The Straits Times, 4 April 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. IOSJABLJSHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1»93. NO. 17,9».2
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 967 1 vTFAMSniP COMPANIES. I KMSMI.VK AXH OKIKN I M. > [KVM Orrirr. O Uy«r*Quay. Whau\k- md iiooo««« New lU. us mail may l>«> rxp«. rive outwards and leave ,n tl>f following date '""T 1 li')«IW»»DS IK 3. S TheaMve daUs are only approxira.t. tv« rivals acd departuns may bej-.thor
      967 words
    • 1462 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIK-. K( >KIH K 1.1.1 Xi: I> \K ETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. filler e.iiitmet with the NotherUndi India (lOvernment. VT MNOAPORB SHU'S AiiKN. V late j. oaimdelB co. 3, Robinson Quay. Ai.lMs AT I'EXANO MkssKs Ht'TTENHArH I. 11. II! I I C.i. The Company baa a hY.t „f K Stenmerx, withapl*
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    • 775 1 STEAMSOIP COMPANIES. Dfutscljc Dnmpfstljiffs UljtlKtti Hu JJamiiurg KINCSIN LINE. FORTNKiHTLY SERVICE IUJIWEEN HAMBURG AND THE STRAIT 3 CHINA and JAPAN and Dice rer«o. THE following slesiiiers will pnaably.ria despntehiil Siii^.-ipnie for Havre ai.d Hamburg DCE AT II VMlii X.;. Priok aa MtiiHar. itffi BttMsvlaW Oaai n 16th Apl. I8B32M«
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    • 765 1 INSURANCES THE MAKINK INKUKANv'K COT., LTD. £STABUSHKD 1886. Obmbm,ooo. Kbsbkvb The undersigned hnving )»en app. inted Agent »t Singapore for the above Company, is p epared to accept risks by First Class Stoami rs and Sailing Vessel*. UEO. KING, Agent. POBITIVEUOVEKNMENT SECURITY LIVE ASSURANCE OIiPANT. LTD. CAPITAL AND
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    • 503 1 BANKS. HdNUKoNIi AND SHANUHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 3,600,000 KESEKVE LIAHILITT OF txamann[ PKOPRIETOKS 1 10 000 0 5 Couur or Dibictobs: H. Hoii'ius, Esg. Chairman. C.I. H. .i i.i i.ay, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Hun. Jnn J. ik-lUrrm*. {oka S. LafCaik, Esq. C. J«ntici., K, q
      503 words
    • 713 1 NOTIOHS. John Little Co. Wine and Provision Department. l'oinmiTv A Greno's Champagne. Moslem's Sherries Fino,'. M.'in/inilla." Vino de Paul..." -Mcvniacs liordcaux Clarets. 3perkling k, Still Burgundy. Deinlianl's Still Hocks Rhonish," Niernateiner," Hockneimer." Manala. Madeira. Moslev's very old Tawny Port. vi rv sui>trior old White Port. Oarlowits, Max Greger's. Vermouth, Freocb
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  • 530 2 LATJSBT M A RK ET QU OTATIONB. Hhkiapobb, 4th. Apbil 1893 Pkodjcb. (i«mbi..r. I 6.5 A do d.i Uo. 1 10.70. do do No. 2, 9.10. Usaa* U*.i «-20. do Poutianak. 3.65. tV Pl .m Black ».75. Surd flour, Sarawak 2.»0. P«arl *uro, 3.70. Uofloe liali 34.00. Ooffoo Liboiian,
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  • 89 2 ror Ptr itr. To-Mourow. B«tin:ivi«|.,i'.., <;..,far«ry, liaroi* vi« paru, C-irtKaar, K..b« Tia;. n. Mann IHimMi, jti.,. i». 8»"f<». Tltr., B«»kok. (k,no,i. Ponti»n«-. ICiil,. Frrauntlr n. IhtlJlli 1.-olo«ib>. 7. ■Mm, \1.i.,....r r.» p ,t- I'l. in,,, P«»«i*. I T. Au...n... put-. Vn/.,.,,,. Tbubrdat. »i*:rni'i NVw<Jiid<m. >'>*j^l Po t H.rwiii.
