The Straits Times, 2 July 1892

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: l«ai. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1892. NO. 17,766.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1185 1 OTEAMBHIP COMPANIES. I NINSCI kB ANI) OIIIKNTAL 81 I N \VKIATION OOatPaJTr. (irm«— .Vllyer Qii.iy. Wiiak\» »n,l Uonowwa— New Barboar. Tub ma, l steamers may I.- eip<- t.,1 t., 1 jT o ,tw.rd« and leave Singapore homeward,! o n Uni following dste "Tw,""" j* nigh* N. i,, I* a..",:i lh-al-,v-
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    • 979 1 ti I BAMBHIP OOMPANIEg. KUNINKLUKE PAKETVAAUT MAATSiIHAI'PIJ. (Tudor eoatnal arila the Netherland. India a,. i it sin.; mm.iik Bam smbmoi I i.aii. J. Daewiiklh A Co. Rl MsWOa QVAT, iaim at PntM Mmv Huttknuaih I.i: M il A Ob. Ihe oinpmiy lisa a 11. t ,f i!H Steamer*.
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    • 726 1 BIBAMBHIP OOMPANIKB. BMBj P-ei and Edi will Ih. -.lied at j aa% aaa. every four weeks. to Isfßili Peril via Htwritu and Rl uraUys, every four w-i-ki> a ►tesin»r raaa in thi« dirictifin t.kiiig din -t cargo slid |ie,i«eiig-'. to ITaaJllßMnla. Pomm L»ut. I'a^ir, and Kol-i <)„,; a .l-ami
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    • 777 1 iNBCBAifOEa The Standard I. if- A--urancr Norwich I'liiun Fir- ii-uran— Soci-ty. Atlai A.-uranc.) (J.nipaiiy IFiro). Tho Eaaiuthi. Lif i A-siiranco .-io^nety TlieOrean Marine Coinimiy. The China .lutual .si- Navigali m Coy. Tho Tottenham Liger H--r C.,m|*ny. The Karitiiiie Uawaars < ompim. Limit-.! For particulars of th- M C.,m|ainies the
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    • 818 1 INSURANCES 1 UE SI'KAITS OnVMUKX COMPANY. I.IMIi'KD. r, Sc-apoie. Sut n «d Capitol I i.OPO.Ono. Paid upCupital BHO.IMI. Koaervnl Fund 115 Km. The abort Company are a. pting Mannriska to ail part* of tr- world at current m". tf premiatr. THE STKAITB FIKK INBPBANCK COMPANT. LIMITED. Subscribed Cupif*] $2,n00,000. Paid
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    • 981 1 BANK HiiM.Kom; AND SHANGHAI i:\NKINi; CORPoKATION. pa iii up capita I. KKSERVK FUND f RESKKVE I.IABILITT OF Uioononno I'HOPKIKIOKS j $10,000,000 forur ..r UikuthW: s. c. Mi. aiaia— K-u. ri.»,n.i..n I. NMMBSaa, K-g I), putr Chairman T i. it.n j j. 1i..... k. I. »-i afcCseaefcls, aVa. 11.
