The Straits Times, 18 July 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. KSTABLISIIKJ): 1«H. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 18, 1892. NO. 17,768.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1180 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I \SUL»R AND ORIENTAL REAM NAVIOATION COMPANY. -< ollyer (Juny. Wmi;n> aad (lonowHs— New ■aahaai Tmmail steamer* may 1.. ..,pe. ,<,'„. riT outward, and leave afapaaa homeward, m tli. following date.: lurrwiio* Jl)a»w»ses law i l.^ -ye date, are only approximate th. IBd d.,a.t,re, may be either earlier
      1,180 words
    • 836 1 STKAMSIIII' COMPANUJP. I KONINKLMKK PAKETVAART j MA ATSCHAI 11.1 I n-1.-r aHaM with MM Netherlands -1n.1i.-i CovcrnmMit. A.i m a. Sin.;ai-..i.k tarn A«K»(.l I ia 11. J. Daenuklh A: Co. :i. li.niiHMOng.i-AY.,1! fin imi Hmmi Hrthim 1.1 Kill XT A C<». TbaCoanaayhaaa lad it Vt ffiiain. with -p'.n.ids'e iiiu.dalioi,
      836 words
    • 421 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. Bisk. Borgkali.. and will l»- called at "nl- v evrrv four w"k T" ''"r/ •"d *j—**■»■ ev.ry four weeka a slesiu'r nai ill tlii» dir»clion taking ilirrei cargo and |st«»*iiger« lo B"'j"rmaa«in. P.-.1.* Uut, Pa«air, amlKotei. Onn mm aia asAajlaßaarkaMaaaiM lo Dong.-ilii. Kerow. and Bulongan also calling
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    • 791 1 LVSUBANCLS The Standanl Lif" As.urance. Norwich Union Fire Borietv Atlas Aa-uranc f „,,i|.si.., Tha Equitable Lif.. Anviranc* Society Th. 0.-can Msrin- In.ur.lie. Company. Th* China Mutual Steam Navigation C.y. Th* Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime In-uram-e Company. Limited For particular, of thrst, Coropaui** see the fllll a.lvel
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    • 715 1 INSURANTS NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANT F.irAlll.lMlM. I-',!' i'.tai. i«.ii. at :!i»t mtMwmm '^'i llip.«<t.'..9«i 2v lld I. AallioriMd Capilal,,UW 1 .1. Sul-rrihri S.T».K». Psid.upl'a|st«l «C,^uil 11.-Mr. !-«a<l. i.717.1T7 IS 111 111. .a.l Auinil) fxid. 7.5 M.151 1" I ti...*».M> J n kt.nia 1 ,l> Knu I. IV...
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    • 987 1 BANK HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI UANKIM. CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL t10.000.U00 KK.-.KRVK KUND «.»00,000 KESEKVK LIABTMTT OF > 110 oooi)00 PEOPRIKTORB |10 gW Oaami at Dibbctob*. K. C. atasasMaat, Kxj Chairman 1.. r.i«sn»c»ia, K» y Deputy Chairman T i- t-, h... 1 1. Kaswt. k. J H..IU.UT. X.,. Ab«.Mr<-oasekls. C|. H
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    • 1422 1 NOTIOKB. BENSON'S WATCHBB. MaNOVACTOBT, LtTKIATK H11.1.. LoilDO* MAKKK TO H M. THE (JCIBN. ypweially auaufartunol aad fwtaHßawßMM 1 or aa. ta tli. la*t. Bltiaoii'a SririAt. umnnTs, PIRLD WATCH. A 1...1.1 Keyless Koglial. Half ChronomsUr, t"2 BBNSON'B LnDOATB WATOH. A tlir**..|ii,rt«r Plat* Kngli.h I.ct*t fall* ronpeoaateH Hilver. la, OoM. til 12s
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  • 455 2 LATKffl' MARK XT QUOTATIONB. SiiiurDii. IHib Jn.T. IW2 Tbodjci. (»«Bhi.f. 5.75. 1 An CulwNo. 1, MO. .In do No. 2, H.OO. HonrarUli. 00 Jo Pmiti»i.»k 3*5 i'-W' Bl rlt B<ttS»«n rionr. Sarawak 3.rt>. P«rl Sa« -J^; OfTo. b»li. Tapioca auiall riaa*. 3.70. 1 rio do latqsalUj 4«5. do iii*l.
