The Straits Times, 10 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
5 8 The Straits Times
  • 13 5 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1881* SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1898. NO. 18,01 8
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 957 5 OMPANTI lI.AK AMI OKICNI M. B V Ovrici^ ("ollyeT Quay. Wiiivi. and i.iiMiwn New H^ti I hi mail steamers may le oxpe. t-.l ri»e owtwarrii and leave Hingapore hono on the following dato- WMJ IMBMMM law lan. m.. i: Ma? 31 Tbe above dat^s are only approximate the .-■I depa-iiirrs
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    • 823 5 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KONINKLIJKE PAKBTTAART MAATBOBAPFU. I'mler contract with the Netherlands Imlia (jovernment. IIPtJ lOT, LATE J. Dafnui v 1 00 Kohinson Quay. atfffl KMM Hl-TTKNBACH I 00, The Caaaaasr* has a BaH of -X SW.'nmers. ajfth -pi. ml .1 m-eoniiinilslion f,, r first cl«s«, s.'.-. ml i-'hs-. and .leek panmngnr*.
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    • 737 5 MKAMMIir COMPANIES. Siak, Be. gkslia. and Edi will be called at only once every f.ur weeks. to Borneo I ortt via Bawean ami "our* 1 ev.-ry four weeks a Meannr runs in thK V r J tiou taking direct cargo and ]>a<taeng BMJMBkMBxa, Poeloe Laut, Paiwir, and: V "'.••> ererytiz
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    • 764 5 SIEAM'IIIl 1 COMPANIES. f R tj" 0 s S." STEAM NAVIGATION ->. W J-^Si-ANY LIMITKD. J -„AX(!, RANGOON t CALCUTTA. une of the Company's steamers ia intemled to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all port* in
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    • 701 5 INSUitAXCBa. THE MKlilVr. INSPKAN E COY., LTD. ■ctabuotd 1896. CAriTAL Ji\. ooo,ooo. Kbmbtb 4600,000. The undersigned h&ving been appointed Agect at Singapore for the above Company, ia prepared to accept risks by First Class Stoamers and Sailing Veeael*. OEO. KINO, Agent. "IVTEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO Funds £23.681.886. Heavy Reduction
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    • 484 5 KAXKS HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid-up Capital 110.000.0U0. Reserve Fund $3,60(1.000. Reserve liability of proprietors 910,000,000. Cocar or Dibbctobi: 11. Horrivs, Esq. Chairman. 0. J. Esq.— Deputy Chairman. C. J.nuen. Eaq. J. 8. Mom, Esq. J. Kr»ni>r, V...,. 1). B. Daasnna. Kaq. John a. Upraik. Km Hon. J.
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    • 596 5 NOTICES. CALVBBT'B PBIOKLT-mtAT .SOAP 6d. aad 1/- Ban. (TTivjl by H.RH the Prince of Walen dnriag his Indian Tour.) /"-IALVERTS ANTIMOBQUITO \J SOAP 6d. Tablet* A 1/- Bars. Plxasantlt PißroaiD 8o»p« Fob Bat* ob Toilet Uai. Each ontaining 10% of Pare Carbolic. Very aerricxable in Warm Climates an ?r*T«n tiven
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  • 584 6 L \ThBT MAKKrrr QUUTATLOMH. HmsAroHK. I'rta Mat. 1(»3. PUODJCS. Uambier I «-6V do do No. 1 10.W) do Ho No. i. S.&O. i^>praßali. VM- Jo Poutianak. SOU. P.pi*r Bhwk. ».OSJ. Sago Flour. Sarawak 1M Pearl Sag.. 3.62» Coffee bali. 54.00. Ooffee Lilx>rian 35.00. Tapioca small Flake 4.1& do do
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  • 125 6 •h Per «r. To-IfOEBUW B.hxk..w, Mm. Djimhlr. Jfia,, i B11 Hon;>cD< 1 V okubsma. G'rla, 8»<Kua. s-..*.!., Mmr. ni.i.. W i, V. 8. d, Ur«*. M m-«. «r ti. port*. M Bn.iijt'r. r««»o Ti> |»rt«. /-ala^. I'.r- Oarwm. l>,ir... D«U, MHM SjJd»j ti* yorU XWMM, Km i dat.
