The Straits Times, 16 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTAHLISHEI): l»tfl. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1(>, 1894. NO. 18,221.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 848 1 AIfSHIP COMPANIES Wbabts. and Oobowvs— N.-w 1Uri.,,,,, sjaaavaaa. Mar TkaahoTfi daUs arc only appr.,xim«' arrival, aad <iep»,t..>r. may b* Mi \<-r Marrnllm an.l thaMß bf rtai •ay to Lond. aia tba s.a >c Mta I -mdon i NAPI ,11 H m- -ai Uoir.l pftawng.-rw ahns; t.. ay- th .trai»,.
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    • 784 1 BTKAMBHIP COMPANIES. DX KOMNKLIJKK PAKETVAART M AATSi 'HAPPI.I. I 'ndor contract with the Nf-therlaiid-India <;..y< tj ni"nt. I T Ul ■< V, I.ATK ■M- Jl, I'ul.l.YKß (^UAY. '•U.HSBM HuTTKNBa.CH LIKIIKKT A BM a tle.-t ot ,V> Steainitrn, irith snlradtfl arrnißanrfalhai far first class, i■ nd .'as k paaaBBfBTS, and
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    • 746 1 STEAMSHIP 00MPANIE8. For Borneo I'ortt via Ba wean and Snurabava. < Mi the Kth „f ev.-ry mouth a steamer runs in this dirreli'.n taking direct cargo and songers t<, Banjermassiu, Pulo Laut, Paesir, and Kotei. Once eeery nimlh on the "Jilrd a steamer in despatched M Doiigala, Berow. and Buhmgan
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    • 933 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Y"I(IiIiHTS(')IER LLOYD. 1> BHEMEN. The fa-t siml »ell-kii'.wn "learners of this line run regularly he'tween Bremerhsven and Shanghai, calling en routo at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sue/., Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. Iv connection with tlie arrivals and de-iwrturi-M of the-e mail stetiners, the Company's steamer
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    • 672 1 ENBURANCES. UAKIKAN KlKfc ANK L! I-'E ASS'TKA.VCF VJT COMPANY. LIMIIKD. LONDON. ESTIH.I .HSD l«il Subscrib,«J Capital «,hii,imi Total Invosted Funds 4,61^,000 Annual Income, 938,0U0 The undenignen, agents for tne above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of t«-n days or longer periods at current rat«(- to
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    • 512 1 BANKS. (YHARTFRFD BANK OF INDIA J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. TNCOHPORATEV BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL £800.000 RESERVE FUND i' 250,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Intekeht on Fixed Dbi>OBlTB. For 12 months, r>°/ 0 per annum 4°/o 3°/ c Current l)e|n.-it Accounts are opened aud interest allowed at 2 per ceut. per annum ou
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    • 323 1 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. FBBIH ARRIVALS. jyviNu gbar. f yriNo übab Heinks A Co. s Csl.braUsl thre. tbpaw Diving Pumps complete, always in Kw-k Extra Gear for sams, isaludiag Rod Eubber Diviag Hose in .".0 feet lengtk*. Divla* Drssses. Boots, Selution. R« pairing ClotK, Underclothing, Ac As pEARI.INti 1)BQL'ISITB8 tJArBS. OAFHS
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  • 528 2 LATEST MAKKKT gUOTATIONB. siicoapoke 16th Stamun, w»4. PBOOUCB Ga.nbier. 6.«fc. do Cube No. 1. 1150. do do No. 2, 7.80. Copra B»li m 5.8-V do Pontianak 5.45. Pepper Black. 8.87^. Sago Flour, Sarawak Ufc do Brunei Mt4f< Pearl Sago Coffee Bali,. 39: W. Coffee Liberian, ttJKk Tapioca small Flake
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  • 125 2 for Prr $tr. To.MoBBOW I»o»kuL. ikrgo,,. 7a.m. Molucca- >■• i-.rt timmm, Hum Soaraktja till. Bun Uin Ouuu, 11 v .wn^kok. fW Ham Klane Tia ports. Hony ITui., Ipm Toil hams tin ports Daphne 2 p.» fM'ir tia porl» 1 p.m. Taluk Adwd via t«. Malacca, jpa o*t
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  • 162 2 Arkivalu. Per s. Chute Phyu from Klnmr vis .SI lacca: —Mrs. Lainmnro. Per s. s. Gympie from Malacca :—Mr. 8. P. J •Tojikiin Per s. GoJacery from Bntsvis -Mrs«rs L. Str*ek, W. SKk. Evans, A. W. Bvsns, and Zikel, Mrs. I.mi-. 5 Velmioa. PassenKers. 'TO ABKIVE.I Per P.
