The Straits Times, 22 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: UML SINGAPORE, MOXDAY, JANUARY 22, 1804. NO. 18,226,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 485 1 I \Msnir COMPANII I nd Ooßowm— NVw I). xa.l .t^m,r« may Ml tl.. Mlowin* dv- Hour.. arc only M i »»d <U|*rtur. mii.v r .Wnr .-i'l.-k T Xi rimt London, the travel hay. j lt*r*l aad i th<-i-mf 1 »ny'* that BO rla. I- h»T( an not oovarad i .rca.
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    • 498 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. DX CONIKKLIJKI PAKETVAART Mil.l. I i, dor rnntrvt witli 111^ Nithor'.anda India l I.ATE I LYttQVAT. HurrsMßaci •«am«ni, i itkn fnc tirxt clam, i .-.t-. ai.l fm the prorided with Mectrie lii-lit and •hi from nii<: i" S i r». > and all I Jara't H< rtfc injr-p
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    • 617 1 STKAMSIIII' COMPANIEB. tarit via B»WFanaudSf.i'raUya. I Mi tl.« Ml. f cv.-ry in ntli a utoamer runs in tliit dirootkn taking dir«ct oar(fo and jm»--lo Pi n j HI lliaaaln. Pulo I.aut, Pa««ir, and Kot.i. .r.rti Ih on ilif J.trd a »tpam<>r i« il. '.juitrliMl to I)onira!a. Bt-row, and Bulnniran a!«o
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    • 907 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. \TORDDErTSCHEH LLOYD. IX HI. KM EN. Tim ffi-t mnl »i-11-!>ii *>wn IIHMn ti thin Hrn run Mlhril liclwoon Brenierhaven mnl Shanghai, eallinjr en route at Antwerp. SYutrainpton. Gsaaa, Naple-.. I'ort Said, Sum. Aden, Culonbo, Singajiore, aud Honprkaa*. In hmnllh with t)ii< arrivals mid depMtam "f ''»>•'■ ssfjl «ii-nm>T».
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    • 652 1 INSURANCES. f^ UARDIAN KIKK AND LIKE ASSITKANI K \T COMPANT. LIMIIED, LONDON. EjTIBLIfIKID lhll. Subscribed Capital JU.WO.&O Total Invested Kur.d.> 4,61«,000 Annual !ni. ii.. PBB.OUO The undersigned, agents for ifie abore ComI p&ny, are prepared to accept flrc risks for short period* of ten days or longer periods, at current
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    • 700 1 IHARTKRKD BANK OP INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL 1800,000 BBSSBYI TUWD SINGAPORE BRANCH. Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 months, s°/, por«nnum. 6 4°/ 0 Currfiit I)r]K.Kit 4ma— fa m ojkmi.<l and falli.wml at I par «M& per annum 1-i'v bdIMM Wln'ii tlu< accrued
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    • 334 1 NOTICBB. McALISTER Co. T^INK f)kD F) RT A MONTILLADO yJ HURRY 111.54) par caae. Specially select*! bj »nd bottled at «he London Docki for McALISTER Co., BINGAPOM. FRK3H ARRIVALS EING OBAR. WAIVING GIAB k» Co.'* Celebrated thrae threw Pump* complete, alway* in Stock, i Gear for Mine, including Red lluhing
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  • 525 2 LATEST MAKKKT gUOTATIONS. Sinuapuke aatn January. Ik<U. Pkoucoe QaaaUar, 909 .In (Mm No. 1. UM. ia do No. 2 8.00. Copra Bali r >.SV ilo Pontianak ■">.•>■'>. P,-I,|»t Black UK S«f.'<> Flour. Sarawak i.'.io. Ie Brunei 2.J0. Pe«rl Sago 3.40 Coff.-c Bali XV.iU. C.ilT'^ 1 Liberian, 41. W. Tapioca
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  • 113 2 Fo, Prr Ur. ttssm TO- DAT. H .11,-Uutj V'..oli.un«. MsaaUU W a-m. -,j.» PtnmHf. 11 ».B. ""•>-- T.I 11 a.m. HoD^kooK. s*uf S.i/..;. 4 p.m. t'vnuiK. Ultnoflt 2 p m. Pakan ti« port-. Mm, i p m. a, t > W— !>--» Sp». FVlanbuf, fanlina, :4|<m. Bat>riaaß'l Soural,»ya.
