The Straits Times, 16 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1893. NO. 18,018.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 839 1 Msim- t OMPANII I \L STKAM I -I V.NY I'Bimail steamers in,. tl iew»r,ip m«r date ■«<ai>« lam, Hi> 17 I'he above data* an only approximate; the departures may be either eailiei or KiiK. an.l these* by Kai rd. n ii> the aaBM a* to I.onlon oy aaa kkvi.-i; BCI
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    • 830 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Ko.VINKLI.IKK PAKBTVAABT M ATSt 'HAPPIJ. Inder e..ntr».-t with the Nethnrlandn India (ioverntn.'iit. Sri 1 Amtct, lati J. Daendei.s ft Co 3, Robinson Qvat. aaf, Messbs Huttekhach I'o. The Coanaay aaa a Heet of Steamers, ndid aocommodation for first .-In—. tea, and deck paaaaagara, aad laa the g-.-iter part
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    • 743 1 STEAMSHI1 1 COMPANIES. Siak, Bengkalis, and Edi will be called at only once even- four weeks. To Borneo tortt via Baweau aud !viural>ava, ewry four weeks a steamer runs in this direction tsking direct cargo and passengers ti, Banji-rmassin, Poeloe Laut, Passir. and Kotei. Once ctery tix tretks a Meainer
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    • 832 1 STEAMnHH- CQMI-ANIEa. BRITISH INDIA STEAM .NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANG. RANGOON A CALCUTTA. On.- of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong I'agar Wharf ever; week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the all jvc steamer* at through rates to all port* in India and Ceylon, also to East
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    • 790 1 ENSUfIANCES. rpilE MARINK mOBAHCB COT., LTD. I KSTABLIBHED 18SC. Capital X1 .000,000. Ressbvs £500.000. The undersigned having been appointed Agei t at Singapore for the above > oinpaay, ia prepared to accept risk* by First Class Steamers I and Sailing Y easels. (IEO. KING, Agent. 1 "j»*TEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE
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    • 506 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Psid-up Capital 810,000,000. Reserve Fund 8 3,600.1 00. Re-erve liability of proprietors 810,000,000. COfKr O» DIBECTOES: 11. 11..i-1-ii's, Esg. Chairman. C. J. Holliday, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. C. J>Dtun. Eaq. J. S. Horn, Esq. J. Know. Eaq. D. K. Bassoon. Eaq. JubD S. Lapraik. Eao
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    • 520 1 I NOTICBB. TrELtT WALBH, LIMITED POPULAR BOOKB. Raffs' History of Jara^l •1 vols. Raffle,' Life and Journals, I vol.. 3U.W. Plate, to Raffles Hist, of 1D Java, in on. large thick volnme. J J A Visit to Java, by Worafold North Borneo, exploration* and adreaturea. by the late Frank Hatton,
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  • 551 2 CO MM ERCI AL. LATtST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. SmoAroM. I«TH Mat. 1H93 Pitonock. tiambisr. MO do do No. 1 l«80. do do No. -i, B.HO. (Joura Bali, 5-W--do Pontiauak. SOU. Pepper Black. »1<» Saiio Klour, Sarawak «T Pearl Sago. **tt Uoßee^il., 34«"Coffee Liberiau, US.IW. Tapioca small Flat* 4Jfc do do Ist
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  • 87 2 *<"* Par air. Time. To-Uoaaow. Haas-.... fftrai.,, La Basayhaasj a shaofliai. Basatsa, ;a a> Ma** f,, i, 8 s:*,'. I'lameis leahelta. s m Eutopa via port. Smtltj, 9 a in U»tu Pabat, X.dtii'a.i, 1| Klana- '....eruluj Noon Sandakao via p«rl« Bheema. Ipm Hasao, via pori.. Ham Tar. 3
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  • 8 2 bSTABLISBKU 1831. Price lo t'«nK
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  • 144 2 TUESDAY, 16th MAY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Straits Timet. c Stock Ki. mv.i Faii.ubks. London, MM Msf. -Teu failures have taken place ainoug ih members of the I. indoii Stock Exchauge, owiug to the tightness of inonev. Thk Austkalian ISanah. Tbe L indon fiaaucial n.>w«pa.pers pr«. diet that the proposed
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 289 2 limi l {ht I M.rliapsl).- i ..lvi» i ll.letolieMlal.- BMI #Mi b.'for.' MMffMf that 11.. BMMM MM taken tli.- offensive against Knun-e. That is MsTMsJ MMI f Slttl The mesKW is n French MMMM Saip.n to Franc. rr-t«le_-r.iplwd >r..m Paris to LoMMM HKi 'I"' BM*- Tllr ti.m
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  • 12 2 T..-M.iHr ut sev.-ti o'clock will In- ready ill.- Str.iite Tiiitrt mail editi'iu.
