The Straits Times, 12 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIED: UMI. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1894. NO. 18,218.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 641 1 'MI.WVTF.S !>►! A WA\ Ornoa— 'Villyer (j Wbabvbs aad Oooowira— New H H rt..ur -ail stea«Mrs may b, c.p.- 1 *m th« following dat«« tT 7^ H« n and (Upartur... mit> I K»i ITfT. i U.uoH pawec^-r- -i, n^ to visit Ulia for ports 1 I 11 rmxißi 4 traval
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    • 625 1 BTKAMBHIP COMPANIES. DC KHMNKI.I.IKK I'VKETVAART MAAT- MAI'IM.I In-i- N rlaada In.!, a Given iiH-nt. SB!! A.JESi V, I.ATK 1 :i-, 1 it Quay. 11l IIKKT k C... fleel t Btaaaaara, datioa f,.r first .-U-,s, ml class, .1 dei k pasaengers, ami fol the 1 provided with awetrie light and other
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    • 682 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEa y<r llimi' v J'ortt via Ba wean and Smirahaya. < in tl.e Kth of every inunth a »team«r runs in tliis dirictiun taking direct cargo aud ]iasNBJM '<> Hanjermat-hin, 1 ulu Laut, Paneir, and KuN-i. i-< ni in:,,, 111 in: Iha 'J^nl a steamer is daapaUaad to Dungala,
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    • 962 1 STEAMSHIP COM J'A NIKS. ATdKIlh! ITSi'HER LLOYD. ll HKKMKX. Tli« fai-t <• til wpll-kn.'wn Mpsmers of this lin« run repnlarlv batWMB Bremorhaven .nil>|rliai, culling en ronte at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, 9mm, Aden, Colombo, Sinpajiore, and Honjrkonjr. In enim i'.n with tin* arrivnlH anil <le|>*rtnri« i.f l)
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    • 730 1 INSURAXCEB. THE MEIJI FIRE INSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office-. Tokyo. Jai'AN. The under-igneil having been appointed Agents at Singapore for the ab.ive Conipany. are prepared to accept risks at current rates. J> I THE MITWI'I BI'SSAN KAISHA THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital t.'.l-.'T.-'Mi Paid up Capital J12.7-
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    • 727 1 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA ISCORPORA TED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL i'P-OO.UUU RESERVE FL'ND £250,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 months, I*/, per annum. 4°/ o 3°/ o Current Deposit Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 2 |«<r cent, per annum un
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    • 317 1 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. FRI3H ARBIVALS "T)l VINO (iBAR I\1TIK« OBAB Heinkn k Go's (>labrat«d tbra. throw Diving Pumps complete, always in Btock Extrn (mar for same, including Rad Rubber Diviug Hoae in 50 feet lengths. Diviaf Dresses. Boots, Solution. Repairing ('lnfh, Underclothing, Ac Ac pEAKLIXG TiB^UIBITBB VJAFBB. OAFEs. sJAFBS Cyrus
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  • 556 2 LATHBT MAKKrJT yt'OTATIONS. SIN.iAI'.iKK IJTH .IAM'MIY. MM fauoucn. Gaml)ier, 1 6.70. do Cube No. 1. 11.50. d.. do No. 2, 7.Bft Coi.ra Bali 5.70. do Pontianak 5.45. Pepper Black. 9.37'^. Sago Flour, Sarawak >.UK do Brunei 2.25. Pearl Sajjo, XV) Coff.-e Bali W:.\». Coffee Liberian 40.00. Tapioca small Flake
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  • 76 2 F" Per itr. /W l. -Xoanow. M ""rt-- afci* i „.,n. P atisaaV, ■sanTaattana, l y.m Psaasf satPslielsa, U',..^ >•„.,,, ■> Svpanit !H >rtr tmm tmtli, ■> P m M.K.-.-i.ini Klrinj. 5.,,,,,!,,, ;i pnf»fc»»»tt sr, H0,,., a.,,,, :t,,. m ■m«*". «ni W l r4 n, S,, Tr,.,.,., Ul