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    • 549 1 I BTOBRB. BENBOWB tTATCHbW. M»M-r». tort. IjDDOAT* Hill, LOMDOsT MAKER TO H. M. THK QUIIIf. Rpeeiallr aaannfaetared aad rmaaiaiiailiil or aae in the Beat, BißaoiTa Spbcial aTHBwoTaT, FIELD WATOH. M.-.ld Keylew Engli.h Half Oireaoamtor. £2 BENSON'S "LnDOAT«" WATOH. A ihree-ouartw Plat* Engli.h Uver fully 0,n,» Silver, t'S GtM. tY2M.. -I-,
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  • 397 2 LATKST MAKKST QUOTATIONS. SiNOAroBE, 2nh July, 18K. Paoojoa. •Umbier, I 5.87;. do Cub* No. 1 mB.NO. dn do No. 2. 8.00. Copra Bali, 4.V.V do PoatUirak, 3.80. fepper Black. H.JHi. Sago Flonr, Sarawak 3.W. Pearl Swfo, 3.HQ. Cnffee b»li, 38.50. Coffee Mberian, MM. Tapioca email flake, 3.7-V Jo dn
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  • 75 2 The following were the Ijoudou priu-s of certain share* aa received by tbe latest mail |Htperb. Tbe date is the oYd Juue 1 Hanks f M) all pd. The Chartered* 21 to -.>-.". ■l The Chartered M'tile. I.V 14. t'B}; li,e H-k-Mnr 48'ghai in H. M| TheN. O. B. C
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  • 78 2 Fur rtr tl/t. /W To-day. P....X nA P.1.8t V. fa/ipu.Ai.. p MoHUAT. CotM Tl« „Ht>. If. P, P»ll,. |0 f'UW, llrrlnr. 3 P,«. M».li.i. mi .rl- N..ii.n/.ii, J 11 X Kluii |>. -U. AmkerM. IS lluiir'ii'ii; Aia-it. Jfml h"iu... ilp.m I'i-un'.'. l'>Mi,||Vr. ;i pn S.II, .r,u- M. |»M't
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  • 94 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY,JULY 2ND. 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Kntahlishki, IH:il. I'l i< 10 OaU Hv Wtmm Tim,, Mk <ti.\i>sr«M »i Ki>iNki X.,,1 faawltV, I 'l J,,ly. Tbe Kigbt Hou'ble W K (ila.l» shaking al Edinburgh dei land that be had never retracted a syllable of bia Irish proposal of lHBti,
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 357 2 I'h,. Colony of NaUl lies ou Ihe South Kiist Coa«' <>f Africa where il stretclii-s overaliout Iw.-ulv tbousaud *|Uire mile* witb h pi.piil.itiou tbat. iv UN, MMM half a million, iucludiug over four hundred t 1...i,-.,:,-l Zulu K.ifln Ihe Kuro-|»-an |H>puUti.,n uiiiiilht. .l nearly forty seven
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  • 7 2 TbeOuueral Pott Offic; will <*• closed to- morrow.
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  • 16 2 »i t) 3,400 toot of Welata Coila bave arrived per lint is u st eamer Ariel.
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  • 15 2 Tub return of »ititort to the Kifflet Library and Museum duriug tbe week w«t 921.
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  • 14 2 T»»Jomi Priok, aa a O«liug Station, teeult to be fulling into still greater disrepute.
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  • 33 2 Tm« Rugby football nialcli Ih-Iwccii the Services aud tbo S. C. C. played on the Esplanade Uet eveuiug, resulted iv favour of tbe Service* by one try. Tbe Club pli.y.-d one man abort.
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  • 36 2 Th* good Uishop (l.isnier is not quite accurate in suggesting that a k MU toa Colonial Secretary iinpliea a (Joycrnorship to follow. Tbe k.c.m.o. may be followed liy official promotion but it docs uot imply it.
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  • 65 2 As ho uiauv of the Straits colonials come from the more northerly portion of tbe British lalea it may l<e well tosU|{i{est tbe Qovernor probably intended to be aatirical wheu be spoke uf Hishop Oasuier's uiiiuiu'ceiit aaUrv »f 1,200 frauca a year. S °25 a month certainly does not
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  • 59 2 Thk preliminary bearing of the charges of criminal bieacb of tru*i brought agaiust Mes»r» I. C. J. A It.own. of the late tin,, of Bruwu .V Co., at I'enang, which was fixed for tbe -".'ih Juue has l>een |..-r-t [„.1,. .1 till Wedueaday next, at noou, ou the ground of
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  • 59 2 Thk decision iv the K. K aud A. Telegraph Caae (as re|>orU-d to-day) will probably suggeet to young geutleineu in that they should be polite to each otber. They need not i«a»e to diaagree. Tbe greatett bitternew may coexist with the most formal politeucst bow else could tbe Executive
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  • 79 2 Thk party which weul off tolhealeamcr Kot/atut yeaterday returned last eveniug, after visiting tbe vvaael as she lies stranded on tbe Stoik K. .1 Tbe vessels cargo is aaid to be much damaged aud ,t is .1..-11.. -..-1 1 1 that the ship herself ia |*st repair, ot tbe war
