The Straits Times, 26 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: l&U. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1894. NO. 18,280.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 892 1 HP 00MPANIB8. Omc»_4 oll yer g,,,, vTbabvw aad OoDow,,a_s, w lUrlwar Maaiaaaa I«H Mojjw.aD. «ar ttn^it, jj^,. abov. dau* w .ppn,,,,,,.. •to Mar^lUM an-1 '•s.mea.tolondon o T AL NEW s> NAI'I.Kd AMi BOTFT mrward hound paM«Bge n w.hiiig bs at Ismail,, f, .ndpickup at Al«,.ndriathe local,' —I(iHliajii| wwsil lAL KETUKN
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    • 800 1 STEAMSHIP ((..Mi'AMES. STKAMSHIP COMPANIES I \K KONIXKLIJKE PAKETVAARI MAATBCHAPPU. 1 1 !.re,,i,ira.-t with the Nt.tlmrlands Inlia 'ioveriiinent. A "I- AOI.CT, LATK I '.DiiroiuaUo., i-X Coia.TnQva.v. A.j. „t, „t />, MrHKKH Hmtsim-H I Likbkkt A Co. has a fleet of :*i Steamers, with splendid s.-cuuiiodation for first class -.-.i,.l -:ass, tad
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    • 696 1 far rtonKo Port* via Ba wean and Sourabaya. 1 in tlie Hth of every month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and to Banjermassin, Pulo Lant, Pasair, and Kotei. Once every month on the 'j:ird a steamer is daapateasd to Dongala, Berow, and Bnlongan also calling
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    • 914 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES TyORDDEUTBCHER LLOYD. 1> BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route, at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suer., Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with tlie arrivals and departures of thefe mail steamers, the Company's steamer
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    • 663 1 INSURANCES. GUARDIAN KIKE AND LIFK ABBURANCF COMPANY. LIMIIKD, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 18« l. Kubscribud Capital 4t.0U0.0U0 Total Inverted Kund*. vfilff.'ooo Annual Income, 938,000 The underaignoo., amenta for the above Company, are prepared to accept flre risks for short periods often dajH i r longer periodii at onrrent rate* to be named
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    • 787 1 BANKS. /IHARTRRRD BANK OP INDIA W AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IIY ROYAL CHARTER. I ('APITAL £800.000 1 RESERVE FUND 1:250,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. I.NTERKNT ON FIXKD DEPOSITS. For 1"J months, r>°/ 0 jnir annum. *"l o > :t 3°/ c Current Depo-it Accounts are opened and interest allowed at )> per
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    • 895 1 NOTICEB. Entahhsher. 1865. pi LET, HAR<;REAVBB4CO KNiINMHS.IBO!*! BramFoUNDIRS, HoiLKRMAKICRS, BrIIMJK HOII,D«»», SUM BIILDEKR, (iKNKBAI, 'OWTRACTORH. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPOR SHIP BUILD WO YARD lll'lH class STEAM VESSELS »lw»,under construction, from 18 ft. to 150 ft length of keol, of bent design and finish MACHINERY trnm lasting British Firm* with Board of
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  • 509 2 LATEST MAKKhT gL'UTATIONS. j Singapore 2<>th Janv«ry. I jc m Produce. Gambier, do Cube No. 1 ILK. do do No. 2 8.00. Copra Bali 5.82^. do Pontianak .'••><». P.pper Black Sajfo Flour. Sarawak 2.4.V do Brunei 2 2Y Pearl Sspi 3.:f0 Ci.tTee Bali. :ti.:io. Coffee Liberian, UM. Tanioca
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  • 121 2 For Ptr Mr. l"i««r. m Mmpow rli tiluii «1.1 S«iii«r«» t t f/iamui.'i. 8 a.m. IV.uti.ui ik 1.ah.1.. 0 m. Kttu ['ih.!. .<!..» in, Miur, A~ui.. Y'IHJ. II I't3»np aid Colombo, lta->'m, llk.b. Miar. tMHIaNt 2 p.m. UnliKi. «n rr,.i««o 3 p.m. v', ('arn.dr'li. m. 3 p.m. Klang
