The Straits Times, 27 February 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. IXFABLISIIED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1894. NO. 18,255.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1020 1 \MRniP COMPANIES. iiitk and Uooowin— New lUrU.ur I i«ail iteasen ro.y I* np. -•rds an 1 inif Singapore homew.. «o tn- fnoaanac data* "T»! Uo».w4a»s A*. 1 1 7* date* are only r.d (J«,«r1 ,ir». may ITAKS fare t« Mar-i-rlra ml T'ift>c<e by Baal "Ddia in the km v to
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    • 1200 1 STEAMSHIP QOMFAMM. DK KONINKLMKE PVKETVJART MAATS<HAPPIJ. I'mlcr rortnwt with th« Krth<trla>ida India Government. Agrt.1- Ship A<>en<-t, J. I> > M.n.« 4 ci C'oLI.YEB QUAT. .<-/■>'■ >if Pi nil*/, MEBBk8 HCTTENBACH LlEBEET A. CO. ;i. h H.'.-t i.f :i"P Kl..»n)«m, will. «|i>ii(li(l •rcomniodation for fin.1 elaaa. ml 1 »iw. ami
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    • 672 1 BANKS. HONOKONO AND BHANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $18,000,000 RESERVE FUND 3,900,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF> HOOOOOOO PROPRIETORS j-JW.WO.OOO Court or Directors Chairkan— H. HOPPirs, Esq. Dipdtt Chairman— C. J. HOLLIDAY. K.-|. Ckti. SaBMBB, PM> A. McCoiacsis. Eaq. Hod J 3 I>. S Bassoo*7e>4 Jclu?s luin, Eaq. K. M. Qsat,
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    • 354 1 I NOTICBB. I McALISTER Co. P INS O LD D RT A MONTILLADO QHIRET. $U. 5«» per mm. Specially a*l»cUd hy and bottled it Ifi, London Dock* for McALISTER Co, 3INOAPORS j IAIVING GBAR. TyviNG -EAR j Hoink* A Co.'* (>lebrat«d three Ik row l)i\ iiic Pump* complete, alwaj* in
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  • 531 2 LATEST MAKKk.I' y DOTATIONS. BINOAPUBa 27tb Fibiiokt. 18M. F*ooucn. Oambier 7.87%. do Cube No. 1. 12-l£ do do No. 2, „9.00. Copra Bali 6.25. do Pontianak 5.85. Pepper Black, 9.60. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.57 V do Brunei 2.30. Pearl Sago 3.40. Coffee Bali. >( 39.30. Coffee Li berian, 40.00.
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  • 52 2 r»r Ft ttr. !>...* 10-kfoBBOW Pmitmuuk babsck, »a.m. K<.b« via porti. Bolhu-M Cu(U, 11 IA I', l.nii Tiaporti C ByUni 1. i>.m. KlMf fia AmKrtl, 1 M»ilr«Ti4 !>urt« .SVm Tei*> Ad«>« tin r... M»U»m. 3 p.m. ...-.>•,. r -h rnliwtlli. .1 aamkruDg. ii« port" iVo'w'. I p m
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  • 219 2 Abbivals. Per s. s. bucnos Airet frum Manila .—Dr. Miguel (No, io Her s. h. Amhrrtt from T. Ansou i—Mr. Tiso, and Mr. Clarke. Per M. M s. s. Oc-anitii from Kobe —Mr. Arratoon. From Hongkong:—Mr. Buskin, aud Mr. Wismann. From Saigon i—Mrs. Blomiueustieu, Messrs. Bohin, and A.