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  • 137 6 Straits Times Established :1831. Price 10 Cents. WEDNESDAY, 10th MAY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Tbk Home Km Bill. J Luiidon, Hth Jafuy.— The Hous^^Mflfl uious have begun tbe '-'wf^ril^l tbe Home Kul^LgflHMflfl liut-al^alßjfl^H pT^^^W'WTVWaK HHa^aTsT^K. BPPa^^^T. d his seat iv HHBMCeT Davitt it a proiuiinut Auti-Par ■Wllite who wa* returne<l for
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 327 6 Tb« jM.litn-al rri»is in Ocrnuuiy, re*ultin>{ from |he Reichstag rejectiu* the Military Billsf and the consequent ditsolutiou. hat naturally aroused keen interett 111 Russia The German Chancellor, in intraducing these measure*, had laid .•special stress «>u the dauber threatening Germany from the increasing military strength
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  • 11 6 lin StrmU lfatM will be pubhah.-.l tomorrow at -J p. 111.
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  • 10 6 The Birthday Bill will Is gi*M ou Tbuiadav, Ist June
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  • 9 6 Jlk> Tkiachck return-, to &.-lati£or to-day by tbe Malacca.
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  • 18 6 U. E. the (ioveruor with bis li.ius. -part v will attend tbe Regiiuental dano.> ou tbe 23rd iuaUot.
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  • 16 6 Thu Haramk UnittU of Is' M*y *Jk(M tv- dMßfaaMMai of the MW Capitan Chiua ot Labuau.
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  • 21 6 A MliHou has beeu invented iv Uermany <>t coveriug tissue* of totton yarn with a fl.-nlile aii'l bnlliaut deposit of tin.
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  • 23 6 M (iasPABT, tbe French Omml at Siugapore. is returning to bit pott by tbe Mestageries Maritime* BtaMMT, leaving Marseille* on tbe 11th May
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  • 30 6 It i* aunouaced that the liquidator of the New Oriental Biuk Corporation I Limited i hope* to pay a aeond dividend of 2*. in tbe pouud on Juue Vb next.
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  • 27 6 A Bill tor the reorganisation of tbe army is to be laid before the Dutch Parliameut this session. It establishes tbe principle of universal c-iuipulsory inilitarv •ervi.f.
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  • 31 6 T«a ter rices for to-morrow -Atceution Day at St. Andrew* Cathedral are a* follow* Choral Eucharist aud au address 7 a. m. Matins, Ham. choral evensoug and address, S.I.S p. vi.
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  • 44 6 ACiinaiian.ou board tbe tUkaa, which it at prckeut Ivid^ iv the road*, is n-ported to bare attacked and wounded thr-t- m. it with an axe, iv a fit of madness While other* were endeavouring to capture tbe astaihut. be jumped overboard and was drowned.
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  • 41 6 Thi: Kiug*i:i4t>-atniibip 4fWl will ibit Hoi" uki- another route from Hamburg for Ibe Far East, at nho it goiotf tint to Ca(x.-town to land tbere th* MWVMg ireoi for tbe G.rruao cruuera MmmtHm aod Arrvna. From tb« Cape tbe AyUia will
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  • 54 6 r'oi hanug mocked and off.>u i«- 1 a lajr I wbo wore crinoliue iv a public garden in j Vienna, four pertoui were flued on tbe 112 th April. It appear*, tayt a Vienna correapviudeut, that a crowd followed the wearer, but the could not ttnd out the naui. it
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  • 55 6 Tbi Qu.-eu baa approved of the appointmint nfSirOharlHsCamer.n L-vs. B.fl a i Governor of Mauritius) to be Ooreruor j of British Ouiana iv MMtHriM to Lord Uortuauttoo. Her Mijagli ha« alto appnnr.l of the appoiiitmeut of Sir Hutwrt Edward H>nry JanitahMt, k r.ji.n. Lieutenant-Ooveruor and Colonial SecreUry of Mauritius, to
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  • 60 6 M*. HikßT LUNHHI ban received from tbe Cbiuese luhabituut* j|t Penang, the now celebnted |>etitioo, which it Itugthy. writteo in Chinese character* u|»>a Urge sheets of thick manifest paper, and it for preaeutati.iu to the Bntiuli Parliament. Tli.- mguatories. remarks ibe China Ktprtu, ap|«treu*lv thow their retpect for the hoii.
