The Straits Times, 27 July 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: IIMI. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 18,W*. NO. 1»,077.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 694 1 m BBJBs mm* Mtaaaas .v. awyaa iaa ii>i —J taa I l» -nj» »r- r -|4 <• attssatw *aiy sißioiiaal. v,, J Mm^ ml aaaatat— y fc» tttsiar «t»>t «r MbbM rw far* v- ItnaHka sad tlisass ay Baj. atna aa to Load m wj ma. mnmm *M> EOTfT. m
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    • 655 1 kMSIIIP t OMPAKOB DXI .IKK I'AKETV*ART MAATSCHAPPIJ Coder c.«tra.t with the Netherlaad* V. LATI ltebQvat. mtssbs hcttenbacbi LIEBBBI I Steamer., >mW «Pri— ra*sisn for Hr»t clas.. ngers. >i,,l f,,i the (hi and «t i*BB*>ll«Bll Uls gaaata, v a |i i»\as North W«.lntMla) a if a p., re alter\l Btok. ad
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    • 753 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Far Mtrn; VorU vis Baweau and Surabaya. i >n the Wk of every month s steamer runs iv this dirwrtioa taking direct csrgo and pats*ug*r* to Baaiermassin. Pulo Laut, Paasir. aad Kotei. Onfttrtry it t h on the 23rd a steamer is de*aat«W to Dongala, Berow. and Bulongan
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    • 871 1 STKAMMIII* COMPANIES. BKITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PKNANW, RANGOON CALCTTTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Taajong Pagar Wharf ever/ week. Passengers aad Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rate* to all port* in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 814 1 INSI'IIAM'KS. THI TJNION INSURANCE BOCIBTT OF CANTON. LIMITED. Hbad Orricß, Houokono. Secretajy,— N. J. Edi, Esq. Th* undersigned. Agent* for the above Company, are prepared to accept Mariue risks at current rate*. A bonus of 2(1". ha* been declared on contribution* frr 1891 n-aking the av*raf« bonus for the past
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    • 1013 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid up Capital »10.U00,00U. Reserve Fund $8,600,000. Roserve liability of proprietor* •10.000,000. Counr or DißßCToat:— H. Horrivs, Esq. Chairman, i I Hulliuav, Sag.— Deputy Chairman. C. J.ntx... B>q. j. g. Moms, Esq. J., Ex). |>. B. n***lln* Y»« John 8. L*|mik. Esq. llm.
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  • 521 2 L VTKMI MAKKKT HmtPOM, i7ra Jolt. IMB. PmoDJc UaabMr %*X> do .lo Ho. I 10J16. do do No. »<WOuoralWL i-7S-oo PaataMsak > &-V>P^n»r Btack iujo »lo«r, Sarawak W Pearl Saga. >■•*•• Co«- bkli. SJ-W--0of*« LiUriau. ».OU. r»p..«* *anall fiaaa. do do Ist quatll} *••> do a*sd. take, •<*> loswall
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  • 68 2 Ptr rfr. ft. Iwiwtl. Rn,afc «r u ,i-. 11 K'v. r.n, vl«M r,, p ,ru WM ITwp. t am ImMii. Jj-«b>« jtish Jaa, jo t. B (■Uccs .1..1 K..B.-, Sayph*, 3 pa r An-,, m p-wt.. «n Htn f 4...., f.m. I x«k ju( I An If, Ck—ni
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  • 27 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 27TH JULY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. KSTABLISHKI) 1831. Price 10 Cents. For thrtt teUgrami, tee the head o)' the JirU column ou tke oppotite yageS
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 193 2 r'hANi t aud Hiani are vow in a state of war. The Freuch have occupied certain siauiew islauds, confessedly as a base of ojienttions and the blockade of Siam is now yiforced. Snuultuiu oiisl\ the Loudon uicrchautH interested in the trade with Siam have appealed to
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  • 210 2 Ihi Muuii-i|ul rvveuue for Urn mouth l>ulked unusually btrgt ominir a henry ielil from jiiirikisha li. MM* and to HMM dolbtr* received fn.m (J.v.-rument for th. site of the old To«u mirV. t An inrrii* ing revenue facilitateM MMmVm MBMtTJ luipmveuient. such a* is no* called
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  • 218 2 TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS FROM PENANG. Thr Prnanx Ifjirmmiir S<h«-iur. SP*K< lAL RtPDBI o»- MM CtaMMMJM Financial Iliyu M ihi: PMMJMB Habboik Thk Peuaug H.trl> our Comuntlcv MttM iv a special report that the MtfivM Nf >rt I of tbe coinmittet wit'i t'i- dencr. There is a uew HMM Uis».J on
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  • 46 2 At Kulim in Kedab, Siamese territory i near Penang, tbe supply of ebandu I is exhausted and the MMM are tlireateui ing to raise a disturbance. Mr. Mitchell, Commissioner of Police, took over t. n I ball* of opium during the night.
