The Straits Times, 5 January 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED; 18|il. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1894. NO. 18,212.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 934 1 1 AMSHII' COMI'AXH I 1 I MA «'«m»»n,! OoDowm— Ne« 11, J TB IT* iI U rg "V* e«p--«i tha following date* 1— <>rr 7""« hoimiu ltK laN. Ja» 10 i«» J.n 14 M«-. 7 late, ara only appi 1 arrivals and departure, may b« either I* 1 PASBAOR. are
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    • 925 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Dr. KONINKLIJKK PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'mler ci.ntrwt with the Netherlands India Government. ShipAoency, i.ate J. DUIMU 4 00 J-3, OOLLTSB QVAT. mtf, MIBBKM HUTTENBACH I.ikkkkt Sl Co. mpitiiy has a fleet uf 3<) Steamers, with splemliil accommodation for fir-t ela-n, ml elaaa, aad r l." k paaaaagara, nml hi
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    • 650 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES For Borneo Port* via Bawean and Sourahaya. On the "th of nv.-ry month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and pas- seiigcrx it, Banjennassin, Pulo Lant, Passir, and Kotei. Once every m"i,th mi the Jiird a steamer is despatched to Dongalt, Berow, and Bulongan also
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    • 927 1 STEAMhHIP COMPANIES. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. The fast and well-known steamers nf this line run regularly between Bremerhavon and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of the«e mail steamers, the Company's steamer Number)/
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    • 653 1 INSURANCES. THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,127,500 Paid up Capita] 212,750 Reserve Fnnds 676,355 The Uudersigned, Agents for tbe Company, ara prepared to accept fire risks at current rates of preminm BOUSTEAD Co., Singapore. THE ONION INSURANCK SOCIETY OK CANTON, LIMITED. Head Office, Honokonq. Secretary, N. J.
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    • 510 1 BANKS. /IHARTERED BANK OF INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORA TED BY ROYAL CHARTER. CAPITAL £800,000 RESERVE FUND £250,000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Intkkkst on Fixed Deposits. For 12 months, 5°/ 0 per annum. *°lo 3 3°/ o Current Deposit Accounts are opened and interest allowed at 2 per cent, per annum
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    • 318 1 NOTICEB. McALISTER k Co. FRESH ARRIVALS JJIVINQ GIAR. J \IVINO OIAR. Heinks k Co.'s Celebrated three throw Diving Pomps complete, always in Stock Extra Gear for name, including Red Rubber Diving Hose in 50 feet lengths, Diving Dresses. Boots, Solution. Repairing Cloth, Underclothing, Ac., Ac. pEARLING T3EQUISITKB. SJAFES. UAFES. 'vrna
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  • 520 2 COMMERCIAL. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sinoapurb 5th January, 1894. PKODUCB. Gambier, 6.75. do Cube No. 1, 11.50. do do No. 2, 7.80. Cot>ra Bali 5.70. do Pontianak 5.45. Popper Black, 9.85. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.48%. do Brunei 2.27 Pearl Sago, 3.43T Colfoe Bali 39.30. Coffee Liberian, 40.00. Tapioca small Flake 4.10.
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  • 94 2 For Per str. if'inie. To-Mobkow. Bntu P.hat. .1.,,.; .1..,,. 9 am. foil Darsni n«|K>rls. Dmmim, I p.m. I'eoanf. Hu>, 3 pa. BMMiiag, via Mrti OMmMoL :t p in Doli. H.I-: I p.m. M..1...M Ml Klanjj. BVmmAo. ;t p.m. T-lok All-i.u vi i pnrt-., Sr, II -j Ann. 3
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  • 257 2 Arkivalf. I'nr s. s, lldjiih liruoke from Sarawak i M.—i ft H Day, Kirkpstrick, and Miss M. I in Per s. s. llye Leoiu/ from Peusng via ports i Mr. Gruoui, Mrs. l'.iiflar, aud (Japt. Dewar. Passengers. ITO ABHIVI.I PerP. A s. s. Himalaya, London, Doc., 8,
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  • 309 2 STRAITS TIMES Established:1831. Price:10 Cents. FRIDAY. 5th JANUARY. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. [Subscription rate* and adi>ertiiin<j rate* may be found on the fourth [xige.] Sicily iv a stair ofSirxe. Through the increasing Socialistic agitation, Sicily is in a state of siege. s» >t it >\ Cilht r in l.uro|.t Seven; wealher
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 379 2 The situation iv Sicily, as was anticipated in the Srr<iif* FIbMBj the «.th.r day. when news of riots there came by tabj,rraj !i, has gone from bad to worse, Si.-ilv has long been notorious for lawlessness amoug the BBWpie, and hrigaajdagß has stru. mop root aaaoag th.-m.
