The Straits Times, 15 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1894. NO. 18,220.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1039 1 I AMSHIP COMPAKIBI P "INSULAR AKD ORl,\ NAVIGATION COMPANY Otticb Collytir Quay WaAßvaaaad (Iok)w»_n« lr i,, ur T.a mail rt*a«T, v M p...... 11 IBM. Ja... £t j AU m. k'i.' il Hit i. M r 7 I Iheabov. date* ar* only appniiimat. tn. arriTal. aad d*,-artur. nay be .ither
      1,039 words
    • 823 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I\E KONINKI.I.IKE PAKETVAART I f MAATBCHAPPIJ. I'nder contract with the Netherlands India Government. iporr. Ship Adency, i.ate J. Dakndkld A Co 2-3, OtNaVTSB Quay. I m,/, Messrs Hdttenbacb LIEHEBT A CO. ThaOaMMaVJ ban a H.-.-1 ot SI Steamers, with Kpb-ndi.l seeomiiiislatioii for first class, seioinl e'as^. nri.l .1.-.
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    • 690 1 STEAMSHIP COM TAN l EB. For Borneo Portt via Bawean and Sourabaya. On the Hth of every month a steamer run* in this direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Banjermassic, Pulo Laut, Passir, and Kotei. every mon th on the Jiir.l a steamer is <les|xitched to Dongala, Berow,
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    • 930 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ]Vr ORI)DE t''rsCHER LLOYD. Il BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this linn run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sue/.. Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of there mail steamers, the
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    • 648 1 INSURANCES. I /^TJARD'ANFIBE AND LIKE ABBPBANCE \T COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDON. EtTABLISBBD 18S1. Subscribed Capital J>,000,000 Total Invested Funds 4.618.000 Annual Income, 938,000 The onderslgneu, agent, far the above Company, are prepared to accept fire risks for short periods of ten days or longer periods, at current rate* to be named
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    • 852 1 BANKS. IHARTRRED BANK OF INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL 4*800,000 RESERVE FUND £260,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 mouths, 5°/ o per annum. 6 4°/ 0 3 3°/ o Current De]>osit Accounts are opened and interest allowed at per cent, per annum
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    • 294 1 NOTICItS. KATZ BROS. YJTTE have jntt received the uATBST TiriNOHBSTBR TJEPEATINQ 4JHOT p UN. Model 18»:V 12 bore The barr.l U roll.* steel. 30 inehet long, total weight of Qna 7f lbs witk sliding forearm movament It it SAFE, QUIUK. aad BASY .f MANIPULATION from the ahoulder. SIM PLE in
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  • 515 2 LATEST MAKKKT yUOTATIONB. SiNOAroBB 15th SbSVABT, I»CU. I'KOOUCB. Uambier, 6.6^. do Cube No. 1. 1150. do do No. 2, 7.80. Copra Bali 5.8-V do Pontianak ».*5. Pepp.-r Black, »■<*>■ Sa>ro Flour, Sarawak 2.33. .1.. Urunoi 2±i%. Pearl Sajro 3.40 Coffee Bali 39.3tt. Coffw Liberiau, 4155. Tapioca small Flake, 3.VU.
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  • 92 2 for Par ttr. -10-Moaaow. Japaa tie r*rt>, TaiiM!..-. 7 J>»."°k. b*h Htnti 11a.m. He i.-k.,ti- l.i.jkl.iing, 1 p.m. Padanif vMpoit- W.Tmfttmmkit, I p.n. M»Uev« ;,dI LiSir^i 0. 0. Smith, p.m. U. ti« fiorunJra, Ipa Bar,,,* n» porW. Vmrm. :t|>.». r«i.ig ri» porU. 3p.w.. Pai«...t>ft Bf. Oasaeiaa, :ip.«.
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  • 241 2 AaaivALs. Per s s. Malacca from T. Auwn via p<irts i —Me*«i> Hnckley, Baker, and Miller. I'.-r s. s f.,n from Selangor via iiorts —Mr. Mure. Par a. c. Beaiera f-om Batavia— Mr. and Mr». Holland.Messrs Cbappal. White. Wright. Sliaw. anil Selileijer. Per 8. s. Kiel from Saigon
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  • 193 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDA Y, 15th JANUARY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ESTABLISHBD I 1831. Price: 10 Cents. [MaarajiaM adttrtkits mtm may be found th* fourth BBfl J Tin- Enrl or kimlx-rlo The Karl of Kuuberlev wb.«, ou Saturday, was reported to b.' seriously ill h better. I' In- Mtrlllan I r.»u hi.