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  • 264 2 ABKIV4LH. Per s s OMM from Madras »ia ports hl'-sr*. P Ker, T. Staple*. Abranm. Wyllie. .ml I.eslar, The Rt Revd. Bi-hop Ho 9". and Mrs. Hos... Mrs. Norris.the Missoa Bijors. Macfarlane. and Woodford. I'aoM-llii'Ts. (TO ABBIVK.I Per P. Si. O. s. h. Britannia, l rom London, Jan.,
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  • 249 2 STRAITS TIMES Established: 1831. Price: 10 Cents. FRIDAY, 26th JANUARY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. SaMarifJMM r.i<»« .i.i Ir -rli-inj rih* may be found M th> fnui'h MM. Eg)|>t. The attitude of the Khedive 1 BrittMh iv K){vpt is not. il is MMfMo\ bjaiog supporU'd by France. France is rather
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 374 2 The British occupation of Egypt has alwav s irritated mi influential nation of the native covernin;,' class These people, Terv naturally, resent the fact that th.v no Ua*jer ._'iiTeru Th-v sway the Kh, dive. who ia a \..uth hardly SO jrean-ofagc and who only caiir- to
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  • 892 2 Yesterday's Chamber of Commerce Meeting. Tall amiwiajt aj Ika Ohaaibai -ii < ■millirrcC 111' e| I Hi,', t hilt yest.T.|.l\ M I'Ul' is the .icinin' .it 111 .-iiii,' hi'l<] ill Sint,M|«ire TM BMMf»«« < 'h.iinber met the dhrarfjMM •>! o|iini"ii. the baanMM of argument, tad tbe <lir«MtneNs of
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  • 20 2 A si'K. i it titlin will be seiv.-.l i| the K i'il"s Ti ttiu K. loins to-morrow i Saturday I
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  • 21 2 iin the 8. 0. C. will pla tbt 1 \'o l ii ii i eem at hockey on the Ks|
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  • 16 2 The Singapore U r.iii.m Clol dance ia tin' Town Hall on M aday, "ith Peb nan.
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  • 22 2 li.i annoa] general Meeting Sporting Club is to 1..' held m tl. I rhingr K i .m tins afteroooa .it o'i lock
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  • 18 2 in. EU. Be*d Piahoaj iaeaa aad Mn Bom arrived tnit rtorwg (raaj tel^ngoi |m r s. s. Nio'ii.
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  • 29 2 Mm im. Po« bt Co., ad*i auction of Mrgieal instruments and mcdi eal buoka oa Moodaj the Wtk at 11 a in .al tie ir Ball I i P
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  • 32 2 Till. Ji'tl, „nln ai\ BMetiagol tM >lia" holders Of the SI rail -i [< 00., Lid Will be held on MoaJajr, iba l*Ui I I at the v's ragiatarad "tli.". Boubaai Street.
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  • 27 2 Vmi ■aBAT, Mrs. Maxwell held an afl< BOOH I'.iipllon at ti.ilcnilll.'llt H That t s piobablj Mi> M*xw< rrceptioo piior t.> tbe ai i»al ot U Mitchell.
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  • 33 2 Is the .la>'s raciogul t li- Tint t'luli M. elit, -on Sat ui.l.n Mr P»toli Ker rode lour winner*. Ibdul IWeadleaj to rictorj in the Peaang .links brongbl hooje fofimth* in raw.
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  • 40 2 A\ .\s-.oeiaiioii (oetbaU mat. b mi the Baplanade, Iwl ai—iil I th,. i c 0 i'"l Sa»j reaulted in each. Hi.- Club bad tbe heal at i>l» hut the Ni'.y bad an excellent goalkerp" »bo Mm d ilieiii mmiv tinn ■>.
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  • 36 2 Tin. a«g itialtooi o»er thdoaw Uj the Dtnbigkihin tbrougb tui i hsiou with the Uaaka Ihoai n •teimsbip Fo»*«o««»ajaiar« al Kobelw been broughl I on bj tbe li 1 r t-onipany agreeing lo paj W.OOO yco.
