The Straits Times, 2 May 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: l«ttl. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1898. NO. l»,OO6.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 747 1 IMSHI] 1 011 Wrarvbk and Hfas«Jsß3 ttl I'm mail steam.-rs may re ,i; rive outwards and cave Rings. mi tbe followiug da'i>rr»-»»» "»«a»» Is!' Ma; 3 I he above dates are only approximat.. j tbe ..rival, ami departur.n maj be either eail,.i or AUK. bf Kai 1 -nd. a is
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    • 548 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Ki'MNKLIJKK PAKETVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ I'ndur contract with tlie Netherlands India OoTamnHsxt. >n in Aaracr, latb J. Daen UoiiiNBo» Quay. 1 NBACB The Company has a B *toainen<, laUoa for lirst elsss. ngers, and foi the 1 a Hi electric li^lit and tl.e latest 011.-r improvements ia operation from and
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    • 651 1 STKAMSIIII' t.'OMI'ANIES. Siak, Bergkalis, and Edi wiU be called at i only once every four w.-eks. To Borneo I'ortt via Bawean and Souraliava, ev.ry four weeks a steamer runs iv this direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Haiijermassiu, Poeloe Laut, Passir, and Kotei. ra >i> v,l:» a steamer
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    • 799 1 STKAM-yIIIP COMPANIES. BKITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANO, RANGOON 4 CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers in int. ml. 1 to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo aro booked by the ab>ve steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to
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    • 659 1 IWgUBANOBt*. mHE MARINE INBOUANCK COT., LTD. X £BTABLISBBD 18S6. OSHBU A 1.000,000. P.csbbvb X600.000. The undersigned having been appointed Ag.-i t at Singapore for the above Company, is prepared to accept risks by First CUas Steamers and Sailing Vessels. UEO. KINO, Agent. "T»»TEVV YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO FUNKK. Hflffflflftf Hkavy
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    • 519 1 BANKS. HONUKONC AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid-up Capital 810,000,000. Reserve Fund 8 8,600,000. Re-terve liability of proprietors 910,000,000. I'ornr or Dikictobs: H. Horpius, K-g. -Chairman. i I ll.iiiiiAT, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. 11..H. Jamrs J. IMMrTIaK. J..1111 N. U|>rmik, K»q. C. Jant»n, E.g. J. S. bom, E*q. I J. Krmm.r, K>q.
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    • 748 1 j NOTICEB. TtINSON'S vVATOfIIS. Makofactobt, Ludoatc Hii.l, Lou dom MAKER TO H. M. THB QUEBN Specially manalactured and reeomsaended or use in the Bast, Benson's Special stbehoth, FIELD WATOH. A Gold Keyless English Half Chronometer, £2 BENSON'S LUDOATB WArOH. A three-quarter Plate English Lever tally cinip- nsated Silver, £6.55., Gold,
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  • 88 2 To-Mobbow. Por Pur sir. Tine Djamb!.. Baa AKn§ a fc- Pakaa« tn4 Kuulaa. a*Mnlx.. 1r m Bar.p. ria poru JTirtS|M,r«. I >*ufso*. PitlM., i r-m C'alcotU t,» port- \,rbul.L,. 2pm. Jacra na saitt, Timor, Pakaa tU port-. Putin. i p.m. T. Aiwd »ia poru. J101.i. I B.a>.
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  • 17 2 Ustwa-J. ou Tlmrxlay Hoinew« .1. -OUaahsss, on S.iur.l».. Par Central Shl»|»liir Jlf See pare 4.
