhdiki in Faihion. \> li:m-e and ike Services. 'tat 1 lantern' AisociArioa. Frnm Our Corrttpondent.) Kuala Lumpor, i'7tk February. Tne trial of Leang Ah Kun, charged with killing a fellow w.nkmau liy atrking him
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  • 179 3 Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club Tournament. Kmult of 1 luir-,ln Tlf. 1.4 M tS AND ObMbUM 1 P'X'Bl I HIINI AP Mm Matthew, and Mr Urndde'.l laal Mr. Wsddell and Mr Anders. n _jl|| 1-6, 6 o. The tinul lie in the Champ „,nf bin iv which Mr- Waddell ni.c- Mr-
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  • 273 3 Pbisipbiit's Jahuabt Ripokt KaTEXttl Balance from 18 t »)»,011 Koeaipts 1893 704.8-28 Total J758.839 Expenditure 631,101 Balance earned forward 1127.838 It must uot be forgotten tbat the 1893 revenue lucludes $46,000, the balance of 960.000 received from Governmeut for tbe old inarktt. Tbe balance earned forward, j though
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  • 58 3 f-'lingaiiore \'iUl fcta'istics for December vmr Birth- Deaths Xc im eau 1 3 tl O r.K asians o a < h ineso 111 -351 Mi lays 3» 95 Im liana 'JO U OI hem 39 Ex.i m of Deaths over Births=2B7. S £t£ }p«- in..—»—•«" Hi -tl, Hut.
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  • 145 3 Thi Kußoian Volunteer Fleet, which will M 'Usist itf eleven first-class vessels when the tivo new ships now l>eing completed in Ei igUud are shortly added— has b. en g ii*imii te. d a, yearly Government subsidy of fiiW.OOO roubles uulil the year 1893. on the
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  • 280 3 Death or Db. Smtth Mining at Bentoho. i Monsoon off the Coast. From our Corresyondtnt.) Prkan, 26th February. M». "Doff, Acting Superintendent of I'olice. [ir.M.'i J, .1 to Kuaiitau on the 13lb on io»',>eeiion duty witb a number of Siklia to relie»e tliosf now ttalioued iv t bat
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  • 437 3 Six Days Lattr than by Hail.) Jaß'lßalfocb Iktkkvl' wip Cabdihal Vauohan ow Socialism RsVtPBOCITY I* FnAMUB. r IdLIsH CIICIITBBS TO VISIT UMIttV FOBOIBS AT AItSTaBDAM. Tbb Duki of Ccbuno mot a Bbitisi Subject. Arabchism i> Lohdon. Rioti th Russia. Lo%inn.4Ot February— Ht. JaHsi Balfour is now being
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  • 280 3 The Editor nf the Inrtthrt" Review. Mr. A J. Wilson, returni in the February number to tho attack on the Bank of England which he started at the bnginninc of the month. He alleges that for twenty years and more the Board allowed the late chief
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  • 211 3 PBrK.BBiKd to the recent fire in block E. lIT at Rangoon, it may be of interest to those concerned in insurance to know that the Straits Fire Insurance Coy. I td. throujfh their Agents Messrs. teel Brother* Co.. Ltd. have p.iid R- 1.250 to Mr
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  • 368 3 I'm Rangoon. iTALIAa FINAMCB Mb. Gladstonk to Resiok Lord Lansdowne lobd c'bomebg' avdicnce with thb Khcditb. Anarchism in Actioh. Rome, ilfi Fcbruiry. The Ital'an financial statement Hhown a dxfieit of a Minded and seventy-seven uiillion- of francs 'I ho proposed savings amount to furty-nve million francs and fresh
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  • 195 3 Calcutta, 18th Febr%nry.—At a meeting of the Pengal Chamber of < ommeree to be held on ths 23rd instant, Mr. Robert Steel will propose ana Mr. .lames SteTsoaoa will second the following resolution —'That ths Government be sdd.essed lo ths effect that in ths opinion
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 553 3 I\EAFNESS COMPLETELY CURED Any person suffering from Deafness, Noises in the Head, Ac, may leant of a new, simple treatment, which is proving very successful in completely curing cases of all kind*. Full I articular-, including many unsolicited te.timnuials and nnwspsper press not ie. a, will be sent post free
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    • 347 3 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. F IX O l^ D ET AMONTILLADO UHBRHT. 111.'" psr sass. Spee'slly sel-cud by sad howled at ths London Docks for McALISTER Co, SINGAPORE. FRE3H ARRIVALS I\\ VIM. ÜBAR. I jIVINu GKAR Heinks A Co.'s Celebrated three throw Diving Pumps complete, si wars in Stock h Itra
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    • 1024 3 NOTICEB. OINOAPORE BPORTING CLUB SPRING MEETING, I*4 The Bpring Race Meeting will be held o.* Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, Mar fie Bth, 10th and 12th. PROGRAM MX FIRST DAT. TUESDAY. MAT Bth FiatT Race. MAIDEN PLATE— VaIue— 1240. A Race for Maiden Heroes First-class to carry list; Second-class. lOst.; sad