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  • 19 2 Kstari.ishkh 1831. Price 10 Cents. [Subtr.riptidn rate* and adcertiiiny rales may be found on Iht fourth page.}
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  • 64 2 TUESDAY. 27tb FEBRUARY. 1894. REUTEKS TELEGRAMS. Th<- Lord* nn«t the Commons. In the Pariah Councils Bill, the House of Commons has agreed to the House of Lords' Rinemlint'Ul nvarilim; the n.« jiii-iiiwr of Uuils. There has been a compromise r">ir»rdint{ the restriction of the u umber of elective trustees upon
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  • 45 2 Reinforcements are l>eine sent to the British forces in West Africa. Three hundred men of the Waal India Regiment r negroes] and a number of marines are going immediately to bftthunt and there is al*o being sent a draft from England.
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  • 327 2 To-day's telegrams intimate that .substantial reinforcement* are i»-in-_r sent to West Africu. when' simultaneously there han lieen trouble in Sierra Lmw an>4 in the neighbonriiiß colony of the Gambia. In l><>th instances, misfortunes Ih>fell British expeditions against slave dealerK inland Imt defeat eventually overtook the latter ill Sierra
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  • 12 2 The doting of the homeward mail, to-day wss deferred till 4p. m.
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  • 14 2 Ms. A. P. Adam* is a passenger home, ward* by to-day's M. M. mail.
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  • 20 2 The mail sU-amcr Rohilla left Colombo at 2 a in on the 26th instant and is due here on Sunday.
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  • 26 2 A case in which a Kling failed to report an outbreak of font and nimith disease carve l<efore Mr. Egerton this day He war. fined MO.
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  • 24 2 I hi bi H«s gh.irrr lyuee, for not ret urunik.' labt year's ttadfirex. were tineil nut* dollar each lipf'.re the senior magistrate this morning.
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  • 35 2 Thk Strait* Budget was ready at noun to-iluy. To all copies. KUBfH ;i M v posted to catcb local mails, there was added at 3 p. Ul. a supplement BOBtSMMg part uf this day's news.
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  • 34 2 Tnc captain of the Sirta, repurts tuat.ou his way from Peuani; to Singapore, he passed the German sailing ship Kthn VUkmtrt which desired to be reported all well. She is bouud for Singapore. 1
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  • 37 2 Thii afteruoou. in response to an invitation issued l>v H. E. tbt- Admiral, a large number of F<«eruasoui will pay a visit to H. M. S. Imiierieute. Luiiiohei are to be leave Johnston's Pier at 4.30 o'clock.
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  • 34 2 Thb Race Course will 1m- ofieialh o|ieued for training on Monday \l{\\ March. The griffins have not arrived yet. but we understand that, siuce tbe weight was raised, tbe list it tilling iuo«t satisfactorily.
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  • 32 2 Captain McCormick, of the Illlt.ll State* warship Lannuter permit* tbe brass 1i.m.l from his ship to play on tbe Ksplan;ule Ixfore tbe office of the U. S. ConsulGeneral, this evening, commencim; o'oiwk
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  • 34 2 Thk Court of Appeal was MTOpiad vestet.lav afternoon and to-day with boaring appeals from Bangkok. 111 aOMHetIM with iifWH|iA|MT lilwl i-iiscs in which judgments were given in H. B. M. (Annular Court at Bangkok.
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  • 36 2 Tmk Kliim liov ullc^.-'l to have \xvu iui|.lu-4trtl wit li tbe b.iv, Har.iuitT. vow committed lot trial on a charge of criminally de*tr>viug valuable docuineuts, has beeu arresWd, and hii WM <*aiu<' Wf.'ic I li.magistrate to-day.