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  • 9 2 THB failure, of auother An. li^iun Bml is telegraphed.
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  • 8 2 Thk proiii..'ion of Sir OkMMi Wdrr.-n is MMMmL
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  • 10 2 Thk li.juiew.trl luail MT Sutl-j CMMM at a. in to-morrow.
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  • 12 2 The tioveruin.-nt of Ne>;ri MMM j offer planting laud ou favourable I
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  • 20 2 Mb. KiamMMf bad over oue hundred rake, on bis list to deal with at tbe Police i Court this ruoruiUL'
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  • 17 2 Tue Selaujjor Yacht ImsMMM, hrn MaVMMJ Ix-'-ii overbaule.l at the Taujou^ Kb^« Slip, leaves to-morrow for KlMg,
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  • 26 2 A Chinaman was mjml tint. MMfMiM] l.v S.i|»-nut«-iiil.-nt K.-ll f.,r hkviMg iv his MMMMMI 'w.uty-thr.-e counterfeit h*e dollar notes aud setcral iustruuients for uiaaufactur.u^ lal.e notes.
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  • 35 2 Unkce the MMpiMM of the (Jbiuese Christ mh MMMM, Mr. H. Prins will (five a lecture ou The dark side of Mo-haiii.-l.iiii«in." at the Priuscp Street Chapel, on Friday, tue llnh iu*t.. at B M
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  • 48 2 Thk Criminal Assizes were opeued this moruiug at tbe Supreme Court by tbe Chief Justic. Mr. J. \V. Bonser. Ta^re I were fourteen caaes on the caleudar, and the first mm deilt with *jh that of Lint 6>an. who stood committed for trial on a charge of theft.
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  • 55 2 Thk Strath Rm mail edition, to be ready to-uight at scveu o'clock will con- taiu the full and revised re)>oru ..f the I Race meeting, aud of dress at the races. j The MMI is 4O uts. |-ist frw. If ad- dresses are left at tbe Office the |..i|n-r cau
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  • 55 2 Al the Poh..- Curt this MM| Ma MN >li. sVmmmmMj a Chiuesc bUrk<iuilh employed by the Taiijou,' PrsMT Dock OuM|MM7, MM oi. a charge of cheating his cinploycnt ot tin- miq uf $760.22. Priaooar, it «.i- mlmml ha.l mud.- false entries in ln» tlir.-.- MMMMI MMWMgtMI miiulicr of iucu
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  • 87 2 Thk Mm Tmk mmmU of April otb, states that Ur. M»(J F. M-rntt. has beeu ap|K)iuted V. S. Consul at Br.ui.-u, su|«rsediug Mr. wMMs, Mr Wildman is a Republican and we believe that Pres:deut Clevelaud, who is a Democrat, has re*oi»ed ou this ocuasiuu tor ivasons of |»rty strategy to
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  • 119 2 (MM MMJ a* .Mis .1. T MIMMM wife of a MfMMMMJ MgMMr in the eiuployuieut ot Me, sr MMMMMI I i... WliM d.iviug aloUi,' <>nhard li.wd iv gharry with her two MMM, the MHMW MMW deulv MMJMmI Mr, (i. KiulT. who fortuuatelv wa» MMMag at the tune, MMMs) the MMMMMI
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  • 161 2 I— III! I'er i,.,7 Hunter from >rdney Ur Bil«on. l)r Piodrr. aud Mr. P»rr>. Di-r v ii i,i.Per t. WAja for oaiijja i -Fr.Te Allwn. I'il^s.lU. I s To AEKIVK Per P. AO Mmn, Ml L.m MM, April ■L Ur. J. W. E.liPer Hi.italntia. from London. M»y. 12.