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  • 69 2 Tfliir was a \.ux>- altrinlan. v at the auction sale of ra.-e-horses and rarria^. at Ahrawa' yard yesterday afteruuou and, witb Ibe en :t-|>rie>u of oue small lot, no busiueaa at all waa done. People se. in.-. I t« lie prearut more out of curioaity tli.u, wilb tbe idea of
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  • 56 2 Thi JUriu.- Court of eu.|uiry win. b »..t at HoaKkuut; to eu.iuire into tb,> .ircinii»lai,..» of Ibe •lrao<lin K or tin- l!rjti s »b... Jukn II.: Lroil on t!i.- Praia* Shoal on ibe 28tb May .•i,iu,-i,it,,| tl,.- cij.uin from nil MMMr, and further sai.l that the ,-aptaiu dearrvwl credit for
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  • 77 2 In tbe Unk MM f,, r^.-rv a-.-. I'll.- (_MM MPMM Mwlor wlii.|i ,auif Iwf.irL- tin- C.urt of Ap|>e»l it, wbi. b tin- Court MM that a Uuk u»te m,iv U- HMrßaVla Uetnn witboul *>i|.ivsa evi.len.e a- to th.- »i.. n tun-, is to br Ukeu Io th.- l»,ivy OcmmmJ It
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  • 68 2 Th»: r,,k,t Mk| Mm Per»L »,,J SeUuKor |,1«,.,| t| lt Ulu r Su|l Monda.y .m, I T...-«.l.iv iTth n -^n, re«»llt-.l in favour „f JViab l.v tea wir kets. A Ml pad tllll w Hd tb- tr,,, fro,,, J'e-aL |,r.,, wl joyablc. Seku^or mad.- MH in the lir.t luuiuynauJ 72
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  • 62 2 T..-I.AV al p m. Mr. Shelford will .doqueutlv address the Governor, aud 1 1, Govcruo, will, with great aa.isfacU, declare Ihe »0u..ea,l In.titule to a, opened. Hrn Kxcellency will ((UerV( the o,K. ulU g <( f t be U(ttillll h c.dc. w,tb tbe begiuniug of iQ Z£fc «und»y le.sure for
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  • 54 2 Till GvvrrHmrHl UuKUr, dated „,t..r day but „übl,.bed to-day uot.ti.-, „„Y h W. Ander.oo mt, |>„p utv the Supreme C.,.ut. Kogipore A cirviiUr despatch Btaa>"aki Dr. ll»ui|»b,re, Mr J <> a .v bery. (barUiur 3TSHS£ tt secured exU'iisu>us »f a ye X"'K Uttve M«-r.. CS. IV,, ul
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  • 745 2 (iumlali, Nandnr ever Raul, float, wmmmtL On my arrival at Lelsik Tuah I f, Mlnd the whole place deserted and only Mahomed, tbe Raul, Compaoy'a ator.k»,., er and family left. He waa under or from tbe Sultan to come to Terne r |oh i,,,, delayed (?oing aa
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  • 83 2 Thk .Iliwiui; for tl,e mbstriptwi tJrittius to run »t Hie Aut Htriia| took plan- at A brain's Vaid in Noftl |k% Koad last evening. Than altogether twenty drawn for aa« taktl tl j rather a aMff uuiiilht when companj with |irevious yearn. The |UMI to 1»- a
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  • 247 2 It it expected that the annual id" sin cmiuectiou witb tbe Singapore Bo»iaf Club will I.- held U>warda the latter pall of the current montb or early iv Augtwt It was nri){iaallv intended that tli.v ihouH be held in the firtt week iv July.' bul I" avoid a claab
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  • 250 2 Tmk l«l||>Bhig untie- is putted in Cri.ket Club [wiviliou "The ObMuttM kftM derided thai it oi, oeMNfi of iMtrirM for the |>ro|«« 11 "SCO. Atblet.i.; S|K,.t». there I- hi th.-ir opinion, H MoaMetol asufi iiuuiUt of Im»i.;i UtMtriti ill— »l U not beld." Tin- .aus* for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 566 2 KOTICEB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore aud Penaug, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the ttiilippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1101 2 ATOTION HALEBL The Loonchon OtHM KsUte, Johore. CoMtitTiao or 4,<X(O Acb«r of Will I—llll Coffer Laud. AUCTION SALE OF THK VALUABLE IHJfMI ESTATE OF LOONCHOO, THURSDAY, Hth JULY, ISB2. lAS A UOINIt COHCIBN. ri UK uudersignril are instructed to sell X I') Audi. n. Nt (heir Ssln-room", ou Tlil'ltSMAY. MM
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    • 1145 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE It horeb7ni^>> tlie Begnlation aud Licensing of dogs withia the Municipality of the Town of Singapore, lor the year iH-ginning Ist June. I -!'J, and ending 31st May, IXM. will I >inmeiice ou Monday. l:lth mat., and bj onliuueil daily, Sundaya n»cept«l, U-tween the hours
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    • 767 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE OF lIorSBHOLD PDRNITtIRB, «TC. AT THE SAIL' RB* REST, South Bridge Road, Neil to Kr»u Aycr Police Station ON BATCRDAT. Nth JULY. AT 2 P. M. THE undersigned BM instructed by the j Committee, to sell by Anetion. a» the i Bailora' Rest. m BATURDAT, »th JULT.