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  • 235 2 Arrivals. Per s s tfu.<.t fri.m Bnrueo via liorts Dr. F. Smith. Lieut. T,. Van lUis t Msssee R. B W. V. Behonten, D. Douald«.»nJlVt..r-...n and Osasj. Pere. Pvijii from P.'nanjt via p.irts —Dr. Kveranl. MrH. E. de Biwafroiti, and Mrs. Brown. Per s ni frsm Bieeson Mi
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  • 326 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY. 12th JANUARY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. EBTABLIBHBD I 1831. Price: 10 Cents. fnaser^aotM /•.</•■< aaeladvertistaf ah* null/ bi JullH'l 'ill thr Jullith ji.lij' Hpain I In-, .in n. i with h K- j.'ii'ii' Sefior M. K. irrilla has publish.,! at Madrid a luauifesto iv which he auDouuces the
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 132 2 THE PENANG M. L. C. TROUBLE. (By IWfaerwas.) Panawe, Friday, J^.ll pjsk 51k 11 ri i tsii v> h. iii a to the j Committee of the Peuaui,' Cli.uiiUr ol Ooesaserae, seeks to show that, though the (ioveruuieht allows of a uew election for a uomiuated M. L. C
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  • 519 2 A couaororourr, writing from Bangui Ujong, li.mi- K itated thai t I r poaal of ;t s, h.-in,- t',.r th- fiMhifc miua of the N.iti\.- stat.-> „i ih,. .M ,i. iv t lullMl i :l is impressing. Tin- belief in the Native Brain
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  • 40 2 Tm. reporl ef the Makj I 1 Proapaoting Owsnpaaj isawaJ i. 1, uius a foot-note settimg forth that, el wutb.the Coiiij.auy n iv (> l n,,.,, the (joMiuuieut of i'ahaug thai li.. ossasowe of Kaag, Teewea, an.) q llijah are oaaarUod.
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  • 41 2 Whk.n tbeiuail left Colombo, tin- I' of Newcastle was txix-cted ou a ru Lady Bonscr at Kaudy. Th, D v»M to a*ait. as the gueit of Sir Jubl Lady Botiser, the arrival of the Dal desired to *cc souietbijg of Cevlou.
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  • 7 2 Mk«. Maxvtkli.'s r tion was uuui.rou-ly attended.
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  • 12 2 Tiik S. V. A. ga into Camp during X.w holidaji
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  • 12 2 A special tiaan will beasrred Iw-UHirrui (Saturday) at the UafAdS Tifbu Itovuii
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  • 19 2 1 1 is rej.uited iv Ja|.au that lbs K OoVerulnei.t hasaouepted Ja|iane.-.- f or a huge tupply ot coal
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  • 17 2 Tim annual general meeting ol tfa liUWll I'eUllls Clul) Bill 1.. pavilion on Friday the Ittfc mi
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  • 18 2 Thi M. H CuloUlboal II a. vi. tn wlsj auii BM< U ■.1 ben on Wedaneoay mil afternoiM
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  • 20 2 A shi ril -ale of In.iiuu euri iug to tbe H.irou de Horu for Thanday ue«t at Craae B roonse.
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  • 29 2 Thk 17tb Touruauien. ..t 1 1 Lawn Ten u is Club will l>.- eon,:,. Mth Febiuaiv, eutriei cliwiurf mi IOU id.-.v. All Ibe usual events will be petad for.
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  • 35 2 Ink. (.'u:uj.inau, Keoh Seng, who hi daj the wre k of the steame* hi mil y tor 1700, intonds. so we hear, i Hi-ud a steamer to tLe Wreck will, i View to stth'..^
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  • 34 2 Mb. Jakuine, Australian <-x;.eit, wl to riamine and report on the ralus Mergui poail lehe ms arrived in Its ou the -fKt D mber from Q au.l was to leave tor Mcrgm in aajs.
