The Straits Times, 4 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISHED-1831. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1893. NO. 18,008.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 655 1 VMSILII' COMPANI] 1 w, 'wn-.v,., m r ur T !u°^V^ Wn «*pore hocßowardr mi the fallowing o i '-»a»s 1W>::. M.r 17 Zu dat< only appronoM a depart ures may be either as ■V fare to Msr-eille* and thence by I II the aame as to Lon'.on oy sea
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    • 571 1 sil.v.Msiiii' COMPANIES. Kr ma" ATBOHAPPIJ. In let m-ictwith tat Netherlands India Qovemm— t. r, lai i nm vuay. for lirvt etsss, foi the .'ht and rats:— _-< mid all .lava” rth W< daasdn a Muntok. I and Ifnntok n eoa- iniMra's rort. via Siak. Bengkalis. Paneh. Bilah, Assahan, and Edi.
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    • 654 1 STEAMSHir COMPANIES. Sisk, Beijf kalis, and Edi will be called at only ..nee every four weeks. to Borneo t'ortt via Baweau and ftouraiiaya, ev.ry four weeks a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Ba!>j..nn«"iin, Foeloe Laut, Paasir, and Kotei. Obm i—cry **B xreekt s stesmer
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    • 814 1 siKAMvini- QMPANIBB. j BRITIBH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANG. RANGOON 4 CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the abjve steamers at through rate* to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East
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    • 724 1 PrSUBANOBS. maK MARINE INHORANi E COT., LTD. X £STABUSHBD 18S6. CArRAL X1.000.000. RBaaavß 4600,000. The undersigned having bees appointed Agci t at Singapore for tke above Company, is prt pared to accept risks by Firet Un Steamer* and Sailing Vessels. GEO. KINO, A«ent. "*aTEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO Funds £23.681,886.
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    • 515 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid-up Capital 510.000.U00. Reserve Fund 9 3,800.000. Reserve liability of proprietors $10,000,000. CofKr or Dibectobs:— 11. Boprics, Esq. Chairman. CI, Holmdav, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. ■SB, JuiH J. Bell.lrrinf, John 8. Lapnik, Esq. C. Julio, E*,. J. 8. Moms. Esq. J. Kr»m«r, Esq. D. B.
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    • 824 1 NOTICES. T7" AT Z BROTHERS Ban just received fresh shipment of TIELKMAN A DROSS 1 TINNED PROVIBJONB, *c. Spinach. Stewsd Turnips Carrots Savoy Kool. Endive Cauliflower. Green Peas. Brussels SprouU Red ibbage Celery in Gravy. Split Beana. Apple Soup. Pea Soup. Ox Tail Soup. ■aIaVMB, Brown Beans Soup. Qtaaeßeejf Mulligatawny
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  • 560 2 LATKBT MAKKIT QUOTATIONS. StHOAroBB, 4tb Mat. 1«»8. PIIOOdCB. i.ambi.r. *M do do No. 1, I"*--do do No. 2. 8.80. Copra Bali. fjgdo Pontianak »W Psppsr BUck 1 3ago flour. Sarawak 2.86. Psarl Sago, ÜbOM tMli. 84.JW. Coffse Üb«riaii MOO Tapioca small Flaks, ♦*>■ Jo do Ist quality *«>-* do
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  • 87 2 *W Pt sir. r, B c To-Mobbow. «.t« p»k»t. Mm iitT Milhtoaud Pnluut. Ban W'M: Sw., Xo.n' T mfnnu rta parU. H, Msrwilie.Ti.purM. p Kl»n» tis port,. Ban ITluitt Hi.,. 2pm Si* H.b.. si..: Kl»«|t tv port*. 8.... 3 p.m »sr«s. HtAlxAmr. i p aunarut' M.pjrt-. MssMsi, I
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  • 10 2 M AIL S DUE. I U.JIW J 'U.ltnbvf, on .Stlnr.l.)
