The Straits Times, 17 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED ia3l SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, 31 AY 17, 1893. NO. 18,019.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 993 1 VMSHII' COMPANE 1811 NTAI. STFAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Otfic» < ollyer Quay. Wbabvbs and uoDomn New H*rU.ur. Tbb mail steamen may be expo.-W to ,r rive outward* and leave Singapore homeward* sn the following d*te« 1 M^i 17 M»v SI The above dates ar. only approximate the arrivals and departures may
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    • 917 1 STKAMSUIP COMPANIES. KONINKLIJKK PAKETVAART MA"\IM HAI'PIJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. '/■■"•<. Shits Agency, late I J. Dakndels 4 Co 3, Robinson Quay. il ,uni,/. Messrs Hcttenbach i LIf.BKKT A CO. The Cnmpniiy has a Heet of JK Steamers, with splendid scc,.,nin.«Utioii for first class, scc.iid c'as>. and
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    • 784 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEa Siak. Beigkalis, and Edi will be called at only- once every feur weeks. To Borruo tort* vis Biw.-an and 'nurxbaya, evory four weeks a stesm-r -uus in this dir ction tsking direct cargo snd passengers '<> banjermarsin, I o.doe Laat, Paseir. andKotci. Omm innj tii vi, ht a
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    • 844 1 S TEAM HI I* COMPAK I I > BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANG. RANGOON CALCUTTA. One of the Company* steamen is intended to i...veT»n J ..5n I n hi Uliai! atjsaj) week P-uise-ngers and Cargo are '..5.k. by tl.e ab >ye steaniera at through rates to aU
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    • 825 1 INSLitANCEs. 'PHK MaKINF INSHKAN. K CX)T., LTD. X Established 18S6. Capital Jt1. 000,000 Kubkys jEsoo,ooii I The undersigned having boon appointed Agm t at Singapore for tl.e »bcvc I'ompany, v prtparvd to accept risks by First i laxa Staamers and Sailing Vessels. IiEO. KINO, A^.nt. "jVEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO
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    • 642 1 BANKS. HUHOKOHO AND SHANGHAI BANKING Ci 'KPORATION. Psidup r.pltal $1000(»,000. R. serve Find 3«00/KX>. Reseno liabil ly of BT .piietors $10,000,000. Cooar or Dikkctobd: H. Hoppics, Esq. Chairman. C. J. 11. .i i ii. iv. E.g.— Deputy Chaiman C. J.ou.u, K-.|. J. 8 Momm. Caq. J Kntuiar, F»-,. D K.
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    • 603 1 NOTICEB. pALVIBT'B OBIBOL DISINFECTANT AND PURIFIM, Sd.. ISai. I sti.l:u.i>. Isßottlss. I gaUon Tina 5 sack. Kn»luh rstss. With rail laat iSrtlo.i r»r BBS SB «Mk pwass*. This fluid mixes readily •with water in any pruportion it is much utronger in diainfecticg )«wer than other to-called tion-poisonona fluids and lens
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  • 536 2 HI KBT MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. diMOAfokß. 17tb Mat, IHB.I Pkodjci. iauibior. 6 X*' do do No. 1 1O.«O. do Uo Mo. 3, 8.89. u pra Bali. do Ponlianak, i. SOUPepper Black 9M. 3ago Flour, Sarawak *WA Joffe* ball 34.00. Joffac Liberiaii, 36.00. fapioea email Fiaka ls do do Ist quality
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  • 107 2 for Ptr Mr. lime. M i i Chnahaa a *a*aaaaaa, f»i.i.:,i, lia.m. X,« u'unn >i. p,ri-, iMkmwM.O.L. I p.m. tVt (J.cou «Bepanf. K Timor, 1 p.m. a.MmiiiL^i. OaraodnnH, l p.m to ar. AT a t leaf, *J p.m. Hals i Oiair Pllya, 3p i. Ma ii...... 4 ym.
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  • 8 2 Ktr&BLiHuau 1831. Prirf IU Cents.