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  • 89 2 F"',. Tim., j To-Mobbow. Di«ml.i». If. Ti»l.r. T i>..i{ i» pjtt.. (J I. UaMBflM N<m. i 1U.,/. i r,j ii:**,,.i.t. Ilia. I j M..r. P3iJa»» •dnu Ila |urU. Minn. i s.m. I H<M. K lu>i.r. iSaj i B.u n. |»rt. < T..r. I„ v. r l
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  • 45 2 THE STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, JULY 18TH, 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. K»TAHLINI(KI> Mil Ml 10 4Vuts. K,,r .Vim.'t. n«r«. I'M! (iI.SKKAI. KI.KITIONH. y,,/y. It eij^-tej tb^t thf Liberal majority will be bftt 11,. J'orKs, fHMd »iit«'U. Ibe 1 'il?bt. aud I he I.ibcidU wv.'utv-tbrw. it«
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 663 2 lin iv will lie a ii l.i.!»!..v.. Minxm Kiuler's tele^raiu, K' v '«t? the elrctiou re. I 'hi in to miduiKht of S.itur.lm dovi nut wy bow nmuy lueuiberi were tbeu returned; but we ealiuiate that nilinUr at IM <>t I!•••«.• IM r.-tiirni tbe Op|io«i. tiou
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  • 339 2 Taoaa wbo are iv touch with the aims of acbolars in thia t-olou* know how much |Togr*aa liaa of late been mule with the niakiug of a achoUrlr Miiu ,li,i i.v n v but. to tli" Kena al public, it nny lie ni-wa to
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  • 10 2 Si Rahman ■fpßß«b»baay«iactM«Ui Mb. Oladalooo ia Hi _»«ira of a>
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  • 11 2 Tub .nail ChWaaJM ciaaM at I I. 111. t,l 11|,,| 1,,W
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  • 13 2 *> It »aa erroot-oualr r,nii,,iri«l that Mr Morle. waa U-aten for New.vail... H* waafle<u-d.
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  • 16 2 M«. R. W M»xw.,.,.. t1,.. l ospoct(lr Oene.ul of Police. h». arrival from fiaa,. |*r '.V'«».ir,».
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  • 5 2 Thi ■rtirhlll gill ,i..,,,r..l jf«r»
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  • 18 2 THF. M M. Mean,.., ai.Kon v..,t..rd._ v »nd,,, 1, baaa 2 ,ll Ujcht Majaiiy. si.c will ajaal MbS
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  • 18 2 Tub Iha, Miajajajaj. U tbi, llllbjjli IriajaMW. rate fruii, Imm v, HahM will U()rtlv ■> to 4 c-euta \-t
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  • 11 2 *t I \Mi, ,1» l|t IVY r,. tll 1 a 1
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  • 15 2 H. MS. Hbbjbm i,,,,^ p 2»2j» for ;a b^jJuTLa per.otl.c.l ?UB Uerjr „ructic*. The X
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  • 6 2 ".■^h-'mirrf" or 1 ...*..t. haa'u;.,, V"""'"
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  • 15 2 typh«K,u ,v the £"^3 Aaotl er t«l«fr»u, of th!?'... l UMU Tfjfc -Srra 25
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  • 32 2 A NtHHfAIKII of Hun,.L think that it... OuiuDi.l a£2!. rviU 'o booestl, draw r,vruue „^K rUmi Dt llu m.uli loasaial to prevent ri, i :UVl1"- lafrMiajsM, «nißti V. I*** l)ruilkin B «f
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  • 170 2 Tn« EtObajki Kata DrrKsrn t p. AuAIKRT COLOWEL WaI.IKm Two of the Uovernmrnt Km K||| f^ Coi.okei. Walker aalMmaWaa ro Tanjung Besar re|«)rt« that at l.ft t()HI pUce »n the PJtb instant with N |H intendintJ t-> »Mml Rahman, _J known to tie at MM Balei on
    170 words
  • 64 2 i /W,',r,i»,/'r,,i»..iir Penalty Corrtn>nHlr,,t Mnnday. iHtU J»; v UJIf. m There haa bad U^hutii; at or v r Kaub. Ill Klava. tbe leader ol tb, Malay scouta. was shot. At I'-.' pfaeal uame.l i« CC*Mr< W»U, tt trUjnm, „,r m the Kaubaren, ,1 m ii/,/. thai mm
    64 words
  • 34 2 LtKiTKNANT Arthur C'awatnu H M Surv.-y ui^ sbip I'cmjuiu ou tbe C'liina Station, committed suicide at bbaaghai hi tli,- ::,,l insi by shooting himsplf. Araraai of teui|K)rary insanity waa returned .it tha in,|,i,.»t.