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 403 2 Japan which in now |>assiii!_ r through a serious political crisis, is H tmfbt with a constitution which dates from 1889, when Um> liitlu-rt.. absolute, adopted tin- parliamentary q tern. The Upper House consists of 252 Mahm partly elected ami partly nominated. The Hmm of K.-pr. •>■•nt.itives consists
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  • 14 2 Thk mail for Europe by the Ymrrm closes at p. m. to-morrow (Tlietdaj I.
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  • 16 2 A CaUVBBB id mate of Ihe Pauper us j pital huug himself early this in irniu;;.
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  • 20 2 It is advertised that a third dividend of 71° is payable to the eraditon of tbe N. O. B. C.
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  • 18 2 A Hoi-kkt match is rived for Fridaj al 5 o'clock b«-twe«'u Mr. Orauatoa'i taaa aud Mr. McTag^art's tea-u.
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  • 21 2 A CooLlt, while loading the s s with coal at Pulo Hukuia ou Satutdav, f.-ll into the water and was drowned
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  • 16 2 Tmk Chiuese Merchants of PwBBBg mI teud ifiving a Cup for the OQBHnii Peaans Kaee Maataßf,
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  • 22 2 j Thk mail despatched from Singapore to j London by German Packet, oa the 17lh illtiu:o was delivered ou the llth iustaul.
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  • 24 2 A Kuobt football match will be ulav.-d i on the Esplanade oa ffadaaaday ereniua I teams from the S C r „,,,1 Ser>ioe«.
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  • 27 2 Hv la»t adrieee, the Ki U(? of .s.a.u was •till m a very weak state of health, and hia cmditon wan the cau»e of unuh t kuiiely.
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  • 21 2 Tmc Calendar for the Ijihl e.iiuiual A»si/.e for 1H;»4 comprises thirtceu ca«os. The Awiu o|.eu» to-niorro* moruiu a 11 o clock.
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  • 25 2 Aa action hatmea the i;i,t,, m j. laak, plaintiff and Sjed AM,,),!?' man bin M ihoinel Inn Silnn AU r jl" iaadaat, is aataM i
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  • 22 2 An Awociaiiuu U.;'U ill autch wi|i l. alavai a* tka Ksplannje <••' Thur*i 4T > p. m. batwaaa laa«w from ti and Lincolnshire R-^imt-Di
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  • 32 2 Thk M M steimer Tmnm left s»j at 5 a.m. veM. idav and may be 'i'i».*" heie 10-atorrow .ibont daylight sii,. w *7 in >- r probaM* b* aataatehed eveiiiiii; al •"> o'.-l i,k.
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  • 33 2 II M 1/ w§ was aadaf 1.-aye TokohaaM, via NaifasaLi/ konif ou the tad iaat. It nptrtti tb» t ihe t'lill i* »ill he ml i.i JiinQ i v of the Mweaiy. v
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  • 31 2 Thk Bob. 0. P. Cliaiei wai i by the Just i. s ol iii.- I'.-.iee a ui.-intxT il the L-^islative of ""TaVnaM. J! oppoai p I hud term of i'tli
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  • 36 2 Ai Ai'oun i.N.S. \V i. ou I,;,), a Cliinain in aaaaad <r dtwag Umti guilty «.t aariag avaoVd tbe |«illt 4 i 40 wag ordered lOPay CISO Off t.. for two veirs. N .t: of a|i|«-al
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  • 29 2 Thk <-..s.- ..i Btraa aa Hara tertut M r L-.liue «li is ehatgad with iw.Ui- baJ nVeta, wai* larthar adjoarait to.. lav. witaaati aaj additions! .I.i, Ul> ln-iiii; taken.
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  • 36 2 Thk I'uuj mi Milling Company, Lituit»^ •I at tiottgkoog a trlegraat f roai (L. mine raportiag thai, dariag ihe mouth D eaawtr, the mill ran J5 day*, crushits 600 tons giviug a vieM af AO dwta.
