The Straits Times, 5 July 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1892. NO. 17,758.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1229 1 SIKAMSHIP COMPANIES. PKUINSULAR ANI) ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Ornr«-< 'Oliver Quay. Wb»«v«« an, l Oonowm— New Bmjfcnwr Taimal steamers may le eipe, t...l to „ye ctw.rds and leave Singapore homeward, ti tin following date. ..rr..ini IloitiwiaM J"l. U.K»K,Il n '"J- Ol mm. MISS SB The above daten only approximate
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    • 943 1 STEAMBHIF COMPANIES. KONINKI.I.IKK PAKKTVAART MAATB('|!AII'I.I. Uodel < Mtra«-I with lie Netherlands India QowmfX i,t. A'.im, ai i.v,;ai mm Barm Auemcy imi: J. DaUMU A Co. :t. BoElafna Quay. A'IKNTB AT IVWANO MtHSlii HUITKII lIAfH Liinmr A Cn nh- y baa a lael ,f jh ■rmmoia, •ith aplmd J a mmodation
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    • 679 1 bTfiAMSHIP COHPAMFS Piak. Hergkali., and Edi will lie called at only once every four weeks. Tn llnritrii lurtt via Bawran and 'v urabaia. •vary four mmna a innmmi runs in this dirlelion Inking cargo sud p.i'sengern lo l'aiij'iiiiaj>»iii. Pnann I.snt, f'a^ir, and Kol.i. OMa stan »i> tn ,1-, ast.-«iniri.di-pit.h.-<l
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    • 786 1 INSURANCES Tim Standard Lift Aiworaace. Norwich Uni,»n Fin- ImiMM Sori.-tj. AlUu Aiwuranco im|Mtiv K.nv. Tli- E.|iii'«l.l» Ufa Arairmr-K tmk/tf Tlie Oeea.n Marine Iti-uri: <- (omjany The China Mutual Stoam Navigation The Tottenham Lafaf B»r 0 .mpanr. Tlii- Kaiitimi- luMiranre Coni|iany, Limit.,! For particular*) of then, Companies >..■,• the full nilnrr.-i
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    • 707 1 INSURANCES NORTH HRITI.SH AND MERCA NTILK INSURANCE COMPANY. Fm* i.i.i -H 1 1. MM TOTAL IUKTI AT :tl*T I>Ki KMBEK, 1881, Clll.ttt.YiWl 2- 11.1 I Autkurwt Capital U.a».OW t 4. •aAaarta.* t.jso.w I-.. I ..|.i-.,.,,.i aQ^M ii. i-in- i'..>.i. vnjm v in l>nlln<|N> ii. in n j.-u .r. Lafowl
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    • 890 1 HANK. HoMJKONO AND SHANGHAI I: \NKI\i. CORPORATION. pud up capital KtSKKVR rtTND f 6,an0.«00 KKSKKVK I.IAHILITY OK PEOPKIETOKB j $10,000,000 Cotrar or Dikettom: <' V, I-M 11, HI I. I'..i»»«<«kk, K«y. Dapaßf I'haimu f £*.V^ E 1 J J «»••'<■». V"S*t aba IUO avliio. K~i v. K. WM.H.n, K»-|.
