The Straits Times, 11 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893. NO. 18,014.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1041 1 IMSHIP COMPANIES. I > LAB AND ORIENTAL STKAM J NAVIGATION COMPINY. Office— Collyer Quay. Whakv.,. and (iODOWKs— New BM 1 hi mail steamers may be eipe t.. hfr cmtwards and leave Singapore homewards sn the following dates .>irr.»ii>s Hon»w»ar« >■" ISM. Maj 17 l«oell| X.1,,,,..K .1,,,,.. 14 June S« *..l.
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    • 829 1 STEAMSHIP (OMI'ANIES. I." ONINKLI.I K K I' KETVAART'mT1\ ATSCHAPPIJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India (lovernment. alftafs .1/ Bsafapara, Ships Aoencv. i.atk J. Daendels A Co 3, Koiusson Quay. A<j, „tt as 7. 11.11,7. Messrs Hcttenbach LIEBEKT A <'... The C..iii|«iiiy has a Heet of 2* Sfeamer*. with sllUaaid acconHii.Hlatiou
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    • 848 1 STEAMSHIP COMPAXIKB. Siak, Borgkalis, and Edi will be called at only once every four weeks. To Borneo I art* via Bawean and ev.-ry four weeks a steamer runs iv tin. diction taking direct cargo and paaaen^.-rs to r<aujcrma*sin, I'oeloe Laut. Paasir, and Kotei. Once retry nix MMBB a »te»mer i'din]ia.tched
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    • 837 1 STEAMnHIP COMPANIES. BBITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPAaVY LIMITED. TO PENANG. RANGOON i. CALCUTTA. 0m of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passenger* and Cargo are booked by the ab >ye steamers at through rate* to all port* in India and Ceylon, also to East
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    • 692 1 INSUiiANCKS THE MARINE TOBURANCK COY., LTD. ESTABLISHXD 1836. Catital XI 000,000. Rbsbbvi The undersigned having been appointed Agent at Singapore for the above Company, is prepared to accept risks by First Claw Steamers and Sailing Vessels. OEO. KINO, Agent. ■jV'EW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO Funds £23,681.886. Heavy Reduction in Rates.
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    • 438 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid-up CapiUl 51O.U00.WNJ. Reserve Fund 3,600,000. Reserve liability nf proprietors $10,000,000. 'iiuiir or Dibbctob*:— U. Hoi-pius, Esq. Chairman. C. J. 11"! 1 11. an Y.*n. Deputy Chairman. C. J.nusn. Esq. J. 8. Moss*. Esq. J. Kramt*, Esq. D. B. Saaaooa, Esq. John S. Upraik.
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    • 733 1 NOTICES. niNSON'S vV-ATCfIBS Mahdfactobt, Lddoate Hill, Lowdom MAKER TO H. M. THB QUEEN. Specially manufactured and rnoamaad«d or nae in tne Bast, BiagoK's Special stbekoth, FIELD WATOH. A (iold Keyless English Half Chron«m*ter, £-J a( BENSON'S LUDO ATE WATOH, A three-quarter Plate English Lever fairy compensated Silver. £5.5... Gold, £12.12«.