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  • 111 2 '1 hi; Timm w ijim. in osa upon the dei ition of the Legist il nil .I Mauritius to redact < Mtribntion iv the l.i't.-r Colouy.a on.- way m wbicli Ceylon, iv coma Singapore and Hongkong, can •lightest degree bentii from the I and that is by lioljiug it u|>
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  • 61 2 A coaaaoromtam writing ti Ujong says that the beU t m i cii-.isiu^' at an mi 1. i! probably lie propounded i confederation of the Native Bl tti Malay Peaineula. [tie eta the year l*;»l may see the iuaug the scheme, and
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  • 138 2 Sir J. W. Bonse r. il i our hearti the Chiel .1 usii.-.- „n t'li.. buuour .1 K bood win. li lii M to roofer upon him C«yi n"■ We congratulate our' 'biel .1 ilie hoooar which 11. r M plea* .1 io eoafer upon him, aii iiijv live yean
    138 words
  • 121 2 1 1 m reported in Ybkobam* ib< l.i v thai the British r/, and tli.' wife of the French M been subjected to parts .a Tokro, bj some i>> tircat ,l.i| party. I appear to indicate th.'v Japan dominated oret by ■> powerful ariiitorpitrn contingent, who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 637 2 rpH> KNUnBOOMPAVT, LIMITED THE Standard> Awuram-o l«Huaam Baemj \tlaa Amiim' m Th« BquiuliU Lif« iMMIM 1 •••n Muring ImMM Comp»m ThaC-iinn Mutual St«»m Navigation U») L*n i Bear Ouapaaj SUntnn" ln«nran<*« Coni|>any. Limit.«l. partieaUn at lima Ommm full ad™»rtii*m«>nt of THK BORNEO < OHI'ANV. LTD A.P\> UU.E «U«
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    • 802 2 The Straits lima has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout ail the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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    • 788 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. I I IIUIPII NOTI C B. Muni.- |.ii Kok.l leadiug fr m Thomson K I" f lni|KHiii(lirij{ Reservoir will be i l<> Mlhfl traffic from Monday, the Mk instant, until further notion t i permit of tlic carrying out of certain alterations. By Order. J. POLGLASE. .Secretary to
      788 words
    • 863 2 LATENT ADVERTISEMENTS. X\7ANTK;I> a competent book-keeper. t Applr ili tp-'iinonix's and reference* to M. E. c/o Strait* Rmm 4» 11/A.Nrhl) -A PaaoaaVkaai Bicycle, Pneumatic or double C unhion lire*. Apply to stating price, c/o Straits Tiwtes. HAFFLEB TIFFIN ROOMS. A Sp<M'iil 1 iffin will be served to-morrow Satunlayi, the i:tth
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    • 7 2 For Uenersl Salpplns; News See Page 4.