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  • 39 2 A i Baagkoki say« the Sitm h the BJamcao l'ual is briag taaipeivd «;t an. l a ■parioat i-oiu i» betag diaootenj v iacraaaiag eitcuUtioa ia Bangkok. WVn w<igko I. t i leee ia wi,'ht tlnu the true tietL
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  • 42 2 Tai N- < is t.. I. m to-tuorrow at J j.. m. to eoafej li H tbSultau of J.iho.-i- t.i Port Dicktoa Tbfrs the Aituii; (Jov.riior will einlMrk aDl procejd i<> rVaaag. ta i«- preaaal p P aaag Raaca which miamnate ua Pridu
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  • 45 2 1 1 waa aaaaaocad the othef oat tlidt among*! tbe aaianaaa aiiaarati in I'aliiiu^,' thai bad l»«-u cancelled liv tb» I'.ih.iiiL' (iov-i uiin nt that ol l'4b»Q k Kabang. Bach ie aal tax Kabaui; is ouf af those eaaaeai 'have not b^t-u so caucelled.
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  • 51 2 The telegraph •teaawi'aVwi 1 r rfturnoi to ,Snii;d|iore last wi^-W after surveying ibr r. > 1 1 1 for Ihe proposed new cdli!.- [rum Lib to Boagkoag. In all the soul.ln take*, the gwatrat (i.'iiih i to ii.- 2,.i 0 faihoaw lad 1 the teainenlaw. at tins oVpth, is
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  • 50 2 It i» reported tliit toeMof laeaMatbrn of ill.' I'.naii^ aWaatiaa Club erieari team, *bo i eagagwd to coirn* k>Bisav port at the cad of this mouth as piav tbr S. K. C. .ii erickal aad traaie hew, li*»r li. ii] lamaioaed to attend as jurors a! tbr l'.ii.iu,' A M
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  • 46 2 A To>9un i'i|>r tajre thai the Baanai cr'ii-.-. lii/wli. which is about tii. 1 ir auat, will ton. li at Tonijuiu, Eel the parpoae of riaitiag errtaia s..iir-< coal rapplj, particutarfy K---ban and H"ii^ g4/. lli ibip will return to C'roustnl! .t th iptiag of 1895.
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  • 65 2 Mk. .1 K. Bucb, Plrtt MagntraU- U Peasag, eooMe t > Btagapora abjut the alter MM of Ihil luontli ti> act ai Coloami r. Mi. Capper, the 4ctii| S eond htagialrate, Pnaeny. will act fur Mr. H I. il 'llltll MUi'll I illlf .l» Mr Hi.; t. .ii i^ relieved
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  • 86 2 Tut Pm u.i fTaarfli ..i the Iftl iiustint. "We bare ta tbuuk Mr HiI teabacfa t..r d .i Idreeeing bk tin in. mbsn i>r the Chaiber tL rough ooi '*****111-. H.- Ii i printed and published ia h:s own wai A* ■>. uriouty, aad .t< an B&Maule i the kiad
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  • 92 2 Dubimu the ri*it of the > Kara, to Bekwgof «i tka Chiaeei We" V.-ii. ,i woking concert will be ■aye iU<- load Jtmnui ou th.- ui^bt > i tt ii .i run.;, meat! uia\ bo made laßf f" r a daaoe, Of soiii.- other I'Uti-rt liuoiou' oi tin Bth, but
    92 words
  • 96 2 Arnritii iir K. Fn— ith. ujt ive for Singsp in Ike .ii IStfa F- A week's ll L) «iii ma).- in Siii_m| ir> 11.- will lii.'ii* uroaed t>> Malacca, V< s 1 1 1 I_'■1 in i I'.'ii.iii^uii U.i.ii.l :li.' .1 lie is expected to l« ia Biagapon aaw ilk)ui
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 680 2 mHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED THB Standard Life Assurance Norwich Union Fire Society A-las Assurance|wn\ I Th* Bquitable Life AaMraaee SeeMt) Ths O«*aii M»rine Insurance Company. Ths China Mutual Steam Narration Coy Tbe Tottenham I*K"r Heer OeeOBOBT. Tbe Mantime Insurance Coin|«ny. UeuUd. For narticulani of th«s* Compauios s«« the
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    • 814 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Fhilippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 745 2 MUNICIPAL SOTICRB. V|UNICIPAL NOTICE. The Munic'ial Riiml leading fn-n Thomson Road to tl.e I npounili'.g Reservoir will be ■leeel Ie carriage trami from Monday, the Sth instant, until further notice ti permit of the carrying out of certain alterations. By Order. J. POLGLASE. Secretary to the Municipal CommiHsiouers Muniripal (Dii-e.
