The Straits Times, 30 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1894. XO. 18.233,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1088 1 LMBH.F COMI»aS t IEB. IK AND ORIENTAL Ml'lNY Orncs I'ollyor Quay. Wbabvbb aad OoDown— New ■aafcaam la. Bail steasasrs may be n»» latwards aad leave flsa«aaore faontnr.l, Ml th* followiaar daU- UoanwasM tax. v y.i. tl Mar a K~...., M.r 7 lUr. l»| M.r tl AH. I Aih I daUeare
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    • 1087 1 SIKAMSIIH' COMPANIES. STKAMSHII' COMPANIEB. DX KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART For Borneo Port* via Bawean and Sonrabaya. M A VI -Si Ii APPI.I. On the Bth of evory month a steamer iuub in r.i.lsrcontrsetwith the Netherlands th; taking direct cargo an! pasluilia Government. n »f»™ Jj Banjermassin, Pulo Uut, Paasir, A ./<■«/«■ shipAoenct,
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    • 479 1 DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFF'S RHEDEREI ZU HAMBURG. KmobiN Line. Fortniohtlv Service betwken Hamllll:.. AND THE BTRAITS, CHINA and Japan and vice versa The following steamers will prolutlily be desjiatclied from Singapore for Hsvro aud 1 Hamburg: Dee at Hamburo. Catsuit onHth Jsn. l^H-.'l-h Feb. IW4 P on-.7th JM.IBM !'th Mar. H!t4 Frigga
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    • 939 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "IVTORDDEUTSCHER LIjO YD. IX BREMEN. I The fsst sml well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven j and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, J Suez. Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and de- partures of thei-e
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    • 641 1 INSURANCES. IUARDI AN FIKK AND I.IKK ASSI-KANrF i \J COMPANY. LIMITED, LONDON. EsTAbLISHID 18S1. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Funds 4,616,000 Annual Income 938,000 The undersigned, agenta for tne above Company, are prepared to accept fire rteks for short I periods oftendayvor longer periods at cnrrent rates to be named
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    • 792 1 BANKS. (IHARTKRFD BANK OF INDIA J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. JNCORPORA TED B V RO YAL CHARTER. CAPITAL iIPOO.OOO RESERVK nm fi.'iO.OOO BDrOAPOBI BRANCH. INTKREBT ON FIXKU DEPOSITS. For 12 niontliH, ."i°/ 0 per annum. I 4°/ o :t TL Current Deposit Accounts are opened and interest allowed at |mt .-nnt.
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    • 289 1 NOTICBB. KATZ BROS. Tyg have just ajwlnl th« LATBST VyiNOHKSTBR TiKPBATINO g HOT G UK. Model 18i):>. 12 bore. The barrel is rolled steel, jV) inches long, total weight of Gun 7| lbs., with sliding forearm movement. It is SAFE. QUICK, aad EABY ef MANIPULATION from the shoulder, SIMPLE iv
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  • 526 2 LATEST MAKKKT gCOTATIONS. I Si s.jap. iKK MM Jaxu>bv, 1894. I PBOUUCB. Gsml.inr 7.57 V do Cube Na 1 11.56. do do No. 2, aOO. Copra Bait 5.77^. do Pontianak 5.60. PepiMT Black. 9Srl\L. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.45. do Brunei &25. Pearl Sago :*.:tt» Coff«>e Bali .t».:». Coffee Liberiaii,
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  • 90 2 ro» P«r Mr. Tim. IoHoRKOW. (v oliama «l* po t Olriuik. 'adaag ri« |wrt» Q. ran By < Imitf pin- Hany Ha/., iuiifkuk Indtpendnf, tf»lacc»-.. ftttt <■!>■■■. 'eaani; so I Calcutta. Vhtl^irn. 7»'catU Tii por.i. Stthuddn M.i inw vm t., ,, }cli. titan/or lap .11 vi» port« IWaor
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  • 279 2 Abrivals. Per s. s. Miilticcn from T. Auson via port* Meiers. Cadonon, Weiniti, Mer*. Sehutzar, and Mullinghaus. Per a. Mital from Shanghai Mr. G. W. Davloa, From Yokohami Mr. Hedvey, Mi«M A. Mn.tiii From Hougkong -Mr. Powell, aud Mr. E. W. Toot. From Saigon Mr Grey. l>< |>artnr«s.
