The Straits Times, 25 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 5 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIKI): UWI. SIXCiAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1894. NO. I».2^>.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 496 1 IMSHIP OOMPANIBB OMPaNT On H «HVlk»u,| OOOOWHS— N.-W 11, »tae««rs may t* e «p.. i ""Til!*' llMniiM i»ttsare on.j arrivals aad departure may Ih- e.ther «a. I v n a i it n. ward bovad paeeeag' ajrta visit > rrtnut ti< i 0 the travel have 1 An tm'U, •rt
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    • 686 1 DMNKLI.IKK PAKETVAART MAATM iIAPPI.I. Ui.di-r eoi.triwt with the Netherlands ladle V. I.ATK I J. Dai bdi uiOo., 1-3, O lltbbQoat. I HI'TTKNH*i H 1 r I t fleet oi n BaaMBMBj r tir-t elaae, »<-.-, ii.l eln«~, aad de. i, paanr-ngOTB, nnd foi the gr. il. r |.nrt provided with
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    • 668 1 /•'or Uorneo I'orU via Bawean and Sourahaya. >n thn Bth of ev.-ry month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and pax■eagari to BaaJMßWeam, Pulo Laut, Pawtir, and Kotei. Onceerery Neatt M the j:lrd a oteamer in deepatehed to Dongala, Berow, and Rulongan al«o calling at Banjermassin, Pulo
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    • 876 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "V or DDF.UTSf'HER LLOYD. IN BREMKNV T 1 I fa-t and well-known otratners of this line run regularly between Hremerhaven j aad Shaajrhat, calling M route at Antwerp, Soutl.Hnipton. fieiioa, Nap!—. Port Said, Sue/, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkonp. j In MaaMitoa with tie arrivals and de- I
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    • 667 1 INSUitAN'CES. ri UARD( AN FIBE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Lf COMPANY, LIMITED. LONDON. Established 1811. Suoecribed Capital J1.000.0U0 ToUl Invosted Funds, 4,61 A,000 I nnual Income, 988,000 The underjigne.l. agents for tne above Company, are prepared to at-.-tpt fire risks for short periods or ten days or longer periods kt current
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    • 795 1 JUNKS IHARTERED BANK OF INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORI'OHA TED BY ROYAL CHARTER CAPITAL £800.000 RESERVE FUND i' 250.000 SINCAPORK HRANCH. limirj us Finkii Deposits. For 12 months, r >°/ o jht annum. I 4°/ o I Ualleill |).|M.sit Accounts are o|> and interest allowed nt |">r cent. ]«>r
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    • 308 1 NOTICEB. EfATZ BROS. \I"K have ju»t iwaWed Mm LATEST VyiNCHIfeiTBR REPEATING OHOT /-IUN. M.-lel MM U bore. Th. barrel is rolled steel, H inches long, total weight of Oun 7{ lbs., with sliding forearm movement It is SAFE, QUICK, and EASY of MANIPULATION from the shoulder. SIMPLE ia CONSTRUCTION and
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  • 504 3 LATEST MAKKtiT y DOTATIONS, j Hihoapuke 2."> th January, 18»4. Prouucb. Ganil>ier, ♦>■*•"> do Cube No. 1 UM. do do No. 2. B.W. Copra Bali VB">. do Pontianak Ma. Pepp.-r Black. i»00. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.4.".. do Brunei 2.2-V Poarl Saif.) Ml Coffee Bali Coffee Liberiau 41 •"> >
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  • 78 3 FOl Prr itr. IoiIoKBOW. 1'.:,.k Au«i rin porU, HMI 1' H'm)., i Klrtiu via |..n,, tin P,yit<m, H p.m. LibuHU via port*. l-;l. Ann, :t p.m. Peaang a-i.l Colombo. Manila. 3 p.B. Maar, Bw« Y.ih-j p.m. Kaagkok. Ftmkmm, 4 pm. S,,iin,l,i)». fcim,, mi .SATUUDAr. Pontiauuk f«Uit. Din.
