The Straits Times, 10 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISHED:IB3I. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1894. NO. 18,216.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 815 1 Otnca— < olly« gn,,. WBAmr *»J Qonowwm— N«w Uarbew ""ißK.** M«i»w»B». V..: B lv BUr A 1 Bto-rrr.. v JU^" •^s*tur*s SMy mtasr M l IaVBB. Ta«far«to MansilUs aad ihroo. l v way to Ua4oa i» tk. M u> toa*»a oy wai' ft n Hoaevs^daoaadpa.Mßg.T. w,.hrn K to visit «<«»«
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    • 812 1 BTF.AMHHTP ((i.MPANIES. DE KHMXK I.I.IKE PAKETVAART MAATS* HAPPIJ. I"nrlerc<intr»ct with the Netherlands India (tovernment. A'irntf tt Si .4.,.')' -rr. Ship Aoknct, latk J Kakhdels ii.i.Ji. c..i.i.yibQcat. at Penang, MESSRS Hctte.nbach LIEBIRT A T'i- OaBBBBf has a fleet of 30 Steamers, I I a'e.'oinino.lation for first clans, e's--. and .!<•. k
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    • 712 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. For Borneo PorU via Bawean and Sourahay a. < >n the Bth of every month a steamer runs in this diraction taking direct cargo and pas- ttengers to Banjermai-sin, Pulo l^aut, Pamtir, and Kotei. Once every month on the l!.trd a steamer is jiatched to Dongala, Berow, and
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    • 947 1 STEAMSHIP COMI'A N I ES. TVTORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. ll BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers of this line run regularly between Breinerhaven and Shargnai, calling en ronte at, Southampton, (ier. a, Naples, Port Said, Suez. Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hong■kong. In conneciion with the arrivals and departures of the»e mail
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    • 646 1 INSURANCEB. THB MEIJI FIRE INSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Heal OrncE Tokyo. Japan. The under.-igned having been appointed Agents at Singapore for the above Company, are prepared to accept risks at current rates. :28,1 THE MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital tJ.Ij;,MH. Paid up Capital Jl^.T:.". Rrsorvo
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    • 777 1 BANKS. /IHARTRRED BANK OF INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORA TED BY ROYAL CHA R TSR. CAPITAL £800.000 RESERVE FUND £250,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 months, .1 J 0 per annum. 4°/ o 3°/ o Curnnt I)e)Mi-it Accounts are opened and* iBBMIBi a'lowed at "J ]>er
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    • 288 1 NOTICES. KATZ BROS. V)yE have juat nx-eiv-l th* LATBST TT7-INCHBBTBR T)SPBATINQ p UN. Model 1893. M bore. The barrel is rolled steel, :tO inches long, total weight of Gun 71 lbs., with sliding forearm movement It is SAFE, QUICK, and EASY of MANIPULATION from the shoulder, SIMPLE in CONSTRUCTION aad
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  • 514 2 LATHR m\i;kkt guoTATIoNS." Singapore 10th J_ru*ry, 1894. I'EODCCB. Garahier 6.75. is Cube No. 1. 11. SO. do do No. 'A 7.80. Copra Bali ">.70. do Pontiaiuk 5.45. Peeper Black. 9.60. Sairo Flour, Sarawak 2.40. do Brunei -2.27'^. PtarlSajfo :iA» Coir,- Bali x>:.«>. ('..1T.-.' Lilx-rian 40.00. Tapioca small Flake I.ihi.
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  • 99 2 MAI LS CLOS E. fm Per itr. »"i...« 1..-M..KK..W. Unnirk aeg 4 fehughai, I s„ m Djambi*. liabtlla, 11 a.m. K-uUku*. Plan, II p.m. Malacca an C C Omilk. 'p.m. 1:an,1j«rt....» In ru |.ort<. 8n Bundfar, 2 >.b. M-Wm hu( KUi.;, < p. m Muir, <rf,i/n;i;i. :l ii.iv. OssMa,
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  • 17 2 A I Mniint Rosi-. i.n tin :i,l, instant. KuKT, tlie infnnt son ..f Mr. H. E-.-hke.