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  • 147 2 Str aits Times THURSDAY, 4th MAY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ■aUaUoaVB i 1831. Price lit Qnts. for Strait* Titut. A UoMMISaioB OF ENtjulßT »o IHk PaMIBS London. 3rd May— la reply to an euquiry in the House of Coniiuous. Sir Edward Grey, ParliamenUry Becr»Ury, Foreign Oftloe, said that Great Britain iutends
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 451 2 On the »J6tli of April we publish. <i a I Renter's telegram stating that a peunv was to In- added to the lucoine Tax in order to ui..-t I l.ut the tokgtmai ..mitti-d to state what that estimate.] deficit was BootOT*! telegram to Ceylon is. .fa fuller
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  • 270 2 The Au str alia n Banking C risis. It will Ih; s>-vii fr.moiir tel.gniui!- t ..-d.iy that out- ..t th" Australian l>anks is already t,, recnstitut. .1 But it is a lunk with lt^ baai oaVi aiLaßjiai HwßaglMa, loottfah and Austniluin Chartered Bauk ■BMaial "ii tlu 15th of April It
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  • 6 2 Pkwani t^ at sWab cmAmmm --I
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  • 11 2 Inf booßMwl Bail pm <• closes at 5 p. m. on Saturday.
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  • 11 2 Mks fnUATO— lad h.-r .Inllr. ii ,irnve.l «.ifelv iv Boun v.ster.Uv
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  • 19 2 <l\ Saturday tb«re will l w no golf. Tde lini;< will v. rimisi fr,.m the <;tii to the 15th.
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  • 31 2 1 T«l Bare Books for the Spring Ban Meeting will be ready hv noon of Sit url iv when thoK.- who" th-m may obuin them from Messrs. John Little Co.
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  • 22 2 TH«M»»te»Attentlant(Capt.Craufurd) l«ave. on Satunl.iv in the H,r*,,,rjk M I tour of iaOßMtiosi of the lighthouses in the IttUoOMai aud tbe Straits
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  • 26 2 Tbk Selangor hlmiii vacbt aWMMMi is MfMiaJ here this aftersxKjii tr,.» gor. Mr«. I'r.M.her is a passenger on board. The aWsansMi tomes down to be overhauled.
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  • 30 2 Tm llaMfan of st kmmmm't B»aM ami the Chiltlrens Home have ea.h received donations ot |U7, bosBJ pottioai t>f the pi-,Kve,U the laaj Mikado performances, presented by the Companr I
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  • 42 2 To-Moiiaow. Ibe Golf Club meets in the j 8. C. C. pavihon at sp. m. The oajoet is I to decide whether the Golf Club will build a pavihou ou government bad beyond I but on the borders of. the IsMW ftflM.
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  • 40 2 Psivatk Hihrbbt of the Liuclnsbire Keximent. for larking lv.use trespass aud setting tire to a mosqait* curtain m the oOic-er« quarters atFort Cauniug. tai other day, »as seut.n. ,d to twelve moutlis' rigorous imprisonment b? the curt of two magistrate*.
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  • 55 2 Us Tuesday, some Cbiuese uvn. cutting woodoua pr.v.,l. .-.(ale at Chan Hum Hang when the Mal.iv maudor went aloug »i-p them A .v nffl ensued aud one ot the Chiuese received two tuts ou tbe arm which proved tataJ. Tbe Malay has K*n arrested ;h, w ut to the
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  • 45 2 Ar tbe lolav Court, tins niom.ntf. be. for,. Mr.Kyuner.Uy. ftGbaMM 0.l lue r. -bant ol 1. CiMular Boai. was tin..,) s I >-> an,1,, v, m; mmm of "lly license.: mam, a,*> f,,, Immm, rA f th aaoie. 1u.,».,,,,, lVl eira proaeouted lor i ih. sfaaktMlU*.
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  • 31 2 Th« Honjbm'j D'lily Pren hears that the Bongkoaf and Shanghai Bank havo ii. iw received back the money attached at M.iniU iv connection with the cmliarpo in It); decided lawsuit there.