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  • 60 2 KM V.i.tmluu» port, ifcir»i,i .liie a»tli V»> ClU*.. due loth June. BlaoAli.ier nnd Co (iuim 4n > Ptnt Saturday, K. J. r..r Penan* »nd Bombay, Bormi,iu. d u> 17th May, B..|in *ev.T mi.l il..n«kon^, t.,iil»,.|, due lwl, Ji^.. H r Uonifkoo*. dv* MM May, 8.1, f..r
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  • 800 2 The re|K>rt iD anticipation of the Straits SetlleineoU Blue Book" for 1H92 is pub. liMwd in Saturday's Government Guirtir. The Revenue of the Golouy for the ear lh>lj amounted to $3,652,789 (BiDnmjH.i*. |2,*****9 i IVnaug, 1.304,008 Mala..-.. 1284.607), Ix'ititf lees tbau tbe iUreuae for 1891 by $174,814
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  • 401 2 (Sydney Mail, mh April. SUSFKMSION Or THK A IST RA 1.1 AN <l ,1 M Bum BiKt Ou Tint sduv eveuiutf tbe limb instant, it wan uotiti.-d by tbe, MMMI manager <il ih.- A Mat fl MM .li.iut St.wl liuiL tlmt tb* MWH iiiicy
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 527 2 HttE B\>RNKOt;oUPANY. LIMITED. I THB Stu Hard Life Assurance. Norwich Union Fir* Insurant Society. Atlas Asmirsi'.-B C .inpnnv Kir«.. The BquiUble Life Asswr—SS MSMty The Ocean Marine ImMWM Company The China Motml St«»m Naviuniioii Ooy. The Tolt.nliam lJ«g«r B»er I :.iinp»*y. The M»ritim- bMMWMB- Cnnipanj. Limited. For particulars »f thes*
      527 words
    • 1072 2 notk i;s. Straits Times haa the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulat3s in Singapore and j Penang, throughout all the j Protects! States of ths Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Inlies, the Philippises, an] French Indo-China. No other Eistern newspaper has
      1,072 words
    • 1127 2 MUNICIPAL iNOTICES. \M~V N K I P A I NOTICE". TO CIVIL EXOIXEKRS The Miiiiii-ipnl OmMmBmsMMM of Singapore require the services of a competent Civil I Euginoer, tn act .is a temporary «.-ntant to the Muniri|»l Eii)fiiirer. Csndilat h, who must Im ni.l.. to enter ou 1 thedutien of th*
      1,127 words
    • 842 2 LATEST ADY BRTISBMBNTB. mHB RAC B 8 I OtftM of th* Straitt Timet, conUin-"J p,^ ing th-« rep irt of each day's racing. may be had at the office. Change I t Alley K.ffles Square, J To-dsr. Tuesday, at 7 p. in. Mill hr pnMlMts? mm MM Mill Tiff** Price
      842 words
    • 60 2 \<tfm ml*. B»tw v i omui»«».|u jgljgy/ ">«'••' k *>—*— v AU U—rtitiHt cmliwU in .»!i>ol lo 11.. 0..1.1«,., I/...1 Ik* Mm~»T ~,ta« IK, s4>«rt u „.^«l ..10/ii. H i« prM>>/ matin-. Wl *M wt«n«r Ush *Mk ■milk The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia.