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  • 25 2 Ai Ala .dale." Burmali Road, Penang. on the lTlli iiiHt. Uf:oR.iiANA. tlie dearly beloved wifeof Jain-* Hugh Me losky. lato Colonial Surgeon. Province Wellesley.
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  • 213 2 Arrivals. Per s. s. K.,,,,,U1i form Hamburg vU Penaiif.':— Mr I nuttford, and Mr. Gaalhier. Pet s. S. K'lttiiiKj from Calcutta via Penang i Mr. BoaaHaaa, Mr. and Mm. Raeburu. Per h. Baiijtniiat/ia frein Boru«o ports i Maean. Arisma. Ktrtninn. Kamormaii (»!ree, and Fi-lier, Dr. Van Vliet. P*r
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  • 41 2 K'.r Baagkoaf, Kuttang due 22nd Janiuu-y. BounU-id Had i o. For i au.l Anchi*n on the 23r,l January W Mansfi.'ld" »ud Co. For Pc aug and < 'alcutta. I'unJua, un ifjh January, lk>u.t«ii<l uu u Co.
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  • 73 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 22ND JANUARY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Kstafii.ishxh 1831. Price 10 Cents. SuitcriptioH ntttß anl a UmMm§ rSfla wi<iy bf found on the fourth pay*. ftffrrtan Affair** The Servian dbinet has resigned. Ratification of the Franco -Sis»nt«"»c Treaty The Fie uh Chamber of Deputies has adopted (Ik- treity with
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 25 2 At M.issi di Carrara, matters are quieting. The troops are disarming the |>eo|.le, aud pursuiug the Anarchists iuto the neighbouring bills.
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  • 352 2 Thk treaty Iwlweeu Frame ami Siam ■afaaiaaad by M. de Vilers has finally lieen adopted by the Freneli Chauibt-r af I>eputies Doubtless, the fact that M de Vilers had arrived in France, thr.-e w.fks pn-vioiiHlv. aud had gnaja tavouralile .v- ouuts of the situation in Siam lOßCributed
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  • 11 2 Thb homeward mail per (iangtt closes at '> a. vi. on Wednesdin
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  • 12 2 The Superintendent of Mines at Kuala Lumpur advertises for a secoud clerk.
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  • 17 2 H. E. the Acting (lovernor is expeote<l to return, iv the Mm BrlU, from IVuanu' to-morrow iiinruiu^'.
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  • 18 2 Thk mail steamer Hnnntim lall Paaaag at I p. in. yesterday Bad is dv- at Siuga|»>re to-morrow BJOfiag
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  • 27 2 A Xi «iitT ('..oilmll nm'cli U'tw.-en S.t'.C a»d n team drawn from the R. K.. l{. A and Navy will played on the halsv nade .hi Wvdnesdav.
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  • 28 2 Tut Chittj .oiiiiniiiiity thsi* it tl v. known that admission t,"> tli.'ir r.-m t a t to- night's feti'ival is free U> the DvUie, «iihout tickets bang r.-.|uiied.
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  • 31 2 It is advertised that mioev.s due t,, t1,,. estate of the h-.te d'Alui.-ida sU.OA I*. I**" 1 to the Executor, who also r.-.m.-sU particulars of all claims against the aaUta
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  • 29 2 A Mi.H,,si, l.unqii.'t took plMf at tinbau.Ukan Hotel mi Hat— bji 2Ti!i (Ht J.-bu's 1)., v). Tln-rr mm a |Md att.n-tl-iuc... aud a v.rv .lea Btt .it tfMia* HI
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  • 27 2 POUOB Su|»eriiiteudent Bill is lr v j. wan of humou-. His int,.,ition l.v' a MMMatMa desi-riln-d auothi-r eelaan is obviously to make fun of Abe (HmbllDK OrdiLanee.