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  • 294 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 4th APRIL, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established i 1831. Mm lit Outs. Ibr Strait* Time*. I'HK XKW AiIEKIIAN MtMSTEK to London. Uawen, A r nl. -Mr. Hayard has been appointed ffajlal States Ambassador to LanaVw. Tho Hon Tlioiiins Fr»ncis Bayard m A *sn stshimsa. w«» \mm «i Wiimiu^ton,
    Reuter  -  294 words
  • 322 2 Uiaz Pasha whose obstructive |k>lkt i* earning trouble iv E.'ypt was kaowu j to be covertly hostile to Buli.-ii iatafHtl when rai»ed to Urn PrawmMp iheiv, but bil ability ami pli.iu< -v brought liim iuto power. Tbe Khrdive, nhoae atd-uipt to eirancipato hiius.-lf from Brilwh 00P1r..l 1.-il to
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  • 14 2 Tan boms ward mail jmt Oartt ijr dot m at H A.m. t.i-nitiri ...v.
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  • 12 2 Tua Rev. A I.«ni'Mt lias taken |u».^i< to bVasajhaajg i« #r SutUj.
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  • 12 2 The Hoii TanJiak Kirn arrive 1 ftw) day troiu Malacca trom ofaMWe.
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  • 20 2 Thk s. s. MM* bus been chartered to take aliout 70.000 cases of oil from Batoutu to Java aud Straits.
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  • 18 2 Thk N. L atausar shanasa left Bo Lou/ ou the Sri instant an.l is due here ou Saturday.
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  • 18 2 The M. M. Company's .Suamer lien left Colombo to-day and is due here od SI tl Snuday mc-ruini;.
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  • 20 2 Ths Band of the liiillieal will not he able to play in the Botanical (iud-i.s i ii. -xt Friday afleruoon.
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  • 19 2 The Apoar screw steam-i Jii^ia is ad-v.-rliK.-.l for sale by public auction ou or about Ist Juue. at Calcutta.
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  • 18 2 The British North Born.-.) (Jomn— i b) s4*artiarasanl anil tor UoaVrs for cer. taiu ntoaeana farina there tli.-
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  • 20 2 The British *i earner Oassalaf has bsea re.uatned Cmwoiiy, and she aaiM from Barry ou the Ist Mireh for Singapore.
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  • 19 2 Mgsaks. Sakkies A atoana alv.-iii.-.-that th.-v arc audits uMsngnßOfa to the j Union Marine lumirauc- Co. I, unit. 'l.
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  • 32 2 A riiAi. case of choU-ra ...cuir. tea* terday m ftajanaac, IChiawat irimain liviu< iv Snub Bridge Kml waa taken ill with cholera «ud aanttfed to the hospital. what* she died last night.
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  • 35 2 It i« report.-.! in Qoa tlin H. B. Taixeira da Silva. the praaual <;.»•. Tiior ol I Ot». will !>■ traaaferrad to Mac*... «ud that H. K. (iustodio M. de Uorj i will re- place him there.
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  • 31 2 Taw returns for the past mouth of March of thwHaliaaiOalNr at hUlacea shew that there have beeu forty ca*ei of ahaltta at that place, thirty. two of which hay« proved fatal.
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  • 31 2 Thi; iffairlwlwl 1i.0k.-l |ht C.,rth,i<j'. ■n*i«g to- irow, are Lieut K Isall Rk. for Malta. Mrs. Sbelford for fjnaaoa tlio Uou. T. Sbelford for Co|..,uibo. and the Misneii Sbelford for Najnag
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  • 39 2 AMow.i the anawnajan arrinng thi» BMtwing |*r SntUj an- Mi. K II Ball Baperintendeat of Miaa froaj L .n.lou. an I Mr. H a. o'lirien, Psalmeslai Oji..J Mr. Justice Collyer. an.l Mr l> 1., eting AHamey-OaniiaJ. fraw Pans a
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  • 41 2 An eitraordinary general mnaline of the nhMg haaaration „,,.1 lt-v 1..,,,,,..,,, Coiu|>.«nv wan to be he^i on li;.|, to neaiva the rsparl of htr. WUkiaaoa, one af thw directors, who h** uul riaited Hie e,.ui|Kiny'» ;.|.i|~it v in Pahun X'K
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  • 51 2 Thi I,«i,]ou m.iii „f March it I mi UlkM In I|r. |'.< a u.l O. MMMt i'n/bi ;tt AM, bk*i«« 1,.-,, Mftyad ■**«r*l <!•*■ .it tli*t |k,ii 111 tlir r«m owiag to Ike d». ikal ihm| MttalMd 1,1 tl Caual. TVt aaii >,f M trek MMd lOtfa ■Mt Mil |||i
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  • 42 2 poadMl write* -Tin- Mm h— arrived Aui.v 0.1 t!,.- Irtib w,lh Til U/,OOO«tl/eJ from theflt*Am< wnek in *«J After u< t i,,.,i,u,v kite proewddl »^iu m tht Utk Ibnk I w tbe remaining tr-uur.-, ,-.'iui it,,| at tbotll TU. ,10,000.