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  • 586 2 I.KIrSI MAKKKTijIIOTATIONH. Sibbapobb. lim Mat. IMS. Thouoob U*mbier do do No. 1.«"•*>. -«"•*>. do do No. 18»XHali. 5-&»-Pontianak *00. r'epwr Black. S^o Flour. Sarawak IM_ PaarlSago. 8-« i Coff** ball. »*.OO. Con*** Llherian 3J».0». Tapioca amall Flak*. do do la^qaaHiy do mcd flak*. 4-00. do small iM»ri. 4-U. do
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  • 114 2 ror Ptr ttr. To-DAT. !>«r»i. iii p ti,, Ml Sanf Gun... HmUi. .V. Si i.r. Ma no. «n.l K)u(, O.uu Phya, Uuu «r ill porti, Sn Handitr. Puin 'i. porti Kitn... Port D»rw.l. /Mrun; >;d«i( |.m.., <7.i,, #Bl NlifOD, .V«t«/'./*. ■"••Iodit i .••v, Botm H«»r» ucl lUul.urf ICIug
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  • 103 2 K»iAHi.isiik,i> 1831. Mn 10 Cont*. THURSDAY. D.h MAY. 1«M. RfcUTER'S TELRORAMB. StrniU ■J\me> Ah.iihu Bank Kaii.ikl. Lo*d.,H, 10th May. -The H.nk of Victoria bu iua|>eiided (Kivinrni P«rtirul»n were giran in our m-hh of t»»t.rdiv This Hum Kt L I)«bat«. The debate ou tbe Home Rule Hill >• Umuk «*ni«l ou
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  • 679 2 The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce. At the Jimiul ni.vtin- of Btfafkoag ChainU'rof Ciiimcr.-.' on the :ir.l iunUnt. ill., r.^.lnin ..f the re|Mirt hi W V" rawed several |Mint« ..f iu.>p- tluin bcal intcn-sl <>ne ci them feMUrl Bfßt 'I. „ri.|H.«'.l dupli.:it.- aabh U'tw.vit that Oalwq ml ■affcaaj* Bhaifli ''i" 1
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  • 227 2 Thi; fioal tic iv tbe Cbaiu|.loiisbi|i of tli- Luiies Liwu Tennis Touruani.-nt was |.laye.l i.ff vesterJay I- twwn M.-s.|. 1U ies 1 Lovell au.l Sal/m;ii'ui au.l n«iilt..l m a wm Bjf tbe funnel. The tie was a v. Ed on tbe beat court in tin- k
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  • 104 2 ro tikiti P«r P A O a. I'arr,,,,,att,,. from L..n 1. 1, April. 14. Oaal Simpson, Mr. and Mr*. E. J. an.l 41r». Bouaer. Miss Mitchell Mr P. K. ai, 1 Mr. r. Belneld Per BnaMtasa, irora London. April. 38, Mr. J W. Eilie. Per i/wno/dy.,. fr,,,n
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  • 233 2 Tub Pinang GnuUe of the Bth intUnt ffltm the teit of the 4,000 Petition for line (tlie text of the (.etltiou W« published in the Btrmitt Turn of W li March) and also three covering luttern to tbe Resident Councillor of Penan.}. There ia also
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  • 368 2 Tmc outlook for a tine r\ftern>>ou ia not at all promisiu*; there being ever/ indication of raiu. It ui.ty, however, turu out as it did ou Tueadar when the weather was all that could be deaired. The hau-lirapn published yeiter.iar cau gi»e no cause for complaint. Mr. J.