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  • 82 3 A BUI V A 1.-. Per s. l/mtrtm from Liverpo<d via |M>rt-: Mrs. Darke and children. j Per s Siliitliii from FrtMuantle via ports Messrs. Vi. N'ewinan. A. P. Adams. G. T. Batty, C MitcliHl, and II Camphell. Per s s Stkh from Liverpool via Penang Mr. Hankey
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  • 116 3 I TO AKBIVB.I Per P. St, 0. a. s. Brituiinin.lrom Loudon, Jau.. Messrs. Fullortou, J. MoClure, J. Blark, W. H. Newmau and Barker. Mr. aud Mrs. F. Surrell. Dr. aud Mrs K Bailey. Per MamMm, from L-mdou, Jan., IH, Mr. aud Mrs. Imn-s, Mr. Durwood, Capt. J. Blair Per
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  • 114 3 K..r laaataag, Msaf**, due 25th .l.nui.u v. U.UII Mever and Co. r'or aaaaMag und leamha a, Bsafaß^ due 2i'.th January, beaslsai »nd 1 o. For I'oloinli. an.i I, melon, kintuck due JHth .Uniiaiv. Rstat* naaag Bad Calcutta, 1 iirlylra, due KMli January, 1(,,ii.-t,-,i,l and Co.
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  • 184 3 STRAITS TIMES. THURSDAY, 25th JANUARY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established 1831. Price 10 Cents. [MaMtpaiaa rtttl ,ml ll" rti-mj ril" iiiuy he fniind on the four h aifO. Crltiral Kitaation in Ks p» TLere i» much indignation in KtfV|>tt;iti British miliUrv circles at Cairo owinß to the Khedive's c-riticisiiis on the
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 11 3 Mrs. Maxwkli. will be At Home" to day at five o'clock.
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  • 7 3 Thk BtagapaN Club advertmt-s for two clerk*.
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  • 15 3 Mb. A. P. A.liuis aud Mr. U. T. Bitty liH r e letii-uel from Australia.
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  • 16 3 Thk s. f. Aiitjihilr'U'- air!v"<l y lay from t'arc^ff via iK>rU wi'li 3.00 lo'js of ooaL
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  • 22 3 It is advertised that the aMM of tlie ■taaaMr Illi 1.1 li is been changed t1 t of /'oA Hin Giftn.
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  • 15 3 Thk Master of the German -hip Ctrl Fn-t.irh advertises lor 110,000 011 Bottomry 80l 1.
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  • 21 3 Thk mail dm] at clnd from Singapore to l..ii,i,,ii. til Briudisi 0:1 the J7lh ultimo was delivered ou the 22nd iustant.
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  • 22 3 A 1 noon on Saturday, there will be a receptiou iv the G/enuan Consulate in honour of the Emperor of Germany's Bnthdav.
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  • 21 3 Mr. Shki.k iku. today, degcrilx>d tbe Chief Junlicß of Ceylon, when in a former state of existence, as "a mischievous attoruey-general."
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  • 27 3 It is uotiii 1 that the management of tbe Singapore Agen<\v of Messrs. J. Daendels and Oomi*nv has Invn transferred to Mr. M. G. Van der Berg.
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  • 25 3 Thk annual general meetiiig of the shareholders of the Masonic Hall Bilildiug Fund will l>e held in the Fre.Mna.sous' Hail on Thursday the Ist February.
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  • 23 3 An .isgociatiou football BMtffc will be played on the Kaplanade, this •■veiling. ,-oinmeneiug at Hve o'clock. l>etwpen teams representing the Navy aud S.C.O.
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  • 30 3 A si-huiAi. geueral meetiug of Ilie Ma*t is an.. M^tes association will be held, this eveuing at MO, in the Marine Club to which all mercantile marine officers are invited.
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  • 35 3 A concert aud uutertaiumeut will B* giveu by soldiers at the Soldiers' Home ou Saturday next at H p. 111 The programme NBBfiaM songs, comic and otherwise, aud there will also lie a clariouet solo
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  • 37 3 THIS momitig. about eight o'clock, the dead body of a Obiuaiuau tound fl >atliig in t'le nver opposite the uianue >lt.. statiou. The Inhlv was much de■loapeaal aad ••as wnpfwd ia a piece of old sail.
