The Straits Times, 20 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. i;siABLISHED:I}«I. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1891. NO. 18,225.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 779 1 WISH CIIMIA.N )Un*«TL»K Mai. BTKAM N COMPANY Orn.«— l'ollye, y,,», WlUf H vi GODOWwB— New II..: T»i nail itwußon may r« e»~,. ye o«t»ard. and Utn Oißgmpor* h. >i the foUowiac data* Wai. j 4» arc only appro i I rri»al» aad de|«rturra may b« either aavtawl M PASSAGE. I
      779 words
    • 758 1 Ml WISH ll' COMPANIES DX KoNIMCLIJKE PAKETV>ART MAATBCHAPPIJ. I'iml.t n.iitciw-t with t)i« Netherlands India Government. Agnts at Bimffor*, Ship Aoknct, u»t« I J. IUBHDKL^f < 'J't. CoI.I.YEEQuAT. Ayrnt, at fflinn./, MtHHK- HUTTEMB4CH t,IK»KBTA(,'(). |.iiin lm« H.-t cf .>> Ste»m«ni, i M mropniiiixlutiiin fur fir>t rliis«, Md 1 1 1 il»«s
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    • 676 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, g For Bornto I'urU via Bawean and Sourabaya. In the Bth uf ev.ry inoDtli a steamer runs in thin direction taking direct cargo and pa»-Hengt-ra to Banjercnaesiu, Pnlo Laut, Paaair, and Kotei. One* t very month on the -3rd a steamer ia di-Hpatrhnd to Dougala, B«row, and Bulongan
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    • 911 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T\TOR DDEUTSCH E K I.U'YD i> BREMEN. Tin' fast mil well-known steamer* of this !in» run regularly between Bremerhaven ami Mianghai. calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suet, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and HongIn conned ion with tlie arrival* and depar'un of iliero mail steamers,
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    • 656 1 INSURANCES. IUARDUNFIBE AND LIFE ASSURANCE VT COMPANY. LIMITED, LONDON. Established 1811. Subscribed Capital 41,000,000 Total Invested Fonda 4.815.000 Annual Income, 958.0U) Thr undersign oa, agents for tne above Com- I puny, are prepared to accept fire riaki for abort periods of ton days or longer perioda. »t current rate* to
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    • 778 1 BANKS. IHARTERED BANK OF INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER CAPITAL £800,000 RESERVE FCJND £250,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 month*, 5°/ 0 per annum. I *°/o Current Peewit Account* are opened and mi.T.-t allowed at 2 per rent per annum on the ilxily
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    • 285 1 NOTIOBB. KATZ BROS. TlfE hare just received the LITEST VyiKOUBSTBR OEPEATIMi QHOT ri UN. Model 1893. 12 bore. The barrel it rolled itrel. 30 inchea long, toUl weight of Qua 7i lbs., with sliding forearm moTemeut It i. SAFE, QUICK, and EASY of MANIPULATION from (be shoulder, SIMPLE iv CONSTRUCTION
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  • 542 2 LATESI" MAKKKT gDOTATIONS. Sinuapokb 20th January. 1594. Pbuoucb. Gambier, 9 6.70. do Cube No 1 11.50. do do No. 2, «00. Coprn Bali 5.* V do PontUnak 5.65. Pepper Black. 8.80. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.35. do Brunei 2.20. Pearl Sago 3.40 Coff.«> Bali MM Coffee Liberian, 41..'W>. Tapioca small
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  • 151 2 Por Per $tr. Tuas. To-dat. HoDglnaf 4 >lnaxLai, •I^nrulU. :i p.B. I'-i-cii: ai.'l i i l ii. A. Apcar, 3 pro Sopanr Tia porU. n San II 3 p.m. Kmiiß ria p win Sn Uv«g An,,, 3 p.B IVh. 11- 1- 3 p.m. M.-lii-.-.i I KUii;. SMafce. 3
    151 words
  • 130 2 I" ABKIVK. Per P. A O. s. s. Paramatta, from Loudon, Dec., 21. Miss Cooke, Mi— J. Leader. Messrs. T. M 'fins.-. Plumptou, and Reginald Pawle. Me«srs. f .1-1 1 1 1 >« and It. F. Stouor. I'.t lirt't it n in tr.nn London, Jan.. 5, Me«srs. Fullerton. J.