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  • 593 2 LATKBT MARK XT QUOTATIONS. Siboafobb. 2m> Mat. 18M Pbodjcb. MamMer 7( do do No. 1 >«■»• do do No. 8, f-fO. (Jopra Bali do Poutianak >«JPsppsr Black 3ago Flour, Sarawak 'i«JPsarlSago, Co«*« Bali. *J-^ Ooffss Liberian, *>-WTapioca small Flaks ♦•*>• do do Ist quality *62}. do mcd. Bake doamall
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  • 106 2 Straits Times TUESDAY, 2nd MAY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. KsrvHi.uHni. 1831. Mm 10 Ont«. For Strailt Timet AiUJJDMSNT* TO THE HoM« Sui.l Bill. London, 1,1 Uay.—Kt the preMut time, there are four hundred au.l twenty seven amendments to the Home Kule Bill. *ixty. two of which relate to the retention of
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 313 2 The ynsiH in th« political *ituation at B. rlin "rought on by the Rcich»t*g having rejectd .crtHtti parts of the *Mf |-'n.lmu' Military BillH was aiitici|*tcd at th.- <latof last'mail a.>vi.-en. At that tune tinBeichitAghad in.-iuit.-stcl such hostility to these measures that s|K-.-ulation grew rifca.stothcprolHil.le results.
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  • 164 2 Fr a nc e an d Si am. Ki'ktiikr <li-tails wlii- li tmtk u> '"ii ivrnin^ th«- Friiii.oSiam.~- tTßfjhlM fa not really a.M nun h la wlnit is alrt-udv known. The Freinh with thr.-.- huudn-d itoliliers continue t.. occupy the district ■I Stung Treng. an<l the <li«tri.-t <>f Lipi. on
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  • 16 2 The N. L. iteamor OUl'nbur,j 1. ft Hongkona vtsterdar and it due here oa Satur day.
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  • 18 2 These will bo a bix-key mat. b on tbe Esplanade on Friday S. V A. bsbjM tbe World.
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  • 21 2 On Wedueadar and Thursday two teams from the S. V A. will iiuvt on' the Esplanade in a single wicket competition.
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  • 21 2 Thkbb are said to be some twelve electric lighting companies now at work in Japan, and new one* are being floated.
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  • 21 2 Sir Win Robinson, tl"f m Governor of Hongkong, is spoken of iv Baagfcng a* a probable successor to Sir Cecil Smith.
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  • 24 2 On the 17th iu»t. Mr. Swetu-nbani give! at the Tai|'iiikr iiesideucv an tMaißg at bom. in honour of H. E. aud Lady Clementi Smith
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  • 28 2 Amun.. tb.- for England \n to-morrow's P O. mail » are Mr. .iii.l Mrs Howard Bcutl.v of Johorv an.l Mr aud Mrs. ShellaU-ar'of the Mctho.list Episcopal Mission.
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  • 38 2 Theki ba* been suraci-m support promised so th-tt the Committee have decided to bold the Annual Athletic S. C. C. Sport* ou the Hth aud 17lb of June. Eutrie* can be made up to the 10th of Jt>ne.
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  • 34 2 Th« Siam Fret Preu alleges that it ha* now become known that the Siamese Goverument have borrowed a sum of mouev from England with a view to defending themselves uore effectually against French desigus.
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  • 39 2 ATSuugeiCbuow.iu the I.' ln Liugat district of Selangor, there is a large demand for tin mining laml. npou it being knowu that <>fe from tbat plate has yielded 7M per cent of tiu. a very high average for Selangor.
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  • 38 2 I.iht. Gknkrai W.Q.Cummm, formerly commanding in Hougkoug and the Straits Settlements, will not return home from the Cape oa promotion, a* wait stated. It has beeu decided to allow him to rclaiu the commaud of the Cape forces.