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  • 284 2 WEDNESDAY, 17th MAY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Fur Si rail i Timtt. I i KiMKK Bank Failqeek in the CuLOWIM. Loud-*, Mh May. -Tbe Queeatland National Bank, the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney, the Bank of North Queensland, and tbe Permanent Building and Banking Society of Brisbaue bare all tutpended payment.
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 430 2 To-dat'k telegrams are iuUirsting Supplied from ■aaaaan with M <-x.-elknt iii.iii.. randuin «t latest facts and Hgurv-M (a meinorauduni which we have published in full), the commitU- of the Straits Settlements Assochiti.m Bfpaarto have produced some iuipresHiou oa the S. -rrtary of State for th- OIIIMJW There
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  • 11 2 On Wlut-M'tnday there will b« uo ittue of the StrJitt HbM*.
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  • 17 2 Jh« ti ivnuuieiit iavitM teii-iers ly advertist-tneut for .-onstructinj; au ir. v bridge Ku L'Uu Kang X
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  • 13 2 I'mi Kuclish. and particularh- the Scottish iwimit OosßpaaJaßj arc considerable iuvcstorß iv Australi*
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  • 18 2 Wa «M ..i.brm our PWhaag ,irr««. i»Mi,|,'in'., ..tki.-m-iii tin! tin' sultan of Ptkaaa AaMM t.. r.-turn 1.. I'.iliiimr.
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  • 22 2 I'LIKotAI'IIK uiniiiuiiiration has hMM isl.ibiish. i| with Stuui; ticiiif. >mii' "t ill" points, ou the Mrkoui; re. ntly arfapiwj b\ the French.
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  • 27 2 Fbom aud alter the Ul ot June. loi*3. the charge* on mrgo-li .ats. |mww4iM from KUug to Kuala I,'iujpur. will be reduced from %'< to *1 a Irij..
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  • 27 2 I'Hk lou^ t-xpfcted sUtue of H M. tbc Queeu arrived ou tbe'.tb io*Unt at Hong, koug mi the bteani^r (iUnnill;eh. au.l was laud.'.l at the Kowloou Uoaiowu*.
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  • 28 2 'l'o.\..'i is |.a|wrs report the occ'ipation, on the SJJtb ult.. of another |K>at fomierlv occupied by tbe Siani"»c. LtaXMßa; The Siamese rrtir.-l without inakiU|,- au\ «how of re*mt.nic.
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  • 31 2 Ihk ."Singapore Cricket (,'iubar.- makiug I active preparalious for the comiug s|>orta iv June next. Tbe esplanade ground it at aMBtaJ b-ing 1.ti.l out for the pnrpotr of tix weeka traiuiug.
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  • 39 2 H. M. s>. Falliu is reported to be at Deli, aud will leave there tor Acheen. Duriug tbe vessel's stay at I'-Ii a lanaia wat lost. A reward of M was offer.-, I for tbe recovery of tbe same.
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  • 36 2 It is reported baJ INtiaa thai Iksj Tsuug-li Yaiuiu is uuwilliug to allow Sir Robert Hart to go ou leave at as be is wanted to assist in tbe negotiations with Russia as to tbe Pamirs.
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  • 33 2 SoMk small applications by Cuiues. for laud al for coff *c plautiug have been receive at the Land Office there iv April and baveSbeen approved by tbe Governor of British North Borneo.
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  • 33 2 A pki».k4Mmk of the l/ibtiaii race*, to held ou Mouday and Tiiydav. JHth iind S7tb Juue. shows that five mm will be iuu for. The festivities will iuclude a pigeou touruameut on JuufJiUh
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  • 38 2 H. I. K. H. Arouduke Frau/ Ferdmaud of Austria il t,.,| to arrive in Hongkoug about the middle of July au.l a« tll<i guest «.t 11. K. the (i ive.u >r. Sir William liolduxiu. tur eik'bt days
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  • 44 2 A M bli. meetiug wa» tn.-d to be b«ld at Hougkoug ou the 11th msUut to cou- ider tb.- forming of a local association •baviug for iU ah|M( tb.' obtammg for tht jafcahiUafci of Hougloug Msmaaai] Mwm iv the management of all local affairs.'