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  • 28 2 bn inn,- mj Smmlmh the nii^ard btakea at the Penan- Turf Ch.l, Bmm m Saturday. gave titromjhand aud r*«»Sare three stone* each aud a beating. He.-culrg earned list
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  • 36 2 On Thursday the Ist February at 3o p. ni.. Messm. Powell ft (Jo. will sell by auotHM, land and bouses at Victoria am Malay Street* aud Pas.ur P W MX at their aaleg rooui J v*u
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  • 47 2 ,1 v MJ UU al dlBtr b "t><'« Ol prices at the lUIH-. lustitutiou will Uk ,Uv „n F rijkT. the irtth instaut. at 480p n The distribution of P,i.,s tt t the Oitfr Bekod v^ u t r5 p spl,r:.iiuuiediat5 pl ,r:. iiuuiediat^ iiit rd^ t
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  • 39 2 This uioruiog the Thomp. on Road mutmmm came before the Aasizo Court presided over by the Chief Justice A jury were enipaunelled to try the MM. lb«r« is oue more ca*e site, t Uit to couclude tb« wleudar.
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  • 40 2 For the Cv. line Club Mile Haod.c» n on Saturday, onlr three turn<M aj j*>te. A number of the tnemh. Club were out to soe the race, aoci th»t helped to paM the aft* moon by a scr»t.j! mile race.
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  • 43 2 KuMoias are current i v .N,, an t(i effect that the action against thin the Cki*hima- Rnrenna case, is to k, dropped, in a. -.-.•rilanre with th.' a hod_T of Commandants af Adniir»ii°, S'atiors convened liv the Minister of tK Have M T..kv...
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  • 44 2 In a circular isstimi t.i th» Fleet. th» A.liniriilty <3ir.-ct that Roman Catholic, Presbvteriani", Weslovan Hatkod men wbo object on religions grnun.N 0 joining tlie servioen of tbe Chun I knd are to have full liberty to ab»<. o t themselves from such s.-n
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  • 48 2 The extra P. O. steitner r arrival ham this morning from an. l. r.-|n>rting a case of goi.ii she was sent into quarantiu.- S',.. will probably be granted pmti.ju.. ii,,, afternoon Cnptain >| nparlai fbal a Seedi boy jumixx) overboard and w drowned ou tbe 4tti instant.
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  • 51 2 Thk general BMatiag of i|,, Bingaporr Amateur Pfcataaiaxilii will Ih- licl.l oa Tluirs.lay. tin- 2&th inetai at p. m .ut N... .'.:t. Hiil Str.vt. To rceive the report of the Coinun't., tbe Treasurer's Financial Sta.t<-,u<-ut. M to elect Ihe President, Officers, auj M. btrs of Committee for the present
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  • 58 2 Dcrino last year. about 30,090 picult of tin and 28.727 piesh of tin ore w..rH eiported from Sungei Uj^ng. The .J U t T collected tamo to 8166,406. Tbe fiijiir* for December last uive a total of |,4al piculs of both tin aud tin ore ttft rT«| from Sungei Ujode.
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  • 71 2 The Bafati Baistoaai states thai tai S-iri.hnrij. on her last trip up from 11 k.>n^', brought a |>&ir of tine hor»e>. a. t gift to the Emperor uf Japau fr. .in tat Geriiii.n Emperor. They were skipped at Baaßßafß and reached Yokohama ou th29ih December. Unfortunately i horses perished m
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  • 79 2 H. M. S. aTwaaif left Y»koham» m ili" IVi nst lor Haaajkaag via Nagasaki The cause of her departure, the J Gazette saj.4, M unknown, as it was OBect. ad by all oa l>oard that she was to remain iv Yokohama harbour for at least an.. Mm month or six
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  • 86 2 Tub SeJajtj QmntwuwA Q n. unices that on. and after tbe H>h instant, tbe s. s flajajNVf will leave KUdi; at 9 a. in. on Wednesdays, she will call at Port Oickson about 3 j>. m.. k**!? Malacca about 8 p. in. and arrive at Biaga [>ore on the Thuisdav
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  • 85 2 Thk Bridal 2Varat flaraat ffinwid i» iafonind tint oa conii'letion of the esbi« brtaffaa Bsaaapota and Ltbuan. the K r uph Coin pan v will U< eutitled to selirt 20.0C0 acres uf ltud iv North Borneo an.] that I hey are to be allowed 10 years for reaala of iba
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  • 105 2 Mr. W. BjkMwau aiitai to the P OaasaV ou the pnaMaai of lac KaiaaVflunota Railway, to point out thai the I ii'- wild apaa oal la oaa>a» i northern p rtion of tae Malay I a vast area in which all the UM coonectiou with agriculture and nun. 1 would
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  • 179 2 i vm itunoi of gri flUaafar Govrr*,n. ,<t fllaasfh, l""i •Tanuaky. Qtmnm or Paha-- We. Sultan Ahmad Maathani v Bain of PsJMac, actiag ou the the Acliag British BeaioVat, have this d»j f aiwllej tha fotlowi«g grants, ku.^nn* ■■del Balsa Csawseie Hnkit Tnjoli Ooacas I'uln.i Cow aiea
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  • 49 2 I i foal MMM "ii Si! vi.l.iv, I l\ Mnglistoa,M.BtavM tadAUiaaoo.t ■m be three u|> v 1 two t<> pi last round ot Stiv.-u Bad Alln.doaa 111 88, l.ivaking lit- record It »,m riiiii-r aotackWaae lhaJ vioun record ut :>:• w.n tn.i i- >li|»iu.-uts l>c. K'n-,iul M i.-:.»lou.