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  • 56 2 Th« Captain superintendent of poli.-e in Selangor ha* Iteeu ou a visit to I'lu Selaugor. where be teiuaiued at liawang for tho night and wa« very much surprised with the pro^res* that "ha« l>een made since his laat visit many u.-w bouses have l»een built aud the wine's aji|x'ar to
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  • 64 2 In the re|>ort on the Selangor im-dical department for laat year, the K-sideucy surgeon calls atlcntion to the fact that the water *upply of Kuala Xumpor not good at any time, and in dry weather is extremely bad. The completion of the waterworks will bringasuflkieucv of fre*h water into the
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  • 131 2 A MUM corrvspou.leut write* Duriug next week the link* are to be given up to the exclusive use of the Sing*, pore Sporting Olub. That club propose* that borne* (ball be raced competitively iv order to teat their streugth and *peed, aud that the owuen of the *ucoe»»ful hor»e« ■hall
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  • 80 2 The chimney (talk of one of the Jo. bore Steam Saw Mill* wm struck yrtterdiy by lightning. Ju»t at noon a pral of thunder wa* heard and when the men turned to, it wa* discovered tbat Befeiml bricks had been knocked of tbe top of the stalk— some about 12
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  • 61 2 The Baud of the 2ad Bitt. Lincolnshire Hegimeut will play the following programme in the Botanical Gardens, sth May, commencing at 5 p.m. Pboobaxme. 1. March The Volunteer Frle Paterwin 2. Overtur* Puritani Bnu-Miuct ;i. Valse Brayama Gudfrnv i. S"lecti')U Paul Jon;, PUmju 1 5. Dun
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  • 170 2 Ladies' Lawn Te nnis Cl ub. or Ykstkbday'k I'm Ladies' BtMU Handicap Hid Wislmrt 4- l.'i beat Mi»« Fra^-r I.V $4. M Ladikh' uu QaWlUHCnra' D-ifiit Haniii. at Misi L.l'Aliii.'l.l.inn.l Mr Gnrranl 1 I brat Mrs. D.inal.l-.i. and Mr. Hsrwool I', :l-ti. til. M Mr., r1 illii 1 ami
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  • 63 2 The Cu rren cy Question. Louden. Jhl A/int. —The Financial Xetrr says that a twu p..-r cent, preiuium on goM at Vienua proves that Austria's experiment for a guld standard witb her ireld locked up has broken dowu. The same p.-ipt-r says that it is impossible for L«rd H^racbeli's Committee
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  • 113 2 Lan d at Klang. In the district of Klaug, there is good laud for padi near the coast, aud eicellenl laud for coffee, pep|wr, gambier, Ac, iuland on the bills, the soil being vcrv ri. h There is also said to be tin iv thi* district The district oth --r
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  • 97 2 Th« value of kerosene consumed in Japan, says the Hy.»;o Stv>4, amounU annually to over 7,000,000 yen. The oil is nearly all imported, the 'home produce being only about 700,000 yen iv value. The country i*. however, not wauting iv oil-producing districts such aa Sagara in the
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  • 164 2 Anci ent Rem ain s at Selangor. On Sunday. th«- l'.'tb March, a large Kauduri or feast was held at Selaugoi- in ord.-r to M r.«i>.', t to the graves ot the form, r Sultnus. Thest- interesting uinnn incuts have lalelv b«vu enclosed by a neat dwarf wall, aud iv
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  • 211 2 A Poi sonin g Case in Penang. Tbe Piminy Gazette give* |«rticulars ,if a poi»ouing case there oq the 28th April in which as many a* fifteen tenon*, including meu. womeu, aud cbildreu, w.- poisoued. It took pUce iv gccupie I by H&nbiii) Nina Merioau. form-i Ir a clerk,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 523 2 fpHE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED rpHE Standard Life Assurance. A Norwich luiou Fire ln-uran.-e aSoriety. Atla* Assurance Cmpapy -Fire To* SquiUhle Life Asaursunn BMMWJf Tbe Ocean Marine Insurance Compauy The China atulual Navigation o\ The Tottenham L<k'..r H~>r Coinpsny. The Maritime liwu.aii.e Cmipsti) UaM. Knr iiarticulars of those Comnauiee s«« the
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    • 735 2 NOTTCBB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India eicepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay j Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the j Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has j
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    • 993 2 TENDERS. GOVERNMENT OF PBRAK Ten debs fob Pobt Weld-Pen anu Sikam Sebtice. mENDERS will Iw l-eceived st the nffii-x of JL the SecreUrv to Oovernnmnt. Taipi.ig, Perak, up tn nou I of 15th May. lHStf, for the conduct of the Port Weld i t'.-rak i-Peoaug steam mail anl passenger ««rvic.<
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    • 1018 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED at once a first claaa cutter for a large outfitting and tailoring eetah'ishment in Bslsvit. Apt-ly by statement giving lesli.ooi.ial-, terms, etc. to "Cutter" c/o Vi-eer, B.Hik4jller. Bats* it »/5 AUCTIOV SALE or UNOMIMID. 0 N PI-SCATBD (KK)DK. AND DN.>r RVICEABLB STOR 88. M- ■BAT, Un Mat.