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    • 5 2 rt w*mc*j H>i».i, K run
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  • 812 3 The followinp appears io the LomL.t, v r.l B Bdwards. K C.M.G.. 1 B RE. is placed on retiml pay Maj Ai»m. Bir R Harrison. K B. C M.G.. RK. to >• lieutenant- reneral. »ice J. B. rdwarda. XtK t M i, it; iiaiain
    812 words
  • 424 3 Thlbe is tespgriAphed tb.- ito|,|.»({e of .tiinicrcia! BaukiDg Compnn of It was .insnler.-.i x.-rv at'rooff bant. It ban 14.000 -liar-- of X'l'. paall <ml i" Mai-h tbaoi ahaiw i 'nitf at illl'i. I'll.- iluidi-nd had boM tor -in.- xiurn 2-"i |sr aiiniini Alter last .livi.leud tli-r.-
    424 words
  • 261 3 Thl fottowiog half jalilj re|x>rt. was gtibniitiH.l t.. the shareholders Tin- net pr .'(its for the liulf-y.-ar ended June Mta IBM, after tnaking provisions for relMite on lulls current, iiiti-r.-^t ai-.-rin.l on deposits, ami had il.-l.ts-, Io &49i,7M; bajMsCM frmn half. year. tlH.Hi't; t.^e11,,-.
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  • 505 3 Thi. bDowirjg ar.- m* r.-stilts ..f tli. Tics -■t the lawn t.-mns t.-iiniuui.-iit paafad iv .-..uu.vth.n with th.-Siiiiraj««n- La.i: Teunis Clul.. 1 1 1 Io t..-.|..xs ti\tur.- LiJ.IFS Si>..i iFirrt Mis- Wi.h.irt -.-r Urn Mr- Kxun.r-hy rs.-.-. i. n Stcond rvaaat Mr- -r (..if Mr.
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  • 3567 3 i'tvc Dayt Later than fry Mail. Thi Dr.-HEsii is Prison K.XCITBNKNT IN THE C 'StatON* SWBDKN AND NORWAY. Omian Stlam Navioatioh Co Thk Horn; Rule Bill. The Hull Dock Stbik*. The Belfast Tk >ri,i.tThk Aintkalian Banks. TllS Em-EEOR AMD THK POPC. i-Aid M Thi BWaaOag X.-d.---ration ha-s
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 422 3 2 Th. prim i.M/n "STKAir.s Times 1 -$tico I>.,ll,ir* .1 OMSaCs. UAI.VARD A CO. LIMITED \Vh,,, Retail A Mam ' H I Ml*''!*. 14) Batt.-rv R.iad. SinlaPoßK. Bu-ine-s hours Week daxs a 111 to I p 111 Sunday-. II 111 to 1 p. 111 Pr.-er:pti.insrli-|— t'se d at n!l lioursot
      422 words
    • 728 3 WOTICEB. VCILNIR8 1 BAFJIS ARE BKrtT hUoawaf Safee are used hy H. M. the Qmob. Milners' Safes, have the largest sale in the World. More than :{OO,(K«j MILNERS' Safee protoct the valuables of the principal Banking. Railway, Insurance, and other Public, and Private. Companies. M iliiers' Safes are used by
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    • 625 3 SHIPPING XV)R PENAKO AND BOMBAT. The Navigation* Gonerale Italiana Stoamer BORUIDA. X.iiKl tons ng.. Captain Ansaldo, having left Hongkong on the lUth mat., may be expected to arrive here on tbe 17th ins!., en route for the above ports. For freight aud passage, apply to 16/ f BEHN METER Co.,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 100 3 WKAiHER REPORT baslaasj ffnikiu U^pital, 15>h H J- 9a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Kiiikik tm.—Lmtm ..StMatTolaf.Tn T«mp MU M.O 81.0 -5 t Wet Bull. Tlwr. s| o 7;..-, cl Dir. of Wind S -V W S. W. tf Mai.Temp. iaiU-l* Km j.^ Mm. .io. do. 75.4 lv. in Sun 1.1-
      100 words