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  • 392 2 [B(/or» Mr. Jutlirr (i,itty. Mny, Stk AI.LA.IIITA OaUIII MM ASNASrUI.VM CHITTY. KoMIKIHPA (BITTY Thi_« wu an appeal frooi a uoDTiotiuu ul 0> w. s. KjmmnUj, K«i-, dated the la<l March. 18M, biu.'iiu|t tbe Dafendantj MM tn lt*|> the | for six oioath! 111 $100 two Hiiretiea. iv default,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 581 2 rpHE BORVKO(!OMPA\Y. LIMITED. nPHB Standard Life Aaaurance. Norwich I'niin Fir* In«uran<-» Sycietv. Atlaa Awuran** C uipany 'Fire Tba EquiubU Lit" Assiirauoe Tb« Oeaaa Marine Insurance. Company Tn* China Mutifal Sloan) Navigation Coy Tha Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime luau»n.-e Company. Limit-") For iiarticulara of tliewi Comnani-a aoo th* fall
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    • 1058 2 NOI Tae Straits Tiine3 ha 3 the la:'ge3t circulation of any naw^paper in A.aia, British India excsptel I It circulates in Singipore and Penang throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands In lies, the Philippines, anl French Indo-Ciiina. No other Eastern newspaper has
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    • 1250 2 NOTICES. THK TANJOMO PAOAR DOfJK CO., LIMITED During the ali>enm uf the nud-raigned, Mr. William (tilas Boh«rt« I. has been appointed artine Mma/"r ..f tiie short Company By onler ..f th« Board of Direetora, •J7/i .HiHS BLAIK. Maaatv-r. NOTICE THE Offi.-. ..I the, Tranimarine Trwlink.' Company tian l< m-u
      1,250 words
    • 871 2 LATEST AUV ERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. MR. ROBERT CRAIi:. ha* bsoo arfmitiel a* a pirtner in our fir ji from Ist Jauuarv last, BOUSTEAJ) s Co. qgLiXIJOB OOVERNMBNT. BUILi IS <»VEB««EB P W D WANTKH. App!i'»ii 0M will be received at the office of th-i. .v- riiment Secretary. Kwala Lumi«.r. uo to
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    • 44 2 M.H.H. ntt*it* fin Ik, Slnili IWi •koxlrf h. an«H 1 J J r < ««tr«li «l» •u' to tl* .«nJ,(i»» |UJ The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has ao widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 143 2 IHKIN«.LMIMV Ttaundar, llth May. Kaces S.SO i>. ui. Friday. VUh May. Fuueral, OhMBfl HonK Lim, p. tn. Saturday. 131b May. Races 3 f in Monday. 1.1th May. Outward P. Jl O. mail du>-. TNexday. Iftth May. Criminal Asm/-s. U.-ilnc«da». llth May. Hnim-w.ird I' t O. mtii Ihr « in the
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  • 1269 3 Wll.JHliil. IIrTH ilk\ tn uaut! f..rtiiii;htlv aifethm of i lie I 1»t tfUTDoou, at the office*, Robin■id. Mr. llrtaadei Oeatk preealing. wera alao preaout tfeean r r too, aud the Hou'ldn ■niuut.t of tin. la«t nm-tiiiL: were icad and confirov-d. Vis a Tb^ I'EKMint.M MMrted liiat the
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  • 224 3 HOPal ii. I'r tar (i >. hu Bail in fani Pahang of ".ill .\luv lirin^i oa«« „i ill,. aUiafaeton *lii. Ii i- In i! n in.i.i.. ;,i til,- nun,, nf the I Hiaing 00. Tin' l iiiiiitv of the at uCf mow briag t^L.'ii li.iiii ih. snutli i-n.l of
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  • 81 3 Kwmn n 01 Wbomcsoat'i Pi a> t umora i r Mr- I ua i>;. ..I M lii-» f«r I .«-«!.•> Ladih i\i> Ounrai'i i p II iM'i. vr \l Cynueiski ud Mr Loveil xmteli r M IBB UM Mr B I ii Tor Iii-iii <>r run.