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  • 194 2 An ordinary foitui^btly aMatiag of Ht, roiiiiiiinaioiii-ra »ill l>,' held ia the lioar.l Room, at the Town Hall. U.-ln.s 1 A.ItNDA. I To rcil in, l If aiprovi'd cnlirm Ih minutes of th,) meeliuir held on h'tli .1,,1, 1 Mr.'dsm's moiiou r- coinliti,,,, ;,f t-'iamf rd OaaaL
    194 words
  • 158 2 Fkom the "Uomebcio." itadritl. 1W July.— Kiol* of tfreeugroMM ouil li m I..-IH M iIiki in iif.l lln- ceutie ..f .NU.ln.l i tli.v force the »tu|.J*ge olt/1 Mmm. Th.jr atlark tin- Mm and the Utkr ure i.l.i i| lo o|h'U tin', rcaulttDg iu Mvenl IHllfH i
    158 words
  • 374 2 Wirata tl;.- luat two or three ,J,in>' IV-t.-ttivi- Immlh l'atersou bun tntttad K| in.-v, Micved to be the pug. M 11 |H>rtion „t the nuoy. nf boiMelitvakers aud thieve* who MM |«rlici|uiti 'l thtmini, s Im i^l.n us which bay. re,-.-i,!ir oiviineU ill Siii^»|.oie. Eailv "ii IM
    374 words
  • 95 2 ftarn I'urt D»rwm -M' N. wiu.m. IVr .v y frum B»t«vi.. -A ''"'> H''.. fmui D.'li M,«r». B."" 1 ■>« nu.l KoMg. Per..,. Byi, f r m UMli i, _Mr M IllllV P.'l-s 5a.^,1,,,, r r „m 1,i,«,.,J -M A M.-ii. »i,,| BUh P.;.- i;.^..,.. r,..,,. 5,,,,..™.,.. MJI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 577 2 KOT1CK8. The Straits Times lias the largest circulation of any newspapsr in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
      577 words
    • 993 2 AUCTION SALK8 AT' TION B1LBOF Thi: Will. Knows Stkamik BIAM, Tli'- |imp-rt\ ..f i late Tan Kim ii i UVTHOMOAT.flci JULY, *1 iMPl V. M. rpilR aaiirifcjri i urn WmM !>r t 1 aaaartfll of Hi- K-.I.I of thr l.i. Tan Km; ClBWO, InaaH b] Auction. »l nMrfcakj K...MI-. M
      993 words
    • 1066 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MU.SICilMI. NOTICE. mm !>■!'"• li-r.-.v «r,r.|.»l that fro'n 1 1st J.iiy Ml'. -M d»/« •>■■<;» mi- .f the var I8H/18M al'a %1 r llmllffh *!l-li do/- "l»l ■"W liable t Ih toll I Bv mtm '.I. POLOIiASlt, A<-V Bh »n lim M'tnicipil ConiiniiwioiHr-. KnMal niiiw. T..#i. Hall. .-iiur-iMr.-.