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  • 78 2 A in iMks „f rwtroleuui b L«4tir in H.iti.UN.nh B >rueo ha* bwo lubnoittbd to Dr. Bolt at Si Btf apor«» wbl report* Ifcal toe tampl* n a sTWCM f i-onnnwrciilly valu-itjle products, aud if abUinabU in quantity will pww an im" portant tii»u.,«»T< 4 Thi PunjiHo cruthing fjr
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  • 43 2 Thb Sub-Coiumittee appointed to carry out tbe decision of the Bokhara Kuud Committee iv regard to the erection of memorials in Hongkong and tbe IN» dores have decided on placing a window in St. John* Cathedral and erecting* grauite mouiimeut ou Sand Island.
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  • 50 2 H. E Sir Cecil Clementi Smith is niwitia Iff T— at Singapore on Sunday in. >"iing. To-morrow, it isexpoxW H. K will p oc.vd to o|ien the milway at Taluk Auson, and that he will visit Malacca on Saturday to open the Waterworks. tbence he will proceed to Siugapore.
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  • 55 2 Thb Mart af th.> Medusa preseuled this nioruing state* that CapUin SutherUud iM at Bangkok 0,, May 10 m the Bauifkok Hospital. I»-"ath wat due to arraipcUa, »ud d an I expired the sanm liH he was admitted to the hospiul 1 wa- 4tymn of age and wa? a
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  • 69 2 b ihorl tune henue H. M. S. will leave Siugapore for the Cocoa Islands with a Commissioner of tbe StraitH (i.iveruuieut. It is not definitely Luoun »B 0 the will be, nor is it known when H. M. S. P»jmy will depart. Tnis vessel iiiu-t await the arrival ol
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  • 67 2 It is rtpoftri thai a Couipiuy hat l>e"U formed to turu to account eOMBMMI aiaalad bj the Sultaii of Brunei or uuy olher authority iv Bjrueo Of adjaceut placrs aud to ptmpfet, .x.iiniue. and explore tb--s«' territories. li is called the Borneo Mineral* Company Limited, and is understood to au
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  • 44 2 In the Inlerport KiMe Match, the tirst intimatiou the Hongkong Team had of their Mic.ess w»!t on receiving a congratulatory l.legram from the Siugaporr I'.-aui The ■..ore oi the Shaiitthai MB hid uot bwu telegraph.-.! 'o Hougkoug though it had ix^vu telegraphed to Singapore
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  • 82 2 At the AaakM to-day at Ik* „r C.urr by tbe Chi-f Ju«ticr Mr J W lioiis.-r. the case of Ouan Koug and Siu Ah Hong who stmnl committed for tnaljj'or bouse iMaaaai and intent to do grievous hurt win beard.— Sheik Arthat lor house tropaasaud theft wai genteneed 1.