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    • 77 2 M..S.S. int«n<i«<t for thr Slrniln finwl >K»uid tr. mnttt/ llwjMpm- only. By Ik« t turn many M.S.H. «r. njtcUd ckat m.»M ttkrnrvM U mMWMC AU •4—rtitH* contract* in Mxtbjtct la tkr tm4Um Iknl t\» MlM«>r M|I«H tkt iJwrlw.WHl *;< tkr t »iyr in MM</ tTtuaf m»lttr. b*t Mt o/t.iwr Ihnn
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 89 2 WEATHKR REPORT. ft i ins Av.itxiM 7/u.piMi, ;:</, j,.,.,,,,,,,, ihw. I '.< a.m. .1 | fl p.m. "TtltaFl B»r. re.l. tt flak, V.9ltsv.lMmXnM STJS ■Tin.—i n.— 5 BIS 75 5 I-S WeiHnlbThcr. 71.0 12.:, 71.5 ZSC ijir. of ;wmd W.W.Osna. t-\ M»x.T».np. io.hade *!5 7- Mu. i, do «S5 S'^
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  • 577 3 K ills an rSSWABM is Van ot Mam i. .-.:•!>■ U Bl 1 i to briaga W waa tli.II i-lated bow, i n the 17ili it i i By ed i .'1 wal mil. II iitforaied Ben in InI t,, tli, (T- t that I lit
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  • 63 3 ..nth, it II M 8 ..m,..||.vi wiU tew |:.,h 1, 1, y agio Hongkong a m»ath later, pore and Bi II MS- 1n iltlv II M till tli- end »t P*- niti Ui< li-in w*i ■ip for tl.. >-»(!' in il..- 1..., :i From Singapore. y I*l I
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  • 10 3 |,IHI>. Itt-111l dM IMh isth Ltd
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  • 699 3 The Malay Peninsula Prospecting Company, Limited. „,.rt ii mated that the l»ir.,-«- won in rorraanjeaaVaea with the Pahaag t:..\ rnin nt with a rhm la proeajring ritenai >>f time f.>r tli.- Oeatnaay'a •ion« Tli. i, «r.- now able la pan -,-rvn— in ptoaj ad Of Blag Mi. in. ii. try
    699 words
  • 680 3 Tmk i'mi...ny ->v Vi< iuuiaSh k Muiki rs i as i n ft n i Babli tins in .mi|i. there arrivcl at < tloaibo from Moll o*i b*, tin- Hon. U tbart I: M rof Pefaaoa lot the Qaawj i.i, on a at •■< iil ajiaaioa froai
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  • 116 3 Fr en ch Spies Pi. \s- oi Bai i i-ii I); UN' H i.i ii t Ai..mi>-I"\ wi mi: I.! ii/.i'i Paiaoaiaa L0ik1 /-''i Baa i i i li.-i- take ito P;iri- plaai <if il, ,1 -t'.-n.-. Bombay, Aden, hangoon and Kiiii-.u-li.-.-. It i- atated that Fienek efkmmgt la |eae>
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  • 282 3 CmUmtU, Deo mk la t w e nrae „i ifae |>rue tslinga o! the Opium Uoiuminmoa ih Thnrwlay, Lv '1 Bnuuwj now] -;^..l the tliuronghueM with which "the <m.\-- entol India lux awiiHtrd the Uoinini«i|ioii in it* en,,niri. 1 HbaU Ih- exwm»iii(r." adrin-ttiiig Mr. laill. "the (pmerm)
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  • 70 3 I hi: Band <■! the 2ud Uait. Liaooloakire nVagimtiM will pUy the [uUuwiag profrrainmti iw I made to-a*j, (I'ii. l. iv .iiinn-iii mi; n; .'> in. PaOOAUUII 1 March Th» SaOer'i Anchor .Ka«»r. 'Am and 'Afritl < rjok "l |»,,.l i The B -i Call O»t»ere
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  • 187 3 The Ca lcutta Go lf Tour na ment. Calcutta, i'Uli December. The allied rompMitwn it t Calcutta ti,.!f Ilv M LT ed o»i r tii- ladies' m tli Ibe i 'ili tl'iii hire. Bryan! ii I. j- »..n with the exceli bum li'l The riei. i.,!, Ii competition we* by
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  • 570 3 -a] bm aj Bwaaai flan B Maraaw. Mk .i,.iiv-i »*i limfiiiT. Saiin i.v wi -i \i 1:1, a Thk Ntw Vi B Boiot r> I)I- > I I 1 I" N f IMF .1 \l'»-N K s I I'AKI.IAMI N I I I IMIHI IK FbaHC«. Thi: Pixajicm
    570 words
  • 589 3 Tiik recently publiabed d-ewmnwl r<'i><irt >>f the In]" riil Cbia«M M.tritimf Customs thus dfcribw the < -iT-.-i af the (all in ■ih r on trade in China within the last I. it \.-ir< Looking generalli al the atata of i ikmh.-v market
    589 words
  • 131 3 i.-rs hiDaa« 5,...,,,, /V,/. I Qi'eV fly OBear for emaiag weak, Ueat rabrit Orderly bWgaaal tec aaaeiH weak, Sergt Durrick. 11. Paraiia Hoadar, 5 I'■ p m \V,,li, "-.1.m SIS|. in i H.M.1.. ChM Tharaday, Sl■ m DrllL Piidar, p. hi. Wedoaadaj Vf.m Leetare "Ammunition.*' 111 Laare. i.iiiiji.t \V.