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    • 873 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, Singapore Philharmonic Swiety. VrCSr-AL E»enin7 Mlaf, Mod iiwl. jjlK. Adinitl»nr e d, ,uWri 'k.hi'i JOHN r. CVl\\(i. s.m<'K. rTIHE uwi. rti nxl ha- (ti'.-n from the L lHti, jui». |n:^. t,, Mi i;<jU 8n i^i, full |**W <>f utturm-.. lii inan-fc* th-. affair* tan <;ta\choo. -> ('Imp Jin
      873 words
    • 80 2 H.S.S. „f.« Ir.l (k, utr-%1. Tiauj ,k>.M >„ wnttr* .f. «TM ..U fY Ikf i'* t^r •njy. By rlt* I«f tkmt mmm*> 'ptHtZklt "ft* lk«l «i,kl itk4™~ 1.. I ,*<!** i'"i« cmlr«*«. «r» .sij.^l tr, Ik. cnUiliM Isal 'A- M«»Sfr» m., V l»s*« lh« M4U*Ttf***»t »S| if tk» f|M is
      80 words

  • 221 3 The li^-iirea h» known in London up till MgM of Satunlay, lfilli July. Glad.loniaii MiM T:i Tory pram. II! rniomV Kain» U \,l lilad.tonian gain M> iiutini; on a diviai <n. w ■eat Hajari!] inl.-.te Parli.m-nl M Nambar of aeat. that tboOMaaill n i vraraal tbal n,.j.,
    221 words
  • 1383 3 It MJ bt HNMd tin' ll>" UNHH »f Miii:ni!liori«cl i «Mm4 Dttkiag Ma bagWi n> BaaUad ud Uu4 Um i.-alitv will ■om follow. There will bamrpritM. Tin"new iUdicala" will no longer euunvut to iImihI midr. Thi foUowiaa; gini I... I Htliatarr'a i- i Cal.m.-i and the l.i«i
    1,383 words
  • 529 3 1',., iaatraUa ruucfn.l :'ir,l Jhht —Mr Di11,., the New „,i.|. Wain I'i-mi-r. i. iu.i-ling on the j .-Iting apart ..t i.i curl for that at the Chrago W r d. Fair; failing thia thru'ony will mi KhtbH. Thi- town of Gii'.vn. n-ar
    529 words
  • 224 3 (I 1 (lateHr, I6tk July/. The c ,ih|,:. ii.,i, ,,f.i,»,. i uii>i tabgiapU* aomsaiotiea Maiaa Ibiiflttlli n>.-ut»n.| 8 i. ti lataMMff Mo ii|.vtl)H»ttentiun ii i!,. Kataoritiaa. Br tba *a— <rarti— af llM r.i.j.i.t,- Malim Um .lirvrt Irk. Hi»phn cottaaBmiioa Im-iwwu I'iuhh; iiixl Mnlurra. a Hi^laare
    224 words
  • 104 3 Th* Jlunykmnj TrUjrayh. writing <>f the < > I 1 1< 1 11 I;. vii in-. rtva 1 1,*' tbc II ,iink"i.^' VmWW i» to ini|nirt no opium <xrc|il for loiiil c'iiUKUiii|ilion, .11,. I he may utilv itn|>Olt 16(1 I'IickU |»T IIIOIllll. Tilt- MM-. 11 (orlMdM I
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  • 1051 3 Ai a r,.:'.iii ni.rl ing of I b- M nui.ipalitv uF I'-iiang. a |ia|»r <>v tli- Mil,j—t af vift. till,!.- gwd«M iv .-lUin distriita within tha Muni. i|.ulilv ni laid on th- mmt. Dm lI.hIUi lIJi.iT iiiinnloil 'hat m waa v.-iv .I. 'ri.lrdlr »f aajMaa
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  • 98 3 Wi mm N«i«*- f' om Mr Kffin«b«ro Wila..D..f m»mrni ■■■•■Pi L."«loo. a neat lr printid i"" lli "> n tainin({ Dollar an.l mmms tmmnW bi from 2i M. to 3i lumpilMl by Mr K- 1 man of tba New Orieutal 1td..... *!>'» liax hnu fur >om« lion- |»-t
    98 words