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  • 28 2 A special tiffin will 1m seyred t')-mor-iow at the Rattles Hotel. Bt the mail, there came a rumour that King II miili.Tt has expnss.-d his iuleutiou to abdicate.
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  • 14 2 Maaaas. lWhu Meyer ii Co., advertise for a Chinese bill collector aud two assistants.
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  • 52 2 Siraitt Produce, the Straits revived comic journal, is to le published oo Monday, the Bth instant. The P. O. Pact* Bastmi 1. it Hong. koug at 1 p. in. ou the 4th iu.staut aud may be expected to ariive at Singapore at about t! a. iv. ou Tuesday the Ma
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  • 27 2 Taw sixth ordiuarv gaaaml matlian of tha Mil. iv IViini-ui.i Prvaaaatiag Oojr. Ltd. is advertised to lie bold <U i'tw registered BBBM on Fri-i^iv, the 19th Jau.
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  • 33 2 The Muuieipal OaaßßMaaioaara aotifj thit House Ajseeeameal Kites and Horse and Carriage Taxes for the Badiug 30th June uext, and water rate for tli" quarter emliug :ilst March next are BOW due.
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  • 64 2 Mkssk.-. Ckanb Bbmm.. sold by aaetiofl at iheir Kale roOBM this afternoon the s. s. Hanoi. The vchs.'l'h diin.'iisionK wan M r.'matared toaaaey, US feet ia kagth, 17 feet mats breadth aad 8 feet deep. Bhe had eagiaea of -4-1 baiaepower. She was sold with uiiuts, boats, aaahota, chains, fnraitare
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  • 34 2 111 l Hon.JamesMl>onald.(Jlr. of Nova Scotia, hu, at the request o f tb» Imperial Government, yone to Jasiaki in order to investigate certain aeriotu' charges which have be>>a brought the judiciary in that island.
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  • 33 2 An Ameriiau »hi the P. If. from Sliati^hai to New York, BTli»»l )h a inoruinv; and signalled for BJedieal sistanre. 'I'll.' vextk I hat In quarantine, threeof the crew baaagdowi with small pox.
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  • 39 2 A diamond of very pare w.u. iii^- 198 caratH, was found at tli fonteiu Mine, Suuih Africa, on I 4ib. Tha ladsr of iha tarn* Samson, the overseer, aud the BMBBgemenl at once made him a present of )(Mi/
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  • 56 2 Sarawak, has beeu duly eaWbraiuia t!:.' ti-ilur m'.isoii. Ou N> w Y.'.ir'- |i, there was a very suceeitsful rei<»f.i. i which all Kachiafi turned out. Tlni. wuh a daure iv th.' Boraeo C It boa» 80th December and Iha Court II wa« to Ik' us.'d of lor ahwmi aaao I).'