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  • 42 2 T.ik North China DaUg S It i« anderatood thai Mr. D*»id i. aj t to sever his official coi ■ritfa the Hongkong and Bbanghii ia Uuu vi. "I.i lo ik rote bw b* i.i the Bank ot Cbin*, and the Straits.
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  • 52 2 A i,,,i i 0 u'cfcx k, tins awroing. coaiag ia [roai Bakil Tiwah at the tenth aile Hon*. the dead buUj i Chinaaao. The bead and b barn battered aboal i and point i i uiuiJ.i Tli' rum. Mir ahool the deceased batrio* iceotlj quarrelled witb the man wil
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  • 61 2 Mi.ou Wjlbj »od Mrs. WjWy, a :1 n,.,l l.v the trooper Hit div. bare alrcad) bad aa Boforlunat. eiperien f Biogapore. Major J v vev wan s.niiu' at the Bafflw >• aid a dweeiog bag WrleT'i je»»li wae pni l! 1 bvMajoi W) mm aloag witb Iho jewel* ralued Xl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 662 2 rr\HF. UORNKO COMPANY. LIMITED THB Standanl Life Aasaraare Norwich Union Fire In«un»nce S<M-iety. Atlaa A*«nr»nce Company Fire Th« Bquitahle Life Awuranee Society The Ocean Marine Insurance (ompanv The Chiaa Mutual Steam Narration Oaf The Tottenham I-ajfer Be«r MMI. The Maritime Insurance. Com|«ny, Limit. >l Tor perticnlarr of these Companies soe
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    • 851 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 757 2 MUNICIPAL NOTIOE& U U N I C 1 PA L NOTICE. The Muni |i.i >ml leading f r 'in Thomson Komi In the 1 n|H)Uii<linK Reservoir will elos.-d tn nntafli traffic from Monday. th« Hth instant, until further mMh t > permit ot the carry irir out of certain alteration*.
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    • 1075 2 LATEbT ADVKKTISKMKN l'S. TJAFFLE3 TIFFIN ROOMS. A Special Tiffin will be (riven tomorrow i Saturday i, at the Kafll.« 'lirhn Rooms. S\KKIES BROTHERS. rpHE STRAITS ICE COY LIMITED. XOTI JE 'i he J"! onlimrv Meeting if th" Share. beUan af ihe Straits Ire Coy Liwiitcil. will Im held at the
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    • 26 2 ON I'm) 24th Instant, al Erin l<odtfe, thti wife of BVOO Bkai ss Esq. of a daughter. i *oi <.cuci ,il HhlvpliiK New* tee \f»t 1.
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    • 85 2 M.S.B. i*tt%dt* /sr IH» *r...1. T."i»« .k-^H )>« rrtttm m. mm tUo o( «k» r«|wr only. Ky thr iwyltri »/(lw>( c««di. hoaaiu M N.B. w« nimttt* lk<( m,,M illmvw pill tit All a4*#iitMfif cimlra^t' mr* tnbj#rl to lk« wn4ilnm thnt th* Haufn HMyUaw la« *At*rUM*ment »ut of thi papr in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 98 2 ■•> WEATHER BBPORT. toaaaa* Mm efcajett, MM Jeaaerf, MN. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 'J p.m. likMAUk-. Bar. n-.1. M F»h BMUV.IMV MX T. Bf)4 X6.5 77.4 33 \V. i'u'l. Ther. 78.4 7<*.O 75.8 t; l>ir. »f Wm.l N W N W. X.W. M»». Temp, inslimie h7 0 „jf Mm <lo
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  • 364 3 Tke ln»|»rrf«r ol HrhooU NiilMlr. n <>r Pamm. II I'CFILft PmCIKRTKII ■MKU IN tU Hi.. urn. ■\KI,--->llt« I 1,. I t, with thi hi 4H.1 all. wbik- Ili-r.- 111 Ullnii; „(T ■bet 1. 1 ii|>iU |.r. -..•nt.-.l lor .xIffVH f<>r the two imia Araragi i-r>, >■■■.,
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  • 49 3 Hai.k Ykai;'-i Rkbilh Bvnraci lobmV*, mm Dimotora of tbe Hongkong and Bbansjbni Banking C»rpomtioa Btonassnl the Mrtnesojing Meeting t>i Imm b >liviilen>l for the half-year af H BMtXMW to cri-dit tv. tund. 1100^009 to.reditof B.iuk MMBMM accoiiut, and carry forward to half-year IIISJIQ.
