The Straits Times, 8 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
5 8 The Straits Times
  • 12 5 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 8, 1893. NO. 18,011.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 513 5 STKAM I ■Mgaaa. >Ur 17 ■7, d OBIT »Pproxiuiat.- the ■aaa* MM may be either ea: PASS il.rfeille. and tnence b, Kai I .1. n i« the same a* to Lon.ion dv sea BBTWBM LKD KOYPT i« <>U>an>er at Ismailia for [AJ I RNTICI :^.r.|on, the I :riVl 'l have
      513 words
    • 550 5 STEAMBHIP COMPANIES. K vaautma: I i"W mi tnH with t:,,. NMtWWN litilin iiivt-rtiitiitnt. \-f.Nc l»aO»QOAT. I HUTTMBACB Liiuit A Co. for fir>, clsss. mi as-. :i k pMscnger., an.l fa th. ,ir,M,|.,l w ri( i(r lt rrnTnmaili in nperatioa from an.l to Hlniiaawa ''"''V and all tornwduvto port* „t
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    • 622 5 STKAM --111 I' COMPANIEB. Siak, Bei gkalia, and Edi will be called at i only onco every fcur wicks. I fo BaraM trnrU via Bawean and HouraUys, I ev.ry four weeks a (BSMBH run- in tliis dire- i tion taking direct cargo and BaaaßßJWrt t.. fcsnjcrmasaiii, I..]. 1 l'a—
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    • 809 5 STEAMMIIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION I COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANG. EANOOON A CALCUTTA. On.' of the Cciupany'n st.amern is intended to leave Tanjocg Pagar Wharf evcr> w.-ek. Paaaenger* and Cargo are booked by the ab>ve stciiiiit in at through raU-s to all port* in j India and C.-ylon, also
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    • 658 5 LNSUitANCBd. muE MAEIME IXSUKAJICK COT.. LTD. X £*TABLnHBD 1836. Camtau 41,000.000. Kbsbbvi The undersigned having l>. en appointed Agert at Singapore for the above I'ompany, ia prepared to aooept risks Ij First Class Steamer* and Sailing Vewel*. UEO. KINO, Agent. ■MEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO Funds i-23,681.886. Heavy Reduotiom in
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    • 556 5 BANKS. < hongkong and shanghai banking corporation. c Psid-up Capital J10.000,000. Reserve Fuml S 3,600,000. Reserve liability of proprietor* JlO,W<O,OOO. Couar or Dibbctob*: 11. Homos, Esq. Chairman. <'. J II. .1.1.11. at. Esq.— Deputy Chairman. C. Jantaan, X..,. J. 8. Moms, E»q. J. Krmmar, Esq. I). B. Huaoon, Esq. <
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    • 671 5 NOTICEB. T> O W E L L i 0 0., SINGAPORE. PI.KASK THIS! FIW LINES AMD BIAS THEN IN MIND. OUR FURNITURB FACTOKT b ia Orchard Road, and is the largest and moat complete. It is supplied with steaai power to drive onr Woodworking Machine*, Saws, Lathe*, Ac., therefore
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  • 595 6 LoVTBtri 1 MAKK XT gUUTATIONM. BttWafOMV HTH Mat. 1898 Pvorijoa. iamhior I %.V, do do No. 1 10J0. do do No. 3, B.HO. Joura Bali, SiS. do Pontianak, VWI. I'apper Black 8.90. ia«o flour, Sarawak 2^». P»arlSa»;o 3.84. Joßea ball S4-"U-Joffe* rapine* •mall Flak* 4.15 An do 1-t
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  • 157 6 For fur tr liBM. T.)-M..«»ow r*[>»o »i* \>qt'. rifMWt Djtubie, JxitwiU. Ptn&ng, o-am;*., rr.nfnnu t,« 4,,.jAo,, L;<fti ri« part*. H*i~j Stnt l\r. hu»i>«. fc-t i>.s. Htatkofe. <*<T<)<,,.. IK op* ti» por«<, farm, f.l'' Cnmltnt. ll.-fko. -'/lu-ili,. H dica >Ld K «m /*«yu. II. i »i. p tfi,,
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  • 750 6 In the iood old titnes (ao long ago an night or ten yean) men planU^l MBM in Malaya and »aid that at $I'> \»<r |>icul they could eaailr pay baolt the money lent them on tfie wrurity of favourable fore- east*. For in th<>*' .in.
