The Straits Times, 18 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1881. SIKOAPORE, THUBSDAY, MAY 1», 1893. NO. 18.020.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 854 1 vNIES. I liS D Dysjt ijuay. Wbai 1 nail steamer* may I* expo.-te.l -re homewardp ">"• iiuaawtaus >•» iaxt. M.< .il Jull-14 Jumßi J c datii- are only approxiuia' 1 'rival. and depar .•reilleH anl them* by Rai' d. a ia the nnt a* to London oy sea V SKKVI.K
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    • 932 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. j I 'OXINKLIJKK PAKETVAART MA- I l\ ATSCHAPPU. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. v m/'o/c. Ships Agency, late f. Dakndels co 3, Robinson Quay. ■I aaaf, Messrs Hcttenbach .ikhkbt Sl Co. The Coni]wny ha» a fleet of -JS S»e Mn ers, rith splendid M*aßn»ndaU«a fur lirst
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    • 779 1 STKAMSHIP COMPAMKB. Siak, Bei gkalis, and Edi will be called at only once every four weeks. To Borneo lorti via Bawean and a »urahaya, every four weeks a steamer ran in this ilir' etion taking direct cargo and passengers Hanjerma.-sin. Poriloe Laut, Passir, and Kotei. Once erery $ir teeekt a
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    • 816 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANO. RANGOON CALCUTTA. I One of the Company*! steamen U intended to lta»Te Tanjong Pagar Wharf ererj week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the nil <ye (teamen at through rates to all port* in India and Ceylon, also to Eait
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    • 804 1 INSURANCES. THE MABINK INSTK AN. E COT., LTD. EeTABLI.HID 1886. Camtal 41,000,000. Kmivi 4500.000. The undersigned baring bean appointed Agei t at Singapore for the abur« Company, ia prepared to aoocpt risk* bj First Claae Staamera and Sailing Veaaala. OEO. KING, Agent. TV"EW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO Funds £23.681.886. Heatt
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    • 821 1 BAN KS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI h \.s k ini corporation. Paid-up Capital $*****,000. X. serve Fund $3.600,00. Reserve liabil.ty of pr .prietors 810,u00,000. I'limr or Dirbctobs: 11. Hopimus, Esq. Chairman. 0.1, Holliuat, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. C. JintMii. B«,. J. S. Xom, E«o. j. Kr«m«r, II K. Husonn. Esq. Juhu 8.
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  • 557 2 lATKtfl' M UK XT QUOTATIONS U Sin,.*.-..**. 18th Mat. \«*i hDNM. (Jaiubinr. J 6.6J1 do do Ao. 1 1080. dn .to No. 2, 8.80 i; U pra Bali, 5.55. dv Pouti«n»k 5.0(1. Pepper Black fcHt dago fr'lnur, Sais.tak Pearl Sago, 3.6* J. Uoffee liah, 34. W. Coffee Liberiau 35.00.
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  • 123 2 far.. i'erelr. I To-Moiru*. i'EII.AY Balu l-aic. iinm I'm, n.m. Hamburg via port- BaMaa*rt*s*l, 1 1 an. Sstoajyt, i p.m. C'olyjwe, 3 p.m. i'vtsn rlaaarta, f*u»ai.. 3 pm. ivUok via port. -jaff 3 p.B BtnnU, 4 p.m. Satubday. Tela, Aawi >ia poru Sri Hone Jan, 3pm Malacca
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  • 9 2 KsTAHI.ISHfcD ML Mm i lo <Vnt».
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  • 72 2 THURSDAY. 18th MAY. 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. FW StraiU Dm, Amjihck Banking Kmi.iki London. 17th Mat/.— The City of Melbourne Bank ha* auapended payment. Details about thie Bank will be foaud in another coluwu. Thb Welsh Scspensokt Blli. A large meeting of Bishops and Archbiihopi bat been held iv tbe Albert
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 423 2 Ai tin' <Ut< ..f but mail bMm (tkl April), preparation* lor the Anglican ecclesiastical meeting In |>rot«*t against flu- Welsh Suspensory Bill. mention.-.] in Ki ■uter' Wlegram to-day, h:ul boeu com-pl.-t.-d. The Bill in ,|iuiitiou aro«e from ill. ;ill.xitioii that t1... ' Kukl.ui. l in Wal.s
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  • 11 2 On Whit-Monday there will be uo issue of the Strait* Ti,.i,'/.
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  • 18 2 It appears, from A me ica, that tbe Sultan of Jobore ba» forty native ]iriDces iv bis traiu.