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  • 23 2 of India. Au.tralia. and Chin* iS?,^ for Bangkok to act a. manal) Mr. Bruce WebUer will shortl?*!!, bis former position in Bioifapore. W
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  • 38 2 Captain MimU-r ba». the Xorth fi Herald teams, *ucceeded in obtainin f tbe Jn|>aiiese Oovernment f,, r j| Armstrong A Co. a contract for tw large ateel cruiser*, to cort. it j, "7 ab-iut oue million sterliug each
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  • 43 2 be held, this eveniog. id the Upr*r lof the Town Hall, at nine o c \ti Z? Bonnie W. R. Cllyer. tb. pi > will give an address on th* ••Ann, objects of a Debsting So. ietv 1 Md ■ion will follow tbe addnV
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  • 54 2 An all-day cn<ket nmtch will > 1)e on the Esplana»le, on Thursday bit teams r»>presentini{ Arinr and N, tv ll R-gimeutal Band will be i n atie. ie j 4rin tbe alternoon aud m.>mlv.. r ii „f t le <7i" will be glad to see lulien 1,1 th,. JJ2™ Tti-re
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  • 45 2 H. E. THK Governor h d J t Admiral both go to IVO4II 1u The Admiral w,II go with th. il""™ mtheN,,, IMI,. which will Im. folio,!?*.'" ELM. a ,l/,,.,^;u,,1>v,,,, i,^, 11 lieved that, from Penaug. L»J T will proceed to Europe ria lnj v
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  • 48 2 Thk charge against **~~flM*Mj administering a atuf».fvir,i, d ri Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly was fGrther W, n the court to-day, when the Vfiiaiai of I> McClosky aud Apothecary Lei ITI^ r w Uken. Th« hearing was further adjourn ed to get the njalvtieal evidence of hi Bolt.
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  • 44 2 TH«bpriug Lawn Tennis Tourn»u*iit 4 1 lie S.C.C. commences ou Wednetd.,, 14th March. Entries close mi FrirUt t|* h March. The programme aaaajHa] Champiouship; "A" class Siui-i,. H»a dicap; B" class Single Handicap; Hindi. aaf Pairs Profession Pairs, and tbe u, w Collsol.itloii. t
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  • 71 2 H.E. iHt Ahmirai. and IMr r'rrtnantl, gave a duiner to H. K. the OivTernor kii.l Mitchell ou lM,,ir.| H M.S. pariaaat last avaauic Aaasaa] thai were H. K Bar Charles W.irr.'ii ;H H the Sultan of Juajwia] Mr. and Ms M4l well; Mis. Teulur and Miss SauoJen Tlie party
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  • 81 2 Th* CfttM Mail is informal l.v t,,. Bank of China, Japan, au>l the Stmti Limited, that the p*Ht vpar'a VhUh allot, a nel prott of 1" 18.01 H(, which, how. aatr, hi abaonHal by raaha«aji md otWr laaaai Maoaiatiafj t.'. 4157.000. Full pn. vision has l-'i-n mule lor the lost
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  • 76 2 ll ll,a^ ba I'eineiul ire.l tli.t. ago. a KluiK man, who Imd lost a brut pot, t.>ok a i.iitv of KUaaj* to thn uatah where they part<K>k of some str.n pound, tlie i itaaaibiaaaal baiaf t<> aiaww th« thief UatMM of that |,uty died* few days aflerwiiids from UanHßl I»>isouiug.
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  • 87 2 A IMR proclamation by H. t b H- ii Governir of Kian^ti. rewind* uai,i,- ..inverts to I'luisliauily <t\\* the .S'uitli Chuui Lhtdy thorn) aaat taayaiaaal Chinese subjects, and on tbe other turn] Dou-converts art- exhorted to coosiil. r Ib* former still as brethren, and put *»ij--further doubt and suspicion ab»ut
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  • 74 2 Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club Tournament. Krsiilt^ or Monday's Tlr. I.ahimh ani' UamUMsWl DOVBI HASMOaf Mrs W. l l,^llinclMr.And»r.onow 1> laal Mrs. Ura.1.1.-ll and Mr. Elrum MN»t <-::. M. To-day'* htv Ladibo' Doi-blb KAanoAr PVmK Mr. BrnUarll lud Mr- \V«diMI M Mr- Eli-inn kinl Mrs Ii<ivrll owe to Tie fur WrdnrMlar
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  • 165 2 (lafaajfar Journal thd t Railway Eabmv-" Tin Hbodiction Mr. A. 55. Bax«ni>»i.*. who weu! '"<■>»>' on leave in May. 1808, M aafatlai abool the iiikl<J lt- of April. IhtCUMM Mef Vear.,,.U.' stir, as may rcadilv b- ■OMOatd, M 0 lv railwsr, aarkapa, gir«t lit Viil ll of this.