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  • 86 2 Ft uihiii naftiealan of Captain Baw< ton's gold iaWavMrfa* I>irv.-I Bay point t.> In* litidnitf two or tbrrw promising rweft aud soiiip alluvinl deposits which ap| >•». to lie richer than any hitherto diwovere.i in the Cou>|>auy"t territory. Mr. Dunlop reports that from tbe Sal,abau where Captaiu B^^atou prwured tbe
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  • 111 2 Thl British North Bjru.>" Lmml l»flicr Report for last veur says that the demand for tobacco luuls has ocMai and can only be iv*uine<l if the euterprine it proved to he profitable. Tbe selections of land made du'ing 189*2 are very large amounting to IflVfttO lirn. but do not in.-lude
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  • 110 2 Tiimniii ialiJlin— iw wa» wiind at Houukou^ on the > h iustaut, ot lII.' MayMMMM tb.' Nitiouil OU (.'..m|.aiiv of the United States. Tin* is til.- ll.uil.' IlllJ.r wlil.b tllP AuiPm-an K.i|h- Trust was known. Chi tmtkimi .ai'itnl .if tli.- Tniat Hiiioiintt'd '•> *J...(MM,iNHi au.l BMal »-fl'..rt-. w. rr
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  • 39 2 OVDM to Mr. Braddell's absence iv M* lacca, the following tic c.iuuot l*> pl.,t«d uutil Tnursdav 26tb May. Pbofbssiok Paibs Mi- DounUUou ami Mr BtaMsi L«w Mr« VYaild-U xv.l Mr M».(« w »rt iSI-r--elulllt,. I)
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  • 68 2 I'uk 15m,l „f the Ju.l Bitt. Ljfevlusbir* Kegimeut will pUy the following pro ttramm- m th« Botanical Gardens, on Friday. ll»tb M»v. \Hm commencing at fv 1 1. UNtj t,, OU £,<*„„, l AH.u.-kir 2 Martioa Tk> K 8 M..r.-.-.j H, 1(U; li»vi>tt« Ik*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 558 2 Hi borvk<i company, limited Si rpHI Standard Lift Awirance. L. Norwich Union Fir» tn«uran<« SociMy. Atla* Aeeuranee Cm»»iiy 'F.rai. Th. IqaitahU Ufa 4mMMI I The Ocean Mirine liwurints Company The Chin* Mutual St«am Navigation Cuy The Tottenham "La|f*r Beer Cunpuir. The Mari'im* Intii'an.-* Company, Limit*!. For particular.! ;.f lh—* CompaniM
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    • 1070 2 NOT! T le Straits Ti nas has the la^e3t circulation of any newspaper in Asia, Britis'.i India exceptei. It circulat3s in Sinjipore and Penang, throughout all the Protests 1 States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-Caina. No other Eastern newspaper has
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    • 1237 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. Vf~U NICIPAL NOTICB. TO CIVIL ESGISkERS The Muuicipal C iinmimiouem of Siugspure require tb* MHtM of a I impetent Ciril Engineer, to ail a» tempirary n«.i.tanl to tlip Jluiii<-i|xil Euginoer. I'mi.lrla' wlin lii'ist Im abl» 10 rater oo the duties "t III" uppointiiuut iiuinedistcl v. hoilld Had 'heir
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    • 929 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICB. rpENDERS will l»< retniwl at the Colonial L Secretary 'l Offin. up to nooo of th* 23rd in t.. f .r c instructing i Irou Bridge— Eu Urn Kang Kond. Plaim mid rfpeci6citiou« m»/ be mtu, »nd priuted f.i.u* of tender with nil pirticulara ul.aiu-.1. > tbe
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    • 68 2 M.S.N. ,»i^.l»i f-r lk-mti:i. r...», ,kvUU «.^l.J,* lu^rtrol,. v IkiMtMo/l'tlr l>. "«»k «r« rtjtcUi tfei! m^tl Ulwyu, I, t«Mlt*ts> AU •^ilirn) wntMcta *rr ,«kj».l to (k. ttaiaisi flint f«» «»rw^»» ■'>!«> Uu »lu«nl Ti"^rnili w, cnuo/ •Mttor. Wt Ml tttn. IM. IW U-,. »rth mo+ik. The Straits Times has the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 rbur.<Ja>. Iftth May AtSWe. Oidav. l»lh la>. Arsiici. llolf Club adjourned meeting at I lUud in tlir. Gardens 0 p. m. HatanU). :otb Hay. H. K. tbe Governor opens Malacca 'Vater Works. kundio. {Ixl Ha>. H E. the iluenior .x|>ected at Singapore. M0.i.1a,. iin<l Wu Whiimouday -Bank Holiday. No is,
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  • 726 3 Bkccnt Riportii. l)tiTrßi4Hc>. IHM Vliw. ng flavour of improwhich ikfined to ut to attach iteceire.l from Loudou, letterday. to tbe effect that the Siamese v and seued {eotleuau holdini;a r.-s|«>usible pomtion m Siam, aud who is ou a short visit t l-arii his ri-w* on 'he matter.