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  • 17 2 I'm Jbiuaman who was found with counterfeit notes in bis poasessiou wa-i t*> uiauded for one month.
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  • 18 2 The Hfim Free Pre*e assault case at Bangkok was couclud^l ou tin- 10th i"s. taut. Judgment was deferred.
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  • 19 2 Mk. K'iwi.a\l> HisijClTH has arrived from Madras to take charge of tbe 10-al braucb of Messrs. Misquitb I C
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  • 43 2 Tbe mail despatched from Sitnt*|-ure to I, iud. .11. via Briudisi. ou the li*ib ultimo was delivered on tbe lutb lustuut. The adjourued general meeting of the Golf Club will be held iv tbe S. C. C. pavilion at 5.15 p. m. to-morrt.»
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  • 23 2 Tat peraonalty pf Sir Jobu Benson Maiwell. formerly Chief Justice of the Straus Seltleuieuts, has. it is reported, I been sworn at jefl.OOO.
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  • 38 2 Thk Captaiu of tbe B. i. S. N. Co.s steamer Liadula reports baviug yesU>rdav pa<s»-,l tbe lour. masted British lia 411 c Latckill, 20 miles X.W. of tbe Oue Fathom Bank Light, I. mini to Saigou from Colombo.
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  • 37 2 Mk. Flkiry, of the Netherlands Con-sulate-General, goes to Peuaugon Moi.dav to remain tbeie tor a year or so iv charge of tbe eousulate at PeUdii.'. Mr. Kruvt. o" Peiiaog. goes home for a year's leave' ot absence.
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  • 36 2 Thk l't-uaug Rowiug Club Commutehave now decided to hold R-^atla v, aliuu* an weeks time. Tbe following are the c.. u t s |,r,.|.0,.-d Kour-oared. Pairoared, aud Siu,;le-Bcull aWew, Bfcip't gig Kace,Saui|«u Race.Swiujmiug, aud Greasy Pole.walkiug.
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  • 53 2 It is pointed out thai the lulemew with a Siamese, published yesterday, represents that trade is not hindered whereas, really, it is almost stopped by tbe fear of war. (Juite s> but tbe interview professes to record tbe opinion of a Siamese, and notbiug more. We have already- noted that
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  • 65 2 A kkpcjkt reaches tbe Sinn F,tr Pr—e of tbe 12th May from a Siamese source, that au amicable settlemeut has b>i-u arrived at bulweeu Krauit- md Siam. Tbe left bank of tbe Mekoug is to 1..- given up to Fiance, aud au ludemuity paid for the ill treatment of French
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  • 89 2 At the Asstre Court held vest.erdav *t the Siipreuie Court before tiieChicf'justi.e. Mr. ({..nsiTaiid a jury, the following M MH <lealt with— Guau K«af for bouse tr.-s|,. ta > witb intent t,i ciiiiinit tin II iud voluulurilv ciusini; fjrw*MM hurt. wa» seutctnvd to ayvcu years' iinpriKouni"iit, aud Siu
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  • 95 2 Knit, remarks the 9mm Dutri.t Suiyeon. in bit report for 1892, baa bwu ■uakiug ra[.i.l pronreaa. Juuk'l.' is beii>K felled over larjfe tracU of new land, aud ibe soil, freshly denuded ot ve«autiou. is Ma* turnv.l over in the i-oani- of BMaf; for all races tbis is kuowa to
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  • 100 2 (San Franeueo Chrunicle. I Omk of tbe diitinKuuih.'.l viaitom to the World'a Fair iv Juue will b.> uo Urn a i pei«ou»«« than tbe Uajab of .Inborn In dv, »bo will come here witb a suito of forty fnmt. Thl liart wi|
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  • 293 2 FURTHER REPORTS OF THE HiHTIX.i AT KHONrt. A F«ESCII FORC« COT TO PIBCER. Fbom Bangkok we hear to-day that a message wia received by Captaiu J tin- B.itisb Miuiater at Siam. ou the 12th iustant, to t he ff -cl that an Annamite bat. tali, hi of
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  • 89 2 Favourable I'r.imcbctb. Mk. IJiiiui, writing on U'li May, suys that tbe lode at the If mil Hole has iuiprut.d, and thai iv the South Drive tbe lode is U I-. \H thick Tbe b*rd crmittd at Bakll K.itiiAii may cause trouble. 1?.--lays great stress ou having struck ({"ldbeanug stuff
