The Straits Times, 29 April 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: lWil. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1893. NO. 18,004.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1041 1 LMBHIP i PBKIKSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COM! OrncE— "ollyer Quay. Whikii- Bad WoDOWNs New Hal Tbb mail steamers may be I nve oatwarda and leave Singapore homewaro> •n the following date- 1 itVTWtlt* IIOBEWISIX tan ian. M.% Mi; .1 The above dates are only approximate; the .i rival* and
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    • 1671 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KoMNKI.I.IKK I'AKETVAART MA- ATSCHAPPIJ. I'nder contract witli the Netherlands India Government. Ammtt d Bingmptrt, Suits Aokncy. late i J. DAENDELB Co 3, ROBINSON QUAY. dgntt as JVinnii/. MKBBBB Huttenbach Lii-rkkt A Co. he Company ha* a las* of 28 Steamers, with splendid acconiniixlation for first class, „d glass,
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    • 838 1 STEAMBIIU' COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANQ. RANGOON 4 CALCUTTA. One uf the Company', steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the al)sve steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to Eaet African
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    • 729 1 IySUi^ANCES. rriHE MARINE INSURANCE COT., LTD. I ESTABLMMBD 1836. Capital X1.000,000. Resbevb X500.000. The undersigned httvicg boen appointed Aget t at Singapore for the above Company, is prepared to accept risks l.y First Class Steamers and Sailing Vessel*. UEO. KINO, Agent. "**TEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO Funds ir.>3,681,88fi. Hkavy Reductioh
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    • 523 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid-up Capital «10,000,000. Reserve Fund 3.600.000. Reserve liability ..f proprietors 510,000,000. CoDBr or Dibbctobs: H. Horriua, Esg. Chairman. C. J. Hoi.i.uiit. Esq.— Deputy Chairman. 1t..". Jamea J. BdM-liiiuk, fskfl LSBSaJk, Y.-\. C. J.ntien, Esq. J. 8. How, E.g. J. X, K>.|. I). B. Hwoon,
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    • 575 1 NOTICEB. TO CURE SKIN AILMENTS DHOBY ITCH, or RINGWORM, vie CALVERT'3 INDIAN BATH SOAP. I Reautered i Sold in at Tablets A 1/- Bars Engli.b rats*) It conUins 15 *L of 'genuine Carboli«, which is tbe best known remedy for Sores, Insect Bites, Stings, Prickly Heat, and para. Mtt (-".nplainU.
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  • 554 2 LATEST MAKKfcT QUOTATIONS. Binoapokk. 2!»th april IhB.} Pkodjcb. (iaiobier do do No. 1,..j J do do No. 2, SJ*»--1 '..jiri\ Bali do Pontianak t. MJ Pepper Black Ml i»go Flour, Sarawak Pear! Sago, Coffee Bali (l Coffee Liberiau. 38.00. Tapioca small Flake, 4.10. do do Ist quality ♦•50. do
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  • 62 2 To-MT Hoo,fkou»4 Shan*!,., 3p .li'.ni MuIKC. .N.i K1...K. ,S«pp)M>. Spin, UMamwh, R.Ha1,,,*.. Muntok hhlin, «,<6y. 4p >w.tow p.,rtv P,Vr. u n 4 p!.: 5 njftuwini-i ruotiaaftk .Sn &tntat,.j horn Monday. £««t q h. r.«... .ip- Jtyo* Brook-. 4 p.u D«ll. la,. R.,1,t,L. ip.m. TCESnAT. l'.i-:uh.u.- C.irollr.,l. 3 p.m.
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  • 42 2 Straits Times SATURDAY, 29th APRIL, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. K-r .mi, iikd 1H:<1. Price 10 Vn<s. For Straitt 7W» tamm lum m mi Rboi»trati.>n Bill '-"'I >'* Apr* Tb.- I^Kiitratiou Hill In* Uvn a mi-uuil 1 1 m*> in tli«* ii..ii>t- nt Ohhhm,
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 308 2 I'm. i;,.;i,t,.iii,,ii Hill, whi.-h luu, just hmm Mai .1 mmmi Nat m the H»ute „t OhmMM, |.nt« int. l.niHlatn,' >lim|»-. a UMfag | in tli, N.-n.iißtlr programme, aud wa* um.Hlu, ,-,1 „i, t|,,. 20th K,l.niar\ Tlir r.^'iKti-,iii,.n \,)t,T> 111 Kn^Uud hiw lou^ U-.-U in hii ulli^'i',l uunatiifactorr
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  • 219 2 Reuter's News On thetith April, the follow inn Keiiters lelaynai immmml in th- simih IbtM •I'll,- I ftatl has -ollid.-d with and sunk the s. s. Im V.i* At the time it was MMMM] out that the MM■TaMI w)M Tefae, MMMMeh M th-r- ana naajberef waa .ailed the aTeei >■■''•■■
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  • 16 2 M. TwoDiKrr. the Riisniau Ciisiil, jfoes to Kuroj>e by the M. M. Tmrr*, ou !Mh Mar.