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  • 95 2 K..r Sniirali.tyii. Wtixing, due 21at January I(. 1a( ,1 f O Pet Haagbeag, iCutia*} <lue j2n.i laaaaty, Bou.sU'a.l and (..l Kur ivn ami Sourabuva, Ja«Ma«j on the aM Jann.irv. W Miins6eld and Co. For Pc an« and Calcutta. Pnmlua. on MMI •l.uiu.irv. H«.ust.'.-il and On.
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  • 171 2 STRAITS TIMES. SATURDAY. 20TH JANUARY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS KSTABLIRHRD 1831. Price 10 Cents. r Subtcription rales ■ml eafaaraieiaf wan may be found on the fourth page.} Thr I nllrrt Slatfs Hnnn.«s. The Ea*B* of fifty millions of dollars iv five per cent, ten Tear bonds by Mr. Carlisle. Secretary of
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 717 2 Wk pethhah to-day a |x-tition in which certain inhabitants of Bomltay. who wca.sioiially smoke opium, appeal fur |in>t<i'tiou aaaJMl the tnolestation to which they art' subjtwU'd by aataaM who do not approve opium smoking. According to the petition these anti-opium advocates enter the dub* >f the
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  • 18 2 AOOOSMM 'o the weeklT'Mur., thaMrd Deeeeahet of the Bant 7 Netherlands, the stock of gold k" M| guilders.
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  • 27 2 I» it! the |4, and outrage al Tanah Hamt wbu I |.lare this week, the 1',.,,,,. I four men, whom th.-v b. 1 ed in the affair.
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  • 33 2 A vkkt aaai game „t Boehq played aa the Eaalaaade Ue4 v..,,,,' twovu leaiu-i captannd l>v V, o r aud r. 1). Uaetaoart. li,. in f*vour of UreaMaa'e team In goals to one.
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  • 45 2 Thk public holiday iv aooow „f annivor(<ar» of the Settlement „f s m will fall on the Vh iustea-1 r K.-lnuary. The Chinese aW Tear bZ! Holidays are filed for the <;ili 411 I? February. All G ivi-rnineot i>fli.«, V' be closed on those days.
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  • 42 2 Ths steniner Neeui, will, i o »t ert ,i „f Billiton, tike up the Mm I Malacca and KUug, of the Strait, ft^j? ship Compnuy. The Nmrm ha coinmodati in for fi-st class pan,. much faster boat, aud it I electric light.
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  • 58 2 The Bawiaa Minister al Kariai u Hi j to have refn-,ed the off.-r of a uava! ntvioj iv French waters owing to a detpatct sm by Ad;niral Avellan to the Czir, iv WD|( .l the Admiral stated that h.' cuuld cm guarantee the loyalty of bis uffi.vp, M1 mi n
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  • 59 2 A lOenM Dutchman. Mr K Schouleu, who came out alnm' ago to join the New L tudou Bo raw i', u pauy. Limited, at Kudat. .irrr. week suffering from malaria, aad du-j a the General Hospital oa Than The funeral, which t«H>k plan' (..vni,, afUruoon, w\.s attended l>y the Coattii
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  • 78 2 The Assize will be NOBaatd te M d.iv by the Chief Justice, when th<> rhtrt;, of murder B^aiust Kg A Yaw. will j,,,, ceeded with. The BMC is tile Ust mi (V pew at a«size calender, and wm I >• >ii) the las' asm/."'. The caM II l>Do«i as the
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  • 63 2 At Uui'uiw Avres, Jahei Bat four liaH a^aiu been seen pandiaj < ■liaaa] So many at the Kn^'li'li however, k:iew him, aid Mfßlled thrtl reco^uiiion iv rariaw aaji to Ins the Liberator k hitng "If ome more to thaptoviacn lug to the lili'st news, lie ii in ltd