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  • 54 2 Mb. t. A. Jits J»me». Hi.- „,I.i in tli,Cuiue** 1V,,t, ra!,., wl,o ia suffering from »n at lack tl cMm. ctill I tioue« in a K rav t eooditioa. 11, is being at-t-u,1,,l l,v Dm. K-rr Md Murffulon "U«i»t.-U by Mi. LilHtll, who h.i 1 1.,k. tiio uio.l .Inux.ut ■—111
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  • 55 2 Tint Ri K l,l li,». |t,.| lo| M..,!,,,,,,. Macao, was, according <■> the Ma..i., 1,,. <l>l*n<l,i,t,. upattafl to arrive at BtW. koo({ from Timor ou tbe 261 b ult.> Aiutralun liaor. It it al*o U the Buliop will pniui to Liibou aftS a nhort »Uy tberp, a« the Uov.>MMHn?
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  • 25 2 Th« BieiulkT. of the ObfcSrT •their own lnu^u l u3w iv v l 0 cLoOM A«raj»tire. Sir. C^K, N. v »t m ||r. «^Vbill>) t'lim
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  • 10 2 Mk Ketsib, Magistrate and 0 of Jelebu^aai horn morrow's mail.
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  • 10 2 IOOomm txfiloairw wn iapg n by the Aiimniiitli from gow.
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  • 21 2 us Ckank Kk.m will bell a m.irtland sal* l>y public auction oo Vr,. .l«y the 7i!i instani at i M> p.m.
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  • 35 2 Thkxk U an it<'ui in Ik* 8ii|.|.l.ii i laid liefon- l'.irli.uu4"V">/. I ii- Iom on TreM'irv Obnt ■etina*, due to tli^ ndueti m in r»la <•■' ili- '1 >'In". M 1 '!> lidliiuo-K »t Hongkong and Sui^ii
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  • 35 2 A public meeting to consider th. ■traction oi tli" EMnt(apore I>li.iini--8 K-ict v »ill be bald m nin lij April, ai SIS |>. in at tha TowuH.ll The Hon. W. K. KaswaU, 0.a.0., pit siile.
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  • 40 2 Thk A linir.illv hive kwnaj 01 tha to be prapaiad for aaa with >ut il.Liv fora v.iy.i;'.' to Soajgkong wiili crew* for the Kik. Penguin, aiul which are to 1/e re.oimiiiasionc I I i'iii term of wrriot on tha China
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  • 64 2 l>(7Kl*.i I irCUt |..l!»ia.,'>- to I. Ihe ./.'''•>■ from th liongsr, in Tonkiu, an I, a* her coinni iv der i. [in is i.-rv ui,'li!y ii|).iu it* m steam-coal for uien.ol-war, it i« do' improbable lajTl Tk» Tim. a. that in th fiiiin.', par) of our nival ooal
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  • 48 2 I'hk Curric Liner Aiym arr'.i lUocn for the N Bulcberiag 0* B «jH-.-i.ii!v ebarteraJ to put Into Purl I>. win to ■teaiaer Darwin Ua» baaa laid up ■omeiime for repaira. I > I now lini-'i. .1 .itnl she will r tripa on lha 6th bring caUki for this m.nk-i.
