The Straits Times, 1 December 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ISIAIUJSIIKI): ia*M. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DIXKMBER 1, 18.X*. NO. ia.UH-.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 Siagaanr* awn ■•»|f>-r> rile. tae storca. lotspaay will bs* b. lira Baflili fut 4t tisse. a i^» day of tbe I leaves Sing- ith the I eaves S-n- And Pa»- i f > Sinv.ot rrgitUiT, tea. rcgUbam. ye Ant elaes steamers have splendid i. v n. ocieck. NDSOR A (Jo..
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    • 262 1 MBIIIF COMPANIES IV »ART MAA. ItaaWajßtr i.atf ',HAI B VBACH I W M Stumers, cUm, i ifm I(m> 'ric light and .•*| aad all rm.-diate port» of Java's Nofih I i ■■•r< m 111 Muntok in <-.•!>- -•uncti. t. v r- aftsWP and O ■.rniediate ports of Sumatra's -.k. Bengkalis
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    • 611 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANI .ten I tn-tt via BaweanaadSourahara ■wry month a steamer runs in thi« direction taking direct cargo and passeagers to Banji issamiin. Palo Laat, IV-ir, Once erery month on the J.lrd a ateacner is d to D'.ugala. Berow, and B al-. .-allmg at KnnjeriuaMin, Pulo Laut and Kotei, and
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    • 603 1 \M Ilii' V QMPANIEB, BRITIBH INDIA STEAM N WIUATION IANY LlHu KANOOON A CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers v int. nd.-d to leave Ti.nj n^ Fasjar Whkrf evt-rv srsjak. P.-n-nx tt aad Cargo are booked by the ab ye steamers at through rut--* to all ports in I and
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    • 464 1 rUSURANCBS. TSO'.'IEIY 01 H«ad Orrtra, rloasßoaa. B«cretikry. N. J. tin, Esq. The undersigned. Agent, for the above Qbbvpany, are prepared te accept MariLc riaks at current rates. A bonuc of £0 Las been de :lar.-i tributions f r Istn iraking the average bonus fi r the pa«t 11 yean 14°
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    • 631 1 BANKS. UiAUTKRKIi I'.WK Of INDIA \J AUSTB U.I km I'HIN OR i 'li Vi Hi A Ifh lI V I'.itYAl, CHARTER OAPRAX MMM tVE FUND i: BINOAPOBJ HRANCH. Intkbibt on Fixed Depoiits. For 12 mouths. .V/, per annum. I Q Curr.nt DapoaH A.-countn are opened and illowed at 2 |wr
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    • 142 1 r PiihlUhMi At 4 n in NOrTICEB. VTcALinn AND COMPANY A USTRALIAN pRIiMIRT UI'TTKK IiUSEBI'H T>RAND A Shipni..nt of the above favorite batter juat arrived. Acknowledged the Basel oa ta. market. It is now packed in now air-tight tins and is absolutely pure. In consequence of the fall in Eichang*
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  • 458 2 LATKST MAKKKT t^l<»TATI<>NB. BmoArv>Bl Ist Decbmbeb. 1«8. Pbodccb (^»hier. Iff do do N.i I do ObM Bali. 1, Poat»»ak. ■Baal Pearl Sag. M» Coffee Liberi.i., Tauioc. -null I Flake. do do Ist quality > d. me.l Hake do .mall pearl. ..I ,lo m.,1. do Stickla.'. Sian, I Clvraa, Assboiaa
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  • 128 2 For Per itr. ftaai To-SfOBBOW. Baaftak i 3aa HouKkuu^ t .-l.bxL^i Mamila, Bs.b Poit Dtrwin n«por^, 1>,ir,,,,,. JJooo lM(k >u( .n Ikm > r S\, m r..,,«. 2 Pakan »v i».ri<. Pukaa. 2 pm. Pc an r.t Kaala Luiu|i.r, S.ipplw, I p.m P»'- Osjjill t :t,..m Imlra/iri.
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  • 211 2 Abhivalh. Per s. s. Flintshire from Ssigou Mr. at Chasseriau. Per s. h. s*aaa from Pensng vis |>orts i Miss Turuey, aud Mr. Stephenson. PawiieuKerK. (TO AEKIVE Per P. I O. s. s Arcadia, from Loudon, November, aft, Mr. E. E. 11 rrydges, Mr. A. Ca.nei- hi Mrs.