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  • 626 3 MM lf< KrKROW FaII.- BM M Ki:hK.w M K> i:m-» taIMBU In mi cam lIS ll'li April Mr. ITCWTO* I her ad.!- *t:d at IteeoeehMl D Hi. LordaUpaaid Mr- M daetai 1 bare tee with grail abUiM tad with lemtihalila control of twaper He was
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  • 40 3 iWTilii Per gmk from Klang. ,S\re». Mm-r* lliguet. and Stonor, Mi»- F. a, w«i. I'et fro I PaLaog: Mf««B K,ii-\. r'-'i. 111,,,., IVrV A"li".i from Ptjnang Major mil Mm. •Wurman. i'urV B ral >»TPI»K MMM Pag* t. i
    40 words
  • 1851 3 Tut an Stbikrr The Skkman Coir d'Etat THl DOWAOBB Dl-« HE88 or SlTHKKI.ASI) ftw 1>'«J» Later than tht Iftf J ,r./._Tlie MMl i,, w«mi "f a jreiieral Mi-ike, which waa .inl*re<l by the labour jwriy in Belgium, in *-HJM thrmwhosi the WMtey. M«ji_v »n;.«us »rt■mad BsntadM
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  • 368 3 The All eged Wickedness of Dancing. I me following -i urn -u from C-tliforoia HnMMi March 31. A great commotion lih- In-.-ii HMtad here by h -,eu-.atioual »eriiihi of X.-v. J W. Ell-irorlh. tl». p-a',,,. iiiger who tmvulu with Charle* N. Critteut'in, tin- .va- L'elist. C'rirUmton, who ia f.miiler of
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  • 262 3 Dkalini; witli the qu«stim of Inn an c»al tbe Hadrjf Mail marks with satisftc'i'-n that «i fir the annals of ludiui coil ininiug are free from those grett cataatroiihes which fro v line- to lime o-eur iv KnxUnd ami on thr Coutiueut. in which thousand* of lives have
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  • 1066 3 Kllßal or Ph.i. k.hiiiN..s or thi MubiCII'AL CuMNISSIOXEKS AT AN OsOIVABV Ml- M in-. ON WEDNBBUAT. J'ilii A»"KIL. 18i»3. Pbkskmt:— The Pre-id.-nt Alex. Gentle, Esq. The Hon'bleth.' Col. Euiriner. Major MfCallum. K.I c.M.0. T. fWaw. K-|. i rV. Nan-on. Ksq Tn- Hon'ble A L. iKmald-on .1. P. Joaquim.
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  • 93 3 For Australian port, Daru-'r. due 28th M«j L'iilui. iH l"ih Jane. XacAliner and Co. F r I jhan.'. Rmfc eT«rj Sutur.lay, B. J. Ounn. For P«<iindC'»luttK, MNm* uii I'rtb 1 M«J and Co. For ll..nukon«, < k.iyira, on 11th M«i, H..U1W11.I I F>r l.-oai* and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 248 3 WAXTED Tin i n- Paga- Dock X DeSeut.ire. T.mij m/ Pagar Dock Debenture* 5 Je'elHi Mining Co. Shares. s iugapore Insnrance Shades Strtits Fire In^nrsrce f-hnres. FOR SALE Peugerang Plantinif Co Sl.ares Prye River D-k Shares Ajply to FKASER A Co. Brokers Singapore, llth May, JW3. WAXTED Mtynsrd A oa,
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    • 776 3 no Ticks THE CRAG HOTEL^ENANO HILL Elbtatioh 2,260 Fbbt. Thi« establishment it most beautifully situated, affords its .K-cujacta a magnificent view of the town and harbour of Penang and J other surrounding tceneriee, offers erery comfort to visitors, and is highly recommended te invalids for tho benefit of their health,
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    • 661 3 SHIPPING. I X [.< i.( HIN A 3TE A M NAT. (X). LTD. FOR HONGKONG. The <?ompany'i Steamer CHELYDRA, 1,794 torn.. Captain R. Cata. having left Calcutta on the 3rd instant, may be eipeeted to arrive here bn the 11th inst. She will he despatched for the tliove ports on
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 91 3 WKA'iHEE REPORT. Handa^ Krabau Hotpilal, lUih Hay, JAW. 9 a m. Ip.m p.m RIMABXt.' Bar. rtd.SXrak 2^B*o 5!»8 »7d« Tsap. I I IM W«B«lbTh.r. ..80S t>o S T9.5 Oir. of Wind W. I \V. Calm. i\; M»i. T*mp. in .Wle W! .g Mia. do. di> 7n.6 ft lv. iaSuo ..IM.I
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    • 108 4 Under Iliis headiug the following abbreviations are us^d :—str—<toainer, sh.—il.ip, b<|. barque; Brit.—British; U.S.—Uuited MM; Fr.-French fler. German Dut —Dutch; Juli Johore; Ac,—(i.c.—General cargo ;d p.—deck pastengers. U.—Uncertain T. P. W—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P. D.—Tauj )ng Pagar Dock bTW.— Borneo Wharf, J. W.—Jsrdiu-Wh»rt N. H. W—New
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    • 902 4 AUKiVILS MIHCK N'OOII OK ViiMtklUt ■kBMMOT |.;i.m-.] through I La.l), Jlapa, and Raaaakj i Vmiktiiii, Joli. atr. M kMalOnft. lvi Mat. FrumTrinitganuTM Pahauz, °Sth. ii c ."■I w p. Tana QaM Vm baanMai Tin Barta, i:iti. 1 1-. hstaMaahaaiOar. «tr. H7l tons. af*. Schater. llthMay. From lion^kon.'. akV.
