The Straits Times, 13 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIKI): 1881. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1891. NO. 1.8,210.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 198 1 MPANIEB '"""wine da. l IW4. -IheaWve datea are only apaaoniaiain U< tra'U, i w Har- f arrival KIM. A K ent I v LCIFIO RAILWAY OO.'S 1 SHIP LINK IMCHiIAI. UIQHWAT R< THK WQRLD I I I I 1 N III.NA. 11l ri£n. 1 9 J.M. ■■SJ ■■PPM I I
      198 words
    • 487 1 si KAM si in* OMPANIEB. I v EOMNKMJKI i'AKETVAAKT 1 i'l'U. Ni'tli<-r!aii.l-lodia IF A.' 1 I.ATK. I I VI I C^LAY. KrtT^l Hlttksb^cb 1 'i.inpan) haaaaWat ..ti., latioa for first daaa, a--, and .1.-. k peaaaoifMta, "ii'l f"i •Ii" prorioVd with eleetrie light and tatproTeowtata lim in. in and to
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    • 675 1 STEAMSHIP COMPAKIEB. h 'ur HtirifH }'i>rl* via BawaaaMad Sontahaya. <in lha v tli of ev.-ry Month a stcaiu.'r runn in tliiM dir. f ti- ii takii.k." ii r- i-t tVfft tad Hp I ti, BasjjesMaealß, I ah Laat, I mil teeryateaA en Ihe Brd aetaaaaai i-> d. >pai. -li.-il to
      675 words
    • 539 1 STEAMSHIP GOMPANII \r i» R!)I) r'l Si ii E B L iN MBK. i':inior« of tli« rrnbrli betweea Urun-rliavpn ngbai, ruling n i^ti' it Latwerp 1 r Sni.l > i". Adi ii. Oolowho, SiupnjiorP, M.I Jinn;;In i-uiimViwi wili. inul do. partant ef ibeM n.ti Bteejaafa, tbe Com- jftmbtrg le Hoagkoag
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    • 440 1 fel.\s^■ v.v; i.i mi .i:i». ;.o:,don. *,o» 4,61«,f>J0 ounj", 938,000 TK- u'll.r Compuny, »r lot iihort p'riods (,f t. Illodi it correct rat*c tv ue nen cd ou application to. PA OVBAO*. NLNTILK do. I 500,000 ura »!iowiu>T d\ff'i>nr Mil oj tad fonaa ut ij>plioatioi) mi j -lUfoi IMIE MK..IJ
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    • 561 1 HANKS. IHARJKRED HANK OF INDIA \J ACSTRVLIA AND CHINA. Y< ORPORATEDVY ROYAL CHARTER. < APRAL i'Boo,ooo I; SERVE FUND £250,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 mmitliK. a j>,. r annum. <'urr<nt I ).-jn.-it A iriN nrc< o|h>ikml and int<Ti'*t n'lowed ni '2 Mf coiit. per annum I
      561 words
    • 317 1 I NOTICEB. McALISTER C o FRIIH ARRIVALS J y VfNO GEAR. I \ITINO URAR. Heinks A Co.s tltbratsd three throw Diring Pomps rompUU, always in Stock. Extra Gear for Mm*, including Re 4 Robber PiTiuif Horn in 50 f M t length*. Diriar; Dreneee. Boot*. Solution, R«pairiu»; Cloth, pEARLINQ U£QUIBITEB
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  • 537 2 LATEST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. Sinoai'okb 13th January. 1«94. i'roditcb Gamhier tI.C-J',, do Onhe No. 1. 11.50. do do No. 2, 7.80. Copra Bali 5.85. do Pontianak 5.4.".. IVpIHT Black 9.00. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.4*1. do Brnnei 2.25. Poarl Sajfo 3.40 Coff.e Bali MB. Coffin) Lilwrian. H ">'• Tapioca small Flako,
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  • 133 2 Per »tr. Km. To-day M..I .hi uii'l Klikuy. ttmmkt, p.m. Kiiing via jiortn Sri llvut/ An,., 3 p.m. ««<«.... N.,.uupor», 3p.a. *"•<■•.. 8r» IViff mi, :i|>.m. In*»*W, A.,..,,/. 3 pm. i!iin.'k..l. gitM, I p ra KM», I,, .1,1 D* 4 p.m. 4m p.rt., .-V lt lp. a !'■■>