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  • 48 2 V«mto K..r W.,t k«t»^« 1'" K.bru.m. Bo«*t—d i tot luMk .ml Urn /•■•l.''"l- HUrrtr-r,.W- >l'K 'V' I>'rutu>^'-:„!>1>'rutu>^'-- :„!> Ml.nmPimm m CalMtto. I.' >U-.h. 10* Kor Md Sr In*;. >*««• v .lok, tmmtmi tmi Oy. tm BlMfk< AsMtW «nt J»P"4wMh M»r.h. T'>o»" 1 0.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 567 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPAN'T, LIMITED rpH> SUniUrd Life A«*uranc# K. Norwich Vnir.B Fire Insurance Society. AtU* Aaaarane* Company I Fire Th* BqmiUble Life Assurance Society The <>••** Marine Insurance Company. The Chi»* Mutual SUam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company. Limited. For particulars of th«s« <
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    • 978 2 NOTICKB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Bonieo. the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 1073 2 NOTICES. rpANJONO PAGAR DOCK COML PANT. LIMITED. Th« H»lf-Tearly Onl n»rr G-neml Meet- i ing uf the Shareholdera in this Company will h* held at the Company's Office, Collyer (juay, on Thuraday, the Ist day of March, si noon. Hi MNKBB To receive the Directors' Report, and to p«as the
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    • 813 2 LATE&T ADVERTISCMENTS. T) HE LET— From 15 h March nex», Godown \o Raffl-s PUee. 12/3 Apply to TAN KBONG BAIK. THE STRUT-* FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT, LIMITED. NiITICE TO ShaRSHOI.DCRK. Notice is i ere by given that the Ninth O'dinnrv (i.-neral reeling of the above Company will b» held at the
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    • 23 2 At Oiley Road, Singapore, ou the Jlith Keh. the wife of HtNiv TaftOABTHCN of a sou. r „r Ueaeral Salpalac Mew* Se# t*a«e
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    • 74 2 M.1.1. tMtmiti fir lIU atraiK Tt«w< >V»M >• anirn •r. «m life o> Uu «^<r nly. *y tlu »#«U«t •/»*< oondu Mm m««v if ».SL an rt)—t*i O-> mif 1.1 dlimui >•. pmmSZ 411 ulMrttiwif Mntruta «r» mhj.. I lIU mlita llul in omaa tf pr«M tMMfr, b«4 *M •fl*n*r
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    • 4 2 far «*a»ral »hl»«liuc TH
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 WE ATMS K REPORT. ■Ma* Krtb»H ifo.piful, 36th WiWfr 1M 9 ■>. 3 p ■>. 9 p.m. Kikikii. B»r. red. 3J fak. a*.89i L-».;90 29 8i2 Teiup. S4.4 W.8 77.2 W«i tuit ITie.. 77.8 77.0 N.4 1 3 Uir. ofWiml s»w. ssw. N. K. ••j Max. Tomp. iu aluide KU.O
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  • 1230 3 Ba«o«o« N«.w«p»pi« LmrL Ca«c* Btroallb^Cbief Justus Mr Lnm-I '.,t. Mr Justice Gattv. aud Mr. Ju»ti. c l.iw Tli- Court of App>-»l *t y.-Htenl«»'it aittaag brard ai. aMMaalMa mail.- l,» Mr John Joseph Lillie. afitat and <>f Bmm/mk, t<> ti. iiiterli.. iit..i> ufdtt inn l. l,v 1
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  • 352 3 Closing of the Town H all. V, „m n C.Trrtjx-. Kk..m Balardaf tb, 10 M.,r-b 'h.--i iil will be for a parM •radiag faOy uv, r two BMtajtha, ia ord-r to arraail ah* aarryhag uut „t aar* nr.|«ira. A put oa af the >epain la be iiii.r'-.tak.ii is ih-