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  • 51 2 Tan telegram about Krani-o-si.ini.-~-- atfairs issued by us this ruoruiug was (very proper! > subject to doubt, because of iU j date. Tbe mistake was that of Reuter's i Binga|xire Ageut. who d«t<sl the telegraip j wrongly. Tbe afteruouo ttleyrain is pre- perly dated, aud was aeut fioui L>u lob
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  • 20 2 Thk RiUlm OirU' Suh'Xjl re-o|>eus on Monday. 81st inctant. Tbe fee* for girl* in the lufant clist have oeeu reduced.
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  • 15 2 Tmk Singapore Pbilbanuoui- Suiety advert i.v an Orchestral dnu-eit iv the Towu Hall, ou Saturday.
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  • 31 2 Au iu<iuebt wax held tbisafU'ruotni over tbt body of a Chines).' woman, win) wan accidentally burnt on the l'.'tli instant, liv tbt- tailing of a ttble lamp. Dr. Ko'Jertsou atteuded her.
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  • 36 2 Mimsrh. ru«TANA aud de 5..1U.1 uli I were placed in tbe Madras Medical College at the expense of the Si raits Ciovernuieut returned to-day by «he 8. Srcundra after suas-asfully p\ssiug th.'ir final examination its Licentiates.
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  • 47 2 Surt-RAMANIAN Cllettv a well-kliowu money lander wan charged liefore Mr. Autbonisz with aidiug and abetting oueNoorMohmod to useasgouuinc a forged promissory vote. The ca»e is creatiug a, 1 gieit deal of amongst the Cbetty j community. Mr. John P. Joa.juim ap- i»-ari-<l tor tbe Cbellv.
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  • 66 2 Ihi ."vlaugor Pulilir Workb Depaituitut Report for HSR! reuiarks that IMTC i« a great icarvity of reliable contractor* iv tbe State., most of them being mere adventurers, with no capital of their own or to back them, who tender for and take up work* more as a gamble tbau a
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  • 52 2 Am association foollitill match will be played to-morrow eveuioi; at 5 o'clock on tbe Esplauude lietweeu teams of tbe 8. C. C. aud Royal Artillery. The following will repremn' tbe ululi. —Forwards A. RoberUon. Jl.l> lu^ult, Davira, Can, I Jeukiui. Halve*. Patvrson, F. buuays, P. Se tt. Backi Scoular, Qrar.