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  • 82 2 STRAITS TIMES Established: 1831. Price: 10 Cents. TUESDAY. 30th JANUARY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS SulttcriptisM ratut a*. i rti'iuj r.itr* may be found nn the fourth poye.] The l.«»r«ls and I oniumnv The House of Lords have iejeiU-d Ibe amendments made liv Ibe HwfJOO of CoinmoDt up<n tbe House of LotoV
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 315 2 It is tele^'i-dplii<i (bat the Pbom b.ivc followed Irf>nl Sulinlnirv's advi.e. Thfy have stood l.v tbeir ;iiim n.lnnii's to the Employers' Liability Bill. hiiuiklmeiits h;i<l Itei-ucoliNiden-.l l.v tbe House of (.'ominous which bad unieude.l the am. udmentH. Tht' Hill aVM atnended and reamended has
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  • 440 2 Thi GoverutiK-nt of HoiigkoiiK is auxious to assist trade and alipytag UhM I_v rvndfriu"; that port a <rntr\- of a well orpmiiMil Mrttrm <d° CliitKM- i-ini^rati..ii rountrioK frit-udlv with Britain I tit tin- Chin, w Government dot's nut. ;is yet. fu\- our tho idoa. Meanwhile, tin-
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  • 31 2 The: Cbiuese Uovt-rumeut BMMsaWi BfO tei-tioo to StiHitt. CLiutu- wlm iiimv n-t in n to China, nbetkur ).<'im.un 1.1 i» or fora time. We puldich the full tut if the dec-rue.
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  • 9 2 Thkbb were uo sitting* iv the Supreme Court tu-dav.
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  • 14 2 H. H. tli«' Sul'sn of .lohgre i»il: Hmn.' at Trenail on Friday at 4
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  • 20 2 U. K. lli.' Governor ih to Und at John. Mmis I'i-r to-morrow ooe hour after tbe null gun ii tired.
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  • 28 2 Thk Straitt Budjet was publiaLi d t day at noon. At 2p. m. Ikooß mv mlj^j a tupph mi nt lo BOOBOBOaBJ tit- sent by tbe homeward mail.
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  • 37 2 Tm Xifpom, the JIfHM j mrnal publiah. ,1 iv Tokyo, whim w»s »ui^nded l>v oilier of tin- (lo^ eriiuit-ur. wa* released on ibe 2ud iott. and again iv». |>ended ou tbe 4tb for a further ofeettct
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  • 35 2 Thk Selaiigor Club have sent au imitj, ti.iu to the im Oatarti tl th. S tli«ir At Book i Moayjor oa ii-.- iuslaut, in 1. 0n., in ol tbe KapJOpOi an.l loolkoil l. .Un- a
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  • 39 2 Thk will industry in J.ipan uelJ good pnalU. Tke Himi. Spiiminu Co.. il. i.l> .1 »t it h i;. ii. Mag krio on ike llih iaec, hi dvctoree Jivi.lcu I „t BO |„'i i, -lit. |k r auuu ii.
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  • 49 2 A i.Ak.iK m /.in.- of C Boar baj 0000 Male kf Ike police at Hungkuov nn.lci' ike M. r.' aHrki Ordinan c, SoOJO .1.- ol ln^'- „t ll *Jf i «,.ii .1. ike Bllrvmtioai biiag thai a n^a. teiid tiuilc in.. I L. kae Ih.h iafriafed.
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  • 52 2 Pkkhaph the It A. OMfkl I nt a tritl.. of txl 1.1 |Ki»der in th.-ir mail gun to morrow. BoaMtiaMa the mail k >uu 14 ii,,' widely li.mi.l I 11' oiaai to -tnorrow'i mail unug» the G.A.ii!,.r a little extra noiswhen tbe gun is firefl would be convenieut to the
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  • 62 2 'I'hk uiuil iteajart BaeaMe left c.ilomu jt ii p. in. on tin- atta ioataot aud i» due li. iv on BBOaloj. Her p*j BOafJßf l,st from L.indou for this port m cm.l. s ike Mk)*ia*j oaaMo: jfi I',! ii, ,1. M.Cl.ire, J. BlacL. U N.-w in in aod I!
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  • 36 2 It in Wportod tkal the Mirquis of Ripon, s. i.'.uv of Blata for tbe uoloaiaavebai tmuct ion..! the 1111. 11 >].o>. d new boundarT tuecn British and Dutch N. w Ouiaea.