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    • 83 2 a— The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India ezcepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. 1 If CU. inlmH<i ft tkl T>«Ua .U«U W Mil. •r. tms *4» ttapmftr anly. By tk* RMU.-t 1 Jut enndt. h4» mast MS.*,
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  • 2654 3 The New Convert Buildings. FoIMAI. OPIIfIRO IT H. K. THE <iOTI«N0». to previous »nuoun(.'ui.Mit I( B. the (Jovornor visit*d the Con»ent ,t pin yesterday, and formally gaajind „|«n«d the new bnildiugs which "tbe grow, ing demand* of the institution havr made ,i n ,-.e«*iiry to .Kinstnnt. The<e extensions nmke 00
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  • 985 3 C»u«T or Aitkai. tß'/./r. Mr OoUnrf and Mr C<,U r r I A. B. McCar. A r ,..11,,,,1 R B A A C. Tcliobaph Co., Reipondml* In our yesteiday's issue we re|«>rted the beginning of tbe above case, wbicb arose f rom.i dispute about a cookery book t*tween
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  • 243 3 To-BAV. §jm Jutliers a<idi>ey awl Collar.) Ravkna Mana Vienna Ran. VIIKAPI'A CHITIY, Ap}lellaHl. S.I..SA RAVENA MiNA RojfANATHAX. Mi, DmUIJMI for the appellant Mr. Drew for the reapoudeut. ThiB wii nil a.J>|M*al ai;.iinst a decision of Mr. Justice WoodnraiilniK UWN li> Plain, tiff Keapondeut I to take iicliou by milistitutiou service.
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  • 134 3 Daaa-rrou. ■anarf^rwwli TeceUale.. Ik noticicK the preralence of ferer at PeoaDK, tl»- Prc«reiia Report of the Municipality there for May says Among the victim- war* two Bnropean soli diera who died nf enteric fever. The wni'arv .•onHitinn. of ihe harrsrka. where they dietl. appear to he iirrfert. and tlie Health
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  • 187 3 Chieafi,, »M June.— Thr Demnrratir con vention opened her* to-day and twenty ihouaand persnn* wen- |iresent. The silver plank denounre. the Bh*nnan Art sud denund* tbe r, image f (f'.'il »nl silver without di'eriniination. It favnon a rurrenf-y of l«.lli meUla, makini; all dollars of .Mjnal vslne.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 110 3 I IMMMB IH4O. SIMPSON A Co. 201, Mount Roau, ||MH BT 81'E( lAI. AIToINTMKST t *n lam- Iliillilcrx umil Hitram>» S»kn H It H. Tun I'BINCE .iv AI.K;--k. a a. c. 8. i. O I. U I'M IN A Co. l.«»iii|f IwatowJ iheir *J «p.'oi«l Ulautiuu '•> "»nr\ <li'MTl|>liaii "f
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    • 1118 3 NOTICEB. THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN SYNDICATE. LIMITED NOTICE ia herd,} given that by a resolution pasaed by the Director, of the abor* Coin|atay at Head Olfle*, Brisbane, on 1 Ith June. 18N. all .lures of th* Company in raspert of which ralU wcr* on that data ia arrear, are absolutely forfeited.