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  • 71 2 A Mom match will be played ou the Kiplauade at n'v« o'clock this evening, in connection with tbe S. C. C. Tbe followiui; will coustitute the teams. Ur Ki.eten Goal. Morren, backs. Hooper aud Hallcu Half buck*. Deuuys. A. BoberUou, Beugafield. Formrd: Jaeksou, Orr, McCiotky, and Law.— 2md Blktß
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  • 572 2 IMMI T»»n t Pfcn^^T«..riL« tn, TMi Nt Cam K Ii Bbmtur m»«-j D.irr.l itar on tbe 17|, I'm* aJTlil'* hi* dutm a* SewiuM J^— n!*?^ .a»e brouubt befon hia bamiOD r« lb.- Cbu i Tbi« .a»e had bwu tdj i e»idemr to t»L Houi(k MMJi Ibat I b«
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  • 254 2 (British Mmtk Wtnm mmm,m M% Qmbbbl Bit-»ion'« explorations M I* vel Biy have resulted in the ditcuveri of coarse tfolil m the Subaliau river witbiu lix hours JliUuk tli.- Sil ;iii R**.ur*\«|||a|j id the KuuijKiu^ i Pal Im/ river, aud tin.- .fuld with several vancedoQic
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  • 79 2 M ABBIvK I'm- J*M**a, from London. Jill). Mr* Purday. Mr. and Mr. Robert*. Mr* Mr. W Gilbert. Per BaHur.if, fr,.in L*don. Au,: t D. keOnala, W. Smith and Mim 4trh.ii"'* Per tIIBMBIB. London. >'|>t 1. Mr B ißTjfaMtti, London. T*£ 14, Mr D Hewett, Mr. W. R. D Beckett
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  • 67 2 9m Paliang. / ever/ SUturd*.'. B. Uuun. j,,!, Kor Kiiropc, J.rati*«-.>.'<.>;. Boha Merer .mil a. K.n W" Ai.-tr.Jm, S<i(o<«.«. »ii I IteCUMMI Ju[*n. I I -jr. Kor IVn.iUK- and Cafeatt* n f,.r A.i d<» 6t* August, NcalUtei w f< For Chin* and Japan. Oun'-'. i,'iii.l. Horn.-.,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 613 2 r TM^ BOBetB" ■"■pint I.IMirBD rßßasalird Laia AassrsiM ■as an a. I'aa IW lasaraai aWi^r Attaa iasaniss C xaaaßt I Tba Baa*H»la Uf* Aaaaeaaaa Saciatv Tha llaaaa Manas laaaraaa* Caaaaaa, TW < wb ■■•••1 a*aa ■se%tlia Oaf T*** t*>BMaBBBWi I_M>T BfBT CfBBBMAiT TV* aUntuM laMWaae* C«maaay. Li*biW>< far aaKiiaaari af
      613 words
    • 946 2 SOTK'ES. Tiru3 hu the largest circaUtioa of an/ Qiv/jupe" in \su, 8.-iUs'.i [a iii ex^ptei. It circuUtie iv Sin/ .pore and Penang. throughout all the Prot33t9l Stitsi of th 3 Malay Peainaula, ia Siaai, Borneo, the Netherlanis lalie3. the Phiiippmei, dn\ Fi^ench lado-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 1171 2 MIWvU'AL NOTICHS. I 1101 r A I lOTIOI. Balsa ii«i s sad Ta. payer. >re koreby a^hWaawtta*t«»iaaa'rd*ted Asstsasa al Hat«a aa< tbe Tsar. »n h and raTiaiffM for th* afk BMiaUh* a'lu.g :U*t Dere«her. and tbe Water Bate* far 1i..-i»e aerviee* for ih.- quarter eadii g >Nh S«atember Best ar*
      1,171 words
    • 1094 2 LATtST ADVEimSEMBNtt I>AFFLBB GIRL* SCHOOL TW am** *re ufm on Mr .j, il.t Jaly Ta* fee- for gitle is the Ihfaut Class bay* h*«n r< dseed lo >1 a m.alL for boys the fe* will b. 12 as before. July 27th 18»3 «/8 SALF if HOI'SEHOLD Xl KN' TCRE. The
      1,094 words