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  • 48 3 A VBKV gjod Kugbv football was laat eveuiug, ou Ike Ks|daua<le. taMMaf the Services aad S C The result was iv favour of the Services by oue try, the aeores l>eing Services, one goal aud two trial S. C. C, oue goal aud oue try.
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  • 57 3 Thk priafl distribution to the successful scholars at Raffles School will take plat! to-morrow in the RalH-s Institution. The proceedings will eomuieuee in the Boys' SchiK.l at H<> p. H. K. the At-tiug Governor will distribute the prizes there, and at 5.15 |>. id. the distribution of Brian t» the
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  • 59 3 Hkkork the Court of Two Magistrates yeslei-.lav afternoou, Wong Ah Cbee was semen,,,! |o year's ligoroiis imprisoniiieut for breaking into the h. .use „f Mr Thompson, .-tor.keeper, at Tanjou^ Pagar. He was further s •nteuced to one war's rigorous imprisonment for kaiag in poaMB •ion of stole,, |,r0|,,.,t.v. some jewellery,
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  • 130 3 Dk Bmtmu, M. L. C. imtgrnU Im Priiimg. is the only uiau ill Mal.i>a who owiih a hansom cab. It is a real, i— ptO|Mt hatisoin t| c.rr.-.-t pwttwi aud b« is driv.-u iv it d.iilv l, v M 'Asiatic driver who •haves comers and skims |u-t bullock-carts as boldly
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  • 474 3 < Frnin the Prrndrnt's h'FINAIKK Kevenif CnUfriumt. Subjoin. pinttire statement, of tlw cbiff h«mi| M j r. r. bm f'>r tin- year* |M:»i i takes for WJI include 1U.16S jiunki-ihivs Miscellaneous 9 W>,u< i r> ceir.-d from (JoveniMU'iit, baiajf I M l>aL n ,f jsrto.iMMi, ttv
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  • 132 3 Exciting Incident on Parade at Hongkong. <)n tin lHth instant, a souu-.. j.ii •> ting iueident omanad iii the r.iini Hoagkoog (ladiaa) Bajiaaat, w para.le. ,i nciWilt .lr.w .1 n-v,,iv I four shots in rapid succession at pamal who was staudiug near. Tw,. bullets took iflf-Tt and. M the WOS
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  • 361 3 An Amkri, an Sinoapobkan am- i« Indian Avthok. fIRnUT, H'- |iublished an v entitl.d "A Bufmpoft H,.:~ Mr. Houusevulle Wildinin. to Siugttpore. Some of the tlni familiar: but. ginee all eusteni iiiiK-h the mi\ U- person* who Write aUnit Ih- i Some exlcli'. n-|'.at f.nh other
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 595 3 rpHE BORVK>COMIMNY. LIMITED mm Standard 1.l- A»-.irance Norwich Union V<r» Insuran c S.ici..t) Alls* Awuranc" (..iti|«ny Fire The ■,tHIM- Ufa Assurau," S.k let) TheOreaii M«rine |n-uraii.e Company Th. China Mutual SMain Navigation oy Th« Tntteeham I*K»r Bost C.inpany The llantiine Company, Limit.*! trtk-ilan of these C.impauies see the full
      595 words
    • 789 3 NOTICKB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penaug. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 692 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. VI X I C 1 P 4 L lOTIOI The Munie pd Road loading fr .in Thomson Road to Urn I niH.uiiding Reservoir will be ch»-<sl to earnaif" trnffic from Monday, the Nth instant, until further notice to permit ol tli" currying out of certain alterations. By I
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    • 1005 3 LATE6T ADVERTISEMENTS. TfTANTBD ON BOTTOMRY. On ship, freight, and carpo of the German Ship Carl Friedrich of the Port of Bremen abont $10.(V0. on the risk r.f a voyajre from Lahuan Borneo I to Sinrapore. Tensor* will be rocfived by the Under-aijriK-d «'n Mfl-sr*. Behn Meyw* Co., Binnapnre. not l«
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    • 7 3 *or General Shipping Htm* M« i>a«i I.