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  • 83 3 A iknukr of |t.lf |nr bead lor tbe pßMnsjß I* China from the Philippines of IbantObinoM »h" fls nst pnjr their pnM> |»irt Im aud income tai has UfD BBMptod at Manila- Nut only ar. Chinese who rtiniot pay tbcir tax.*. Hent bait lo China. \n,..v
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  • 104 3 Tin ./fl/wrti Mai says T.-I.^iapbic nit, -Hi-, me .|esp.,t. bid by Mr. Talcno, Japaßcan Minister to Asjerica, and b> tli>- F.>n ign Mininist. r on Iba Uth iiiNUnt, Beeordnng to JlßMlrir: from Hawaii, (Jlleell LllllloknUai ba« ataplii bY tbe p-oikiwils made |,v the
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  • 93 3 I, hM BSM id.-! Ibai the following kball npr-seiit Bin(f*f>ore in iba S.-I.ini;or-HingaJ .in l»t .tch, to In- plnyed at Mwngoi daring iße Chines. W rnw 1.'.1i.1.0A P. T.illn.t .1 Cook. r. DoBBTa,O. H 1>t..!.,. F. U. KUtot. h. 11. Graut. Li.ut Outqoalwrg. F
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  • 77 3 Tmi Jaaaawr iMperinl Hoaaebttld I>'|«rtMM( 1.., 1...1.C.-.1 111.- ■BfMfßt rccantli ptiblisncd bj th- v. .na. praaa to it..- >ft- t tint iwo botsm b*l I--" by ih. BMpstnr of OorMMsj tbe Km.l..i*u, -i-.l that only MM d I*OM bud arrived safely. It now Bfnißfl
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  • 2707 3 Ambrk as oooaular n '■> in- l-.xliicti,),, i n Aumi.ili Sul.j .in.-.| is* Kutnmarr of In- ilforiMtioa I total mill- ol tli.' f r. 1 i I ioit 'hi tin 11*1 -i iN. w Booth V. .i,,.iuw. -■■nth Aintrali*. and W.nit-rn AtiMra■■•iii ila mi
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  • 197 3 SKVhN CIIOLIKS KILI.KII. An arci.lelit occurred at. 1 1 ■■>._ 1...1 the 19th IBjatßßi BB t Caiuc Kial, ieBlllting in the di-atli of s.-vi-n < 'In ti.iui. v. Th'- sieii.- ol the disaster was luland Lot No 809, na row stiip of giound on the left
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  • 469 3 The iici Daily PrBM in coiuineutBMJ yin tin- Chamber of Onmbjm there ■lUJBH iv favour of a British Dollar points out Tli<> difficulty tliat BM hitherto Ik-iii urged a- standing in tin? way of tin- introduction (if a coin hearing tin- QbMSS'i head lias BM that
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  • 51 3 Thk Sinirapore Golf Club at the BM. ing of the < 'lub House, to-morrow, will be BlnMßi to nee as many as care lo couie. There will \m\ if time |K-ru)its, a loug driving >m {»-t ition which should afford some .iiriis.'tii.-nt to
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  • 61 3 Tin; Baud uf the 2nd BbM Liucolushue Ki-gimeiit will play the following prou'raiiime on MH Ksplanade to-day, eomineueing at ."> p. m. I'K'i'iK VM >IK 1. March /-'..1 -Mil i'mmlnj Aekorumnn. 2. Dsnee oUJa»n>» BogK«<ti. 3. Overture F-<i Dinralo. .Aulx-r. 4 Ma/tirka 9mm .('.ir»(iio. 5. telection
