The Straits Times, 25 July 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTAHLISHKI): IJWI. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1892. NO. 17,774.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1144 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I PMONBULIH IND OKIKNTAL BTBAM NAVIUAIION COSII'WV par^Bay. WBAsWaaaal <Jodowhs-n... i; Tub mail steamers may i... eir*- t.-,| i,, ri»p oatwards and li-ay» smagapara kosMwatds nn t1,.. followißir date< ■apt I Theabon dat» are ,nlv appn,«in,,i. mi iaaan an pither earn,., „r n Thrl I «n-i tBBBMB I
      1,144 words
    • 1437 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. KONINK I.I.IK K PAKETVAART BAPFU 1'n.1.-r tontfMl with the NrlhurUiids India GoMMMBiL i\ lI H kiQtUOl I i I, Duntu .t Co. .1, HoniNdor Qiat. I IJr riKxiiA.ii 111 E-IM A <'„. The (oiMi.iny liss« i!-.i .f zh rriirir-. witli pplendid sccom lalion for fir-t els-. >rs,
      1,437 words
    • 791 1 INSIKVV-i.B The Standard Ufa A-siiiw... Norwich Union Fir,, ln-uranc Soeiflty. Alia Assarsans 0 mpanv Fire). The jsjahlbls l.if- Asiiiranen So,-iBty The Oc.ian iinrin.' lnnuran,- Company. The China diittin! Sioara Nan)fstion Coy. Th" Tottenham lalfat lie. r I '-.inpany. The In,uranc« Cc-injiany, I.imit,<) For particulars of these Companies see the
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    • 733 1 INSURANCES NORTH BRITISH AND MEKCANTILB INSURANCK COMPANT Established 1m«». total MSan at Hat i>k. khkkr, IM*I. OMKMI 2s. lid. I AnUonM4 l«|«tal U.WP..O. 1 'IHol»ril»d iJK.OOU l'.»t.,, r r.|-,i.l SS7.MO o 11. Fir. 1...,.1. A717.1T7 U 111 Ulr.i.Uiimiil, I'aid, r..'.| -"'I 1" 11...*»4.»5» 111 K>.«iif Tin VrsKb LMM I l.if'so.lADnirf.jr
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    • 744 1 BANK. HoNOKONi; AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 110.000.000 KESERVE FUND f «.SOO.OOO KEBER\T{ LUBILITT OF nmnnon PROPRIETORS WO 00 00 I OIK I or DlBBCToa*: S 0. Mi. HOi.srN.Esu- Chairman. I. I'oisxi.iiK, >-y Deputy Chairman. T. r. i»rif«. Ska ii.. i, 1 J i«>i C. J 11..11.-L.V Km,.
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    • 172 1 John Little k Go. Talloriiipt DepwtnM... A new Htock of TROPICAL TWfiBDH, latest and most fashionable shades. FANCY TENNIS FLANNELS newest stripes and coloun. NEW THIN VICUNAS. FINE DIAGONAL, UNDRESSED WORSTEDS, VENETIANB, fur l>n-ss and iSemi-Dross Suits. FANCY WHITB and EMBROIDERED VEBTINGH in Linen, Pique, and Silk, for Evening Wear.
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  • 522 2 LATtST MARK XT yCOTATIONS. Sis. hi '.ri 2") TH JDI.T. 1892 PnoDJcr. .Jaml.ier 5.«7i. do Cube No. 1 M H.HO. do do No. 2, 8.00. <'..|>ra Rali. 4.00. .1, I'onti.nak. :)7.-. Hf§m Black MaY >aeo, Sarawak MM. Pearl Seiro. M*. f.ilfee 27 2.V Coffee Liherian 31 .25
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  • 78 2 ror r«r Mr. To-ltoßaow. R»iu f'»lii4i. Mm Wswl l.intro. <>■>". Kuaiitmi v a p.rt. Bn Imv, Fietimn'lu tn |«>rl~. IwffwW, llavun. via |)on.-. s.mi '/'.>,. Klaiu- via port* Kpi>av» \U po.l Mam, Itunirkn' i.e. *U, Samar^Bir. tia |v.rH l.'i-i-..; fMMU. Deli. 11. la, Knro| c ria
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  • 15 2 From Clium, „v Tnen.Ur. j For Ceueral >lli|.i>i.ic News See I'ase 4.