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  • 83 2 The Ket-ident Councillor I'inniui Uazett' i* ialaTßMd, iaHM hir to ih- heads of dej. irtnients at Peaug lothf effect that H. E. the Ai-ti.ic (1 I nir has received a di spati li frooi b S.-. rit.irv of SUte iv which Hi* I. slntes that India cannot, for the parpM
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  • 95 2 A DEPUTATION of tLe Chc'ttv eollllii mt v had an interview with tl; Councillor at Penan); a few davg age, tl olijeot being to ask that htoadll Ml may If appointed us a public accouut of the festival of "1 falling ou SiiinJuv, the vMsi iatUu*. i is said
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  • 97 2 Lt -Gkx. A. umnmi'An London last month for a laai He iutends to riah Oejloa, Jai A'-.,' afl returns to Bag year. It is au opeu secret that I the Portsmouth Command M the iatriligiak RToand that h<< won Of |XX ket flO.llOtl ill the ell 1 years' tei.uro
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  • 101 2 The Chiu.-se New BpOftl held al Teluk Aver Street on d.iv afthaii Raw Tear 7th M Thin is the eeeoetd tiui..' that there b»« U-en sui 1) Ni w lav Sport*. The programme for the tiual I B|>orts will tie as follows rial Bat aai raaaitfeltU I <1,. do
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  • 202 2 i from i>nr Otrrmpmtdtm Thi A. us., QoTBBMOB'a Vlili ntasa, itHk H. K. thb A. iixo QoTBBKOI panied liv his Private S. rd > at Bnakti at noon. v.^t-'"!-' I"Special" from IVrt Dicksoo Mi bM. tW Collector tad Ifagistral |xiiiie<l the party from l*"il I' the Bnwafau RailwM
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 631 2 rpHF. RORNF.O'OJIPWV. I-IMITED rTIHB Standard I. if" Assurance Norwich t'nmn Fire In«urai"-i> BteMf. Atlaa Awurfmi-e I '«ny 1 Fir.' litable Lif« Aararaa The Ocean Marine Inauranc- Oaaaaai Mutual Strain Nsvigati'in < 'ny T'i« Tottenham Beat C..mpany Ttw« Maritime lataraßM C"in|>»iiy. Limited. For particular, of th— ooiai»iei »a»i tl>S f.ll
      631 words
    • 806 2 NOT'CEfI. The Sti-aits Times has the largest circulation oi' any newspaper in Asia, British ludia excepted. lt circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 345 2 NOTICKs. McALISTEII Co. P" M) RV A MONTILLADO SlI.Vi per cane. Specially selected by and bottled at the London Dock* for McAUSTER Co., SINGAPORE. FRESH ARRIVALS "iy VING GEAR. FAIVING GEAR Heinki. A Cu.'s Celebrated three throw Diving Pumps complete, always iv Stock. Extra Gear for same, including Red Rubber
      345 words
    • 921 2 L ATE&T A I V KKT I S KM KXTS. TTRIAN BBIOK WORKB P. W. Brick BNBBM »t tliexe Works h»s been reoumod under the management of a practical Europeo n. OnVrs for Fire-hick«, ordinary bricks, tiles t Vc will Im received by Messrs. Bonatead 1 Psaaaaj or at the
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    • 7 2 »'ur Ueaeral HaiaylaK Nenit s«e uaye 4.
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    • 41 2 mum i*l—Ld*i Im Ik* MrmiU Timm i**".!* •""J" %n <sw *./pra« m**t*r, n* %Pm%mr (Mn f»»r mj< The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 101 2 WEATHER REPORT. baaaaj Kmbuu Hospital, 19D., 1394. 9 a.a>. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Him akii. Bar. reJ. 3J Fnh. 2!»>3»29 7Ot2s».t)HO M. Temp 7».8 81.0 76.8 t v Wet r!ulb Ther. 75.8 77. ■< 75.4 C l l Dir. of Wind K. W. K. K. K. W. J, Mai.