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    • 556 3 NOTICES. MARIK BRIZARD AUD ROOIR Bordeaai. Onraeao, white ami rad ManaehJno. Nnyau, whit* and red. Cherry H randy. Milk Punch Old Jamaica Hum AamstU awl oth*r llqumra. Pol. Avraat* for tha Strait*. V. CH. yALTRIHT A Co NOTICE ia hereby given that we bare a. from this date, admitted Mr
      556 words
    • 957 3 SHimNG. FOB PENANG. COLOMBO, BOMBAY. FIUMR. TRIESTE. AND YKKICtt. THE Austrian Lloyd, a a. MMLPO MKNK. having left Hougkoaf may ha aipaeted to arrive here on tb* 3rd of Jar/. She has room for cargo aad naasaagwa, and can take aim cargo for Levaatine part* lad Odessa on through Bill
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 89 3 WKATUKI. KEPOKT CaaAia* A.Sjir HoxriUl, lift J.,.'. I«H9. a.Bi.Sp KtMABSt I ■ar. ni. a* Fall ai.7<M>».:m 29.7*l "j Tomp. Hi n Hi S K'J I. W«lHull.Tlier. UK IM tf Dir. of Win* H«. 8. SSW. M.i.T,.mp.i».' J ..1« win J« Mm. do. do. -.<<■• i-i M.I in Han I««.S T.rr.
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    • 197 4 Da ler It* kMafag UN Mlwwtat »'''T"v»ti Bi »ro aa*a —»tr—stoamer; «h. Lip. b.| I BBMWI Hrit.-Hriti.l,; V. S -r.,ile 1 St»t« Fr -Freneh;fler.O«rma« Out -Dutch Jafc. JohoM *<• —i; r—(Jeneralcar^o..l |>.— .l-'ck aaaansasasi r.-lncerlain ;T.l'.W -—Tanj.-ng i'agsr Wliarf; T. P. D.-Tanj -niK r B. W -Itorneo
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    • 957 4 AkKivAi.l «mc« Noon or YKMTEai>»Y. ■bbbbMM BMHi asWMMjta: ')..,,,j OkMßj M, 11,,,,, Italian «tr :r.>l Vail.. l»t I July. Fr in r.-nang, 2fth June. 11. Oar pin. I For Muntong. I'.—Kd«. Hian.j Ann. Brit str. KM ton*. Capt. Follett. BMM>. From S.imai.ui/. 2*.)tb Jone. <(- 2>: d.
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    • 202 4 .i.-i arc put utulirllu- .i .ulrertiiud destination in tlmr y n. i of tailing it Si.«/.ii)orr. Other rruelt l>m*i I for Java, the Philippine!, and uth. -r Anil.' portt, oceationally eitll here outward bn:,»i, the morementt of *urh vtttelt an twi >mctrta« 1 to be conveniently recorded.) Name,
      202 words
    • 88 4 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR AltKIVKI) KM OIDSK& f"° I v Ri Comk*mi)Hi. or FKoa Whkk>. L>«smn»" T 'I KM 1<. I'nu. l| rB ,|rik lirujn. II Hi it i» ■■■^IHl !•>»,. r !!.im A.*;;- f£T II X.-.I tft. tmmnat Ki.-m II Am. >k ■i.uU.Tn in, H»il^ T U
      88 words
    • 110 4 j^— ro»- irTAIM Juk lUI. «tr M) V»]l, 1 1 1...UR t b^w Hm.t, tils Kuu.ll, I M K „,,,l. Putt, l.ut .tr IH.I v,», r J H"'^ KiH br.t -ir. tM iTi": I. I I J.rl.Ur; ,\,,r .t r Mf H ''JT"* '"w muu 5 An?l U tilr
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    • 25 4 fc* 11" "5.,."^~ M Al.r,-,-I!, v e ,|i lr MMM l'»k k in portLondon I Ammul N E5 B.MIU ill |> rlM»li«-» Hi M'"'<
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 284 4 NOT] CIS. A CURE FOR ASTHMAIIII tktVkAXJLTi INDIAN CIGARETTES tv Op- pr»s*ii m l.i h Rn i Nor-; nac-un "l'i'>, wlla W>i. Broncl Inaomnta, altec lorm, «l iJilliculty in F. B»»ai G IMAULT4OO Pnris, Tcialj illCaeaiiti ORIMAULT'S Matico Capsules AND INJECTION tie. nwn. I I'nv I Ortmaulrt M.'l v,,.