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  • 70 6 Thi Kilcusiou Australasia aud Uhiua Telegraph Company rc|i>rt« a divident ofs percent.. bMMM 4«. per ihare, miking 7 per ceut. for the year. Since the cloae of the half-year, the tariff* at the statiaus affocted by the serious depreciatiou in tho tijfcr' currency have been adjustedja^^^BTert. as far as
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  • 86 6 ■x "^yP^HP*'' '-'bartered biuk „t Jadia, HHHHL^iud Chin*, to Dei;. 31 ad.liti..u of 4510.247 brought ■■■Ward, amouuted to A 71.855. Th- interim divideud paid iuOjt.>berab«orlH'.l £28,000. aad (he director* }>ropo*<. a dividend for the «.t;ou4 half ol the fmt at th.> rate „f 7 per ceut. per auumn. Ui free.
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  • 68 6 Ai a rucul meeting ,«t the Hanover Society of Beet-sugar luakert a paper wat read ou a new sweetonti aalatdJ TaUin. which threaten* to supersede aacj cbariu and to terioutly affect the tug*, induitry. It wit ditcorered by a Berli* doctor, aud ia vow manufactured id tU*7 city. It
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  • 10 6 Mb. JiiilON. of tbe Mcrcautilc Bauk is expected here to-morrow.
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  • 14 6 The u«u il fortDightly meeting of thr MttaioipaJ Cotnmiuiooert ia being held thi* aftern.ion.
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  • 42 6 YstTCKUAT afternoon, at tbe Race Course after tbe last race had been hid, an accident occurred in which Mrs GilMou sustained a rather severely spraiued auLle. Mr*. Gib*on wa* seated 011 a chair ou tbe lawn, when tbe chair 1 iddenly collapsed.
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  • 65 6 Hbr Hajaatv'i BiftUaf will l>e celebrated in th-' Straits on' Thursday, tat Jun.- Iv StegßfMa in tbe afternoon the garrison BiU piride aa the espUnale, troop tin- I.o lours, and fire a feu <U j-it. The* will b.- uud«r cournand of the General, and the Governor
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  • 58 6 Ahothib Bank Gum I.frOBMATI IN Ua-t 11.-eu receiv,-,l bere to tbe eff-.-et tb*t tbe Btnk af Victoria has BB«paad»4 piytn.-ut. Tu-: Biuk of I Victoria vat ciU'jlished iv the i 1852. It hts an au'li.n.-l ctpital of j £2,OOO,U<>U subicnU-1 C1J00.000; Mai i up JtV*»uO.OOO,
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  • 74 6 Mr M'Kikruw, the raapoa4aa< iv the' auii. which occupied Sir V ..feu»n u» let urn- |iUvs iv tbe last BittMMi further exaiuiucd »ti the 11th April. He deuied all tli-- s.!]-,'ition« of nnacnuduct with Mi.-"-. Shepli-rd. the iutervener iv the suit, js well <t> tbe
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  • 83 6 Tuk following »|.pciri in tbe 7V»i«« of *tb Afril Sinqapore, 7th A^n D.-iu- I, 11 i. n r.v.irnl ,,f the Bglitin fc oil tb« r.iiiii»n< Kvir, .Sum it™. Tin Dut li ImI I WM mi 1 II «r iuikIh i and tliu AaUaaM H kUM. Tht
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  • 131 6 Lloyd's A.'-uU at rf .uritluyd bav« forward i- 1 a review of tbe (>etroleuui trade of Java f..r U«t vetr. The total import* at lh>' MlioM pMtl of JIm* duriut; tbe jrear »oiuuut^<l I i >tit.426 f.tsoa. tbe cousuinptioo for tbe war was 3,197,3'2'j caaei,
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  • 75 6 Tie* f..r To-<1nv «'HAM1 !••>. --H I IFinal Mr* LmnI r. Mr-. MHH ffta for tomorrow. Umh \m> Qmum'i Dovau Handicap Final. Mr- Kymi.r-I.v ami Mr Lkh.-II MMtok r. Mm. Sal/.mnnii and Mr Bmirm- "••riti-h. Tics r«r Iriday. (i-.'ili Nar.» I. vines' D..LBLE Handicap- Fin*l Mr».