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  • 79 2 T«t Baud of tbe 2ul Batt. Linoolnabir* Begimeut will play tbe followiug |.rogramme m the Botanical Gardens, to-iu irrow, Friday, li'tb May, Ih<»:{, comtueu. iui£ at r, 1, vi. PaooßAMiia 1. March fflflfllj ■Tlll_LJ_ v 0U EnahnJ Arhu U t S«lect.on Thf Kou Maiden... ■■ma. A
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  • 122 2 lHtCr..*i, AfMla In, kfeOowaMM on bebiili of tbe Ovraninaal of Houirkoug iuvitcd teudcrs for au issue ot 2IXKXKV Hongkong Govcruiueut Three-aud-a-Haif per Cent. luscnbcd Stock. Tbe loan ia secured ou 'be general revenues and assets ot the Goverumeut of Hongkong, aud tbe Pnoopd wUJ be movable at
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  • 190 2 1 From our Cnr,f*i>undtnt.) Kuala Lipit. Uln Pahamj, 7th May lS!>-> quiutilv of HUswM for tbe Sikbt such as flour, übce .t reinaiiiiu^ over iv tinU.neruiufol ihMßj l),ri from the supplieo stored duriuj; tb«' rewut disturbauces. wa» aold by put auction, yesterday. Tb. purchasers w>r Chinese aud Siku's and
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  • 90 2 Per Himalaya, from London. May It Ro. n «h. and Mr BmS*, Mr. aid MrT Ksppelt-r. ami Mr /.iiumeriiiann I'it MM-- 1 v. r i l> M V .U, Mr.J W W,M. Mr,. CMr »i..l Mr. tia-i-ir* and Ilir-. younp ladi*« I'.r teM, tr m MsixiH^M.V. 28. Me-sr. in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 572 2 BORNEO eOJaTANT. LIhUrF.D. I^Pr>Hf SUndard Life \wiranre. X Norwich I'nion Fire In«iiram-« g W Atlas Assurance C .innany iFire). The Equitable Ltts Aawrssais S^iei.v Tai* (>r*an Marine ]nsiiranr« ("nmnanv Th* China Mutual St -am .\;ivi«-sii..n C..y. The Tottenham«i.nrer B^t.r Ooafan, The Maritime Insurant C.niptni. LimiteH. fnr particulars of tli««* (^nnipamm
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    • 1195 2 NOTICES. T le Straits TiiiM has the largest circulatioa of aa/ n^wipaper in Asia, B.'iti3li India ex:epted. It circulat3s in Sinjipora and Peiiau^, throughout alt the ProtaoteJ vStatss of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands In lies, the Philippines, and French Indo-Cnina. No other Eastern newspaper has sj
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    • 1109 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. \/T UNICIPAL NOTICE. TO CIVIL ENCIXESRS The»rs of Singapore roquiro the s-rvioes of a ompeteat CiTil E .jri'ieer. t» act ns a tciD). irarv assistant to ah* Munici,«l Euifin.-r Csiidiliii >s. who m ist Its aide to outer nn tin- duties nf the nj.^KMul ni-i. t
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    • 945 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EV)R SALE. Marsd-n's Ma'ay Grammar P a. id DietiooaT- Price $44 nett. Apply to "MARSDENV'e/o Strait* Tim** office. 24/. r I^-ELLY WALSH. LIMITED. NEW BOOKS. Things Clii.i-se by J. Dyer Ball, Ma rd.tion. revi>od an 1 enlarged. $3.50 Easay*; by the late tir Morell Ma.-K-n/i*. 33.00 Memoi's of
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 74 2 umnuinvh Friday. 19th May. Assize*. < Club, ajjouiued lueetiog at 5.16 Baud iv tbe Gardens o |>. 111. Salarday. :oth May. H. E. the Governor opens MaUc-c-a Water Wu.ks. nu.lay. MM Na>. H. L". the Ojvemor expected at SiuMonday. < ■.•ml May. Wbitiuouday— Bank Holiday. Nu i»«ue of tbe
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  • 1930 3 wehuksdat. 17th Mai of the Maateipal held in the Board binsoy Bm4, _m-»- Ul v; -uliug. Vtntou, I v.r. and the BbelfonL Thk r ihv Imimi \iin,. RMEavoia .-■ll with oi the Impounding i I mil ipal Eogii ii.tiis oi the proponed tlteia- Ipl.tlll ill] the matter
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  • 287 3 Db. Foi, the District Snrgeou of Taipunj. iv bis ie|K>rt for IH'J'2, records tbat, duiag th" year, the Ansislaul Mai,'i»tr«te nl T^pah was brijii^ht luto Taipiog suffering with a ba.l lyp* of tvpli.ini fever. The ..i,lv possible source of "this disease must ii.iv'e ls»en I'ioiii Mt waUr, win.