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  • 10 6 The hotuewar.l mail per Turrj closes tt p.m. to aaorrow.
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  • 11 6 Mi:. I'ali.. ICesi.letit i>: BaMfMJ Cjong, :.-u |at BagbuW oa SunUy
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  • 15 6 It is aiMftiaad thai two tiraaMi .v.-r. svers are re.jinrel f.nli fin in X (iuiuea.
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  • 16 6 Mr. J. IV Lm Im- takaa aur tihain* of the Paa**BC Braacfc o4 rh.- Chartered EUajk.
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  • 20 6 ik WaMMailay. Coiaaialaaaj Mi- P ke!t and Mi-- Sie|,!|.-n- g.i to PaaMSg t.> stay ou the hill tor a time.
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  • 16 6 Thk lele,i.i|.h vuiucr Sltrnnd Udtorit sailed ou 'ith tor IVviang t.i .\"ciite thle repair* le-voml.
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  • 22 6 M* B. W. BOTT |r,.|i| to-day tike« over charge of the BmRMM Brnli. I. uf til" ■oagwaajg »n 1 >huui;hai Bank a»
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  • 18 6 Ihk Miiuieipaliiv advavtMM mi .i aaa> |>eteut civil aajariaaar i- teaMMmrj ;--i--taut to the M mi. iii BagiMwr,
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  • 23 6 Ob Tuesday ami I'liuis.lay (trring raca days) theejcliiiii.-e l.iiiks will close at aud the Btaaaii Rmm «ill ba (.ul.lishcd at J p. m.
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  • 30 6 a Thl tuiicral of tiie lite Mr. I 11. .nit l.uu will take placa on Fn.Uy. moving from N.i. |v- 1 1 i v k Boad al 2 p in.
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  • 29 6 a The M. M 1. n >u r ,u yestt-rday ami H due Iwre loin «TOW. morniuk.'. She will most probably be dcapat.heil the a.mi" aMBaM at 9 H
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  • 30 6 I'm. .i"cl.ited r.lurua al I lie Bangkok Custom Hoiis.- i if the eijMit af n.e lac the nioutli af Mi'U. IBM; ahow tlmt the ulnpiueuls t.. Singapore i pic uls.
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  • 36 6 The pMMMjan UmiLiu,' for F. infa)paf Va.Til. to l-ive t i 111.111 MX. btllaVl til Hon. T. 0. H..Mirl'. M W. v..1,.,tT .ml -Mila fn kImC. Bj Im ffianihin Mm. \V K. Mnwell i;.i.'» t,, Japau.
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  • 50 6 tm NmHJI <l<i:<tU hears that the(i,.v crnor leaves IVuaiik: .hi tlie loth inal.iiit. for Tai|>n«v. com- r/n Neboug Ti bal all.) Parit Buutar After a ->ay nf in.n .>r perluis Im 'li>» .v Basval p*oc*eJ to Tel u lf Aiiaou aod tbeuea dir, t i t'lujpijDrß about th« llrtb ioaUat
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  • 16 6 The interior of tbe Cathedral of tbo >ood Shepherd is at proaeot lieiog repaired md redecorated.
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  • 24 6 Thk Secretary of the Tanjong Pagar Laud Co., advertises a meeting for tbe 2Mb of May to pais a resolution for win-dmg-ajfj the Company.