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  • 53 2 Mkssbs. Puwkll <t Co. held a niort. gugee's sale to-day of a ccx-ouut plantation •itaatcd on the Pyab Lebar Road in the Kallang district. The land is estimated to ....Mtain a total area of 6 acres, 8 r.M^c an.i U pole,, and 'i planted witb alnmt ■nut tree*. Tbe prio
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  • 89 2 IIoMtKONn had, by last advices, a strike of washermen owing to several of them h.ivii.g boeß lin.-.l l.>r tiuiltliny on Crnw v Lud mi the pursuit of their calling th" movement n intended an a aiaiatt tbe .-onvi. tion. The men bare beOB tol.l to v"' 'be lanudrien it. the
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  • 55 2 1 n :n 1 of Ibe Sat] lUti. LutoolHbin [m iv tat f .How graimn" in the nnttnifl! luorrn.- wcafiimit l> p vi PaoaaAtnn, 1 Mir Pat»r«ii, i. Ursrton Paril— i Boatqnet. i. \M- Brmgmm Godfrey Plan^netlV. 5. Daan I. „■>, Suloui.m. A I! Hirst.
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  • 83 2 The saaiiaMl for the Ualloway race* at the forthcoming Spring Meeting arnv.'l ken ••it-r.i«y afleruoon along with tL.- V'i.u-l. I'bia morning. KUn q ij it-* i- bruagbt l>efore the Stewards at i It t.. l»- measured for, anJ ,ii a giliow iy. Klxivj GaUt failed
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  • 59 2 S..MI- ill <.f the stagnation at |>r.-. g.-ut ciii.tin»; iv tb- saiaaiag trade in the V.l-' may be gathered from the follownff paragraph which we extract from the M ilrjt Mnl Tht-Tf are now 77 vessels in Csleu'ta. 16 -'•■liner-, representing auaaaft if
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  • 138 2 Phi pilots ot' Siuifap >re hare petitioueU i in connection with the tMO Sunday Libour Ofdi> BMM which. »0 they all.-/.-, gives the :k ..n Sunday than t1,,-y do bitatftft. It appear* that a Inv" nuinU-r of sliipt have avniled ißMtßtlfM ot a clause in the
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  • 133 2 The home authorities, it is report*.!. Wtraotod the Ceylon Government 10 mi'.TKiIlT a 1.1 t.> the charge hitherto > >■■ nail (teamen calling vii.l woridag at Colombo oa Buodav» Thouaoual |.;nal.U- has boeo R3O eaVb Towel, bat BJOOaro to be added
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  • 70 2 Cr icket. The snujl.- wu-k.-t .-ricki-t uut.-li hf US if"" -hi Han. l 1) SulHlins!.,mi of the Bngapan Vofanoor Art.ll.n Cmm tommmcei, VMawbay, oa t)/.- Es|>lau;i,l. Kr..und Th,. 'will I* nmti-iu.-.] to lav v.-st.-r.l.iv's mriag aw Mo**— B. inMnm tiilliner liniliam StfVi-limili n Bean Sergeant Beniafiel.l A BaM Hilton
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  • 110 2 La dies' Lawn Te nn is Cl ub. Re.sci.tb or Wednesday's Pi l\ LaDlEs' Doi'BLK UASmnr Kn Umm «ml Mrv D»iv ..we J I ■>■ M- WrntttO ni Mi*. Donald-m }1& Mnr Tallm and Mi- t,. d'Aluiei.U J 1.. Kmmt aud Miw Isemouger li Tim far to-morrow. Championship. Miss M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 510 2 V inoOOHPAoTT, LIMITED. j(S Standard Life Assurance. i rwich Union Fire In-uran.-e Seci.-ty. Atlas As*ursnce Company Firei. The Equitable Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine In*uran<v> Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy. Tbe Tottenham Lager Bwr Company. The Maritime Insurance Company. Limited. For particulars of the** Compamnn nee the
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    • 759 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. it circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the j Protected States of the Malay i Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern, newspaper has
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    • 983 2 TENDERS GOVERNMENT OF PBRAK. Tkni'Kks job P.ibt Wkli»-Pk>anii Stkam Skbvicc. mENUERS will Im> Hoeiisd si the "ffice of I K. the Socret»ry t I (Joverument. Taipiug, i Persk. up to aooaal Uth Hay, l«t:i. for ih« I coudact of the Port Weld Perak .fatal staMl mil paswng»r MTMI fir
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    • 927 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE PHILHARMONIC £> BOODTT. C> npliuient«ry (Concert to Mr. E. Salzmamn.) KKIDAY. MAY sth A PorVUI COSCCBT will l>e given, at whi,-]i Mr- Sil/mann aud Mr. Newton will »ing f i I i l»*t tinu- previous to their departure i. funipe. The entire Chorus and UHaarra »ill as*i*t.