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  • 261 2 STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY,1st DECEMBER,1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. The Employers'Liability Bill. KsT*BI.IHHCI' l"* d Priro: H SMMs I'll- Hi iV 15,11 baM Maafl ,nd time ia tb- leawa ■< l»«Ma. llk Ir.iirh aiaUtr) M. Spnller to form I Oaf l'resid-nt Cirnot bat in In —1 M Oisiour l'.-n-r t.>
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 293 2 N,.w tli- Straits Battle »'> I.'' l wit Inn tin- field of iii.|<nr\ laaapaaa to tbe Opium 0 mission at pr. sent ajetjaig' m India, tb. lalnmrs at the OaaßßaaaaaM more |k-issin..' hateTMl Th-I'r-Sldellt et tbe Muni, C'ollllllls-loll-an \i,\> already baH tiirnisb-d «itb I
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  • 11 2 MaMaaV Katz Bbos bay« aent out their usual serviceable wall aliuaiia-k.
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  • 14 2 Mi. 'I'am Jiak Chcan bas beta aaVinitt.d a partner iv Messrs. Kun Seii^ Co.
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  • 19 2 A Spk. ia i. Tbvn srill In' H-rv-d iii tbe Kuril -8 fatal ReeaM at 1 o'cktek to- morrow.
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  • 17 2 IiETIE s sent to [Jetted Kin«d. hi by uexl should be delivered alxmt He* Year's Day.
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  • 19 2 In liritisb Nortb Borneo, the pootagi ou will Im' Hghi rents pal 08. from Ist .1 miian, 1 ■->:<»
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  • 23 2 Ihi iliii'f betel at i ii i i j in-, an. nouiui'd after to-day, no pluto will In' taken iv that eBtabli.tbiiient.
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  • 18 2 Captain Ckalukd has re.-iv.d inforuiaiioii that the German boHOM KM fVaaWwl is asbore ou the North LtKOOJa Kt-ef.
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  • 21 2 The Malay llazelt, k.ivs (hit Mr. Qeem Dwsloß bas hen paoßaiafo] ia ■eninag soine valuable ooaaasai coal iv 0 her hi.
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  • 26 2 Tat M. M. Natal left Qaloiho 1 1 a. in. to-day, and BSH In- nßOOted btW ou Witlutsday tht litb I> c-mber about 1 p. in.
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  • 26 2 It is id tint lha Kiag el Si, mi will |i\»l>ably bmvc LJiu^L,>k aboul tli- mi.ldiot h-irnilMT, for the MrpgM of visiting tbe i«iame»e Malsyau ■atel
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  • 25 2 '((Hi. NrlllrlUuds In 1 1,1 iov. -ni ii. li! stiM'iirr CkerihoH, Captaiu KfOM, airivid lie* tbis* inoriiiiij,' ami leave* br t»Our»Uiya\fter cualiug At Tanjuug I'agar.
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  • 34 2 Captain Haktek an 1 Mr. 1> nun in p'.iv to-day for tb.- thud bAm in lh.- QoU (,'luli Cuji CaftUi— 1i1iii.iv I v r--.ii that tb«a« two pbjm*tM m tlif 0o«p«titiou played uu .S*tur.U\
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  • 12 2 The Association football inatrai j>lave.| oo ill- K.idanado U«t f»'i f.t.otir tooes).
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  • 18 2 A i ill-' Sddiers aud Sailor* Hi»ui, i... m»rm« ha, mil gito a mih«l roterl > saateaic* ii fm\
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  • 28 2 \«|..H I Ik- i .<•»• > '»li» I>l ill- \iiiim tin* iiMri.iui.' Hi r A l.ilii-. 'Mi shipping Ofitfuf I'i.xl.t M.n-1 ilull M'» .1 mlddeliK Ib« illne»» "I li-r father
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  • 16 2 Tat l'in.iu_ ua th« 2M h N .».-intI ill.- SiDgap la pl.n re duriesj Ihi lloll.Nt-
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  • 44 2 I Bl Muiiii |'il i lire i hit I inns fir refim I •hi m ai.t Ii i thu „v or U l.ue tht I > li ,1 mv try, and tha ajlaf ill ii d ilt Mat k >'i's .mn. >t I. -iil.rt.iin, 1
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  • 39 2 Thk Britiab N rmm ul 111 l kt N I ol ni.i le provm ,n tor tbe resist rat lotH't I ra-le in, irks wii lint ill- territory and t i Bayed the law of -nd'li'.io reUlloU to fflgiattrmarks.