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  • 26 2 On tlm MM hut I .ok Villa 1« lu-n tUtioil lliil, A.NMI. MaUY rKH.EBI.A. tile beloved wile of T. H.Stivuis. a^.-.l iil It 1 I'
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  • 141 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY, 25th JULY, 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. KsTABI.ISIIKI. 1' 'I, Prior 10 Cent*. IW Mb Km* taw W I'ari.iamrsii. Loiul"n. I'-'li'l July. It bin bcvu su^;fMted to the M u. (iiis nf Mbftvy tbat. evfu if li" is .1. ..1 on a Jiviaiou. be ulioulil merely prciro^in-
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 182 2 Tilt drift lit UHW opinion lielorethe cleetiouii, as re, old, .1 In- yesi, rdav's until, was that, uules* Mr. (JUdntoue bad a n.ujority compos.-.! at me mbers of hi* own I'll iv, tlie I* i.i .tii-i-i -'i'il'l not make way for him. Mr. Giu-Ul, has no mi.
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  • 10 2 It ii |.-o|.-.s.hl to form at Bangkok Siaines.- National Bank.
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  • 12 2 Thi homeward mail |»-r Qangt» clotea at 3 p. in on Wedneaday.
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  • 18 2 Thi: N. I>. I'- "teamer OUUmbHrg left Colombo on the 24th initaut and il due her* on Saturday.
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  • 14 2 Mt.s-i:s Powili. and Co. will sell br auctiou 58 caaet Dor»ille'* bmndy at 11
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  • 18 2 Wi. k |«>ple. aayi the QUugo* Krenmg Xtm. have publicly burned »n effigy of Mr. Ma -douald CarierOD.
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  • 18 2 An adjourned meeting of th* Municipal OwmWnM will be held on Wednewlajr tbe 27th July at I \>. m
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  • 20 2 Thk aoverniuent anticipation that the Sultau of Pabaug would arrire at Pekan thif month ii not likely to be fulfilled.
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  • 21 2 Mb. Ckkaoh. (Oo»ernorof BritUh North Borneo) with Mr*. Creagb arri»ed by »eiterday'i P. O. mail t* rout* from England to Is.irn.-o
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  • 21 2 Mh I<onAN. the Solk-itor-Oeneral in P.-naug. and Mr. J. M. B. Vermont. M.L.C.. pa*.ed tbrou({h M pM«eo({eriby tbe Peninmlar for Japan.
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  • 21 2 Thk reiiort* of two lobacro companiea publi.hed to-day. »re long; but they are interesting to )*ople who are intereited iv li.Miu-o
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  • 35 2 Hix Eicelleucv Sir Charles Warren who Is now ou an inspection visit at Peuang. waa eutertaiued at dintier at tbe Peuaug Re.ideucv laat Tbur»day. a number o( Pe. naug people being aaked to meet him.
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  • 25 2 Ybstkbi.av'h Hongkong weather telegrams re|H)rt a typhoon south of Hongkong weather wtt and K|lmllt. The typboou uppeir* to be in .oiiiK toward* \V. N. W.
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  • 31 2 Thk Pabang Corporation* output of black tiu for the month of April last wax. net eight. 467 08 picul*. which waa sold in Biugaport< during the month of May, r.Mlisiug Jll.tWl.
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  • 32 2 Tmi followiug telegram wa* recei»«l t rom tbe mining inaoagerat Kaubtbil nioruiug Haub. V.i ,-J July l8Ui:~" Kaub Hol«. Total d.-pt b of main abaft il 98 feet. l'ro«--pci-t* remain uucbanged." *«V^"
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  • 35 2 A n»KEK»r<>NUii«T, writiuiftotbe Time: •ays that tbe lady who threw the gingarnut at Mr. Ulad*tone i* one of Mr. Olad•tone'a most ardent mpporten. The o|K.rutiou wa* merely au outward eipr»aiou uf L« i fr.-n/.i.-d admiration.