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  • 194 6 la tu.- opiuion of the Siam Frtt Prtst. the political liludliou at Bangkok avows L>. Mgut of improving. IV- Sum tiinir tbeir i<!'"| .us. despatching troop* to tat) Kt^t. in 1 loititviug tbcriv.r ai rapidly a." aaaail hIMH .ire now prevented from turnip tbe Palaiv walls, or
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  • 229 6 Sarawak Ounttt. lit Ma,, An Ordnr which wax panned in tb* BBBtwaM Co'incil on the 13th March, to rs«tri;t ik* rwkl.—.,l-wirm-tion.if Birl.i. Animal*. Pl» v I• in*w»k i» liy un mean* pramat n -r Sa-awak lias Un the h»pi.y huntiiig**^i.iiiul of professional collectors fo- tome yearn <t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 589 6 rpHT BORNE ICOMPA ST. LIMITED. T«H* Standard Uf. Amui-mo*. 1 Morwieh CBtoß Tm Insurance S teiatj Atlaa Aaaaraae* Coapaay Fir. Th* Baaitabi* Life Aataranea. aaatßt] Ta* Oeata Marine Inanraaee ompan. Th* Cbiaa M*tual Strain Navur»tioo Coj The Tottaabaa I*K»t B*er Company. Th* Maritime Insurance Company, Limit- i For partirulars af
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    • 1010 6 NOTICES. Tae Straits Tines has the large3t circulatioa ol any newspaper in Asia, B.itish India excepted. It circulat3s in Singipore and Penang. throughout aLI the Protectei Statss of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Inlies, the Philippines, and French ludo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1261 6 NOTICES. THE TAXJO.NC, PAOAR DOCK CO, LIMITED. Duriug the ab-euos of the undersigned, Mr. Willitm Milu-t RoberVtm. h.s been appointed Acting Manager of Ihs above Company By order of the Board at Diraeton •J7/> .HillX Bl.aik. M. lQ ,g,. r NoTICtV 'pHE O*ce ot t',H Au-tro Transmarine L Trtding Company
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    • 929 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, a Tamil Clerk, wko ia wall conversant with the Tamil and Kuglisli languair»« aiid fully acquainted with Court work. Applications ar.- 1.. I* accompanied by testimonial 1 Apply to Ibe uudersigord. BRADDhLL BRO.-* A MATTHEWS. I S 1 icitors and Advocates, 16/5 IV, Raffle. Place. Siugapon-. l[
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    • 24 6 The Straits Times has the largest circulatiou of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 30 6 IKUAX.Bttl.Mv>.. llth Way. Ki... i'W p. uj. Stnv.U Ttm't published at 2 \>. m Friday. i:th Haj. KUU.TUI. Cln-4Hi< H'ltlif I.IIU, 2 |>. Ul sntnrdat. 13th May. Kaiea S p. m
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  • 3537 7 Thr Magaporr Sporting (lab Hpring Meeting. Kirbt (Dehbti Dat. Tderdat, 9th Mat. 18Bt > i J. C. 1> Jobm, W. I B Cirr. T. E. *Kar]e, and the Hon.' Q S Mnrr.iT. and H C Houtlr, i Lincolnshire Regt I. SUtrarJi-'Ju.i.- II Huully, i l,incolnslnro Re^inicul I 'J"i.»e
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  • 1155 7 (TuetJay, 9th May./ The l.iwu at this tnet-ung suff -r-d RSM thr ali-.n. r af B nuuiber of ladif who were ui.trd. sainng oth-r auaJWaß, lor tbe rneUaaea of thair (Iraaa. Midame Brandt. M i i .-in. PataraoM, Mn. Fiulav«>u. Mi, Ranaar, Mr». Borkiajahaw, 'M.» sh.