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  • 19 2 Mv \nvji~ hi it ion vi in- S ipr. in. C... ut at r.iiAiiw. I" prevent tbe ClyrniU r
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  • 27 2 I .mi ret foin lioldinj ii.iiniimte Dr. BfOWB ineinlxr is to restrain not tht CbamU'r Imt tha Coiiiiintt.-e of tlie CliamU r from so 1 „n k
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  • 45 2 i lut- of tha iiieinUr of i m 10-aaght, at M o'clock, iit the Pi bt p B Mr. V.. K >ii Sli,. «i!l ni It Thu Foil nil- telling is meielv a matter ot II- will U- oppose. l l.v Mr Let Hood Cbiang.
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  • 52 2 I>'.\k.'- Mm.l"\»iik g»»t .mother ■■il p. in the l'owu ll. ill BitJg, under tbe H K the ki im- Urv audience ,111.1 the aatferaaasiN m nt Tat 0 aie to Ik- 1 1.., 111 iii the TiMra 1 1 1. te-asghl aud t" i null, und to-
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  • 62 2 Mi I I l'.nN the l.nil Oeasr, Singafiore. is kmtiag el HaaaVaj Im SIIUKeI L'jollg where II- asSllll,' .11*,.;. tt iiijh.' <tnlv. iv Meettaaeo to .Mi IsjtttwO who eoiiH s as tii»t alagietnstt t i (ituga. (lore. Mi. Xl, .mi lawiaßil Mr. .it the bias] Utti-e t. ui[.or.trily. It
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  • 708 2 IIik BiuwairT Knwiin: Clab Kmm m i > >tii iit <)• 1 awl tmiM »li-ii tha ttr»t two 11.-HtH 111 iht lilfctlit K..111S W .T.- i The condition*. aittmclUer were mm li aora l.iW'in .i'l- lll. in "ii Mi- <>p mug d.n ,aW iii- v I n- mml »ii
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 590 2 Korivj irViXpAXT LIMITKD T*— mm f, iaaßßVasattw Rwnnn i rww taHMMw^Mjo^ I^l Allaa kmmmnmm < Tba BiaaiiUi Ufc Aaaaraesa Baasoty TW<»asasi tana> la— w a Caatßaoy at Hswaai Saaaoi ■■a%olliß .y TV. TiW it is l^a* Baar Osspaay TW Mil laiaiaa-i Oasßsjaay. Par aartifaairi ikaaa Ciaiaaaiss aaa tke fall
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    • 869 2 Y\rv<. I Tbe Straits Times Lu3 the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siara. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern ne vrspaper has so
      869 words
    • 455 2 NOTICKS. K A I* WHAT a gn.M disapp.Hnhswait it would ainhmit. OM Mo Priawis. bad tke :!»me. nC the lsie fire si o«r premisos ant hay« sfjaaß IB»ir fury, or rather hvl theeff.rtoof ournoble SINiiIPORB KiKK URKiADK ".ir BEST THANKS t,, that (iALI.ANT BUOY aot bays besa so effectual iv
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulatiou of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulatiou.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 93 2 WKVTHKR REPORT. Caaasßkf Brataa 1a1, sun, ttmmttt, 1803. H s in. .< p vi ;i p.m. Kshabii. Bar. i*J. 32 F»h. W WW 01 aW Masl Isfla> -".ii ;i.ii WfilllblVr. 7i.0 li.i 73.0 t^ Uir. of Win,l K. VV. S. W. N. W. J Max. Temp. iu»h*U« 53.0 j? Mia.
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  • 299 3 ng «4 aa* V afurana. M I mm*. SoWt. and ta* n 'hat the 111 the SUp ie.. The I «up( 1-ni ii HraM wool.i i th. r.'- 11l the ■1 and Ift 1 n „n Ihr B»«1i£«-I. wh 1 HTUUI uaV* iaai— lawwiil with t. lintuam*. -I.