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    • 717 1 OTOBBB. Bumors fTATOHm Mimofactobt, f.rt«*T« Hiia, Low DO* MAKER TO H. M. THB QUBHT. SpiwiAlly manofartnred aad mir«ii»4»< Biaaoa'i Srnu mniora, njLD" WATCH. A (fold K.yUea Koffliah Half Chronometer, BENSON'S LCDGATO WATCH. A thraa-oaartar Pl.t. Bnjrlteh Lite, foil, Special aiaee aad Mb r UUaaa* to enter. A atoek of all
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  • 507 2 LATEST M AKKKT QUOTATIONS. Si»o\rom«. :>ih Jolt. IBR3. Pbodjci. Uambi.r, f 5.8 U. <io Cab* No. 1 B.HO. da do No. 2, B.eo. OooraßaJi 4.15. Jo Pootiauak S£74. e»r\tr BUwk. fjgfi. i*gn Flour, Sarawak 3.f>o. Pearl fUun 3.55. '?o6>« l.»li. 28.40. (Joffe. Überian, r»iiior» mnull Flake 3.7.V •in
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  • 65 2 P*r *r. fkm. To-Mobbow. .1. |„rt- PnUmntM. lv V.a-yyr port-. .t.,1,,1 f B E port.. Sr. P^,, J Ji^ r.A 0 mi>Jr IBL* 3t:Cot.- 1,. putt-. v >•. p«, /e# 4 B Thukbdat. jtaUvi. vi, „,rt.. «^.,r,ry. 8... Pk>»uiuk. Mat x^; K1.9( via i.,,i. pn,,, fm
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  • 48 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY,JULY 5TH,1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. KrtTAHMHHKD IH3I. Mm im omm. Tut hIMM //A /iWy— SixToiiw.tiveL'uioni»t*. au.l |m Ummli have 1..-.-U re-elet-t.-il to their res|nKlive aoatu uuoppoecd. Thk Univkkhiit Ckhiit Makh. The cricket match betwevu Oxford and flaMMlia\p Mjl w,iu by the former by live wicketx.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 253 2 It IMMM I tli<' miasile with win. I, Mr. Gladstone wan hit at Che.ter wa. thiowu liv tbo fair hand of a woman and it vi.iv 1.-- n,,t,.|, ii, |.A,»i| lf tbat that woumu -we dim to have rjlulnt. -.1 .in ac.-iiracv ..f
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  • 96 2 Mb. Ki»«et, tbe manager of the Pahang Kiploration and l>«»elopinent Company's works at KuaU Pahaog. gws to England b 7 the mail to-morrow in order to place before bis directors tbe very uosati.Uctor y condition in whicb tbe company is placed consequent npoo the Pabang Ki.irg- So far as can
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  • 6 2 The Meiican Oovernment pormits poly. g»my.
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  • 10 2 ItU alleged tUat Mr. Lilwucbe-e has become a Koman Oalholic
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  • 20 2 A MMBMI firm, having failed in Ririn, •Utes that I lie p*'tue-s sp -ut the a».«t. in their |wr.onal ei|<eose..
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  • 21 2 It was a wouitu who bit M. Ulad.tone with a miasile. We a-e still ignoraut of the nature of the MM."
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  • 17 2 It ba. boeu iuaccuratrly tint Captaio Elani. late of the Unnburgh. is dstvl. He i. alive.
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  • 20 2 A Cetlomese uatne.l VV Culler wa. before tbe court this morning < liarged with having stolen a bank r.vei|,t for Mai
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  • 21 2 Lewi* Oili.t Ji'eoEns. the Mangkok refugee, failed to appear 111 tbeCoUit today and li.s luil (<5(X>) was mdrred to be estreated.
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  • 25 2 A Eukasiah i.aincd Vealveiy baa Ut-li arr.-5t.., 1 iv Singapore ou a charg» of stalling ,-eri.iiu mil n> ing material Iwlougiug to the S-I.iiig..r Uovernmeut.
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  • 28 2 Mi-.m. ImBM, Kailey and John P. Joj,|iiiiu x<> to Saiunn ou a i-oinuiisHion to take evidence iv a big Chiueee MM, before tbe Biili.b Cou.ular Court at Saigon.
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  • 24 2 Hi.kk Ai.HKui K»i«iii:m»u.. a piaiiiat of mine repute, is pa.aing through Siugapore on bis way to Java. He doe. not pUy ben- at preavnt.
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  • 29 2 Tne ftecond ordiuary |{eueial in. .-tun; of the Singapore Land Cotupunv Limited will be held at noon on Saturday. Hie llitb linUut. at the re-entered olfice ol' tll.l COMpauy.
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  • 27 2 MUSKS. I'OWKLL A Co., will s.-ll I.V auctiou on Saturday at noou tli- wreck of Ibe Jliiy-ilul with her linings aud i-arp. Particular, will Im notitied tomoriow.
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  • 31 2 Mkmbs I'., well and 1 '.>iu|.t-iv a-lvertiw Ih,. mI,. l.y auction or the Ditch iron •crew MMM Ml Hrmlnk fiedrrlamlt». at tbt'ir aalea-room, on July 14*1, at 2 Mi p. in.
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  • 44 2 Di'aixo llu- iour«e of tbo liatnug uf tinNorth Boat Quay obstruction <•»•« to .U». Mr. Mattbtwg. who «|i|irared (or iln- .1. trace, in tba croM-i-umioatiau! of |Mr. K.Ttlii-. tbe Mjrnff, iutiainteU tbat an action fur (Uinagn voulj U- bruuKht a^aiutt tbe Sheriff for illegal trespaw.