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  • 1035 3 H>i I'urman Mail. Tin: Murker or a Fenian ai Dim. in Fioht MTWSUI Nihilists awi> P.,1.1< K I II'i'SITIDN in 1 UK ItSITISM OCCOI'ATIOH OK EOYPT. Rkm \kk \iii.e Cask of Personation. Ti'KTIBK IN AIIYMNINIA Fren ii .AiiKMs mi Plans or British Dekj nces. Strike Minn the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 for Wcßeral »hl W ln|C HeWaeee naife*.
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    • 116 3 rnoII.KT I.ANoi.INK." ABBABIONB, IturiiH. tad Woaada heal rapidly under application of Toil*! "Lanolin*." which ns.-.l eoaatauOj clean tha complexion, and i- wneeially n-.-ful for lh<» ehavag <,f roang ohildreo In eollaptiblfl Tnbe* "M ii, 1., from »ll t'h.--mMaaad DraggieU rThnlaia'a I >• 1 „t. ><7, H, .11, .rn Vi;vlu,i. The
      116 words
    • 160 3 NOTICES. w OOYAI, T ETTKRS IJATBNT Iron. rnrrlDlfttillrd Halrr «mHK T\ISPBNSARY 9? ERATKD WATER WUEKB CO. SINGAPORE. A.kVi I iR.< TO H EU jifI"A.IESTY\S IOVT \> r.Hr.l .111.l II 111. R. I «iilrr.. The Pnr.->l niMl Thr Brst Stum Powkr PaciuSl AMU Dihiili.kkv 7«. BRASS HA*ii ROAD T>.»n I .pHK
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    • 730 3 BHIPPINU. TW'ORDDEUTSOHER LLOTD. F m EI'ROPB The Imperial (J-rman Mail Srea»«r SACHSES, '"aptain Supmer, kavioff 1«A Hongkong nu the fhh inst., may b» •zp*«t*4 to arrive nere on lh* 13th instant She will probably be despatched for Europe the following day via thn iinnal )>orU of rail. For fr>>i(fht and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 151 3 irraiw«"iuenl>. Pkuat, 12i ii ,U»t»n>. High W.i-r 1 in. Band. Btplaaade, S p. m Sai i iu,v\. 1 i M Ivm vk\ il w it.i 18 a. in. I f- Parnilure Au-t.-u. vVatarUio atom 1 Powell t i I Special Tifio. BamVa Titkm Maeeaa. S, m-v>. 1 im Jam u:\.