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    • 1095 2 LATENT ADV ERTISE3IEN I'S. IN THK SUPREME OURT OF THB STHAPS SETTLEMKNTS. f-euleiiient of Singapore. Buit N<>. 'JKI of ism Uktwekn The Easleru Mo-tgsge Bank, Plaintiff AND Bwad Al.lulraluiiAu bin M- Im in.-l bin Salim Alsres Vrfmdant. 'i'AK U'.li'-e that Ibis action w*» on tb« Ist day of I) .ember.
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    • 25 2 »s«B6r£3£RSSOSSS The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 89 2 WEATHER REPORT. aTeaieai BVetea Hotpttal, Uth fmtvmrg. 1891. 9a.m. .Jp.m. 9 p.m. BmiKii. Bar. reU. 31 K»h. 29.517 19JX> 29.790 Temp 75.8 hl.B 75.0 Wet fulb Ther. 75.i 77.0 71..% Dir. of N. BJ. K S. K. S2 M«I. T.Ti.p. ios.lia.le 85.0 oc- '-'i: Mia .1.. da .;.>:. ?j U
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    • 160 2 Vrran^rnirols. hfOBOAT, lorn Ja>l vKV Hi X li W it. i :;.-.u |„m. hi I rat Qoartei IA TIK.-I.AT. I H JABUABT. lli-Ii W.i'er Mil iii. p. 111. H, M. BuamMßMd mail. Defaatißsj Bociety Oeaeral M The AMoaee open. Wbbbsbbay, 17ih Jabcabt. High WaU r 5.18 0 M P oi
      160 words

  • 217 3 The late Mr. Jose D'A lmeid a. Mb. Ju«i D'Almbida. wh.. f Mm ba* The "f- I. nt wet* Mi |>' gafad m boainoee all laat w.t-k. and appeared to U in i.'ht Jrv 1. 1 .si 1, i1.i pi, urn. .m.i Oa I ti.1.1 ten k. li.- was ioaj
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  • 105 3 The Penang M.L .C Tro uble. 1 tl:- he PfBMOK ii-1.l on r'HUa.j 1 onei■l. r ih. A< liag Ouveraor'i I. Ili r cuovernin«' the I 1. i 1 11.1M1.11, the following resolution, aaored bj Mr II M Mr. VV. \V Well-, waa |*i.s. .1 Ti. r >| j In
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  • 83 3 The |,|.-li,.n as lo li-t li.-r ii_ I. s i.likiil.l curry larkU it BeMagkok ILL' I,I .1 •'.'llt|..ll ot 111.-st ol tbe IS ol tho*e .-rat! at a aaaMaag thr-. oa tli- iu«taut hfl l at Meaan \v m i-,.t i\,\ I 1.1-.>.'11t..l ll 1
    83 words
  • 151 3 IIAK I BJJ A..AI I 1., 111 k 1111 lirst iii-.iithi_\ 111- ,l.i! |.|a\ 1 t tin .11 io,,k BbbN Ml Ike liinks „|i Sal 111.In ul.. n I lie wiuu.-i turn.-,] up iv t 1- UUdluuiuu Captaio lUrter. Tht- ...ins.- i.- iligblly hin^.-l tor Iha owaoHHi. thu ordioan
    151 words
  • 275 3 DaUtfJ Sm 11--hum,,) mi < 'a it a is. Cll ikk M.\ I I., I. I lii S Till ("KKW Ihi Hntisli l«ar.|ii.' IVft/ajU/er anivt-d 1111. ou IM l'illi I 1 iii'x'i" ii I the third OaaVarr, y.mtli of 1K.,1 ot the I tifuiMitloi'al. <*ii
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  • 108 3 i'bki-akaim'n* 10 mobTivi r«i iiv '1 y, tpomdemi > II h: ih.- A. no- .i-.w-rn.-r is i M ..'.t.'l 1,, r. -on Mool-iN ii. *'.'i> M9id-d»v. «ii.l n ufan.tii-.'.-l t.> urn operial train H I H.'lll POT! l»l'l-s,.|: Mi 1: N K1.111,1. ..hi <>iti..i i" charge, ia
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  • 361 3 ><> D -t iiaao rad m tli> •Oth iil'iiiiu. ili.. raaaoa I 1 tin., itaf I. iag the ait tod .i.1.)|.t.-.l I, tbi Opp Min.ll will r.-f. i"- r. in. 11 ..I til- Trt-.1t1.-4. Tl |,j.., 1 „f ,j,,. 0|.|,.,,i. liiw- all |.r.. i.-i-