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  • 342 2 Tun ei|(ht Cbainueu who weie arrested in North IWI g>i.iv. uu Juue i7lh, for obstruct in:; the Sheriff iv the execution of j hi« duty wore brought before the Court to-day i liaii;.-.) with riotiiiK (2) resistiu- it „|lj, r iv the eiecutiuu of
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  • 116 2 Latkk advice, frou. Mauritius m the t,,^. „f tkgm of tb.. ir.i, j,,, le »i,, )W that the early a.-.-,,,,nt. of the diwuler were ..aerated. Tli. di-atb-roll had l-oui-dowu for inaUnce to 1 .500. but there wer.. uiauv wound.-d people who very w.iuld die. The iujuiv.l
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  • 60 2 The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at colombo. (Ofh» Otmm. W* Jwm.) Colombo ou l, J un.-aud (r y v b.u K a,>ore Mr. 1.. C. lU|f 0,,ro ,,r taLe charge of tbe branch of tbe Houg leoo B and Shanghai Hint t.. fcT mZS view H.tb Mwn. Deluiegc u..;j
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  • 106 2 The Colonial Surgeon of Colombo opinion that the action taken with reo»,'| to the quarantining of vessels at the of Colombo )ru always erred on the of leniency. He has compared the i)u»r»i," tine regulations iv force m the (Jtnit, Settlein.-nt. wiih
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  • 184 2 The fimt public meeting of the }>„, pore MiMionary Coufereuce was held in ih. Methoditit Clnirtb. at 8 o'clock Ih.i B i ßh but, owing MtM to the inclei,,.,,, r of the we.itlier. the atleinUnce was «,i,,|j The MMM Mimionary OoafercDet in an iuatitutioti llnit liah Ix-en
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  • 361 2 [MMUnH UMvived from Saogii that on tit,- nißlit of Ibe 7th June a volcanic oruplion MM in i|,,, nmnv Mfh Mfakg killed At t1,,, timo of wrili,i({ our correspond, -nt had n relialile return of the tiumlx-r of deatbi. I iMfh i- the name of
    361 words
  • 473 2 ISupp/tMtntari) ti> Straits Timtt Mtfram 1 Via CtgloH Munich. MM Jiinr— Prince Bi»mar. k »r--rivil h-re this uiiiruioK mil nltli i.Mli il km I at Ilia mrlv huur of Ja. in. many thowaali liv.-l t li.- m'r.-ot* ami ptM His fcawllwij an UtW, «db Jmm.— ]fe "Tliiitn i.......
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  • 184 2 Tothk KmroK or thb "■mam Tim>-' Sin, Your suggestions ivitli Ngßld W IkafMwi mmmJ al tM maud pled by the Si U( {a|wre Orkfat Club sr» liltlßuUf good, but ,lo v,.u Ml think 'I" 1 rm U'lll would U- alajatt too »ioleni tMetsa for Im
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 556 2 JfOTII'KM. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted It circulates in Singapore and Penaug, throughout all the Protected States of the Malaj Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1201 2 AUCTION SALKH TN THE SUI'REME COURT OF THE X BTB A r.S SETTLKM KNT-«, SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE IS BANKRUPTCY No. 52, OF 1891. X.l» in Koek. K. yirl. The Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China I Mk OHAKLI3 EDWIN ."RANK, wil.t ski. l. iiv Ar<Tiosr, I- run otitttl
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    • 1083 2 MUNIOIFAt NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is h-rcby given thai the Regj'atiou and Licensing of dog, withiu the Municipality of the Town of Singapore, for the year beginning Ist Jut.o. H!»J. nnd ci.ding Slat May. 1*9.1. will cimmenco n Monday. IMIh insi., and hi t-mtiniu'd daily. Sunday. eii-jit.,l. Is-i *„..ii the
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    • 693 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THB BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCI, 1»88. In the Supreme Conrt of ths Straits Settlements. Settlement of Singapore. IN BANKRUPTCY, NO 1 OF 1882. Re Gob Kwang Lim oa, Chop Kwanr Hnnr < h»n. Take Notice ||,at r.pplirati n will he made to the above Coort on lhn IKb day of
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    • 57 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. >-.'». Ui fn IU Stnib MSHI >kmM W « T39 "i" l ""f 1 saaavaE v AU <..,(,.». ra. 1.4..1. an nljtet U IU cmAilitm
      57 words

  • 86 3 ('■hikU mid ihr I nlt<-,| Slutr.. ft. «ii.) Mr. Jolm F,m|« r wit.. pro.nnt ■lldimw tlii« nfl.'ru _;u, m. SoSSTnte 1 Mit 1 K5 i..^.,;i:!r::: n t ;:'';r,^ .nt.l» »«•>"•' U I nil., Sui™. i,, P, W 1 -"i rri 1 i..n,.f, 1 n Tr,,
    86 words
  • 413 3 Rm M J««,\ l'UI,l, U r, ,J,, ur y Th(> rtn«h_ii <il rois j--' .Ti. r vi.': ii< ":::r«H: 11 NllHllVn. of 1,..., n!,;,1,i, for .afMy. 1,,,. IM r n horror of 11,., 5 it,,,,!,,,, „v r r ir JV <UMr..v™l l.v 11,,, B»5«« ,',,-Ll l.y
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  • 528 3 Sn ThomM Sutherland, preside* .1,,,,,. :ir.l ui<l th* propi u-tors would hum gathered from the ({..iieral akimtit „f (1.0 report that i»< niU hi miHi to -1...P.J. vit> fii mwghriy. But taa* w re „1,|,. to declare their oau*l interim dMaaal M tli..