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    • 47 3 M.S.H. %*t~d>* IVSIrn.l. fiwi lk»M »>•""« titm »M»y J1.5.8; TtjtcUi tut «m«M »«ll»isn«» M «.i <?Vr~»} wuUfr. k»« IMX UK" tnr -i.iy. :ick month. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 101 3 WEATHER REPORT. faa— mi aVataa Bssystsi, Uii. J,..,,i..r,,, ISM. j 9a.m 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Kehake*. Ba-. ro,l. iii Kali. *».?M1».JM».771 Temp »30 81,0 7i>.B '■'S |j Wet i:u'.b Ther. MJ 7;.S 75." uc! Dir. of Wid.l I K K. K K. K I Max. TVaip. ia «h».le BS.O T
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  • 4628 4 ComiDeiiT was beld mi. al „0.,,,. PIK the H m'bic T the Holil, N^ SoliM I Cad-' I 1 .M Q m was followi "i i. if ana and aaonl iba K „.rt A. f,,r H,., v ilitiol r ..i-tini» td« aua „rl ti,. H .1,1
    4,628 words
  • 68 4 Tmk Band of the 'Jud Butt. Liaoabukin lu'^'iiiii ill will play ill-' following |>rogVMMM on the l')s|ilHiiade ou to-morrow roniiuiuciiii; ill I |> iv. I'kciijk \m\ik i Mir.ii Hr Iff Ctmutt) itkumwm •2. Danw OH TVyirfij Uojf^tti. 1 Ovi-rliin- .JVIMNN ..Aiilmt. I M:i/nrk.i ..A'dici Owi|b 5.
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  • 662 4 tit undoubted that foreigners in China. i-day». have as a rule to be content mailer incomes than formerly. This I result of the natural and inevitable |ro< t-Hi of cutting down the profits of the in 1 Hi-man, a process which, however oitbodox it mar be in the
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  • 658 4 Its Coinaob Kkcommunkkd by tui Special Co.mmittke <<r thi: HomoUMM Chamber of t'OMMKBi K Thk following MfMiri l>y the i5|H-cial OomwUm Bbpoiatod by ilu- Hou^Louk Chamber of Commerce to MMaltf the .•\|.,,li. ii.v of OMUag A British dollar baft b(M forwarded for (mldii-atiou
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  • 690 4 From Our Corretpondtnt. Result or tbr Davieh Case. The Kr»inKMT Aground in the EsMERALDA Influenza Mars a Dance. CorrcE Enterprise. The Content with Singapore. Cricket and Football. A CfAMRi.iNu Farm Case. Kuala Lnnifmr. Mfcal E. Davier. late Action Health Officer at K l.niii. whose trial ou a charge
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 677 4 BHimi\U. xp o r bo voioug, The Narikra/ione Cenoralo Italiana St c»m.r «/Si4 GtfO, 1,49!» tons rog Captain Tognaaso having l«»ft. B»ml.ay on the 13th instant, may be expsetod to arrive hern on the 2.'> th instant, •n niu to for the above i>ort. For freight and pannage, apply to
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 219 4 ArraiiiceiiirntK. Thukshay, J.'.»,i Janizary. lli^h Water QJ8 p. in. Mrs. Maxwell -At Hoiur." ."> p. in. M.i' ami Male* AmOCUImm. <K'U»-. ral Mot-tin^. Muriiif Clul). H.:{0 |>. m. Anmt.u Photagnahk Society < Hn«tM| Hill Street p. in. Football. S. C. C. v. Navy. Esplauadc. Friday. Mm .Ian i' aim High
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    • 318 5 Tii'L-r Ihi- heading the HaUawlag al.l.r.'vUtioiis are used tr —steamer «h.— ship bc,.-lMirtiue Brit Brili-Ji U S.-T'iiited States; Fr— French Ger— Gennai Dut Dutch; Joli- J.ihn'e; ie O.e..— OmMtml cargo; d. p.— deck BaaaaajMM; r rnccrtain T. P. TT Taajaaf Patr-ir Wh^it. i. P D— Tanjong Pstfar