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  • 212 3 IUII 1,. MM au.l Bodeli I I Mpt 111 K '1,. Uh-lil,- (1,,. ball, tbt-rf was quite a Ut >h <h«|.lar of (l*tf» of all MIMM uui i I < Of the hall. ar ra ililillar Uiid-i in w ,i|, 1 Man i.i Urn a<< jii
    212 words
  • 51 3 Penang Grievances. l.ti. 1 1, ii, try.) M Akki.t lUh> Imw for Support i.v Uw 1'«,,./«. i i... i ti 11. *«ald lik« tn ii U*(M I'lit i« alr»iil of Im i| niiij; ii|i fur (lie If i II- vii,. i,n. ,1 i.i tlptem all O|iiaklll <>n |*ag .i- li>
    51 words
  • 327 3 The Malay Peninsula Prospecting Company, Limited iii gmctm] BCrtiof of ifce IVi.iuMil.i Prapactiag ■iin|iiiiiy l.iimt.-d urn liil<l at the Mx-ml.Tf.l oaVc itarday, J<iu. I'll. ■!>• TCN |.r. -t ii t M<-t.irn. I i -ii I--, .nil K id, .in I Mr. (liiini, IkcrstMT, aud following hli.l'» ll"''i \l-.i« Ba
    327 words
  • 106 3 A Swindle i [„1.,n.1. [n eeaißg back tl. man lootl ISHii! il to Liverpool. While tUndwj oa .1 «*trUag iba trailing cm |MT ud bafow tbe K*^*^ .1 toi... koktad. ,w, ,-n.1.n,. u d a la.h naked bowtl. bring"* lll th r L, t portw .->. ibow A"" l '>-
    106 words
  • 311 3 Petition from Bombay Opium Smokers. i urn Bi k PwKingi raoa A i ill.- K.|.|*na<l«- I'olnv C.mrt, I hiK "i" nil l:. iniinK.-r cil mj.iuih tmmk hi. «l iln- ful jwiog petition In M> U. .1 lli.- third l*i i.i.-ti. v M«y W 1 il>.- tin.l.-r- iu'N.-.| iniialiiliiiilH ol B.uiii
    311 words
  • 569 3 Telegraphic News. i"ii k kh.vkk (Ivan i<'N Cain*.*, Hit, J,i,,u>r« -Mr J A And.-r- m, Vi.-.- I'r.-iitl.ut ..f id.- \uikm Chkm] ii ha- mUimw4 letter t.. ili.- S.-.T.--ran Ike lfu\'Tiit!i.-ut in tli.' l> |«irtiiuiit r..L.'.!i.l:ni' tl. lurt"- i ni| >r» «<f «Ht< r I have .hi tl,.' innliiity ..f
    569 words
  • 57 3 S.V.A. OOBM OBVtMM Or.l.rhOlh.- ■rf..r.-.,«ii.. >f w.-k. LW. M ..,..*,-.1,T CMM] N C (>. 1.-r.n-M^' M* IMP II PmmAm M.iii.l.iv. 5U r I J It M L <inn \\,.|,,.w1..>. SISp. )r ,n Thur..l«>. ll' I 1 Iv W I ii |Ti :'■> I 'A"" 1 Ui "iunM-r'A. Mormr. i. (pMtod
    57 words
  • 68 3 The Representation of Penang. Wi-. Bit BmbUcccj tki Act- Off dm Ml uilt'ii'l t<> in ik.' |M i| I i)iutni'iiiH tiiitil tin- arrival of 11 im Ex-r.-,lill(_V til'- OuVI-.MOr. A» Jl' VtTIIHPUt'H trim H liaH < x f•• i ,iii' l »v Dr. Bruwn'i ii'iinui i 1 nil
    68 words
  • 557 3 Netherlands India. Thk Match Tax. Dll imus 41 SliPijlo Way IIH .V Al-tAIRK liiwim in hfflnni lafaJ /«••.»< mwmm Wmmm\ m Tin. aMOM M nntdi'-s. ..wnitf to delay v llii- mal of tii'- necessary HtUMll 1..,,, H,,IUi J, did not come lutu feral iv I.iv;l Ul.tll I lII 'Jill IllstaUt.