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  • 178 2 AItKIVA |4 I.i- s s. Wia ■>■ th, Wuf from T. Au»ou ria |.nrts —Mr. M.M>rp. Per s. Uamjmtdr from Balmlnn Mr. Ksssssr. r^lsseiu. i ITO AKklll Por P. 40. s, a BsiwiiiaMa, bam Laadea, D.-.-., SI. hOssOooke, Mi- J. Lsader. Mi-san.. T. M'Clus... Pliinipton. mid Rpgiual.l Pawle,
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  • 106 2 VorFSaaagaal Baayon, WmimU; ..n loth Jaananr, ffrnistssd ami Co. for .lava Fasts, BI— WM, sa 10th Janimrv w. Haaatsld saaCo. F..r .lava aui Molu.i-. ftTim t .n |Oth Jaauarr, W. Haaafsldaad Co. l-r r. inn- .mi Caleatta, Wkt§ Onu das nth January, Boastand sad K..r Bonn!
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  • 123 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY. 10th JANUARY, 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Ksr.vßi.tsiiKu 18BL Prloe: 10 Cents. AaVasnjafsan rsass cad s Is rfietae raws Hiuy )•>■ I'nuii'l 'in ili> ftiHtth paaa, < (inclusion of th« Tariff War l>rI ron Russia uiifl German). The aajonmtiose for n eommercia] treaty, which had been pending between I,'u-sia
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 322 2 Tbi in naiad tariff war. which mam*tend tlii-.oiiini.-r.ial relations rsT Baaaia aad Qenanay last has no« Ih-i-u brooghl to ,-iosi- l>\ tn-itv It amae Crom Protectionist f.-i'liiig rmaajag Ugh in both eova. tries and r.-sulting iv r.taliatoiv dutii-- to mutual injury. Towards fVjihiailiai this
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  • 18 2 Mks. Maxwki.i. will !>•■ At H..m.- „t (i .vi-rnm ut House to-oiurrow Thursday) the 11th iust. at S p.m.
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  • 16 2 To-oat, at •"> ( there will l» s meat iuit of Visiting Jastkes ia tbe Exchange Koouis.
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  • 26 2 Tanas will be a public ting iv the Bicbange Ii >mii oa TburadUj the IBib liistaui. at p. ni.. to arrange fui s il >wer show.
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  • 19 2 I'hk ileaaser OaajrawaV arrived this uorniug from Babalaa with 8,477 caass, r.!i:in tins, and SO drums of paraffin oil.
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  • 23 2 (•x BUurday the iOtfa insl ml at I p in. there will be an auction of lundn articles at tbe arsenal Pearls Hill.
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  • 81 2 Alleged Il liness of the King of Siam. I'hk oTmm sVm Prsss gives, with all reserve, a report thai the Kiagof Biam ia serioasly indiaposed and eoalaed to his Dad. That this should be so „t s .ritual a time ia to bt lamtated. Bo far tba soaalHy of the
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  • 101 2 Turn queetioa wbsthet the Bmmaas Gov. erameal has tat tight to eoioroa aaxmg the fnreiga eommanity at lUngkoL, areuulatiou to compel lighten lo carry side lights ia stirring owu,- iS «i lifrhterk thera. A iiiet-tin^ of lighter owners at Baagkoh was to DC hi Id on lbs
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  • 60 2 Im. Baad of the lad Ban. 1..n, oluhlm--Begimenl will play tba following prou'ram,,,,. the Baplaaada oa (Friday) i.tii instant. contmaaeiaa; at •> p, m. I'Uo.iK.VMMG I. March Th,- SaOsr'i laaisr TTinsij 1. LaaesN. .'Arrfmmd UrrUt. Crook JPolk, T:, Hu,U Ca11... Batoelion Dorothy (JslUar ft Qalef Xrobsi
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  • 453 2 l.s hi-i r.| ort SSJ laUuir i(u- Oannaay, Mr. Draga, lhaaswwta Kuyal C.nnniission on Labour, deals with the pact ami prsaant <>t gaOdi UKili»'val j{uil"lB lost their SMTW ractt-r uinlci fuJllill William 1.. w|,, n the whole tendency of German wan towards iadaairisj r I, mi.
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  • 246 2 i .">i./,,. r, ilk .lii U tnvthii were aeoaaaary to lbs »"ii,i „i iii,. prepoaderaaea »f I!r;t^ii a iiniifi interests in Bias a vim,- isanswerable argumeal coaU icarwlj Im 'a. iv ia f nniabtd by the retarni ot tin- shippios here iluriii^' tlj. ternii ated.