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    • 217 4 VOiiCKS. Th«v come a~ b-w.ii and s Mewing to men. Ths Pick wick, the Owl. ntnl th" Waverley Pou Ohan Timer. TH i: H IKDOO PENS •E^HTBBBBBBBtaMS^C^223isEs^Ba^B^BBBBBBBBT No. LtVMi I nil II lIIA'H.NAI. 11.1.V I I "With oUtasia JHiiiits thoy aro sinply inostinisblo."— Court Jw,rnai. THE \V.\ VERLEY PKN They
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    • 441 4 NOTICE* THE TOKYO MNHINK INSURAN(;K OMI'ANY. LIMITED. THKriiil.T-itfi.'.H'«viiiK h" 6 »l'l' oio( <1 AgenU for tho pared to MMB4 marine risks at current rates THE HRSOI IU'SSAN KAISIIA. H.Atfc-tog/18 Bstiory Road. ■■Hlfill HINfMIMIKK AERATED WATER FACTORY. WE can with roufidenro recommend our wstfrs to all who like a (food article
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    • 1416 4 IJOCKiS. THK TANJOKd I-AOAI4 DOCK 00, 1.1 D fM rr'mi'.-s af tte <:..i7ipanT w >iMiat«<) at Tanjonz Pa(;»r adjoiuinir the town rt Sin,.,, i pore, rf'e.nii Iran.-. an. run at short intsrra a| carrying paasra^ws and K" o^' ron > Wharf to I Iratinationa at low raw. Tbe Wharf ••itmrls
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    • 902 4 NOTICES. I In- me Hotol," Pcnanic Hill. Kl.KVATHIN -J.-JlJI) FlET THIS MUhliHhiiiml it most lieaulifullr Mtmlr.1. afford* it» MMt nuitriii'rieent view nf the town and harbonr nf |v mini; •"•I other siirronnilinrf weneriee. nffiTMn comfort viaitrm. mil i« highly IWMHMMM I" invalid* fnr Ifcl l-n»tit of their h-alth. it" temperature
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  • 1390 5 Thr Opealajr U'raamy. ftfalanaVrf 2nd July.) As preiiouslv announced, nt S.turd.iv. H V (lie (iov.rnor OfJeaad the large new building ;.t Tanjong I'ag-tr, known ni the lioustcad histitut.. f,, r fj.-a-men. For such a ceieiti,.,,; »,th ho utetisive an initilntion, the Ira*. Ires of the
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  • 1872 5 Mr SuKi.roßi, sai.l y..ur i;»,,l|. „,v DM RiKwOMB, My tm4, l«.li-« tnA (r<r,t|i. tmn, I li«, |,P,. n ,1..|,,,i,.,i t th.CoininiU 1 ManaKPin-nttonak HK. I In- 11,.v.. r I nor, who hat 1 i kin.! M tf, t,, (MM lite t.i.l.iv. toopnUrnl institution but, ba. f.>rr dong k...
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  • 177 5 The Hall I'll.- Kill in th.t evening was -i pronounced success, over seventy couples ladiaff ditn.nig room on the polisli-.l 1.-tik tl or. The ..-..ins w.-re brilliantly M with the tire :;nd ineaiideseent light and presented it (ajf and aiiinuled ap|MMrance. The Iniictio-i was a private our for the I
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  • 555 5 Thk murder of l.nnsti. Stewart, which t.Hik place some time ago, un.l whose nan- ,|.-t. -i wa still ut large, has caused much j grief to Ib,. large ciu-le of fi lends who knew Mr Si.-wart in Brisbane. The deceased j araa I auaaf Mr.