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  • 67 2 Thk following ale tin- uauii'n of the it.'* boh >> iv I lie Bngß| ore liuks Ist H..1-) Th" fmrntakam H..1.- Tl 1.1 ftk ted Burial.. Hoi,. wilmmiil 3nl Cleek Holf D... 4th t wamp Bah I)o. .Mli Darin Hob NVw bob i; h BompWj Hi.l- Km m|,| „it,
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  • 153 2 Tub poatal l> |.;iitiiieut has been oft" i. ally that Aili.le ltj of the In,, v.-xil I.- ,il ('oiiv.-utijn, of Vienna, hai Uen a licuded so as to read at follow.. vz 1 Circulation shall not be <iven "111 To C. ***** I'j|k.ts, Saiii|l.--an.l Print! d .Mutter which
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  • 183 2 11. M S. 2ud class emioof 9m j (i»t complete. l, is to betke an tl jfabip of the In. 1 I. in Bniilrei in |.l.i.u t lj«H'i.ulir,<i 1 1 okauMa gaaa uud i.l i tons. The li'Ouil- iilm: I tous aud arm. with -<• iucb ami
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  • 200 2 A magisterial enquiry was held at tha General Hospital yesterday to finjiin,- in' tbe cireuinstaures attending the I Captain 1...U rt Me Will, who shot himaelt' with :i re\olver iv the Masonic Club on the 2-lib imttant. The eviil.-ii.-e addaeoi went loabo* thai .-...1 1i.t.l
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  • 134 2 A* jrdiu.tiv frting oi Ibe U Ooojaiiooioiinii will !>.• L Id m W> at 180 |>. in. I I>A. 1. To mi and if affreved vmitm mmm at tli ordin-iry meeting heM iustan2. Gas Cv. tract. 3. Alw.-i" Rovl, Lighting v Supply 4. 'llafll.s yuay. taking V
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 598 2 mBE BORNEO COMPANY", LIMITED THB Staadard Lif* A**uraar« Norwich Union Fir* Inanra*** Society. AUa* Aa*nra*c* ('..Dipany iFire). Th* B<jnitabl* Lif* Aaanraac* Social y Ta* <)«*a Mari»* Inaurane* Coaipany. The Chiaa Ma'ual SUaia Navigation Coy Th* Totteakaai Lagw Bear Company. Th* Maritime Uanranc* Company, Liaiitrtd. For narticaUr* of the** Oompania* »c*
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    • 930 2 I NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 1030 2 NOTICES. I)ROGRAMMB FOR THE SPRING AND AUTTTMN MEETINGS, 1*94 FIRST DAY. 1»t Back.— Maiden Platk. Value— s2so. A Race for Maiden Hornet Fir*f-cla«s to carry list; Second-cla**, 10*t. and hornea entered for the Sth Race, 9at.— X. C. Rack— Roadstkbh' Platk. Value— lst Prize, ?^oo 2nd Piii«, $50. A Rao
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    • 803 2 LATEbT ADVERTISEMENTS. T DA PBRBIRA. HOBTIC-ULTUBIST ANH FLOBIST. COLLBCTOB AND EXPOBTKB Or ORCHID*. Orders for B >i < u<-t Spray* Ac, Ac. Car.-fuliy and promptly executed Cheapest House in the Trade 28/2 I V wif. I.i vi Yung N.'-i, having left me w 1 1, on t my ensenr I
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    • 15 2 .Lan 2S>tb. At Mount Echo, th* wife of (J. W. Butt, of a son. a————
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    • 78 2 M.B.S. wtlnkAW ft ta> MniU Tim- tlumld k, vnlfn. •r. wwU tK, paper mly. By lk< lUyUel I k.i( HiKm* hk M.8.8. Un njtrUi lIM4 rn.fM tth*rwit4 I* AU tinriim) txmtrub mn nhjtet to t\t <-r,n*>t,»» ant t<r Uftlt aisyUaw UM «4'rrtu»Mii4 nf tht w* >n am- %f rr— aatk*.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 99 2 WEATHER REPORT. A'.n. i.ii.v Krabuu Hotpital, i»ll, Jaaaosa, 1861. a.m. J p.m. 9 p.m. Bimakki. Bar. r»l. M Pah. &.M6 29.700 29.7W) S>*~~ Temp (W0 Si.i 76.2 -=TJ^ W*( Kulb Thcr. 7(5 0 77.0 75.8 "2 5 Lnr. ..f Win.l .X.K.N.K. N. K. i\~ M»i.T-.iip. ia>haile 88 i r Uio.