    299 words
  • 422 3 A I'Xol "MUi Lifts Ai-VUM. Thk Railway Exi t.N.-i.'N. Fatai Tm Dtb h±» I• v in un- »< Parak to aud thai attention of It r lb.- lutuie ..f Urn abirfa i r- .f lll'k ai .it.i! 1.--which to k> i. ;Ij.- i, j Ultiou. I 1 I
    422 words
  • 686 3 T« thk Edit..* m thj -Sr« A ir« Ti»k« ■ilcerD* tBP »ift> of the I attention »t ih' Tour '.i.tnbut) r<. Tbe arw i Mfeet which i, of the situation iv the .rent of au attack by ..-a, tbe "inpt BBMBMJ af tr.H.p* from the alUvklag Men-of-war.
    686 words
  • 60 3 Thi li.tnd of the J i liitt. Liacoloabirc Dl »'ll pl-H til following |lOyr.uniii.' iv tii. 1 < inleuti to- lay, lull.. in.' at ■*> p. 111. PBU.iBAMME 1. March > Wad Fa i ti-ia Iwalj P aii.,'ieH*. :i. oar.4ta H-imlieht iaaht K»*<-h i. OlMlaM Lr
    60 words
  • 1018 3 iM All.t'.H, WKAkNESV The Kmctitn or It E«ui.ani. Stit. Whim: Shi. l» Humble. A l"rn|»«se t oliiNlrer < »rp» f»r rma*m. A ReH^BKABLI SCBBIIaB An TO THK Om.llH or TBE "'tI.ITIA StHEVC if row Ikr tlr.,il. imdepeuAtmi ami Ptmamf Ckn; Th« K«litor of the Strait* Timrt.
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  • 477 3 1 1 eruk aWaraaMai ombbbV, :'iili |Te«MMjr N.M1.1. is -IVCU that till' SM.telll of i.i»'i -iii» di.-i uar_. n k'-ts t.. I in ii. se l.ilx'iirers MMficg their olli|'lo* in- tit iv the Si it. will b* diM '.ii'iiaied Iroin tlie Bth Kebruai I H. xl. l»iu^' the
    477 words
  • 1070 3 1 Kiiun MAifAiiia'a UifoKi roa mi 1 Foi Wfkkh Kwntirii thk J:<ri» MmmG. I 1 Urrl S.mtk. Tbe aMal amount of atopiog orer tbe j back of the lexel ia being carried on. Th« ■tope* an> now in tbe old native workiuga. The natives have not worked the lode
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  • 455 3 faaai a/ alaa. < MICK .IfSIHK BI.SM.K li.l- loi.-.-d up the lefal fiiiterniiy a frood deal riaaa ha aai here. and the work at tli,- Law Court- i- now tran-ii.-tiMl in a aaj aaeaaa it baa aaHaialj n..t baaa fur year- |n-t. Hi- LofdaUa bai di-lin naaial
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  • 96 3 Padi Cultivation in British North Borneo. Thk Chief Distrirt t Iffii-era of IV \hixk. Dent and North and South K.i.--(*1 ha»e Ixvn ant h. ,r,/..,l a ft^ r consultation with the Native Chiefs t.) make rulea for :h.- ■ „f |.*,li lan la in thei: r*aMrtrva MaViaai ami to fii
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  • 66 3 (JtalaMai Hmmmt/W DaaMaMr.) Takin., in.. MMaaMaMM Ihf incrciwuj; iiuiuUt of iiiissiuuaries am', other Wt> .-;ilinot help kaakimg laal I Ufiaf oM in Ml Mttciiiliin. at tin' united ui<.<-tiuga Joth on the first and thirj M.uidavs in he month. Some lirethren who once (ladlv made Mi at ti ■MMMMjaaal
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 907 3 rpoiLET LANOI.INE." ABHASIONs;. liurn», and Wuund- heal rapidly under application of Toilet Linioiiii"." avaah us«l eon-taiitlv clears tho ipli>xion, and is especially useful for the -hating of young children. In collapsible rubea ikl iii elegant bea*e Si, from all f,'lm-ni-t- and DragKaMi Wholesale Depot, i,;, Hnllsirn Viaduct. The genuine beam
      907 words
    • 861 3 iHßpn 1 HINA STEAM NAY i, T D MB HON<;KO»O. Tk* Company s ataaasar KVTBAHV. toM, Caßiaia Bowkar. bavtaf left OafoaMa o. the 2Mb Metaai. n»y b* «p>etod t<> arrive here na or abmit ta* «lh Daceaaaar, ami will htre proaiat awaatrb for ta* atev* "l rf^ htO^SS^VVAM-. L^oh PaWAjra
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 268 3 Arrniixrmriilk. t- HOAT, l.-i Ds t mhm: An.r t in. Uolf. I; i- i I Iiii.iimii. liiii.J Q i.-. I .in. lub i:..---'i in I > bating S.i i_v, l'rlii»< y ~tni-t CImmL M.iri' l'.it.»riii:.iii''. Town Hall. p. in. .■^m nriT. -M' Dbomobb. Ili.-ll Wit. r 5 I 111
      268 words

    • 43 4 Ln 1..r Him haadini I I .11^ »r Kr t t.-ii--!. <;• r.Qaraaa iJ'it :> lain;T.P VV Ptfar Wharf; T I' I) -T«..j •/i'.--.V H. \V— N. H»r»>mr U'f M il.rl.,ur Di:k. P. H. P. w M H S I P. W
      43 words
    • 335 4 tarongb M d p. M Up. B i. 4th Had N «r. 1 l. p. Lin Imx r Pot I. Wil1. ck. UI lad I a 1 1. p* H .Mil -K I 71 d. p. I'm Kirn li.m a Son*. r'oi and SI d. p. pCuj I.