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    • 76 2 M.S.S. «u«d<J /or llu IMrsili Tisuj t)mli bt >r ",i •r. M nit tt Ik. ,-i~r only. By l«« .^Uclg/IW ,«.<w «a»y M.S.B. •<•« nyrUd IKat m^U otK.rvw. l.t puHUKtd. AU •iw.iuisf Mtrub mm Mibjtct I* tkt nmsihm tkmt lk> MaiMf.r wlmi UU tUtrtinmmtt Mtflk>>a« ™JZZ£IC m m tUr s*
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 TuciwUjr. *nd May. Church Work Association A p. m. W <liicH«lni. 3rd Nay. Homeward Mail closes at 2 p.m. Single Wicket Competition. S. V. A. Thursday. 4th May. C«H-ouut Plantation Sale. Powell I L'o German outward mail due. Single Wicket Competition. 3. V. A Friday. ■'Via May Golf Club Meeting.
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  • 189 3 Prru, April. Thb situ* I ion lias in noway ehaugrd if Usi iaaaw, Kranit- is t—auliJa ting her ad«anr..l pnitions on the M--kong. and burrting on th- t-1-graph linand road to Baigwa The Siamese are impressing every available man for Barvice, and thtt tain* am n»i.l to
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  • 403 3 Elivkn Dk*h Oa the Mad April, an oajitmwi look place among the priaoajen in aha n-w Jail at Bangkok win. li reaoUed in eon. ■idernbh) btoodahad. Kuuiour had pointed t<> tb- prisou-m [thwing a rnmaj to "iNoff on tbe J.'ith April, Imt it drew litilHttentiivn.
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  • 304 3 Is the British Coinulur Court nt Isaui{kok on the 25th April, before H. B. M. C'ooiul anil a jui v. tin- 1 as- of II Abamat was hear-i. This wag a, charge ol assault arising OMI of the alVnr mi tLe 28th Mar.-li in wbioh Mr.
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  • 367 3 Thk riwtnj v.-i.ti..n t.. lUtii.n introdaead is I** l to the j no (;..v.rnni.-iit oaVer eau a. |in n' or ln-|«rt vnme in any land b. the Colon; or Nam- state* other thai or ,l.n or gtbaai atta-h-l to bie dwelling ,m«l Tultivat.-'i »ith .1
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  • 1354 3 CONFIRMATORY lu-ws Invd <• ■I tin' siis|»'iisiiin „f tli.' NaiioaJ Bank of Atisti-iil.i .iiii. Limited, to which alluded Tbe National Bank (A taatn I.isim. limited, m rotahljafcan' in ti itli an aiith.>iix.-d <-a|.n .1 „f t2.iHNi.iHMt. „v.l a robaeribed euttal oi £1,850,000, in 250,000 ibarao of
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  • 98 3 The Agent of ooe of the leadiug borne fire insurance companies at Shanghai has received telegraphic advice to the effect that th- 1 ai.v is willing to agree to a tariff beiug fixed for foreign risks on buildings and conteutg in Shanghai, and it is
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  • 1022 3 (From our Corret/ionilent.) Tut rapid and material progfMi which tliis State is making at present under the eßTgptic rule uf the British Kesideut, Mr. Swctteuhain. ..*****. .t fail tv strike the least observant in the Straits Settlements. To Iv Hrm. yet considerate, while holding tin' reins of Government
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  • 74 3 Passen ger Li st AauivALi.. Per a. SnawSM fr»m T.kau -Messrs. Smilh, and U-Hridt. Pf r s. V*lf* S'ota Saigon 1 -limn. Heehhar, tad twaleian. P»r Uh«m from Klang Messrs. Ki'lg-r, Ketaahhar, Siirr-11, sn.l HoMiriu. Dm-.kii XI-- iBOOKKO I Per s. .Wi'i ./."i-. tm La .l.m Dato Howard Banthw, M-
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  • 244 3 (From Our Corrtipotnltnt Kuala Lumpur H9th April. The Government has decided that the telephone Exchange shall Dot l»- established in Kuala Lumpur this year, aa it was not provided for in tbe estimates. The Band played l»v moouligbt in the (hardens lost night, out of compliment to Mrs.