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  • 42 2 Ihi Buogei Ujong EetinuvU-i Ma pabtiaaad ii the Belaugoi G a—Mi. Tbm tii t ti- i.x.i. n.- -tfaioel revenue MtUMU for tin- .1 •167.090 tr.,in J.-1.'1.n. The m *iit;,7ixi m |.iii.i!, baiktiaga, of which M t«i Jrlclui.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 673 2 rpHI BOKNK 1 COMPANY .LIMITED rfiHS StanHaH Life A*»u,an-e X Norwich t'nion Fir- In-iiMii.-e Society. Atlas Aa»«rance Oaaaaay K.nTks Bquitahle Uf< i Tb«Oe«an Marine In.urai.c.. Com|«i... Th« China Mutual St«an. Nnviifiition 1 oj The Tottenham L«g»r IWr Company. The llantiit" la-eraans Oaai-aay, I.imiie-l. F-.r i-rti.-nlar. of th-J* <',„„,,»„, rail adTsrti*«ir.rnt
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    • 758 2 NOTICI The Straits TLnes has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. lt circulates in Singapore and Peuaiig. throughout all the Protected .States of the Maliy Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 852 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL lOTIOI The Muni,- Ml Baad le.-i.ling frnn Thomson Road to the [;np.,iin-lin K Rewrmir will Ineleaed Ie <*arnaif»> trafti- from MotxNy. the '•111 instant, until f either notice lo |K>ruiil of tlie carrying mil of certain alterations. Hv < >r.|,.r. J POLGLASE. ■•Vcretarv to the Miiiii.i|ml Commissioiieni
      852 words
    • 945 2 LATKaT AOVKSITISKMENI'S. >{- JOSS' DALMEIDA. Denoted. ALL perHon* havmg oninn againat the r-.»Bte «'p laaaoatad to tenA parQealata thereof at one» to lac urder«i?nrd. who will ||m laaalfe a'l iimnni < dn^ to the «"«tate. 11. DALMEIDA, 28 M-l-vcn S*r->ot. Executor. •J'nd .la.i.iary, I*!'!. J- I ErjROPFIVI Minonoqurtd fortheMalaj BtalW
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    • 7 2 In Uaaeral ShJ»i»iaa: Mew* tea pa«e 4.