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  • 137 2 I'm. following is the form, in M Laboucbi rs h.i.s now tsblsd his »uun in the Oommoas uu Of L->rd» "Thai the nhtfsa I a l.ran.t. d uri'. thi iiii'liilkt> of whjeb. f elected l.\ their fsllow-eitiaaaa, with tin- principle of •elf-yorennnt'iit i the
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  • 277 2 Mi i \i;a in i HaOOPIAS, i I MarsuTaa, Aan Minor, delivered v address t-.trlv U-\ BOOtfa Regent-street, London, ea Tht Aini.m.i ,ui.| tit-. &.T9 Mr. F. B. fcwmw, JIT, iiiwidml deliteriug hi* addn Mr. 11 ig rv,r tioce 1874 the Armani i living
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 610 2 rpHE BORXIO COMPANY. LIMI 1 THI Standard Life Awurance Norwirh t'nion Kir« fagM— f B Atlas Ammnmm OaapMj Kir.. Ti.« Kfiuii* I'!*1 l.'i '-'> The Ocean Marine Insurance C.impauy The China Mutual Stnam Navigation loy TheT«ll.-iil'»ni UfM IwOmMT. Thf Maritime ImnMlOMpijt, Limited. For particular* of tn«>*» OmaßMiai „f THK
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    • 993 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. it circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands In lies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. (o other Eastern newspaper has i widespread
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    • 822 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. "If UNIVIPAL NOTICE. The Munic'ptl Road leading fr mi Thomson Road to tl>« I npoiinding Kmrrvoir will be closed to carnatr* traffic fiom Monday. the hth instant, until further notice to porn it of MM carrying out of certain altf rations. By Order. J. POLULASE. Secretary to the
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    • 840 2 LATENT AD V EBTISEMENTS. KOTICE. A MEETING of Vinitinjr Justice will b« held in the Uirhanfre Hooium, on Wednesday, the l"tli instant, at 5 p. m. Pusinesh. To *-lprt a < 'lijiirinin it lid arrange Hie Roster fe- l>-9» JOHN FRABER, Chairman. Sinp*i> >iv, M .Jiimnr/, 1894. 10/1 A PUBLIC
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    • 6 2 *'or Ui-utT-l Shiuplu* NewitMO paice t.
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    • 81 2 M.S.S. i-.f-i.i»< f-r Wrn.l. Timtt •*/>«!>■ l>t mttn> vr. OM nit 0/ lKsjil*T only. By ti>* n«vl«Jt o/Omi cxmii Mm m*m\ k.9.8. m nymiti «,yM alUnrtM AU <iw«M| emtouto an- .«^>rl to tlu r>m,Ulvm IKat IK» UmuLft iMtUm tlu a.i»rt— ami out of l\» juiyr in c*—*f prwtf fMtttr.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 83 2 VVBA.THXU REE'ORT. I aVssss g»-w7al. Us J l- '.':i ill. .Ip.Ul. !l|> 111. KKMAKK. liFak. .V.9}it9.M99.tH .j? '••'"I 1 s_. 75.4 3• j W.-. .ii 1. Ther, ;in JJ.J 9|{ l'ir „t Wind \\\V N.K N W >. I lUx.Timp.iuth, 71.4 jf_j| Mix. in sun lls.j >. rhar. =!-5 K.iiit..
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  • 343 3 Baron de Hor n Diamond Cas e. A t Poluv Court. venterdaT, before Mr Woodward. Baroo' de Horo, detnl,,n k him- Ir 0 inde|-udeot I did- I. valued at IS.UOO. Mr Doed < T.»..» ot M,iy Ah Tim. miiataut iv a pawubroi thai on October Wit. Id*. defendant, the
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  • 142 3 It ii U If. Pont. ills will ili,- 7ih for Bangkok, when h>- will leave foi the North with M i be departure ol the Kreni h M- liia iaUuil ia not I rclude to commencang operatae >i, -limit. 'i toa ai th>- M bufatr a
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  • 230 3 En I I'm ii Lit i\ iin >t t ailvaf have „t lilvcr bulliou iv i;..ini.n baa fallen i" Bi -7'^ i beavv i f a few wi eka liaoe. u,-i have I ii Rivea for •t, .in, l ii ia N"i eipected There ia ao
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  • 1086 3 Mr Ar.hihmj. b. OalmahoeM, whwoe g energy ia fnnhnaa „f i.'huh aateaa ha tweoa Huibm aod ac a Soajaehoid word iv BKreaatile otreiea ia India, baa juit a*b> liahed th- faailtaaall Loadoa. an oaaailaaa voraaw ea M«tabeMand, tad ou Poaatioa ia south Africa." Irel AdmiiiMtialor vi
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  • 210 3 Coanoiu Omcii Bubbti d A frightful Mtrag* ewe eueamitled on ibe 9th December al the i"«" "f Bk,i the li;i! pr.>\ in. <• of Ban. A km Bouee ofacer, aaaaed Com, had itcd th« geadanaea in pulling down rj Ireerorfc p. tud-. mikk Ik* people had
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  • 328 3 Siameme cats are in den. and aud h^li in favour. Five were re<-,-iitlv exhibited at a cat show at aVwnatla, and vow we ».w an incut iv the ,57 lnH'S for t WO Siamese kittens "well maiked" Well marked Siamese <atn an 1 bowt've', htanmin.' rare, no uiucb