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 66 2 ti:i:iM.uiiM> r,.i;i-. 4th May. Sitik'l".- Wic k.-t CiiaipiUtiua. S. V. A Friday. sth May Golf Cluli M..-<>tink'. 5 p. m. PhilkaraMNaic Boototj** Concert. gialnlle Party." Taoglin. A. T 11,,., S V A.',- World. Baad ia tlie Gardeas 5 p. m. Saturday. <ith May. SiHiriiuk' Club. Tanglio. (i.iniin lwiDetvard mail closes
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  • 270 3 I the Kmrn Lode IJBT IMPROTCXKT AT BfKIT MAM. >■■ Th« following ike Mining Manager'e tl II I M S it..- data .1 tion afi.r denning up tl mi,l tii hum. ranted below «v the OU Tin*. 1 liel Ming ijuarl/. iinw»v to mullock lip Jl |..t bigh. in'
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  • 1380 3 Telegr aphic Summary. yXupplrmtn'ary b Strut* 77mm Tc/«fra»i«.) ;Ioh.) Hull h.i> I i, rin- of lII.' drawn v). by 111* shipowner* in the I' < 'ummonMr EaaatU, I'nd.r -V.-r.tary furl' rr|.l_\ t,, a i,ii.-.iiiiii i in li\ Sir George Mii.l dint the east at bringing the [adfaatroopa fn.m l ii.
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  • 41 3 T«t BteraUry of th< >' auJ our meuilx-ri. ;wu ..I t lj.- (.l.iv.-m. map, which we dota, au.l tb.- othw iherK >ut had I l i only leu remarkable tlmu il.« Btiuliton m w»» deult i coinpleV
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  • 42 3 It is to I- a ■afe limit tor |-tr..!.nn, in Ind tuthoritit* propoao lo r« m tli.--n-cllesulv hit-'h. but we are di| Ito i ioaofficirat r that it in m«™ciently believe tb»t a a tli. market Kmm.