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  • 20 2 A Chinaman was killed yesterday bj falliuK trom a hous- in tii- -ourse ol -r— tion at Caui|K>rj^ Ma I
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  • 19 2 Thk HWal liov-ruin-nt bM tii.-d tht Ist June i Tb.iirs.Uy I hs th- d»y let holdiuj; th- yii.s-n's Birthdiiy
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  • 25 2 A Malay s.'ain.iii. for assaulting th. 1 mate of tbe steamer Xeern. was this inoruiii.; sentenced to on- ui'iitbs iinprisonin. Nt l.v the Marine Ma«istr.t.'
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  • 60 2 A Chinaman, who was eeiptojred aa cook ou Ixiard the st.Mtn-r A.<( MMJ which arrived from (.'hiu.i \-sttT.lay. has l»-»-u p*MI into -ustiHl\. M a ahavjaa of mlpable homicide Dot «mouatin|( to murder. It is the MMM ittrii.-k a (.'hines-pa»«>Dk;.-r for throwiii({ rii-eov.-rb<>jr.|. and that two hour* afterwards the
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  • 93 2 Thk statement tn<fle m our iaM of W-iluraday htt-t that Sir Cbarlea Warreu's proiiioli.iii to tii- -iilist.iutiv.- rani of M.ij.r (i-ueral i* BtlaaaMl has Daturallv or.'ated MM ■ounu.-ul, aud peopif are aakiuK if the proni.'ti.iu ui-aus the retuo»al of Sir Cbarl.--. WaWfM from th- Straitv It does Dot lueaa auythin^
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  • 82 2 Thk vuit of Harinstou'b QfCM is Dow rapid!/ .Iriwii'i; to a ou. lu»iou aud the public will oulv ha*f tin..- mot- eajfsf. tumtiei of witu.-ssin^ tli- .-ut.-rta.mui.-ut. There will bt au aft.-ru.Hni j» it..rin.iii.-e at 4 o'clock to-dtv an. l ay. mi at aiaa, tl. mi. 1 when the Mtajeiaa
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  • 94 2 li ia proposed that the GMf Club sbuiild .ri.t Us owu [.dvilii.u aa nr.'uuil beiide that beloa|(ii)K to the S|. irtiiii; Club and a tneeliuK will be h.1.l in th- i- iintuittee room of t lie Bnamaora Cricket Club on Friday, ith of luj, ,v tin- p. in.. U
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  • 73 2 Smu-i-iv. aajMtt wni Nftai lo bar, hji ih- K'<l- UaraajaJa, t hat naiag la the prVval.'u<-<- af ahoatn m laa ;*i.tits Scttl.--ineuta tin- '|iiitraiitin.' llgahlliaM will, it in nutt-d. bt Ml into t ai Kaaaaßii, Kakan. .m.l Kol»e from hli.mii the 20th in.taut. These regulation, vhila
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  • 81 2 A Libel Action At Iht BaaarkiMßg Bapitt Curt aa tin- 21st April. Joliu TliuuidH Cotton, uhtLb»ut. »uvd RtiU-tt Fnaai Siinitb to recover $I,(XX» ildina^i-A allej-iMI to have bwu Kiistiiiin'il l iy li I ,uai;r,i|.|i H|,|H-arini; ou the UHli inst. fh tb,. Vmatiaj nUfrmpl I'Umiifl s.iul thi' paMagiajah in tliMHt
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  • 88 2 Coki'k OaaMM. QaaMatt Ka«a| ..i. MM a,,, I. H V. th- i,., Minor lvi- I--.ii aiaaasdta Mr W K Baeaar ta ha |«yma.-t. r of th.- Siiurii|«,r.. Volunteer Artillery Tlet t .ii.t F. W. B«rk.r (tUt S S. QmmmttU ii;.,tu •til* April UH 11. Bombanli-r
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  • 249 2 1 hi: liovernor ha« file! ThurMlay, th. ;-t .lime. l^:»-(, as the day to Ix- ihrooffhoal Iht <,'olonjf h» a Public Holiday in boaoar of the aunireraary „l the Hirthday af H-r Majestr tbe Qaeea, It is notitied that the Q 11 -I I tur