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    • 96 4 S'.ime, Port, and Dai* of Bailing. From London. Australia, Mar. 30: rein>.r..k'.*hiri', Apl I" (ilenshiel. Apl. 12. Beiilnwers. Apl II "alamed. Apl. JT LITIKPOOL. Klada Luz.m. Apl. li>. BIRKKNHKait PIMM«a«MI Mir. 31 BaUorophM, Mar SI \nryll. Apl 7. Deucalion A|.l 11 Jason, Apl B T*lenu<?l.u«, Mm r, May
      96 words
    • 66 4 D*Tl VlMIL'a NA«I. Il« BMMHtIM N'T 1" ii,rj. in i^jj mt II Java, II SiJmb II Ckow Ft.,. II 8n H«o,li.r II Pikan M Vot H. II hnwi II C.1»i.»0 11 H,a. 11 N. L d* Lo'ttl -T-. IW. »tr. Khlirt Hnt., tr W««b,nJl H«UKkoo» „,1 JaJ^ staid!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 397 4 KOTN H' j^ j^ j^ i iircst* For I In- MM. I Ihr IIK.-I ***** l si iilllitir ysflafjeb, f 9 I A M II /^aa^Bß%«la«V BaßraaaW JaaaH.Kl*^« «^aV so l* tor irilftf skin^. \n Mt**l s^wiii Jrili^htfiillv p*rfiunM.'—Chi ■>• D of I nqiUNjtioaAl iwlfctw B srf irindi PREMJBft
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    • 338 4 NOTICES. What FIBM <"an Voo Kkixk Than JOHN JAMESON SONS' (DUBLIN) "OWN CASED" Very Old BLACK-BOTTLf. WHISKY. Pita* ami pi k »iih Mrtnl I BLUE One Btar Metal PINK Two Star* Capsule* I GOLD Three 81mrfc i >poii laaaaaa c < i. j.k. s.— C BAT CO.. X.OVDOY. IA
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    • 1479 4 S"< 1 ICES TAMES MOTION A CO. UHsWMIUTHaj Watch Ruici Makbbs AMD Oi-tioians. Flint Stbbbt. Have always on hand a well seleetad stoe of Jeweller)-. Watches, Clocks, Diamond Jewel ••ry and Nautical Instruments. Braoatrta U»M. Antencati tioess. im^K-hee U am*«e .iurkn. ►•rrinr. Huanoi. Marble Clnoke. 1.... I i.. Drawiut In-in.miiit..
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    • 979 4 XOTIOKS pRUSHED FOOD. Tbt it ahd You willbb Satiskibd. LB. BBLILIOB bt«a to inform tha sublie that his Factory for preparing Drnahed Food, at 34, Belilioa Road, is now r^raTciam Crushed Food. fcl.OO »>■ I«K, caali. »300 Indian Bran 12.40 To be had at 1», Kafflea Place, and IC4, Uo.
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    • 123 4 kAWIOI. a Uostaouisa Subtbto*. *»i> Ma> HIN'KKV VALUBB. MAX I X I CLO B. Dntwiii.'-. -p.-.iticatiim», and e«tiinafe« ■Ham fur tl.e pureliiw or repairing of OllBBaW. ahfttaata, Boilers, and all elawes of ma.liinery. Praytieal a.lvi.-c K' VBII on tne »orkin)f of Baamamn aartaweal ami •u|ieriiiteiided. |Enfrineer* pre|wred for the Boanl
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