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  • 229 2 Arkivaln. IVr s. jictmin* from O.dileh i —Mr. OhMMftWi IVr s. Tamlalui from Liverpool via liorts Mr W,b....r. Per*. TtimmttUt from Calculi* via ports- Mos.r-. .1. B (Jnh.rd.Sjml Ariffin, J. Nair, and J. B. GaNin, Mr. and 'Mr*. S<- immi, Mrs Martin, Cai>t. Pink<r Per a. Sumatra from
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  • 219 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY. 13th JANUARY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. KsTARLI.SHBU 1831. Price: 10 Cent*. Suhtcripti >n TOUt nil ,-l'ninij rnUt iiiny be found M lh>- fnurth lints* or i In- Karl of aUmberiry Tlie Kigbt Hou'bh- Kirl of, Secretary of Ulate forludia, i» seriously ill. I Ik Parish onnrils Bill
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 171 2 The < iDiinli.r < iiiili.l.ii. in tlie i iilllllllllt'. i/<';/ tiUyi-tim fruul uur PltrHMjaoe i»»l Penang, FiiJay, 4HiJy.ii,. A general BKtftingofthe IVuaug Chamber of C tuiuierce w^s held to-.iiv. I Friday), at S p.m.. (■> l O— Mill the It It* I from the Acting Colonial
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  • 406 2 1 1 is, rn.u.l of .S|«tiii that sh.- bw» wadoiwd wMi w; good gifl meepl tint ..f g,>..,l flnrußßwl Bs&oc Kniz Zorrilla now. j.ntiv m his owl iiit.-r.-sts. offtTK t.. .su|,j,k ti,i s „n,. thin- kwkiag, in tli.- tm „f a BapnMit in
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  • 9 2 Thb mail for Bafaaa liv tl J »> p.m. to-da_v.
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  • 8 2 Int Muniei|>al Comin;-. tender* for eeitaiu epaenYed woiks
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  • 14 2 Thk Telegraph Contain in. i li i-Qitlf lit v ru.-.l to Btngßfi faun Lilniiiu.
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  • 25 2 An AsMH-iitliou football matth |.KivtJ tins ovoiiiu,,' oo the Siiai'- i Knjieatini ground ImUv.-m Mr |.i W team and llie s. C. R. C. team.
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  • 25 2 Tan OnriiiiniDii 'lutiti- aabl text of a Treatf of OaajMom Srnal Britain and Barm, tha r,r of wbicb kn ttchepged at 11.I 1 October last.
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  • 35 2 TukH'k iiniiiful liit/tte not itii-H tlidi M, J. K. OathbtrUM Im> ban tk man of tlii- l». >.ir.l ot Vis.liu^ .1 Hie i>--t t ii-iii hi .I Nifporii .it Boater wm airaaged fui ihsjmi l^vi
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  • 35 2 Hot Mot 1 Jik. this inoiuii befwre Mr. W«ui«a«d with lac tLn-n seventy ti*e axes in Hut i.n aud >- tt-iii 1 d to six luoutbs' rigorous iui[. meut aud twelve cuts with tbe 1
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  • 33 2 Mr. Claiiik Vimknt, Underfi Public Works Djpartcieut.Calcu servi.-ts have bti-u leut to the IVr.iL auliiu. nlies in cuunectiou with the irn^atiou woiks, was to leave Calcutta 1 the Btmttl I tbe 'Mi instant.