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  • 202 3 Two l.i.ii. 1.... reeenllj 1 1 aubjectrd to .1U1..H.1L.1- in ih •Mna I ul 1..«\... On Hi.- 2^u.l Drcanolirr, wbile Mr». s: ;iw w INrtarwng home from tbeOirU' Beh 101 Dear l'..r.i:i-. 1.1 .1 |v ,i,,.ni \wt!i .1 little I ■■-I-!.' II.T. A 1.--| l\
    202 words
  • 565 3 I A Fim.. Tin: ['BUPOkI D r HUUBH C'n 1 X ili LttMj Saturday. A 1 U ifcl 1 in- in iroing .1 Ire i roke out at the 1. -i'l- 1,--- "i 1 1 Be». IVtbei 1. I'll- tiiv u1- teen by a bobber ol people it
    565 words
  • 1105 3 The Punjon Mining Company, Limited. Tin- fullu«iu>r is th- maarl „f the «bo>. .-..mpaiiv fur pn-s..ulaliun to the sliar-hold.-r--ai id.- s.-1-und aedaaari geejeial m.-.-tinjr al Mimgkong mi the lith iiist.: Diraeaara bewle -uluuit th.- aeeeaatt. f..r the war i-iidinu' SM Beajtaaaher, l k !<:: from nhi'rh il will be HOa
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  • 1863 3 THK AIIIII.AMONT Mv.^TKHT. Tub Hawaiian Moniki/hy Brazilian aVWAIanV A Row IN.. I'MAI.I.KNiiE. ANARI.HI.-.T PLOTIIN'i Fbkhch Tokpkho Doatb Dchitivf Thk i.ui.ik Ct BT ltll.l.IARI) I'l.WIS.i Navai. DaVßam in mr Bo*M Oa) Com Hoaa, Thk I'kis. I 1 1 A alls'- 1 iimon of 1 11 r; [■MM vi.
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  • 243 3 Til BaiaaonU (I-.1.1 Mining Compma* ai Bongjkoag liis goaa 11, 1. 1 li<| ui Jiitiou with a new t.) roconatniclion The EfaJtiioral linn- s are iv New Smlli's. Tha -1i.ii.1i.i1. 1.-.- tii.t at Roßgkooc, <>v (In 1 litll iustaul. aii.l :i|.| .cl "I liif r,--co»atraKtiuaj wheat,
    243 words
  • 247 3 Hava s Telegrams. An n-FlUi 11 K. 1 1 is-. 1 BOW 'i'KIAL Ol VAII.I.ANi FBI \NAU<IIIBT. 'I'hk [nai üßotioa wßioilt. Tiii 1 mwuot BiTWiia E>-.i.i>h and hnoi Tsoon ii a 1 bi< Ki.i:< 1 i'..\s T-i mi f'nt.N. 11 SiMit iry.Jtt. i h.!- urJerail nevoro ineaMuraa 1.. I.- t.-ilv.-n
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  • 431 3 Vim Manila Tall Mil 11.i.A Am aii: I ROM (HAN I ■>. Madrid, MM Deeemoer. I'rinr. Male] Aranf baa hllljiij tm lo General Kartinei L'ampua two tii.t- ofthr Kiff rel-l-. M.-i 'iiM.n Mojatarand H-Mii Hn.-i. Tli.- (i.n.nil h.i- -.-in then lo the Baton 4 'I'.iiiL'iiT for pwa;ehmettl 'II
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 NOTICES. McALISTEII Co. PRIIH ARRIVALS I^IVINU OBAK. I \IVIN<; f.BAR Heinks A Co.'a Celebrated three threw Diving Pump* complete, alwuvs in Htock. Extra Gear for •amt>. inoludiog Red blubber Diving Hoea in fee* length*. Diviofr Dreeaea, Buota, Solution, Repairing Cloth, I 'nder.-L.tliiiiL'. .V Aa. pBABLHra |>iiwII«ITES. WJAKBB. cJAKBS i f>
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    • 805 3 BHIPPiMtt. NOTICK "fj'Oll BaujarniaHiiin, Sonrabaya, Batavia, JE 1 and Padani; Tbe s. 8. Af,ir.,f,ir,,, will be deepaUhad for the above porla on or about the 12th iaatant. For freight or paaaage apply to. AI,SA(JOFF AC*. <• N.. I Pattary Read BRITISH INDIA STEAM NATIOATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TDK I'KWM.. l;\N(i(Mi.N. A
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    • 1337 4 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str— steamer «h— ship; bq— barque Brit —British 1 U. S— Fnited States; Fr— French; Ger— German: Dut Dutch; Joh— Jol'ore 4c. O.c— General cargo, d. p.— deck paest-Dgers T—Uncertain T. P. W— Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P D