    557 words
  • 99 3 Dell. Plai iinu P»< m i" Dvmm Dfttiber, tin- weather is tba llllt':._' •l!"ll!.-t' *O fat f.IV.HIIV.I tlt-M ipemliuDl tlial. l>v tlif mi.l.lli' of I IniiniDlli. |.l .ii-liirik; t! >• lii-Ms liail ItN jui»in(i on in"-' NtetM, ud eooliH .mil be "'t i" »»rk. Bortiay wsa lad«d ob 11. '^i
    99 words
  • 536 3 The Philippines. Tiii. Silver Qffsi KM t'liiHTIM. IN MINKAMAO. H<>» THE GIUfAHIkUIM SIANIAKIm. Tub Manila Oh«mbef of Coommim 1i v 1,,., i, m viiiir in tfce »il»er qaeetfoa erbjah pnaeoU nocaliar beUama Un-ne. SpMioh ui..uev eiraakW* o little, tbat (lie official* 11.- pill in Meiican dollar*. Through tin 1 i,.w
    536 words
  • 1379 3 The Municipality. Mim m ok Prockkdimos ok thb MUNICIPAL COMMIbSIOHB** AT AS OKIHt.AEY IIKETINO <>M WCl>*»h:>AY. 3«r> Janiaky. MM Paimn.- T c Pr.--il.-nt. Alex, (jci.tle. Km, T Sol.-t. is,,. W Nitl < VVray t»«| Tin- lluu'liU T SMf.»"l. M Nil 1 lanjong i'»gar VV.iid. 1 >■•■ Hou'ble A. L DIMtU
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 303 3 ITOWARTH T^RSKINE, T 1 M ITE D OINIiAIMIRK, A I I ITID CIKBE A /■AIRMAN'S 1 I KIXKES mUEBIiE IVUNDEK IyVINO Tl/fACMNE 4IK pUMFH l.M' I \HESSK.s KiMHI.KTK. niLVonuG i>Ei.i. \\rißE -|«cml!>- insulated (or tin- Tn>|ii(B. DBLL I NSTALIiATKiXS. Ibml iiuder Kkilloil iup >r\ »>i. l (fii.inm I •«'<'!
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    • 944 3 SHIPPING. TNDO CHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. FOR SOURABAYA The Ommi'i strainer WOBANG, 1,127 t<>u<. t.'apt. E. W. Sawar, haying left Hong Ml the 15th iustant, may he riperted to arrire here on nr shout the 21st irntant, and willjhave prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or jiasaage,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 120 3 ArrmigfiuriiiH. Sim klav. J'TH Jam i«v Hiwli 10 S< |mii. gClnb. Hiinli'ii' Stxi-vv. Jl-r Jasi aky. lliJi W.,i,t ;n ;i in 11 I 1- S. plu IgflWt Snu.l.iv. Kull M."ii p "i High I" l»« I 1 Cbittj ■T,ii|.ii-'H'" X;'K w' all UuineClnb Qmeni M-.ii.i-. B.IS p. in. P
      120 words
    • 338 3 TMUMW'S IHIKI SMVHW. (kirrk if Eislui iSinruiiiii Sc»»»i -I 7 m Mattna and Sermon H a. in., Hoi; Eu.han.t II a. ay, Liteuj and Holy Eu«>«n»t .45 p m huß.l.y«.h.i.l»nd Bil.l* Y9op. ay, EreueouK and Sermon. At r«i R>:ii>M.i Boom, Biroi iMk vrn.. mad A.11r.-.- p m. Tuau> Qutauo* Curu.
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  • Untitled
    • 235 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. Und-r lUi hcu'linjf the following aHbrevi,ti nn aro u««H str.— «t"amer nh. ship Kg— harqup Brit Briti-«h U S.— Hnilrd StatM; Fr.— Frwirh; Ger German; Dut. Dutch; J«h— Johco Ac. 0.0. General rariro d. p. deck paßuPiiirer* U. Une»rtain T. P. W.— Tanjonff Pajr»r Wharf T. P
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    • 865 4 TRADING VESSELS. > KRIVAI.M S1»C« NOOM or YItBTF.R"' V. Steamer* passed through Sumatra, atil Lindit/arne. Ormitton, Brit. «tr L'.JOti t..n,i t. War'in<; 2t^h Jan. From Barry via fort Sail, lltli Dm. i'u:»U. i*.i(7-' <"n« l.iterson Simon* AC C.-T. I. W Anchitti. Out >tr. MM ton.. Capt. Btnison, 2Oth Jan. Piom
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    • 151 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, and Dot* of S-nhn. FSOM ItONKUS R«ukl<>c. U»c 14 Benledi Paramatta. Dec JJ Shaiiglmi, Dt-c j:l Glengyle G'euavon Glene»V. D -c il 'IVucer. Dec 0 Ben*ld-r, Dec. 30; Bithwell C«atle, Dec. 80 Britannia, Jan. 5 Giudiana, Jan. 7 Java, Jan. 11 fiITWfOQI Mogul, Dec. 15 L%erte«,
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    • 53 4 ARRIv A L 8 !j Vian'i Nii, K*u TO IAPTAIK F»o«. Sailed. Uo. U LUhhnt '>r»,«t..n H Aiohent -II Mimi'i I* Wunt.n Xi AnJu-,. T 'nS V rlln(t Burr.TbocV D«. 1 1 P.Ur»D 3im..0. *i Out Itr -IS u Ht Sw tow J n ÜB«kfc"*O» ti< Rwiiun UT,rpool Dec.