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  • 415 3 A MXX.TIN.; was held List ui^-lit, with the Hon. A. L DobjbMbm ni tin- chair, and was adjourned to Kith MwBIJ Thrre memlieis was appointed as s|>ecial cora-milt.-e t.> rej.oit as to the tinaucial positiou of the S'l.iel v. The following is the repot that was
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  • 269 3 AIHI.KTIC BFOBTB. Thk Straitb Chinese N.itio' Pootbsll Association will Bold Athletic Sports ..u WediieNiliiy 7th February next in Teltik Ayer to eOBMaOBaa at 2 p. in. Referee- M. Koll Tiolin; Van. Judges; Haaara. OoaOhoag si.-w and <ioh Chiu Y.ui. Timekei-p.-rs Moaara. Ooa i'boii"; Lock and
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  • 231 3 Ii propoaod to ii 1 1 Ujßikhana mi the Race Covna ob s,it nnl.iy 10th HVbni.ii;. c ..iiiiii.-nrinu' Bl I p. in. The. programme i.s to lie I S.-nrry Base, 3 fwtuatfK, ladle* aouiiaalion for all batan esrladiaf lir-t. nd and Ihinl class and winmis of road-ler- aid
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 72 3 rpOILBT I.ANOI.INK ABBASfONa, ItlTl,-. Mid W.iunl. liesl rapidly under amiueation ..f Toilet j LsiiuliiK wbiek n-ed Bonatantl] .-Ip'axion, and la aspeeially v .-tul forth.dialing foaan eßudran. In eolUpsible Till- d ia .1.."I ."I bosn N (ran «!l < She-mi-'-nii'l Krut'tri-.s Tfknlm'l |)-,0'..-7. llollK.rti Viaduct. Tho genuine li.-aix tlie trad" ninrk
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    • 352 3 NOTIOEa. MoALISTER Co. F INK 010O 10 D RY AMONTILLADO vJHBRRT *l I ■>'■ per case. Specially selected by and tied at the London Docks for McALISTEK Co, SINttAPURB. FRFSH ARRIVALS fyVING GEAR. IyVINGGBAB Hrinks Co.'* Olehrated three throw Diving I'limpx couplnt«, always in Stock. Extra Qoar for sam^.
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    • 920 3 Sllil'l'lNO. j^OR SAM A RANG A EOURABATA~ Tim Brfrlek st<.am«r HONG AY, \.M4 toas. i'aptain Young, having left Honffkoaf oa the 2"th instant, may br- expected to anne i here on or about th* -.»«th instant, and win hare prompt dmrsilrh for the above ports For freight or pawae* »
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 224 3 Arranxrniriiis. Fbihw. Mra .lamiakv Hajh Water I M p.m. Bfljnl Asiatic Society Meeting. Killl.-H Musi-uin, 5 p. in. Sporting ('lub Meeting. F.xeliang--. p. iii. Raffles School prise diatribation by tb«t Acting Governor. Bore' School LDO p. n. Girls' S. Imol |.U p. m. Bnnd. nVnlaajans Sp. m. Svi.KiiAY, --Till Jamah.
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    • 293 4 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used ntr.— «t«amer sh. ship; b.| baniue Brit —British U. S.— Fnite«l Stales; Fr.— French Ocr. German; Dut.— j Dutch; Joh.— Joho'e; 10., (J.e (i<-n»ral i cargo d. p.— deck passengers I" Uiuvrtain T. P. W— Tanjong Psgar Wlurf T.