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  • 608 3 Thk district offi-er at Klang details tbe following incidents of sport in his report for March It i* s great pleasure to be ahl« to record that the herd of elxphanta which has been such a source of an noyau— for many years wan severely handled l>y
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  • 206 3 rO ABRIVI. IVr P.* O.a.i IWrwntawk, kaas Landau, April. 14. Caul SimiMon, Mr mid Mr«. E. J. Naiiftou. aud Mrs. Bmivr. Mi- Mil<-he!l. Mr. P K Boats, and Mr. F. B-lti-hl IVr Hrilaimia, from Ix>nd-.n. April. Ml Mr. .1 W Ma. Per Himahiyn. from Loodiui. May. li. Mr W
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  • 16 3 HIG H WA TER To l».f 5— 11.12 p. m. r..-»..KH'>» o7a in ..11 ill -I'-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 riIHK CRAG -HOTEL," PEKANG HILL J_ ELEVAriON 2.200 F«KI. Thii establishment is most beautifully situated, affords it- eeoufuati a inagiiilifeut view of the town aud harbour of Penang and other surrounding sceueries, offers every comfort to vwitora, auJ is highly reeommeiifad I. invalid* for the benefit of their health. it-
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    • 1231 3 NOTICEB. In the Goods oy CHKANO HONG tUt VltlUii 1 PURSUANT 10 Beciion Hi of the CooTeyancing and Law of Property OrdiMM MM." Notice is hereby given that all creditors aud all other parson having any claims or demand* upm or a;ainst the Kstat of Cheang Hong Liin. decaased, late
      1,231 words
    • 898 3 NOTICES. K.tablished 1865. I>M.K). HAR GREAVES* CO. Esoinkers, Ikon A Brass Foundim, BoiLERMAKKRS, BrllmiK BuiI.DKKfl, SHJP--IUII.HKRB, GSNKRAL CONTRACTORS. SINGAPORE A KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD HIGH clam STEAM VESSELS always onder construction, frnir. 38 ft- to 150 ft. length of keel, of heat design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British
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    • 752 3 BHIPFINGT?OR PENANG AND CALCUTTA Messrs. Apc«r 4 O*. ateamer CATHERINE APVAR, 1.7 M) ton*, Captain J. O. Olifent, having left Hongkong on the 28th instant, may he eipoctad to arrive hen the 4th Mar, en route for th* abore port*. For freight nr passage apply to 4/.1 SARKIES MOSES, Agent.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 93 3 WKA'iHEB BEFOKT baawaj *r™i«m Uotpitai, ksf Man, Jw*< 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Kllll arks. Bar. reJ.SJKab 20.814 tW. 20 807 1 Tamp B^° WS 79 0 W.t Bulb Tb«r. 80 1 7t>.S ;H.ll j. Dir. ofWio.l St SA. falm. -a Max. Temp, in aba-i* 8M It s, Mm
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  • Mlll'l'JNU.