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  • 333 2 A PKiSTTT COMPOIIITION. As iiilercsliuc feature in th- programme of tbe tnusi. i'lavf.l b_v the baud of ibe Ju.J Bj-tt. Lmco'lughir..' at tli- B QaiWMM 1 -i-i BTfinfc was that of a val»e -oni|."s-.l in Oantaia BraghMi Daj ..f that This was tUe first opportuuitv
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  • 313 2 T he Chinese in Johere. I .lulioiv corre»|«judeot, v. lon uewtpa|N>r Ti,e Mtlay Ptfiiin-u'a oii^lit to be opene I up by railway a< a*jaj an aaaaMt to unit" Australia aud fndii and h*lp on the roosoli d.tim of our Coloniil Empire It ia j»«t avar > mil-a t'r n. ban
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  • 128 2 Ladies' La wn Tennis Club. MM i is <>) Pridav Tif* Lamm' iu«u Hasmcaf. Hn UreUaentrii h.,,i Mr- Dniv m-n.i, I, l.'i'iw' Dorau Babmoav Mi- VaMril mi.l Mi«- ffiiiili n Mi- Wbhriadlllal Wi«fc«ri 1". :,-ci. Luw 1 and eunwiii i).>i hi Handicap Wm M I MTHi Mr rjMllJii t;, Mr..
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 583 2 rpHE BORM4JO COMPANY, LIMITED THB Waalard Life Assurance. *,ea Union Fire In-uran— S Atlas A««urßiire CmpiiiN [Firel. The BquitaMe Life A««nraiir« So.:iety Tbe 0.-.« in Marine Insuranc Comjwny. The China Mutual Sl«am Navvaliou Coy. The Tottenham Lssftr Baar Company. The Maritiii Naafaaet Company, Limited For partK-iilars of these Companies see
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    • 1273 2 NOTIOEB. Th,' STRAITS TIMBS has the largett rircul.iti i ni Asi.i. British It circulate in' Sinripore an I Pcntn?, throughout all tlv Pi Urn bUb) Peninsula in Siam. th 'liui'N luli.'s. t'l i Pliihppincs, aid Kivnrli liilnChin.i No other ■alton mmmb hM M ii, ul.ilion MO H T 010 I
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    • 879 2 TENDSRd. GOVERNMENT OF PBRAK Tisiiku< roR P.iar Welii-Pknano BtßAal Slrviok. rnSNDBRS will bt r-eived at th- BMM of L the Hiunlllj lo Government. Taipiug, I'-nik. up t.. aooa of I ,th Mar. IWJ. for ihe i conduct of lat Port Weld i Perakl-P-nxug -l-am I, nil an I paaweajar smlot
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    • 930 2 LATEST ADVEItTISKM KNTS. HARMSTON B<>N<;k*m. Otaow aki, Huaabbui. LAST 2 NUiHIS LAST 2 NIGHTS, j Or thih Gbkat Show. 1 y ■2 SHOW- I SHOWS 2 SHOW.- 1 TO-DAY. SATURDAY. APBIL 2»TH. Grasp Matinee at 4 r. m hharp. Ch'ldren balf price to all pa. s of the Circus. TO-NIGHT.
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    • 71 2 M.S.B. ,*u*tM fm IW Ktr.,l. r«M OmU k. •nttm •r. auditor ek»j ij .r <ml;. H llu uflMl mil. paMMaC .411 mMniinm, conlr^U art .«ij«» to Ifcj <Km«ti«i (U« l»» KiMfn u)l«» lIU •a»r« u lll a —f *ft\r wmmtr KM Pr~..; m-UUr. k.l M< Mm, |k M i^. Thf
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 49 2 iKßwce*] i:\tm. snlur<ln>. :i»ih April. Cri-ket Harnulou's Circus V p, m. aud p. in Reeaare Muistr-U .it Siiot Aothouv' •eheal I a, in tlomlni. Ul Hai. 11.11 inst.iu's Circus I p. in Turs<la>. -{ml MsV. Cliiinli Work AssiH-iation p. 111 Hr<lneMln>. :»r.l Mm. II. .11,. ward M.iil \'.A O.