  • 163 3 .-.r /fo«K from I<,ndou. June li. Mr. C C i Trollcr. Mr. H.iinnoi.d tpl rer. F-r Hnllacr;!. from Loud am, July t, Mr. J. A Anlhoni-/.. Mr Ma.iie. Mm*. X«, \\t r lajaffl from 1/ i.don. July •£>. Mr. F G <IMIfIMI I»-r M-a»iK-ri*e M»ri in,. -1.-aui.-r Xarra,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 573 3 For mrnmrn >.ippi>« lam sw i-«a 4. MMBUft MMMBR, I*M Siew Ho.dc and Dig Kirn Yam have 1.-n autho,i-d to aign my firm Chop Hong Chooii p-r pro-uratioa. LIM TIANIi WAH. Chop Hong Ohoon Siuga|N,r- .ill, 1":..'. Ml THE "STKAITB TIMES." Tiik pri-.- a| the MmMi 7"'i«« Ucliven-d fre.-
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    • 981 3 NOTKKS. Singapore Sport Ins Club. AUTKMN ttli'K MKfcTINt. Thi Autumn Raea Meeting will be held oa Tue.iai. iilb. Thnreday, i7th; and Saturday. MaY, (Malar, WM frtiriMMr. FIRST DAY. 'IT K-?D AY. OCTOBER i".TH Kikkt Rack Till-: MAIDKV FIAT! FOR GALLOViA TS -Value UM A Race for Uallnwaia i hi.- hiv-
      981 words
    • 419 3 STORES. Idly 4 Wd* Hi NEW BOOKS. Ac. The Co'.mial Year Bonk, for IMK. U .OO M-... Mmea, and Animal, in South I Africa, by R. Churchill. .17 .VI The Real Jap.n. hv H. Norm.,,. M.UO Mvrray'. Hand- Book for Japan. :ird rditiou. MA A S.M-ial Departure, by Sara
      419 words
    • 957 3 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPACT. FOR BATAVIA. SAMARAMG. AND bOURABAYA. THB OS. S. Co areaner HARPKDON, Captain Barwiw. ia due her* oa Monday aail.MM I'lh in. I and will ho d—;«irhad for the MM port, on Wednawlay raornio|r. For freight or iKunage, apply to W. MANSFIELD A Co.. 19 T Agent,
      957 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 106 3 1 WKATHKK HKfOKT. ««nJe..j Jtrj.'-ov Mo-rtM,, nil, Jul,. MML in. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. taaßK Bar. r.- 1 32 lab W "K3 ai>74 J r.-.u,.. -:o 812 Hi I 12 i (V. t Thrr. "D:. 718 MJ tsN Ilir. of Wind s.W. Cala. ij?a M... i-,.i, „,-■,.i mt JU
      106 words

    • 235 4 liudtir this hwadinir the followinif «1.1.r-v.a- tiom ar» nawd «tr.— •twimer «h.— «hi|>; lx|. barqiui; Brit.— Britiah; U.S.— Dnitwl St«t-a; Tr -French ;oi>f. German; Dnt —Dutch: M Joliiim O.c— <J«nor»l c«rarn A p.— «l.*k pftMwaitM*; U.— Unwrtain T.P. W— Tan jona; I'aa-a.r Wharf T. P. D Tanj-Miif
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    • 1017 4 Abbitau BIRCB Nooif or Tistebdat. Steamer* |«*w<l hi on^rli Skmmftmnf. Indtfntitnl and GlourtUtr. «wi.l<al Ha1. y... Brit. »tr. tons. NacoiUh. liltli July. From Tmin-.inu Ml 1..1, n,_- und K...ntan". l-'th. O. I and Hd. p. Hun ll in 4- Co. For Tringn»nu ria port<. IHth. Kd«. Bam Tor,
      1,017 words
    • 161 4 <>„!„ tmmk or.- ;»<< U.i,/. r a, i. ■AMI .•drrrlined JmMmMm i'» (/<"> peri of ttiiilintj i« Siwfapnrr. Othrr vt-nArh I.,,'nnt f«r tmm, MWh^ and **er -<■»•<'" waiM%H| Acre «u/inm/ I. /A.- M<irr»ir.if( <i/"«ndt rr»r/« art mir. r/..i« <« 6e MMMMMhI IMwMLI ■■Mt fci and Date of Snilintj.