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  • 56 2 Obi Abdul Kaniiiu apnaarad Magrrtmif to daj eaaßjcd with stolen p:np. r t v ii.imelv three m pit r. s H fliitl). and one uiutflel valu.i a j1..".u til.- propertj al M K I'lie ease w^.- Boataoaed, the \i difeetiag ibai a warrant aliould h H^.iuist the CliinaiiKin from wk
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  • 80 2 jAPAjtaea Coal is beginning coiihlderalile atleul mil. A incut r.eeived in Bwwhaj has U.-ii tn..| aud is very veil ipoken of, anl il th.ti tekgm|4ue inatiuctiou have Ix-eii i.eeued for Its aki| Euglaii.l. Tins is litetallj takii N. v i-!le! Tbe Japanese coal is Bearli 50 |^-r r.nt. ehenper
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  • 125 2 Lam i"nniK'. Detect it I iv tenon MTMled a cooli* I be Maplo) "i Meaan. Bilsj ll< <£ C<>. woo had in hi> poaataaioo i gnmititt I ioda winch tbi' linu allt-^f 1 i The Ioapector aiao iBecwdad ■<< I other gooda isd urnatcd the mm m svssiou. Thia ■nraim
    125 words
  • 102 2 The Ch inese New Year. QtUWMBMMMtn N""TU IC4TION osi CuAi'Kmi-FlKi.s.. ll is BOtdbd that, duriux tbl Cbiuese New Year, aUJ eicepl in tbe at tvote aaaked followin,' days and between tl.■pecified Monday. R .li F.l.ruari, froßl I nulit to 8 a. in 6th idem Tn. -.l. iv. I:sth February,
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  • 147 2 At the l'ol'.e Court tin* day bafon M Woodward, Joeoph Daaitaic Laehw p. a red Bgaia uu remand on i breach ol traat btoughl agaiaal Bana l'e Bora, waa vai il leased from the Civil l':i.v>u Mr. Fo;t ippeared lot d«feodaat. Tbe report of tin- ci
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 633 2 rpfl Bi»RVE->(">IIPANY. LIMITED rfllK Standard I. if- Ap-umnc* Norwich Unine Fire In-uranro *x-i»ty Atla» Aneenaei ""I"") The R.i« ;r t>l(> Aeanranee Metal; Thel)<-nan Murnic MMMMW OMBJMB] Tb« China Mutual SUwm Navigation < iy Th« Tottenham Lager Hner Company The Maritime lu«iir»iwe Comjwny, Fer anrttonion of t**~ Coii, t «in full
      633 words
    • 737 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has tho largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Smgapon and Penang. throughout all the Protected states of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
      737 words
    • 912 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICKS. i m l IP a L nii t i(; E. The Mnnie pil li >id l.a.liiiK' frMI Theiii-"li Roail to tie lni|iaaadliie: BMirrnir will be 1 M lailMM truttir fiom Mondiiy. th" v 'h instant, until fur'her no'ice M p<-rmit of the carryii.»f >itt of certain nllenttii us.
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    • 977 2 LATENT ADVEKTIBt:MENra ■\T U N I C I P A L~N O TTo E The Municipal CmmMmM arc prepared to rtaarra teaaaßi for ihe un<'.er-»peeined works iikiiiulv 1.1 Iron roof triMaot f>r the new PumpMg Eni'in" house, Mae'h 1171 Road. ('2 Oaal iron railing and Rates for the n>w Town
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    • 8 2 *or Ueneral Shipplu K Mew* Me pace 4.