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  • 145 7 To-morrow's(Thursday's) Handicaps. lvi. UOAbSTEBs' Handicap Thetis Bet. Vlb. Molly y.t. Redcap 1 1st. Lailj Cooer 11-1.711., Bel man i»-t 11 ba. 'tarragon I'Jit. JinThe Ci-cb Ccp. I ...d. v Hnpe lost. »lt». lU»t. Donovan.. lUit. Monte Carlo Kit 41b*. lio.d i.-d lost Kmg.ley... »ib». >Mirprii«e lOet. Thl Qajmn HaMilcaf.
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  • 111 7 The China Asuociation in London has forwarded to tbe Treasury O •jurtnicnt, a copy of a letter from tbe Shanghai Branch of the Association giving reasoui for believing that the proposed elotiug of tbe ludiau rniuta would bave a calamitous effect on tbe interests of British commerce
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  • 96 7 I AaaiTALa. Para, Hajuk Brooke Sarawak Me Burns mi I Me m» Per s s. //.■<•.!/. froa. Bangkok —MeMrs. Lamber*. Au^i -r. H cher. and Tingler. Per s. SagWitu frjm llaneilles liwi>. T. Ledebner. I'he..,, 11 Port. W. iaasaba, A WartaK A Van i>on«-n. 8..»w--ville audJW Maclaine
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  • 1812 7 Eastern Mortgage and Agency Co. The third nnnnal geni-ral mftetinp of the membent of tbil company wan held in London on the 12th April to receive the report of the diroctors, and statement of aeconnti and to transact the other ordinary bniineos of the I company. The secretary, having read
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  • 1009 7 (Supplementary to Stnit* Timtt Telegram: i {Via Ceylon.) Simla, 2.lth April. News haa been reoeived from Chilaa that the troops have been instructed to remain in their stations till further orders The last news from Chilas is that the Kohistains are expected to deliver their threatened attack between
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 107 7 FOR SALE. l.\ I.tITS TO St IT I'l RrilA"! THK. Roeho'o Section of the SI NO A PORE TH A M \V V. exlendii.g fnim lh« depdt at Tsajaag Pagar to Roehore Teriuiuua, a distance of ah>ut 3\ miles, together with the ■jaaeMMfJ rolling stock, ie consisting of 12 IaeeBMJBnM
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    • 664 7 SHIPPING. TNDOCHINA BTaUM NA V. 00, IiTD- FOR HONOKONO. Tbe Company's Steamer CBELYDRA. 1,794 tons. Captain R. Case, having left Calcutta on the 3rd instant, mar be expected to arrive here on the 11th inst. She will be despatched for the above ports on the 12th inst. For freight or
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 104 7 WKA'iHKR RKPOKT. Kaiuiung Kr.ib.iu Hospital, Hh Maf, »a.m. 3 p.m. p.B. Knni-. tu rel. :ti K»i. -'t ***** H4H J.,; Teup. Ml Mil 7- -^"g Wtt BulbTLer. T!>.% 7S.S T5.8 lS Oil. of Wind S W I W. II 8 c Mm.Temp. iu«li.le 88 9 31 n. do. Jo. 78.1
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    • 130 8 I t liitt heading the followimr .l.broviau >u« am used i .tr.— staamer; «h ship; Ikj. barque; Brit— British; U. S.— CTnito.l 3tat«i Fr.-Freuch ;G«r. German Dut —Dutch Joli. i Johore; Ac, G.e. (inniral crvr^i. 1 -.-if pa»*en(rer»; U.— Uncertain T.P.W.— Tanjong Paarar Wharf T. P.
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    • 972 8 Arrivals Binci Noon or Tiktibuat Stefttuera |*«»,-<1 through Lok tun}. A.a n Tang, gtjfcan, /n.'rujin. »aj ■mfeaiha. ■m <3u.«'i, Rnt. ,tr. l,7oTit'>na. Caiit. l.n-\ Srth May. From (al.utta v.a Pemiatr. 2nd. «"i. c, and 30 .1. p. !!.>u>t,'-i<l i. C.». fm At.stralu I3th.-T. K W i BortM Brit.