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  • 146 3 Jut.—Tkt .Mvu|...iiim l.v th.-Kn^li-I, of cartoN Mir*- in N" Imllm " in, Imil. n^ Al'lklum. A~» ptioß, ud i |„,1,,, i- In 1.,- ll,' »f mi inl'l--palUtiotl in III" Uiiilmt.— Our o*f Com* pomdni. r i,,i -Ti..' UffmUfm VrmmMi* ..,.',,>
    146 words
  • 1159 3 iii o mmmm if tlit- ■MtttiaMwUabluM i,.,,, mUt by ttw MfmbHfm ft •">•■ »"'l otto X.-.-..-I, wpm ili«i Uw AMafcni mid (iL.ri.Ml WmilK WoMta Knm... l.viirfu.' ..f HißTli-ilvif I'.li-'.l IW«.l r.|.i.s,.,,t,tiv ..t JUulor'n' AK«'»y IIM.I"- fnrll.i-r iiMjoirtri «i Mm I'.,:, mini CMm "ii il.» Mil.j.vt •M •.1.1»i1i.-«l ll»' fcilluwill^ il.fnllllAlimi
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  • 772 3 I'hk Ttmm tin- Mi June ivvi.-WK Ih.' report of il,.- I>,-|.utv Mhhl.t nl Hi- Mint [< 1891, an. l ilmwa fraaj il tin- following c.mi luhiuiih ii'^;irJin^ lli<- »ilvi<r,|iicBtioD: Silv.-r. il will l» ktii from Hip r.|«.rt. fell rv nmrkixllv in raluii faring <li" |"-t I «r.
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  • 157 3 Nkarlv 4mi Urn Lob«. Im, 1,,.,,- („/-T1».!.i^t.«.,a.i»,n0» ■.1 Un *M| tliat iiiiiiilkt <,f ,IV. nirli ttio firo in (1,. I'l/, tilrm rtf AMf U f iiml to r..,.-i, km. ■of tU Mining *-j|l,r. Tl..- M«"« -i fill .1 xilli noii'iu- it'i*. thai 11, r prahkUUt*
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  • 221 3 Betrotha l of Princess Ma rie of Edinburgh. Brrliu. :inl J» v —It ii offimlly ttat-<l in UM 11- irht,i*lrjgrr, I>li< aftITIKMIII. that tlir> bMfMMU »<f I'riiK-c-H M.irio of Ed nli.irgh to thn Crnwii Priaa* i.f tiimmaiiia wan formally Mawl Hi I'ntt.ilam liyllii- Emj.rrorja.lfr'- ni-h.irrtt. Jaw.—ln Hi- B<^ mi.| j
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  • 852 3 TIM rofUwilg letter han Imon a 'lilrri>M«l lo ili i „r- „f t!m priKiiiil London nmriiiuir jlllllll by fl li,-it or f,,r Th, Tim,: >V M K AND ANOTIIKH r. STKINKOPrr." "£ir. >n rail ii(f tin- ro|mri* of thin MM 111 tin- rs.f to.Uy him) thn i-oiiim -Ms
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  • 765 3 iThrtt I>ay l"Ur than by t»-da*; (Jrrmin Mail LmuUm.Hth Junr—^rmi mjtt»ri.m~ run of ot yoan/ «irl. in London K( ■ilinrt. have rei-eii'lr fwnrrrd. The lateat mm are thor of t«ro (firl. nam»d Alioo Marah «nl Kir ma SI .ire!'. "'"> <>-i- :|>i,- 1 hf drnoni.. »t MiriinT-lioii*'
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  • 81 3 MMJ. Par a. MMM from Bremen —Mr. A. Kaa'niini. Ki.rn Genoa —Mr Rubciia, Mr. C. v. d Muhlen. Mr. J. F. K. Roia.-|rar. and Mr C Pomin.-n..'ii I'aaarairerK Out mini. Per Amxlta, from London, Juno 10. Mr. I a,i.-li..r. M,-»»th. (tain, and K.i-... Captain IVck. Liem. MM Par