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  • 106 3 Foundering of a Junk at Hon gkon g. hi i-i L -si Ua the l«tb instant, al.uiit nu.,n. I sad fatality occurred in the Capsiiiniooii Paas, Hoagkaag. A mraja th .--mast.d junk. h-avilv i.t'-n win. Ii bul aucbured to aw.ut ih- tlood-tid-. fuiind-red, and, out of a crew at twenty
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  • 310 3 I in: ll'. i, 1. 1. .1 M -nn nl and Or. r.iown, the ri -pi-s-nlatn-s of tbe alleged Kin-iald Isle of the Ki-t" have Ut-n l-lt -Hard-. I ou Ib- b.. f p 1.i1,!- sb..r-s uf Sin k '.i| ure. Their Maaa af /al m
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  • 309 3 i im ..t the heel Baghjr foeihatl malehea s— ii iii >>iii_;.i| for s -in li.n- |..i-t w,i> pkjred aa tb- Bapl taaaV ipoaad, i i«i rea> iiil'. li.-twi-.ii t.aiii- nrpmeatiag Ihe Navy and the" \V nld I'll- n.ivv t-ani -oui- aed hi ly ol naval Wmet
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  • 655 3 T» tbi: EnrTOK or tki BfaUfM TiM«a." Sir I'he writer of tbe iiirivucv not** in your _v. Htirdav't imm- Las apptreotly I. ink- .ii t It aiu aud UUmrs under the .1- i ii-ioii that it in tbe fault of the banks that the Straits ha* mlv.-r
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  • 279 3 TO IHi: KlUll.H Off THE SIKA.ITsTI.MKs." KtHthl 1.*****/, i,r, SeJaaoar, 83rd JUraary. SlB, Iv your issue of the iust., I anted ih i. iv uu uiti-le hi .td.-d BrsaOgOT I';. ii.t. is' Ass -utioii. a stat-inent is made tint the owners of tbe Liucolu Haw. thorudeli Kstates
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  • 194 3 The Hangchow Collision. Thk St Asapii Smli. Mih»:No. \r Haagfcaag>M tb*.- IM iustant. a Conn ai V. vair« hold Mapwtiegtha Killision, off Breaker Poiat, on to* 9»h inst.. bctveea the Rririeb ataaMer //.i«./i-/k. ■>■ nml aa unknown vessel, wbi-relu tin- lorimT sii-i.iinr.l iii it, -nil aaajage. The -oiiit In-11l
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  • 272 3 The Saigon Rice Ma rket. \i Q. llvii: imi Co. c Cin-iilar. dated Si _-,ii. JUli inst.iut, states Tli.r- baTC baaa no besh transactions for Kun.|~'. pri f -rain ha\ in- hardened under lit-li- ,1-maiid for China md tli, fallißg off in supplies from the int-rior. always in. i.1. -nt
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  • 379 3 s./.t»^or Journal Mr. A. KrrstK. Col lector and Mafia, trate, Jelebu, paparta aa folluwH on a jouraaf h- made iv January list Alter awehag Ji-ran-; I walked to I'nri. v Tipus. At tl <• I Xlieil.e UIU ut tills pl:tce. there is ,i v.-rv BVaa trail, ul
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  • 127 3 A inre'tiUtf of til" Muni i.i! Coumiissiouers will lie held to-morrow at 2MO p.m. A.iENDA. To i.-il aad if approved -infirm the miniiie- of th'< onlimry BMattajl held on 14th instaut. Notice of motion Silencer's Sauitary Re!H.rt. Report ou |.r,>|iw«d Dye works Syed Alley K'iad. T-uleri for N-w Kn^ino