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  • 83 2 'Silt: l> I>.iu|ifscliiff'> 1; (Kiugniu tiiue) for 1893 ■Mbwa in |.i.tii on treightt for the J.:, thiiu io 1891. After dadading il on tbe .S iii.l. i Line, whiah wu t i 1 n, i lutence during tbanrai half of IS'Ji, m.| after rebate "t ill .-J|> mat*, there n
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  • 63 2 At tha I'i!ue Oeatt Ihii m bcfori Mr. WoiHlward, a seaiinn, of H. M B. IiiU •Maawl in an«-.7,r i!in^ in tbe B an the lad ii draw lidt, din' pii*. ooepookal I haiuhnhirfi. ooa atiok, oaa kii, one cord, one aWi two i.«*^!h. Priaoaar who ■CTrml go >J
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  • 67 2 Mi: t. W. Uhewsteb, A--.- 6>ii| .-riiit. i..|- i.t I. w,r I','ral-. write« O.i .Situi.liv. Fcliruarv ■i iui'l 4 p. in., ;i v.-rv b.-avv tlrn, "v.r Tel tik Ail-on, a., i widi ton— <l of ruin, as well us bail. il hrg* nM p.-iis In niiiiv Kiiro(»'au» and BatlTi litt.r.
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  • 69 2 Thi D-li ra.-os bajaa ou M I'll Mathat was fiuo anl ill •ahir^c. lint the uuinber-of bor«ei wlikb ran f.ll lv|.)W ex|(eetatione. Of tl. r.i.v-. i hat !if, Mr. Kufabl'n borsti—£i»- thai for tbo Plantem' Cup win.:. tha tonatf boaa*. giarfai i riniii in llnfltllicaji' mob. Aih'.-.* Hied the MH-oiul
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  • 64 2 fiuam dith uiti's for j.i-t ia*e i aMwh it eariwrnti i iv.' of tha coal-tuiu.-s iif II .ii.-ii. Im4 |'-.i -In .illy ovcr.oni-. i tw... c mtiaaca tint joanutl, we h t-. b» in lo our rfiul.Ts ih it tha promoten gtfi enterprise, t!> ■Mteradlj .ill' tbe imn
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  • 139 2 Adth.ks li.t. tl..- Meeaafßtriet Haritimet iteamei }'h i< j .nid tli«. sttMin-r Krim ha*l ashore ou tbe soutb. bt Strait*. T.-lewriMinn to thi*. «-ff- -t ware reamed from Hoik iw bj M Jardiue, I -it lit Hi 1 |O ,i;i i MSI B *i Lfoagfcoeg ou Un 88th Mm b.
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  • 159 2 Im Tmt) el Muvh M I Uwtiou h drawn to tii wlii'h tii" iiu-iffi members of the L Rinlative Council of Eongkong !>;».«■»■ .lr.^..| to the Mil ('in of Kipon in •>'■ official icil After |>oiiiliiik' out tiloi S in of ili» |n-..t -»t. hu.l refernag to the I
    159 words
  • 127 2 Tme toutr.ui with it.- M t iux-H for ilir local Bi'ivi,-,- in In 1 been Mnti 'I'll.- lii Saitoh to will n.iw U <i is. >-utiuii- 1, llllt llios.- I 1. .11 l'Hl Ul B 1 m roieed fitun f. I* to t llic lut't.r of tboso
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 564 2 NOTICES. The Straits Time 3 h^s the largest circulation of any neirspaper in Asia, British India excepteJ. It circulates in Singapore and "Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
      564 words
    • 791 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. 1 01 PAL NOTICE. NOTICJt i< h ashy glrsa, Ihtt tin Rem I UsIS >f imrsoiM dily .|ii»lilietl to I, .I. .1 Haaie'-ps] Cot the t..« ,i of Sinu'.-il"! -c. aad of persotn duly quali-ti.-lt.v,.ie »t M -inlc'pil Eloctiom for the ireral VTsrdf of tha Kn/apora Municipality