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  • 126 5 Ailt v i 1Vr..>.«.1. from Dalit— Mr. Kollmkou. ler S. K«jt,l, Hr 0.,1., frem SsiHwak:Mr U.,IH-rtM>ii. and Dr. Havil.iud. Per s. Bedaura from Bs'avia r— llaasas. Uaaaj. LeaJa Daway, ami Mr. and Jlra Kit,-.-: I., a, .U.W.ici from T Alison -Mrs (iiles. Mr.. uu.l Mr- Oraeaatea I'er
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  • 289 5 OMM t Arr«AL. Satubi>*v Jut 2kd. Ratak M»va Vkknn* Ra»a Viutrrt CHITTT. Affllant. Suiiiia Haviia Man* Koiianatiikn, aW p ,,«.1.nt. The u,i,,: of this case waa repoiin] in our issue of Satutd*>. but as the main question t..i». d by Mr. Pußaldson waa not MM by the l»
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  • 194 5 A I.aki.k hum or Monbt Stolkn (In the ui,'ht of the Ist iniUui, or probably iv the small hours of the 2nd. the irou safe of (be Johore Opium aud Spirit Fat ins was tampeied with aud a sum of NUttt, or th.-reali.iiit, was earned
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  • 848 5 Tv THK EIIITUK or THE .Sri! VITH TIMEB." Sib. -It is stated in chapter 111 of the St:aits S-itleiiieiits Ueueral Ordera" which ia also now adopted in the Native States i. Paulino; tl K slllijct t of leave to (loverlllllellt Ofticels aa follows Seeliou 24. 1.--"
    848 words
  • 1563 5 ■aBOKM or Acuitors. iHonykotu, Dailf PrMS.I An eitraorilinary general inertins; of the har<-hn|i|er« in iii „rj. ruii-m *n held at the City Hall. II afVnvg. n u atan)ay. Jane iV li. for the pur[,,-c of spp-iintinfr auditors. Mr. T. E. Daviee. Chairman of the Corporalion,
    1,563 words
  • 56 5 I',-r A,;;,.1,,i. from I lon .1 M. Mr Launher. Minn Baaa, and Kalaa, > autaia i'.-.-k. Uaai ■abba, l>,r BiKnnl. from 1.0ii.1-.n. .liilv Mr J A. Autlmni^. Mr Ma. liIVr M M. .le.nter N.ii.ij, 1 from \b,r..»ill»«. Ji11.,. 11. Mr .1 11. 08, Mr. I M- -r«
    56 words
  • 689 5 /■•n.,»7 llauttr, hi July On the invitation of the Railw.y authoritir.. a large party left the Tsipiinj 'Railway Station at «.:Hi v. m.. on tha 2Hlh alt., by special train, and „uickly emnph-trd the xj t,,'l-s, r, Kamuntiiig and* Kri.n mad, to
    689 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 483 5 NOTICE OF DISt-01.l TIoNOF PARTNERSHIP. NOTK K is h.rel.y ffivea thai the partner- chip lately Hiiii-i-'illg 1..-lw.-.n us the umlc.ig I lain.-. Mtleolm Lyon and Fre.l- .rick Oaartaa 5i,..,.,.>r,i iba baaiaaaa ad Merhanie«l ,v..l Citil Engineer.. lers. onlr.e' or- ..,,1 (Jelieri,! Agents, iirn.-i on in ■aaaaata, aasaai Hat .tvie
      483 words
    • 872 5 SHIPPING. INDO CHINA HTHAM NAY. CO LTD FOR HONOKONO THE < ompany Steamer WINU HAHO, IXI7 lon.. Capt. de Ht. Croii, hannf left C.1.-nlta on tha 2Mb in.tant.. may be MpectMl to arrive hen ea the 4th July. M, will he .leepafrhe.l for the anora port se) MM Mh July.
      872 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 112 5 WKATHKII K>.FOKT «....i...... lf.a'«,v Hoqntal, :i,.i .1,,1 MM » 3p.m. 9 Kmtair Bar. re.l. M Fall 1> H.MI SI Rt'. 1BI.HI! Temp. H.-| s M»l 0 7* 0 WVt Bull. Ther. T:> II so 7« H J> Kir nf Wis.l .S W SrtW. r.1... -3 M.x,T™|,.i»-'i.l' s.;s ;S Mm.
      112 words

    • 209 6 I n mr Iliia liMiliim the following »W.ivi mtinat are uned «tr.— steamer; rik tUfl hq. barque; Brit.— Britioli U. 8— United Slat*.; Fr -French ;Ger. German Diit —Dutch J..h Jolmim; *e,—G.e.— General «ar,ro;d p.— d.*-k na»«me:arr; U.— Uncertain T.P. W.— TanjongPafar Wharf; T. P. D T«nj-Mi(r
      209 words
    • 1023 6 Akkivai.h BIHCI Soon or YCBTEBUAT. Slcaiuirs |iaaaed tbruuxb I Brngkali,. l,la it JTimMiiao, Oretlf. and Ifinj Bnn«. KajoA Brooke. >tr. 7tiH tniu. Capt. Joya-. 3rd July K1..111 Sarawak, lit. U. c .1- 72 .I p. I. mi Ui k it. K. 1 Sarawak. tith.-Kd>. oru ;v,,,,i,,,i, Dtit.