    • 77 2 i~i»< fm IU Strath Timm |W«U «nak*» •r. —4 k*4 lk# r*r~ "tl». »v l*< «*f 1~l lImI Mi^ k" "j«.IW lUI »^.i rt*^»fvM U aasasajaa. AU •te.t.u) «kM. n*, M t v IU —*+t»* tKtt IU >i|U«i Ik. l»n > »...t ..l^lkiHfe rr—»f m««, kit utrtW— r I*m
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    • 5 2 For ImmmJ Hhlrrlaf ftt L
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  • 80 3 w sf lm»i m»araai r*. kU f n*M« aawst i pm. t■* <mvi at BxaJi TW Fr-11. a Miatav 1 W .BBtiaii k*«w Mf t Itiaarhal- n4« an> ■ah M ta» MaMM m avaW U Uki»K fe4*w« k»- r,a M v- Frrurk M I'arliaaMtaUrr tWt». ..^.••aV-..|»a*'aaTiaikrHo«a»of sa*J I.' tbr
    80 words
  • 59 3 Ammmli bMmmmj f. M J*T .<• iu.-roing aMeial trlryr»pb I 'bat M PaWM, IStwi M 11,1sI'BMl w.,ulj aot agrvr to L-.h t.rms d at Biu. I I.r tbe 1 '1 luauij ims I. ft S-i^.m lor •11 ordrrrd to .-'.iiii-*' Mmo faod] rooSrniat. .ti that Knasiau
    59 words
  • 419 3 I f\ Atj.k waa .or. •4 wlk*M ii mjm ksMtal. iiar» .if s f,M*H as i .1 1 > lug 11, ..Ihrniativ.. I V I 5»,,,J., ,H ||„.h.i U Mkastowii. suJ Mr Al,x«iid,i. ti,. >■ J lil. l i.ii took ilmi IuMVM MM •H »l o*l. It
    419 words
  • 501 3 It i- now a niati- r tor cii, K r<tu:aiiou to U■Mi to irrorU ti i I he tfitrthe ..f ih- JaatM .\Luiug 1111;. my. 11;. my was M«UI c 11: pi. id In Mr H,,, p r\ .ur- in I in th'.t diiii't amoabUd lo
    501 words
  • 57 3 Ahutka. t M TkAHi' BAMnMI »ok Ihi ih or Jl'NI. I.AKOr iMcRIAtK. i/«<i./< of U, Ainoiint. Pmmjm MIJTI (.'arriages. a*d Dugs Tt Fare. !U Parcel. lt>4 Kieess l.llggnge 115 SiHM'isl Train* l'..tal OMNMg «12.4*» i QMsV »2»..K'1 iet 1 ym T..tslliooJ« OMN IMhMW., Qraati Total... liSCft Cortea|onding
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  • 1445 3 .Uf iffc> Am v if.,; U»i I Koiu Wu pita i iKin Tm« Home Hbu Bill Mb Glai>»t.<ii roisrs mr riv iirbimob Vntt utiDtii itrtiih U< till BAL COMHIBeIOp T"l CI'UHIT yir(ITlo« 11l AsIIBKA I'l-«"TI" md.,* MA „< Y^fc .nj x M w.-rv arronM i^.|tfH*
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  • 78 3 1 Tib toll..* ing *r* tha MMibsrs of the um-ncy r.xuaiianon appointed by thr OnveniMaii' TW CoiosuaJ Secretary the f liibbil TVnaim-r. aad tbe Auditor (renaraJ. Nominalrd l.y the OmMMM| Chambrr of CoMMerw to reufVaent tb. C«MBUMe«:Tht- H«n I.U- T Sh.-lford an.l U Murray, and Meaan. Cutlibprtaon ami
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  • 46 3 I bl revenue L-olWrtioii* impare a* fol- low* with tbe first half of the previous y.-ar: J«nj Jaw l*»U.I-- t1531 4 El|f*«r« »l:.l F««4 117 I Mar**u :!..Jil' N'liil Wl'nr S.|,|il; <7JM Mix-WUaeoa* 17 175 J1'8<«.257 tag J«»- i« -I -.%4 7»* PNVM
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  • 67 3 Taa Baud of tbe 2ad 1". itt m Lincolushirc K-v'iui'-ut will play the followiug prograuiine on tbe Esplanade to morrow, .'DuiiDfUi-iug at 5 p.m. Pboobamiic. L— Va'ae Oruf t'u Hanut r Labitiky 2 Hvrrtnre Za.t~ta aube'r. i.— S.'ccti n ArmiiiimiKu of Verdi ..Godfrey. 4.— Grand Man-b
    67 words