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  • 56 3 F.xfi' ui> Sritsu" or A Bebm. IPF. .'MI, ApnL bfooobf D t of t!u I i with Ht.-aUu- gold from the Penj < uii'd wei lli-' .-Hi- tjcwr«Mfe. JIW.I.V tO b ing hi:iir..!f u| DDMDt. Il I mvi, did tbeit il wbea th.v Ida let In m
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  • 85 3 It is .i (tewortkj Utt that tLe tutu! >il\tT production "t tli.- world iucreasrd <1 itr n,_' th- last calendar year by about »-J by au ima of 0 i. from Mexican mine* and 00m tr.. hi tin- lniues of Australia. Hotwitbttaadiag lb« fow tnontbi' strike in thf Barrier
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  • 178 3 uiiu.-iii,' ■>'<>i\v reacW* tbe Titan of, hatkoar. Ti. fruoi Calcutta brumal t<> tbat port a very \hr Arrbduke •t An-'r.i. 'I h i|,|k-,i to Cototbo by ih ir-'in the WUb* t" th>* .\n-tri ..'/:< r ■i, *bere B »ho r.-<. iv,- tbe »vi- i
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  • 285 3 A Shipping Contrast between Singapore and Co lombo. i flail of VeyUni.) 1 1 km „tm-a s a surprise to some ot our I, am IM uuiubtr of »U»uitTH tr»OU>Ptif tbe harUmr of Colombo during IBM »a« km by J7 than iv tb« nwrioUl fMTi tlif |Mtml MM being
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  • 110 3 A CoßßßsroßDliiT writ** There is juit now great competition in tbe running of steamers U-tween Rangoon and Moulmeiu and vice verta, and owiug tv this the B. I. 8. N. Company, represented by Messrs Bullock) Brotlien in rUogoon. haa reduced its present rates of passage between
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  • 235 3 AaaiVALS. Per s a, Sappho from K lang —Mrs. Svers, Mrs. Staffod. M ssrs. Watson. Harper, Rayin, nil. aud Uichard. Fers a. McAHtler from Macassar Mr. Kalder. i era. a Celttiial from Samaraug I—Measnt.1 Measnt. W. C. Van Argeyden. and Van Duyn. Par a. s. Prtuum from Anwerp:—
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 388 3 JAPAN BEER. YEBISU brand BULWEU bY THE Jai-AN BEEK BkKWert Co., Tokyo, Japan. A .liigh <■'«••( beverage special'}- recoini:k'iiilml for thit climate, ran vow be obtained retail from M«Mtt. John Littl<> A Co. Ann l-ock ACo (i>ck Teat t H.h>u Keat A Co. at the following extraordinary low rat«», for
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    • 1056 3 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPOHTING OLUB SPRING MEETING 1893. The Spring Bin M. cling will b« h«ld on Tuesday. 1 hu'xtny, and Saturday, Majr 9th, 11th and 13th PROGRAMME. FJR-T DAT. TUESDAY. MAY !>th. Fikst Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE —VaIue 5250. A Race fnr maiden li, Fir-t Class to carry list. 71b*.
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    • 915 3 NO I ICES. Established 186.1 J3ILET. H .VRii RE A V E S A CO. Enoikcbbh, Ikon A Brash Foundbbh. BoILEBMAKKKS. Brllhik BuiLDBBS, SHIPHUILHKBH. UENKRAI. COHTBACTOBS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOB. SHIP BUILDTNO YARD HIGH class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of
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    • 905 3 BHIPPING. -pK)B PENANO AND CALCUTTA Messrs Apcar t Co s steamer VATBEh'ISF APCAR. UM tons. CapUin KG. Olifent, having left Hongkong fin th* 38th instant, may be expected to arrive her* on the 4th May. M route for the above ports For freight or pas-age apply to 4/5 SAKKIES A
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 98 3 WKAiHKK KKPOKT h i m..j Krabaußo.-pilal, 2nd Mf.. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Hauiaas Bar. red. Kah i« 841 2V 742 20 798 Temp. 80S S«.B 77.0 Wet Bull. Ther. f) S 7».8 75.2 t "sj Oir. of Wind S.W S.A. Calm. IjJ<ha.|< 88.4 Uia. .io. do 73i
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    • 138 4 Uudrfr lUt heading the fallowing abb»»»i»tiuns an' ui.^l str. steamer; ak tUp; l»| barque; Brit. Britinh; U.S. Init-d S'»'*»; Fr.-Frenrh <^pr. German Dut U Jol,orr>; A.-., <;.••. <;«n«ral rtrgn -1 pa»«en(f»n«; L'. Cnoortain ;T P .\V PapirWharf T. P. D— Tanj v I'^--B. W.— Boru'x) Wi.arf J.
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    • 666 4 TRADING VESSE LS. AkUlTlL* SIHCE X.10.N Of IK-.-KKDAT. JmMhk Dut. »tr U May. Fruui Katav ia l.t (i W M Co. For Am--- U V W SappKn. Br:t. »tr. H I :iid May. From Klanx i-.i Mai and I" I. b S-r,..-- SI MaUu-.-a an.l KUoi;. 6th.— T. P W.