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  • 51 3 \BIIIMIPer a Sir§a from Madras via ports M. s r« Misqui h. and Nuhler, Ur F. Ahlwyte. |'.-rt I.t.idul i from Ca'cutia via ports: P"P Yours, Wil-ou, Pak»r. Ko*7 r .1~» Badon. 1.. uz. i'luubet. Moore. OeLtx. •iP d W 8 Fra.erj Mrs 1 opo. Par H' ten
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  • 342 3 tPinang SmmV, loth May.) The Straits Times seems to have entirely overlooked the stateioeut which we made t.i the effect that copies of the proofs were bang prepared for the Ooveruim-ut. If t lie v had kept thia in mind, probably a very different article would
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  • 932 3 A. i IIiKNT I" V PID'.KIM STEAMLB. Thi: Pkesiih.stiai. Akmiks Thk One Thiu-hami Q«lsTKaj AU.ihxl'id. JTIh April Lieutenant-Colonel Yate reimrts he has reached (iiriakh on the Helmaud river, wh.r» he rei lived hy the Afghan Governor He should Ef this time ha\e issseil Farrah Uvmbaii. 2nd
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  • 84 3 >ur Aua'mliiui jxirt. Ouru-iti. due «tth M »y I CfUw, due 10th Juoo. MikAUs er and Co. >'„r t almng. I'rrt.. every M«tiirday, B. I. Ouiin. Pa* lloii,-L"iiK. /.i»*'».><». 'I"" Ml Mar. Inridsa > M. se. for Bons-k'.ng. «..a^-.<,. due 2Ut M«y, IWin ,r l»i naui;
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  • 812 3 Ax. thek Ba k G m The Extest or the Collapse Tn.ilav's tel<>grani states that tbp Cit/ ■>f Melbourne Hank h»8 stopped. Tb« i following are particulars Thr City or Melbourne Bane. Limited. Authorised Capital £2.000.00*1 In 400.000 Shake* or £5 Each Subscribed £1.000.000. Paid up
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  • 238 3 To tm Euiiok ok thl Stbaith Times." Sib,— Relerriug to a letter by a MnWE. Itolderuu Suuday pay to EstatecoolTes wbicb appeared iv tbe .St.aitr Tinut of the Ktb lustaut. it teiUiulv will be a great lieuefit to tbe Rstates to do away witb Sudd*v I'mv. But bow (^iu
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  • 122 3 The Prospector ol Midfs iv Perak re- (Kjrts a visit to the Kuala Kangsar district iv A|nil. where he visiteu all the minus iv WE distru-t, lookiug thoroughly over tbeiu aud eXHiuiuiug the land round about. Ika tlirec (but uiiuiug BMttlw are at preseol. Sola.., I'lHug, an. l
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 690 3 j HONOKONn WB\Tili.iv TafLMBaJl I*7. K. A A TmUqraph Co.) 18th May Barometer 29.84. Direction ol wind WflW. Force of Wind 1. Mai. tnmp. im sham, 80. HIGH U'ATEU 1o U..:-H 4p B To-atcaaow:— l.3 a. m. T^oTTcesT" \f 'I NEKS' s.'.K r s ARE BEiT. Milners' Safes are nie.l
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    • 947 3 NOTICES.' THE BTBAITS TIMES." The price of tbe .Vcraif* Timtt dolittred free is m follows Within Brituh Malaya. Daily issu* par year 24 dollars. do do copy 10 cent*. Weekly issue year 16 dollars. do do copy 40 cents. Beyond Brituh Mjlayn. Daily isane per year 30 dollars. do do
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    • 630 3 SHIPPING. TjlOß HONGKONG Measri Apear A Co.'s steamer LIGHT 1 SING, 2,140 tons, Cept. J. G SpsDce, haviuf left Calcutta on the 10th inst., is rlns here m the lßth last m rouU for ths above sort. For freight or passage, apply to 19/ SARKIk% ifOfeßS. AffMta. ~nX)R PENANG AND
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 59 3 WJfiA'i UEU KKPOKT Csns-m Bsjsasi Ho^nlal, /;</. llty, IMJ. »a.B. 3p.a.Vp.BL HlM»ai« 1 Bar. rsJ. *1 ITah s|J T.W».750 X, m p S7 ii W.l» 8. 4 Wet BulkThM. B. 7.» 78AJ k Uir vijiu.l iwwS.w. 8. W. 4 Maa.l*inp.M.b«l» »l.« *i Mm. 4a. .1.. '■>■; B~ M.I. fa S»
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    • 115 4 L'udor thin headinfr the folloiriuK ahlireria'i >n« are u»«i I—«tr1 «tr. steamer; nh. ship; bq. tan Brit— British; U. S.— Lnitmi Btai««, Fr.-Freiu-h;Ger. German Dut— Dutch; .!.>!>. Joliore; 4W> <i <" lisueral carjfo ;d.u.— dack paawn^erii; L*. Uncertain T. P. W Papar Wharf; T. P. D— Tanj
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    • 904 4 Arhivai.h since Noon ok Tkhtiriiav Steamers [Hissed through Maaai „'.■>. Brit. str. 32-.1t.. ni. i 'apt. W.ihl. lstK May. X..HI KUn< ni Mafaaa 16th. Tin. Ti ,'ii I 117 .1. i> Xi Ltd. nirix -"'th M..nj .tun. Knt Mi l.'^ t .ii-. i. IMh l ij. Ki.