  • 307 3 1 ut A'ii/i /-"ii GozetU commeut* favourably ou Mr. Feint's (tbe Pe'iaug Muduilal Ru^meor) rtcooiaioudatiou to adupt the Mi" 11- sew.-ntge stsi.-m *t Penaug. II lid« l»i-u i< 'iiii.l to answer »t K iUgnou, I eajieX'iallT auioug tln Cli:u<-.-.- olatiou. .m.l llidt journal CJMM iv tb,
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  • 277 3 Raftlbs Hi, tbi. Aaderaoa. Mr. E Mason Mr. Hrrnitr. Albin, Mr. U. Papasiau, Mr. P. Ball, Mr. K II Parkinson, Mr. P. U. fcarut-a. Mr Warr. 11 D PeUjr, Mr G. 0. Cassia Mr O»o F Pje, Mr. J. H. Chard. Lient.Lol v.< f'ascml. Mr. A Mr. Danut,
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  • 131 3 A.- -t Mr M>.i«tS. Mr P 8 aUhtaaTtaa. Mr Tha*. Maad. Mr, a Mrs A H laavlv «laa.T. Mr Ortoaey. Mr O^ka, Mr RoWr.. Mr IWmar. Mr Beatadoe. Mr. Fanra*ae«. Mr K.nwr Mr aad fa— lt KoUrtso. Mr > J Caaal Mr') baMkV Ravd Mr Gatehar. Mr. A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 358 3 THIn UTEHNOMS NE^ n I rrmt a *>t>rratlan« r««TI>T Bi I.OM»W\ Him himh IBtX I K\» NUM. 27 th -Inly. Thf Fivm-li now 00CUD3 slanda in the Gulf of Siaiu. Mid liavt- hoistfl their flag <»n Etong Sam Letn t" serve a> basis of ■[K'nttiu! IHI L«^»O<i MERIIiMt K\D BBITISB
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    • 672 3 NOTICE 9. WANTKD. Msva\rd k Co. Shares. FOR SALE* Si.-sra.ln|i <'o Shams Milay l'»u v- i.s Pn-p<':i'i< Co. Share*. -iipwav Co. ch«re*. F. 0. SUM4HVILLK. Kifli»ii|{». -Lar^ Broker. Sin«ap.«--. L'Tth .Inly. l-J*3 WANTBD. TanjonK Psfrsr I) ck Oaf. Mmr-. KOrt BALI J«leho Mni'uir IV Shtres. i-in»ip wm [*nd Co. Shares.
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    • 913 3 NOTtCtt. latahlssasi. I»>V I>l LKT. II ARGBBA VBS BwautßEaa, Ibom k Bbam Foviiuaaa, Boilebmakkb*. Bbiixik Btui.iißßa, Sm r- CILKEBS. GBS KBAI CoKTBACTOBB. ■VOAPORB A Xt ALA |MM SHIP IHMBJ TAKV ■M claw BTKAM VBSBBLS always MtW aeawtrvction, from 18 ft to I*o ft. length of keel, of bast deafcra and
      913 words
    • 953 3 JiT ORDDBTTaCHBP IV 1 .aerial Qanaaa Hail Staam* BRAISSCHWEIO C.pta.a ,-ft I haviw kaft Biantwa. to-day say a> paetad tea arrlv* hart oa taa SMa raMaaw. aha will awhaaly h. (Watched far BMsan th* aasM dsv via th* aaaal pnrt. *f sail For f reifht aad bsimji apatr te »rr
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 225 3 Irrnugciurui-. TacaaiiAT. 27tb Jtli Ii w'li Water, ifll f. 111. l|.K.'L'ev S. C. C. Ksplanade. p.m. Philha luouic Orchestra. Towu Hall S.tO 01. Fbii>at. -'"'tb Jci.t UiKh VT.-tt-r 10 48 a 111.. 10.2 p. vi. Straits Settlemeut* Associatiou (jh a. ral Meeting. Ex iid'u'-- Rooms, 4.30 p. bi. Baud, Esplanade,
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    • 92 3 WBATHKR RKPOKT BBvaaMf Ifik«. Ho*p*iai. MM J.i,, law. •a Si Spat 9 pat Ullini. Bar. rsd. Faa 87* 7M 7 c i. T-atp 78.0 M.& K.n 3 1 Ws..-a'klVr 7« 7i«.* 7" S Inr of Wiad Calm. SsW OsSBV >j»h Nil.T..p iiskad. 874 I-'-l His do 4s 75 5 TZmM