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  • 41 2 In the boux-breakiuK caae heard liefon Mr. H.iii.-lit.iii at noon 10-day. and of which some paiti. ulnrs will lie fouud in another column. Mr. Logau who ap|«ared for tbe priaone. Mitchell, atated tbat there were eighty three witneaaei in tbe caie.
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  • 39 2 Ikkokmati.i.v baa been received tbat Natal eu'ered tbe Postal Union on the lit inatant, eorre»|>ondeiice for tbat Colony i». therefore, mbject to the condition! of tiantmiuiou applicable to correspondence ud li.'-.-d to e.iuutne* iv tbe I'oa'al In.. .11 geuerallv.
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  • 41 2 Mi; (li.adsilim; baaaddresseil tbe fol lowing uot« to a correspondent "You ar ..iu:te ritfht iii auppoeing tbat my lately. publi*b.-d letter ii meant to abow my entire and iil.fcolutc di>conoe<-tion from all matter* aaaoc-Utcd witb tbe candidature of Sir Cliaile* Dillte."
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  • 64 2 Tut twin -screw uteauier *'u>«l<-» il to lie sold l.v ait.'iou. l.v Powell and Co.. on F.i.Uy the -.".Ub iuataut. The Fant" has e*rrvini,'ea|«city of about 2'Mi ton* 1 |iced 7 to H kuots. and with a draught of H ft. in. she can U- adap'«l for river trade.
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  • 67 2 Tut Kanteru Gttenaion Au*trala»ia aud China Tcleg.apb Company baa declared an nit. -i, in dividend for the quarter ended March tl laat of 2i. 6d. per .hare. The aceouuta of tbe K.i»tern Telegraph Company auuouuce tbe Bled dividend of :U |..'r ahare ou the preference aharea. and a filial payui.-ul
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  • 76 2 Mhs. HHW wife ..f Mr. T. S. Steven., Kiuau.ial Aaantant at the Pulice, diod at her residence ou Saturday vi K ht. The tmmtmt lady had U-.n ill for a fortnight, from the vffeet* of a fever taken at CbanIfbi*. The funeral asrviue waa held at the Cathedral of the
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  • 61 2 Mkmi-. Kri.i.r am. bate iui-port.-d a Heriwt of art reprint*, embracing etching*. hr.'ino^i.iphs, imitation-, uf workt iv water-colour* aud oils Ac. The series are particularly worthy of notice, ua they an uot only artistic. 'but al-.. re. nmrkalily cheap. All tb<: picture* are tastefully formed, aud the frames have
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  • 91 2 CuUTT* and Co., (the >'.i.. 1... lil Nemi states 1 wa« ou June 24 i.-^-i-t.r. d aa aa iiulimited compauy. with a capital of L'lUKt.iHHi in stock. The tignatoriea to the memorandum include all the present male partners. Lady Burdett-Coutts. and the trustee* under the will uf the late Harriet,
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  • 181 2 I in morning Ut..>.- Mr. Juaticc \Vuo<l there Ml ImW a a* of »ouie impori.iim us i. .mi. l- the mMmm uf I'udiuU an. l OHMH nervaut*. In this civ a IIMM creditor bail pMMMMai iv the In' i> of 111.- United State* C.iimil i .|ii n tir'n -i.i .In.'
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  • 577 2 In Baw««optct. Thi public e»mination into tbe «ff*ir» of Auitln A Co.. in Baokruptcr. Hi commenced before Mr. Ju.tice Collyer ,th» wXr Birrell .Ulri that be«».»e. SSSS He bad ba4 previou. S.n^P'.r.' Me«n.. MeKerrow A to. M A»" brought in »15.00(l or «lb.(H»0 and be (B.rrell) brought the
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  • 136 2 The g>eat queation before tbe lecoud Ccngreu of Cbamben of Commerce of the Empire, which bad aaaemliled, by last ad. ice., iv Merchant Taylors' Half, was practically, Kre,. Trade or Preferential Duties A sitting waa oceiipi.d in d.scussiui; a luotiou ill favour ot .1 uoii-pio-tective
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  • 203 2 Ar eitraurdinarv trial took place ou the 27th June at the Central Criminal Court, Londou. Some time a.-.i. two British ves■ell. t lie Hurl. 1',,,(1. and the BritUh Ptr, 1 aine into colliiiou. in circuinatanee* that involved I. lain- t.. Loth. The former went
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  • 167 2 Hanuk ah rtm Ota cui/'/.iy m Saturday j Ir.l J,,lu R. wTn,igl,, m V V S.IStS H H.,g B !.l I* M J.F. (.nw.n» ;,j j (n u„„ s w. G (Jriig... 4j< 41 Hinalek an C E Hinui.ibotb.iu 1.1 4S itMibw JB lUUvtwn 41; NmMI R.