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    • 58 2 M.S.S. «t~4«l f~ tlu «rw'. T.-*. .k»-U tMa »■••> M.8.8. m njitUi f»U «^ke tthtrw M r aiTl*»il<liiH, an •W.jxl to IU etmAitxm tkmt tkf W iimir mMtl—— (K« mi—rHtrmnt of t*>' FT" ,!To«-Tr^-«!f The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 98 2 WEATHEK. BEPORT. Bjmtdtmt Baaaa UotpiUl. Sit January. l*ti. 9 a m. 3 p.m. tfp.m. Kxmabk*. Bar. red. Si Pah. 2^.887 29. 7 M 29.7 M isZ Temp 78.5 BS.O 77.8 V 9 Wei S-'ulb Ther. 75.0 76.0 76.4 3 Dir. of Win.) l^ Max. Temp, in shade B°.O S
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  • 470 3 AT PENANG. >>l SEMBIL4N thr Railway i m ib« l"t|, ua KO Tlmri. ti.>- Acfiaat II K who i tncf I'lf deetina- I'l II K. Wan >k ami I on iln- *ay. At Mt and I he d. II Kg, and .Li. -I witl,
    470 words
  • 62 3 .1 h trriwd v. -t.-i .1 bj „,,i Boa Bmrt"r» Ntn t ibeS»Dg»| Obfc li.U-itM.ii it iii.n ber* l»«*| »M 2 id in 111- Ainat.ur Ch*m(.KMl»bip !i. tl,*t rntt, be ti«l tbe be»l noow ;.<,! 1., l.v.i. 1 il>- >'"""' iih Mr Mitchell lnn«i i:- »•>_•-■" I-' 111
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  • 173 3 mi awvliar eaar •a> ju-t 10*, WW||| A-i i Uli.-f mi ika laperatitioot bald v ilh'in. s mi., tin.' ago, h Bin 100 ltd l |„,l Bit ifT.irts In t !>** •>r tli.' man \vli.> M.«|. it wcic in- H ti..u 1111. 1 1 i .i
    173 words
  • 174 3 SiHti'd'. Win. It,, 5 r ,,,,,l It i,. I iik P i. in,- Turf dab -I im ifj Mf w.i, 1n. i,.l en S.ilur.l.iv. Tliu Are i li- vinsen I uri IISO nn.l |8 Ifac Jiml QriMm H«»|. DMhm ■«<■ m,. I, i \>.i |U
    174 words
  • 96 3 No Such Thing as an Australian Horse. M v U ii.HKN, a borac importer, bat U»H Ibc Imii'i ilui 1 1 •■i-- i» no tack i- an Aitnlrnl'tn boTM; all thf ill.' Cokwid 1 1 >• iMue >>f EurlUli imported stock, [a the timeol t'.q.t Cook, il"- l.» _r- -~t
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  • 461 3 164k 1;,,,,,,,,. /-■</. H. -v A P. Tai.w.i. I I'll I/, Sik. 1 Invr the bottom to reler again i vout |.-ti .r «if -Ji m h Deceabei i>~ n the election of ;t nominee by the rVeang Cbanib r at Commerce for the racaal i on
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  • 392 3 To mi iNTOBorm HoxoKoaa Daii v I'ri- I Bu Tboagh ihe Chairman's ruling .it the HMOtiag of theOoe>paai hi-1.1 on the I—t ii nist. was against tin- |.r. f.-r.-n. c sli.ims Uiri(; entitled t<> .iiiniiUtive |.r.-. 1. -rent ..I dmdends :.1 tie- mat «f It
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  • 178 3 i >\. i ii. aaonng rtory was told me by a s.niib s-.i trader, w.ites Mr. Bobert L.vis St. -VBiiioii. He hail been in the habit of carrying .ill sorts of tinned me*ts, i wbieh the aativca baagha with avidity. K v ii tin was
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  • 115 3 ii 1. 8 Coaenlar BtperL) mn .at. m and ae-aaci iP«sano.i Biagaf«M« «b months ended December U, l-.'j Tin |S,a»7.UM < hanbiec 7:5;?.k.v. laflee vj+.:J»ai Batteaa ">J:M'".:' Blaekpepprr 288,484 Tapfawe 175,775 linn copal lli'.tH:! tTelmiji 108.148 Begolonr W.-U1 autta-perehi 19.903 India ml.lK-r Buraeu :!'..JU
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  • 142 3 Mb Cuoc'l XI r. :-"«iok XI. Tin: following a. <" law scores in the above niiiteli pbiyedoa 'he K-i|>laiiade on Saturday M>. Co.iK'b XI. Berg H lon b Denny- J P. s Browa t Kerne k Deaaje J c M Oraae 1. J'uctsL'Kart I .1 Oeoke Onaaa b Kaan