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    • 1038 4 ABBIVAI.B SINCE NOUN <>» UiTtHKI. Diamond, Brit atr. tW tons. Capt. Kllis. 25th Jan. From Penan* 23rd. O. c, and 10 .1. p. Liui lan Co. For hatarta «7th.— Bds. Ban WhattSoon. Brit str. U*9 tons ('apt. Delmuc 16th Jan. From PontUnak Bkfa U.c and 40 d.p. Ban
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    • 155 4 Mmmt, Port, and Dot* of Sailin Fbom London. 1i.111e.1l l'ar»in,tlii. Dm Bkaafkai Dee. 11. (;ie,,gjle. enavoa Glenostr, l).'r Jl Bonaldcr, De.v Both well Castle, Doc. JO Britaunia, Jan. 5 (iaudinua, Jan. 7 Java, Jan. 11 Ll¥B»POl|l, Mogul, Dac 15 8..11..1-0,, !,.,n BueiuiH Air.", bee J'l Holt's I,iue, Da*,
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    • 88 4 Vmoi/i Namk. a Ria hM r*D. •^5 Ditaond 8«n Wk«tt Soon 26 -iri* Tiinffanu Hu Swf On .n ■Jt> Ho»r»7 H.'.. 36 Hr.. Jf. Chisa Brit ttr. MM Kll.. str. 19U [>eliuai;< itr 81 Will.K-k >tr. .VII U»rj »tr. 1.W3 Yoilnn -ir .It.', 1,,k.1»r ttr. 1691 H»r.i.-»-i.. i.rr. ttr.
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    • 120 4 Date TMWI Namk IJ rv wmmtf* I IHI K. > A Xi I 4 V1 4 IS tATtom >aa. 25 Biaairuo 25 M«iil«rin 25 Benglo? M < ram ■>• 26 Will tl»- Wi-p 36 Sri IVgatan 26 MwiU Kiaii Yaug- ii liiiiitun 26 2)1 >i :u -i.-i 2-i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 560 4 NOTK3I 9s I McXLISTl ER 7&CoT HAVE .UST KKi'KIVKI) A t-HIPMENT <>F JAMES WATSON Co.'s! CELEBRATED SCOTCH WHISKEY. Till-. DOM I NIK BRAND.) A»k t"i die Dominie Brand (Black Label GUAKANTKKI) 10 TBARfJ OLD. PRICK SIOyOO Pfiß CASE. yo A L I ST E B k Co.. Sole Aflftirn hmsbl
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    • 607 4 NOTICES. T>URB T\RUGS /"IHEMICALB. Estate and Hospital Indent* executed same day as received I'illM MEDU l\tX Inrludlisg Geraudel's Pastilles. Brown's Bronchial Troches. Clements' Tonic. Warner's Safe Cure. Clark's Blood Mixture Dr. Lalor's Phoaphodyne. Townsend'H Sarsaparilla. WRtHm FOODS. iiuludiiiK Benger's. Mellin's. Neave's. Nestle'x. Ridgen. Savory v MiMire'*. SI'MTArLKS. Folders. Eye (.Jlas^r,
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    • 1428 4 DOCKS. nr\HX TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. 1 LIMITED. The pi«mU"4 of the C>nii"»ny are ritiut .1 at Tanjon< Pagar adjoining the t n of Bin^:i--pore. Steam tram-cars run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a
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    • 286 4 NOTICES, KATZ BROS.! ■\V"E have just received tb* LVTEBT Ty'INCHBSTBR I>BPEATING Model 18»3. 12 bore. The barrel is rolled st-el. 30 inches long, toUl weight of Oun 7} lbs., with sliding forearm movement It i* SAFE, QUIUR, and EASY of MANIPULATION from the shoulder, SIMPLE in C'ONSTRUUriON and SURE in
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    • 258 4 NOTICES. nBDBHID FOOD. Tat IT AND YOU WILL BB SArlHFlßll. I. R. BBLILIOS beg* to inform th* public that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at 34. Belilios Road, is now opened. First 01am Crashed Food, H." l bag. cash Clean Oats $3.00 Indian Bran IMI To be had at
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    • 136 4 NOTICES. ABO I 1 pFR A K j VUWti HWETTEXBAM. i Paper o»«t« v <mi (lath Hoard* tl.St Half Leather SINGAPORE I STKAITS TIMES OFFICE The hook will he forwardxd to any part r application Baal fro* ut the above namM prices. The money must be sent, with orders. Postal
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