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 200 3 Arrangement*. I i.iuu. 1'ni> March. Hi K 'b Wat.'r. 8.7 p. id. I M. lilies, vi.-tv. A.miial Diuiior. At 7.45 p. in. I, ili.. 1 Uwu Tfuui« Tournament. I i<>tttmtm I'.uik !I,.L,v Ks|.Uii;i.I. H,i ii. I (lirdrus. 5 in Ai«< ciatiou Football. S. C. C Kt-jji-Illl III |l 111. K^l'l
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    • 184 4 Under thi« beadinir the following ahbreriaU'>tm are u«tr| :—*tr—uMamur ah.—ahip bq— harqne Brit —British U. &.—United Stafeo; Fr.—Fr«neh; O»r—o«rrnan; Dut.— Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Ac.. G.c.—General rarir.i; d. p.—deck ji»M««n(r«rn U— Uncertain T. P. W—Tanjonjf Pajar WTi*rf j T. P. D—Tanj"n)f Pajrar Dock B. W Borneo Wharf; J. W—
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    • 1017 4 AEEIVtI.B BINCB NOON f? ThUKBDAT. Mm !h, lirit. str. 1,715 tons. Capt. flaraon. Ist. Mar. From NY* York. 9th Case oil. Fo: hh nKI Ist. —Rda FultUo, Q«r. atr. 742 tons. C*pt. Niuen. Ist Mar From Bangkok. 25th. Kice, and 7 dp. Hong 1.-.-. From Kangkok 4th da
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    • 154 4 Namt, Fort, and DaU of HaiUm Fbom Londoh. Gaudiaua. Jan. 7 Aden. Jan 27 Labourdonnaia Jan. -1 Glenavon Jan. "i" I)rvfe.,lai« Foh 'J Glonearn Feb. 10; Japan, Feb. 15 Brulawera, Feb. 17 Radnorshire. Glenfruni, F<>l> BbbbbH, LiTißroot. Titan. Jan. 23. Hrometheu*. Jan. 27 Cyclops Feb. 2; Moynne. Feb
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  • 125 4 M \ks-h.v Name. Q Flao A Tons. Captain. Fk.». Baubd. Bid t Mar 1 Klai 1 'lT[l!|.|. 1 Uleworth 1 Fidelio I U»o Wh»tt Soon 1 H M Pdloek 1 Warn 2 I'uu.lua 2 Kri Trinirc>nu I Mi. I :.f Rrit. «t'. 2610 DmU IVouni J»n. 31 -vmf v
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  • 109 4 Dill ViMt'i Nmi. >'t.iu t Kiu »r 1 H. M Pollock Brit. .tr. 1 Chrljdra itr. TeUunn Rrit. utr. 2 K.ry.4on but. »tr. 2 Will tb« W,.|. Brit. itr. 2 Mr*.,-t.-r itr. ■1 Sri P«g»Un Dut. ttr. 2 Uwwls Brit, .tr CclMUkl itr. S I KUx "tr. fl Acolootaikl
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 391 4 NOTICES. For ihf Toi let The mmt siiilalili- and »fienlillc *^fZj& V bI/^JIJ SOAP for «Hir«tf Skins. v. VJI/ An idrai soap la%MsW|f asjsVani.'— Clisßiaf i OnsjvM Of rnqiK'stionable M«au*«e«-' Brititk Utdieml JtmrmmL In five kinds, PRKMIKK for tlie Mi lion H. rtVOKUi HALSAMIU Medical.) OTTO (Toilet), snd VESTAL. Shaviiijf
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    • 192 4 BENEDICTINE. OE L'ABBAYE 0£ FECAMP SfclNß-INFiBIKIEK ESIJIISE. TMItCE, DKiESTIVE. U BBSM ill- iu.t»« kaj HaMsat mi m. A f. to 13/3 TL A W S O M ''■'NML'IN,, K.N.iINKKK. SIKVKYOK AND Bfa.OsT.UMl Valiku, ii.'.KiNH club Buiu>nra& Drawings. BpacafaatfaM, stid estimates given for il- bjbmbbsM "r Hepairing of Basaasara, BBgiaaa, Bafiatm,
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    • 655 4 NOTICEB. FOWL ING PIECES, RIFLES, &c. JOHN LITTLE Go., Have now in stock a i.abuk assortment or the above, which thet abe offbbINcl AT A SPECIALLY LOW FBICE. Martini H.-urv i!au li aud Sporting Rifle*. Sm.l.-r kifle«. Wincbeater Up|*atinK Carbioes 1892 .M...1.-I. 44 bore to hold 12 or 15 cartridges
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    • 1475 4 DOCKS. THE TANJONO PAGAR DOCK 00. LIMITED. The premises of the Company are fitnat J at Tanjon{ I "a jar adjoining the t «n of Mn.-a-p 're. Btmin tram-cart run at ih irt interv .la carrying passenger* and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rat The Wharf exte:' Is
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    • 705 4 NOTICES. KiTZ BEOS. JUST RECEIVBD. Wickar Ba^sinotte Perambulators with Iroa and Rubber Tyred Wheels. I Children's Swing Cots. Children's Cots sixe V x3' x JL* pillar s'x3'xV Velocipede Horn** on Iron Tyred and Wooden Tyred Wheels. I'h 'tograph Albumß. New Lot of Vulcan Iron Safes in sites, 2Vxl7'xl« 28* x
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    • 269 4 NOTICES. JAMBS MOTION A 00. Chbohombtbb, Watch k Clock Mikes, i AUD OPTIOIA*S. FLINT STBEET. HaT* always on hand a well selecutd stock of j Jewellery, Watch**, Clock*. Diamond Jewel l*ry, and Nautical Instrumentx. *O*1«U Oold. American t'l.N-ka. «c.M da. Oarriso Clock.. rrinn Dimmood. M arl.l. Clooka. L -ck.U. ArawtßC
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    • 102 4 NOTICES. THE COONICLK ft DIBLCTtJRY roB CHINA, JAJ»AN, THB PHILIPPi Nr& I INDOCHINA. BTRAITB SItTTLg Mr;NTB, Ac, WITH WHICH IS II»COBPOBAT1CD Ut CHINA DIRECTORY. The work i* Uiund in two Kditiou ,olete, r >.oo smaller edition, l\cy,' Urge edition .'lntsins TwsUt Man. l»lan*. AUENTS IN SIUO.POBa- MESSRS. KELLY WALSH. LD.
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