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 263 3 For <..-i. ShipplHg 1 See Page I. Tii k m its i nn i ruboi >m pa r, LIMITED. fWWM Imm laMtaf Thir*i "tftiMiMM 1 «iii i i,s,-d iron tea Jin,.' v i mi. .lull. l«.th days i lie iisi»... By order of the Directors. A S HI'RRAY. U/7
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    • 1035 3 NOTICES NOTICE Or DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE i. hereby given that the partner »hip lately animating Ixtwenn v. the nnder.ign.4 Jaim-s M dm Lyoa an I rr«,|. I crick Cherlea Sheppard in the husine.a of Mechanical „H ( Engineer., Ship. Builder.. Contractor., and Ueaeral Agents carried on in Singapore, under
      1,035 words
    • 905 3 NOTICES. ESTABLISHED 1866 HILEY, HARGREAVES CO. EEaa. IMM A Bbais Foom.Bßa, BotLEBHAEEaa. Bbiuoe Builhebh. SmrMntßßMja, (Jenebai. Cohtr»cto»s. BIVOAPOKE rWALA LUMPUR Ship Ituililinu- Yard. ITltill claaa STEAM VESSELS always under con.truclion, from 38 ft. to ISO ft. length of keel, of haat deeign and finiah. MACHINERY from leading British Firm.
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    • 752 3 SHIPPING. HBO CHINA STBAM KAY. 00.. LTD FOH HONOKONO fpHE Company Steamer WINU SAM., X I..MT ton*, C»pt. i|.- St. Cnrii, baring IWt Calcutta oo lh« L'.'.fli in.l.i.V, mtJ h. p»ct«d to «mv« here on the tin July, Ra» will In fl«.|»t,hi>.l fur the above port oa tke ith Jnly.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 105 3 WhATIIKIt RKl't)K'l. ■antjaaj MMMM m./..:. IM U\ i. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Kimmi. Bar. raJ. U Fah MIIbIIIbTVMbI --^i Temp. «7.t ma 74 0 i S.Sf Wet Bulb Ther. 90S 73 n Ti.i f-| O Dir of Wind ..SSW. S. H. W. »lax.T,..«p. Sill Mi... .10. ao. 7IS SJooJ M.I.
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    • 194 4 Uuder this headinfr tho following MHafM tinua are lweil atr—it^amnr; «h.—«liip; l«| barque; Brit.—Hriti.h; U. S—l'l.itod Staf«; Fr-Freni-li;(;er.f!erinan;Diit Dutch; Joh Jnlior.i; Ac.,—(i.c. —(ienoral carpo ;d p.—d.-ck pa»-n»f"r^ V.—Uncertain ;T.I'.W. -Tanjonc Pairar Wharf; T. V. D —Tanj-mif I*a){ar I),M-k B W— Borneo Wharf ;J.W.—Jardine Wharf. K. H W.—New
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    • 946 4 Si...mi. 1 |..i--..-.l through MMBB, T'heran. and tm: Brit ati. IMtooa.Tapt. D'Cruaf. 4th I Juu.'. From l-alcniban-. 3rd ii. 11 d. p i 1. 1111 1...n k Co. For Muntok an.l Pak-mbanir, „ili l; 1Rrrordrr. I'rit. atr. 07U U>n«. lapt. Ma.l_- 4th July. From Anj.-r 11....I. 2n,1. T.
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    • 183 4 D,,1,i MMM are put under th it h.,,,1/ whose aUrrrtintd dfitination in their purt* of nailing v Singapore. Othsr vetult h,,.,,. for Java, th,- Philippinrt, and other Jrirtil port». oeeationallu call here, outward b,,,nt,i the morementi of „ich re.«(» are t,m BMD Ma to be conveniently recorded.} Name.