    • 155 4 i n.i-r i ms neaaiuK th« followiuir alihreTiaI liana ar» uaed «tr.— <it«amer, n)i. ithip; liq. harque: Brit.— Britinli; U. S.— United Staio* Fr -French Ger. German Dvt Dutch J.ih. Johorn; ic.,— <i n.— General cargo ;d p.— <i»ck pa»«enifer», U. Uncertain T.P.W. Tan jouir Pairar Wharf;
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    • 714 4 Arrivals Siwck Noon ok TwnWMBAT. Steamers passej thn>ui;!i 1)~,,n>,d. V;l,.< mtmt A>;,.h. tM Van Oirmtn, Dut 75M t»n». Capt. X.0.1Ur. 15th Mar. From Bat*v,a v,., ii, 1:lth O.i-.. and 171 d p. Daondel* Co. For BataTia. 17th— T. I. M Flint,h,rt. Bnt Mr. 1.1.17 t. mthMav rraa HaaaMar,
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    • 115 4 VMM, i'ort, and Dolt of Sailing, Fbom Ijokuon. Australia. Mar. 90 OlMrfllll, A|.i. |f; ,\|,l. Is. PwWwkiwhiw, A|il. !'«l»mwl. Aj.l. J7, lilVkkH.lcii. Ui ii Law. Abl. In DhmHm, api lij Inanui H.'l!.T.,,.imn. M»r ;tl l'r,>iii.|i,..ii«. Apl. |5 Jason, A pi. J> Kiulu.-k. Apl U T*M*r, Apl. 2s
      115 words
  • 31 4 Dat> May 16 1« H 16 111 M i 1H 1 M li m fj v Vm.«l. Nam.. tn.*«4Ki v CtiT*iK VUTIMATIO*. ft"" el P" g" 5 Bfe Sg- sir-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 328 4 NOTICKS H«* ofOritiei for ow PIFTBBN IBABB, m this inarL.t. ALWAYS lIIK SAMi: IN QUALITY. always rill-: SAME IN FLAVOUR. ALWAYS mi: s\mk in PBIOX. K.i. I, butt lr gu4raut.-.-l to oonta n ..u«--sixtli of an ltn|«-rial Gallon. The li.\nv fall in Bsehaoftt ahari no) PriaH. 16.00 I'KK CASK
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    • 237 4 NOTI The yrux of Uu STKAITs TIMKs it two Dollar, a emdi-BonL i>k i.\ paix PSYCHOS. Kor wif.'ty. mil nforl rooom mi'uu j lII.' lO Psycho." j Bpachßj) in.ili f..,- ih« Ooloakl mark-i I Kitted with la* n.-.v.-t r ifni»...| ,t«inUnl Cushion tyres 1: diameter. j Tv ride coaforttbly you
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    • 1432 4 NOT i CEB. TA M E 8 "MOTION 4 CO. Chronometer, Watch A Ci.nct Ma it IBS aki> UmoUM, Flint Stbikt. Have alwuvs <in hand a well nelect«<i "toe of Jewellery. YVatchm. Clock*. Diamond Jewel ••ry. ami Nautical ln«triimi»utii. Hraoalrt- Amonnuifkx-ts. 1'r....:... CarrlwaCiwt*. 1 Marbh I MM Dniribf ImirußMU. Udte>"
      1,432 words
    • 896 4 NOTftCBS. gctakttftn !»>•>■ T>l I. ET. HABUBJAVBSiCO. KnuINEKKK. I BUN A BBASH FOUNDEBB, BoiLIBMAKEKR, BRIIKIE BUILI>E«H. Suit" aOILUBBD. I KSKK4I. COHTRACTOBS. BINGAPORE A KIALA LUMPOB. SHIP BUILDING YARD 11!. .H class BTEAM VESBELS always under construction, from TS ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best dwicm and finish.
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    • 462 4 NOTICKS. FOR \H'M. rrHE HOUSE HOLDERS' BAZAAK i A BOOK New and Imfkovkd Kdition. 1 A cor,v»nieutlv arranirwl l«mk in which the ornk can i-i'iti-r daily all honw<li..l.l M- j MSMSj with a B«|>nralf .-..linMii f->r each (lay lv the WB«k. a ap|iarat.' p*|r« for i-ach week in Ik* year.
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    • 407 4 NOTICES. "POWELL Si. CO.. SINGAPORE. Please bead these kkw limbs am. beab them in mind. IH K KCK.VITURE FACTORY i« in Orchard Koaii. and is the large .t and m.wit cnniplctc. Il UtMaplM with |k.w.t to drivo our W.MKlworking Ma cliin.<s. Saws. Lath«-B. Ac., therefore Cmtrs.M and large orders
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