      791 words
    • 1097 2 LATEST ADVERTISKMBNTS. TOWN HALL. S. V. A. AMUHH DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE. Moiidu)', April 10th, Tuesday, April lltli. VI '.< t' M. THE LATfi LAMENTED," A Fnniiil C.-n;ely iv A Acts. (By hiadpsrailtsi Met fs!-:o. Boajru, Umy) Boost »ai Bests, |2. DorossmdSos4s,.. tl. PUu of th.i Ball si hTsesrs. John LiltV A
      1,097 words
    • 1032 2 LATEST AD V E BTIBBM EN I S. BRITISH NORTH BORNEO Revendb Fakm ros l-'.'.t. •"I^IIE llnv. minoiii prepoMd tn rir. ivo X lot dars tut ths f.iltoniuu Fsrnn for lie six ina>'li- •ii.'iini; !)lst Dereoiber !x:<:!. lit. Th' Opium Firm f..r tl.e Es«t Casst Dil-ir- .1 for tlia
      1,032 words
    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 154 3 March ba* the fil- Movimiki ir thoutunU i I, ird blr. l.ili.m. Ihtc u» .tarn that a Oabi oel pledged to i BoTal Ibeir claim*. >■ Btly rejected motion, Tli.- Btrmit* Th 1: the 1 .1 i are infl I Dt'i cradil f..r harbour i-
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  • 69 3 P i. wu.;r.- tl.f f nod [I ap ln»n thrown o»e.r from the r-.n Pal r whit-b roof ..I ria Sir.--' m and Mained with blood, which apparently need for throwing tl nv.r tii.- wall. Fr. r lamina* v. r. .1 a of the child n
    69 words
  • 299 3 To the E.lit. r of the I L'him Erfrttt. Lul I »BBt yon .1 lew hurritxl PoJm W ij ci from Urn I'Lat the fearn i think, likrljr. though Hi 1 1 ,s. en uiu-t raralf <-U fur in aw bar vi open roadttead
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  • 81 3 to akkh I IVr nyul. from Lomlrt., U«r.-li, :i, Mr.. Par A<;tnii;-i. fmin Uadon, March. SI, Kitc-hi-. Mwn Stuart, and Brown r.,,,,,,,,,,t',i. from I ..nloli. April. U. Mi I .1 N«ii-...r. Hn. Naawn, and Maa. I I, r M M .111 Sl»i- ill>'». I'nrii.. Mr. LlßfWßlfc. Mr. I Mr-.
    81 words
  • 162 3 Thi following paragraph from Til 3i Orricii. aa rather eariona that** ahtnld r<-. fwi»» with rMnri to the srtetkn of n,.w ViuiMinir, in th« I ii of London from ■0 .l.«t*ut ),l»ce v Siniraimre vot nniM aanfeaa n.. w.-p- not «war»-. until w* rend
    162 words
  • 312 3 The Straits Settlements and Tasmania. T.. the Editor af the tUrettrf TWoanb Bib, 1 bur* ma bj Urn pappn tl ■Uliaia mi ii, limk.iiut f..r nmrk.l- iiui>i.!.the ruliini- f,,r 1,.-r prodnc Now. I bar* rranled f.. r 10 v. v-- in Uw> S- -nita SetlleßMate. :ni.l urn r..irr\ i.i--. raliai»analaia«l
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  • 81 3 Tvbboat, i. ii Ai'i.u. (.trwxiN.i of Anglo-Chio^M Behoi 1 bj p. v.. B.C. of double bandt-\.-ail-. D uil CirH,'i doe. I Uctoreon M.-.1-n. Tbeorit* ut tlje i a. m. i lurch, -80 p. in Math Tho- Chriatiu [aatitote, 7. t-"» p iv. Thvsm-ai. iii n 1 run. M Uaj
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  • 204 3 In) motion Ground I*- I 'I"- C. 0. and U)'- (1 C. reanrted hi r (h,. (onMf dak. The S. C. iii their i: Kd 101 run«, win!o the other Im h t*.i". 'I luta) Mnn for b th iuul: 1 II making 1 17 him, wl.i!.> (or 111.'