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    • 108 4 Name. Port, and DaU of Sailing. From Londoh. AuMtalia. Mar. $f; OUmsM, A|., i«; l^uUwer-.. Ap] Is, l'»u,linikisluri-. Aul 25 P»l»med. A|.l. -J7; Liviartxji. l»l»il» Lnioa, Aul. in D'licalii.n. Ajil I.". BIRKEMRBAi, B. 11,r0|.l, UD Mar 31 I'roinitlicu-. A |-l 15 Jmou, A i -I 28 Kintu.-k. Apl
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  • 36 4 D*r. Tiuii'i Nui. r L i.. Xi« i I' V P l>ul II H II X-, V U| |,H, .1 I- B. id..t H»1.«t B l« ChgwPhj. f{f i OUTIN Am 1 >i Ntw Qaiaaa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 r NOTICES. DRINK KUPPEE/S B£ER. I 'ill CHop^p'tfOfltft i Tlii.- 1 iv evcrj reaped svnexceUenl and raaltleM bere--1 1- :il.v i]nt< Iv free ii«'iM any tubctaaoe inJßrioM to hearth, dm ;i bigb percentage of extract aad eapecutUj a phorahoric acid and must tlierefou I).- < «u<iil-ii'l to b- [ioxh-ssi-iI of
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    • 310 4 NOTICES. LAJARD FRERES' Bordeaux Claret. Fronr-v, Cha'eau Git ran. Chateau Moulis. HOCKS. Scliarlm-hlwrger, (leisen^piuiKr. KuJeslieiin-r Hochheimer. Bmienlu iinei (;*l..umer 1 Ausleeo. WHISKI. Ann Scottib. Sola Importers for the Straits Settlements KEHK A Cr, 2 3*sWy>i-nv ni thr Straits 'I'imks m two dollar, 11 u,.:,Uh. PSYCHOS. For safety, ease, aud comfort
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    • 1401 4 DOCKS THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LIMITED. I 'ne pr- mi.-. -s ot fit- Coinpaay are M'uated at TanJ-mi; I' i^ar adjoining the towu cf ■Singapore. St— :i 111 trar-i-ijrn run at short intervals carrjini; passengers and goods from Wharf to dastinatinna at low ratea. The W half extend* to
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    • 917 4 NOTICES. Establish 18«5. TOILET, HARGRBAVESA CO. Enuinkrbs, Ibon A- Bkass'Kk-, BOILF.KMAKKBB. HRMMiF. BUILDs-HS, BHIPBUILDEKB. GBNKBaL (JOHTBACTOBS. SINGAPORE A- KUALA LCMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always nnd«r construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. lenjrtli of kiwi, of best desiim aud finish. MACHINERY from loadin* British Firms
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    • 253 4 NOTICKS. f.r ..v..r ItsfTßH *KAKS, in this market. h»« Btood tb.-i.-M.. v rl r ,v oVaiity »,TThi I'KR CASE WITHOUT PASS, jstltrvr-- j McAMSTER 4 Co.. »■>!<■ Agents. THE PBTI RIVER DOCK Penanu. The above Dock, situated in Provinc Wdlleslev, at the entrance of the Prye JUTS* has lately been
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    • 148 4 rpHKCENTRALyfEhiXSLANDMEAT EXPORT Co., LTD'S TINNED MEATS. AHE THE BEST IN THE WORLD Packed from Selected Prime Fat stock Only. 'Beef, assorted Mutton, do. Kump'-teakAOnionit rjlisil Ox Tsil Beef do Kidneys C-xPalste* 1,2, AtilT,. Si Minced Collops Ox Head Brawn Round Tins Mutton Trip" and Onions Iri*h Stow Ox Marrow Ris-olls
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