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  • 81 2 Kor KoMBg and Calcutta, Faiuniro((u. on 17th Jauuarj Bou.->tead und Co. For CMm and Juruin. A'ai>u.i due 18th i J.iniiai r. 1i..m.-i Ltd. For London via Marseilles. Qlnoglt. due lhtli Jiiuua. v. K.Mist.-aJ an i Co. For t'euanj; and Calcutta. Arratoon due I'.itli January. Sarkien
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  • 393 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 16th JANUARY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Ksr.*in,is!iKi> 1831. Price 10 Onts. SubtcriptioH raU* and .vleertUiny raiet may Ufmmi on the fourth Mge.\ rii< I'ari^li < Kiiiiril* Bill. The Parish Couucils Bill has been read a first time in the House of Lords. Disorder* in Italy. There has been
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 14 2 Thk Rice export duty at S*igou is vow levied on the gross weight shipped.
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  • 22 2 A Kr.tßY football match will be played ou the Esplanade to-morrow evening In'tween teams from the S. C. C. and the Services.
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  • 22 2 I'mk .iii:iii*l ucneml meetiug of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Exchange Rooms on Thursday the 25th instant.
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  • 23 2 Bkituh subjects at Bangkok must register this month at the British Consulate There were 1.700 registered last '227 of whom were Chinese.
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  • 25 2 TIK outwanl M. M. Packet PfedUltM left Colombo at 11 a m. on the 12th inst.. and she should arrive here to-morrow Wednesday i aftoruoou.
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  • 30 2 As acliou to NNNrlt -Jiiiithi, w jt|, Rv IH.OOO interest, brought by a Siamese widow against Dr. Cheek, was' to J-e heard at the American Tj->gatio:] at Raugkok. last Siturdav.
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  • 30 2 The Chitty commuuity hold their annual Taipuwim festival on the JJikl instant at the Temple iv Tank Road. The "Silver Car" procession is iixod for the 20th aud 22nd instant.
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  • 61 2 A new staudurd of time mm into operation on Tuesday, October 31. Europe is now divided into' three trroups. England, France. Spain, and Portugal take their time from Greenwich; in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, (Jennaiiy. Austria, Huugarv. Switzerland, and Italy the tune is an hour later; that of Russia, Turkey, the
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  • 93 2 Thkkk m a new species of white ant abroad now. says a Rangoon |mper and his ravages iv the cash chests of treasuries in Burma are remarkably singular. Formerly, these voracious beasts could devour bags of silver current coins of the realm wholesale, without leaving so much as a crumb
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  • 100 2 A had accident occurred ou the river at Shanghn, on the tth iust. which re.ult.-d in the d.-atb of Captain McLau^li,,, maau-r ot the Bmmri I>. '/>„„,, n,,. vessel was mUld in the Mfc section and at about lam Captain McLi,, K hliu was looking over the .tern, when from
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  • 44 2 A* Association football match played on the Esplanade last (> TI betwee-. teams selected from tl and the Officers of the Garrison -"T game resulted in a dmw, each team s, one goal. The Club goal a one of the 8. C. 0 flkjmZ d*•
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  • 111 2 At Hougkoug. ou the '.tth :iw,* ot 9 to 10 o'clock, the Parade Goaud rT seuted an unusually animated appear* About sixteen hundred troops of were assembled for the purpose of^* 1 bilizitiou. aud were formed i n to ,Ui^t roents and marched off to their v UI destinations son.c
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  • 85 2 A woNuißruL nugget of tiu hat li^, discovered in the tiu mines at X, )rt i Dundas in Tasmania lacconim,. tll Hnbart Mrrcury). It is estiinat.-l K 2 tons 14 cwt. The issay of a small Z shows that the large mass of mi ssalaki G" per
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  • 88 2 The Singapore and Deli authority v, be interested in kuowiug tint y a t P Wiudmill Road, where most of the <til, fippTtfd to their ports are k"|.t. nuc» ibises of i-onf-ient small-pox exist 4fOst. eutly uo precautions are taken to isswi the cases— iudeed it is stated
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  • 554 2 Oil on C'lydk Tkkka. This morning, the First Mi<,'istrit> Mr. Egerton, was OWOjfJosl for nn* time in dcaliug with a MUMMM against a Chinaman named T*q Kirn living at 2«. Clyde Terra.v. b» tV Municipal Comraissioneni. The jifeuiant was charged with lnvm.' M tbr 2*Jud
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  • 49 2 Thk lUu.l ofUstSad Bi RrgJBUl will |.lay th.- gramme iv the O*nl day. 19th iust.. .iiiiui' FMWIW 1. Gavotte 7>,ii-7 2. V.l*, v,h-,1 .Sight I M 4. Morcaau de Salon S JL& 5 Galop lWfcoj l A. K. IHR, B-^rirJ* 1 lind Batt Lin*ola.bir»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 592 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANT, LIMITED THI Stoadard Life A**«raa** Norwiea Union Fir* Isaaraac* Sofiety. Atlas Asauraoe* (;.<npaay (Fire Th* Equitable Life Assarane* Society Tb« Ocean Mario* Insurance Company. TH* China Mutual Staam Navigation Co) Tb. Tott*aJ>aßi Lagw B«er Company. p.. Maritime Insurance Company. Limited For particulars of the*. Companies the full
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    • 752 2 NOIICtS. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 712 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. i if CNI C 1 PA L NOTIOE. The Munic )>«l Road leading fr .in Thomson Road to tiie Impounding Re**rvoir will be closed to camaire traffic from Monday, the Mli instant, until fur' her notice to permit of the carrying out of certaiu alterations. By Order, J.