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  • 92 3 Tin Urn eMMetioa »>'" l!l1 IC. C I.iwu Teoni* Tournament i.uniUr ami .ir.- r.pidlv approaching the I jooarv mat 1. for tb« qhampiou■hip. Y.-.i.i.1.;v. I ii. tie Wai I 1 in. laal far i li- .1" bmn Uup »hi-li Owen ami IV.ii w. iv 1'.a1.-n by
    92 words
  • 502 3 mmv.) .•.•.•iim-d »t liilns. near, the Indni V alley on the .".:b. A laan f..r.-.> afterward* .Mimated at mum -U»hi mm laiy.'W wmipoand «ell 'annul Kohfataak otniaalßil tlu »iT!.-cl wMaife nf OMla* ..n till) nijr'.t of in- it!. Aiio'elaakoa ti u.riiin* oftki -1 on our entrenchment* bat i !i
    502 words
  • 969 3 •fa DfLuUr Hum Ma 1 *„n>... a Hjflffc— I •H|>|ilt LO delivery bad M.iiur*- uf lli" I 1y.r.l S. >►-" ''I rrirr-liiin' 1'" n.i«l i.f I Rule .::-i.i,,.- of Htm mlv--*-. fleel hr r of abort <•»'■ million ,1 The Boston fir.- included 6 f.-.torv. «I~>
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  • 1513 3 Mr. Inn i. Tut wvli. .1 1 a portrait of M II- I. li-, I Tb* iatan tm ia prwfa i arlf arboUrahipa, md otbi r MhtofM »U .Mr. !>■!-: <ii.r iutervi.w wi h Mr. I. \.i- »j- I"!!*. 1 i eespi n li;lll tl
    1,513 words
  • 438 3 The Mercantile Bank of In dia. Tin. ttalaton I.l' Matiag "f 1! iuk of ln-1.1 M Ik Hatch, o 1 Bruad-atrcet, London r Wilaaa r. il.-.i. 'Hi, C: i::i..m t!>:lt tbej l>aJ lint iii iwrJiaata with tht At mer wbieh bad i" I"- li'-M wiiliin f.iiunpaav. iMtilutaua bad oadj i«
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  • 236 3 Suprem e Cou rt Ar the BapreiM Court, this uioruiuif. tb« Hos'ble J. W. BMaar, Acting I Justin-, Mr. J 1 1 t L'ulhvr. iiml Mr. Jm- wan on th* Baooh. It bn-1 b«M arr.m^.-.l thai the .\]>|<al Cmrt aboiiM be ln'l'l tn-il.iv liii' 1 1 ■*A i lt In-
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  • 144 3 Is lli' II CoMMOM) Sir Murk 3 .wut bu -iw :i i. .11., OB tb.- loth .-.ill KttMttioo to ill.- M,. tern of G mr n- taraiog .a.' tkt i. t.u! silc >>i i.].iuu) iii BritlM BrttliMfti. lluiikuu^.'. Briliah Borneo, .ml BluutgWi; ilLil iuo>i-: —That, in
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  • 175 3 German Ste amship Lines. Ob tl. ttth rVlirmn, th.' ti.iui.ui il debated the labject t at the sul>»iJi»oJ 1 tot be V. i-' I'll >-■ allorati'ii*. il aj'i'rovi'l. ».ii 1 lv i G-'Ui-ral. Hen »o« st. 'l'll in. represent an j woaooiT tor tU.- Bapire ot m.800,000 I Eip irieoce,
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  • 160 3 -ni^'nll Mr. Ellin Per Chemnitz from Bjtaw Mr. 1.. 1.. Per a. a. Giimpie from Malacca:— Hon'ble T n Jiak Kia. l'»r •t. B*tltj fr Loudon C'«ptain B»r--t r, ilr K. H.IJ-11. Mr. ud Mw.Cronkf-. ml Mr ,1 Mr- J Biin!. 4)in« I From Mr E W
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 TH« MU.AY PI NINSDLA PRO3PEUTISQ LOUPANT, LIMITED i- li. r ■»> ft*M timl tl." Fifth llnliiiarr <; Mivtnu.' of tlii» C «iii B<«»», on Thur'.Uy. tka 6th da) ol Apr.l. Is'.t. at I-J .•".•li'.-k. i.«)u. f..r tfc» |l«l>um fpliimt. miJ U« uHtor Ih-r.'on. To dUwti tMet* "I"' i.l 1.-.- of
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    • 520 3 SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STB AM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITKD. FOB I KNANO. RANGOON. A CALCUTTA HMh'K Company's Stonier NUDDIA. 1 I tons, Capt. A. B. Care. 8.X.8., will In despatched for the above port* on rkuaday, tlm M April, 1893. For froight or pasaage., apply to HOUSTEAb A Co., Agents. (K
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  • 975 4 ■Mil I 111 i> NOT. Coder this heading the following abbreviations are used «tr. steamer; ah. ship; \x\ barque; Brit.— Britinh U.S.— Ciiiti-I Stairs; Fr.-Freneh G«r. German Dnt Joh. Johore; 4>.,— G.<\— Gaunral r»r|f.> ;<1 p -It tuwi^'n; l\— Uncertain T.P. \V I PaijarWhaif; T. P. D.— Tanjnnif
    975 words
  • 65 4 FASbfcD 8UND.V STRUTS OR ARRIVED KOR OKDKKS. DAt. t Ku° 8.II-"., N««. OMUm.. "li" R oM UE.T.NAT.ON S*U.IN.. PP( M.r. r Ned. .lr P, Al^^J )r y~ Wou ]7 p,^ 4.,^,^, E* WlBrit bq tf nf.r..c. D., le Mllr A T s d B» rTt "h k""* KrippBT M.r.