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  • 282 3 A gim»m Paoaacwneai. A Nk>v toriu of ietterr hee opraag op aatongal th>' itinerant Ohineee rendora, Bo i.v- aa caa be Moonjaed to tboee Obawae who *cad eakee, aweeta, other little delitM.-i. s d. ;ir to the heart of the roaag. The mm have
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  • 346 3 A oowcm attended with great success m heM on K.Mir.l H. M. S. Jteler on .Siiturday evening. The guests keetaded a minilx-r of Naval and Military officers from H M -hips m harlw urand tiom the^-arn-■on. The platform, which bad hwn ereclad on th- aaarter-dcea wm
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  • 628 3 kejii'rt ul' Contul-Lieiteral Pratt. X■• > in a curi'ful Biulv of I lie subject, as well as fi.nn peraoaal ahaarvaHaa, lam t ii. -I'll i.i tin- .-.>ii<'usi >v that wo »s<-fcs mi ('i!.l .n. iu »o4 in our Souilieru States un extrusive re^iou aJa|>U-(), b>th cliniat.cuilv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 379 3 NO LUES HOWARTH I7RBKINB, I I M ITED. SI N (i A PORE. ARRI V K D UIUBK /IORMANS A XII 1 FEINKE'S rriKKBLE IYLINDER I\IVING TyiACHINK AIR pcun ANI> |\HE3.SES IOMPLETK. Ij>LECTRIC T3ELL VTtTIRE s|M-cially insulated for I\\- Tropics. ■JELL INSTALLATIONS, filed under skilled supervision aud guaranteed. TNCANDESCENT "T
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    • 182 3 NOTICES. "DORS pvRUOS A /CHEMICALS. Estate and Hospital Indents executed saate day as received PATENT MBDK'INBri. lacladiag Uerandel's Pastilles. Brown's Bronchial Trochee. Clements' Toeic. Warner's Saf* Cure. Clark's Blood Mixture Dr. Lalor's Phosphodyn*. Towusend's Sarsaparilla. i\ UN tv too its. iarluding Banger's. Mellin's. Neave's. Nettle's. Ridge's. Savory A Monre's. M'Hltll^
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    • 817 3 SHiri'lNU. NOTICE FOR SOURABAYA. The a, s. Mandarin will be deapaUhed tat the above port« on Monday, the 22nd iaateat. For freight or |iaaaa(re apply to, AI.SACOFFA Co. 22/1 No 5 Battery Road TNDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTIT POR HONOKONO. The Company's steamor KUTSANO, 1.481 tons, Capt. W. Hall .la.-kf
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 156 3 irrnniicinriilM. M'<M'.n Msv Jam m;> High Wat. r 11 tl p. hi. < "bitty r.ii|iUs;im Marine Club Owtal Mwtiag. 8.M p. in. TVHDAT, -N»ki> Jamiuk Hi-Ii L1.6 a. in. P. I »>. ovtward mmL WM'M-I'W. 'Jtril JiMlM Hi^-li 0 1.".. UM a. in. 1' i. .m.-wji.l m.t
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    • 232 4 Uafrf On-. h«i.lin>f tli- following ahl.n-vM-U. Wi g li Hrit— I S n te,l Btatea fr.-Fw.rh: Oer.-UM-nwi put i)»t.-i,: joi,.-.i0w..: <;■• -<■•;'"■"' rarjro: n\p.-«Wk pa^n^r... fain T P W.-Tanjoi,,,' Poßar Wl'"'-1--p D.±T...i«.«r P*S D-k B. W ,-Bov. Wharf- I. W.— .ltnline Wharf N. H. W K-w
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    • 983 4 arbivai.ii Sinci Noos of Yesterday. Steamers passed through y,.rmo«x Kian Yang, T. 8-hj OMB, Im r«r Banj, Brit str. 1 ,41»5 ton«. Capt. Jncol.. lv. 21»t Jan From Cal< utta via P.n.uiij 3th. i 0. c. am 1 il d. p Bonstmid A C For Pawko»RllH wi,.,.i. fraiflrr.