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    • 986 2 LATEbT AD V EUTIStMEN l'S. KOTICB. THE Annual General Meeting of ths I Finfpip.ira Cbamb'r of Commerce will i be held at the Ex hange Rooms, on Thursday, 25th January, 1894, at noon. Business. 1. To receive and, if approvfd. adopt the Annual Report aud AccounU for tbe yasr ru-liiiie
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    • 23 2 At Tuiping. Perak. on the ltitli instant the wife of E W Birch, Ke«j of a daughter *n Ueaeral Halppiax News s«e p*t«
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    • 42 2 M.B.S. wlwW fvt m*r..ii Tim- thnU N« i» mm «f fr— J WkttUr. kol nM tlbxr lk«» ftw The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WEATHER REPORT. A".i...J.i.w A'roOuu BmOOM, ISth JsKMSßffi lifi»l. 9 a m. 3 p.m 9 p.m. Remarii. Bar. red. 32 i\ih. 9JHSWJMtWMt «►> Temp. T7.0 81.5 75.1 Sa WettulbTber. 74.5 74.5 T1.6 14 J Dir. of Win) S.V.. V.W.K.W. >•»« Max. Tmnp.inUui.le 85.7 Mia uo do Tv 0 'i Max. io
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  • 458 3 I M.. i ..h ih.lra,].- ct \Vl.i'liv..Nl.M-li ba» >• Ht i.i.i,..,] ii,,ul>U-,liiu>.nsiunN, tin re Ml Hlwam U-.ii tli.- <-h-.ii<-i- of ill.I**""" ""Hi'ila* ,!,i, !,,|,in^ ml,, A MMM* I V.J.I., of l!,.- m,|»ort t wbi,li n, I9M an it t <1 lo 5,978,587 roil l>l'-'. Iimn In'i-i, airaMf if si
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  • 832 3 A Three Yea r Ol d Murd errer. From Ull II 11 1 s > .5*,,.,/,,,,,,,, HU 11.r. n»m bajr. only three warn 0 •ml aa a iuui-1.-i.-i, luckoi U{| iv a nun. deiei's cage. H iim^ v 1 riuiiuali. 1 and Id.uinl with an irou chain MBBMMMMM alteiijiug a
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  • 153 3 Happy Islands in the Sout h Seas. Irk rent i. hi tltm »M Uajn ol Illlif to l'Arl'.i'"' 1 biisHlul Hlat.' ..t thing's i-avs 0""H' l"' U-'-nis \>\ .ongiatiiUlw- 1i,,. l.i.t lM 18. Mi iv a Parliament BoaM wb'rb all th. i-Uu.l* and bM |M from 111-
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  • 429 3 THt tirst tew MM 1 was in China, says a e..nrs|H.n.l. Nt tothe (rWal CMaa Duilf maw, I «.i- sinnk ni'li whal ap| lolH'iiistauees ..f charity ain..i,g the mlivcs. For iiistanc.-, I saw that WBMWIia a 1'.i.l of c.wl was ta>ien to ',- ,|nite unmiiT of mmmm gatharad
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  • 502 3 Mercantile Cr edits in Fo reig n Po rts. I'm. Kort-igu Office has ju»t inHUed a Whitc-li.ok .-.niMiii.iii.' KpaiH froDi the Kritiab CooauUr offii-ers in Aotwer|.. Humburg, Havre, Rotterdam, Tiiegte. aud New York ud the xvnteins of ciedit (.rivalling tbere. L >nl Roaelif y, in the rin calling for
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  • 327 3 Probable Effect of a Silver Import Duty in India. It May Rvn the Cotton Spinms.; Indus 1 bt. Imk H.ioli.iv Millownera' Association, the MM a/ lmlta uuderstaiuis, have ri.ntl\ lorwadwl to the Government of l.idia a stouglv worded t.-1.-giaphte protest agaiust the itu|>osiliou of au import duty 011 silver, the