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  • 273 2 (From our Corrr.npondrnt.) Prkan. IHll, J u^ Tbe latincb Sinyum. which u H ,\t th.. H ident tipatreain ou tbe 141 b, return,.,! Pekan on Saturday. She we, on v to go an far as (t;m. hong, where tl,,' v wa* »o ahallow she had t,,
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  • 228 2 Thk ttiiuiml general meeting of tin, fiatiou was held in the Cliil- l£ Q m Street on Saturday, the 2:! ,1 inst 11MV wen- over NaMWIMMLMf II 1. Cbop.i.d, pi. siding. The rvport 1; eiiininilt.'-' -iii-l a.-.- .unts for the Mr elldin- lOtfc June. [BM, vv
    228 words
  • 183 2 Ti.the Kin ion M mi Straits Tint:* SIX. The iut.rpi. It. I h .iv.- 1111 uti.'i,. i in in v letter beaded '-I'll.' X.llive'i Cl-'ik-." li.iviu,,' ioiii. to iiiid. i-lan.| t lull..- I!. -id. 'lit would take it. u« an j'! iiisul.oidiiiation if he IM
    183 words
  • 65 2 Tli.- Ml .KiiiK rule fr.nn li..- (Mm l.u ig I" 'iiili MrraatcgoTeroi !ta' antiti Sul,., nil. ml. |Mh« "f 'I'" O»wri— I -l,,il mi iiimirj i." naaM ramiiai Iiirim r.-lti»ni«ii »i-.-L-< in ni.\ awjrw.lUtl mtM im.ij U|iuMil |*i in ud Mih in m,.- H.-i.l.-ni CaweiUan will: .ui pram* MMMM I"M
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  • 471 2 To i hk Kim ok ok thk M 8rm&m Tim Sik,- -A week or a^" tlnr.- it] j in v.iur fmam l.-i l«i frM .1 eonnpowkA,' li i hi If ACevloui'se. in Strtiti.' <>u tin' snliject ut vacation leave to ■mi Am of 1 1,,. Colonial and States
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 850 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- i pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has >
      850 words
    • 1139 2 AI'CTION BALBB 4UOTIOM SALE OF TrbWbli. Known Utiamib HlA.\t, iThe i.roporty of the late Tah Kirn Ohiihi j THE undesigned nrn in«tru.|.d hy the Executrix of tlx- Estate of the late Tan Kirn CuiN'i. to »ell hy Auction, at t-ale "flTfa-t well known STEEL SCREW STKAMKR SIAM now on
      1,139 words
    • 784 2 LATEST ADVEKTISEMKNrS. NOBDDECTSCHEB LLOTD. FOE HON<iKON<i7sHAN'iUAI. AND JAI'AX PORTS. THE Imperial fJormau Mail Steamer OLDIttUBO.Cfi Gatheiuann. h.» log left Col.imlK.on the 24th mat.. m<y be »i- wK-ted to arrive l.«ro on the MM in.tant. en route for the .bove porU. For froight and passage, apply to mfl BEHN MEYERACo.AgenU. j
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation^
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  • 1214 3 BMI Obtrrrr iHi J»ly evening— The following MBMMMBar* M electe.l Mr T Hu.knillfor MMM i IT,-!- for Baaing.t,,ke. i„ gtr I Ht/wygr.m i for Kareham. Mr. Jam,., Heath for North-Won Stafford. Mr Char!.-, I il NratoH Mr n Halloek for 11 t <■ More.,, f,, r s
    1,214 words
  • 2547 3 Tin: nniitri! nnliiurv ywi-n' meetiag <,f Hi" "Ik.i n» v.,,1,-.,! l,.,,,.i,,,,. ,,,,i|,,. Soth Jim Mr .1. Barn '.V. ll pmd led Tin- < Im.riT*., .ill rill. i.i.-,.. -:r:-.- w., BMl v.iii l.-i-l Tear tha Kii-I.ti lotect fatal* ir\ In whiek >-.•• »r<- nm I
    2,547 words