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  • 30 6 The football match played on Saturliy Ifaaiog Ix'twe.n teams of the PoBM IM Suldian from Forl Caouing resulted iv a rietorj i" r iba Utt.-r by :t poaii be I
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  • 39 6 Thk |.i" ol tli itii|iliinenliiry eonieit i.i Mr Sii/. uaiin .'iven by I heriiiih.trinoiii.- Sicielv Ust F I'liy, .luioiinti'.| t.. .ili .lit MOO. Tin-. tagataMt with the cheque be wa« praaaatad «nh makes a total pr awolatioa of $1,080.
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  • 57 6 Ovum hi v affc^tiaa of the thr.nt, tba aYr?. A-ii I ie,. n l'etharo waa unaliU to .Hi... ite al evens.. ng yenterday at St. Ai.ll -Ci'lml' il. Ou enquiry thia morning 1. -in ii he is uot in a serious condition bnl bk aMsiinal id*iMt for the praaeol
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  • 53 6 \s MMall cotnruilteil a few niirhta bm iit PcnafJ OB Mr. Brunt, of Measra. Bouatead .t \o.'» rappoaad to be by .iMiiiv Mr. Itriint wis passing Argyll Boad in .1 rikulii. wbeu a number of brickbat* »ew tlir.iw.i at him. one .if which Btnaa BM an 1 cut him
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  • 55 6 Bnaor Mkdeikoh. acnupauied by the Bar, Dr. GhtMalvaa, iaamiugst the passengers l.y the Yarra due early to-morrow in«niiui<. It is uncertain whether bo will r. in mi fa* in ire ths.ii a few hours stay here. Howaver, the Church of St. Joseph and the P«rocbiaJ K-sidoucy are bein< put in
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  • 49 6 On S.ilur.Uy. Cipiaiu Craufurd. the Mi.t.r-.Ui. uUiit. ambarkad in the buri/Aou bis ius|i.L'tioii luiir t» M liacca and II" w. t H ainmaapaßaad by M. de Bernard d.- Faacoavai, Conaul-li.-neral fur I! Igiam and A.-tnn{ Consul for luly, A 'isir.'-Uinu-.u-y Portfal who proc."Js ii linn tar .1 pleasure trip.
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  • 55 6 Nl\i i' Lirnliv. baiag A«eeusion Day. a apaeiaJ arrVMa for .hurch workers will bt held iii -S-. w's Cathedral *l seven a. m wii.-u aa addraM will be s'^"- At aifhl „'.lo. k a Choral Kuchinst. will be d. Plain Matiu* will be held at II a, in. -iml
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  • 58 6 laaaMl crowd* of people were assembleJ ou the Ki|'l m.fle tr..utiug the Cathedral Uat aaMHSg at balf-paat five o'clock wit-ii.-s-in^ a f hiu.nn in atrug^lioK iv the water. He was at length rencued by a Sikh policeman. He wag taken to tb« polka) atatioa au.l was found to be taaau*
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  • 49 6 Tiikhc will be a football match at T. I .ii> Av.r at -S o'clock thia ev.-uiug betvv.e:i the EVoausj bdi.ilirship Team, made ap of the PeaaJag fne .School studenta wii e.iiii ■ii -re tha: *1 i's-u's au.l Gnvernmcii'. li.iUr«hi|' .i tiiuuati.ia, aud mi the Straits National Football .'Mill.