      161 words
  • 73 4 i_ N r tM» r tmmtfi ItH 1'- Bcaiilcbt Halrwyn Brit -tr w v i l« «h»tiin» .v iJ!*^ Tn»«K»BU J,,ly llHuQHin*ro I? .s.«to, SSIS; "gK* ;..rti,,u,, ulll .jk,,,,,^,,^,*. 7 City UlowoiUir „.u l S7u v*,,* 1 July U Hrn, iTin ft Co. KlMUbu. lr K7l Jul, Ii;W.My»««M4I». H
    73 words
  • 61 4 D»r» Vii, ui •'L*'i 111,, 1 iHTilii IIMTIHITIONf I«ljr M Si.tuw >•> Ul.u .H A inherit rtkuMfluiii t Brit.n itr. air. j B"t. ttr. N E U«r. itr. I>ut. ilr Stuvall E3L. N»...i..1, Dm W. Hcli.ll H.juberg Ma n vin pi>rl^ Kikn, Port L'ickwD u<l 11.1. v,» I'onlwo.k
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 716 4 NOTICKS. NOTICKS. jjQTJCES. I FAIRBANKS' SCALES. I VAMaaatiCaa drycVm(St\^\«iv:« rigaud'S xananga SCBA-EBT.. I i^JIZtiX^ZE! 1 gig BEHN,MEYKR\Cn J 'f jsnEi rJ Al N'n a orr LjL quUotS^i'i"' iTj>~'' u< fraicaun; M-srljohnLit.l-.... /j;|j, Wan HEW JXTIICTJ wSL h v M lt •I'lf'reut .leacriptions KANAhGA GRACiOSA i* comprising acal.s to weigh up
      716 words
    • 777 4 NOTICES. The Famoch LAGAVCLIN DISTILLERY I3LAXD Of BBsaVT, S< DTI.ANH. rpHE 1.«..4im.i> Whuey i. famnu for L X it. line quality, being made from pure Scotch Malt only, and haa long been the favourite beverage of aportemen. It contains no grain spirit, or other Whiskies one knowa nothing of, and
      777 words
    • 918 4 BTOBBB. KSTABLISHID 1886. RILEY. UARGREAVES CO. ERniHEEED. Iboh A Bbaji Fuuhubbs. BoILEBafAKEBS, BbIDOE BUILDESS, SHIPBUILOBBB. GBKEBAI. COBTBACTOBS. SINOAPOHE IWiLA LOMPUB. Ship BoiWinc Yard. HIGH claa* STEAM VKBBILS alw.ja v n.ler con.lrnclion, from 38 ft. to ISO ft. length of keel, of baa* dasijm and nalah. MACHINERY from leading BriU.h FtoaM
      918 words
    • 301 4 NOTICBB- "l^* CRUSHED FOOD Flm OM Dry Aawmtlllailo Hfcfrrr8p*««ally •elected and boi«led in hond l in Trt t anl) y nv wu SiT USSI foi n. and aroompamed h, ceHifirate R 8E1.11.108 W- to M mm of origin in Spain. J_, public that tna F.rlorjr for nrana^ TO.' be* Tain*
      301 words