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    • 70 4 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDMtS. Junr li;lul. b.i Aur.-li» fw 17 >b s,,.i.,.| A|.f. Mt HamwktmM i-iui. muii. s 1 1 N K m KSSf _■•> Unt. -lr KirLi.n, 1- -"J 1» M»nil« ao.\e.l ,tr. Anljoruo B,«.b Li M..i.uul,,.,.i, Anj.r f. o. NV» York BMtria N.-w V,,rk
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    • 101 4 Km. ol< l k«..m. iAi LtD Omwm July It .1. r I Kubr 4 S>rbKn Iwr 4 <i»i»te a H.n^ri u «.»,u Klu V.i.j :> S» Chow I'Lv* 5 Ttbtru <i« .tr. 2:,7S Supm"7 P l '"l J "ly tf Lim Ua i■„ in:. 53im«. M.jr r, H«hn
      101 words
    • 58 4 ■mil.' a Kami. h*« is,,, 1 *rr*m Dwruurioa M« 1. 1,. WniK.S.., k I I'- OiucAnn ,^j i i»_. i Au.. r Brit. rtr. rtr. Itr. itr. -tr At HMta St. frii! Burr Koli, tt OMMlan Triule.uporU iVumiK rla iH.iiI'ort S«iJ f. a Huu(kunii Mu^kooir .n.l Shuglui Prm>n| ri»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 NOTICKS. Rilov, Hargmives Co. BNtVUaw, siiipbi'lLDEhs, Ac. j si\(;ap()lji:. UK, II CLASS STKAM VSBSBLS AM) LATNCHES K)H BALK. ONE seagoing Steamer or Yacht now I l^rUg eomplet.-d. length overall >■:.' X I P. !i beam X -V af water. Mat built, j and completely uußuar fastened, s^lfK.n and cabins
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    • 272 4 NOTICKS. T. E TOKYO MARINE INSURANCE UOMPAHT, IJMITEI). 'I" HE I ndersigned having bnen sp|>ninted I Agents for tlin sbowi Company are ).repared to accept marine risks at current rates TM HRSOI IiI'SSAN KAISHA. tu Ath.teSl/ll Battery Road. Sing4|H,re RAVENS WAY t 00 Marbi.r Mkkiiianth. Si, ink Mas, ins. Mom
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    • 562 4 NOTICES. POWELL 00. BOCUAtOM. Pleakk read thksk ki» linen ani> IIKAK TIIK« IN MINIi. 01 R Fl RNITIKE FACTORY is in Or. hard Road, .-nil is Ih. largest aril most cemple'e. It issupplird with ateam power to drivo onr W.Knlworltng Machines, Saws. Lat'ies, Ac. therefor. Contracts ai.d Mgl ran
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    • 1394 4 DOCKS. THr. TANJONO PAOAU DOCK CO. tTD Tbf pr. mii.-b ol 1 1... Company are ntui.t«d at Tanjon* V^ai adj,,i. jajj the ef sin k .ipore. Steam t.ranwan run at abort intcrva a catTTinir paaaengera anl t-ooda from Wharf to ieatinatiuna at low rates. I The Wlmrf <'xten.J. to one.
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    • 732 4 NOTICES. Fine Old Dl 7 Amontillado Sherry. Specially selected and bottled in bond ia I miidoii for us and accompanied hy certificate of origin in S|*in. The l»-st value in the market. Price (10.110 per ease. A lhi 1 Light Californian Table Wines. Hock. M per case of I dot.
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    • 190 4 NOTICES. SiAir&~GAfrYS' PATENT FAST DYED KHAKI DBILIA SKBOES, AND BLUB ARMY DRILLS. THE only Drills guaranteed to keep their olonr under the most severe tests. The following is one of the many tosttmoniala received. i Copy., Marine Lino. <>th bVmMvW) l»* UENTHMiIf.-I »m much blmml i'h the qnalitvof the Blue
      190 words
    • 238 4 NOTICES. Me A LISTER A Co SINGAPORE AERATRI) WATER FACTORY. WE can with confidence recommend onr waters to all who like a good arlicls Onr machinery is of the largest she and Iwst BJMMf and has all the latest improv.. menfs. After many experiments, and acting ,ii,,|» r tho beat
      238 words