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    • 96 8 Nanu, Port, and Date of Sailing. Fbom London. •lava, Mar > Au»tr»li«. Mar. »j P— lmknMiß, Ai.l M Qlaaiklsj A|.l. 12. Beulawnrn. Apl It; Palamed. kjCtt; LITKKPUUL. Mads Imam, Apl. in. BIRKKNHBJM' I'rnmeth...,. M^r. 3| B^leropl Hrn .;i Anrvll, A t l 7 f* Hub Apl 1 1
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    • 82 8 In Viuil'i Kami. ITua« Ej.. Ca»tai» Dutiiiatiok. I*7 I I I I 9 In 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 B to Aunt Aupli K.u I bm» Uiuonc Sokmlb. hn Triß^ k aua Olanornoiukir. AS Hwundtm Kiu lU|I U| S»Tor P»liUa» I '»t ice S-«b« ifo rtr. 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 454 8 rSOTICEB. KATZ BROTHERS. I \ll.oks AM) OUTFITTERS. VK\\ i. \/v.\. si TLKJ.—A BSNVSSUM. nunroß rwn.i.s am> ooAfmoa MTEST 09 DfOLAKD TWIHM AM> lU »M I >ITN\ku si rrisi;.--1 \.\C\ KSTINGS. WIHTK M(KSS VKsTINWS KANX'V TKOWSERINOS. DBBBB SHIRTS with oue stud bol.- iv trout iu;i:ss tiks. >ko foimmx-haxd. DKBBI ASH CAMBBIO
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    • 1450 8 NOTICES. T! V 1 1 T 1 1 N .v I CKBONOM -in, Watch k (;Lo<-k UIKKBs am. Oiticians, Flint Sthket. Hay.i aHnn on hand a well nel«ct«d stnc of Jewelleiy. vCsti-hes. Cl.wka. Diamond Jewel cry. and Nantiral In^tnuneuts. Rrao-IoU 0.1.1. Aarnr,.. Hmoclt«4 do. I 'itrriju:*. I »irrin«« rn»n.on.i. Hirbi.
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    • 923 8 NOTICES. Established 1865. I> ILi: V B \ItC-REA V Y. S a CO Enoinkeun. Ikon Sl Hk\-s Foundekm, BoiLKKMAhKES, BRIIMIK BuiLUEBS, ShlPßUll.'.ikks. GkXKBAL CONTBACTOBS. SINGAI 1 )RE& KUALA LUMPOR MILDING YARD HltiH el.« STEAM VESSEL always nnder wmnlfeH'W, from 18 ft. to 150 ft. length <•( keel. ..r best design
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    • 983 8 NOTICES. pRUBHID FOOD. Try it and You will be Satisfied. I. R. BKLILIOS begs to inform the iml.lic that his Factory for preparing Crushed Food, at 34, Belilios Road, is now opened. First Claw Crushed Food. $3.00 bag, cash. "'lean Oat- $3.00 Indian Bran $2.40 To be had at IH,
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    • 356 8 NOTICKS. JAPAN BEER fYKBISr- Brand. Bkkwkh bt thb Japan Bkik Hkicw EET Co., TOKTO, JAFAN. A ,hi(fh class beverage specially recoinBWaaial for this climate, i'an now Iw obtaine<l retail from Me.HsrH. John Little Co. Ann Lock St. Co. < Geok Teat Si Hoon Keat A Co. at the followintr extraordinary
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    • 336 8 B^N SONS to ATofl E S M»NOFACTOBY, LUKOATE HILL, LomiDN MAKER T<) H. M. THB QUEBN. Specially manufactured and recommended i or use in the East, Bknkov'n Special hthi; oth. FIELD WATCH. A (told Keyleae English Half Chronometer, tfl BENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCH, A throo-qnarter Plate English Lever fully eompnnsatwl Silver,
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