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  • 709 3 l«< Jfaaifa I'm t Jaavn Gaasau 4ui t bH«S^HPoLIHOB. The aToSOOOO Turn vi.i.v L Itl'll ILTIKH 0* (tKNKRAL CaH'-o-■aarM lad rWnawy, I'HK ii-«s of ii- d-alli of Father Martin. the Chi-f of the Jesuits, as «iven in I tabi^ram Ms*, is in.l erred. The tele. rcferrinl to
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  • 1856 3 Inr Trr rr~ Mkktiku Tha tifly-seicnlh ordinary haf-yea-ly meeting of shareholders in this Company was held n the CM? Hall »t H,.i,-k..n-,.n Saturday, the 17ih instant. Mr. H. Hnppiu* presided Tin- hief Manager rvad t In- notice of meetingTil.- OWIHi read Ifcl IBBMI «.f t!i.-
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  • 451 3 Japanese Competition wi th the P and O Co. Thk Japan QaxtlU says;— ln connection with the keen competition which ha* sris,-n istweeii ihc f a o Oaaamn aai Ha N V K. on the Bomliav roiii.-. the Directors of the latter Company held a v I inland decided u|»ni
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 393 3 1\EAFK ESS COMPLETELY CURED Any |mthiiii nufft"riii),' fniTii De»fin".». H«iM in the Hrn«l. \v.. uiny l«iirii nf n iihw, niinple tr ntmont. whir'i i- |in.vini; vorv M MKll in i'<uii|il>'ic!y cuniif MM m all kin<li Kull priMWI Mfa| m»iiy uiisoli.-iteil l«itiinniinl" ami ammftfH fMM notices, will In. -.out |Kiet fn-i-
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    • 777 3 SHIPPING. r or (.rnrr.l ShippUf R«wf He* Faff* 4 BRITI8H INDIA 8TBAM RATIO TION COMPANY. LIMIT1D. FOR PKNANii. KANMOOlf. A CALCUTTA. Tin. Company's ii«m.r PALAMCOTTA. L'.-'nS ton* noit. Captain A. J. Windebaak, R.N.R., will I- rie«patrheri for the abort port* <>■ MmIiuvmUjt, i In- JHtli inntant. For frxight or passage,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 239 3 trrunufineni*. I i l -I>O. "JTl II Kk BUI AKT. lli K h Water. 8 18 p. m. MO 'II I...M IJ;l.llt.'i 7 II p. 1U I'. 1 i s,.. >» SI j. ui. Kaaoak V,.- to II M B. faftriwwr I M p.m. J..lin«l..:.'- Pi r. Udia l.iwn Teanii
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    • 341 4 I'nd-'r IMs liHadiiitr the following abhrwviv ti us are used: str. —stHnmnr sh, —ship: Ikj. —barque; Brit —Briiiih U. S— |Tnitmi States; Fr. —French; Ger. —Cxeriuau; Uut. Dutch; Job.— Jol'O'e; &c. O.c—General esrjfi; d.p. —deck pass»D>r«rH I".—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Psg»r Whtrf; T. P. D.—T«nj>ng Psgar Dock
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    • 1095 4 Akkivai.h Since Noo.-j i i Monday Amktnt, Brit. str. IOS tons. «'apt. Sliiiiiiu-n Hth l«b. Ki'.m Taloh Aaaoa vn perts, Mrd G. c, and .6;d. p. Weeßin.v.o. Fot IVlok A n -on via ports. 2Mli. Kds. Sri* Tringianu, Brit, str 81 tons, Osat Will«k. 27th Feb. From Halaasß,
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    • 147 4 Htm», Port, and Dale of Hu11,., Kbum Lo.-iixin (isudiaiix. Jnii 7 Java. Jan. 11 Lalxiiiril'iiiiini* Jan i'| Dryfo-iUle.lan. J>. Ii enav.iu Jan B Aden. Jan -7 Jaaaa, IWh I" i ilfiiesrii Feb. Liverpool Titan. Jan. 23, PloaMtks**, J»n i" Cylape. Jan M. I'olypheniusFfh. ti: OIMMM Feb. 7 iloviiue.