    65 words
  • 78 4 CLEARANC ES. o»t» Vbuils im thAa k Eie O«rr*iN Notmw. tor. Uw.lior Anmrauth 4, Lubcck 4 S«U i Triuf Cknu 4 (hijMa, D. O.rp.nt,,r 4 Nm Vook 4 Cw Uu P.o.«tr. Hnl -Ir «tr. >lr ttr. Brit. .Ir. -tr. MM.:: Out. <tr. mr. Bit. Mr. D«t. »lr. W.tton Clill
    78 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 526 4 NfOTfCl KAT2 BROTHERS' Tailoring and Outlining l)«'i>nrliii«'iit. IS now ihmblHi with all tli.- latawl BOrehiea. coinprisiug PLAIN aud FANCY iNti.S iv Black, Blae, aad <'„;, r&KafOB rWILL for Btwaiag I>r.«s Smt». 111,1 K SKKIiK. tor n.u-li a siwcial OMkB liv.-, Il.tMKsiM >. BUTTINGS, MAT FLANNELS, quite mm in tli.-
      526 words
    • 395 4 What I-.m-l i i\ Voa Hkink Tii*» JOHN JAMESON SONS' (DUBLIN) "OWN CASED" Very Old BLACK -BOTTLE WHISKY. Tli.iM- Mt you Rrt it «ith Metal I BLUE One 81ar Metal p(MK Two Btjir> Capjulea [qq^o Three Btmrfc Sole E.port Bolllinc lo J. J. S.C. DAT k CO., I.OSDOV. CAOTION
      395 words
    • 1364 4 NOTICES. The ra« Hotel," IViiaii^- Hill. ELtVATioK 2.2G0 Feet. rpillS < stablis' raeut n most boautifull^ JL situate, aff.inl^ its occufants a mmfni-tic-nt vi.-w of the town ami harbour of PcDanp an t ST surniundiu^ sconerios, offers „v.-r\ ..Min-t to visitors, an 1 is highly naamai I la invalids for
      1,364 words
    • 389 4 NOTIOEB. GRAND DIBTILLERIE. C. CDSENIER FILS AINE 4 Cie. CAPITAL F»». 6,000,000. Higliest awards at principal Exhibition*. CURACAO, Wl.ite and Red. MARASCHINO. CREME d« MENTHE. MAZARINE. MKRISETTE, Etc.. Kt<\, Etc. COGNAC Fine Champagne, CROWN BRAND. Three Crowns $17 per case. Three Stars $11 Best Italian Vermouth, MARTINI ROSSI, TURIN. Per
      389 words
    • 368 4 NOTICES. BENSON'S WATCH KS. MiXUFACTOBT, LUPJATE HllL, LI)NUO^ MAKER TO H~m7 THE QUEEN. Specially manufactured and recommended i or use in the East, BIB SOU'S SrECIAL BTBENOTH. "FIELD" WATCH. A Gold Keyleas English Half Chronomet..r, fl BENSON'S "LUDG ATE" WATCH, A thre. -quarter Plate Englisli Levt-r fully compenaated Silver. £5.55.,
      368 words
    • 249 4 NOTICES. JAMBS MOTION k 00. Ch bonometkb. Watch k Clock Htiui ami> Ol'TiciAHS, Flint St*bbt. Have always on hand a well selected stoc of Jewellery. Watcheo. ''locks, Diamond Jewo, cry. ami Nautical lust rumour*. K«rnii*« Dsaatsai. Marbl# W»k.. L^.k.u. I>t.wii,« iHinam. l.adUa- Bln«« Uiain'.na S.KiMt X' >«»• IWunaUtl. w.-ltin«*
      249 words