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  • 145 3 Dr. Ti: >n is. tl.. Ke»id.ncy Bntgarn M I piug i'mi in vaccilere, last year. On hia nirital in the htate. he fouud that th> re w;i* M BVnteni UT "ii aud that very little interest was fakeu iv it Vr. Ttavon then lutiuiated to the various
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  • 160 3 ii* tsil«f. ihe Su|*riuteudciit of Pl MOM in Selai'.-.r, tindu it difficult to (J et K IH vl v t<> a. tas wardera. The duties are ra irksome aud the |«y not better than i-n be obtained by mdiDary lalx>urers. laarefore ncith.-r Sikbs u.,r' Malays
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  • 326 3 UIK GAS i ONTKii T A spkciai. meeting of the Municipal i (.'ouium-KMier* whs held at 2.SH tbis afteruoou in the B.>aid Room, of tbe offices. Koi.iubou Kond, Mr. Alexander Gentle pre- id. d, aml there were alto p-esetit Messrs. Prater, Myera, Bohat, Hob. Major Me t'allum and
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  • 283 3 asjr Corn rj maVa<.) Lipu. V I oktmg, it,, il Tin. Acting li.-v.h'tit returned to Koala ■i l-i iimtant iv ell.' of Tnngku Ali'h boat*, Urn i.uin. h having bom laid up i. win.- lo mm !'•■> t in iicr iiKi. iiin-n iii- mimic uftot r.-.mi was performed in
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  • 84 3 a. i.'ltej.'.rt i',.r l-'.'J Dotei taiwoipg freqneeey of qoarre)* anoog miDen Ibere r«aatti»| .wing tbe Cbioeae favouring the veitl.ment COD .ui'l ay. 'idMr I.. rrni,''"ii. list Chief iii-- n.-t that Cbiaeat 'lit- I. Ned iv U i 9 in.- proawaeai-e has been ki wit to th- principle Ibmi
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  • 109 3 A »AMPi.t of block gMnaitc pradaeoi .v ruin-!.t Kx|h-i ui.-utal Garden at lvii 4J piculs ha» -i-.\ u. I t.. F.ondoD tiiroiiu'i' Haaara. Huti.-nbach Co.. of Sii.t-aj..." »li" i f. Tl thus favourably ■Th- qnalitr mt ar.- ph— ii proooooi "1 bj i'"-al laalon to
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  • 275 3 Wmtk Imn afcra*! ht Mt% \V» (Miblmh a OOMMBatIM sUteni. Nt ol tii.- (oreign trwk <4 Hailh Uurnt-o lor th.r«Mi IM'l vi.l l«:e_', »ho»iiM/a brgi derrcasc in the iinpotn. Ki.nn 18?< to 1890 lhcse wci.' more than doubled by the reqniiaaMaia ..f the toboooa plaotiu^ iudua
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  • 484 3 Thk followine is th. litest balance-sheet of the suapeuded bank N nt>- ha'f-y«arly import pr»«ert«d t <b» ordinary r»"*ral m-etinT of si a-«hold«rs, h«ld in TowimTi'le on 271h Ja-.nary W3 T'-» d rectora tv» to onb'nit »o the »harehol. •Ictii the nin'h h»'f y»*-l> rep
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  • 251 3 PfMi Truth ..I April I3ih The stoppage of the Commercial Hank .f An-truli.i iiiukl haT- brought to mind ninny (af uiv corr<a|H.ndents lb.' advice «li:.h I li.tve iuv.irii'blv tfivru them, to vtithdiiiw th^ir df|M.s>t« from Austntlian l!n.k» ..lid to r.-du.e tb'-ir commitineuts •diareboluVrs of such, lUV.atiiiK
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  • 242 3 TuE Resident Eu(fiue.r of Selan^or. (d a pruiitess report on the Ulu SelaU({or railway extensiou for the fimt tjuarler of the praaaat MJI Ownif to the (jrwii d»U»» iv the compleii,.ii at ih« worLa under .'outran wiih M-o-r-UaiaaMl i Co .the (.ovrrnnienl decided t.i r-.vH them