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  • 53 6 Mk .1. M Ban., the ininiug export, who two iu mths l)-*'U ou/aged r..|H-rtv of the Gold Fields „t Sim, Liu'i.iphiu, returuo'l to B4D|(koh on ill" Ist luslaut on his way pa, Duriatt Uls v v minei. liave l>eea gunk ia the alluv.i! aad I* iv the reef*, or quartz
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  • 67 6 Tv > /'itii assault aMa "f Ici Malta Obu I'ak aul Nji Klin., iv the Bau^liok Siamese Uavrt, rtaaila r .»t|..iuel. l>y haal aaV i the niitiiiu af the plaintiff, until ha M able to procure some MraM tor.n .i, Im .itt.iruey. Hr. NiaMl Mt(4 f.i him »t tirst. but
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  • 88 6 A mri. In. ike out tint ill iruiUkT <>i. ll.i.i' i) vi, Imt wan extiagniabe.l b- tore nueh 'I iiiul'- wts dune A (H-rvant B>4a WA-lnt'i; ciotMa ill the fn>ut room af tli--third si >r. -v of h'U'.Vi'i'l saw ItaMt iMtlioil 1 1' >'ii mother r.Kiin Sly .'iliwl. the other
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  • 111 6 I'aaTßßA^ 1 1 I i uh» n'l aal aW) feitat of tbe Hlesiel J.-ui BafMM 'le U Sail.-. lha W— in "t the Brotberhoo.l of 8t .1..-, pli MTafaJ iiicuiUtsi of which work in BingaUMn —a iuu<>ical mass wiu iuag bj ill- .luldr.ii of the Brothers' School. ii the C.tthe.lral
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  • 100 6 Oooaj N>n« F..R Tmi*. I'i.vmi w THr 6rst a»'a»ou"» aafaMM from Del> .in. l I lie iiei^hhonring tolwi <»> produ.iue COaMtriN ii. vill at Aimtenlaui ou S* l«fdkj Tlie BfiaM realised wri»« moat satisU, t..i_\. .hi. l Mpnribjill for l>eli tobacemv Tm NvtaMrbUali f ra.ling S.Kieij li..\.- 1.
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  • 120 6 MONDAY. 8th MAY. 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Straits Times. STRAITS TIMES. K-l MII.ISHKII 1831. I'rio' Hi <Vnts. The Imtebnational Momktaki l'"\l!Kt.Vl Lundon. 6th Jfuy. At the request of the Uuited States Hov.irnnwiit, Belgium haa issued iuvitatious to the members of the Monetary Confereuce to aatemble ou the thirtieth instant. Anothkk
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 179 6 A Kit. Ii !siiil.>r U'louijmi; M the A<, v. i- aMMMad t" t'Hirt.-.i, daj'l iiupri-.'ii-ui'iit vith liar.l Ul>.iur liy Mr. Wood« iid. _'liuuk ami <lisnr.l.-rlv #<^u<l ,h-. ens aMWiat ofloar oa tbc 7th inst. At the tlntd BOMal .Mint tbix Mttliag, Ml \V,»mU-.ii>l had a list ot tjftv
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 602 6 rpHK BORNK. rOOMP-«T, LIMItm. 1 rpHC BUnd«rd Life A*s>iranee X Norwich Tninn Fire iBjaMaBOS Soriatr. C Atlas Asauranc* C.mpany Fire. Th* Bqnitabl* Li{ laaaraaaa .Sootsty 1 The (le^n Marina Inauranc- OaaBMBJ Th* Ohio* Matoal Steam Navigation Coy. Tb* Tottenham Lager Baar Coapaar. J The MaHtime Insurance Ossapsay, l.imit-i Tor particulars