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    • 83 2 M.S.S. tnttmitd for tki Strait* T<mn .k»«M t$ m«« I M. *im $idt o/ tht pop«r o«tv. By tfc« i«U<t o/l)i.ii ,™Hitin, m.nv it U.S. rtjteUi (Hal mifHl 01H.rr... U AU UwirUnni conlnuU "rt >*ki»ct to (k. wi^i. t'."l th* MtnXftr »..'yl~j-.« (a» tdrrrtilrmni oil ">• i| in rnwt nf
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 WEATHER REPORT. A'auJ.nw JaVaoaa H»*pi tai, /«h Tmnums, I^9l. i)a.m. 3 p.m. 9p.m. Kkxakkh. flar. red. 31 F«h. 29.759 29.797 I'eini' 79.5 87.5 7<t.2 "5 W.i Iv I, Iher. 78.4 7:..$ 75.8 C~^ D.r ..f Win.) K. K K. W.N.W. 1" ■as. >;ii. hMM ( "vMia .1.. do 70.5 '1
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    • 162 2 trrHiiKfiut-Ml-. Saukhay. 1:! th lastakt lli^li Water I .".J p. iv. ( aoeaewara bmu! Suniiay, Mtu Jamait Uii<li Water J+l a. in. '^.-ii i ■ud Sun. lav afti r Bpipfa I MOVDAT, l&Ta Jam vhi Hi^h Water ;>. 24 a.m. &50 p.m M.mih. First Quarter. 7 i Tukmuat, liirH Jaxiaki
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  • 2348 3 THE PENANG M. L. C TROUBLE. vlr. HuflrnttiMh l.rllir lv lh.- »l«in lwr«. <>( i he I't'itnnic < hamlx r •f< oNimrrrt*. Hi.- in.ii I leil in v link. mi ■nr i M I tii.- libertj lv I 11. lii Hi I .1 I ii 111 'all- It l"l .ii.l.
    2,348 words
  • 195 3 A rather curioua diffealty ia eoaaeetioa with 1. 1 irra|ihir rnminnninntioii baeariaea iv Mauritius. ll ia staled that In 1*7.!. l-;i. |s7i;.»ud 1x77. waaaeaaeva w*i ma tin- maximum rploeity of th" had exceeded 1". h il.- aa hour, there wna in> ini.-r--in 11
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  • 264 3 Thk mil.. ls of the good people of Mauritius >■-.!.! to be much exer«ieed at the absence 1 1 ton i_ m teJeg^aau from the local papers. They had bet looking forward to being mpplied with the aewe imuMdiately on tin mphtion of the t
    264 words
  • 673 3 PavTCi'TioN kor Match Ka<-T"RH > Thk fioianenn flumi Qomi to Kh l>ci i; vii. way Kx numin i. OPBwATM»B l'lK*it:s I'll INKS!: IV IHl; ('OL'NTRV T" H raiiloni !>■■■> I.n Ton,|iiin. itaiu Fri-ucbnu-u havti it. b Facto lies nude* the arete t lion of high duties, on
    673 words
  • 131 3 Thk prottabM nature of the coATee trade during the pact rear or two hai attracted tii. attention of the Tuikish Sovernment, and they are eonsiderißg tL»- question of introducing coSee-pbuiiing into |.arts of Syria, where, i; ie said, tli" soil .in I climate are Eavout ible.