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    • 932 5 KKIVALH SINiK .NOON OF IEsFEKIIAY. Btaaaaan puaad thnMgk hvxk. 9aM "-■< I Haaila. l.iertei Henglt*. Brit str I.'SI tins. a],t ?asch-t. 21th Jan. Fiom Load nvii port* IMb Das. aad 73 d. p. r.Siuniniv. For Japan •Mb. Baladia,fct :.i'7 tma, Capt 1 it t-=. 2ltli Jan. Pram
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    • 161 5 Krou Lovjooi Bad I'aani HI.I. Dae bbaoghai, Dei-. 2\ gj le I i iiiatiin UleiuwV, I)-.- 24 Bentldar, Dee 9U; Bothwell Cwtla, Dae Britaimii. Jan E < i luii.iiK. Jan 7 nvit, Jan. 1 1 LITBBPOOI M..k.'ul. Dec. 10 Bsllerupl Bu m Airc l)«c li Holt's I).-.-
      161 words
    • 111 5 Fki.M. -All.k '•■^•l- Hrit.ilr.' lIK3 <»tc\iH s i::; ,t| ll;,7 i!» ull i PO -tr 8711 1,,,,U, r lv lr f-r jiogui «tr 1:1,0 Qriir r;. 1 itr.| use T- 1 'p l k r lr (l .'n"r f!nl lr SWei *w*° «tr taa -A Km Y.p t
      111 words
    • 47 5 I. I un. I Bia Cafi m s '»a. _'k •a l'«li m.tikuI'rok I Lit i 1 1 .re < 1. m I'hjk LmHm Fathool K»iiiu Hnt 'i.-r ,tr. ftk. Mr. Urit. <tr. itr. itr. ftr. Uut ich. Main (in.r Nnto.l.ll H»Tr» »n>i H»"'"' r Mam k
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 363 5 NOTICES. "McALISTER Co. ■ATI IUBt m KIVKD I ,-MII'iIK.NT <>K JAMES WATSON Co.'s CBLEBBATED SCOTCH WHISKEY. THE DOMINIE BRAND Ask im tli«- Doaninie Brand (Mack Label GUARANTEED XI YKAK3 OLD. PRICK KIO.OO 1*1:1: (ASK. M A LIST E Li Co., >-« ■1 I A'l.Ms bhuN P.-reit and Lightest ALE extant.
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    • 632 5 NOTICES. GRESHA.M HOUSE. T A D I E S O H O E S. (ila<-t> Kid Court Steal ■■kaaaWaal Points. with Strap. Tan Leather Court SlhkT»n LaaaW OdbH Shw*. .111-1 received. (iKESHAM HOLSE tu. tli. I I>OVAL T ETTERS T)ATENT. i ;m .rrom NftIMMBM Wai«r M mHK I ysI'KNSARV 11
      632 words
    • 1315 5 DOCKS. THE TANJON(i PAGAR DOCK CO. X LIMITED. ThepremU-s of tl. f Cae>pa>n are fitiiat d at Tanjon^ P«jp>r adjoining th.> t >wn of Sin ipore. Stuam tram-cars run at sh>rt int-jrv.ils carrying pasaen^.rs and (foods from Wharf to destinations at low rat.-s. The Wharf extends to oao mile and
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    • 354 5 NOTICEB. McXr7f§TEK Co. "L^INE Ci l D Tl* T< MONTILLADO CJHERRY. ■*l 1 r cane. Spee'ally selected by and bottled at the London Docks for McALISTER A Co., SINGAPORE. FRESH ARRIVALS IyVINO GEAR. |\IVING(iEAR Heinkt A Co.'h Celebrated thr«w throw Diving Pumjw complete, alway* iv St<x-k. Fxtra Gear for aaaja,
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    • 214 5 NOTICES. pRUSHKD FOOD. T*T IT AND YOU WILL BK BArlBFlBI>. I. B. BELILIOS be(r» «o inform the public that his Factory for preparing Otaahad Food, at 34. Pelilio* Road, t» now f 3 Hla« Crushed Food. HLTta baR, cash. dean Oats Indian Brsn To be had at 1!», RalH.s Place,
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    • 89 5 NOTH A BOUT |> E R A K n ikimi wmwnanmM, I'aper <'o>*r« t| >MB I nill Hoards Half Lrathrr j M) SINGAPORE STKAITS TIMES OtTlCl The Iniok will forwarded to »ny application |>«st free at the abiiVs (4 price*. The mon.-y must be scut with orders. Postal orders to
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