    • 142 4 SHIPPING IN PO RT. L'ul-.t (liin haawitaf tl.n following nlphn i iationn aro u^.-"l «tr. nt^ampr; th. «!ii]i Imj barfjup: Hrit.— Hritinli D.B.Fr .-Frnm-h; l ii-r. Uorman Uut Dut.-n Job. Jobore; Ac, <J .<•. (Joneral car^fo d p.— .|..<k l«»«in)f«rB, L'. I'lirnrtain ;T.l'.W Taajoaa] Paear Wharf; T. P. D Tauj->n(f
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    • 917 4 Itkivtu SINCK NOOK iir 1 S.-Tfli >4f. St«iiiier» |«ihk>il through: I i, AlUkrfc, and T'k. run. /'jlau. Brit. »tr. Hi ton-. Cipt. !!i May FiomPakan p 0 .1. 1^ Wa» Bin i Oa. I i i Bj| I A'aantin, -tr ton», < \»p: I May. From Kt-aumi-i
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    • 136 4 Vessels Expe cted. l';rt. an-l Date of S,idiH-j. Kk..m I,onih,s. Javm, NUr <il>'inniiri>aii-hirp. Mar Vu-lr»li». M»r PMbrokeaWn, A v 10. i. I. Ap! M. B^nUw-r-. Api IS; T'--t*. kfH 1,1VKK|....|. t Ula d« Luzon, A pi. tO; BIRKKNHKAIJ Pr.iiii.'tlicii". M»r. 31 KM, M%r. 31 Arejll, A,,l r D.-ucali.)ii, Apl. 14
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    • 18 4 *-r.,p *uiNi> A s THAU'S OK AIUUVKI) VOH OKDhKS rs&fcß S^&TS =7^ ll lr sf Sis: s-
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    • 60 4 > l».« 5,,. L*.. A |M DICTIMATIOI.. i i 2 I I j 1 1 a I .1,1. I'hrt 'huU 'lmui Kls< 4liutM Arrato v AiH'ar I ,r hllili T Urnm Ar,l»» y HMnitr V.i, K Kuu I Kl.n D« <.'* puller ML .tr. -Ir. Mr. itr. P.O.rtr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 KATZ BROTHERS. TAILORS AND <>l ITiriKKS. x .in. i Bttm i s I BBMGB TWII \vi:sr ok BNOLA.ND TWEKD3 \M» HOMES) NEW BUrriNOS. KANi'V v li 1 1 1 DBi sen r.\M i iiM\\>i:ur DBBBB BHIB I il id bole iv tool OHM ni:>. i i K(iri;.i.\HAM) NCBBI \M' CAMBRIC
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    • 245 4 NtfflyES. \T ACKIK AND CO. 'B VERY R4.RK OLD BP£) (AL WIII-KV Ooi.-i Laiusl ani> Cai-sli.l Tlii> in.. l lii~k_v km l» ill I'r.i- uu. ■••.l In t1... Ik.s| „v r imp tried in ttii-. Colony hrn a rafwU, coiniimpliou by the Inailinp ineiiili.'M of tin. nun
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    • 1233 4 NOTICES. TAMES MOtToF CO. Ckbonompikr, Watch I i' Uttits ami. (lIIHIANB. Flint Stbrbt. Itavi. »lw«)sou hand a wall mlaeied stoe of Jewellery, V> atchea, Clx-kt. Diamond Jewel cry. an.l N tutical lnatnini«nta. Briorlrl- Aiii'-rn-aa I'io-ka. Htaxh I'un.ii. Kj.rr,a.-. MsrliV Cl-K'ka. I .■>■!. l>rmwln< lu.lrunwnU. UHn'K >I)aiii,.iil Ckrosoauura. •«l«ra. W^Uioa' K.
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    • 246 4 TH» NORTH ACBTBALIAN H BUTCHBBING COMPANY. SISOiPOKI Office: 3a, Raffle. Place, Telephone No. 113 PSYCHOS. For safety, aaae. and comfort racomtnena me to a Psycho." Specially built for tha Colonial market Fitted with the newest rocojfnised atandard Cushion tyres li diameter. To ride comfortably you mut lie well tyri-d. Neat,
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    • 217 4 NQTICKS^__ JS B U B~H D FO O D. T»T IT ANU To.7TlLI.BK Sa MbF IKO. I B BELIMOS b«<r<i to inform the publi« th.t hi. F.otory for jrepannR Cruihod Food, »t 34, B.-lilio- Ro»<i. now F*rtOI.« Cnwhed Food. $3.00 b«*. euh. cUnCfc gg--"ivbfKd «t u,"B*nC; .;.d r.w, Rochore Road.
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    • 169 4 NOTIC KS. mHECKNTRA I. QUEENSLAND MEAT X EXPORT Co., LTD/S TINNKD MEATS AHE THE BEST IN THE WOBLD Packed from Selected Prime Fat Stock Only. H««f, aaanrtml Mutton, do. Kump MoakA< Inim.- Stewßd Ox Tail I'.i.'.f do Kidneys OxPalatea l,2.Atjtt, .j Mmr«l Collopa Ox Head Brawn Rouuil Tias Mill I
      169 words