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  • 265 3 Tut SelaDgor Government Gazette of the 12ih May contains a Repoit on »iait to th.- office of the lWisKar of Peed*. Biug»--po,e. by Mr. L P. F.bdeD, Coll.ctor of Ljiul Hev.nue iv (bat State, who had b«H-u instructed to faM«ln mtu the ie K -ii«tratiou afmtrai iv rhis
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  • 824 3 The S- laujfor Ooventmmt Gatette iml liihen (hf ripo t ol th- Pdlhv D part incur thcr*for last, wlncb »|m«k* biirfalv of the coaduut. and di-oiplioi- nf rlie>>r Sikht on duty in Pabaii',- during the iliKturluurcs there. Ciiptain Svera, the Su|<>iiul.ijd.>iit of P.. lice in
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  • 235 3 Akbit&u. Per Trreta from La*niaa: Vr S'r. i'ei i. i.'u'uutu lr- m Haiti Mi— ii B •■>.«■* 7 a. I»r SuiUj I k iifr:— Mr. »n.| Mr-. h.n- noui T >*■ Juli" immU Dviiina Per p. Sirff.j f r L>.im) m:— Mil Wni, Mr- r 1 il
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  • 74 3 Pot Australian port. Darin*, da* »th M.iy CUai, da« K th Jnre. w. cAlis er and Kur l ili.iD,,', J»«r»». rT.rjr s-alurJay K. J "'..r 'iVnansj and UaU), HoriMuto, iM 17th Ma.T. 1;. ii >-. hiv l far IJougkong, LwAt....'?, due lyth JJ»y .-»i I- -.>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. r |M) meet the of ocoaaional adJ_ vnrlitert ihe Strait* Tim** offers a clioap prepaid a ale applioabls to the following bil u»l ion-, wanatd servants wauled articles lost or found housea waut«d or to be ltt, I hjx-.-ilic article* for sale }'..r 2t> words, tusil
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    • 1003 3 ATAYNARDAOO, LIUITBD. WhOLTHALF^ RrTAIt MaXOTACTBKIHO < H MIX 8, U. B*tt»-r K"»d. SiROArOBB Hu-im'>» b an i Week day* 9 m. to 5 p. m. Sunday* 11 a. m. to 1 p m. Prescription* di penned st»ll honrtof henight by D. GBABAM, S3 Hill -tre-t DRUGS— The fr-ithne-s and parity
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    • 720 3 ~NO SICES." VtTINBRS" BAFrS ARE BEiT MiloetV Safe* are n«4 by H. M. th* Qn*en. Mi In n 1 Safe* lure the Urfwt aal* in U. World. Mora than 300/00 If ILVERS 1 Safe* protect tht Taliable* o( the priuoipal Banking. Railway, lu«urane«. and othir Public and Pmate Companies. Mi
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    • 585 3 SHIPPING. JS Tj>Oß IQHUIONO. Messrs Apoer Co.'* iMait LTOMTNlUn. I,l*o to**, Cspt. J <>■ Spmm, h»ti»j left Calootta o* th* 10th uwt., i* do* hers ta* l»th last en r*l« for ta* above port. For freight or passage, appto to 18/5 3 ARkTFh A COMS. A.anu TIOR HONGKONG. Tlie Navigations
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 100 3 WKA'iUKK KKPOKI &.indan« Krabau Holpifal, ISth May, ISM. 9 a.m. S f.m. 9 p.m. Bshabis Uar rfi Si Ka.. 3-' H.* 8».,0«*' 7-'.4 lon,, 88 0 BV.U W i Wei Hull) Ther. 81 o *S 75.6 s> Dir „1 Wind S. S. W. a. W. 4 t tlu Tmu|..i..!i*l. 912
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    • 135 4 I udot iiii« headinir th« followinir alibrovia- I ion. arr uxod «tr— «t«am»r; ah.— chip; bq. harque; Brit.— Britinh; U. B.— luited SUM. Fr.-Fr«nch Ger. Gsrman Dut —Dutch J.jli Jouorn; Ac, G.». Geuoral car^o ;d.p.— d»ek ua*<an(re»; C— Uncertain T. P. W— Tanjonjr I Pajtar Wharf; T.