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  • 930 3 Th e Opium Commission. Ihk < >|.iiiiii (.'.'luniisßiou, l.\ laat adviceb, '< has lakin^' .vnl. nee in tbe |.r.>viui'Hs wliero ihi' |u)|>| v is ciilliv.iU'd. Tin- loll.iwiug U'lt-^riin;> than tii.. .Iril't of I In- testin.ouv |ifM i Ha,,k,,,»r. .ir.Ut,,. Tli.- (>|.iiiiii ('..mmi'oion ri'Kuiu.-d it»4fitini;a today at the OoUqn Hall. Lwi
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  • 190 3 aal aa*ize was opem-d thia luornin*: by tbe Chief Justice Tbe BM. nsr« thut^en cases as fo I iwt V..«. munler. postponed t .11 mstitutiuK a false charge. Pmlmoiml from tbe last assizes Ah H<w. attempt Is) mur.Vr and v,.lnnna hu t Ti.. Xtomg •'<(■« t.. murd.-r ami
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  • 129 3 Munici pal Co mmissioners. Tub ordiuary fortuighth meeting ot the Municipal Commissiouera will be held iv the Hoard Room, at Kohinson Road, tomorrow at :!i > p. iv. A.IENIiA To real and if npproved oiitinn th* mioutes of the nrdinvv MMMM hold on :{rd January l«r>4 I Compilation af Vital
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  • 331 3 Wm. G. Halb and Co.'i Circular dated Saigon. 13th i-.sUnt states Eiport Duty. .Since the beginning of tbe present rear, it has been officially decided by tbe local GoTercmeot that tbe duty will be levied on the gross weight sbipped-ss follows i <>n Rice and Paddy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 217 3 rpoiLET I.ANOMNE." ABRASIUNa, Burua. and WounUs heal rapidly under application of Toilet Ijniolin.',' which UH«d constantly oleara the complexion, and ia espoeially useful for the dialing of young children. In collapsible Tulies iid in elegant box's 3d., from all Chemists and Druggists. Wholesale Depot, 67. Holhorn Viaduct. The gonuioe bran
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    • 146 3 NOTICES. UOTAL T ETTKKS pATENT. Ml fro™ Pnr«lDUtllled Watcsr rpHE IAISPENSART 99 A BRATED WATER WORKS CO. SINGAPORE. CONTBAUTUB* TU ir«R Tl/TAJESTTS poVT A«rat«4 and MlbotbJ Watcra. Th* Par«et and The Boml STaAst Powbb Factobt and Dintillbbt 76. BRABS BASSI ROAD Town Depot >pHE IySPKNSART T>UILDINGB T>ATTERT "DOAD J. F.
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    • 358 3 NOTICES. KATZ BROS. Tl^E l'»v» ju*t received the LATEST TyiNCHESTER T>EPEATING OHOT /^1 UN. Model IM*:; l> bore The harrel ia rolled •te*l, M inches long, total weight of Gun 7| lbs., with sliding forearm movement. It is SAFE, QUICK, snd KASV of MANIPULATION from the shoulder, SIMPLE iv CONSTRUCTION
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    • 984 3 BHIPPING. NOTICE. F3R Baniarraassin, Sonrabara, BaUvia, and Padang Th* s. S. Mandanu will bs d**paUb*4 for tb* ab*v* ports on or about ths 12tk iastant For freight or passage apply (o. ALSAGOFF A Co. a. No I Battery R«BRITIBH INDIA STEAM NATIOA TION COMPANT. LIMITID. TOR PRNANU. RANGOON, a CALCOTTA.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 170 3 Irr.uigeuieiit*. I'iehuai, 16th Jabuaht. llikjli Water •'•.'.< p. m. DcWUan Society. General Meeting. Whdnksuat, 1 7 i i' January. H iu'li Water 5.18 a.m. ti.56 p id. Municipal Commission. 2.30 p. ra. Bagfcgr Foot lull. S. C. C. r. Service*. Keplanude. 5 p. m. M. M. outward mail due afternoon.