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  • 125 3 Mrs.M axwell's "At Home. I. avt t*mla§. Mr*, lfaiwell gave au V II •me" .ii Tm^lin Club, the itnit.i- ill.- nvmttera and -of tbe <",, ...ii AiKx'itimii. Tl Tlir follow. in in mii« Ail. ami 1 1 him I IUKATtU, -curtl, Mr i: iv<Hiii|rwHli>«ri Mrs Day T. mpUt,,H. >
    125 words
  • 952 3 llt Uai a.lvi.-. tin' ii|>Miiii .'.mi minion 11 mIIHI.,' l( LlllOf WlltT.' |l 1.1..L „V|. I-' I 1 1 1 1_' 1 1 ill till' OUSUtllptlUU llf nioug Sikhs. lai Ax >K.. Si km IOLMBaM. !I) M S'niiiir, m iiiiii.liug the 10th Ib-n^al I I 'iiit opium
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  • 997 3 How itStani.s is NrTtißtLi<it»i Sew <ii'inKA. I)i«A»TK« to a hlMUli V«m«l !■»■>■«■« Abolition ..k F«»k Posts Al ITR4LIAS PluilM IN THK ABU Im.ANI.K ThkSihall.iH IN aCHkBH. Ui/rtm r.,r,uui nor. papers.) Ihk N'.iherlaudii hold possession of N >i i v.'i. bir the ternlorv ban I I iird. v Hnauciallv.
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  • 1818 3 The Treatment of Chinese Emigrants Returning to China. An lurnruPiimt worn tbkib P«<*T|JCTU>I«. The otb<>r day, attention waa drawn in tut- Slmilt Timm to the iquarMMJ knd <>|>|>ri»»kiou tbat befall CLineae emigrant* returning toCbioa from tbe StraiU ih-ttle-inrijts. Tlitir grievance* bait- been laid In-fore the Emperor of Chin* bx tbeChiDese
    1,818 words
  • 1142 3 tiK William Ma, khi.'k. tbe Adininistratoi of Uiih.-h Now Uuiuea, has receutly beeu occupied in exploring pa it of the territory over which he has control. His dispatch* s to trie Governor of Queousl.i i. .1, in which be describes bis experiences aloug the coast of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 381 3 VcaaeU AalverUaed to Sail. For W. Australia. Sol<u*m, on 30th January. W Maaaneld and Co. For Sydney and Melbourne Clitu*. doe on Ist January. MrAl ater aad Co. For Penang aad CaleutU, VniuMt, on the :r«t January, Bouatead and Co. Kor Adelaide and bvdnvj, Baw-oora. due on Zird K.->-r .»r_v.
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    • 350 3 NQTICEB. McALISTEK Co. i I^INB QLD I) RT A MONTILLADO OHKHKV •11.50 per im Specially selected by and bottled at the London Docka for McALISTEK <fc Co, SINGAPORE. FRESH ARRIVALS IMVINi; GEAR. f \IVINU IiEAR Heinks A Co.'* Celebrated three throw Diving Pumps complete, always in Stock. Extra Gear for
      350 words
    • 667 3 BHIPPINQ. /vCSA.V STEAM SHIP COMPANY FOX DERBY. PEABLINO OBOUNDB. BROOME, OOBBACK, ASHBUKTON. OABCOYNE. fCARNARVOH), BHAJUTB BAY.OKRALUTON (CHAMPIOM BAY). ANDFREMATTI.R. Tbe O. S. S. Co.* ateamnr BALADIN. 1,4!*3 tons, Captain Jobnaon, has arrived sad will be despatched again on Tuesday nest th* SOth instant. For freight or passage., apply to W.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 199 3 Arr^ngrmenlN. Tb— ii. Nn Jakiaby. High WaU-r .Y2H p. Bajpaaaatal oth\-t>' "At Home »t O.:>" p. iv. Hockey. 0 C 1. V. A Kspl-naJe. S.n-i. ty's tt.rurral Miftiu^'. K»akaafi Boobjb. -l+- r > p. m. Wli>nkbii\y, oUt Janiakt Arrhal of Sir < harlts HlKhrll. Hicli Wuttr U*. m "1" V
      199 words