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  • 617 3 i1 t eoluiun will Ih. found ihe win. -h coinHi aail li 's.l.iv > work was done on I morning; although the md iii.v!.. going a little -i. .in.) the] -„,-iis in this ffOOi null lites are really li ii usiiallv run told thai Bttieaa .ill he .i
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  • 197 3 TO-MORROW'S CHU RCH SERVICES. kirrk «f kulufl. ,rtm aastas r 1 f *r'> Waaasars k H,. sv,aa»r«a»as4 IsMiasi. X.-v. A r.Bkat^ >. m P--Minim* 1 Him. bTAHr.ik 9 a. m.. 1 :hiu««F B*rvic«, 11 ttorrier. 1M p. iv M»l»r 8«r.,.-'. KtMi (atMir. -.■mil. H.SO MoFBiBC La« Ma»s. -r,u-.1,
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  • 91 3 I.> ABBIVK.I Per P fr April. U Mr 3 N.nson. a.,.1 Hi M.ichell. Mr. sjad Mr f. BaMeH 1 r ffrrtanafe. from Loaaea, April. 28, Mr. I'-r Himalaya, from London. May, tt, Mr W A (ir.-ig. Per M M s s. fciy/m/ww. from Marseille*. April 1(1 Mr. Ledwboer, aud
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  • 527 3 SING APORE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEETING 1893. Th k Emtrii s Tub entrirt BsooeJ at bom this day: tb.v are .is follows M Dai. Tur«lity. !»lh «a>. First Rack. THE MAIDEN PLATE— VaIue *»<>. A Raw fur lii.-iidi-ii borOM. First Clans to earrv ImWlbi B ml daM to carry the
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  • 747 3 Seco nd Da y, Th ursday, 11th May. Klk-i Ri. K TIIK 1 rm OOT V»lii»Si:," A rsce I f.r«. Weight fnrinehf-.. lii li. csrry llhit Tl l»— Pr.-vinus wion^rs of siiv Gail. .way nee in th« Straits, Nativ» .-i.ilh.. .Siiuiatra. or Java to carry 7lh«. fitra iiK-limvc ef
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  • 796 3 Deli Ne ws. I'HL Ki.iHTl.Nl> AT Ta.MI.IN.. lllM-I HBAI.MEK. Bi lust advice* tbe JUUmm troubles in Tamiaog arc by no incaas over. A few days ago boat* fruui a oil tbe roast were tired BMM iii the riv.-r tbcre. ami bar of tbe crew were wouudod. cue of wlwui
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  • 1863 3 Shk was a noble ship. Her tine Im, s ■adthagTMaM way the slowly steamed along to Uko up her Ixrth at, Ibe wharf attracted not a little admiral ion from a knot of oaUobam She wa- rerj Hght, tbat is to say. she bad little <-ari{o
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  • 898 3 Net herlands India News. The Ar. hhik-k's Visit. Tut Pol' I I. ATI. IS OF J4V4. The Govern. .r 0> A« iii.i.s. Hi. 1 ('it .tivath'x By last advi.-es from Ji\va, the Archduke of Austria was ou tour in tbe mountainous awawra tootioa of the island, where Bt li is
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  • 284 3 The North German Lloyd \S 1 1 11 1. tercuce to a paragraph iv our yesterday's issue about the Nortn Oerm*n Lloyd s. Prttuien, we rectify tbe information in so far that this steamer, as well as all the other German Mail steamers, will henceforth call at Genoa and Naples.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 825 3 BHIPJ "TOR BOIG KON G Measrx Apcar Co.'s steamer ARRA TOnS •M'fAH. Ljn tona, havitiK left Calcutta on tht -"Jud in»l is due here no the lit May. en route for the above port For freight or passage, applY to I SArfKTgS A fIoSBS. As:ent. THE B.S. PERSE." DURIVG the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 84 3 e> WKA'iHKR KEPOKT. baaesn aVsaast tfo»]>iiul, 2«n .4pn/, 9a.m. p.m. 9 p.m. Rmims hi si, -i 7MMJ4I I I. -'V IM !>o* 81.U -S k A'.t Balli Thtr. 7< > 78 2 >■ J Oir. oT Wind Cain.. NX VV N. VV. f. 2 Vlal.Temp. in »ha.le 89 8 *2
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    • 149 4 SHIP PING IN PORT. Uu'Ur Iliin hradinK lh« fullowin* »l.l.r»vmtiiiii* am used «tr.— «toainer; ah. tWvi tiarqil*, Krit— Hritmli; I. S— I'liit^l StatM Fr.-Fr»nrh;Ger. German Dut Dutrh .loli. Johore; kr., li.c. Uttueral cartfo ,il Ink pasMnK»rn; L". Uncert»in ;T. P. W. Tanjong Pa«ar Wharf; T. P. O.— Tanj-mir l'aifar Dock
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    • 565 4 TR ADING VES SELS. Steamers |>ass>d through Hnk a.oi.. KM .S.m^. .iiul tpm. Amhmt, Brit. Htr. l"-l t-.ns. CM iinli Apl. r'niui MBBJM \i\ p.nt<. 171 xtil 1.-.-.t a. p. \V..,- K..r 5.,, ,,-.i v,.! a*H*. M May. -k<U. JMitfi.M, Brit. «tr. IM». ('apt XOihApl. m.m Kl»n_-
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    • 138 4 If— I, Port, and Dale of Satiiny. From London. Jsrs. Msr J> (ileinni.rgan-iliire. Msr 1 Anstralis. Mar M;'»hire. Apl. In 0Ua«.l«l. Apl. \i. Beulawer^. Apl 1.". PalameH, Apl. JT IiIVIRPOiII. I-la ile I.iiZi.ii. Apl. 1" BIKkEN HfcAl. Pri>ineil,»u«. M*r. 31 8.-11. rop',,,!!. Mar :ll Argjll. Ap! 7.