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  • 247 3 Ai aboal soon, ,>n Cbriataaaa D*y, the American va. lit Wiliint, HHi\ tons, one of th- Ineal veaaeui of h> r class in the world, artived in harbour at Bombay, and anchored oiT the Apollo Bund «r. The owner of the yacht ia Mr. W
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  • 249 3 I>\ i z 1 1 i blew V-i k convepondenl >t.i;,s that adieeovery of a highly aenaan 'ml character was made then on the Sih December. Iv the early poitioo of the year a quantity of „,ff.e was .!.-:>. patched from "Vitw. Mexico, bj the -1,-lUlslil City
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  • 493 3 Mk. C. B. Maukham preaidad over the BMatiugol tha Boyal fleofiaplikal Soeiaty at the Uaiveraity of Loadoa, oa Docaaihw llih when Mr. ft, D. (Mdhaai read papei „v Th,- Kvolutiuu of the (i<-,.-..i|.ln of Imli.i." M f Olilliai.i, wn.i ia Superinlen- ut ut the (J •.•)i,.-i,-ai
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  • 594 3 The F all in Freights to Japan at Bombay. lirtnnai Hilu Aaiatxmi !>■■*■ Mnii Frbimhts 1., Japan by the st.-amers „f the V ami <). Austrian Uafda, and Rnhattino Comjinni.-s an- now quoted at Rn. 2 per ton for twist aad 'ottori in runt rant to tho raft" of 17,
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  • 201 3 Havas Te legrams. Thk Kkasio-Itai.iam Hiot.s. t aaan or asar, msis Dnmitici in (ikxoa. I'kace aaawnAwoca The Anak, hists Mii.itakv Law in Sicily. FWm, :il-i VtnmUr. Tax '„iiri of aaaniM «t lagwninmr baa nruuitted tli.- Praneh wovkmen aeeaaad „f att ,-iiiiiu' li.ili.iii- al Aifraemotteii. Oreai dinKntixfartion prevaib in Italj on
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  • 88 3 AccoßDma to the ZeiUckrifl fur >-'/.<■- trotecknik, the number of telephone etalions in iiftii iiiv, wbieh waa oalj l."><'i i 1881, h 1 iu< "-I- I tt the beginning of 1893 t,. 63,558. of winch Berlin had bo fewer than 17.454, with over 20,400 mile* of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 111 3 rpOILBT LAMM. INK.' i BBABIOKB, liur.,-. nn.l Wound- heal aIl rapidly nude.- tMliaati ,f Toilet Linoihi". which Bead eiin-taiitlv eUaf* Ik* eomplcxioa, mid is -iallv ii-, ful fur tlie eaaasaj af yeang eblaaren. In eollan*iUa Till,, h ;!i el, -ant bova Si, f 1 all Ob*ariataaMi Druionata. ffhilm'i Daf4t,u7, llollioru
      111 words
    • 209 3 N()TK'I>" |)URE~TyRUOS A /^HEMICALS. Estatk and Hohpitai. Indnnts eiecate<l ume day »•< received PATENT IM>. inclufllng GerandelV Putilles. Brown* Bronchial Trwhtw. Clement*' Tunic. Warner'n Safe Cure Clark 'a Blood Mixture. Ur. Lalor's Pbosphodyn*. Towuseud'* Saraaparilla. IMtvrv rooiis. Includinic Benger't. MellinY Neav»'n. Nestk'V. Kidjfe'*. Savory A M SPECTACLEN. Folders. Eye
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    • 320 3 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. FRIIH ARRIVALS Ty VINO OIAR I \IYIN<; OBAR. Heinks k Co.'s Celebrated three throw Diving Pampe cotupl te, always in Stock. Extra Gear for samp, including Red Rubber Diving Ho«o in .*>'"• feet lwigtln. Pivini; Dresses, Boots, Solution, Repairing Cloth. Underclothing, &c, Ac pEARLINO IiE^riSITES. yiAFES. I
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    • 836 3 BHIPPJNG. FOR 80URABAYA, MENADO, AND OORONTALO. Tin. O. 8. S. Co. 'a i. a. KONGSKS, will s.-il for the aboTe port* on Thnreday, the 11th instant. For freight or puun, apply to W. MANSFIELD A Co.. 10/1 Agents, 0. 8. 8. C. T NDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. FOR PENANG
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 163 3 Arranuciuents. WaDinaoAT, Id a Jjjutast. Iliyh Uai.-r II.M a. in. Viaiting Justices Heetieg. Exchange Boome. sp. m. 'I'm kmuv. I ITI Jam auv. High Water 0.(0 a. m.n.-JV p. in Mis. Miixw.-11. At Home. sp. Bt. Q iii man outward mail due. noon. Auction of the ir*or waay Wreck. Powell
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    • 1246 4 SHIPPI NG IN PORT. Under this heading tho following abhr»vi%tions an> used: —str.—steamer; sh. —ship; bq oarque; Brit.—British; C. S.—Dnited States. Fr.-French; Ger.German Dut —Dutch Job. Johore; ie, —G.e. —General cargo ;d.p. —.lack jiassengors; U. —I'ncertain T. P. W. —Tunjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D—Tanjnng P*c»r Drk B.W.—Borneo Wharf jJ.W.—.TaHlnoWii-irf.