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  • 211 3 Del i. HE. K\T I'RO.iRI.SK I'hk Colonial Boporl lii.l l«i ihe Ni-ilii- l.' Siat.- ti. 1.....1 lowarde the i-kjee vi the year, drawa a bright pictwn of iffiin in Deli, of lat*. The particuUri nivi'ii ahow that, <>»inn lo ihe t.ivounl.l.turu in tolia.'oo |ni.-.-s in Europe whicb net in after
    211 words
  • 86 3 Ah-ih.i. i "i TaAFFM Kai.nin.j >i< iui. or Dm mmX UW. llt'tl* iff Rattiptl. Am. unit. rmiiiti i f y.«:T:t Bmmoi Tii-k.-t- '.'ii Bonaa, Oarrlaff**, aad I >. lii s 'XVI.-j;r«| ii UaUeetioea 1 K\.'.-i Knr^» Parcel* l« Bseeae Uagnajw UM S|.'.-i»l Traiaa. IfweaUa ii- SK
    86 words
  • 645 3 i I'l'i Rangoon. I Thk Britihh Navt. The Omm (Jwaartoej IKKIUATION IN PeKAI Thk BaM v Corsi-n. Bii.i.b> E1... m Sum, row India Mr. (Joes to France Sir CsRALt> Portal's Illnkss CblewMa, 31! Deaamaer Taamaaay, the BWUa Mr Diaeaiy deUverad n Uetura <m beard am aTaMawe
    645 words
  • 346 3 The Madras C arriage Builders. Ifßaau. Biitnoa a.m. Co., of Hadraa, exhibit ri the KaUuawar Kxbibitiuu a magniftoeal i and under ■pring barooehe which for i icelleooe of deaign, iDpev oritj tif worhmanehip, and ftnieb, t ir and awaj rxoeedi anything we have evei leen before vi ihii It is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 263 3 K)-«i>liKiinM ill Kill attHtSl < hurrh uf England. Baa m m>< mm Bnatn 1. iv.'. II "ii: 11 in Mmttu 141 1 n,. Suukr »oli.i"! ju.l Bil.l* U.-^.. 0 3»|.. iv K..-.^uuk .111.1 S«ru»..u IsnlMaaa a Mm, t p m. i4>.niN OABBMoa CiAFak. ;.i 111 X.'*. K. FrA^luiK. 1
      263 words
    • 178 3 rou sai.k. Miiir-.-ip.ii Dabentura Bonda I>S' issue, 8 r.iii-i Kin. laauranea C 1 Dhara*. Tmij >nu' Pagar I) ik (Jo dharaa. Th..]..!^' Pagar Deeh '■<% Debaatum WANTED Moroni PaarUag Co Straits Insurance Co. Share" NUBBH v < Breaan Hagapor 1 1894 FOR BALE. FOB s.\l.K VSl'i (iM.. AM) Tahaeeo I'i.—.
      178 words
    • 474 3 NOTICES. T> O. W B Llj A CO., SINOAPORE. PI.CAMK Bl:AI) THESK FEW lINBR AND RRAR THEM IN MIND. OUR FURNIIURi FACTORT is ia Orchard Road, and is the largest and most complete. It is supplied with steam powor to rlrivu our Woodworking Ma chines. Saws, Lathos, &c., therefor* Contracts
      474 words
    • 518 3 iaUFPUICk NOTICK FOR Baninrniasain, Sonrabaya, Batavia. and Padsng The 8. a. Mandarin will ba daapatohed for the abova port* on or about tha 12th instant For freight or passage apply to. ALSAGOFFACo. No. Battery Road I^OR PENANG AND BOMBAT Tin. Naviga/nni" GmieraU ItalUnn SUaatr STURA. I.4iri tons reg., (,'apUin Ds
      518 words

    • 906 4 Und' r this baaaUaa] Urn faOowtag abhrarbv ti-.n^ are w-eil --tr «t»»m.T l i .hip. b., bari|iie; Brit —Brit i-.h :I* S— rnit.-.l Statp« Fr— French; (ier—t;erin.i:i Dut Dutch. .Ioh Jol.e-e Ac Q.e..— QoawraJ cnTg« d p.— il^.k paaa»«ftara; D—(Taeart»in:T. P. W.— Tanjoi.g- Psgar Whsrf:T. P. D—
      906 words