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  • 52 2 A postal Botiee s.iys tint nonsidcul d.l.iv and iii.iiiiv.'iiiiii. in s.irl in^ Ofenaad M^iil ooeaw m eoaseqoen peraoas not Daviag their letters tuficieuiK addreaard. In fntare, Btaooabrate the h t't deliveiy, letters whuh caiinot be tort i without lefrii'iKc to a so-tin^ li-' diii'itoiy will U' put aside fur attention
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  • 54 2 An admiuistraliou action. " i Stauley," heard iv tin- Ohaacan i 1 aiaa (Loadoa) daring the tirst 1). (-.'inlxT, his atti.n t> .1 of Iha alMaatma thatoaeol I rt i» to tii.-.-uii. a lira, sunlev. i,.i.| asatuted malt attire, participated ia i mock marriage, and had aaaaaai m li.--purnuit
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  • 75 2 Tn Tian« Bwi, who was charged befun Mr. A iithouisz with stealing a towi-l raJu< al 11 50 the ateatii ti efMeaan Kali Bra was dischargi-d. Mr. Demji defsaded r pointed nut that t lure was no evidence m to iha ih. 'ft. The Ifagmtrate ami tl Base was a
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  • 82 2 Jvooauon has beea delivered ia M. Court for Japan n [k>ii the appKiatinn of lh< V. o .inpaiiv to diamiaß the petition Toaae Kijim.i and oih.-.s, the aext-ef-kii of the in.-v drowDe<l in the collision i tw.-.n id.. Owttatmahmi and the The Court held thai aaaW tha rain I
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  • 90 2 In i-onn.itioii with thf r. mark of Ml A!, \.iiid.-r. the seeretar] of the Ant Opiuni So<M.ty, that tin- I?nlish pabli would gladly |..iv tor tin' MM I tin' aaBBBB trad.' in India, Barg.-Oei Moon «rit>> to tin' Olah to peaal that, brttides the loss of about six million! to
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  • 85 2 The Socrctary of Iha Tini N.ivv reeoatmeadfl tha aajthoriaatMM i th.' baildian of at laael on.. baMlsahip i hix torpedo hoatr. U'hil.- tha President i« diatiaeUj ia favoai of eaaaMßßtlj pur. tviag a |K)iicv of buildiogup a thorough au.l afaaßßt navy, ho r. train from tuakiu^r the taggeetiofl thai
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  • 101 2 Tai Chief oili-vr of th- s. recently wrecked aear Bluo, has drawn ii| a narr.itiv.' of the shipwrets iateaded > show thai bo blame for the disaster are<l be r.i-i mi the late Capteia Belkern iin-t. r of thai PcaaaL The Ch« holdn tha; bhUBC is thrown on t i-
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  • 100 2 At the date of last mtii adi following ofloeri wan aadef orden I iMiiliark at Portsmouth au.l Q*SeOSto« for Singapore mi Fernet, tad Lii eoln; Gkpt W. L Warren. Boyal Art Hi W. .1 F morgaa, Arm* Pa j D«p4 BorK Oast. F. < r. i<. Had BUff. Brig.-Surg Lieul.-t
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  • 147 2 Turn i r i in to be) i.'v.' thai Russian imokeleei powJec Ins proved failure, -t ii< 1 it this ii mi there will l«- mbi rliati. -I- of her workii,.: BO a Inir BW I some time t.> coaw. A British, officer n< in Kuana, liadjring the buiguaße, wril
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  • 132 2 Ob I>.-,-. 8 a Committee .d the l*i c, ill.- Lord Chancellor i residing, Ml 111.- CoUBI il Cli.uiilmt, Whitehall. I the paraoai of tonaifUiriae, i *!>«•< ti-i.-ii.-.- l iy tli.' ('.'l.Miiii S. -i r.'t.irv t'li question whether be* Majesty sboßkl aariaed to miaTu Mr I: D.'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 648 2 mHt BOKNKO 01 IMPA¥T, LIMITED THB Standard Life Assurance Norwich Uniou Firo Insurance Society. Atla* Assurance (dmpan> Tha Equitable Lif" BBaBMBM 1 The Ocean Marine Insurance OomBBBJ The China Mutual St«am Navigation Coy Tht« Tottenham Ijkger Beet Osmaßßl The Maritime |a*»BßaeS Conipniiy, Limit.xi. For i»rticulars *f IBM* Companies «o« the