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    • 82 4 CLEARANCES. D»ii rMK<| S AU I v Ki.i Captain D«»tin« I Hri r,io M 30 i !.iu.|i-t*rt (HenfalUch <W Mourn >uth«hire ■W Arnttiwa Apur is a!-* 2 ao .s apr ho 20 He«ub» 20 PiccioU 30 Su»«trm WiiloA "j M.i. rtr. A«.lrew Homfkouir,^""-- "tr. lUrk. Hoitkouil, Sliau u -i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 609 4 KOTICEB. McALISTER Co. n.v v k ran uumbVW A rllll'MKNT «>F JAMES WATSON Co.'s CBLBBBAtEB SCOTCH WHISKEY. THE DOMINIE BBANIX) Ask for tlic Dqmm-w Braad (Black Label QUARANTKED LO VKAUS 01-l». PUCK SIOtOO PBB (ASK. MOkL I S T E B ft Co.. Bob! At. kni* GREEN DIAMOND DAoo Pr.rcst
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    • 787 4 NOTICES. I Sams: Safes:: SAiF E s Don't buy Kmkwhik( Till You Havk Skkn .Mi Sakks Ararwaml MMM MMfIMMi of Thief and j Fire Proof 6afw. all siz-n bj the bent En(fli»h Makern. Alito for sale the fine«t |>IS.SIAN pYLINDER QIL in B_MM of 1" tfalliiuii and iv ■•.•i-k- of
      787 words
    • 1418 4 DOCKS. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LIMITED The i«-emis.'s of the Company are *itnat»'d at Tanjon< Pagar adjoining the town of 8in o -pore. St«*am tram-car« run at short intervals carrying passenger* and good* from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extend* to one mile and a quarter
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    • 897 4 NO TICKS. Tstsblish^ 18«5. •13 ILEY, HARGRBAV-SAOO- j Ekoinksbs. Ikon Brash Focnubbs. BOiLRBMA-ERS, BbIIX'C BOM.DKRS. BHIIBOILDBRB. General Contbactobs. SINGAPORE V KUALA LUSIPOR. SHIP BUILTiIXG YA HP HIGH class STEAM VESSELS alwajt under con«tnietion, from 3ft ft, to 150 ft. length of keel, of be«t deeign and finish. MACHINERY trom leading
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    • 245 4 NOTICES. GR. LAMBERT Co. I'HOTUURAI-HKBS. <.n-hiiiii lloii^r. Ballrry Rva«l AMI Orchard Koad IHtt. o from 7 s.ui— r > pin We«k dsys. Stu.lio, open fr m 7„ m mm s,,nday» I App.)intmout» should h* luaiN if po«sibl«.) ■bmmMj Enlargem nt» in »U rn/.... bui-h.d in most artistic style either ii.
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    • 134 4 NOTIOEB. ABOUT Btlil BY IKl>k SHKTTKMM,. Paper t'ovrrs <i. (M < luili HoardH ji.j* Half Leather )t.a« SINGAPORE STRAITS TIMEB OFFK'K The iHMik will b* forwarded to any part application \*mt free st the above n»m*| prices. The money must he sent Vitt, orders. Postal orders to be mad* payahl*
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