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    • 903 6 NOTICES. rhe Straits Times has the largest r circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and J Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands In lies, the Philippines, and French ludo-Cnina. No other Eastern newspaper has
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    • 1180 6 NOTICES. mHE TANJoN(i PAOAR DOCK CO., I LIMITED. During the ab-enc-i of the underaigued, Mr. William HMm Robertaon. has been ap- I pointe.l Acting Manager of the above Company. Hy order o{ the Roard of Directors. .lOIIV BLAIR. Manager notioi rpHE (ML I t'm Ai-tr.. Transmarine JL Truliiir CoaißOJay haa
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    • 947 6 LATEST ADY KRTISKMENTS. NOTICE. LHAVE today, by order of the Court of Director*, handed over charge of th* 0 Jiujrap re Branch tv Mr. U W. Butt. Fob the Homiiuio k^rahobai Ban kino CoßroßATiox, I' E. CAMKKON, Actg. Manager. Singap. -Ii May. |H;i:i. 13/6 1 NOTICE. 1 C IMI r
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  • 198 7 "SrmuTS Tims." I May. that PlautiDg tv tb. Strait. ia» not hitbfrtu produced well secured momea." Iv this utatrtueut you arc quite -irict, and neither \a tbr future ou any Mmea bt* rntertaiued of an Estate paying v > i prisciUnit of tin- planter,
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  • 201 7 TO TM« SDITOK O? THE S: > lacerated aud v itemeuta -..<■ work dove [<\ il ii ibe to aud Clnua Eipreaa i i the I7ih Mar. li U.i. that nearly I l,r*n ptkuted aj. tbat there -200 acrm of Manila bomp, and ti. i* barn
    201 words
  • 295 7 fjiu rot ibe i •iiuci-.i of tbe laviui; cable. He joined the I 0 ill. I" Dpany, to tl,naneu aud tb.- Atlantli 11 mmended bun II- tvtbe bononi t ember. I»*>«>. AfU r having, un J' h.l ily, with tbe grantoi prw aui the laying
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  • 20 7 |(l,i ill IMOtUtr H v- ...I M, I ovi'll ■.crati'li ('vi Mr. K/nnei U>J J ti.'.
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  • 43 7 1.iU11.8 U.MHU HANLI v T.1U.1 aud Mi»» L d"Alinei"la -t- i I kBD omuui'i Do"" Hisumi Pi**' JSifiZ¥i& SsWii Th- kal Ha hi 2*5^% The Snal -i- b arr.»jr*l for *Vi*i|r Member, wmbinc v cao do .o br |MH i(>ut
    43 words
  • 518 7 Baron >aoom rapod al Ika director* i to tbe ibarnboldaia m th» half'i:iL'. bfll at Melbourne. In the BOth Orttobar, 18V2:— The directoni Ug i i labeail t<> tbe proariaaoia Iht Banana. pmavinn atatement and r<'|»>rt nf tbe nffain of ibe bank ai on 90Oi Beptaaabor
    518 words
  • 81 7 I An or.lniiiv iii.-tnu- of tli" Hunidpal I Oommiaaioaera will i»- ImU W* i p. in AOINHA. 1 To r<-it>l 'ul if approtad Iraj ili« itinntM „f 11,.- Or iiunry M .-tiuaf held ■"> VIH.I. J. (.-IUItM.-t. ffaUr Supply. TaafUa Banaek* I. N..w Punpiog fct >"•• T.h'l.-r- tm
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  • 659 7 Notes and Antiimpatiokk. To-xobbow tit half-pant 3 o'clock the Spring Meeting if ilio Him;*|'<>re S;x.>rtiup lub will cotmueuce and tlm mdicatiooH point to a luuccaaful day* iport. If keep* fine the cour»» abould be in •■ir.'llrnt order although a sharp shower lof rain w.iul.l it M