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    • 63 4 (>»*■ Vbmil'i N»h«. A,.ni i» Krmah.M IVrt. X«. 5..« UlrnUlUch 11, l- Kppko S ft*" 1 1 Bnl.ntr. (i«r. «tr. tint >tr. -lr .lr >tr. «tr. sir. m irTAI Dmhiim. Dw T .r Kem. u ,ui ti> port. IVii^uir ud Calcutta p -w Huu^-koDg Md Bku«k*i UV.l.r N>ro
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 402 4 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS. tailors and oi mm: us. aj| .-.rnol .-i s OABTOS UJTLBJ. mA MMMYMMUB nUMOB run. I.- USD COATIJ ul BNrLAHD PWBamW AND HO.MK.SI'L'NS. nku BUimrot kamv BSfnras umri: i-i.i 38 I km; KA.Ni V TBOWBXSIW DBESa SHIB PB -'"I !il ll t OUWBB :n > i i(iL-|;i.\HAM'
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    • 290 4 NOTICES. 1.1 A AU I) FRER E S 1 J BoKDBAVS ("IAEBT". -•••nil <;itrau. Chateau Muulis. HOCKS. Scharlachlierg-ir, iieisonhni^ner, ttujmhni r Hnchbeimnr. Uinleiihi.imor, Guntomhiumer Auslna*. WHISKI. AULII SCUTTI I. Sole lm|".rt..n for the Strait* Settlements HEHR A Co I SWEET SCENTS! I Z yll MLOXOTIS OPOPONAX Iw 2 Wi FRANGIPANNI
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    • 1495 4 NOTICES. I \M 18 MOTI UN v 00. UMBOHoiuviß*. Watch ,t ui>h;k SUkbm ani> OrrtctAMM, FalNr Strekt. Havo alwny^on lisnd a well soleciod stoc of Jowellt-ry. Watches, Clocks. Diamond Jewol rrv lad Nautioal Inolruni^nts. WsjislHl 'Ml Amir^aClo^'. Brooch™ CmrweClooka. EarriiMO 1»'» ">- lUrlila Cincka. I EC D^win, Inrtrurasnt,. I^dias' Bn.«'
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    • 250 4 NOTICES. THE NORTH AUSTRALIAN BUTCHERING COMPANY. SINGAPORE SHIPPING A RETAIL BUTCHERS OF AUSTKAUAN CATTLE ONLY Office: 3a, Raffle* Place, Telephone No. 11J PSYCHOS. For safety, ease, and comfort raeounwnd me to a Psycho."' Specially built for the Colonial market. Fitted with the newest recojfui'wxl stamUrd Cushion tyres 11 diameter. To
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    • 392 4 SOTICEB SAFB CO., LIMITED .s»ic !mak m to H M (ioveriiinent and tbe Principal Banking. Railway. Insurauoo and Public Coinp*ni«»- p^^ Holdfast Fir* Resisting TIfMILNERS 1 and QfUWW* Burglar Proof Safes. Stock* Always on Hand. GUTHKIE A Co., fINGAPORE, SOLE AGENTS til. th. Ilk to 17/5 riIHECKAG' HOTEL," PEN A
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    • 377 4 NOTICES. -pOWBLL A CO.. SINGAPORE. PI.KABR BBAI> THKgB FKW UN. BCAK TBKM IN MI HI). OUR FURNITURE FACTORr is Orchard Koail. sud It the largiyit nn-t most eomple'o. It im Kiiiipliml with mum |.ower to drive nur Wnodv<orking Ma chines, Saw*, Lathes, &.c, therefore Coa trsi'tn and large orders can
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