    • 302 4 Under this heading the following abbreviiti«BS are used str.— »t «amer «'i.— >hip hq— barane Brit Britiih U. S— Ouit.-d States; Fr.— French; Ger— German: Dul.— Datch; Joh.— Johore; Ac.. G.f.— General eanro- d. p.^^lei-k pasaeDfror* U. Uncertain ;T. P W— Tanjonir P»x*r Whtrf;T. P D Tanj-nur
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    • 1088 4 »rii«»l.ciiio.Nuo.i or t*-,iKUi>\.r. Steaoiers |>ass -1 through S*Ul, (kelydra, San l*twcw d* Lny la, Sr. Tnngganu. Wuota*. Bt»okali,. JfaUce*. lint. str. 405 tons, Capt. Daly. BMfe Jan. From T. Anaon na ports, 271h. G. a, an 1 Ti d. p. Straits Stranwhip i' y. Ltd. For Telok Anaon
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    • 137 4 Name, Port, and Date of tasks. From Louden HeniMli r»i— iM. I)-- Gleugvl.- G'unavuu Ueu%l<|-r. IK- if". BstfcwaM Cwtle, Dm Britannia, Jan 5 liaiidiaua, Jan. 7 Java, Jan. 1 1 LiV««f<XjL Moirul, Dhc, 15 i B.«ll.-r.ii>l,,.i. Holla Lias, Dec V M r vi.l hi. D <• I p»t
      137 words
    • 144 4 vmi(«L'» Itn 2 L U T..*«. 04RAB. Fk,,m. S»,Lki. Rio Ju. 29 God.T*ry Waotu m Mtlacca 29 Adjoin* 2:< PieoioU 30 NaUl 3" a. a. i 1 immk M 1t.... 30 B«Bfrk*li< so bow n.w SO 3ti TriD|[r»uu 30 Su I d« L joU 90 t'bcl.T.lra MM.ttr. 815 R«kU»o
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    • 93 4 D»i VlMKL'll Nilt hi" I Kw CiPTAIN J»u. 39 2> 30 as so so 30 30 30 SO I i u-hmr Feb. tr» Fidrho <irr. -tr Trek .Seng Uu >n Joh. >tr. t'atbrrin* Apotr Brit. itr. G. G. Lo*l.n Dut. -ir. Per»« Brit. <tr. W w oUn li-r ttr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 NOTICES. "McALISTER &l)o~ HAVE .MSI XXi KIVKD A HUMiI Of JAMES WATSON Co.'s CBLSBfLATSD SCOTCH WHISKEY. Hill DOMINIE I'.UAXD) Af* lor tin- Doßsinie Bnad (Black ÜbeL GUAIIANTKKD in YEAB9 OLD. PBICE SIOuOO PKB (ASK. M gALI 8 T E II ft Co.. Sou Aoum DIAMOND Piire^t and Lightest ALE extant.
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    • 1428 4 •JOCKS. Tmß TANJONt; PAGAR DOCK C >. A LIMITED. The premi-..^ of Nsi C.ui|vvit aru fitint .1 at Tanjon < r»j^»r 1 1 1 •>. :i us" Sin t pore. Steam tram-«i»r« run Bsfctn U rarrytna; passeoirera and ){ooja froiu Wlutrf as destinations at low rat a. The
      1,428 words
    • 384 4 NOTICES. "piLET TTARGREAYIeS k pO A VERT'S WEIGHING MACHINKS j from 4 ewt. te 1 ton to weigh lbs. kiloa or cattiaa. WALTER'S FAMILY BALANCES 1 from U lb*. to s<i 8.-.. to weigh tbs. and eattiaa. LARGE SECOND-HAND GAMBIER PRESS in good working order. ATALE'S AMERICAN PADLOCKS all sites
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    • 156 4 NOTICES. 1 R r S H K I» FOOD. TBT IT AI»D TOC WILL BK SATIiriBD. I. R. BBLILIOS bears to inform Urn purTlic that hi* Factorr for preparing Cnuh<*l Food, at 34. Pelilioa Road, is now Firat Claaa Craahad Fond. NOT V »>•*. «•»•> Clean Oata Ki.OU Indian Bran
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    • 241 4 NOTICES. KOTICB CIIKOI inferior Cruihad fool is offar4 for O Hair in th.« Sintf»pon« market a> n prirp«. thi> iindersifii^ k»{* to Jraw atu^. tion to Ul cortifioatod Omhwl fio| llt Banal ami ii prepared nron at a *%rri|«*_ to ilinpnwi of hi< aupi>ri«r quality art: undermentionMl rat«w, so as
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