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  • 384 7 tUf izitle. i Thi lit iukUui but a Btmitt Wil,.w» xiid Orr m Pud »kfc gnat <1<«1 of I. ill IIIIM.I tUtf- ill" Straits Guv rain, nt ihould i Mil ••x'--i.t vurautw i lln- Kund w.- tUMI I i m4h t.. follow us, rcotimn ilih rt
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  • 851 7 Mr. K. Powell's report ou the Chineee Protectomt.- in the Strait* Settlements, lor 1892, s'xten that thf laiye Triad Societies of these Settlements lind now the hopelps»n<«a of attempting any revival, but the inherent clan nub propeuaiti. of tbe ''Inn- se arc, ho».-\er. so MfOßlg, and tb"
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  • 225 7 (liii.HKN SILKHtK. Tb« debate ou Saturday niuhi at tbe „i~. of Mr .I.e. l'^tmiii on tba que»- i, .n Wheiber it :s d.-sirable or <-\\*>- ilieiit to introduce the lhvurc C.nirt iuto tins Colony." prov.-il tv he .1 tarn.- affair. tgjtt tbe K-iman C'atholi.' Cbtirch
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  • 85 7 Kor Aiutriilinn ooit. ;»ariri«, ,liie 2sili May; CM**, in* loth June. MacAujsr and Co. K..r I ahaaajb Pt'-. «»<-'ry SatunUy, B. J. (lunn Par »usti.iii». V*a ona**a, due Hth May, H..,,-i..,,| I 1 inn., i-.its. Oaaaea. aw* :-»th May, 1; anmaaj Lad. K..i-r*nanjan4 Calcutta Palitana. Un
    85 words
  • 1908 7 Australian- BATON Detail* N*. O. B. C. D.TIDESDB. Mr. Jabf.z li.iLruCß Psotkcted. The Imtfeial Frdcsation Lraove. i I.i AND AMERICA Spain axi> Japan. /..>„,/„«. |M A)"-r, Tin- Si Q«m'i < 1 11 prnaaaata «-tit*Tiaiii I«nrd tl- rimm-t wholm- Ihh'H n]>|Hiin'i<l inviTiiiir uf Tasmania. at .1 baaaaal
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  • 283 7 B«-ik in .f g»a«eal par! of depopound- »in,'.- tiiI roapeet af tha |«iii<.l.K.rn n |iia! f". .t inir Ml etora ii «k« aadaairnL to sank aaasMaaea with riew t.i caftriag aa iiii.~~t.ii- aaiaaaaaaag nun.- aaaang ,1,-|»--framed i, b<.|». ij .-our-.-
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  • 121 7 AanITALH. Cer KaaM fr..m T An*nn.— Mr MctlanH IVr s ifhelU from Ujsuil.i —Mr. A la, tad Hmm a. ii, iii, t- Adrh from >ibu —Mr .1 MowIVrs s.o«awa* fr>.m Buttrit Mn*ri-. IV litou. Varaafd), F-n«rot. Ma<-lmu« Pont. aruli-tr,.f.-r. VV. < ail M.-n -n. TbaaM* S.-ntt. U da
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 946 7 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITID. FOR ADELAIDE. MELBOURNE. AND BTDNET. The Steamer NSW GUINEA. 1.700 toa*. Captain Casey, having left Calcutta oa the 30th April, may he axpactad to arriv* b*r» on Hie hth instant She will hay* prompt despatch for the above pnrta. cargo aad pamugaia taken
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 31 7 l-lUatKHI.M*. Xondar. *lb Ma). line* 1; Qwxjad S.l*. Tikmlh). "Jtii May. 111. Bomeward Preoi b ma'i doaaa I p. 1 tutwarl Preach mm', d le « n».h May. •j p. in.