      1,337 words
    • 120 4 Natnt. Port, and DaU of Sailm, Fbom l.nKii..-. Olcnfallooh, Dee. 11 Monmouthshire De«. 5 Rothwell C», le. Deo. U Bfngloe. Dec. 14 Bmialder, Dec. 3U Litbbpou:. Can fa, Dec ti, Ancliiaes. Dec I Kaiso». Dec l.v-rt-s. Dec. 12. Mogul, Doo 15 Bu-ii .a Airr«, Dec 18 Viimrgis <
      120 words
    • 52 4 FASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDKKS. Dati »ni> Snir'n Nin r ComuMDiK or Krom Whehi DbHIMTIOV .^l,. Klli SiILIN J il» •b"!'!' 1 lilell> 'trtiTii k^Tj'n s>-' r 'iv. X"*'' 1 Jan. nne>. >tr. Urrnthi' Sh.iru V,.i- 1 ;.,t .1 J.n. .i»,b-t.» WW,»,;j,ij,- 4 S^c B £Lk^t _jJ|_K
      52 words
    • 237 4 5 VrsKi.L'K Kim rtM Tons. .'aitais. Fh-K. -AII.H.. Jaa. 13 U Du Y»M« II H*n Hin liuan 13 illit.ii 13 S..-h.»n 14 Vi.l.r It Oork-oD 14 Pakan 14 uliii i It Bub; It Kirl 14 Siu.l .ro It TeckS«DK liuau 14 f 15 'Vnuk.l,15 Mai on IS Owlavey 19
      237 words
    • 93 4 Da- i Vitw,^. Nauk. Ki.a,, Kin Oahtaim ItlH H Bio 13 Siam 13 S«,-l, 13 .Ylboio U Anrjll I-; Hilli „v 13 <'bc«ug< ".ie« 1& J* Linking 1« IVrsis |S Oh Kirn Soon it m*^* v »i«nnhi« IS KU» Yu, li «uh Q«r. rtr. Brit.»t-. G«r. rtr. Mnt.-tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 362 4 NOTICBB. ft*** "\J\ MmuSm 9vKsMMMriflU ■^E^, m -i,, f.ui nahiimthii urn ,vi wliisk.v «.ll »M br tb« tdture at ?7 r MMC LAiflE SUTLIKS HAVE AKRIVKI). MOAL I S r r K R Co. THE ORIGINAL PATENT SPHINCTER GRIP. RnCl i.ks iihxM" MOD riansai imioi mi knm mt I Tftdfl
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    • 735 4 NOTICES. BENSON'S WATCfIBS. MiVUFACTOBT, LcDOATB HILL, LOHDOM MAKER TO H. M. THE QUEEN. .Specially manufactured and recommended ur use in the East, Bbnsow'b Sprcial strength. "FIELD" WATCH. A Gold Keyless English Half Chronometer, £2 BENSON'B LUDGATE WATCH, A three-nuarter Plate English Lever fully compensated Silver, £5.5 f.. Gold, £12.12*. Special
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    • 1417 4 DOCKS. rjWU tAVJQWO PAGAR DOCK CO. X LIMITED. The BtsjsjsJasj of the Cmpany arc situated at Tanjonj FtafJßt adjoining to- t jwd of Singapore. St««iu tram-oars run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf ntdnds to oae mile and a .garter
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    • 897 4 NOTICES. Estab!ishM. IS.X,. TRILBY, HAUGBBAVBBA COEnoinbcbh, Iron A Beaks Focnuers, Boilermakers, Briih>b Buildkbs, ***** builuees. General Contractors. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, froic 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best desifrn and finish. MACHINERY lrom leading British Firms with
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    • 48 4 NOTICES. 8.8. DARWIN. UNDER Contract with the South Austia lian Government. Monthly Sbbvicb Bktwben 81NGAPORE AND PORT DARWIN (Taking through passengers aud cargo for I Thursday Island.) For particulars of passage. fr«igbt, aud exact date of aailing. Apply to THB AGENT, 3a, Ruffle- Place. m th. to ttfl
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