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    • 1094 4 (Judor this heading the fullowinif akkMWM tione »n» uaiixl: —utr. —eteamer; eh. —*hi(»; l>q hiirque; Brit—British; U. 3.—Unitml 3»»t« Fr.-French Ger. German Diit —Dutch Joh. Johore; 4c.,—G.c.^-(seneral cargo ;d.p.—lack paMengere; U. —Uncertain T. P. W —Tan jonjr Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tanjinir P»/ar I) i.-k B.W.—Borneo Wharf
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    • 138 4 Name, Port, and Dale of Sailinj Fbom London Olaalalliiih. Dw. 11 Mnnmoiitli-liire. Dec. 5 RotliwMl C»»ie, Dec. U Ben*!.*. D.-o. 14 Beiitlil.r. Dm Mi LiTsmvooi ()aiif«. Doc. I Tmiti\liis. Dec. 1' Am-liini's. 1)..,, '.t K«-- iw. Dor. 9 I.tertes, Dac. IJ, Mukul. D.m-, U Bii.mi.ji Air.", Dm I
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    • 100 4 AR RIV AL S. 5 \km«ki. •> Skuk. Tom. Cavtam Q Rm twm E>AILI D. Jau. •I °pl'ir Uut. Mr. 2Ui Piru^u. r II CliMiig Chew flrit. »tr. ItU VVi-1,1. 11 jVuckMli. lr W (trur 12 R»n.e tr ;l7;i Hi,,,,-,-,, ,ier. Mr. WM Hweaann 12 |Sn rnninf.Li, Krit.str »l WU'oek
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    • 51 4 CL E A RANCE S l>*rr PIM i. KMI Xi M I Bl« ta. 12 Will <>• the Wi-i. 12 H)d-» U li\Ul ,l,- t r 12 uyhir |iui -.r 1Z (immiuili- -ir. it M lVii»t*ii M ,i r Bn M OJia Hat wUtl Maw Xl irir vm porta
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 403 4 NOTICES. A 1 .I, 1 rill Im wM few tbe Is 1111 .1 111 n Indp |,\ltliK SUPPLIES HATE AlililVKD. \l oALI 8T i: if S (A^ K^BMMI T"lll*ft^ti NrlhiWM, L^\^ l^Maa^L^ A^. Aav ft. Niirsrn mii.l Itiitii. ws?^ I 1 II !d I 1 1 yaWi' I J I
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    • 794 4 NOTICES. f T> •> W E L L 4 O<>.. >ix<;apore. pl.eahk rkah thbBe kkw I.inkB and BKAK THEM IN MINK. OIK FURNITURE FACTORY is in On-hard Road, and h ti.e largest and ■Ml complete. It is supplied with steam (tower to drive our Woodworking Ma-cliin-t. Saws, Lathes, Ac., therefore
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    • 1383 4 DOCKS. 'PHE TANJCKQ I'.UJAR DOCK C _L i,i.miiki» Th- Ombb»V ltlWl at Tarn ■■<>: I' 1 lj"iniiitf tli t .wn afafa ipore. St«i»iu traiu-i'-ari. run at *h .it int-i v urvin^ passengers and goo is from Wha: I i destinations at low rat I The Wh\rf extends to one mile
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    • 276 4 NOTKT.S. KA.TZ BROSL 11 T B have jiwt received ths LITEST /^1 UN. Model [•>:•■: 12 bore. Tl.« barrel i- rolled ■teal, 30 incheit long, toUl weight of Oun 7} lbs., w<th sliding forearm movement. It is SAFE, griCK. and EABY of IfANTPFLATION from the shoulder, SIMPLE in CONSTRUCTION and
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    • 186 4 NOTICES. 1 ABOUT QIIAI BY rKl>k SHIIIIMIUI Paper <'orer« 11.00 loth Board* MUM Half Leather 52.00 SINGAPORE. STRAITS TIMES OFFICE. The ixMik will be forwarded to any part on application post free Ht tho above named 1 pricee. The money must lie sent with all orders. Poatal orders to !m»
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    • 192 4 NOTICES. ILAW S o OONBULTINO EVOINBCB, fivBTKTO* >x Machinery Valuk*. MARINE CLUB BUILDI.N.,Drawiugs, IfMMMMHa, and eMtiu,,, given for the purehnM' or Rep<iirii, K SteaincrH, EiiKinea, Boiler-. Puni] All daises of Machinery, both new -ccuid hand, bought and MM M (Ja Steamers mirveyed and anperim Entfineers prepan«d for the Bour Eiauiinatioii'.
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