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    • 844 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 360 2 NOTICES. KATZ BROS: AVrE 8888 just received the LATEST lI'INCHESTER I^EPEATING yiHOT p UN. Model 1893. 12 bor.v The barrel is rolled st,. .1. i inches long, totil weight of Gun 7| lbs., with sliding forearm movement. It is SAFE, QUICK, and EASY of MANIPULATION from the shoulder, SIMPLE in
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    • 1019 2 LATEbT ADVEUTISISMEN IS. THE MALAT PENINSULA PROSPECTING COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that the Sixth Ordinary General Meeting of this Company will he held at the Kefrutered Office, No. la. Raffles Place, Singapore, on Friday, the 19th d. j of January, 189-i, at noon, for the proposes following, ami
      1,019 words
    • 64 2 M.8.8. »n(«.ii*» /or IK< Wrn.l. Hwl ■»»<« »".'"> mmmmU tlMMlwr By el>« MfUct o/ Ikal emit r !5n < iStri.»« f tw.»r««. -rt .«(.j«* **> «mii«vm IM t\e M«M f^m««Ua« tl" «iwrl«i»«t «uto/l*/p«r^ in nwt/ pr—of matUr, h<U uolo/lmr Uan four 4«yt t-iek numtK. The Straits Times has the largest
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 101 2 WEATHER REPORT. gaol— B>a*M Ho.pital, 4t\ Jwaeary, 1891. Ham p.m. 9 p.m. KIMARKI. Bar. r*a. ;ij lak. S'.SW 2J1.738 2D.7J4 bTsTA™" Trmp 78.5 76.5 75.6 «g S Wit Cull. Ther. 7ti 0 7VJ 75 0 |w« Dir. of WinJ K. K. N. BT. N. W. ill M»x. Truip. in »h*lf
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  • 24 3 in tli. n.'iu-li- wonl wilJ a.i.) "I ,i il l,\ r,,|» the brad aad horaa, aad fuar wit* within
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  • 25 3 i Ibo World* .'in-ill il feature* for genei i I I Ul.lllI 1.1111. „>. I ,1 i .vi award] oa I of tli-ir
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  • 129 3 ninth mil. -t.ii,-. ''('1,,. 1 tOWB iii a. n, ks|, to inf.. nil Mi D M-iw lie ba 1 >ri, ii. -ir tli- in tin road, Mr. Maw the (olluwed lit.-r. 111.- tiemr w.m iliet orbed »bi i jaafla aear the bbub road,
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  • 194 3 \r ill- Lincoln'! Inn dioMf >.nU i th Mr frank Lath wood, Q nede I li, win. li Ins not I ii reported, l'ii' i- t li 1 1 .1. ••il»-il in the I- mdon 91 tjfUU Independent LI iiiNtallatn.ii nt the lodge, oil 1
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  • 200 3 'I'm Unit. ,1 i mil nt roct il»ta ii. •vi all s,,iii, ea for the Bacal y uith .Inn.- ,iin, hi, t, 1 to L 61 .716.561 dol., ,m,| il tpeaditure t.. fc59.874.674 dwl I li- .mi, .nut ol aaU xpoit.'.l I larajef taaa ia «n_N
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  • 153 3 I n tiug 1 1 nl lv in the Legialatire Coaacil Cwawbera at |jd< r .1 im tr. .in tli. taiaisg -i propoeal II itiag the loeeea bj Iheai :hc,l.'|,i.-. iatioa „t tin- rapee, A ..iniiiitt.-.' waa appoiatad t" go iata the
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  • 399 3 Scottish Police and the Straits Settlements. >>"■ WI ,ti:,,,,l iii Ren mi- bet >.-ar. roe. aaUiahed 1.-lt-r from in the mbject of tht European police raitt .-ett|-in. -vi Th- pahm at li-tal,les. re- ruit.-.l in S.-.,t!ii,.| f,, r aerriee in lhe Straiti.. oooaadi tented litiona nd ha.l eaai I l-ti-r