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    • 106 4 Port, and Date, of Sailing. Fbom Tjos-nos. .lava, Mir, J- GlenaMtrgaaajUfe, M.ll kpi hi QlmMel, ApL ISj B<>iilawer-.. AfL 1". Palamed. Apl. JT Lit**. Ma il« Liiz.m, .V.I. 10 BIKKENHEAh Prometbem, Mir. 31 Bellerophaa, Mar :tl \rir_vll. A,.l 7: Deuealio*. Apl It Jm*A, Apl 28; IWlmmc M Ai.t.nor.
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    • 26 4 £UUD sfNDA mS&St Mfi&VKD K» OBDKKS wj. j ->.- s h Jl (i.. r bq. Heuri.'tt* H.. ."TTT SI Nor. b^. dSST rti* Mani SK|B; S
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    • 29 4 IUT- VBMtft Nu. 4 H»n»k»li< 4 PHHIH 4 Kmn* 4 F.thool Moun > Aj.r M.w.r 4 Not lU,jim Bnt.«r. .1.n1.r. I'««TIN»TI>iN H.«glOßf Mi Mud<l,.. Poatauuk Ma l'»kan via yurl
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 376 4 NOTICBB. KATZ BROTHERS. TAILORS AM) OUTFITTERS. ■v B. ci.v/>».\. BUTLMJ. Md MMWWMMVM, nUEHOI TWILLS AND IOATINGS. WKsr or KN(iIANI> TWEIDS AM) BOMXBPUMB. nw Bumsaa r\\,'v vi:-.n\i;s. WHITE DE] BBTII I \M -v TBOWSBSIHOB [>KtB« BHIBIB »iil, ooc it-sj bole in fnwl ÜBBBB ill > ih i l-iri:.lN-ll.\M> DBRBI VXD CAMBRIC
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    • 439 4 NOTKES. What Finik Can You Dual Thau JOHN JAMESON A SONS' (DUBLIN) "OWN CASED" Very Old BLAO -BOTTLE WHISKY. Plea« -cc you get it with. M.t.l I BLUE c 84ar BX PINK Two Stars. Capsule* I oo LD Thr- BtaPt> SA Export Bolllinc AsMa ,0 J. J. S.C. DAT k
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    • 1388 4 NOTICES. TAMBfsIkfOTIOI, CO. Cu«obomk,f.». Watch A Choc* MtKEBS ±ny oj-TtuiANS, Flint Street. }l»vHalway<>inhanilawHll H«lect«datoc of Jewellrry. VVatch<w. Clocks. Diamond Jewel I cry. and Nautical Instrument*. ■■ataJ It 4«.ri«nClo-ka. Pionnnw Cnw- Clock. rjrr i i.i I Harl.l* Cloak.. LaabMa. Drewiw In.trum.nU. Ijwl:i"' Ki....«.nJ ChroiKiiif 3iim*l I Th«rujoiii«t«n>. Wwi.lmj i *rHiG».
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    • 255 4 NOTICES. THE NORTH AUSTRALIAN BUTCHERING COMPANY. SIKdiPOBI SHIPPING A RETAIL BUTCHERS OF AUST KALIAN CATTLE ONLY. Office: 3a, Raffle* Place, Telephone No. 113. PSYCHOS. For safety, e*ae, and comfort reeom ncuu mo to a P*jrho.' Specially built for the Colonial market. Fitted with the newest recojfiii-ied *Undard I Cushion tyres
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    • 167 4 Notices. For the NW, C XaiM'O and IfcUh, (Jj-^k WW I Am The most suitaliU- and scin.lilic •'M k MmJm\-WM' for Mkate >kins. v. An ideal MSf ,1-I^htfully „..rnii,i".l.-(7,, Vrmggvt. Of Unqsssl ossWi raewlle Br >;./, j,. "in liv,- kin.t-. PREMIBtt fr Ihfl HllUonl II IKiRM. ItAI.SAMK \1 OTTO
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