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    • 150 4 From Losi">n 8.-hklo<>. !>.■>• 1 i Pa--am»tts. D'-r -'J BUogW, 1> m I I '1,-u,.-. Doc U H dr. Dm 90 i i--..- Di Britaimi*. Joa. I I r»u di.iua. Jau 7 Jav.t. Jau. 1 1 LiTsarooi n^. L.-rt.-s. Dw. 1". 8..|!,t..|,1,..i, Uikk, Dr.- IT I Bu«n.n
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    • 131 4 PASSED SUNUA STRAITS OR ARRIVED KOR OKDKRS. Flag Date and Ship's Xa««. Coxmanpik. ok Fr.>» Whiri I>mti»ati-» Kl.. iut PUT < J»> I" Am »u Sachtni '.onlj |>„.. HaaafcaM M J»u. 12 llrit.»tr. Juii.u^ <t -v. Jan II ltili\i» J»n II -tr Kin i v 1.0n.1.m Jun. It rtr.
      131 words
    • 273 4 A RRIVALS \MM h SAUL. Q J VBWBL N \JIL. Q FOMI < M-JUM. Km Km Flc>ll -^ml. Urn. J" Bnrkalii SO l'r..ponti* \t.Hu-» 21 Kut S.o* tl Crania U KriomhiM -1 l>" tirp-uti.'r lil W<»m» 21 Han Wl.att 1U II -^b, Tor 21 T.-.-k im-br <iu»n -'1 i'aV-tial 21
      273 words
    • 70 4 Dm Wmmfu/i N»m».. Xi a.. .V Ki.. Mm. a> Wen K Km Hrn M ihe.nKHock Ki.n "J 1 W m>t *n '.I I T.-llm II Mt4N Hall B Awhrr-t U D*OmmMm H TwkSr^Gum -I S«o. Tar D«t.Kh. IJnt.. V OW. »tr. Brit. itr. itr. »tr Out «tr Job. -tr
      70 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 735 4 NOTICES Co. HA\K .11 81 1» Kl\ KD A J-HII'MKNT OF JAMES WATSON Co.'s CBLBBB 1 1: 1 > SCOTCH WHISKEY. I ;u. DOMINIK BKAND.) Ask I"! die Dominie Brand Black Übel. OOARANTERD 10 YKAIIn OLD PRICK •ICVOO PEH ASK. McALI S T E B Ca, Soil AuEim |>H.KY lIAIdiKKAVKS
      735 words
    • 287 4 NOTICES. KTTZ" B K O S. \\'E i.«v.- ju-i im*mi th» LATEST WUKMBai |>EPKATING s hut a v sWI. :>J iucliH* long, lot»l w«i){hl of Guv lln. with sliding forearm movement. It in SAKE, QUICK, and EASY of MANIPULATION from tta* Khoul.ltr, SIMPLE iv CONSTRUCIION m,l SURE in OPERATION. EASY
      287 words
    • 1289 4 DOCKS. THE TANJONV PAGAR DOCK CO LIMITED The i>r«ini< •-> of the ("onn^ny are at Taoion/ l'av'ar adj -.ininit MM t >»n ef Sin ipore Wini MMM nin at short intervJs carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destination* .it low rates. Tho Wharf extends to one mile and
      1,289 words
    • 907 4 NOTICES, Fstab'.i>li«f. 18«5. Rl L E V HAKHRKAVKSiOOEnoinkebm. Iron A Braks Focni>ekr. BOILERMAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS. S»l IT huilukrs. General Contractors. Singapore l KVAL4 LUMPOR. SHIP BUlLni\<i YARD BIOH class STEAM VESSELS always ander construction, from 38 ft to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY trora
      907 words
    • 60 4 NOTICES. JL A W S O N. Coksultino Enoinkkr, Sub.ktor am> Machinery Valuer, MARIVE CLUB BUILPINUS. Drawin(T« PIH-nfiratioi.s. and estimat.'>HaB for the puroha'e or BafafcrlH Ftoames Engines, Boiler, I'uni].'. \c. All .'la**** of Macliinory. hoth new and second hand, bought and sold on C'ommmsiou. Steamer* s-irvey.'<l atid superintended. Euifinw" prepar-d
      60 words
    • 79 4 NOTIC COCIKTT FOR THE I'RBVKKtw O OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Th« pnMir are infomir.; •> at the arf<)r»«. of the. Society's Inspector. Mr y y Psff'ar, istUd (iaol sit... M-n-s K» „r Brae* Bassa Road All persona »2' in(f to report any caaee of cruelty whirr, come und^r their notice
      79 words