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  • 135 4 A RRIVALS. 5; Vmm&'i N\Mt. .v I Km Fkom. Saii.ii. M M K.illi.wl Mo-is 2* Kueno, AlnH in.." H Umm '•M 1.*.1y I.'.uii'l.'D 26 1.>. ■<,„.• (iu.n Amh.r.t 17 Bat* ■_'< taUoa 1 i ■-'7 Mi I'riuiwuiii ■-•7 I how Pliy. J7 < ie- ■»ni.''i 17 Xam Sin Out -<
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  • 64 4 Date Vikmel'h Name. Ki.v.i A Bin MTMV i; (J Lou.iun h j: Aiutralind -7 OioHDieo -7 Tera II Kimi Yang 27 Sam Tor •J7 Ruby L' 7 IViwng 17 Pakaof Hut .Ir Rrit. >tr »tr. MM .tr Hnt ,lr utr Itr. S: itr. I Kjnl..r,f -If T.1K...T. fclimiti Slilrr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 344 4 NOTIoKS. 1 lIOWAHTH PUSKI'NE TIMITEI). J SIMO AFOII, ARRIVED yJIEBE A IURMAN'S in TTBINKE'S TREBLE /"IYLINDER T\IVIN(J VfAUHINE AIR 13UMPS AND I^VRESSES IOMPLETE. "DiLaonuo i>eli, \v"ire sp.'i-ially insulated for thf Tropics. OELL I N'STALLATIONS. fixed uuder skilled supirvisiou aud guaranteed. TNCANDESCENT T AMPS In to lit) Tults, ItaMl candle ponur.
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    • 1394 4 DUCKS. 'I1HE TAN.JONG PAGAR DOCK CO. A LIMITED. 1 h I'M'iiii- ■< of the Company are situated >i* T.mj-n 1 i'.i;ar adjoining th.' tjwn of SingaI> <rr. Steam tram-cart run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rat Tlio Wlmrf extend* to one mile
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    • 1116 4 .NOTICES. I)Uoi;UAMMK FOX TBE SPRING AND AITUMN MEETINGS, |KJ*I FIRST DAY. Ist Rack.— Maiden Platk Valui HM, A Rmm for Msiden Ba*BM Firs -c!n-K to carry list; Sw •nd-(*l*m». Hist.; m.,; anrast sst'aiW for th« .">th Rs<e, 9*t— R. C. :Ni> Rack.— Roadsters' Plate. Valu»— Ist Pii/.e. sjiiii; -Jnd Prir.«,
      1,116 words
    • 169 4 NOTICES. I^" AT I B lili THI TAILORISG DKI'A RTMEST. New <-iooDs Arritino Reoularly. Twkkh StJITINiiS Harris Twneds. GMnMN •<iii<ings. Homespun* for tropi -nl or hmn» wear*. Ov- Ki-.iATINils, M-;w Dcsionh. Twee<l and Cishmere Trowserings, good variety Black aud Mlu.- French Twills. (Jaatiaga all colours, mlbmbbb, Tknnis Cloths and
      169 words
    • 56 4 NOTICES. UNDEBTAEEM ALL 0 riiISTING AND BoogB '^,s l tkm Moiurr« bolm Wiit HMit AR* VERY GtMiT "HIN IT IS NECESSARY. MERCHANTS' BUSINESS FORl«, Can be Peinted W T M M SENo e R, W4ITi y OCABCLART. Price $> (Cpies of this work ran I M k. tli.offi,esof .1,. British
      56 words