      1,023 words
    • 177 6 Ouhi r<j«/» are put under thi, irhote mherlueJ dettinuliun i» their yvtit of MiUmj in Bingaporr. Other It I for Java, the Philippine/, and ull.rr AM' ports, HCcaaioHulhj call here outmml IhhuJ, the movement* ofmich riftrh are tun Una '111* to be conveniently recorded. I Name, Port,
      177 words
    • 118 6 g *LAU j/""" R r CAMAI,. rBO». -iAILID.I llllWW I K.J.*hH^oU I'r' !j' »U' July W»« Hin C :> «n. P«f »U O 5S "r 23 *«w»k July I l.mi U. ACo S 1.ru1i,.. f "lou>l^r^ SoumUy. June .V> W* Ulu ACo I<l>.l.Ui M lua S~ Ttr J.X- kT"
      118 words
    • 91 6 >».» V«m«i.-. Namh. RM Ki u I>L-.IIN«II"» Julj i j-b. Mg Hock K..u B»U>wr 1 Socuutra 4 li.v Wkatt 1t... I BjUlldt 4 li. i..i 4 AulMiit I Brit. .tr. I)iu«.Wo 1 «tr. Kuwh Uut. ttr. Kink 1 »»r. BSa lir. Oolouus 'tr. I'm,, II, t I>ut. Up.
      91 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 507 6 NOTICES. THE MIIKE COALS ANNUAL OUTPUT fiOO.fXM) TONS. I^HIS well-known Coal hae uniformity of quality, is absolutely free from impuritiesandnuspontanoous combustion has hitherto occurred. Therefore highly recommended one of the most economical steaming coals, by (shipowners, Captains, and Engineers as per testimoi.,als in our posp.<ssion. Steamers coming alongside any wharf
      507 words
    • 368 6 NOT ICES. .1 \.MKS MOTION CO. Chronometer, Watch Sl Clock Makers ahd Oi'ticianh, Flint Street. Have always on hand a well selected stoc of Jewellery. Watchea, Clocks, Diamond Jewelerv, and N'antical Instruinnnts. i llnrclnta Hold. Anwrumn Clvcki. I QnaAm I r«rriw<;l.iok«. Eantan Urn.*.]. Clock.. I ..t l>nwiDit lDitrum«iiH. I
      368 words
    • 583 6 NOTICES. SINGAPORE I'I.LA-1 MAS THEB( FEW i.isk.- AMD BEAR THEM IN MINI) /-\UR FURNITURE FACTORY i- in \J Orchard Ruad, and in (lie l«rjri-t and moat complete. It in supplied with steam power to drive onr Woolwork ing; Machine*, Sawn, Lathes, Ac therefore Contrast* and larjje orders can be put
      583 words
    • 1350 6 DOCKS. THB TANJONG PAGAR DOCK CO. LTD The premises of the Company are situated at Tanj.^nif Pagar adjoining the town rf Sinifapore. Bt«un tram-cars ran at short int.r»» > carrying Passengers and goods from Wharf to iestination*-at low rate*. The Wharf extend* to one mile and quarter and it divided
      1,350 words
    • 924 6 NOTICES. ESTABLISHED 1866. RILEY. HARGREAVES CO. Ewoiheeb*. I bow A Bbasi Fouri>bbs, BoILEBatAKEBfI, KbllxiK BtTILDEBS, ShIPBUILDEES. GEWBBAL CoKTKiCTOES. SINOAPORE IWALA LOMPOR. Skip Huildliiß Yard. TTIGH class STEAM VESSELS always A under count met ion, from 38 ft. to ISO ft. length of keel, of best design and finUh. MACHINERY from
      924 words
    • 171 6 NOTICES. Fine Old Dry Amontillado Sherry. 8p«-ially selected and bottled In bond in Loadon for ua and accompanied by certificate of origin ia Spain. The beat ralue in the market. Price $10.00 per case. A 1.H.1 Light California.! Table Wines Hock, $400 par case of 1 do*. qiiarU. j do.
      171 words
    • 128 6 NOTICES. ONODBABLB'IMHTION.'ixiTSr TION, LONDON, 1882. Silver Medal and Fin>t-Claaa Certis v CalcntU Eihibirton, 1883 Gold Medal, International forestry tlon. Edinburgh, 1884. Il> Bronze Medal Adelaide Jubilee Intimate Eihibition 1887. JOHOR STEAM SAW MILLS Co Timber for Railway, Honse, Bhin-b M iH and General purposes JOHOR Near SmoAroßE. DATO J. MKLIiH'
      128 words