  • 2981 3 i-l W—tmt I >i:i|f cf III.. «lnir.-li .l.l.-i- at i iWrtmna* «•»•< h.- ,1 n:i llM 88th J«l«, Tfea II, ,,i dlHM H-.ll.y T,,.. I I,, in,,,,, -,i I I |W', >.' i- "-III'. i.,,i »ii| Uk* UM MM) >h i Ml. I nil,
    2,981 words
  • 315 3 MM, I'll, J»l,< -Mr (iladstone ill hi. aaeaea at Peuicuik r-ferre<l to theo|riumi|iiestion. and .aid that Kngland'- neti v towards i luna iv BMMI therewith was a disgrace and a sham-. He said that a rou-id. ral.le de-ire list, div Rngland 1,, get nd of th- I
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  • 563 3 The Case against Beyts, Crain Co. At Hi- l.oihlhall Coli rt on :»>lh June Charlea A M, uier,ha,,i. ..f Sund.r- Ilir J rIM kM. mil QiMM i.rwnl I Oraic It, in r.htii'. „f s. rl lira lead IJrvt a.w kafgadaita iti I «i'h»n re-MBOtM en t dy in for"i,,|f
    563 words
  • 97 3 Per i, Cor,,/,,,,, from PmMBBBM -Mi aTleawkark. Bad I Haataa N.-uwL.-.k. P.o- a. Warvr,, from -M— rJames A t *.n-,iii. and I*. V Xii/ Para aTtlawi traaiT. umi -Mr. and Mr- ■lll'llTl MMM. Kowke. Ha I. an.l Per s from llrridi-i Hi \V Daweaa. rroml.ou.l.o -lit ll.S|w
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  • 116 3 Thi Dni'/y Telegraph reporti that Mr. Oicur W.lde'a pU T written ia French, and a.v..|.t.-d It Milme. Rernhardt. baa 1 l-n-n refu.-l a MMM ki Ma bti ChamI U-rlain. Th* title it Salumu, anil the reI ouitt of Herodiaa'a daughter to Herod for the head
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  • 160 3 i IVr ■MMMI fron UmUn. July Hr. J. I AnUioni-,, Mr Macli-. I'er ■Wrr,i»ia«, 1 from London. July 22, Mr r. <;. -tomerfille I'er Pgdnry. from Marseille.. A.g 7. Mr Carey. IVr Y.i».yl«r fr,.m Marseille.. July 111. Mr and M». Buswaldi. Miss Bnswalda MiDcs W u« tf i».
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 715 3 SYrD JUNIKI) KIN OMAR AL JUNIKD-/W,..r,/ I>i:R-trANTloihejro»i»ion« of Section 4<i .H The Conveyancing awl Law of IVaaanj omm Hvi. NOTHE i. herel.y ,'iven that all MMMMM and |H-rs..ns having any d.-ht-. claims, or demands, iiim.ii or again- tl stat" of S\.d .l.mod hiu Omar al .liiiii.-d. fo nierly of H.lkit
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    • 1039 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NUTICI. I r PHK pnhlic .r- hereby warned that frtw X l.t -Inly netl. all dog. fjnnd oat of doori, not h.ving the registration hedge for the year 1892/1893 attached to iha collar 'though such dn)ra may be maMled) will be liable to he destroyed. By orde'
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 167 3 WKATHKK KKFORT 1 i M, .j i'al, Jut tttij. m 3p m p m. KtaAßEa. aW.ioa.Mrak MJMM.ntmMM T. .up. «i.a Mil tin 3i W. t Hull, lt,.r 7UII 7«'.u ti 111, of Wio.l St. W. S. 8. K. SK, \l.t I -mi l- Mi:., do. do. 77 5 "5-i M.i
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    • 185 4 I ii ler this heading the following ahbrevia- ti.>na are uand atr. ateainer; ah. "hip; Im||.ie. Brit.— Briti.h C S I'niied Stataa I Fr -French (ler. German Dut —Dutch Job. Johore; Ac— (J General cargo d p.— .lack pa««eng»rf; U.— Uncertain ;T. P. W.— Tan jong