    • 118 4 Name, Port, unl Date a/ From LoaTßOa GleufalliH-h. Dm 11. kfoanraathahira. Dee. 5 i Bothwell Ca» le, Deo. Bengloe, Dae. It Boa i'.l-r. I) .I I.1 Lll X.XI 1 ll Dee Kaiaoir, I).-.- v l.iert.s. Doe. IS j afafral, Dm. Uj Baaaai Air.--. 1 1 Bakk\
      118 words
    • 112 4 AR RI VALS. I a N~ CAI"I MS Ria v I -Ml. Ha 18 Kdriio I- >i^j I- Xi i I-' l>~ 111. it \-.-..i u--13 lahm 18 •'iiriiatr.i 13 Bolmm BUnn 13 X.1,,. II P»Um<-.,tu 18 T»ni»l us 13 Ah, in -tr Til X,..,.,, l-nt.,tr. »tr 1 1.. 1
      112 words
    • 52 4 I>AM 1 \m, h M I Ri« 13 II II l:t i 1:1 II 1:1 n 13 X.,,,,..,. l'»n WI..U Hiu Sappbo Wiiik s»uit s 1 Hoa( A-iu Mi np 1 ff-WM IT S.U..T >uiu»:r.i l>ut »tr. Hut tit. >tr. -tr. >tr. Mr. »'r. -tr Am. I>, <Jer. »tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 NOTICE s WM; _._j U H,e (all wi li: -v rUI M uir at $7 "-I |„\l!(ii; SI ITI.IKS lIAVI- 4BIUVEIX M a I. I st i; i: ft Co. SSI f f II %4 3 111 iittll r in i Lightest ALE extant. /f v JSWEEI bCLii"! J- 4
      173 words
    • 129 4 FOR COLDS, COUCHS, HOARSENESS, Throat and Lung DISEASES. :ar.t I* r ennip, wbcMipine-coiiL-li. liiflii..ii7.-i.iiii<l ..II d the throai an.l lungs. Ayei-i Cherry li-t-ral lusuoe.|ual pl,ai: i.y. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral B| I" I C Ayr i Co.. I BM i A. iiowarp hatamM. T:.. naiii Aj«-r's lurry I. cloral— s prominent
      129 words
    • 701 4 .NOTICES. QUIOI'I WATOO B S. M»NDFACTIIttY, LUDOATK HILL, I.OHDOJI MAKER TO H M. THE VJUEEN. .Sjiecially un»iiiifnetiirt.d and recommended or lino in t!n- I Bknrov'h SpbOIAX stkknjth. •FIKI.U- WATCU. Atiold Keyli -sw Kii»tli»li Half Chrouometer,£2 BBNSOITB "LDDOAH" WATCH, A three-qtiartor rl«t« English L«vor fully compensated Silver, tkfe, GoH, £12.12*. Special
      701 words
    • 1422 4 DOCKB. THE TAJTJONG PAtiAR DOCK 0 > 1 i.i\ini:i) Tli- of le < '"»'l"*"y are pitaat- d at Tan] >ii; I'.i.'a' aij.mi.v p»rc. Maaaa lanMM run at intr-n Is arryin,' BMBaagers and #xtU from Wli.n-t t.» at wa B, The W1, t -At v.l- 1" ...i- mile
      1,422 words
    • 280 4 NOTICES. KATZ BKOS^ "YY^E ve J U9t roceived the LATEST TfTINCHESTEK I>EPEATING OHOT r^ UN. Model MM 12 bore. The barrel h rolled steel. ■"><• inches long, total weight of Gun 7} lbs., with sliding forearm movement. It is SAFE. QUICK, aud KASV of MANIPULATION from the shoulder, SIMPLE in
      280 words
    • 192 4 NOTICES. LJOCIETT POR THE PREVBNTION j O OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. The public are iufornied that IktaMnM of the Sociot)'* Ins|M«-tor, Mr. K. f Paiflar, is Old (Jaol site. B-»ss Bassa R >ml or 75. Brass Bassa Roa I All persons wishing to report any cases af cruelty which may
      192 words
    • 200 4 WOTIi I PII LAST MAM. \JRS. |>o K<r<-hril Hit- lollohliiu >>h U,,,,, u Navy Bin.. aVIaasOM tad Chart) Fr. lieh Brown Holland Bad for Ldili-s li Kr-l.ell ('.-llnl.ries (for BbirU M i Kieneh Lnwns O'Aisnee r'reneh Piques and White Dress V Co'..iirp.l Silk Velvets. EUbboa nil ihaiaa Ka ll» M,,
      200 words