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    • 123 4 Name, Port, and Date of Smlim From London. Gleufalloeh. Dec. 11 Monmouthshire. Dec. 5 Rothwell Ca.sle, Dec. 21 Bengloe. Dec. 14 Benalder, De.-. 30 LIIMWM danfa, Dee. Tantalus, Dpc B Auehise*. DK.i.- iw. Dec '.i l.vrtes, Dec. 12 Mogul. Doc. 1.'.-; Huemn Aire-«. Dec. 18 Barky Vi*urgis >ct.
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    • 102 4 9 Vuui.'| Nt >n a Jan. Ki:m Y»n z 1 I :mt 1" Koni-i pnedc In Will o' tin- Wi»|i In >n.. Pagaua 10 Hv.lm 111 I.'mMllii-J tit I I'AIIMN FBOIC. Brit.»tr. N UmaUk (a, PO.ttr KM FtiU Loodon «tr. m o.huk H: 1t 1,,11.u i'.n, UM Murii. A
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    • 106 4 Dati ►--> I N >mi ft IBm Cam urn. DKBTIN Jau. ft hi In 10 in In in In in in in 10 WYiiniDKton Hall Maeduft flri I'imivkudii B<Mfl Wall \.-i1,u.|,1. I'dvp-, Ihbl V.IIIIT I.' mi,, i Pktroeiu P. M KUurlmrl Ki u i 1...h...-« »n:..u Hrit.-tr. Hum.»oo,l »tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 NOTICES. •he I^l in a-akHRIa-il Urn .v, wlirskey w.ll be sold bf tb c future at t: LABfIE SUPPLIES HAVE ARRIVED. M A LIST E R Ca Becommended by 2,889 Newspapers. |H r \K I I lILI V, I'KN Th*\ «n- hMMI." Stuuihir'l THK BIVDOO I'KN i. ud a with
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    • 370 4 I A H K 8 MOTION I 1(1 UMBOBOMBtB*, Watch A Clock Maker. am> opticians. Flint Street. ■i I'nii'l w..!l mlmhl Htm k of .[.wtllcTV. WfttcliM. Clocks. Diamond Jnwel 1 tff tfcwl 1 n~t m Mii'tit •..11. American CK*ai. Carrruft' Clocki. I>rawini( luM'runiflntj.. I*<Um* Kmtf* lhamoLii QhNMMIn SiKn»t K Igßi
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    • 919 4 NOTICES. Establuhec 1865. T>ILEY, HARGEBAVEBACOEnoinkers, Iron A Brass Pohndbkh, 80...irm A.KEBH. Bridge Builders, Ship builders. General Contractors. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always nnder construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY trom leading British Firms
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    • 1433 4 DOCKS. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO LIMITED. The premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar adjoining the town of Singapore. Steam tram-cars run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and quarter and is divided
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    • 171 4 NOTICES. ABOUT piBAI BY IKIMt SWETTEXHAM. Paper Covers $1.00 (loth Boards $1.50 Hair Leather $8.00 SINGAPORE STRAITS TIMES OFFICE. The book will be forwarded to any part on application pout free at tho above num.-, I prices. The money must be sent with all orders. Postal orders to be made
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    • 340 4 1 NOTICES. THE PETB RIVBR D O^Tc Pbnano. The above Dock, situated in ProTiaa Wellesley, at the entrance of the Pryi> Rir^r I has lately been lengthened aad deepened aad < is now of the following ''•mentions Length on tbe blocks 330 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of water
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