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    • 1232 4 Under this beading the following- al.hrens tions are used —str— stoamer sh.— ship: bq— baroue Brit —Brit Uh U. S— United States Fr.— French; Ger— German: Dut Dutch; Joh.— Johore; *c Gc -G.ueral cargo d p. deck pafsengers D. Uncertain ;T. P W.-Tanjong- Psgar Wharf; T. P
      1,232 words
    • 111 4 A'ame, Port, and DaU of SmVis Fkom London GlenfalWh. Dec. 11. Monmouthshire. Dp-Rothw.-.l Oaetia, Dec 21 Fengl..,., Dee. H Beualdrr, Dec :i" LitiipooL Oanfs, Doc << Anchiseg. Dec I Kaisow. Dec I L\ertes. Doc. 12: Mogul. I)-.- 15 Bueuoi Air.--. Dec 18 Barky TiasMli o*4 ;t. Kth» RiekmexsOel.
      111 words
    • 193 4 !L Vmul'i \m> a* J»u. U r.r-i-U Dor.M Sum r... U Hi iijt Wan I*> Kinu An U Stwr* 15 JM|.|.H.' it >.v n.-r, I) iVarcc 14 H, c-M M Sri frin l .'j;u v M r'»n Wbatt Soun Itf Aiuoj 16 (iyill|ilu U Chow P)(j« It) CaWpw 10
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    • 63 4 Dati VMH,'| Saht jr LA |X \l I MN. 15 UMh n^TZ Brit. »tr. Fidelia v D.,r,. U fak.,, Br tr is S- it i'm A"* 00 A.T2. IB Carulina ilr.ut Panirkok ■Mfkah > W& K*hru Banirkok l'»r«<»i,- MadrvTupa-t-MilUr P»k».i I Maatwrage Mar>«Ul^> ti» p 11-lu;>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 184 4 i! y mm MMhaaHathii (umh wHaka/ will U: said for tbe future at |**r an LANE SUPPLIES BAYE AliltlVKD. mcai, i s t i; cv Gnrry Ftiresi diici Lightest ALE extant. THE ORIGINAL PATENT SPHINCTER GRIP. Ml i U I MUn BMB I lluni. 1M.|.,r... mil. Vor W«t«r. Irrir^Kon
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    • 501 4 NOTICES. ■000. Fkmji To- Morrow. uib until end of this mv.mii. IHKKt WILL XX ni.EARANCE DALE, before stock taking \T OCR UOI>U« I N.. 1. I>AFFLES piACE. First .Floor KATZ BROS. THE "STRAITS TIMES." Thk "Straits BiixiET." The price of the Strait* Tima dtlivtnd free is v follows Within Biugafwrt.
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    • 1407 4 DOCKS. 11HE TAVJOSQ PAOAR DOCK CO. A LIMITED. The prcnii- ■< ..t the <• .ini>«ny nrc ritiut d *tTanjon< I'.i^ar adjoiuin^' Hrn I .wn .<! Sin_.iaore. Stusuii tram-«ars mv at sh >rt inV-rv .l.< carrying pass<?«per» and j;oods from Wh.u-f destination^ at low rat The Wh\rf attaßOS t<i >ac mile
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    • 907 4 IfOTIUEa. K-t.-ibli-n.-.. 1865. TJILEY, HARGREAVBSI CO E.NOINKKKS, Iku.N A BRA6B FoDNUKBa, Boilermakers, Briinje Builders. ***** BUILDERS. General Contractors. SINGAPORE i KUALA. LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, froic 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of bent design and finish. MACHINERY 1n.,,, leading British
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    • 159 4 NOTICES. R. LAMBS A T A Co. PHOTixiRAPBEBS. ♦.rrnhaiM-HiMiMC. Bnllrn B»a«i AM> Orchard Road IH«. o from 7 sin— "> p.m. Week days. Studio* open from m noon Snndays. Ap|>.intnients should be insd« if possible, i Speciality i Enlargements in all siio«, tini-htd in most artistic style i-ilher iv crayon
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    • 145 4 NOTIQESr J> IR A K in IK\M. sHIIIIMi l*a|M-r t'ovcrs lI.H (loth Boards Half Lralhrr j ;(M( SINGAPORE. STHAITS TIMES Ot> The liook will be forwarded to any pan application p' st free at the abKv.^^* prices. The morey must be sent with orders. Postal orders to h« mad* va
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