      31 words
    • 36 7 <».m I p.u.. p.m. U>»Kk>. r II I l\.rr r«-. Sjf •nr«. N I H«« HiRAM K. Hi l 1 4 P Co., I llar(.uiett>i lllrwiion.,l «m,l h.,r.-e of Wiud 1 I Illllii WA.: il Immi
      36 words

    • 187 8 UIH.II ri,i» hmuiniir ilia fiilUvih* ■bbrwriaMaM aM M"l ttr. ttaHMTj >'il|>. lii). b.r.|ii': Krit.— British; D.8.— 1 in' -I St«i«F- -f Or. German Dm DutH, J.>l.. Jciiinro; Ac. (Jr.— <ien.>r»l enrjfn p. l k pi.-vmir-n.; I.—U ncurtain ;T.P.VV Taajosjg ['v-ir Wharf; T. P. D Tail jonir
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    • 1018 8 AkK'V4l.s SINCE Xonx or lunotl. I Steamers |>a«sfd tbrouifli Btxjlcaht, Glanm;r i an,l.,r, i.rk, < iy< Cumin... and G. U. Louion. ItabtlU. Brit str. B3 ton» Capt. Hudson. Mar. From Djambie. ith. <;. i :in 1 1 B. r BunHiniC). For Djamhie, (nh.— K.i». I \VM if tht
      1,018 words
    • 107 8 iCanu, Purr, and Dai< 0/ Sailing,. Keom London. .lava. Mar. JS; AuMralia. Mar. H| PwabrafcMUM, Ajil 1" ■1. Apl. It; Benlaw»r», Apl. Uj Palamwl. Apl. J7 i.lnn".. Ui 1- i.uzoii, -\pl Mi HIRKLSHLA... FilslsttlHl. Mir. 31 EMlwnphoa; Kar :M Argyll. Apl 7. IVu-alion. Apl II Jam, Apl H;
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    • 24 8 V\»i,hD SUNIU SfkAITS OK ARRIVED FOR OKDKKS. M<jr •'•hnJ'.'iV I h < ii |iiK v n» 2 H.»burf s^ir,; MMAtttJ**.*. JJS* EJ: Jes Ssfs,,.
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    • 27 8 Da.. 8 8 8 I 8 8 Vmui Nim. fLA.»*Rm .i*T.»r. b J Hr,1..,r Htn»O|r tr J«jonif Pcsmi; D,,t r C T I>«m«ATIO» Mumok mi PilnU.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 261 8 Null i;s i; l B H ED K<i() D. Tet it anh Voi- will iik SArisriKii. I K BKLILIOH l~tr* ts inform the public that lvi* Fuctory for pr«parinif ('nuned Food, it M, Bolilio* Road, ia now Rnl CUm Crushed Food, H.OO ha*. ea<h. Cl«ui O»ta In. lnn Bran
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    • 1363 8 NOTICES. TAN BB MOTION A CO. C'hronomf-ki:. Watch A (lock Mikes a!»d Oithjiann, Flint Stbbbt. H»v» aim vk un hand i \rnll «n!«rted stno of Jewellery, M Mohm, Clock*. Dinmond Jewel t\, and Nautical Inxtrunmnt*. ■wealsts UoM. Am.Ti...,,ri.wk.. 11r...h.- 1.. <*rri»««Clo<!k». K>mu- liv» »i. MarMa Clocks. Kefcsm Dirnwin* loatruounta. I.a>lt»V
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    • 890 8 NOTICES. Istablished 1885. 1)1 LEY, HARGRBAVEBA CO. EnutNtHS, Iron A- Brass Founders. Boilermakers, Bridge Buildkrh, Shipbuilders. oenebal. cowtractobs. SINGAPORE KUALA Lt'MPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH das* STEAM VESSELS always nnder construction, from *W ft. to 150 ft. length of k«el. of best design ami finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms
      890 words
    • 222 8 NOTICKS. TH K N'JIETH ArS T R A I. I A N HUTfiHBRIXf! COMPANY BlaTS&rOBI SHIPPING A RETAIL BUTCHERS OF AUSTKALIAV CATTLE ONLY. Offirx la, Raffla* Place, Telnplione No. 113. JAPAN BEER. YEBIBV Wnmi. Bkkwki> hy tiii: Japan Ukbk Bkkwert Co., Tokyo, Japan. A .liiifli i-lai- aaaaMgt "[Kcinlly reiiini--111. n.
      222 words
    • 101 8 NOTICES. PSYCHOS Par aalatjr, aMa, rnmfnrt ajataaaNM j in,- to a Pny.'lio."' ByaaUlj MH fur tka Oahaaal market. r'ittwl witli th.. aawaal r ajatad stan.linl Cushion tyres 1. diameter. 1 T.i ri.l -nfortalily y.m must vnll tvr.-.l Neat, light, and easy running. 1 Strong as a girder. Rigid as a
      101 words