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  • 164 3 CulewtU, Jl-i 1i.,,,,,i,,r- V--t,i,1.,v the Opium C,,:iiini---,,i 1 r.-uin--,| ita mttingß. Be- ral native gentlemen were examined inclndarristern and member* of the afiatoeraey. tern Bengali journaliat* were aU« examined. Al! tendered the tort oferide ghrea befora K\ liativ- wit] The I: v K B M..-.10na!,l imi. of
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  • 1315 3 Paoriaaoi Bra Taoaua WADB,sokaMt tha Kritisl, r.|.r.'s-ni.iii\-ai Peking. delivered an intonating lecture at Toynbee Mill, on I)-,- Jn.l. .'ilk.hi tl Marry with which his linked, aad which says writ-r ia the ■x boot report we quote) be knows better, probably, thaaanyane else in Barope. Tnrnhuj
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  • 68 3 I in- lUinl ut tli.' iad K.iit. Liinoliisliire Bogioxal will play tbo following prograauM ia the Biitaatdd Oardvao, to-day, li il.iv loiiiiUL'iiciug at 5 |>. at. ri:,,.KAMMK I. March Oat *y Oat t iniih. tloa \.-< ..'l ifl>-i Trm Muralovi. :>. Boloolioa. BoMtaMaoaoai o/ BbHi—
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  • 1189 3 Mini v- OF I*i:o.,s ny thk Mi ni- IPAX UOBTJMMBOraM AT AN Orihnaky Mikiin; oa WmawEMOAT, Wtn I)K. I MIIKK. IN >. Pue.sksi.- The Pwaldaat, Alex. Qoaslo, Es,, W traaaoo, Ks., Th.« Hon'Mo A. L. DoiiaUsm J. P. Joa.|iiim, Bag. The Hon'bln T. Sli-lfonl. <: M v
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  • 79 3 Ooan < IbmMi Hi \i> QvAana < t. k. Sin;i<i)'i'i, :>>lt Jnnnnrij, IHUt. 1. OloVrly Officer for the ensuing, week Li.ut. 0. J.Dnvie-. Ordoily Sergeant fir the euHuiug week Bargooat Ben j« field. II P»r«.ies Monday .VI) m. V R. M. L. (Jun Drill. \V. •lii-silay \k
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 299 3 rpOILfcT LAKOLINE." A MUSK >NS, Bane, Bad Wounds heal rapidly under application of Toilet lianoline," wliich used cons' mtly clears the complexion, aud is especially useful for the ehahi'g of young children. In coilapoible Tubes lid., iv elegant boxes U, from all Chemists aud Druggists. Wholesale De|'6t, 67, Holborii Viaduct.
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    • 388 3 NOTICES. fIRESHAU TTOUBK, IH, BATTERY ROAD. M RS T|OOKE IH NOW 511., W1N.. NEW DRESS MATERIALS. French Crepniu in Various Shades for Day ami Evening Wear. Black bilk Dress Net-. Black aud Coloured Sur«h Silks. Fancy Dress Sateens. Ribbous. Faille. Shot. Satin and faucy. Black Silk Sunshades. I, i.lies' Whir-
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    • 752 3 NOTICES^ TOHN LITTLK CO. Tailoring Depart went* Just Arrived. New Patterns and shades in Angola Cheviot, Vieuua, and Homespun Suitings specially light in ioxtara, Afwam Silk and chocked Cannanore*. I I oil-, I 111.-. A large variety of New Patterns. Dress Minium. Woollon Diagonals rkscrow Vieunan, undressed worsteds, Paramatta, for
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    • 624 3 SHIPPING. J NDO-OHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. FOR HONGKONG. The Company* nteamar CHOYSANU, LIN tonn, CaiiUin Bradley, having left Calcutta on the .10th ultimo, may be oipected to arrive here on or about the «th iniitant. and will have prompt despatch for the above port. For freight or i«*aairo, apply
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 161 3 ArruiiKenu-iKs. I'lllLAV, Ill \NIAKV. lli-l. \o:',2 ISaii'l. lianlcti.s. i) p. m. Satikhw, t'.iH JuntMW. II Ji Wit. r '.til ,i. in L1.U tu. Special Tiffin. U..H1 Hotel. (fen Tear Sports, bptaaade. n. BOBDAT, Till J.VNI.AUV IIi.'Ii W.U.r 1(. \2 in. 11 M7 p. III. N.w HoM ll» a in.