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    • 890 4 Aickivai^ since Noon op Yextekli&i. Stmmerh |M8«»1 tbroui;h Sili'j, r.(y Bfl/att, Lord harUmo-i, *ni i C*lyt>f Hrit atr. 3.W ton. ««pt I/ovry. 10th May. From iMli. 10th. and in d. p. W. Mansfl*ld4 r .r IM.. IMft -I P. W V Ur am Uhl b.,. 1.:i7l t
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    • 123 4 MM, Port, and Date of Sailing From London. Australia, Mar. .'in. *;i«u»biel, Apl. 16; B*ul»w»rh. Apl. P»ii.l.r,,k,.»liire, Apl. 25. Palamed. Apl. tiITBItPUUL. I»la da Luzon, Apl. 1" Dt-uealiou. Apl. l"i; BIKKKNHBAIi H.-llito|.lioii, M»r M I'r then-.. A|.l. 15. .U-oiii, Apl. 2><. Kintuck. Apl lit TmmT, Apl. >■*, Nm
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  • 10 4 D*Tl VB.U, SUIK rL*«*R,. ««tl?j "p.. /M, *i» port.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 498 4 NOTICES. A^^^ X-i'Ti Has stood tli«- t.-t .it Cnti.s i, it „\,-r (-'IKI'KKN fKABfIL in this market. ALWAYS THE S.WIi; IU oIAUTY ALWAYS THE BAMI IN FLAVOUR. ALWAYS THE s\Mi; IN PRICE. Kach Ixittl. 1 k;; to oontejl Ot) tilth ot" un laiperial Gallon Tht fall iv Bichanffa alters
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    • 230 4 /ICES. LAJARD FRERES Bobdkavz Clabet. Fronsac, f/'hateau Citrau, Chateau Moulia. HO< k.--Bcharlachherg»r, i nisenlieimer, Ku.leaheimer Hochheimer. B.Klmihoimer, (junterabiumer Auslese. WHISKY. AULD SCOTTIC. Sol* Importers for the Straits Settlement. BEHR A Co. CHUBB'S IRON' SAFES AND LOCKS. The Best in the World. APOLLINARIS WATER, The yuEKN of Table Waters. PERRIER-JOUET OO.'S
      230 words
    • 1373 4 _DOCKB^ T~HE~tA NJOUG PAGAR DO0K~Co: LIMITED. I'bc pr.-tu>.-« of tne Company are abutted at Tanjong Pagar adjoining the town of Stngapore. Steam tram-car* run at short Intervals onrryine passengers and goods from Wharf to destination* at low rates. The Wnarf extend* to one mile and quarter and is divi-i.-t ..y
      1,373 words
    • 899 4 NOTICED Establialieu 1865. ■pi LET, HARGRBAVESiCO. Ekoikekbi, Ikon Brass Fodndim, BOILERMAKKBB, BBIUUK BUILDBSS, SRIPXl lU'KKS. GENKBAL (JONTBACTOM. 81NGAP0RE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH class STEAM VESSELS alway. voder construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. leu(fth of keeL of best desijrn sad finish. MACHINERT from leading Briti.h Firm*
      899 words
    • 197 4 NOTTCEST .PSYCHOS. I For safety, mm, and comfort recom mena me to a Piyoho.' Specially built for the Coloui«l market. Kitted with the newest recotfui»cd »taud»r<l Cushion tyres 1J diameter. To ride comfortably you inuit b.- w>-U tyred Neat, light, and easy running. Strong as a girder. Rigid as a
      197 words
    • 369 4 notices. B L L A CO.. SINOAPORK. BEAK THEM IM MIHO. OUR FURNITURK FACTORT is in Orchard Road, and is »he lar(r«Bt and I moat complete It is Piipplied wiih st<wm power to driv« our WoodworkitiK MaThines. Saws. Lathe*. A«.. thereto™ Cootr»et» and larfcTi" orders can be put through WITH
      369 words