      335 words
    • 127 4 tf.«m.«. Por/. cJß'i Ddf of Siitlmi Fkom LMsMsI -7 B»iiUi atoomo Hominy N if, :i 10 Booglo*, Hot. 1- Brand itlKlw I 1 Lli IBFOOL India, <m j! Mii,.l vi. i (Ml J I'.li'iiiru-. <> A.'hill.'., O*l i: I'.nr.K-l.iv i). Pyrrhua, Noi I N w. 1 1 1
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    • 25 4 ■1.*.,* Bm I 'Af I Sila'ili l nfkilb tin IIM \V Adiut I f Job. Utr. PHfc Wulff k. .-.ok port< •iiK Japw
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 m *»afm M LAEGE SI PPLIES HAVE ABBIVEA MOALI 8 T E B <Y>. a ▲«w 44 M J Safest %LP %1% V^ Best aC^V^ Nurwn and Itaih. i^9^(«W laf^a^ Tkr »vii.ii.l-- ami »ri«-iiiiiu- M**(fr- 8 m S«» A P for ilrlirali- SkltM, v. SaaU^ which -LtABl > I* T
      153 words
    • 412 4 I nonces. j WHOLESALE AND SHII'IIM. ai.»K T.> N Ri'BISSnX KOAD TILErHONK Mo. 91. TBk s traits T lMKs| 1* ress MUt T AC I L IjT 1 I K X E( I TI X G ORDERS FOB a l) 1; 1 x I 1 x <; AM> DOOKIIIOIIG. <•¥
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    • 1134 4 I DOCKS THK LI si I Ihe atemiw ot th* Coaiut are afualci ng Pagar adjoining ta* towa of Singapore. Steam trass-car* run at sh.rt latorral* carrying ssasmiri aad goods from WVarf to utions low rates. The W tart tends t* one mile aad .j natter and I* all UraTiog
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    • 670 4 NOJ Mai |>1 L E V H A rTi A V K S I 1 0 [X..X BBA-.»r"..« -v H.MI.UBMVBIBi. BBII>J« BOII.I>Ka J BHIT II IL!-BK>. tiKNKBAI. <,OKTBA. lOKw )reaki\:.v uraroa ship numn hi.;> *'"">" undor cmstruction. fr.-r. K length af keel, of bent design and I MACHINERY lr.nn baawawg
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    • 190 4 JAMBS MOTION A MaWOflatnsl. Wall ■*>*■*. Illimisll STBBBT. Harealwav.on hand a w-ll saW-dato, k .f Swollen k l>i»»" n<1 J w# \»utic»l Instr 6522 v' 7,-; k# uK uSs n-i.. < ™~ei'iSZ?~~'VVatche* and Clock* carerully cluauo.l and re| .1 M ACo. l.a»-<>f.irs»i. a very |ar|r« rariaij -l-H-ially ataftoi f*r
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    • 205 4 »OTIOBB k T I 1101 I'ARTMKNT Kiw OWN Arb. Two IWII. Twiwl awl t'anhmer* Trow«oring C.iatiiig« all colourt T former .rraataa aaaariak. ««nk Wll We invite mi iaaawriioa of a l|> to our or dural.ilit.v it taaaat ai it in a terror to th* Liala tlirend ih HU.-L «iil i
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