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    • 1419 4 Ond<>r thin hnadiiii/ the'.iwin/ aMMWrta tions ar« mod: utr.—^t«amnr; gh. ship; bq barque; Brit.— British U. S— Hnited States, Ft .-French Gor. German Dut. Dutch; Joh. Johore; 4c, G.p. General caiyo d.p. »rk pawenirers; U.— Uncertain T.P.W —Tan .jon* Pagar Wharf; T. P. D Tanjonjr Pa^ar
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    • 123 4 •MM, IWi, MM Date <»/ 'Aii/im Kiiom London < 'union. Dm M.'iifnlU-li. Moninoiitli ~hin DM. 5 Kothw.ll OMtk, Dec. I'l Benglix>, Dm. Benald.T, DM. 30; LlVIBI'" I fa, Doc. »>; -mitnlus. Dec. <> Ancliiit'R. Doc. 8 Kaisow. Dm t 1. Mines. 1 )>•(•. IS -M"k.'ui, Dee II Buen.n
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    • 190 4 TMIII Namk Q KN- > \>n A Ton«. Cattais. Rio From. Saii.hi.. •■■>•. Blfl '»D. 4 H. \V. J«rH.erc 4 Muclnff 4 I Froßiirr i MWm* I Nam Yonjf 4 lUUvi-r 4 Ban Wlmtt S., .n 5 Vyner Smii- Rio 5 ligrabtn 5 Uric Ti ni.-_' -in. S
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    • 124 4 in L<*» Vihhki.'r Mim I KLit. A K Captain DMnrtMATMM i H \V ImMm I Dollar 4 l>laraon 1 >iil..iif.i I 111..-.- M 5 Kan I-oyoU A 1'..«-i.|.iti r > Will O 1 the Wi.p 6 Sri Pegatan 5 Siiuiatru 5 Poroeo S Nam Y. ur 5 Devonhurtt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 336 4 NO TICKS. .^^r fjUJa „x kMowwhNby will I.- mU for Ik* LARGE SUPPLIES EAYE ARRWBft M c A L I STY. U Co. THE ORIGINAL PATENT SPHINCTER GRIP. in v t,. „ii...|.» ,Mi,.lui.».r .mi,.. 1 Daartntmai PractUmllj lm>E»raccTl»u >m.i«hli rrhabli in t-. the In In oUio., ii lUtions.Ae Ac-., """V
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    • 632 4 NOTICES. I)! KE 1 \KHO9 4 /CHEMICALS. Estate »nd Hospital Indents executed same day as received PAUH HKDHINES. mm lii.l.m, Oratidel's Fa-tille*. Brown's Bronchial Troches. Clements' Tonic. Warner's Snfe Cure. Clark's Blood Mixture Dr. Lalor's Phogphodyn*. Towuseud's Sarsaparilla. ■WANTS' FOODS, Benger's. Mellin's. Neave"s. Nestles. Kidge's. Savory A Moore's. spi;«
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    • 1419 4 DOCKS. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO LIMITED. The premise* of the Company are situated a. Tanjong Pagar adjoining the town of Singapore. Steam tram-cars run at short intervals carrying passengers and goods from Wharf to d~-*tinations at low rate*. The Wharf extend* to one mile and quarter and is divided
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    • 898 4 NOTICES. Establishes 1865. ■piLEY, HARGREAVEBACO Enoineers, Iron Brass Founders, Boilermakers, Bridoe Builders, Ship builders. General Contractors. SINGAPORE* KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY trom leading British Firms with Board
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    • 222 4 NOTICES. JAMBS MOTION A CO. Chiononitm, Watch Clock Makes. AND OPTICIANS. foINT STREET. Have always on hand a well selectod st«x k of Jewellery, Watches. Clocks, Diamond Jewol I'iry, and Nautical luNtrumnnts. llraorlrU Oold. American i'lix-i». Rnxxkaa do. Carriage Clocks. Eairinira Diamond. Marl.ln Clocki. LockaU. Drawiuir Inn'rumenU. Laitlsa' Rinira D,amon.l
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    • 188 4 NOTIOBB. 1^" AT I B ROT H I TAILORING DEPARTMENT New Goods Arriving Keoclarlt Tweed SuiTiitas i Harris Twnods, f'ashmero suiting*. Homespuns for tropical or home w, r OvKKi'OATXNim, New Oesions. Tweed and Cashmere Trows«rii variet I Black aud Blue Fren.-I: Twills, Coatings all colours, excellent selections. Tennis Cloths m«d
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