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    • 691 4 AKH1V1L8 S1NCK NOOX Or YKNTKRII* Y. H •■<-«■•». Brit. »tr. MM t.m, I apt. Me- I l.'fiiUtn. .'Hh July. Kmin Sydm-y. l.t. tiwl. Boiutead (k>. Kor iVn»n^ unj falutta i Wth T P. W. •ini Tor. Brit. «tr. iJ8 tona, C»pt. H.41 v. v iSMh July. From Ba^.n
      691 words
    • 51 4 VIM.L. N»»,. Km Jolj XI Kiu (Juan Lm -I IVuiu-uUr M Wtrora .'I BuT«r 2* M.-.U-. ■M t'.r ,lm. ii Kw.nUu M.Uc« 1DKr.1,.,. IS Hol.t, i "7f 'a 1 4m fts* 1 r --■■lulu, i" Uut. rtr hJu B^.w" S !k July ---'Kh. u .V.ks.i,. ■"•'"l'' sour.b.j» jui) tr
      51 words
    • 69 4 u-hotr wlierli/,;l <l,tti*ation k I ..f i. Nhmh. OMUr fm Jura, rTllTtjljfllll. ii I otter I- ;»<r(«, occiiti'uiiilhj call hrrr wtli'-.n.t h the mmtmmk »f»uth mm* an i lube COitenUntly recurdfd.) Name, Port, and Date Siilmi Krum London. Ka'lll' .lime. 1!) Ad. ii. June. II; hmnn .im.e. Mi
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    • 18 4 Oat* VlMll/l Kami. iU.U.T-1 Brit. Mr. M.cej Ok -.riNATIuM Smr»b»v» rU iH>rl* Juljr S3 Ko. (M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 505 4 NOTK'KS. ri.r BED P T«t it ami To* nu W SATisriisn. IB BEI.II.K'S bf t" i»f"rm the Bill tl,a> Ins fWorr <"\ l ir 'l* nn j< Cntahed Mt BbB1J« R-J. i- opened. Fir- Clasa Cru.h.»i ttai. W* V >>«K. <•»»>. Clean Oat. g In Tobe B had at
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    • 693 4 NOTICES. Rouyer, (Juilk't Cie COGNAC. FRANCE. PROPRIETOR; ..TIL* DISTILLERIES The lArgest Shipper" m Bulk for Ton Years. Btiss Beer in Hogsheads Kilderkins, Firkins. Sole Wholesale Agent*, I'ATERSON SIMONS A Co.. aMafl Ag»nt«. HOiNKEATAC... v.c JUST ARRIVED. UMR atajM MaWakMl •< to 11 l»,s. weight Price :ti cruta |wr B>. j
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    • 1360 4 UOCKH. THE TAKJONO PAOAk OOCK TO. LTD Tlie premises of tbe Company arc .misted a! TanJ-'iur. P»?ar adjoirins; the town rf Sinira>,r.-. dtrain tram-cars run at short Intervals '■a'rrrina? passen«^rs and (oods from Wharf to irstinstions at low rates. Tbe Whsrf .itends to one mile and qnarter an.l it divided
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    • 422 4 NOTICES I HONOURABLB MKNTION. EXHIBI- TION. LONDON, mi. Silver MerUl «id First-Clas- Certificate CalcutU Exhibition. 1883. Gold Medal, International Forestry Exhibtion, Edinburgh. I«H4. Bronte Molsl Adelaide Jnbiloe InUrnaUonal JOHOR BTBAM SAW MILLS CO Timber for Railway, Honse, Ship-building and Oeneral parpnse*. JOHOR I Neab 8i"i(iAro»«. DATO J. MBI.DRUM, Manager THE
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    • 430 4 SHIPPING. FOR HONOKONU Torn n 1 ffgH.,, n) lIIHAOSII. r I LM tons m> Captain fcllilktj, having |,f, llombay on thn I.lth mat.. may be sipj^i^i to arnve here on the 2<ilh mat en rontn fj th« ahovs |»irt lor For freight and pa««ge, apply to Ml/7 BK.HV MEVEII ,v
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