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    • 162 4 Under Iliis heading the following ablirevia (ion* are used:— *tr. steamer; sh. »lni.. h.j barque; Brit.— British L". B.— United State*; Fr- French Oer. German Dut Dutch ttk Johore Ac, G.e. General cargo d.p. Jack passengers, I*. Uncertain T.P!w— Tan Jong I'agar Wharf; T. P. D— Tanj-mg
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    • 1234 4 AsßirALa sinck Nook or Y. Sri Him} Ann. Brit.itr I ■sasfl 2>-thJulv. Kivm Mat An*.n ri» UMBg, Nth O. c. and 74 d. p. W«- Bin C... I An.- .n. U. -X.lUn»i Htn.Sia. Maj IS* ton*. RMBtaak MM July. Froui B. ntom-, 4I 1 S.« Chuan 8o»n C.-Bds
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    • 70 4 DaTi ViHit'i Nim. 'no* Bit. Cai-tain DBmiIATIOK Jniy B«t«i.- Dnt. «tr. Van ,tir Har.t 'At Bonwu Hunter Oi" *r. PL.pprn 37 Ifuuun Job. itr J) Or«ly 37 (bow Pl. j. Brit. it- Tfoiaili 27 Hector Dnt. «lr. Uaodw i. Oapack D.ri, < «tr. ***■> Mr. Nieol 17
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 227 4 tew SUPPLIES CLOSE AT HAND. M .ALI ST E B C». DRINK KUPPER'S BEER. I knt .nil fault k-ss Ix'Vl..iii .uiv MaMtaMOl injurioott to health, v oi*taw&a a i i d ebpecialh of phoiahHlß acid .vi. l uiuit tiiort'iu; ■I' u l l Vi 1,, |>„..m'vm*<l of highly nutritive .iiialit
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    • 216 4 B 1 I>OY.\L T ETTERs |>ATENT troii. rurr Ih.lillrd Halrr I^HE I \ISPENSART A ERATED WATER WORKS CO. -I.N'.APOKE OH IfcACIOBS TO II El; 1 1— 1 1 ...vt t.r;.1.«l aiHl lliii.-ral «»lrr.. Hit- l'ur«»i mid |in iti.i ■waUal P.. MLB FaCTOICY AND DISTILLkBT Tt> BR\» BASSI ROAD Town D.j..t
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    • 429 4 \i i H I v K c W B ABB JIBT OP K NINO A MB« -iinxtv: BB9T ELECTRO PLATKD WARE. (BOM THC BEMoWMfcli KlILtMKtWRS BEED A BARTON Such a di-pUy, aj we are mow »howing. has n. \.-r ksfors been exhibited in Singapore. All the article* iv tlie appended
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    • 1435 4 DOCK* THK DO K LIMITED I'lie at tae Oeaapaay are ai'aated at Taaf a« Facar adtoiDiaf th* town of Stac*aor*. aVau trass oar* raa at aaort iatarral* earrviaa; agsn sad food, fro vTharf to JasdaaUoaarfit low rate*. T»e Wl.arf ratoada tn oa* stile and quarter aad is divided hy
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    • 77 4 \OCICBB. notiL pSTCI 0 <yti,lB s JUST BBCBIVkIt ANOTBaB LOT. ALI THB LATEST I'k.SIOSS. THK LADIKs PBTCHO" BAFETV. I'rettie«t snd moat Gracrfu Safety ia (he World PNEUMATIC A CIiHION»TYRB KtiAUMKRs' A RACERS. These Maehinea hare won mure r*c.-- in i!,« UtAits during the |*v<t twelve mouth* than all other makes
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    • 240 4 THK SORT! U-TK,,, I N A P o K r SHIITIMiA RETAIL BfTOHBa* or AUBTRALIAM OATTLI uZ?. pENSON-8 WATcm, MaMUrACTOBT, LODOATB Hiul, Lobbbb MAKER TO H~M~ THI orjlf* Spariallv manufacture! aad ■Z^el! or ass ia th* Bs-t Bbmsoh'i Special rram OTH riELD- WATCH A iotd Keyleea 8»g1,.h Half "n,,,. m
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